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Old 06-04-2023, 11:58 PM   #3364
Evil Vito
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It's baaaaaaaack!

AEW Dynamite
June 7, 2023

Pyro and ballyhoo to begin the broadcast, seguing directly in to "Tarzan Boy" by Baltimore. We've got some high octane tornado tag action right from the jump!

Tornado Tag Match: ”Jungle Boy” Jack Perry and Hook vs. La Faccion Ingobernable (Preston Vance & Dralistico)

A wild brawl to start us off with as these four men battle all over the arena, getting the crowd into a frenzy from the get-go. Vance is the largest man in the match by far and he starts cleaning house, forcing Jungle Hook to break out the weapons. A few well-placed trashcan lid shots send Vance down, leaving Dralistico all alone. Hook locks in the Redrum for the tap out victory win for the faces.

As they celebrate, fellow LFI members Rush and Jose the Assistant charge down to the ring, with Rush wanting more of Jungle Boy after their match a few weeks ago. Just as Rush is about to enter into the ring, he throws poor Jose in instead and gets a Brainbuster for his troubles. ***, 72% overall rating


MJF Promo

AEW World Champion Maxwell Jacob Friedman makes his way out to the ring to a chorus of boos, sporting his trademark smirk. This is the first we’ve seen MJF since he defended his title in a Fatal Four Way match at Double or Nothing.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, let's face it. A week and a half ago, you had the privilege of watching me annihilate your so-called heroes at Double or Nothing. Darby Allin, Sammy Guevara, Jungle Boy, lined up like dominos. And just like dominos, they fell one after the other.

Darby Allin, the emo skateboarder who somehow thought he could step in the ring with me. You think facepaint and a skate punk attitude is enough? Oh please! You're lucky I didn't shove your skateboard down your throat!

And then there was Sammy Guevara, the Spanish God? More like a Spanish Mouse. Couldn't hit a vlog shot if his life depended on it. And as for Jungle Boy... *chuckles* If you ever decide to crawl back from the depths of the jobber jungle, call me. I'll gladly put you back in your place again.

But now, apparently, it's about what's next. The so-called 'Forbidden Door' is opening, and I'm being forced to defend the AEW Title against a...a...[chuckles]...New Japan Pro-Wrestling superstar?

Seriously? In just six months I can walk out that door and Tony Khan is going to force me to defend this title against someone from a company where the biggest thing going on is the number of hip replacements its wrestlers need!

Rumor has it that Uncle Tony and the New Japan front office have got me going up against one of their "best", Tetsuya Naito??? Naito, the self-proclaimed 'Uncontrollable Charisma'? More like 'Uncontrollable Boredom'. I mean, has anyone ever actually made it through one of his matches without dozing off?

[He laughs and shrugs, the crowd's boos growing louder.]

But hey, it's not all bad. Once I'm done with Naito, I can start charging the rest of the New Japan roster for wrestling lessons. Maybe then they might rise above their status as a mid company. And I’ll remind everyone once again that I’m better than you, and you know it!


TNT Championship: Wardlow (C) w/ Arn Anderson vs. QT Marshall w/ Aaron Solo and Powerhouse Hobbs

Wardlow is back in action following a ladder match title defense over Christian Cage at Double or Nothing. Poor ‘ol QT really doesn’t have much of a prayer here as all of his underhanded tactics are quickly thwarted and Wardlow treats him to a bevy of Powerbombs for his troubles as Wardlow retains.

Post-match, Aaron Solo tries to intervene and gets Powerbombed as well. Wardlow joyfully takes turns Powerbombing both QT and Solo. QT helplessly watches his “friend” Powerhouse Hobbs on the ramp and calls for Hobbs to help, but Hobbs just walks off, leaving QT and his underling to get the fuck beaten out of them. **3/4, 69% overall


Christian Cage and Luchasaurus video promo

Wardlow celebrates with Arn Anderson, when the lights dim and Christian Cage appears on the tron with Luchasaurus.

CHRISTIAN CAGE: (chuckles and starts applauding) Bravo, Wardlow. Bravo! I must admit, you put on quite the show at Double or Nothing.

(The crowd hushes, intently focusing on the screen. Christian’s eyes narrow, his tone dripping with sarcasm.)

CHRISTIAN CAGE: And beating me, no less. Truly commendable. But let's not forget, you needed to scale ladders to do it.

(He points to the towering Luchasaurus next to him, a smirk playing on his lips.)

CHRISTIAN CAGE: So, you want to be the biggest monster in this company, huh?

(Luchasaurus grunts affirmatively, cracking his knuckles.)

CHRISTIAN CAGE: Alright, then. Prove it. If you're as tough as you claim to be, why not put that shiny TNT Title on the line?

(Christian glances at Luchasaurus, the giant dinosaur-man towering over him, flexing his muscles.)

CHRISTIAN CAGE: Against my monster, Luchasaurus. Next week.
(The crowd erupts in a mixture of cheers and boos, the atmosphere electric with anticipation. The camera pans back to the ring where Wardlow, now serious, gazes directly at the screen.)

(He smirks and gives a confident nod. The challenge is accepted.)
WARDLOW: (Mouths silently, confidently) Next week.


AEW Women’s World Championship: Toni Storm (C) w/ Ruby Soho and Saraya vs. Riho

A really strong match here between these two women as Storm will always bring the goods in the ring, and Riho is the perfect opponent for Storm to throw around like a ragdoll. Some pretty decent blending of brawling and technical acumen here with Riho trying to avoid the distractions from The Outcasts on the outside. As Saraya distracts the ref, Ruby trips up Riho in the corner, setting her up for a Hip Attack from Storm as she retains. ***1/2, 77% overall


Don Callis backstage with Konosuke Takeshita

[CAMERA ON: The scene opens backstage, red curtains behind, lighting overhead. DON CALLIS stands tall and proud in his tailored suit, his signature sunglasses perched atop his head. By his side, KONOSUKE TAKESHITA, whose strong silent gaze beams confidence.]

CALLIS: [Adjusts tie, clears throat] "You know, Omega, I remember when I took you under my wing, polished you into the gem you are today. [Chuckles, wry smile] Or, maybe I should say, the gem you were. I made you, Kenny. I carved you into the icon, the legend, the Cleaner. But it's always the creator who knows the creation's every flaw, every crack."
[Camera cuts to a close shot of Takeshita, listening intently to Callis' every word. Camera switches back to Callis.]

CALLIS: "And at Forbidden Door, you've got your work cut out for you. Will Ospreay, huh? You know, in another lifetime, I might've called Ospreay a step-down from you. But, Kenny, things have changed. Ospreay has become a titan in his own right, while you… Well, you've lost your luster."
[Callis leans in closer, his voice turning into a hushed whisper.]

CALLIS: "But let's imagine, just for a moment, that you do survive Ospreay. That you do somehow hold onto your precious IWGP United States Championship. You still have to contend with this man standing beside me, Konosuke Takeshita. My 'son'. And let me assure you, Kenny, if Ospreay doesn't do the job, Takeshita will be more than happy to."
[Callis steps aside, motioning to Takeshita.]

CALLIS: "Kenny, meet your destiny. Meet the man who's going to make you wish you stayed in Winnipeg. Konosuke Takeshita is coming, and he's bringing a storm with him. And I promise you this... the aftermath is going to be a sight to see."

[CAMERA OFF: Callis, smirking, drapes an arm around Takeshita, both men looking directly into the camera as the scene fades to black.]


AEW International Championship: “Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy (C) vs. Swerve Strickland

So far, the real-life June 7th edition of Dynamite has three matches booked – the tornado tag, Jay White vs. Ricky Starks, and this one. I suspect this match will rule and EWR apparently agrees as these two provide to have fantastic chemistry, along with Orange being one of the most over acts in the company.

Orange remains mostly nonplussed even when Swerve’s associate Brian Cage ambles his way down to the ring, but even the slightest distraction proves costly as Swerve hits him with a back suplex. Swerve ascends the top looking for the Swerve Stomp, but Orange was playing possum and moves last second, getting the flash pin and the title retention.

After the match, Cage hops in as he and Swerve put the boots to Cassidy, only for the music of “Limitless” Keith Lee to hit! Lee has some unfinished business with his former tag partner Swerve, and his presence sends the heels heading for the exits. ****, 83% overall


Chris Jericho and Adam Cole promo battle

Chris Jericho, flanked by the Jericho Appreciation Society, makes his way out to the ring to boos. He grabs a microphone and makes his address.

Jericho: "Adam Cole, Baby! You think you're all that, don't you? You might have one-upped me these past two times, but that doesn't change anything, Bay-Bay. The Forbidden Door is coming up and I've got something in my sights that you failed to grab hold of last year - the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship!"

Jericho: "That's right, the Championship that eluded you, the one that you were too weak, too timid to seize. But me? I'm Chris Jericho, the living legend, the Demo God, The Ocho the man who redefined professional wrestling. I'm not just going to seize that Championship, I'm going to claim it, brand it, make it MINE!"

[As he finishes, Adam Cole's music hits. He comes out to the ramp, a confident look on his face as he walks down, microphone in hand]
Cole: "Jericho, Jericho, Jericho... you're living in the past, man. You're so obsessed with being the 'Best in the World' that you're willing to make a fool out of yourself, time and time again. But this time, you're just barking at the wrong tree."

Jericho: "Oh, is that so? Because last I checked, Forbidden Door was the very show that nearly ended your career. You were broken, beaten, humiliated. You were concussed beyond measure, barely survived, and you think you can tell me to step aside? You think you can deny 'The Ocho' his rightful claim to become 'The Nueve'?"

Jericho: "You see, Cole... For your own sake, and to save you from another career-threatening beating, maybe you should just step aside and let the big boys play. Because if you don't, and if you dare to stand in my way, I promise you this - I will make sure that your career doesn't just nearly end. It will be over. Completely and unequivocally. You won't be 'Adam Cole, Bay-Bay!' anymore. You'll be 'Adam Cole, Bye-Bye!'"


“Absolute” Ricky Starks vs. “Switchblade” Jay White

Starks and White have been at each others’ throats for over a month now, and this match figures to be where the tension finally comes to the boiling point. White’s Bullet Club Gold teammate Juice Robinson is banned from ringside, as are FTR who have come to Starks’ aid in recent weeks. So this should be it, mano-y-mano with no fuckery, right?

Of course not, Switchblade is the catalyst for a reason. The two have a pretty solid match, but just as it appears Starks is getting the upper hand, White desperately heaves him to the outside and then ties up the referee. Meanwhile, who should emerge from the crowd but Powerhouse Hobbs! He has a bitter history with Starks, and he’s here to rekindle that rivalry. He spinebusters Starks into the steps, and throws him back into the ring where White hits him with a Blade Runner and a win.

White laughs and points to his head, after all – only Juice Robinson was banned from helping him. White and Hobbs do the all too familiar “Too Sweet” gesture. Guess we know why Hobbs walked out on the QTV crew earlier, because he’s on to better things as apparently the newest member of Bullet Club Gold! ***, 77% overall


Kenny Omega backstage interview

Renee Paquette stands in the backstage area of AEW Dynamite. Kenny Omega appears in the frame, the IWGP United States Championship draped over his shoulder. His eyes, cool and focused, gaze directly into the camera.
RENEE: Kenny, earlier tonight, Don Callis made some pretty strong statements. He called Konosuke Takeshita his son, and said you're ripe for the picking for Will Ospreay, and that. Any comments?

Before Omega can answer, the frame widens to reveal Bryan Danielson and Jon Moxley of the Blackpool Combat Club entering the shot. The crowd, even from the backstage, roars their arrival.

DANIELSON: The Invisible Hand isn’t wrong, Omega. Ospreay's ready for the hunt. But then again, so am I. At Forbidden Door I'm gearing up to face Kazuchika Okada, the so-called best wrestler in the world.

Moxley steps forward, an unmistakable edge in his voice.

MOXLEY: And as for me, I'm issuing an open challenge. Any NJPW wrestler who thinks they've got what it takes can step through the Forbidden Door.
Danielson turns back to Omega, his gaze stinging.

DANIELSON: You, Omega... You're just an amateur compared to us. AN AMATEUR! How do you possibly think you’ll get out of Toronto with your title. Don’t you remember at Double or Nothing when WHEELER YUTA pinned you?
In a quick, unexpected move, Yuta enters from behind and, strikes Omega with a cheap shot. Omega reels back, and before he can recover, Danielson and Moxley join in.

The camera shakes as the three of them lay into Omega, the interview turned into a backstage brawl. The segment concludes with Blackpool Combat Club standing triumphant over a fallen Omega, their message loud and clear.


Main Event: Claudio Castagnoli vs. “Hangman” Adam Page

Following that backstage assault of Kenny, we jump right into this main event to write another chapter in the ongoing war between the Blackpool Combat Club and The Elite. Not much too say here other than that these two also have fantastic chemistry and they put on an absolute belter of a performance.

As the match begins to draw to a close, we see on camera that the Blackpool Combat Club have also taken out The Young Bucks backstage, and they begin to walk out and surround the ring. The Dark Order appear on the ramp to a huge pop, but rather than come out to help...they look at Hangman with a look of disappointment, upset that Hangman has been spending more time with The Elite than with them, and they turn around and leave.

Hangman and Claudio continue their battle only for the hobbled Young Bucks to make their way back out to try to fight the BCC. Through the fracas, Yuta tries to distract Hangman as Claudio prepares for a running uppercut, only for Hangman to duck and Yuta is sent flying off the apron. Buckshot Lariat and Hangman retains, as the tension between the Elite and BCC is far from over. ****1/4, 88% overall

82% overall show rating
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