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Old 07-13-2004, 05:23 PM   #841
Cactus Sid
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Ch-Ch-Check THIS OUT

Kevin Nash appeared on Late Night last night. He put Cactus Sid over heavily. Overall the appearance went down very well.
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Old 07-13-2004, 05:26 PM   #842
Cactus Sid
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The Match Of The Year award has gone to the match in which Raven beat Cactus Sid (100.0%) from the NWATNA show 'Total Nonstop Action Special', held on 15 September 2004.

The Show Of The Year award has gone to Total Nonstop Action (84.4%), promoted by NWATNA, held on 29 September 2004.
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Old 07-13-2004, 05:28 PM   #843
Cactus Sid
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Cena just beat Jericho for the belt on Velocity.....
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Old 07-13-2004, 05:35 PM   #844
The Mackem
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Live from Louisana on PPV


The tag team title tournament is set to continue as The Cool Dragons (Ultimo Dragon & Hade Vasen) take on Alex Shane & Mark Sloan and also 2 Extreme vs F'n Amazing both for the right to progress in the tournament

Your commentary team is John Atkins, Bobby Heenan and Mark Burns

Pre Show segments

1v1 Match match

Mark '5 star' Belton vs Ian DaSiple

This match was a regular one fall bout. First out, accompanied by Benny English, was Mark '5 star' Belton. Next out was Ian DaSiple. The referee for the match was Cecil Peoples.

----- Match Highlights -----
Ian headbutted 5 Star...Ian DaSiple hit a superplex on 5 Star...That got a two-and-three-quarters count...Ian was taken out of the corner with a flying head scissors by 5 Star...Ian DaSiple blocked a 5 Star kick by catching the foot, but couldn't block the follow up enziguri...Ian blasted 5 Star with a super kick...5 Star scored with a top rope body press on Ian...That was enough to get the pin.
After the match, Mark '5 star' Belton was attacked by Mirko Filipovic. Mirko Filipovic caught Mark '5 star' Belton with the Left High Kick...Mark '5 star' Belton was left laid out.

Result - Mark '5 star' Belton wins

----- Match Summary -----
Match Reaction = 23.4%
Match Quality = 61.5%
Overall Rating = 45.5%


Midajah and Nikita were both in the ring. After a short argument, they grabbed each other and went down in a heap of hair-pulling and scratching. Officials had to hit the ring and break them up.

----- Angle Summary -----

Overall Rating = 65.8%

1v1 Match match

James Tighe vs Mark Sloan

This match was a regular one fall bout. First out was James Tighe. Next out was Mark Sloan. The referee for the match was Cecil Peoples.

----- Match Highlights -----
Tighe went to the top rope and scored with a diving headbutt on Mark Sloan...A right hand from Sloan put Tighe down...Off the top rope, James Tighe hit a moonsault onto Sloan...That got a two-and-three-quarters count...James Tighe hit a flying lariat off the top turnbuckle on Sloan...Mark Sloan dropped Tighe with a big punch...Tighe hit Sloan with a flying elbow off the top rope...James Tighe hit a super kick after countering a Sloan blind charge with a raised boot to the face...That got a two-and-three-quarters count...Sloan scored with a top rope body press on Tighe...The referee disqualified both Mark Sloan and James Tighe after they both started using chairs.
After the match had ended, James Tighe and Mark Sloan began brawling in and around the ring, and had to be separated by officials.

Result - Draw

----- Match Summary -----

Match Reaction = 54.7%
Match Quality = 77.8%
Overall Rating = 73.4%

FWA Live

1x6 Street Fight match

Flash Barker vs Drew McDonald vs Mikey Whipwreck vs Scott Parker vs Ulf Hermann vs Jack Xavier

This match was a regular one fall bout. First out was Flash Barker. Next out was Drew McDonald. Next out was Mikey Whipwreck. Next out was Scott Parker. Next out was Ulf Hermann. Last out was Jack Xavier. The referee for the match was Cecil Peoples.

----- Match Highlights -----

Flash Barker chopped Drew McDonald across the chest several times...Hermann doubled Drew up with a kick...Mikey Whipwreck hit Hermann with a singapore cane...Drew McDonald hit Xavier with a singapore cane...Flash Barker used a fireman's carry to take down Drew McDonald...Whipwreck went low with a kick on Barker...Mikey Whipwreck hit Jack Xavier with a chop...A big punch from Xavier put Drew McDonald down...Xavier used an amateur-style move to take down Drew...
Scott Parker DDTed Barker onto a 'Stop' sign...Barker used an amateur-style move to take down Parker...Scott Parker rocked Ulf Hermann with a headbutt...A scoop slam put Flash Barker down to the mat, and gave Parker the advantage...Parker hit Hermann with a belly to belly suplex...Ulf Hermann dropped Parker with a big punch...After ducking a clothesline, Xavier used a fallaway slam to hurt Drew McDonald...Drew McDonald blasted Xavier with a clothesline into the corner...Whipwreck hit a running powerbomb on Xavier...That was enough to get the three count.
After the match, Drew McDonald, Flash Barker, Jack Xavier, Mikey Whipwreck, Scott Parker and Ulf Hermann had a wild free-for-all brawl.

Result - Mikey Whipwreck wins

----- Match Summary -----

Match Reaction = 57.8%
Match Quality = 63.6%
Overall Rating = 61.7%


Paul Travell came down to the ring, and called out AJ Styles. Styles ran down, and the two started brawling until officials came down and broke them up.

----- Angle Summary -----
Overall Rating = 74.4%

2v2 Match match

Cool Dragons vs Shane and Sloan

This match was a regular one fall bout. First out were Cool Dragons (Hade Vansen and Ultimo Dragon). Next out were Shane and Sloan (Mark Sloan and Alex Shane). The referee for the match was Cecil Peoples.

----- Match Highlights -----

Hade Vansen used a fireman's carry to take down Mark Sloan...Mark Sloan scored with a deep arm drag on Vansen...Shane used a Japanese arm drag on Ultimo...A wild swing by Vansen left him vunerable, and Shane capitalized with a belly to back suplex...Sloan got taken over with an arm drag from Ultimo...Alex Shane nailed Vansen with a flying bulldog off the top rope...Sloan picked up and bodyslammed Vansen...
Alex Shane unloaded with knife-edge chops on Ultimo...Mark Sloan blasted Ultimo with a clothesline into the corner...Alex Shane hit a flurry of punches on Ultimo...Ultimo used a Japanese arm drag on Shane...A scoop slam put Alex Shane down to the mat, and gave Vansen the advantage...With Shane down on the mat, Ultimo came from the apron with a slingshot legdrop...Ultimo Dragon caught Sloan with a dropkick as he came off the ropes...
Mark Sloan got floored, and hit with a moonsault from Vansen...Mark Sloan missed a blind charge, turned, and got hit with a super kick from Vansen...Shane and Sloan floored Vansen with a double hip toss...That led to a near fall...Cool Dragons floored Alex Shane with a double clothesline...A hip toss by Ultimo was countered by Mark Sloan into a Tornado DDT...Ultimo Dragon took a double underhook piledriver from Shane...Ultimo used a leaping piledriver on Shane...Alex Shane hit a superplex on Ultimo...Sloan missed a right hand, then turned into a Ultimo thrust kick...That was enough to get the three count.

After the match, Hade Vansen and Ultimo Dragon celebrated.

Result - Cool Dragons win

----- Match Summary -----
Match Reaction = 62.0%
Match Quality = 73.9%
Overall Rating = 69.4%


Mark Burns came to the ring and called out Burchill and Doug Williams. He announced that tonight they'd be fighting each other, one on one.

----- Angle Summary -----
Overall Rating = 52.4%

2v2 Match match

2 Extreme vs F'n Amazing

This match was a regular one fall bout. First out were 2 Extreme (Jeff Hardy and Jerry Lynn). Next out, accompanied by Ted Dibiase, were F'n Amazing (Chris Chetti and Jonny Storm). The referee for the match was Cecil Peoples.

----- Match Highlights -----
An arm bar by Lynn let him control Storm...Jeff blasted Storm with a rana off the ropes...Jonny Storm headbutted Jeff...Chetti came off the ropes, but got sent down by a dropkick from Jeff...Chris Chetti had his knee driven into the mat by Lynn...Chetti came off the top rope with a flying axe handle on to Jeff...Jeff got knocked down by a Storm headbutt...Jerry Lynn used a fireman's carry to take down Jonny Storm...Jeff Hardy belly to belly suplexed Storm...
Lynn walked into a big right hand from Chetti...With Jeff grounded, Jonny Storm applied a sleeper hold to weaken him...Storm locked on a single leg crab to weaken Lynn...Jeff blasted Chetti with a rana...Chetti got hit with a rana from Jeff...
Storm rocked Jeff with a samoan drop...Jerry Lynn floored Storm...Storm rocked Lynn with a samoan drop...Storm rocked Jeff with a samoan drop...Chetti got floored. Jeff Hardy went out onto the apron, then came back in with a springboard legdrop onto him...That was almost enough to get the pinfall...Storm rocked Jeff with a samoan drop...Jonny Storm used a roll-up with a handful of tights to pin Jeff Hardy.
After the bout, Jerry Lynn, Jeff Hardy, Jonny Storm and Chris Chetti started brawling, and had to be separated by officials.

Result - F'n Amazing win

----- Match Summary -----
Match Reaction = 63.9%
Match Quality = 69.8%
Overall Rating = 68.9%

Backstage interview with Paul Travell

Paul Travell was interviewed by James Mitchell backstage. He hyped up his upcoming match with AJ Styles.

----- Interview Summary -----

Overall Rating = 80.7%

1v1 Match match

AJ Styles vs Paul Travell

This match was a regular one fall bout. First out was AJ Styles. Next out was Paul Travell. The referee for the match was Cecil Peoples.

----- Match Highlights -----
Paul Travell dropped Styles with a big punch...Travell applied a hammerlock on a grounded Styles, then drove knees into the back of his arm, softening it up...Travell hit Styles with a belly to belly suplex...Paul Travell arm dragged Styles, and followed with an arm bar...Styles got taken over with an arm drag from Travell...
AJ Styles headbutted Travell...AJ Styles used a knee breaker to soften up Travell...Paul Travell superplexed Styles to the mat...Styles hit three vicious chops to the chest of Travell...Travell picked up and bodyslammed Styles...
AJ Styles sent Travell down with a kick to the side of the head...Styles used a leaping piledriver on Travell...Paul Travell countered a backdrop attempt with a stump piledriver on Styles...A Styles springboard lariat from the apron to the ring floored Paul Travell...AJ Styles hit an Implant DDT on Travell...Travell hit Styles with a series of vicious kicks to the body...Travell DDTed Styles...That nearly got a three count...AJ Styles caught Paul Travell with the Styles Clash...That led to the three count.
After the match, AJ Styles got into an intense staredown with Paul Travell.

Result - AJ Styles wins

----- Match Summary -----
Match Reaction = 75.2%
Match Quality = 79.6%
Overall Rating = 88.3%

Backstage interview with James Mitchell
James Mitchell was interviewed by Alex Shane backstage. He hyped up his upcoming match with Doug Williams.
----- Interview Summary -----

Overall Rating = 75.1%


1v1 Match match for the FWA British title

Burchill vs Doug Williams

This match was a regular one fall bout for the FWA British title. First out was Burchill. Next out was the FWA British champion, Doug Williams. The referee for the match was Cecil Peoples.

----- Match Highlights -----
Doug Williams hit Burchill with a chop...Burchill hit Doug Williams with a forearm...A tight arm bar from Burchill kept Williams grounded...Burchill hit Williams with a belly to belly suplex...Williams got forearmed several times in the head by Burchill...Burchill hit Williams with a belly to belly suplex...
Burchill got taken over with a fireman's carry by Williams...An arm twist by Burchill was followed by three arm wrenches in a row to weaken Williams...An arm twist by Burchill was followed by three arm wrenches in a row to weaken Williams...Burchill snap suplexed Doug Williams...Burchill chop-blocked Williams...
Doug Williams snap suplexed Burchill...Burchill snap suplexed Doug Williams...Williams walked into a big right hand from Burchill...Williams got knocked down with a running forearm from Burchill...Burchill arm wrenched Doug Williams...
Doug Williams floored Burchill...Burchill had his knee driven into the mat by Williams...Doug Williams floored Burchill...Doug Williams floored Burchill...Doug Williams floored Burchill...Doug Williams floored Burchill...Burchill superplexed Williams to the mat...Williams got hit with a back suplex from Burchill...Burchill brought a chair into the ring and hit Doug Williams, leading to the DQ.
After the bout, a wild brawl broke out between Burchill and Doug Williams.

Result - Doug Williams wins

----- Match Summary -----
Match Reaction = 70.0%
Match Quality = 83.8%
Overall Rating = 79.9%
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Old 07-13-2004, 05:35 PM   #845
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Originally Posted by Cactus Sid
Ch-Ch-Check THIS OUT

Kevin Nash appeared on Late Night last night. He put Cactus Sid over heavily. Overall the appearance went down very well.
Everybody on my game seems to be putting over Slaughter and Killer Kowalski a lot.
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Old 07-13-2004, 05:40 PM   #846
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Last night's FWA Live show got an overall rating of 65.1%.

The PPV buyrate report for last night is now in: TNA recieved 52,766 buys (0.12 buyrate) for Total Nonstop Action; FWA recieved 76 buys (0.00 buyrate) for FWA Live;
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Old 07-13-2004, 05:41 PM   #847
Cactus Sid
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Originally Posted by The Mackem
Everybody on my game seems to be putting over Slaughter and Killer Kowalski a lot.
Its usually guys with really high respect, I say usually, because it can change.

Nice show by the way, consistent.
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Old 07-13-2004, 05:42 PM   #848
Cactus Sid
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76 buys? Oh dear.
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Old 07-13-2004, 05:42 PM   #849
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Let's be changing the day to Tuesday.
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Old 07-13-2004, 06:02 PM   #850
Cactus Sid
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The Power came out to the ring and told the world that after snatching the owner last week, this week....they've got a legend. STING is announced as a new member of The Power - 82.4%

Jeff Hardy defeated CM Punk, when Jushin Thunder Lyger attacked Punk, allowing Jeff to hit the Swanton for the win - 85.6%

Bret Hart came out and announced that Lyger and Jeff had joined the good fight against The Power, and that they won't be the only ones - 74.6%

Bret then announced that he still had the power to make the Number 1 Contendership for any title, and that tonight, if Cactus Sid refused to face Raven he would strip him of the title, if Sid wins, he can do as he pleases with the belt, if Raven wins, Sid will put his title on the line in a match of Bret's choosing at A Cold Day In Hell - 89.1%

Kevin Nash then came out and told Bret that seeing as he likes to play with fire, he can play with the biggest fire in The Power...... Bret will go 1 on 1 with BROCK LESNAR next week on Impact, and that seeing as Bret talks about more announcements regarding his stable, Nash has an announcement about the Heavyweight title which will rock the company - 83.2%

Bret then retorted by saying if Nash wants to play games, how about Bret shows him how serious he is, by introducing the newest members of his group..... The Sandman....... AND HULK HOGAN - 78.3%

Hulk Hogan and The Sandman defeated Goldberg and Jeff Jarrett by Pinfall, when Hogan pinned Goldberg, Bret Hart then ran in to attack The Power members, only to be cut off by Christopher Daniels - 75.6%

Kevin Nash came out again and announced that if Bret really wants to get physical, he can have one last chance at glory..... when he faces CHRISTOPHER DANIELS for the NWA HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE at the next PPV!! - 89.1%

Cactus Sid was shown backstage, saying that while it was unfair that he had to give up his rights as champion, purely because of the irrational hatred of one man, he was willing to go ahead with it, just to show Bret that Sid is a true man and a true champion - 99.3%

Raven defeated Cactus Sid by Pinfall to earn a shot at the NWA International Title @ A Cold Winter Hell, following an evenflow DDT after a hard fought match - 95.5%

Overall Rating: 85.3%
Attendance: 5,563 (South Dakota)
Viewers: The TV figures for last night are now in: TTNA Impact drew 801,786 viewers (down by 286,664); WWE RAW drew 1,162,393 viewers (up by 619,714);

Something seriously wrong here
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Old 07-13-2004, 06:04 PM   #851
Cactus Sid
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NWA:TNA are pleased to announce the signing of RHYNO when his WWE contract expires
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Old 07-13-2004, 06:07 PM   #852
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I told you. The improvement of Velocity has made all WWE programming unmissable.
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Old 07-13-2004, 06:09 PM   #853
Cactus Sid
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Its true..... I need to get this TNA TV set up quick, it'll be good competition for Velocity
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Old 07-13-2004, 06:12 PM   #854
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Velocity has gone back to sucking

Interview with Rene Dupree (54.0%)
Rico and Maven beat Sakoda and Nidia (52.7%)
Chris Nowinski beat Garrison Cade (56.5%)
Orlando Jordan beat Mark Jindrak (64.0%)
John Cena beat Chavo Guerrero Jnr (83.1%)

Although that main event concerns me, despite Raven/Sid wiping the floor with it, as they will at the PPV
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Old 07-13-2004, 06:29 PM   #855
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Old 07-13-2004, 07:21 PM   #856
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I'm going head to head with the Rumble
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Old 07-13-2004, 08:00 PM   #857
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The Power arrive in a Limo, looking relaxed - 81.6%

Shane Douglas, Masahiro Chono and Dustin Rhodes are seen brawling with Low-Ki, Jerry Lynn and The Amazing Red before their match - 75.8%

Low-Ki, Jerry Lynn and The Amazing Red defeated Shane Douglas, Masahiro Chono and Dustin Rhodes, when Low-Ki pinned Chono - 80.7%

Christopher Daniels was adamant, that despite Bret Hart's legendary status.... he would retain his NWA Heavyweight Title - 92.6%

Tenay, West and Callis hype the Elix Skipper/Juventud Guerrera match - 79.0%

Juventud Guerrera defeated Elix Skipper following an illegal choke hold that when unseen by the referee, Skipper argued with Juvi following the match - 79.3%

Ron Killings and Justin Credible hyped the match against America's Most Wanted - 85.7%

AMW defeated Killings and Credible when Storm pinned Credible - 79.3%

Teddy Hart and D'Lo Brown hyped the Tables Match with Jeff Hardy and The Sandman - 76.4%

Teddy Hart and D'Lo Brown defeated Jeff Hardy and The Sandman, when Teddy Hart put Jeff Hardy through a table after hitting the Hart Attack through it - 77.1%

Backstage, Kevin Nash and Bret Hart were shown going at it, before being broken up - 87.9%

CM Punk hyped his X-Division title defence against Jushin Thunder Lyger - 84.5%

CM Punk defeated Jushin Thunder Lyger to RETAIN the NWA X-Division Title, after pinning Lyger with the Pepsi Plunge - 87.4%

Cactus Sid told Raven that he planned to end his career inside Hell In A Cell - 96.5%

Hulk Hogan was shown backstage looking into a mirror, the gist of the segment was that he no longer believed in himself - 78.6%

Hulk Hogan defeated Sting by Pinfall, before recieving a standing ovation, bringing his confidence back - 80.9%

Konnan and BG James said they'd bring back the gold to its rightful owners - 82.6%

Konnan and BG James defeated Jeff Jarrett and Goldberg to WIN the NWA Tag Team Titles, when ULTIMO DRAGON ran in, and nailed Goldberg with a chair allowing Konnan to grab the fall - 82.2%

It was announced that Ultimo Dragon was a new member of Bret Hart's TNA Representatives - 72.9%

AJ Styles was backstage, and said that, despite the huge task that awaited him, he would defeat Brock Lesnar - 76.9%

AJ Styles defeated Brock Lesnar by Pinfall, Lesnar laid out Styles after the match - 94.4%

Bret Hart was interviewed, and said that, this could be his last chance, and that he intended on taking it - 89.3%

Christopher Daniels defeated Bret Hart to RETAIN the NWA Heavyweight Title, when RHYNO ran in and hit the GORE GORE GORE ( ) on Bret, allowing Daniels to pick up the fall - 91.8%

Kevin Nash came out and welcomed Rhyno the company, and more importantly.... to THE POWER - 75.1%

Raven hyped the Hell In A Cell match, telling Cactus Sid this was his destiny - 84.8%

Raven defeated Cactus Sid to WIN the NWA International Title, when a mystery figure appeared from under the ring and hit Cactus Sid with a chair, allowing Raven to hit the Evenflow and get the fall..... the masked man removed the mask to reveal......... RANDY SAVAGE, who went to the top and nailed the Elbow Drop for good measure - 100.0%

Bret Hart came out with his stable and shook Savage's hand, and the PPV went off the air, with Savage and Raven's hands raised in the air by Bret - 73.2%

Overall Rating: 83.2%
Match Of The Night: Cactus Sid vs Raven NWA International Title Hell In A Cell Match (100.0%)
Attendance: 19,746 (California)
Buyrate: NWATNA recieved 440,948 buys (1.00 buyrate) for A Cold Winter Hell; WWE recieved 358,177 buys (0.81 buyrate) for WWE Royal Rumble;

SUCK ON THAT VINCE....2 months promotion vs a year HAHAHAHAH
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Old 07-14-2004, 01:18 PM   #858
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I seriously need to get back into this thing.
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Old 07-14-2004, 01:20 PM   #859
Cactus Sid
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Aye, you should.

It takes serious will power though, I probably wont play it for a month now, cos I'm out of ideas.
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Old 07-16-2004, 04:08 PM   #860
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WWE Smackdown
8th July 2004

AJ Styles gave an in-ring interview. He challenged Eddie Guerrero to a match.

----- Interview Summary -----

Overall Rating = 71.3%

Backstage, the camera caught Kurt Angle arriving at the arena.

----- Angle Summary -----

Overall Rating = 80.1%

The Undertaker was interviewed by Josh Matthews backstage. He put himself over.

----- Interview Summary -----

Overall Rating = 48.8%

(The Undertaker is getting very poor crowd reactions because of his gimmick.

Josh Matthews did a good job as interviewer, and helped lift the segment.)

Eddie Guerrero was interviewed by Josh Matthews backstage. He accepted the challenge that had been laid down by AJ Styles.

----- Interview Summary -----

Overall Rating = 80.3%

Scott Steiner vs John Cena

Scott Steiner caught John Cena with the Complete Shot...That got the three.

Result - Scott Steiner wins

----- Match Summary -----

Match Reaction = 72.2%
Match Quality = 63.2%
Overall Rating = 75.6%

Big Show and Rikishi were in the ring arguing, when Paul Heyman came out to interrupt. He announced that he was booking them to fight each other in a match.

----- Angle Summary -----

Overall Rating = 75.4%

Backstage, Eddie Guerrero was walking down a corridor.

----- Angle Summary -----

Overall Rating = 90.9%

Booker T vs Rico

Booker T caught Rico with the Scissors Kick...That was enough for a pin.

Result - Booker T wins

----- Match Summary -----

Match Reaction = 62.2%
Match Quality = 57.9%
Overall Rating = 61.8%

Paul Heyman came to the ring, and announced that Billy Kidman, Chavo Guerrero Jnr, Rey Mysterio, and Tajiri would fight in a four way match, with the winner becoming #1 contender for the WWE Cruiserweight title.

----- Angle Summary -----

Overall Rating = 87.6%

Rob Van Dam was in the ring, when The Undertaker ran in and attacked. The Undertaker powerbombed RVD. Undertaker rained down punches on the downed RVD until he was bleeding. The Undertaker then smeared the blood on his own chest as a trophy.

----- Angle Summary -----

Overall Rating = 64.8%

A video was shown to hype Kurt Angle.

----- Video Summary -----

Overall Rating = 60.1%

Backstage, the camera found an injured Rob Van Dam being helped around by a pack of officials.

----- Angle Summary -----

Overall Rating = 83.1%

4 Way Match #1 Contendership match

Rey Mysterio vs Billy Kidman vs Tajiri vs Chavo Guerrero Jnr

Mysterio slingshotted into the ring with a senton on Chavo Guerrero Jnr...Mysterio blasted Chavo Guerrero with a super kick...Tajiri and Billy Kidman landed on top of each other after a suplex, and the referee counted both of their shoulders down.

Result - Draw

----- Match Summary -----

Match Reaction = 68.8%
Match Quality = 76.4%
Overall Rating = 76.2%

Big Show vs Rikishi

Big Show caught Rikishi with the Hog Log...That was enough for a pin.

Result - Big Show wins

----- Match Summary -----

Match Reaction = 71.5%
Match Quality = 59.4%
Overall Rating = 68.4%

Billy Gunn was in the ring, when John Bradshaw Layfield ran down to the ring. John Bradshaw Layfield DDTed Billy Gunn. Gunn was left down and out in the squared circle.

----- Angle Summary -----

Overall Rating = 49.8%

Backstage, the camera caught Shawn Michaels arriving at the arena.

----- Angle Summary -----

Overall Rating = 82.2%

Backstage, AJ Styles was warming up by doing some stretches.

----- Angle Summary -----

Overall Rating = 78.4%

AJ Styles vs Eddie Guerrero

E. Guerrero walked into a boot to the gut. He got suplexed into the air by Styles, and jammed down with a Falcon Arrow...That nearly got a three count...A stunned Eddie Guerrero fell victim to a Styles flying clothesline from the top rope...The Undertaker ran in...The Undertaker caught Eddie Guerrero with the Tombstone...AJ Styles was disqualified for outside interference.

After the match, Eddie Guerrero was attacked by AJ Styles and The Undertaker. AJ Styles caught Eddie Guerrero with the Styles Clash...Eddie Guerrero was left laid out. Shawn Michaels ran out to make the save, and ran off AJ Styles and The Undertaker.

Result - Eddie Guerrero wins

----- Match Summary -----

Match Reaction = 84.6%
Match Quality = 89.3%
Overall Rating = 95.5%
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Old 07-16-2004, 04:09 PM   #861
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Wow that was a pretty shit Smackdown!
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Old 07-16-2004, 04:11 PM   #862
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Last night's WWE Smackdown! show got an overall rating of 73.9%.

The TV viewing figures for last night are now in: WWE recieved 1,111,494 viewers for WWE Smackdown! (increase of 59,279 viewers from previous show);

Hmmm figures dont suggest it though.
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Old 07-16-2004, 04:16 PM   #863
Cactus Sid
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The problem with Smackdown is that even though your trying to shift talent across, there is still an immense amount of shite. Plus, with a Sports Entertainment fed, Cruisers don't get great ratings
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Old 07-17-2004, 12:52 PM   #864
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Booking for Smackdown is a chore, especially when you first start.
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Old 07-17-2004, 02:00 PM   #865
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I really wanna do a WWE game, but part of me just cannot be arsed
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Old 07-17-2004, 10:25 PM   #866
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Does anyone have the latest Ravex update for EWR 4? The site is down or else I'd get it there.
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Old 07-18-2004, 03:41 PM   #867
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Check the TEW board, its in the Mods and Graphics forum in a thread called RaveX EWR27 or something
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Old 07-19-2004, 11:02 AM   #868
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*cough* TEWZone *cough*

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Old 07-19-2004, 11:57 AM   #869
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*cough* EWR
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Old 07-19-2004, 12:05 PM   #870
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*cough* shit *cough*
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Old 07-19-2004, 01:45 PM   #871
Cactus Sid
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I actually just downloaded RaveXTEW2 or whatever, might try it later
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Old 07-19-2004, 04:16 PM   #872
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Are you guys still downloading the patches from the TEW boards?

Just wondering really.
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Old 07-19-2004, 04:17 PM   #873
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Originally Posted by Disturbed316
Are you guys still downloading the patches from the TEW boards?

Just wondering really.
Well, there hasn't been one for a while. Latest is patch 1.28
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Old 07-19-2004, 04:29 PM   #874
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Thats what I've just got
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Old 07-19-2004, 05:18 PM   #875
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WWE Vengence
Sunday 11th July 2004


Sunday night Heat

Backstage, a stretch limousine pulled up. Evolution! (Batista, Randy Orton, Ric Flair and Triple H) got out, and they headed into the arena = 81.2%

Shelton Benjamin vs A-Train

Shelton Benjamin caught A-Train with the Superkick...That got the three.

Result - Shelton Benjamin wins = 73.2%


Tag Team Match match for the WWE World Tag Team title
Batista and Flair vs Eugene Dinsmore and William Regal

Batista got hit from behind with the German Suplex by Eugene, and got pinned.

After the match, Eugene Dinsmore and William Regal celebrated.

Result - Eugene Dinsmore and William Regal win the WWE World Tag Team titles = 80.3%

Jeff Hardy was interviewed by Jonathan Coachman backstage. He hyped up his upcoming match with Matt Hardy = 66.7%

Rhyno vs Lance Storm

Rhyno caught Lance Storm with the Gore...That led to the three count.

Result - Rhyno wins = 74.4%

Backstage, the camera caught Chris Benoit arriving at the arena = 83.3%

Singles Match match for the WWE Intercontinental title
Randy Orton vs Chris Jericho

Randy Orton caught Chris Jericho with the RKO...That was enough to get the three count.

Result - Randy Orton wins = 89.9%

Matt Hardy was interviewed by Jonathan Coachman backstage. He hyped up his upcoming match with Jeff Hardy = 74.3%

Eric Bischoff came down to the ring, and said that he had not been happy with the way Chris Benoit against Nick Jackson ended on Raw, and so there would be a rematch tonight = 77.6%

Test vs Edge

Test caught Edge with the Test Drive...That was enough to get the pin.

Result - Test wins = 62.9%

Chris Benoit was in the bathroom. Nick Jackson came out of nowhere and attacked. The two fighters brawled out into the corridor, where officials came and broke them up = 84.4%

The Rock was in the ring, when Triple H and Randy Orton ran in and attacked. As the beat down continued, Sting descended from the rafters on a rope, and proceeded to clean house, sending HHH and Randy Orton into a retreat = 71.4%

Jeff Hardy vs Matt Hardy

Jeff walked into a big right hand from Matt...Matt Hardy cradled Jeff Hardy, then used the ropes for leverage to get a three count.

After the match, Matt Hardy celebrated.

Result - Matt Hardy wins = 66.1%

Nick Jackson was interviewed by Jonathan Coachman backstage. He threatened Chris Benoit = 88.3%

The Rock and Sting came down to the ring, and called out Orton and Triple H. They ran down, and the two teams started brawling until officials came down and broke them up = 72.0%

The Rock and Sting vs Orton and Triple H

Triple H caught Sting with the Pedigree...That was enough for a pin.

Result - Orton and Triple H win = 73.5%

Backstage, Nick Jackson was warming up by doing some stretches = 85.6%

Singles Match match for the WWE World Heavyweight title
Chris Benoit vs Nick Jackson

Chris Benoit attempted to use a chair to knock out Nick Jackson, but missed. Nick Jackson used the chair to hit Chris Benoit in return, and was disqualified.

After the match, Chris Benoit ran to the backstage area to get away from Nick Jackson.

Result - Chris Benoit wins = 87.3%
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Old 07-19-2004, 05:19 PM   #876
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Last night's WWE Vengeance show got an overall rating of 77.4%.

The PPV buyrate report for last night is now in: WWE recieved 309,890 buys (0.70 buyrate) for WWE Vengeance
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Old 07-19-2004, 05:31 PM   #877
Cactus Sid
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Test vs Edge

Test caught Edge with the Test Drive...That was enough to get the pin.

Result - Test wins = 62.9%

You jobbed Edge to Test
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Old 07-19-2004, 05:35 PM   #878
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Gonna start up a feud for the title between me and Benoit. Turning Benoit tweener through. Gonna run it till SummerSlam, which is over a month away. Could be interesting.

And for some reason Test's name jumped out at me from no-where and thought he deserved a win, with Edge being the poor sap being the jobber
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Old 07-19-2004, 05:47 PM   #879
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Tweener....that's gonna be difficult to pull off

Also, Test should be fired..... or should be shoved into OVW or something, anything away from a PPV
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Old 07-19-2004, 05:52 PM   #880
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Stay tuned for Raw Sid, you may not like whats going down
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