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Old 11-23-2020, 02:27 AM   #4671
Tom Guycott
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Originally Posted by drave View Post
This time next year it'll be dead. Google will drop it.
Probably. It *is* Google. They lose interest in things faster than Vince McMahon loses intrests in his own stupid gimmick characters.

I will say that if I didn't already have a FireTV that I bought years ago, or if I had need of another TV, the Chromecast Ultra would likely get copious use. But, as it stands, the three HDMI slots on my TV are already filled, and having this on rotation/as a replacement for something else there is not likely to happen on the regular.

From the stuff I was able to play (I'm guessing the PRO "claimed" thing is like the XBL Games With Gold), I tried a quick round of Bomberman R, a couple rounds of Dead By Daylight (which says it's connecting via crossplay, but there isn't really any way to deliniate where the crossplayers are coming from), and started the opening of Destiny 2 - which, unbeknownst to me, if you start a brand new game from scratch, the opening starts, well, at the beginning. I always figured it was like going from Division 1 to Division 2, but nope.

The controller's actually fairly nice, but I've been having trouble with the "screenshot" button, as it is right there by the menu button. I'm trying to pause and change my settings or something and instead, I take a pic. Another issue is some the interfaces. For example: ingame button tutorials not always easy to read, such as not being able to tell if the game wants you to push the (***) button, or L1/R1 or the thumbsticks... the prompts kinda all look alike and aren't distinct or color coded like on XB or PS. Hopefully, though, I can use this thing on Steam, so if Googs decide to tank this project, I can get some use out of it.

I say I got "my money's worth" out of it so far. Again, especially since I paid nothing.
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