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Old 03-20-2004, 04:41 PM   #241
The Mackem
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The Mackem got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)The Mackem got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)The Mackem got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)The Mackem got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)The Mackem got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)The Mackem got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)The Mackem got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)The Mackem got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)The Mackem got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)The Mackem got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)The Mackem got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)The Mackem got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)
Main Eventers

Bret Hart
Shawn Michaels
Sycho Sid (sid needs a manager)
The Undertaker

Upper Midcard

British Bulldog
Owen Hart
Steve Austin


Ahmed Johnson (I'll get rid of him when i can)
Brian Pillman
Hunter Hearst Helmsley
Jake Roberts
Jerry Lawler
Ken Shmarock (D)
Marc Mero
Raven (D)
Rocky Miaivia
Sabu (D)
The Executioner
The Sandman (D)
Tommy Dreamer (D)

Lower Midcard

Bart Gunn
Billy Gunn
Bob Holly
Buh Buh Ray Dudley
Doug Furnas
D-Von Dudley
Flash Funk
Jesse James Armstrong
Justin Hawk Bradshaw
Leif Cassidy
Marty Jannety
Phil La Fon
Razor Ramon
Rhino (D)
Rob Van Dam (D)
Salvatore Sincere
Savio Vega
The Sultan


Aldo Montoya
JC Ice
Wolfie D

Managers (full of a load of people I want to get rid of)

Bob Backlung
Clearance Mason
Harvey Wippleman
Hillbilly Jim
James E Cornette
Joel Gertner (D)
Paul Bearer
Paul Heyman (D)
Shane McMahon
Stephanie McMahon
Vince McMahon

The development is full of a load of people who are wrestling today like the Hardyz, Christian, Test, D Lo Brown plus a few I hired like AJ Styles, Low Ki, Daniels, Jamie Knoble, Kurt Angle, Kid kash etc

Gorilla Monsoon is a non wrestler

D = Yet to debut
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Old 03-20-2004, 04:46 PM   #242
The Mackem
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The Mackem got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)The Mackem got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)The Mackem got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)The Mackem got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)The Mackem got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)The Mackem got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)The Mackem got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)The Mackem got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)The Mackem got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)The Mackem got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)The Mackem got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)The Mackem got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)

WWF - Michaels

Intercontinental - Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Tag team - Bulldog & Owen Hart


Camp Cornette
(L)Jimmy Cornette
Owen Hart

(L)Paul Heyman
Buh Buh Ray Dudley
D-Von Dudley
Rob van Damn
The Sandman
Tommy Dreamer

Nation of Domination
(L) Farooq
Clearance Mason
JC Ice
Savio Vega
Wolfie D
(D Lo Brown is in but he's in development atm)

All the stables are heel, I dunno what I'm going to do with them, might make up a few face groups hmm
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Old 03-20-2004, 06:25 PM   #243
The Mackem
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The Mackem got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)The Mackem got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)The Mackem got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)The Mackem got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)The Mackem got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)The Mackem got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)The Mackem got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)The Mackem got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)The Mackem got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)The Mackem got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)The Mackem got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)The Mackem got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)
Hmm I'll post my first Raw what with it being the first main thing I've done seeing as Shotgun and Superstars don't really count.
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Old 03-20-2004, 06:33 PM   #244
The Mackem
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The Mackem got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)The Mackem got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)The Mackem got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)The Mackem got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)The Mackem got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)The Mackem got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)The Mackem got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)The Mackem got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)The Mackem got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)The Mackem got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)The Mackem got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)The Mackem got the bus to Rep Town and repped it up real bad at the rep shop (100,000+)
Bret Hart is in the ring, when suddenly 9 people rush the ring and beat him down. Paul Heyman seems to be the leader of the group, calling the shots. He takes the microphone and announces that they are called ECW, before leading the group away.


The Can-Am Express vs Diesel and Razor Ramon vs The New Rockers

Vertical suplex by Leif Cassidy. Back suplex on LaFon. Tag to Marty Jannetty. LaFon walks into a spinning heel kick. Back heel kick from Jannetty. Tag between Marty Jannetty and Leif Cassidy. Leif Cassidy scoops up LaFon. Jannetty bounces off the ropes and hits a flying Hart Attack clothesline. Pin : 1....2....kick out! A split-second away from a three. Tag between Phil LaFon and Doug Furnas. Back elbow connects, Cassidy staggers backward. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Tag to Diesel. Furnas receives some punishment. Tag to Marty Jannetty. Full nelson slam! Tag between Diesel and Razor Ramon. Short powerbomb by Ramon. Pin :! They cut that one close. Tag to Doug Furnas. Ramon walks into a spike slam. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Ramon tags out to Diesel. Side suplex from Diesel. Doug Furnas can barely stand. Jackknife Powerbomb!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!!


Rocky Miavia vs The Executioner

Rocky Miavia uses a forearm to the face. Executionr counters an avalanche with a raised foot to the face. The Executioner uses a forearm to the face. The Executioner misses a clothesline...and takes out the referee by mistake. Spear! Miavia is down and hurt. Pinfall attempt, but the referee is out. Miavia counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Fallaway slam by Rocky Miavia. Big piledriver on Executionr. Pin : The match continues. Rocky Miavia turns Executionr inside-out with a clothesline. Cover! 1....2....kick out at the last second! Miavia looks shocked. Executionr ducks a wild right hand. Miavia walks into a spike slam. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up! That was close. The Executioner gets taken down out of nowhere. Miavia scores with a forearm, sending Executionr down into the corner. The referee pulls Rocky Miavia away to get the break. Wait! Executionr has pulled something out of his tights. Rocky Miavia walks over...and gets floored by a punch! No, the referee saw the brass knuckles! We have DQ decision!

Rating 75%

Ahmed Johnson vs Crush and Savio Vega

Vega bodyslams Ahmed Johnson. Big backdrop on Ahmed, executed well. Crush \ Vega whip Ahmed into the ropes and hit a double back elbow. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Massive lariat. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up! That was close. Vega \ Crush whip Ahmed into the corner. Savio Vega whips Crush in for a hard clothesline to follow-up. Vega ducks a wild right hand. Powerslam from Ahmed Johnson. Pin : 1....2....kick out! A split-second away from a three. Vega reverses a waistlock. Back elbow connects, Ahmed staggers backward. Vega \ Crush whip Ahmed into the ropes and hit a double back elbow. Pin : The match continues. Ahmed counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Tornado punch from Ahmed Johnson. Faarooq comes running down the aisle and into the ring! Crush turns around. Faarooq spins Crush around. Faarooq hits the Dominator! Faarooq leaves the ring, the damage done! Hooks the leg : 1....2....3! Ahmed Johnson pins Crush.

(Crush lost overness and Faarooq needs a gimmick change )

Hunter Hearst Helmsley is backstage. He continued the feud by ripping into Goldust.

Rating 73%


-- WWF Intercontinental Title Match!
Goldust vs Hunter Hearst Helmsley

Fallaway slam by Goldust. Goldust DDTs Helmsley. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Hunter Hearst Helmsley elbows Goldust in the face to break a hammerlock. Helmsley hits a right hand. Hunter Hearst Helmsley with a spinning neckbreaker on Goldust. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Side suplex from Helmsley. Cover! 1....2....kick out at the last second! Helmsley looks shocked. Rude Awakening on Goldust by Helmsley. Goldust counters a sleeper hold by turning it into a jaw breaker. Helmsley walks into a spike slam. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Tornado punch from Goldust. Cover! 1....2....kick out at the last second! Goldust looks shocked. Goldust with a spinning neckbreaker on Helmsley. Stiff chop lights up Helmsley. Helmsley blocks a punch. Back elbow connects, Goldust staggers backward. Helmsley DDTs Goldust. Hunter Hearst Helmsley gets whipped into the corner. Goldust charges in, but into a pair of raised boots. Helmsley uses a roll up, with feet on the second rope! The referee hasn't seen it: 1....2....3!! I don't think the fight has finished. Goldust and Helmsley have begun brawling again! They wind up brawling all the way down the aisle and out of view.



Marc Mero vs Steve Austin

Flying shoulder tackle by Mero sends Stone Cold to the mat. Marc Mero hits a bulldog off the ropes. Pin : The match continues. Stone Cold slips out the back of a Marc Mero bodyslam. Mero gets slammed. Rude Awakening on Marc Mero by Stone Cold. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Steve Austin with a standing spinebuster. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up! That was close. Rude Awakening on Marc Mero by Stone Cold. Mero slips out the back of a Steve Austin bodyslam. Flying elbow off the top rope by Marc Mero. Pin : The match continues. Tornado punch from Marc Mero. Pin :! Shoulder up at the last second. Big clothesline on Stone Cold. Spinning back kick from Marc Mero. Steve Austin elbows Marc Mero in the face to break a hammerlock. Fallaway slam by Steve Austin. Death valley driver by Steve Austin. Marc Mero is in trouble. Stone Cold Stunner! 1....2....3. Steve Austin slides to the outside and grabs a chair, then climbs back into the ring. Mero turns around...and gets planted with a huge chair shot to the head! He is left down and out on the canvas.



Paul Bearer comes down to the ring and takes a microphone. He announces that he has made a big new signing, and that his new client is Sycho Sid. Out comes Sycho Sid, and he shakes hands with his new manager, signaling their alliance.

80% (Sid needed a manager really and Paul bearer was the best I had for a main eventer)


-- WWF Tag Team Title Match!
Bret Hart and The Undertaker vs Bulldog and Owen

Bulldog slams The Undertaker down. Full nelson slam! Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Tag between British Bulldog and Owen Hart. Bulldog and Owen whip Undertaker into the ropes and hit a double clothesline. Hart hits a dropkick on The Undertaker. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Dropkick connects, Undertaker goes down. Hart drops an elbow...but misses. The Undertaker with a standing spinebuster. Tag to Bret Hart. Hart tastes a high angle back suplex. Bret Hart scores with a face jam. Hart counters a sleeper hold by turning it into a jaw breaker. Tag to British Bulldog. Massive backbreaker, The Hitman got planted. Bulldog DDTs Bret Hart. Pin :! They cut that one close. British Bulldog hits some punches. The Hitman kicks British Bulldog in the gut to reverse the momentum. Short range spear from Bret Hart. As Undertaker and Bulldog get into a brawl on the outside, Buh Buh Ray Dudley comes running down into the ring! Bret Hart gets grabbed, and they start brawling. Bulldog takes some shots at The Hitman as well. The referee, seeing the chaos, calls for a no contest ruling. We have three sets of grapplers in the ring, as The Hitman \ Undertaker, Bulldog and Owen and The Dudley Boyz look at each other. Before the inevitable brawl erupts, a host of referees hit the ring to keep them apart.



Shawn Michaels is backstage. He was out there to hype a match against Sycho Sid.



-- WWF World Title Match!
Shawn Michaels vs Sycho Sid

Sid walks into a high dropkick from Shawn Michaels. Shawn Michaels strikes Sid. Flying elbow from Shawn Michaels. Hard back suplex on Sid. Sid reverses a waistlock. Sycho Sid hits a right hand on Shawn Michaels. Sycho Sid DDTs HBK. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Shawn Michaels fights out of a grapple. Spinning bulldog in the corner, Sid is down. Pin : The match continues. Belly to belly off the top rope, Sid may be dead! Pin :! Shoulder up at the last second. HBK drops an elbow...but misses. Weak headbutt on HBK by Sid. Sycho Sid misses a big legdrop. Driven DDT by Shawn Michaels. The Sandman just slid into the ring out of nowhere! Shawn Michaels gets grabbed, and they start brawling. Sid takes some shots at HBK as well. The referee, seeing the chaos, calls for a no contest ruling. The Sandman has a chair. HBK turns and takes a brutal shot to the head. Sid is next to take a hard shot. Sandman has demolished everyone!


Overall Raw rating: 79%

Nitro done better in the ratings but they'll get theirs soon!
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Old 03-20-2004, 09:24 PM   #245
Evil Vito
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Well, I’ve decided to start up a new game in TNM7. However, at the moment I’m extremely bored, and I want to be able to explain why my entire roster is based in their prime, so I’ve written a very crappy and useless story, feel free to skip unless you want a good laugh (from the sheer idiocy of the entire thing).

The day is March 20, 2004. Mick Foley is with his 10-year old son Dewey at the National Museum of Time and Space.

Tour Guide: And to your left, you will see the world’s first ever time machine.

The crowd all take snapshots and gawk in amazement, well, all except for Mick.

Dewey: Wow, I can’t wait to get home and tell mom that we saw the first ever time machine!

Mick: Son, that machine is a load of crap.

Dewey: No it isn’t! They wouldn’t put it on display if it wasn’t real.

Mick: Just listen to me, there is no way that a simple machine could transport someone or something through various stages of time. I know these things, there’s just no way.

Dewey: I don’t believe that. If you want me to believe you, you’re gonna have to prove it.

The tour group walks off as Mick and Dewey stay behind, still standing in front of the time machine…

Mick: What do you think I’m nuts? The only way in there is to break through the glass… the glass that’s multi-layered.

Dewey: But you’ve always used to do stuff with glass, even stuff more hardcore than that. I remember you getting Pedigreed onto tacks by Triple H! You’d always be beating on random jobbers, and you’d be making the marks and smarks alike happy! You’re what got me into wrestling, especially brawling and hardcore wrestling!

Mick: Jobbers? Marks? Smarks? What website have you been going to?

Dewey:, but I got banned because I was insulting some of the boards’ favorite wrestlers.

Mick: You were?

Dewey: Yeah, they thought that I was a troll for not agreeing with their opinions, I’d always get stuff like, “Dark_Kane must die”, “Screw you, Dark_Kane”, and “Mods, please ban Dark_Kane”. I’ve given up on the Internet. All they do there is complain anyways, plus they are always giving out rumors.

Mick: I dunno, I like the Internet. It allows me to find out what people think of my work.

Suddenly, Brock Lesnar rushes in, looking very much pissed off.

Mick: Hey Brock, what are you doing here? And how’s the NFL going? I read online that you were gonna try to sign with a major team.

Brock: Internet…….must………DIE!!!!!!!

Brock then picks up Foley and delivers an F-5 clear through the glass, he then walks off in a random direction.

People that happened to be watching: E-C-DUB! E-C-DUB! E-C-DUB!

Mick no-sells the F-5 (the sick bastard) and stands up

Dewey: Hey, now that the glass is broken, I can prove that the time machine is real, try it out!

Mick: But that would be…

Dewey (whiny kid voice): PLEEEEEEEEASE….

Mick: Oh fine.

Mick, not having a clue in hell how to work the thing, simply flicks the “ON” switch and goes into the machine.

-Insert Random Sound Effects Here-

Mick suddenly finds himself in front of Titan Towers in Stamford, Connecticut. Except, there’s no WWE logo anywhere, and the place looks to be deserted. Mick goes in, and surely enough, the place looks run down.

Mick: What the hell happened?

Mick boots up a nearby computer and visits a bunch of random wrestling websites. He learns that he is currently at December 31, 2004. Also, he learned that from the time he had skipped in the time machine, an indy worker named J-Busta had been signed and was making a name for himself, Big Show retired to the happiness of many, Brock actually made it to the NFL, and Chris Jericho eventually got a large run as WWE Champion. Also by this point, smarks made up 100% of wrestling fans, and all of them were happy with the product. But then, Triple H won the title and a rumor started up online that he would be holding the belt for an entire year. This caused every wrestling fan to give up on wrestling, even fans of non-WWE promotions, causing all wrestling organizations to go into bankruptcy. Basically, wrestling was dead.

Mick: Oh my God…

Mick slammed his head down on the table, on the verge of tears knowing that his entire profession was dead. Then suddenly, he heard footsteps. He looked behind him, and saw a man dressed in an Undertaker-esque black cloak entering the former office of Vince McMahon. Mick, being the inquisitive guy that he is, decided to go to the office and check. He went into the office.

Cloaked Figure (in very deep scary voice): Who goes there?

Mick: It’s just me, Mick Foley.

Cloaked Figure: *gasp* Mick, I need to talk to you.

Mick: OK, shoot.

Cloaked Figure: Where were you these past 9 months?

Mick: Traveling through time.

Cloaked Figure: Oh, your family have been worried. But not to worry, they will be notified that you are fine. But business is business, Mick, we need to get wrestling back on the market.

Mick: I’ve read online that all of the promotions are bankrupt, the networks won’t accept the WWE back.

Cloaked Figure: This is true. However, I have noticed your time machine outside. Mick, we should use that, and we can get ANY wrestler we want to be in their primes, even those that have passed on.

Mick: But even with this, I doubt that the networks will want to bring wrestling back, and I doubt that they’ll believe that we have a time machine.

Cloaked Figure: Not to worry, I have made an offer with the FOX Network, and they are willing to give wrestling a shot. And Mick, I want YOU to be in charge of operations. However, there is a catch. Tomorrow is Saturday, January 1, 2005. FOX is planning on having a show booked and ready for tomorrow. If they think that it is good, they will give us a weekly show on Saturday nights. Do you think you can handle it?

Mick: I….I guess I’ll try. I’d better get going now though…

Mick begins walking towards the exit. The cloaked figure begins talking to him again just as Mick walks outside the door to the room.

Cloaked Figure: Oh yes, and feel free to use any WWE, WCW, or ECW trademarks that you wish, I would do this all myself, but it was my fault wrestling died to begin with, this promotion’s success is up to you.

Mick’s jaw then drops in shock

Mick: Wait, does this mean that…

Cloaked Figure: Yes, yes it does…The figure then pulls of the hood of his cloak and spins around, revealing a familiar face I’M VINCE MCMAHON DAM…

Mick shuts the door and quickly walks off to get to work…

Well, that pretty much explains the basis of my fed. Yes, I know that that was completely dumb, but then, I was bored.

I’ll post new stuff about the fed tomorrow.
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Old 03-21-2004, 06:44 AM   #246
The Forgotten One
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The Forgotten One has more than 1,000 rep points (1,000+)The Forgotten One has more than 1,000 rep points (1,000+)
Main Eventers

Big Show (changed his name from The Giant)
Hollywood Hogan
Lex Lugar
Randy Savage(would get rid of him but he makes alot of money with merchandise)
Ric Flair
Rowdy Roddy Piper

Upper Midcarders

Arn Anderson
Kevin Nash
Rick Steiner
Scott Hall
Scott Steiner


Booker T
Chris Benoit
Chris Jericho
Eddie Guerrero
Jeff Jarrett
Kurt Angle
Rob Van Dam
William Regal

Lower Midcarders

Buff Bagwell
Chavo Guerrero
Dean Malenko
Disco Inferno
Masahiro Chono
Scott Norton
Stevie Ray
Ultimo Dragon


Billy Kidman
Hugh Morrus
Juventud Guerrera
La Parka
Rey Mistero Jr.
Super Calo
The Barbarian
Yoshihiro Tajiri


Eric Bischoff
Sister Sherri
Sonny Oono
Ted DiBiase


Larry Zybysko


Ace Darling
AJ Styles
Buh Buh Ray Dudley
Charlie Hass
Christopher Daniels
David Flair
Devon Storm
D-Von Dudley
EZ Money
Jamie Noble
Jeff Hardy
Jerry Lynn
Jim Powers
Joe E. Legend
Joe Gomez
Kid Kash
Lance Storm
Matt Hardy
Prince Iaukea
Russ Hass
Shane Helms
Spike Dudley


WCW World: Hollywood Hogan
WCW US: Eddie Guerrero
WCW TV: William Regal
WCW Tag Team: The Outsiders
WCW CW: Ultimo Dragon

I haven't really gotten too into it yet.
Not enough to make any title changes.

Any firing suggestions?

Other suggestions?
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Old 03-21-2004, 04:21 PM   #247
Tony Montana
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Hey Mackem change Aldo Montoya to Justin Credible and have him part of ECW
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Old 03-21-2004, 10:07 PM   #248
Evil Vito
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I was originally planning on having 50 workers on my roster to kick off the fed (51 counting Foley), but since many wrestlers I've tried signing have turned me down, I will only have 44 (45 counting Foley), which is still good enough to kick off the fed with.

Here's my roster:

B. Brian Blair
Bret Hart
Chavo Guerrero Jr.
Chris Benoit
Chris Harris
Eddie Guerrero
James Storm
Jeff Hardy
Jim Brunzell
John Cena
Jushin Liger
Kerry Von Erich
La Parka
Lance Storm
Matt Hardy
Owen Hart
Paul London
Rey Mysterio Jr.
Rob Conway
Shawn Michaels
Taka Michinoku
Triple H

AJ Styles
Arn Anderson
Billy Kidman
Charlie Haas
Chris Jericho
Jerry Lynn
Kurt Angle
Lizmark Jr.
Mr. Perfect
Ric Flair
Sean O'Haire
Shane Helms
Shannon Moore
Shelton Benjamin
Simon Diamond
Tully Blanchard

Mick Foley (Owner/Commissioner)

I'll try to get the first show in tomorrow, no guarantees though.
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Old 03-21-2004, 10:11 PM   #249
Boondock Saint
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Hmm...I have 126 guys on my roster. Too many?
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Old 03-21-2004, 10:17 PM   #250
The Forgotten One
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Get rid of any you don't need.
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Old 03-21-2004, 10:23 PM   #251
Boondock Saint
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Originally Posted by The Forgotten One
Get rid of any you don't need.
I've done that, but then are ones who I'm like "I may use him down the line..." then there are others who, if I fire, other workers who I want to keep will be unhappy etc. And it's not as if I can just ask them to leave or whatever, because the market is so weak they don't want to go or whatever. AKA Bradshaw and A- Train
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Old 03-21-2004, 10:26 PM   #252
The Forgotten One
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Who wouldn't like it if you fired A-train?

Nevermind I checked.
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Old 03-21-2004, 10:32 PM   #253
Boondock Saint
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Originally Posted by The Forgotten One
Who wouldn't like it if you fired A-train?

Nevermind I checked.
Undertaker and Scotty (who I am thinking of using in the CW division...but then again I may try to sign Grandmaster Sexay and reunite Too Cool because I lack tag teams)
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Old 03-21-2004, 10:35 PM   #254
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Eh, I'm gonna do some file editing and start over. I'm not gonna mess with any nWo stuff. I'm gonna fix my GCW wrestlers up and put them on the full roster.
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Old 03-21-2004, 10:37 PM   #255
Tony Montana
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Who ever you want to get rid of that will make other workers unhappy if you do, move them from like midcarder down to jobber, this should make them unhappy so when you offer to release them they will accept.
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Old 03-21-2004, 10:41 PM   #256
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Originally Posted by Tony Montana
Who ever you want to get rid of that will make other workers unhappy if you do, move them from like midcarder down to jobber, this should make them unhappy so when you offer to release them they will accept.

Right, I did that but now that the market is in a weak state, they are afraid to leave so I cannot get rid of them.

I also have a crapload of CW's who, although I like, I'm afraid not all will be used so I'm thinking of releasing some so they can be used somewhere else.
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Old 03-21-2004, 11:40 PM   #257
Hired Hitman
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That's a great intro Big Vito

You got me interested
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Old 03-21-2004, 11:50 PM   #258
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Originally Posted by Boondock Saint
Right, I did that but now that the market is in a weak state, they are afraid to leave so I cannot get rid of them.

I also have a crapload of CW's who, although I like, I'm afraid not all will be used so I'm thinking of releasing some so they can be used somewhere else.
Why don't you turn Heat into another brand ? That is what I done and I have 40 jobbers/ppl I didn't think I would ever use on Heat. I even made a Heat Title which is currently held by Kanyon
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Old 03-21-2004, 11:56 PM   #259
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What role do Shane and Stephanie McMahon have in WWE ? Both of there contracts are coming up and if they don't do anything I am gonna let them go. Also ECW2 has just started.
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Old 03-22-2004, 12:01 AM   #260
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I retired the U.S Title
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Old 03-22-2004, 12:10 AM   #261
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Originally Posted by Tony Montana
Why don't you turn Heat into another brand ? That is what I done and I have 40 jobbers/ppl I didn't think I would ever use on Heat. I even made a Heat Title which is currently held by Kanyon

Not too shabby an idea actually. I've mainly been using Heat to get my feuds over if they need that extra bit of air time. But I like that idea. I'll give it a shot.
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Old 03-22-2004, 10:33 PM   #262
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WCF Saturday Night Shock - 1/1/2005

Card Information:
Held in: THE SCOPE
Date/Time: January 1/2005 at 9:00pm

Billy Kidman pinned Jushin Liger with the Shooting Star Press in 0:09:56.
Rating: **** 1/4

The Hardy Boyz defeated The World's Greatest Tag Team when M. Hardy pinned
C. Haas with the Twist Of Fate in 0:11:44.
Rating: *

John Cena pinned Raven with the F-U in 0:15:08.
Rating: * 1/2

AJ Styles pinned Chris Benoit after a roll up and interference
from Ric Flair in 0:14:21.
Rating: *** 3/4

Rey Mysterio Jr. pinned Spanky with the West Coast Pop in 0:05:58.
Rating: ** 1/2

J-Busta pinned Owen Hart with the J-Breaker after interference
from Ric Flair and AJ Styles in 0:09:03.
Rating: ** 1/4

Kurt Angle made Triple H submit to the Ankle Lock in 0:14:24.
Rating: *** 3/4

Chris Jericho pinned Bret Hart after a lionsault and interference
from Ric Flair, AJ Styles, and J-Busta in 0:14:47.
Rating: ****

Match observations:

After much anticipation (ie: a day), the first ever WCF (World Championship
Federation) was a success.

The show started off with WCF commissioner Mick Foley standing the the middle of the ring, as all of the other WCF wrestlers, referees, road agents, etc. surrounded the ring. Foley proclaimed that the WCF would be the greatest wrestling promotion ever, surpassing the WWF, WCW, and ECW by a long run.

Foley addressed all of the title belts by saying that on January 30, 2005,
at WCF's first PPV, Royal Rumble, all the belts would be up for grabs. The
Cruiserweight, Television, and Intercontinental belts will all be on the line
in singles matches at the PPV. Foley stated that there would be an 8-Man
Tournament starting on next week's show with the final match taking place at
the Royal Rumble with the Intercontinental Title on the line. Also, the Tag
Team titles will be on the line in a standard tag match.

But the major announcement: The World Title will be up for grabs in the
traditional 30-Man Over-The-Top-Rope Royal Rumble Match.

In the first match in WCF history, Billy Kidman defeated Jushin Liger after a
classic. With this victory, Kidman has a hell of a chance at being selected for
the Cruiserweight Title match at the Royal Rumble.

Another such man would be Rey Mysterio Jr., who defeated the wily and fast as lighting Spanky in just under 6 minutes.

The Hardy Boyz defeated The World's Greatest Tag Team, possibly putting them in one of the slots for the Tag Team Title match at the Rumble.

AJ Styles and J-Busta both won their matches, but it is certainly debatable on
whether or not they warrant a Television Title shot considering they both won
by interference.

Speaking of interference, we saw several interferences throughout the night.
And by the end, it was known that a new force was in the WCF. Ric Flair got on the mic, and announced the forming of Evolution. Featuring the rookie J-Busta, the young but still fairly experienced AJ Styles, the undisputed king of the world Chris Jericho, and the legend Ric Flair. One has to wonder how big of an impact that they are going to be making in the WCF in the weeks and months to come.


Well, that's my first show. Pretty good I guess. Still got 4 more shows to build up to the Rumble.
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Old 03-23-2004, 06:06 AM   #263
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A new WCW.

On Thursday, April 1st, 2004, the first ever live show of the new WCW will take place in the Phillips Arena, in Atlanta GA.

WCW president Eric Bischoff said that ofcourse at this point there are to title holders, that all titles are vacant.
"This is a fresh start and a step up from the old WCW" said Bischoff. "This is what the wrestling business needs, a fresh start."

The WCW president has decided not to appear in a position of power on television, and said he thinks that he's made a great choice for the on-air power figure.

"All that I'll say is that he's a legend of this sport and an excellent performer" said Bischoff.

Some of WCW's tops talents are:
AJ Styles
Big Show
Booker T
Charlie and Russ Hass
Chavo Guerrero
Chris Benoit
Chris Jericho
Eddie Guerrero
EZ Money
Jamie Noble
Matt and Jeff Hardy
Jeff Jarrett
Jerry Lynn
Kurt Angle
Rey Misterio Jr.
Shane Helms
The Rock
and Vader.

Tune in next Thursday for the first live show of this new WCW. It is expected to be a must see event.


Just a little teaser.

EDIT: This is using the 1997 scenario.

Last edited by The Forgotten One; 03-23-2004 at 05:12 PM.
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Old 03-23-2004, 07:14 AM   #264
Tony Montana
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Ok, I think you are going over the top a little. jk

I might have to start a new season with either RoH or tna.... who shall I pick ?
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Old 03-23-2004, 05:13 PM   #265
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Not as much as Big Vito. jk
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Old 03-24-2004, 03:02 AM   #266
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There seems to be a problem with the MySQL server, sorry for the inconvenience.

We should be back shortly.

I've been trying for 3 days to get on and that's what I've gotten.

I wanna check out another non EWR sim.
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Old 03-24-2004, 07:51 AM   #267
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What do you need #1-wwf-fan?
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Old 03-24-2004, 07:51 AM   #268
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Oh yeah and ECW wrestlers are pretty much beating everyone on Raw and Superstars at the moment
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Old 03-24-2004, 10:06 AM   #269
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this will seem stupid but can someone explain how this shit goes on to me?
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Old 03-24-2004, 05:39 PM   #270
Tony Montana
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My current RoH roster:

Ace Steel
AJ Styles
Alex Wright
Alexis Laree
Amazing Red
Brian XL
Bryan Danielson
Buff Bagwell
Chris Kanyon
Christian York
Christopher Daniels
CM Punk
Colt Cabana
CW Anderson
Danny Maff
Diablo Santiago
Donovan Morgan
Doug Williams
EZ Money
Franie Kazarian
Hardcore Holly
HC Loc
Headhunter A
Headhunter B
Hulk Hogan
Jason Cross
Jay Briscoe
Jeff Hardy
Jimmy Rave
Jody Fleisch
Joel Maximo
Joel Matthews
Johnny Kashmere
Jose Maximo
Justin Credible
Kevin Nash
Low Ki
Marc Mero
Mark Briscoe
Michael Modest
Michael Shane
Mike Tobin
Mikey Whipwreck
Monsta Mack
Paul London
Prince Nana
Road Warrior Animal
Road Warrior Hawk
Samoa Joe
Scott Hall
Scott Norton
Sean Waltman
Sinply Luscious
Steve Corino
TAKA Michinoku
Tony DeVito
Tony Mamaluke
Torrie Wilson
Trent Acid

The current storylines I have got going at the moment is the nWo has returned. Its members are:

Hulk Hogan
Kevin Nash
Scott Hall
Sean Waltman
Buff Bagwell
Scott Norton

I am gonna use this story for the first couple of months then I am gonna have a 10 man tag match where the losers have to quit, and obviously I wil have to offload the nWo. All of my roster are on open contracts at the moment which makes it pretty easier financially. I have got a huge amount of tag teams and cruiserweights which always makes booking shows easier. My title's are:

RoH Cruiserweight Championship currently held by Sean Waltman
RoH Pure Wrestling Championship currently held by Low Ki
RoH World Tag Team Championship currently held by the Outsider's
RoH World Heavyweigth Championship currently held by Hulk Hogan.
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Old 03-25-2004, 04:19 AM   #271
Tony Montana
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Ok I got over the nWo storyline and got rid of them. Here is my roster:

Ace Steel
AJ Styles
Alex Wright
Alexis Laree
Amazing Red
Brian XL
Bryan Danielson
Chris Kanyon
Christian York
Christopher Daniels
CM Punk
Colt Cabana
Danny Maff
Diablo Santiago
EZ Money
Franie Kazarian
Headhunter A
Headhunter B
Hulk Hogan
Jason Cross
Jay Briscoe
Jeff Hardy
Jody Fleisch
Joel Maximo
Joel Matthews
Johnny Kashmere
Jose Maximo
Justin Credible
Low Ki
Mark Briscoe
Mike Tobin
Mikey Whipwreck
Monsta Mack
Paul London
Prince Nana
Samoa Joe
TAKA Michinoku
Tony Mamaluke
Torrie Wilson
Trent Acid

I still need to get rid of some people cause I haven't even got a t.v deal yet so I am only doing one show per month.
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Old 03-25-2004, 10:21 AM   #272
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Get a short term deal on a local channel until you get something better.
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Old 03-25-2004, 04:39 PM   #273
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Man I didn't realise the PPV was coming so soon

Haven't named the PPV's that are IYH followed by a month so I must just start a numbering process after the first one.


In Your House

Superstars match

Brian Pillman vs Sabu : Hard back suplex on Sabu. Anyone remember when that was Shawn Michaels's finisher? Spinning bulldog in the corner, Sabu is down. Hooks the leg for a two count. Sabu pushes out of a Brian Pillman hold. Spinning back kick from Sabu. Hard back suplex on Pillman. Anyone remember when that was Shawn Michaels's finisher? Hooks the leg for a two count. Diamond Dust from Sabu, Pillman is out. Hooks the leg for a close fall. Second rope flying axe handle, Pillman goes down. Brian Pillman elbows Sabu in the face to break a hammerlock. Pillman crushes Sabu with a running senton. There's a two count on the pin. Tiger suplex on Sabu, right from out of the Misawa playbook. Cover, but there's a last second kick-out. Brian Pillman hits a rolling kick on Sabu. Pillman hits a massive spinning kick to the jaw. Sabu ducks a clothesline attempt. Sabu hits a dropkick on Brian Pillman. Lifting DDT by Sabu, looked good. Sabu has Brian Pillman down on the canvas and is ascending the corner. Off the top - Arabian Facebuster, forget about it. 1....2...3! Rob Van Dam comes running down the aisle with a chair and into the ring! Pillman turns...and is dropped by a vicious chair shot! Rob Van Dam has left Pillman down and bloodied. This one gets a ***1\4 rating, it was a good bout.

Rating 70%

In Your House

Raven vs Rocky Miavia : Flying shoulder tackle by Miavia sends Raven to the mat. Rocky Miavia hits a bulldog off the ropes. Cover for a two count. Rocky Miavia misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. Miavia receives some punishment. Running knee lift from Raven. There's a two count on the pin. Raven scores with a standing spinebuster. Pin : 1 - 2 - 2.9999999. Fallaway slam by Raven. Rocky Miavia comes up with a right hand out of nowhere. Miavia pulls a picture perfect fallaway slam out of the bag, driving Raven down to the mat. Cover for a two count. Death valley driver by Rocky Miavia, Raven got planted. Hooks the leg for a close fall. Back elbow connects, Raven staggers backward. Raven receives some punishment. Raven counters a sleeper hold by turning it into a jaw breaker. Back elbow connects, Miavia staggers backward. Death valley driver by Raven, Rocky Miavia got planted. Tommy Dreamer comes running down the aisle with a chair! Raven and Rocky Miavia continue fighting, unaware of the intrusion. Tommy Dreamer slides in and blasts Rocky Miavia with a chair to the head! Dreamer climbs out of the ring, the damage done! Raven moves in for the kill. Evenflow DDT!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!! Raven and Dreamer beat away on Rocky Miavia, leaving him spread-eagled on the canvas. This one gets a ***1\4 rating, it was a good bout.

Rating: 81%

ECW are all backstage in their locker room, hanging out.

Rating: 82%

Goldust vs Hunter Hearst Helmsley (For The WWF Intercontinental Title) : Helmsley gets slammed. Helmsley gets slammed onto a trash can, squashing it. Big backdrop on Helmsley, executed well. Fallaway slam by Goldust. Helmsley pushes out of a Goldust hold. Helmsley hits Goldust with a plastic dinosaur. Goldust walks into a spike slam. Hooks the leg for a two count. Hunter Hearst Helmsley misses a clothesline. Nice piledriver on Helmsley. Cover for a two count. Brutal powerbomb on Helmsley. Pin : 1 - 2 - 2.9999999. Helmsley counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Goldust takes a headbutt from Hunter Hearst Helmsley. They brawl to the outside and into the crowd. Hard right hand connects, Goldust falls to the concrete floor. Cover for a two count. Hunter Hearst Helmsley punches Goldust on the outside. They wind up back in the squared circle. Goldust drops out the back of a Hunter Hearst Helmsley bodyslam attempt. Running knee lift from Goldust. Hunter Hearst Helmsley can barely stand. Shattered Dreams! 1....2....3. Goldust remains in the ring, celebrating the victory. That was good. **** rating.

Rating 87%
(Goldust gained overness from this feud ending. Hunter Hearst Helmsley gained overness from this feud ending. The WWF Intercontinental title has gained in image.)

Bulldog and Owen vs The Dudley Boyz (For The WWF Tag Team Titles) : Chanelling the spirit of Misawa, British Bulldog uses a forearm to the face. Fallaway slam by British Bulldog. Cover for a two count. Tag between British Bulldog and Owen Hart. Bulldog and Owen hook up Dudley, then hit a double suplex. Hooks the leg for a two count. Hard impact russian legsweep by Hart. If you're going to get impact, 'hard' is probably a good way to go. Buh Buh Ray Dudley comes up with a right hand out of nowhere. Big piledriver on Hart. Cover for a two count. Tag to D-Von Dudley. Spear by D-Von Dudley. Pin, but Hart is out just before the three count. Back elbow connects, Hart staggers backward. Hart reverses a D-Von Dudley hammerlock. Hart uses a basement dropkick to the knee. Hart tags out to British Bulldog. D-Von gets slammed. Tag to Buh Buh Ray Dudley. Flying shoulder tackle by Bulldog sends Dudley to the mat. Buh Buh Ray Dudley is in trouble. Running Powerslam!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!! The Dudley Boyz don't look like they're finished by any means...and they rush forward to attack Bulldog and Owen, and send them to the outside. Threats are exchanged as the chaos ends. A ****1\2 rating for a great match.

Rating 91%
(Tag Team belts have gained in imaGE)

Steve Austin vs Mankind vs Vader : Stiff chop lights up Stone Cold. Mankind gets slammed. Stone Cold blocks a kick from Vader. Stone Cold hits Vader with a plastic dinosaur. Spear by Mankind. Pinfall attempt gets a 2.9999. Big clothesline on Mankind. Mankind blocks a punch. Stone Cold \ Mankind whip Vader into the ropes and hit a double backdrop. Double Arm DDT by Stone Cold, Vader got destroyed. Mankind throws Stone Cold into a shopping trolley. Steve Austin powers out of a Mankind headlock. Rude Awakening on Vader by Stone Cold. Steve Austin moves in for the kill. Stone Cold Stunner! 1....2....3. I'll give this a ***1\4 rating.

Rating: 81%

Sycho Sid vs The Undertaker : Undertaker slams Sycho Sid down. Full nelson slam on Sid. Hooks the leg for a two count. Sid pushes out of a The Undertaker hold. Sycho Sid hits Undertaker. Sid slams The Undertaker down. Big John Studd would be proud, no doubt. Hooks the leg for a two count. Sycho Sid scores with a poor standing spinebuster. Hooks the leg for a close fall. Sycho Sid strikes The Undertaker. The Undertaker ducks a clothesline attempt. Spear by The Undertaker. There's a two count on the pin. Death valley driver by The Undertaker, Sycho Sid got planted. Pinfall attempt gets a 2.9999. Undertaker slams Sycho Sid down. Undertaker slams Sycho Sid. The Undertaker misses a clothesline. Undertaker gets squashed in the corner with a clothesline. Sycho Sid scores with a crappy looking standing spinebuster. The Undertaker can barely stand. Here it comes - Powerbomb. 1....2...3, it's finished. The Sandman has grabbed a chair. Sid walks over...and gets floored with a hard shot. Undertaker also takes a hard shot. Sandman has laid everybody out! Almost wandered into *** match territory, but there was too much that dragged it down so it only gets a **3\4 rating.

Rating 79%

Shawn Michaels is backstage. I'm actually looking forward to this. He was on hype duty tonight, this time for a match with Bret Hart.

Rating 84%

Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels (For The WWF World Title) : Belly to belly suplex by HBK. HBK hits a face jam on Bret Hart onto the ladder. Second rope flying axe handle, The Hitman goes down. HBK uses a basement dropkick to the knee. The Hitman counters a sleeper hold by turning it into a jaw breaker. Face-first suplex onto the ladder from The Hitman. Spine shattering vicious back suplex! Shawn Michaels got absolutely creamed. Shawn Michaels ducks a clothesline attempt. The Hitman takes a hurrancarana from Shawn Michaels. Tiger suplex on The Hitman, right from out of the Misawa playbook. Bret Hart fights out of a grapple. Bret Hart uses move #193 (arm-BAR). HBK powers out of a headlock. Second rope flying axe handle, The Hitman goes down. Shawn Michaels moves in for the kill. Sweet Chin Music!!! That shook the ring. Shawn Michaels goes up ladder and grabs the prize for the win. Bret Hart gives a murderous look toward Shawn Michaels...and attacks! HBK gets dropped to the canvas, then battered with a barrage of rights and lefts. The Hitman picks him up...and launches him over the top rope to the outside. A small measure of revenge has been taken. This was missing something, so it only gets a ****1\2 rating.

Rating 94%

Overall PPV Rating: 86%

We got a 0.92 buy rate for 'In Your House'!
The attendance was 11714 people.
We made $2300000 from pay-per-view revenue.
We made $702840 from ticket sales.

Hmmm I didn't have the build up to the event that I would have liked, the ECW guys aren't really over enough yet to have them in the main events and stuff. Hopefully by the next PPV the invcaasion angle will be well underway.
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Old 03-26-2004, 04:42 AM   #274
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So I got on The only downloads I see though are a few picture DLs and a Stat DL. How can I get these old rosters and WCW and everything?
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Old 03-26-2004, 04:58 AM   #275
Boondock Saint
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Released A-Train and Rikishi with ease. Taker and Kane were happy to leave too, although I didn't want them to. But I don't have time for these unhappy people. Now if I can figure out how to make Matt Hardy happy...
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Old 03-26-2004, 08:59 PM   #276
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Originally Posted by #1-wwf-fan
So I got on The only downloads I see though are a few picture DLs and a Stat DL. How can I get these old rosters and WCW and everything?
There should be a scenarios section.
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Old 03-26-2004, 11:17 PM   #277
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There is but it's empty.
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Old 03-27-2004, 03:58 AM   #278
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Triple H has announced he will retire from WWE in one month.

what. OK then. Luckily I just finished a major feud between you and Orton.
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Old 03-28-2004, 11:34 PM   #279
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This game is gonna get me through the end of school. It has to. Or I will go insane.
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Old 03-29-2004, 02:54 AM   #280
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Alright, I got the 1996 scenarios but I'm having trouble using them on 4.0. I had to DL 3.0. Is there any way to use them on 4.0?
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