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Old 08-09-2022, 01:32 PM   #3289
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Originally Posted by Evil Vito View Post
Night 9

A Block: Chris Jericho vs. Wheeler Yuta

Ironic timing for this one as these two just main evented last week's Dynamite in real life, yet here they are facing off in the opener with all of 2 points between them. The real life match was actually a lot of fun and I kinda felt a similar vibe here with Yuta being the fiery underdog getting ever so close to pulling off the upset only for Jericho to stunt the momentum with a well-placed cheap shot. Jericho takes it old school and wrenches Yuta's back in the Liontamer for a win. Jericho moves up to 4 points while poor Yuta stays winless.

Winner: Chris Jericho
Time: 14:53
Rating: 96%

Is anyone seriously getting over with the name Wheeler Yuta? Why not just "Yuta"? I know the NXT Name Generator is everyone's favorite punching bag but that doesn't let everyone else off the hook.

B Block: Jay Lethal vs. Scorpio Sky

When I script out a card I do seem to always put the guys with the lowest amount of points early even when they're facing someone near the top of the block. Such was the case here as Sky's 2 points sees him in the opener against Lethal coming off of a big win against Punk. Lethal carries this momentum right on through into a really great contest between the two. Sky ducks a Clothesline and hits a Superkick for a flash pin.

Winner: Jay Lethal
Time: 13:56
Rating: 93%

It's going to be the year 3207 and wrestling will have been reduced to small underground "fight clubs" with mutated humans who have survived nuclear fallout and there will still be jackoffs winning matches with a Superkick.

A Block: Darby Allin vs. "The Murderhawk Monster" Lance Archer

Holy shitballs, Archer might be turning into the tournament MVP despite the relative lack of success in the points column. He's had multiple really long, epic matches including this one which could've been a prototypical little guy vs. big guy match and instead turned into much more, spilling all over the arena floor and everywhere else.

Darby shows he's just a glutton for punishment as he finds a way to kick out of everything Archer throws at him, from the Big Boot through the Final Days. Archer picks him up for a Powerbomb which Darby reverses into a Hurricanrana for a successful pin and a guaranteed share of 1st place for another week.

Winner: Darby Allin
Time: 26:30
Rating: 94%

Can Fire Pro be worked to where you can have wrestlers using trademark foreign objects? It'd be something if the game were to have Darby pull his skateboard from under the ring and use it to score the win over a larger guy like Murderhawk.

B Block: Samoa Joe vs. "The Bastard" PAC

Guess we've had too many bangers in a row so it only makes sense that a match that, on paper, would also be a banger ends up being a big disappointment. For a second show in a row, PAC shows he's not being paid by the hour as he just throws everything he has at Joe in short order. Maybe Joe is still feeling the effects of the 30 minute draw last time out but he just couldn't keep up with PAC and the Black Arrow finishes things up.

Winner: PAC
Time: 6:45
Rating: 64%

Everyone has their off days, I guess. Not even Kevin Nash could keep up a 30% effort on a consistent basis.

A Block: MJF vs. Swerve Strickland

File this one under "matches that I'd like to see in real life if MJF ever actually fucking returns". This show is batting .800 in terms of quality as the two go back and forth with MJF's attempts to cheat never quite being enough to put Swerve away.

MJF apparently didn't learn his lesson from last time as he again tries to expose a corner post, only to see his effort go awry and see him sent into the steel instead. Swerve heads up for the Swerve Stomp and grabs the win.

Winner: Swerve Strickland
Time: 13:02
Rating: 86%

I'm having a hard time explaining it but for some reason the game granting so much favor to a motherfucker named Swerve Strickland pisses me off.

B Block: Powerhouse Hobbs vs. CM Punk

Samoa Joe being exhausted from his 30 minute encounter with Hobbs no longer seems like a valid excuse as Hobbs went out there and had himself another lengthy battle, this time against CM Punk. Fun fact - yours truly was in attendance the last time these two wrestled one another, at last year's Grand Slam event in Arthur Ashe Stadium, which was just Punk's second match back. Was a good match and I'd be happy to see it again.

Anyway, Punk enters this match reeling from two straight defeats to Daniel Garcia and then Jay Lethal. He's clearly hurting and favoring his knee, and Hobbs is relentless in his pursuit. He did muster just enough strength in that knee to roll out of a Powerslam and hit a well-placed GTS to stop the bleeding and get himself back in the win column.

Winner: CM Punk
Time: 21:38
Rating: 98%

Punk uses a knee-based move to win even though his knee is fucked is like when Edge had his arm worked over the entire time but still winning with the Spear.

A Block: Andrade El Idolo vs. Ethan Page

This show has been on great match overload so it only makes sense we veer back down into the "perfectly acceptable" territory of things. Crowd wasn't sure who to support this one as it was two cocky pricks going had to had, but Page's early tournament momentum has certainly vanished. Andrade hits the El Idolo DDT to move into a three-way tie atop the leaderboard.

Winner: Andrade El Idolo
Time: 9:37
Rating: 76%

I'm sure there are other people under the AEW banner I'd appreciate to have in a 3-way...

B Block: Malakai Black vs. Daniel Garcia

Garcia is coming into this match after successive tapouts of CM Punk and Bryan Danielson, so really no matter what else he does here, he's got a boasting point for a long while. Unfortunately his luck seems to have run out here as Black was there to meet him strike for strike. These two kick the shit out of each other (quite literally), right up through Black hitting the Black Mass kick to secure the W.

Winner: Malakai Black
Time: 11:42
Rating: 89%

This makes me call back to when CM Punk tweeted how he shit his britches on SmackDown!.

B Block: "The American Dragon" Bryan Danielson vs. "The Natural" Dustin Rhodes

Coming off of a big win against Malakai Black, matchmakers decided to reward Dustin with a main event spot against Danielson as both men go into this match sitting at 6 points. These two had themselves a really nice match, back and forth throughout with several nearfalls on both sides.

Danielson kicks out of the Final Reckoning to Dustin's surprise. He picks Bryan up to go for it again but Bryan fights his way out of it before laying in a barrage of kicks. Bryan heads off to the corner and waits for Dustin to rise. Busaiku Knee! And the Dragon is back in the win column.

Winner: Bryan Danielson
Time: 11:14
Rating: 88%

I'm torn on this one. I mean, yay for Bryan but at the same time fuck him for possibly derailing my horse in Dustin.
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