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Old 06-15-2023, 09:25 AM   #3380
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Raw: December 3, 2040

Opening Match: Naomi Bailey and Dusk vs. The Lonely Girls
This seemed like a natural thing to put together after the events of the last few shows. Naomi is out in full Queen of the Ring garb as she says she's wearing it to remind us all about just who the hell she is! She tells us that we had all be voting for her as this year's Woman of the Year. She's more talented than her cousin Eclypse. She's much better looking and more of a real woman than that Barbie doll Jenna Kyle. And most of all, she was more dominant than that fake champion Sonya Braddock!

It might seem odd to open a show with a women's match, but holy fuck, these women have got it going to speak. It breaks down towards the end with Jenna and Naomi as legal while Dusk just brutalizes Faith on the outside. Dusk threatens to smash Faith with the steel steps while the ref tries to disuade her. Naomi uses this opportunity to introduce Jenna's forehead to her Queen of the Ring scepter. Dusk backs off and drops the steps and the ref turns to count the pin giving the heels the win. Naomi just pinned the number one contender to the Women's Title. That's certainly not going to get her to shut up. *****, 95% overall. I mean, God damn....

In-Ring Super Special Talky Time as Chet Morris comes out, no doubt to explain his reprehensible actions on SmackDown!. He wants us to know that he doesn't feel sorry for what he did to his cousin and don't ask him to be. "It feels that ever since I arrived to the WWE with Lyle, I have been trapped in a box. And everyone, from Haven to Lyle, have all seemed to want to keep me in that box. All I ever was to any of them, was someone to be used. Someone to be loyal to their causes and their agendas. When I made my return, Lyle wasn't happy to have me back as a cousin. He was happy to have me as his back-up. Well, Lyle, in the time that I was gone, I outgrew you. I watched you make a damn fool out of yourself while I wasn't here. And you never even seemed to care about any of my problems. So you are not entitled to any kind of happiness. That's why I did what I did on Friday. You will no longer be the albatross around my neck, the anchor around my leg. It had to be done and I can assure all of y'all, I am not done with my purging. I...have been set free...." Huh. That's weird. Wasn't that the same thing Hugo said on Friday? Either way, Chet takes his leave as we're left to ponder his future actions.

Second Match: Galino & Farnes vs. Jordan Demiras and Martyn LaSalle
Demiras and LaSalle reunite to continue the good fight against Hotbody's crew! This shit is awesome as you'd expect, despite the charisma void coming from the heels. It's breaking down in Tulsa as Demiras gets sent into the ringpost on the outside. Ozzy Mandias makes his way on out. Is he here to lend a hand to LaSalle? Nope. He floors him with a clothesline and delivers the Blizzard of Oz and rolls out of the ring while the ref is distracted. The heels regroup and team up for SERIOUS INQUIRIES! on LaSalle to really knock him loopy and that's enough to give them the win. Ozzy decides he's not done for the night and pulls LaSalle out of the ring and proceeds to beat on him some more. Into the steps LaSalle goes and Ozzy decides to do what Dusk didn't and sandwiches LaSalle's head in between the two sets of stairs. Jesus, that looked brutal. That might put LaSalle out of commission for a while. *****, 96% overall. I guess people really dug Ozzy's heel turn. Glad I pulled the trigger on it finally.

Third Match: Seth Von Kamp vs. Cameron Harper
Harper gets on the stick and informs us that he's had a talk with Jake Connelly and the legend himself is open to being his manager, but said that he would like to see a bit more from Harper before making any kind of promises. Harper says that he thinks he knows what Jake Connelly has in mind. Connelly wants to see some initiative. He wants some bold statements. "Well, there's no time like the present and I can't think of a bigger and bolder statement to make under these circumstances. So seeing as how you, Seth, were game and man enough to accept a challenge for your Intercontinental Title on Superstars, I don't see a reason why you can't put it on the line again right here, right now! Jake Connelly will be tripping all over himself to manage the new Intercontinental Champion! So how about it, Seth?"

Seth looks perplexed at this request and doesn't seem too sure. Cameron asks him if he's scared. Well that's rather rude. Seth doesn't look happy about this proposal but ultimately agrees and thus we have ourselves a little bonus!

WWE Intercontinental Title: Seth Von Kamp (c) vs. Cameron Harper
Points for such a move and Harper certainly tries here. Seth handles things well as the veteran, making Harper look good. Gold, unfortunately, is not in the cards for Harper tonight, as Seth outmaneuvers the firey upstart in a pinfall reserval sequence that ends with Seth scoring the pin off a backslide to retain the title. Harper doesn't look pleased as the champ takes his victory lap. What'll be his next move? ****1/2, 90% overall.

Backstage, Luscious is with Zed Jones and of course, her man, Michael Hotbody. They hope that Clubber Harris hasn't forgotten about Zed because Zed certainly hasn't forgotten about Harris. Zed has been looking for some more fight ever since Survivor Series and he's eager to get that fight from Clubber Harris. However, he's going to get it on his own terms, on his own time, when he's ready. Zed isn't some impetuous child. He knows he's tougher and badder than Harris. Zed Jones doesn't need to be flailing about in brawls that aren't going to mean anything. He'll let us all know when he's ready to take on the challenge of the so-called Ebony Empire. All empires fall, some harder than others. Hotbody also wants to add on that while he's not sure of who is going to come out on top of the next match, Hotbody assures either one of them that there's nothing but disappointment waiting for them at Bragging Rights.

Fourth Match: 2 out of 3 Falls - Jason Sorola vs. Gavin Jones
Winner gets a shot at the Cruiserweight Title at Bragging Rights here. I may be showing my hand as to who's going to win this with that stipulation. Hey, it's the journey, not the destination, right? Make no mistake, this match is a helluva journey. Sorola gets the first fall with some rope-assisted shenanigans while Gavin gets back into it by submitting Sorola in the second fall with the STF. The final fall is all full speed ahead as they each want to get this over with. Sorola looks for a superplex off the top but Gavin shuts that down with a sunset powerbomb off the top to set Sorola up for a Frog Splash and that'll be enough to give him the final fall and the ticket to Bragging Rights. *****, 96% overall.

More backstage goodness as Nathan Quinn is with Adam Hail. Boy, howdy, are they mad at Simon Bennett or what? Hail wants to remind Bennett that what he did to him was nothing personal and he should've learned to not mess with him anymore, especially since Bennett's team lost at Survivor Series. But Bennnett just had to ruin things on SmackDown! by costing Hail a chance to go to Bragging Rights with a title shot! Bennett is just determined to make this personal so Hail is going to oblige him. Bennett is dared to try crossing the two of them one more time.

Fifth Match: Hannah McCormick vs. Leah
So these two are the representatives chosen by their respective managers. Leah has to win to get her and Bonnie Beckham a shot at the Women's Tag Titles while Hannah needs to win so she can get added to the Women's Title match at Bragging Rights. The ladies bring the goods as you would expect. Leah's charisma is rough to overcome, but they pull it out. Leah has Hannah set up for a Sultry Splash but Nathan trips her up as she goes for the ropes. Paul Andrews decides to go after Nathan in response while Hannah decks Leah from behind. She sneaks outside while the ref is busy with the two managers and she grabs her custom mic. Back in the ring she goes and she looks like she's going to clobber Leah with it BUT SIMON BENNETT IS IN THE RING!!! He snatches the mic away and Hannah turns to face him and is shocked as a result of what she sees. Bennett rolls on out while Leah hits a bulldog, setting up for another attempt at the Sultry Splash. She hits it this time and the ref is back in the game and counts the pin for Leah. Simon Bennett looks like he just took Nathan and Hail up on their dare. ****1/2, 92% overall.

Sixth Match: Alexander Piero and The Wyldhearts vs. Chris Collins and The Royal Effect
Piero gets on the mic and announces that he has accepted a No DQ match with Chris Collins that will take place on Superstars this Thursday. Piero agrees that things need to be settled between himself and Collins. Piero wants Chris to know that this war between them has never really been about vengeance for Madison or fighting for her honor. Those are important things to be sure, but the truth of the matter is that Piero just doesn't like Chris Collins. Collins is welcome to try to beat that respect he so craves out of Piero this Thursday. Collins is going to learn that not everyone that comes his way can be overlooked and dismissed so easily.

This is a crossroads between two big fueds of course. No doubt the Royal Effect want their rematch for those tag titles. This will have to do for now and it's a bunch of goodness. Piero is all fired up as we head home in this match and he's so overwhelming that Collins decides maybe waiting until Thursday is probably a good idea. He tags in Kavovit without the latter's knowledge or approval and bails. Piero brings Kavovit in the hard way. The Wyldhearts inctercept McKay and hit the Heartstopper on him while Piero nailes the Flashpoint on Kavovit and that's going to give the faces the pinfall win. What's in store for Piero and Collins on Thursday>!> *****, 94% overall.

SPORTZ ENTERTAINMENT TIME!!!~~~ as Haven once again makes his way to the ring. He's solemn as he addresses the crowd. "Explanations. How does one truly explain a matter when it is so deeply personal and quite possibly your greatest failure? My message of unity and cleansing of the wicked has always been my guiding purpose and it is a message that I have always believed because I know it to be righteous and true. Try as I might, I cannot always save everyone, for one reason or another. Perhaps one seeks the same goal, but is interested in another method to acheive it. Those are the ones that I can respect and forgive. However, there are those that would want to twist matters and be nothing but selfish. Victor Dark once came to me, eager to take part in my crusade to save the lost souls of this land and put them on a better path. But he was the Cain to my Abel. A jackal lying in wait to snatch away what he himself did not build nor earn. And caught in this crossfire, was a young woman...Andrea. I failed you most of all. You see..."

"Woah, woah, woah...," interrupts a voice. On stage Victor Dark and Andrea come out and look to respond to Haven's monologue. Andrea does the talking as she glares at Haven. "You're the failure. Your whole being and message is a lie. You crave power. Everyone here and everyone watching, ask yourself why he calls himself 'The Dark Shepherd'. That would imply that everyone following you is nothing more than some mindless bleating animal that you can exploit. But if you want to call me a failure, well you don't have to worry. Victor here, saved me. And while you may not have The Order anymore, the truth of the matter is that you haven't really suffered any major consequences from its fallout, have you? You still parade around here commanding fear and respect like the fraud that you are. Well, Victor Dark is here to take care of all"

Victor takes the mic and continues the browbeating. "Haven, it has been my mission ever since your departure to this place to bring you your day of reckoning. I have been hard at work setting people free from your nonsense. Some familiar to you, others that might've fallen under your sway had I not intervened. You see, unlike you, my purpose is not control, but to liberate. You have nobody to blame but yourself for what is to come."

Haven looks like he's heard enough and gets back on the mic. "If that is the case, then perhaps what is to come should happen right now!" He drops the microphone and starts making his way towards Victor. Victor steps in front of Andrea and looks prepared. Haven isn't stopping BUT HERE COMES HUGO!!! WTF is the deal with this lunatic?!? He stops Haven from reaching Victor rather violently and just assaults Haven, sending him into the set. He then decides to put the exclamation point on it by pressing Haven off the stage to the equipment below. WTF is going here?!? We need help for Haven!

MAIN EVENT: Ryan Pattillo vs. Orlando Kincaid
Pattillo wants to talk about how he's looking to get back on track and things are looking up for him now that he's the number one contender for Wrakk's Unified World Title at Bragging Rights. In some weird way, he has Orlando Kincaid to thank for this, as the focus that he's been on these past few weeks has seemed to do wonders for him. It's been a rollercoaster of a year for Pattillo, but he can cap it off by capturing the biggest prize in the business once again. This match is fire and a great way to end the evening as well as put this little feud to rest. Speaking of Wrakk, he makes his way out to watch the proceedings. I figure giving the number one contender a solid clean win will certainly help his standing, especially after a banger. It's a struggle but ultimately Kincaid falls victim to the Shutdown and Pattillo ends the night by getting a pinfall win. He trades glares with Wrakk as we go off the air. *****, 94% overall.

Overall show rating: 89%

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