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Old 05-18-2022, 01:22 AM   #3245
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SmackDown!: November 2, 2040

We open with the new WWE Women's Tag Team Champions, the Southern Belles, who are being accompanied by Nathan Quinn. No doubt they need to explain to everyone what the hell is going on and why Nathan decided to screw over his former clients, the Perfections. Nathan takes the mic and boasts about what he did. "Can any of you really blame me for what I did to Leah and Bonnie? When I began my career to cultivate the best talent under my watch and guidance, I needed winners. Proven winners. Solid commodities that would stand the test of time. Leah and Bonnie were NOTHING when I stumbled across them. They couldn't handle the likes of Faith and Jenna when it mattered the most. Hannah McCormick here, on the other hand, is the goods. She's a Queen of the Ring winner. She's been in some of the biggest women's matches in WrestleMania. And she's mentored Bobbi Jo over here into a worthy partner. These are the women I want representing me. That's why I made sure they walked out of No Mercy the champions. They've been owed that level of recognition several times over. There just needed to be a few "obstacles" removed out of the way. Nobody watching this should hold my actions against me because believe me when I say that this is only the beginning."

Hannah takes the mic and continues the verbal beatdown. "It is just the beginning, Nathan, and no, nobody should hold what you did against you. Because this has been the year of people fed up with not getting what they've been owed and doing something about it. None of us are going to feel guilty about winning these belts. We're not going to feel sorry for the propped up poster girls, Faith and Jenna. We're DEFINITELY not going to feel sorry for Leah and Bonnie, who time and time again, failed to take advantage of the opportunity given to them by being managed by a legend like Nathan Quinn. You two failed to live up to the trust you were given and what that did was open up a slot for Bobbi and I. We'll do what you couldn't accomplish and there's not a damn thing you can do about it!"

Cue Leah and Bonnie who are going to try to do a damn thing about it. The Perfections rush the ring and try to get some of the new champs and it leads to a quick 2-on-2 brawl before the champions decide to bolt at the direction of Nathan Quinn. Threats are exchanged between all parties as this is evidently a face turn for the Perfections. But what did Nathan mean when he said this was only the beginning?

First Match: Ethan Lang vs. Jerome McDougal
Pre-match, Jerome's manager, Aaron Ramsey decides to set the stage for this by claiming he made an overture to Ethan Lang but was shot down. Is Ethan too good to accept help? He can't take a compliment? If there's one thing to take away from what everyone witnessed at the top of the show it's that you need to be wise about who you want to associate with! It's fine, though, because Jerome McDougal can take this kid to school and show him the error of his ways. Ethan Lang comes out but takes the mic and wants to set the record straight. He claims that he's flattered to receive such attention but the truth is that he had another offer that he was entertaining and the ink is still wet from that deal. So what better time than now than to introduce the man who is willing and able to mentor Ethan Lang? Ladies and gentleman, please welcome back to the WWE...JAKE CONNELLY!!!

The crowd goes into frenzied confusion at this announcement and HOLY SHIT! Ethan wasn't fucking around! Jake Connelly is here! He hasn't been seen since his retirement match against Brandon Reigns! Aaron Ramsey and Jerome flip the fuck out in outrage. There's not a lot they can do, however, as the match is underway. It's some good shit, Jake Connelly's return aside. Fast forward to the finish as Aaron tries some of his interference shenanigans but Connelly yanks him off the apron and KOs him with the Vision Impairment. Jerome is all "WTF?" and Ethan capitalizes with the Bitter Languish to score the pin. Connelly joins Ethan in the ring and raises his hand. What more is to come from this partnership? And who else, if anyone, does Connelly have his eye on? ****1/2, 86% overall.

In-Ring Super Special Talky Time with the WWE Women's Champion, Naomi Bailey. She wants to address the multitude of changes that have been happening in the WWE recently. A new Unified World Champion. New tag team champions, both in the men's and women's divisions. Managers getting new clients. Jake Connelly returning. But there's no need for anyone to worry because there is still one constant: Naomi Bailey is STILL the best damn thing going on in the women's division and she has proof because she is STILL the Women's Champion! The only one real major change going on with Naomi Bailey is that she made the smart decision to dump the dead weight that was dragging her down! Naomi was tired of carrying Eclypse and her toxicity around. She took her shot and failed miserably and what happened to her last night on Superstars was the exclamation point. Eclypse got what was coming to her and she's been sent back to whatever hole she likes to crawl into. If she were smart, she'd take the loss at No Mercy and the ass-kicking she got to heart and stay away. Eclypse took her name too literally and was keeping Naomi out of the spotlight she's earned! Now, NO ONE, is in Naomi's way and NO ONE can stop her path of dominance!

Cue someone who is going to try to stop Naomi's path of dominance. HOLY SHIT!!! SONYA BRADDOCK!!! IT'S GOD DAMN SONYA BRADDOCK!!! The crowd loses their shit as the former champion slowly saunters down to the ring. Naomi is wide-eyed, not believing what she's seeing. Braddock eventually enters the ring and Naomi raises her mic to protest this turn of events but Sonya just KOs the champ with the Left Hand of God before Naomi can get a second word out. That gets a huge pop and Braddock looks down on Naomi briefly before leaving and walking back up the ramp without a word. This has been quite the SmackDown!.

Second Match: The Hero to Millions Around the World, the Host With THE Highest Rated Interview Show In All of Entertainment, The New Age Intellectual Savior to the Masses, The 2031 Fulton County First Place Conga Award Winner, The Luscious Lover and Undefeated Steel Cage Master and REAL 2040 King of the Ring, The Supreme Submission Machine, Mister Twenty-Forty, Former WWE Cruiserweight Champion-Elect, the Cruiserweight Champion Michael Hotbody, Zed Jones, and Galino & Farnes vs. The Wasteland and The British Infection
That poor chevron having to hold all of that information. It's all well-deserved, according to Hotbody. On Raw, Luscious held his sack in her hands and it was just loaded with love! Yes, love from all of the good believers! It was just the boost he needed and now he is on an important quest to find his next challenger! But it's not just a one-man show. He'll gladly share the love with his fine partners here. This is another quality outing here tonight. Hotbody, of course, doesn't really feel like doing much. It comes down to Zed Jones and Nate Exley and Luscious remembers that she hasn't shown the referee her chest tattoo so she uses this opportunity to do so. Fantasee gets involved and Hotbody uses this opportunity to get Exley GAVEL OF DOOMED and Zed capitalizes by going for the pin, giving the heels the win. ****1/2, 91% overall.

Backstage we're finally getting a chance to hear from the former Women's Tag Team Champions, the Lonely Girls. They're not interested in the drama and politics surrounding Nathan Quinn. The bottom line is their titles were stolen. Leah and Bonnie can feel as cheated as they want and that's certainly fair. The Lonely Girls absolutely support their desire to get revenge...they're just going to have to wait their turn.

Third Match: Dusk vs. Lzzy Ryd
Dusk continues to be cool as fuck. I'm hoping I can make something out of her. Faith and her could do some good shit, I think. Another thought for another time. Lzzy is on the menu right now, though. It's hard-hitting and physical but it's not Lzzy's night. Dusk reverses the Jam Session into the Final Sunset and gets the pin. ****1/2, 92% overall.

Fourth Match: Xavier Cross vs. Michael Haywood
Well this rocks all kinds of ass. Haywood actually has Cross on the ropes as we begin to reach the go home point. Ziggy Styles decides to make a nuisance of himself by continuing his scuffle with Haywood. Cross pushes his way out of Haywood trying to lock in the Rage Quit and Ziggy drops Haywood's throat on the top rope and that leads to Cross hitting the Cross Cutter to score the pin. Ziggy rolls into the ring post-match and wants to get him some more of Haywood. It's not looking good for the former Play Pal but we're continuing a theme here tonight AS KYLE JACOBS MAKES HIS RETURN TO MAKE THE SAVE!!! The heels bail as the crowd once again loses their shit. What's going on here tonight? *****, 96% overall.

More In-Ring Super Special Talky Time, this time with Martyn LaSalle. LaSalle points out that he is here without the Cruiserweight Title around his waist. Apparently there's a reason for that and he's been told that Ozzy Mandias has all of the answers surrounding this issue. Well, LaSalle has the time so Ozzy can feel free to make himself known right now and explain it to everyone.

Ozzy Mandias eventually makes his way out and joins LaSalle in the ring. LaSalle says that he heard from Ozzy that LaSalle is reason we don't have a new Cruiserweight Champion and that he can't wait to hear this explanation so let's get to it. Ozzy accuses LaSalle of failing everyone. The plan was perfect. Hotbody was helpless and was ripe for the picking. All LaSalle had to do was finish the job. It should have been easy. But no; LaSalle locks in his weak ass submission hold and couldn't get Hotbody to tap in time before all of Hotbody's buddies came down to screw it all up. LaSalle gave them the time because he couldn't get the job done. From there, it was just one domino falling after another and before you knew it, Hotbody was the last man standing and he got to leave No Mercy with the title. Everyone should blame Martyn LaSalle and Martyn LaSalle should issue an apology to everyone he let down that night...starting with Ozzy Mandias.

LaSalle gets in closer to Ozzy and offers his take. "Maybe next time, pick rock instead of paper. You're not getting an apology out of me but if you think my submission is weak, you're more than welcome to get locked in it and you can tell me how weak it is after I yank your arm out of its socket. You need to quit being a crybaby. You're not owed anything and I'm beyond tired of conversations like this. You want to settle things and make a real statement and try to put me in my place, I'll tell you what. I've got no plans for Survivor Series. It's one of the biggest stages we've got here in the WWE. You show up and take me on and you can try to get an apology out of me then and there. Otherwise, piss off and quit wasting my time."

Ozzy ponders this over before accusing LaSalle of not taking responsibility. His offer is intriguing, however, but he'll have to get back to him on that. Maybe LaSalle can use the time to reconsider his stance on his guilt. And with that Ozzy rolls out of the ring and leaves LaSalle with his thoughts.

Fifth Match: Blaine Bellamey vs. King Kavovit
Neither man has their respective partner with them. Bellamey takes this opportunity to try to goad Kavovit into giving the Wyldhearts a title match. Kavovit tells him to earn one because the Royal Effect aren't in the business of just handing them out. Bellamey claims that he'll earn one right now by beating Kavovit. This is another awesome outing from Kavovit. Blaine helps...sort of. McKay eventually tries to make himself known but Robbie Greer comes out as well to put an end to those plans. The ref is distracted by all of this and MADISON SNEAKS INTO THE RING AND LOW BLOWS KAVOVIT!!! WTF is going on here tonight? Blaine takes advantage with a victory roll and gets the pin. That's FOUR returns on one night!!! *****, 94% overall.

Sixth Match: WWE Unified World Champion Wrakk vs. Cameron Harper
Have to give the champ a solid win here to keep him strong. We get word that the main event for Survivor Series is set as Wrakk will be defending the title against Haven. Harper, in another universe, is probably in a better position but he's got to face the music here and make Wrakk look good. Wrakk hits the Demon Cross and gets the win. Post-match, the lights go out and when they come back on, Haven is in the ring with his hand around the throat of Wrakk!!! Wrakk is wide-eyed but before anything can happen the lights go back off and when they come back on Haven is gone and Wrakk is by himself looking confused as all hell, looking around for Haven. Haven's voice comes over the house mic simply saying "Anytime". Haven looks to be trying some psychological tactics. ****1/2, 93% overall.

MAIN EVENT: Adam Hail vs. Mathias
Hail mocks Paul Andrews for sending in his second-stringer in Mathias. Neither Andrews or Bennett should take things so personal but if this is the avenue they want to take, well, Hail can't be held responsible for what happens next. For what I'm paying out for this segment, it'd better be fucking good. It comes down to both men being knocked down. The ref starts the count but WTF is this? Nathan Quinn comes out of the crowd and nails Paul Andrews from behind!!! This gets the ref's attention and that allows Lonny Richards to come running down and he boots Mathias down as he's trying to get to his feet. Hail climbs to the top and hits the Hail Storm and the ref turns back around and counts the pin for Hail! Quinn and Richards celebrate along with Hail. Simon Bennett again tries to get him some of Hail in the name of revenge but he gets obliterated along with Mathias. Was this what Nathan Quinn was talking about earlier?!? ****1/2, 89% overall.

Overall show rating: 87%
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