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Old 01-14-2024, 06:16 AM   #3510
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Raw: January 21, 2041

The Royal Rumble is this Sunday! Let's hope nobody fucks things up tonight...or the rest of the week!

Opening Match: ???
WTF IS THIS??? It's Adam Hail making his return and kicking things off here! We haven't seen him since his brutal chain match against Simon Bennett at Bragging Rights. Well, he's looking in top form here at least. Let's hear what he has to say.

"Sorry, but I'm not letting anyone else taken any more thunder from where it belongs. Forget all of what's gone down these last few weeks. The real story is right here. I'm over the hell that I went through at Bragging Rights and I'm ready to carve out my own piece of 2041! Now I bet you're all thinking that I'm bitter over losing to Simon Bennett and now he gets to go to the Royal Rumble and challenge for the Unified World Title. You're only half-right. Losing to Bennett is an insult, but I want him to know that I'm rooting for him this Sunday. Yeah, that's right, I hope he walks out of this Sunday the new Unified World Champion! You want to know why? Because you're looking at the winner of this year's Royal Rumble! That's right, I'm entering that Rumble this Sunday and I'm going the distance. Then, in that main event of WrestleMania, I hope that Simon Bennett is in this ring with me on the other side because it's going to be so satisfying and so fitting to embarrass him and beat him and take that Unified World Title for myself. It's what he owes me for what he did to me! In the meantime, I'm in the mood to put the fear of God into the rest of the field. So I'm issuing an open challenge right now. Anyone back there who thinks I'm not 100% and ready and focused, feel free to come on out and test that theory!"

Opening Match: Adam Hail vs. Stone Walsh
Ask and you shall receive. As Hail alluded to in his rant, we need a match to get him some traction and put him on the radar going into the Rumble. He does look in good form with no signs of rust. Things come to an end when Walsh tries getting Hail up for the Stone Cutter. Nathan Quinn hops up on the apron and grabs Hail's legs, pulling him until he's able to escape and land on the apron himself. Hail drops Walsh throat-first on the rope, sending him down to the mat. That leaves Walsh vulnerable to a Hailstorm off the top rope from Adam and that's going to give him the win via pinfall. Adam Hail has made a statement with this return. ****1/2, 93% overall.

To the back we go where Neil Quint is being interviewed about his match at the Royal Rumble for the Cruiserweight Title. He says that he feels bad not being able to have that match against Zed back on SmackDown!, but Michael has to understand it was a VERY serious tummy ache. It was probably something he ate. It could've been poisoning! "No matter the issue though, things are still on track for me to head into this Sunday and finally put an end to the nonsense that is Michael Hotbody and the stranglehold he has on that Cruiserweight Title. I've beating men better than him and he knows it. Nothing is getting in my way."

Things take a turn when Brooke of all people interjects herself into the interview and addresses Neil. "Excuse me, but I believe proper introductions are in order, even though you SHOULD know who I am. Neil Quint, this is your lucky day. You see, not only am I the greatest Women's Champion to ever grace this industry, but I'm sure you've become aware that I, Brooke, am on track to being the greatest manager ever. I've embarked on a quest to claim every championship there is to win in the WWE. I already have the Intercontinental Champion under my umbrella. Carmella Costello is going to dismantle Sonya Braddock at the Royal Rumble and bring the Women's Title into the fold. Salvatore Scabbia is on track towards winning the Rumble and headlining WrestleMania where he can finally capture the Unified World Title. He and Ronnie make an unstoppable team to where they can take the Tag Team Titles anytime from any team! One thing I am missing, though, is someone who can win that Cruiserweight Title. You see, Neil, I actually believe you can beat Michael Hotbody this Sunday and win the belt. I also believe that without the proper guidance behind you, it's going to blow up in your face and be a disaster. I'm here to provide that guidance, Neil. I know winners when I see them, but I also know where my hand and mind are needed. This is the right move, Neil, and really the best move you could make. What do you say? Will you let me be your manager and help you be the best Cruiserweight Champion that you can be?"

Neil Quint thinks this over for a bit before offering his reply. "You know, from where I'm standing and what I've seen, it looks like you need me more than I need you. If Cordelia and The Academy are anything to go by, I think I'll take my chances doing things my way."

Brooke is aghast at this answer. "Uh, excuse me? Neil, I think you need to understand something here. I'm not exactly one that takes 'no' for an answer very well."

"See, that's the problem with people like you. You're so used to everything being handed to you and people fauning at your feet. You're just going to have to go try and leech off someone else."

"Neil, I'm only going to warn you once and I hope you reconsider, especially once you see all of what I said come true. You will regret pissing me off."

"Feel free to tell me that again when I have that Cruiserweight Title around my waist." And with that, Neil Quint leaves and Brooke is left to stew in this dejection.

Second Match: Lyle Morris vs. Cameron Harper
Harper gets on the mic and declares that he demanded this match. "Isn't it funny how I can now go off and demand and get what I want now that I cut myself loose from Ethan Lang and Jake Connelly? I wanted a piece of Lyle Morris ever since he insulted me by slapping me in the face. Lyle, you thought you were going to avoid this, didn't you? Well you didn't count on me stepping up and standing up for myself and being my own man! First you and then Ethan at the Royal Rumble! And to Jake Connelly, I hope you watch and you feel it in your gut how bad you messed up by casting me aside!"

Strong words, but we have this match to deal with first. Lyle stands firm here, not phased by Harper's tantrum. It's a good "big man vs. little man" encounter. Of course, it just has to get ruined by Chet Morris coming on out to shove Lyle off the ropes when the latter is in position to come off the top with Cajun Spice. That's going to be a DQ, but that's a mere formality as Chet Morris gets in the ring to deliver some more abuse to his cousin. He takes time now and then to stop and yell at Lyle, asking his cousin why he can't understand. Business is ready to pick up as Ethan Lang comes running down and gets in the ring, too! Lang tackles Harper and just unloads on his former partner. Actually, this whole scene is a portrait of former partners at each other's throats. Chet is distracted by Ethan's appearance and subsequent flurry. Lyle takes this time to fight his way up to his knees and low blow Chet. Lyle takes himself and Chet to the outside and he continues his assault there. Eventually both Cameron and Chet manage to shove their respective attackers off them and they shift into retreat mode. Hopefully all of this can get settled at the Rumble this Sunday! *****, 94% overall.

Third Match: Jenna Kyle vs. Debra Phillips
We're told that Jenna Kyle vs. Dusk has been signed for the Royal Rumble pre-show. Jenna declares that she's all about that, hoping that she can get a measure of justice in the name of Faith and because women like Dusk are just flat out annoying. "It's not about dark vs. light, Dusk. It's about who's the better woman and if you can't recognize that I've got you beat in that department, you've been spending way too much time in that abyss of yours. If it makes you feel any better, I'll be more than happy to send you back there so you can mope some more!" Nothing wrong with some solid women's action for this night...or any night. Debra isn't really figured into anything major...yet, so losing here shouldn't be too bad for her. Jenna tilt-a-whirls her way out of a backbreaker attempt and turns it into a Kyle Driver to get the pin and the victory. Afterwards the lights go out temporarily and when they come back on Dusk is in front of Jenna! Jenna is caught off-guard by this and is easy prey to Dusk taking her down with a hell of a lariat. Dusk proceeds to hit Jenna with the Final Sunset, following that up by picking Jenna up by her face and mockingly stroking it, pretending to be enthralled by Jenna's beauty. She releases Jenna and stands tall over her as we got to break. ****1/4, 89% overall.

Fourth Match: Robbie Greer vs. King Kavovit vs. Stanley Coleman vs. Rick Hilton
We're getting a preview of the four-way tag match for the Unified Tag Team Titles this Sunday as a member of each participating team is present here. It's chaotic as you'd expect. I'm hoping to pull a 99% rating out of these guys for the PPV. I think the only weak link would be the Love Connection due to their low charisma rating, but maybe the other teams will pick up the slack. Either way, Robbie has Rick Hilton down on the mat in a vulnerable position and decides to head to the top to try to finish things off. Unfortunately, the other half of the Royal Effect, Moses McKay, comes running down and pushes Robbie off, right into the arms of King Kavovit who rolls with the momentum and stacks up Robbie, putting his feet on the ropes for good measure. That's going to give him the cheap win and the much needed MOMENTUM as we head into the PPV. ****1/2, 93% overall.

In-Ring Super Special Talky Time as Haven makes his way to the ring. He looks like he's in a mood to say the least. "Victor Dark, your timing could not be more terrible. This is the season of focus and introspection. In just a few short days, the battlefield awaits, with the richest prize and the grandest stage hanging in the balance. Victor, having fought on that stage and having that prize snatched away from me through one method or another, I hope you can at least understand that I'm not in the proper frame of mind to deal with your perceived slights. I hope you witness the carnage and the destruction that I'm going to unleash this Sunday and you take stock of your life and your decisions that have led you here. I hope you witness my triumph and you come to the realization that you will always pale in comparison to me and you abandon this quest of yours, not for me but for you, and certainly for Andrea. You have a chance to turn around and do some introspection of your own. A war with you is not something I want nor care about, but it would be a war you would lose and lose horribly. I have not forgotten my past. I recognize it so that it helps me understand the present, and mold the future."

"I certainly hope you don't forget about the past because that would mean you've forgotten about me." This statement cuts through the arena, interrupting Haven. Who should emerge on the stage but Quinten McDaniels, being flanked by Hugo. Quinten continues his talking as the two move down the aisle towards the ring. "I'd hate to believe that you've completely overlooked me, Haven. The way I see it, our business still needs to be concluded. You don't get to live surrounded by a cesspool, crawl on out, and come out clean on the other side. No, Haven, I plan on leaving you a mess. In many ways it's personal, but in others, it's not. You and Orlando and everyone else who has been an anchor dragging me down need to be cut loose and cut loose in the most definitive fashion. Victor Dark isn't the problem, Haven. He's the answer. Those you let down? WE'RE the problem." With that, both Quinten and Hugo enter the ring from opposite sides, surrounding Haven. Haven looks like he's in trouble BUT HERE COMES ORLANDO KINCAID!!! Orlando manages to yank Quinten's legs out of from under him, tripping him up. Orlando proceeds to pull Quinten out to the floor and begins to brawl with him. Hugo is all over Haven in the meantime. Haven fights back as best he can while Quinten is getting his ass handed to him on the outside. Quinten tries to beg off, but when Orlando moves in, Quinten grabs Orlando's pants and yanks him into the barrier. Quinten grabs the ring bell and KOs Orlando with it, busting Orlando open. Haven has Hugo down and vulnerable and looks to finish him off, but Quinten slides in behind Haven and nails him with the bell in the back of the head. Haven is down on his knees and Hugo takes advantage of this by lifting Haven up and flattening him with the Moonsault Press. Haven looks hurt as he was just straight up crushed, not to mention that blow to the head. Quinten and Hugo stand tall over their enemies as we move on.

Our next inductee for this year's Hall of Fame class is...Cash Stevens! A pioneer in the world of Cruiserweights, this legend will take his place in the annals of history along with Lisa Benton and Jason Collins, being inducted by Mark Mason and Derek Standish.

Once more to the back we go as Luscious is with her man Michael Hotbody and Zed Jones. Luscious and Hotbody want to call out Neil Quint for being a BIG FAT LIAR AND A PHONY FAKER!!! They claim that Neil was afraid of Zed and he got Lisa Benton to help him pull a fast one on everybody! Hotbody goes on to say that none of us really should be shocked because Neil has been pulling the wool over the eyes of everyone since he got here! "It just makes me sick how somebody can use deception and lying and dishonesty to get one over on people! Who does that? On top of all that, he thinks he can do better than I can in this business. Well it's been a year since I first burst onto the scene and I've seen them all come and go and try their hand at being better than me! It's not happening, Neil! It's all going to catch up to you at the Rumble! I'm just going to have to beat you myself! And to Clubber Harris? Zed is going to have his eye on you in that Rumble and it's his mission to be the one to toss you out!"

Fifth Match: Salvatore Scabbia and Ronnie Costello vs. Seth Von Kamp and Alexander Piero
We're told that Brooke issued a challenge to Seth Von Kamp for this match right now. All he needed to do was get a partner and he'd get his opportunity to get destroyed as payback for screwing Scabbia and Ronnie out of the tag titles on SmackDown!. Brooke goes on to rip into Neil Quint, calling him incredibly short-sighted, but she has a feeling he'll regret his choice and come around once he witnesses what goes down here.

So Piero is offered up as a partner by Madison. She explains it's a 'thank you' of sorts for Seth being there on SmackDown! and keeping the tag titles with the Wyldhearts. This is an awesome hard-hitting affair. Things break down as Ronnie and Seth go off brawling into the crowd, leaving Scabbia and Piero alone. The ref is distracted with Brooke and Madison having a shoving exchange. Piero has Scabbia set up for a Flashpoint but HERE COMES BUTCH FLEMING! He proceeds to continue to be a dick towards Piero by hopping up on the apron and clotheslining him down. Fleming hops back down to the floor and Scabbia pounces by slapping on the Omerta on Piero. Piero is face-to-face with Fleming as he's locked in hold, struggling to stay in it. Fleming mocks him throughout the whole ordeal and the ref comes over once the ladies are done with their tussle. Piero ends up passing out and that's going to give the win to Brooke's camp. Fleming continues to glare at the fallen Piero as Madison slides in to check on her man. ****1/2, 91% overall.

Time for some more trash talk as the WWE Women's Champion wants to give some more thoughts on the matter between her and Carmella Costello this Sunday. "Carmella, what's the worst day of your life? Was it a bad report card? An injury? A bad break-up? A fight with a family member? I can tell you that whatever you pick, you're wrong. I bet you and your brother are already getting everything ready for the big celebration and photo shoots and interviews and blah-blah-blah. You believe you already have Sunday in the bag just because Brooke says so. Carmella, the worst day of your life is the day you realize you don't and can't hold a candle to me and you recognize that taking this Women's Title from me just isn't in the cards for you. And then the day after that is also going to be your worst day. Then the day after that. Then the day after that. Worst day after worst day stacking up until the reality drives you crazy and you leave this plane of existence knowing I'm better than you!"

Sixth Match: Leah vs. Hannah McCormick
Leah is kind of low on morale so I figure stick her in right here. Oh, I'd stick in her, if you catch my drift...ahem. Anyway, this rules all kinds of ass as you've got two women who know each inside and out...ahem. I'm not making this look good for me, am I? Back to the match, it's awesome as you'd expect as the announcers remind us of the stakes this Sunday between the respective teams of these two. Leah ends up getting a tremendous flurry that causes Hannah to shift into emergency chicken shit mode as she tries to back away. Leah isn't having it and she takes Hannah and herself to the outside over the top via a Cactus Clothesline. Hannah continues her desperate measures to create space between her and Leah. That's going to cause her to reach for her trusty guitar and shove it into the ribs of Leah. That's going to be a DQ against Hannah, but she just looks relieved to be done with Leah at the moment. She takes the time to get in a couple of boots in as Leah is fallen over clutching her sides. It looks like she's going to El Kabong Leah, but Bonnie Beckham comes running down to chase off Hannah and put an end to that idea. ****1/2, 92% overall.

MAIN EVENT: Wrakk, Chris Collins, Ozzy Mandias, Jason Sorola, Hugo vs. Simon Bennett, Kyle Jacobs, Jordan Demiras, Michael Haywood, Eddy Clash
Well this will be a delightful mess, no? Bennett gets on the mic to give some lip to Wrakk. He claims he's not looking to get a pound of flesh from the Unified World Champion in the name of Paul Andrews. "Andrews is a big boy, he's been through what Wrakk did before and come out smiling. No, I'm taking a piece of Wrakk because it's what's owed to me! The Royal Rumble is where Wrakk's new era ends before it ever begins!"

This is all wonderful chaos and a great way to end things for the night. We naturally get the big finisher flurry at the end. Eddy Clash and Hugo fight their way up the ramp and end up crashing into the set on the stage. It's down to Bennett and Ozzy as the legal men. Bennett ducks a big boot from Wrakk and the champion ends up hitting Ozzy by mistake. Jacobs tackles Wrakk to the outside while Bennett goes to work by slapping the Bennett Lock on Ozzy. No one is around to save Ozzy and he ends up tapping out to give the win to the faces. Bennett stands tall as he climbs the top rope and poses, lording over Wrakk as the two exchange glares. ****1/2, 91% overall.

Overall show rating: 90%[/b]
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