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Old 04-26-2022, 02:45 PM   #3240
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Superstars: November 1, 2040

Not really going to advance too much for this show but it does start the build for a few things for Survivor Series. Let's get to it.

We open things up with the NEW WWE Unified World Champion Wrakk in the ring. "The dark days of the WWE have returned!" he claims. "The dark future that I intended to build last year has finally arrived. The people who held this title in the time that I was gone did what they could to the best of their abilities but it's all for naught. It was a falsehood. A brief interruption of what was to be the Kingdom of Pain. Everyone back there had better listen up and listen up good. You're not dealing with some easily broken poster boy like Noah Carmichael. The situation just got a whole lot more real. I've been waiting for this for over a year and I am more than willing to and more than capable of making things very miserable and very uncomfortable for anyone who wants to try to take this from me. You can line up from here to the damn moon. None of you can ever put me through what I had to endure all that time away from this championship. I'll knock you all down with a smile on my face and a sick pleasure in my heart. NO ONE can step up to me now that justice has been served and this title is back where it belongs!"

Well this is just asking for the lights to go out and the music of Haven to hit. The Dark Shepherd does indeed make himself known as he makes his way out to the stage and glares at the Unified World Champion. Wrakk doesn't seem surprised as he addresses this interruptor. "Haven...right on schedule. I had a feeling you weren't going to pass this moment up. It's like I know you better than you know yourself."

"If that had any degree of truth to it, Wrakk, you would've managed to walk away victorious at No Mercy."

"Now, see, I knew you were going to bring that up, Haven. You know what I say to that? Keep your battle! I won the war! I've got the Unified World Championship. You've got NOTHING! Your words are hollow and you know it. The real man around these parts is the man who wears this title."

"Then I suppose the next step for me is to become the man who wears that title, that is if you're absolutely sure of your belief that you've won the war."

"I'm already way ahead of you, Haven. Like I said, I've gotten to know how you think from all of this time we've had to do this dance. I knew you'd try to leverage something out of me because of what went down at No Mercy and I'm certainly not afraid of another step into the lion's den. I have no intention of letting my Kingdom come to another abrupt end. So here's the plan: you and me, one more time. This time, the Unified World Title is on the line at Survivor Series...NO HOLDS BARRED!"

"Bold of you. Bold on so many fronts. Your so-called kingdom certainly won't end abruptly...I'm going to slowly burn it to the ground." And with that Haven takes his leave as the new champion glares back intently.

Backstage, Ozzy Mandias would like to get a couple of things off of his chest. He's extremely disappointed with how things turned out in regards to the Cruiserweight Title match at No Mercy. That was supposed to be a defining moment. The people were looking forward to a new champion being crowned in that match but they were let down. Fortunately, there's one person that they can put all of the blame on for that: MARTYN LASALLE! LaSalle screwed the pooch at No Mercy. All he had to do was stick with the program and things would have turned out differently! Ozzy and the entire WWE fanbase expect a full apology from LaSalle soon because it's his fault things turned out the way they did.

First Match: Ethan Lang vs. Tom Foley
Lang's quest to the top begins! I've got just the manager in him mind for him but it's a matter of making him worth a damn first. A nice solid dominant victory should help. Lang finishes Foley off with the Bitter Languish for the pin. ****1/2, 76% overall.

Second Match: The Lady Liberties vs. The Pacific Connection
Gotta get more of the new ladies over. Faith and Jenna sadly won't be around forever. Oh, but if only. Anyways, I'm probably going to use the same manager for Lang and the Lady Liberties. It should give them a boost of credibility. The Liberties finish Mika off with the Stars & Stripes and that's enough for the pin for the faces. ****, 72% overall.

Third Match: Lyle Morris vs. Patrick Dean Quartermaine
I have some stuff in store for Lyle now that I've got his cousin Chet back from rehab. Better give him some wins now while I can to make it count for something. Lyle picks up the pin off a jackknife roll-up. ****, 81% overall.

It's taken me this long to realize I've got another DUD show on my hands.

Fourth Match: The Love Connection vs. The Wolves of Wall Street
I've got the Love Connection pegged for a slot at Survivor Series. Well, maybe just for the pre-show. I'm still working out the details. I feel like I've taken a step back with Caleb Greene. I broke up his team with Lonny Richards earlier in the year and now I've got him back stuck in another team. At his age, though, and all of what he's done in his career it's not like there's a big need to shoot him the card as a singles guy. The tag division needs the help more, I say. Anyway, this match manages to overcome the DUD show being a little bitch by rocking pretty good. London gets isolated and gets double-teamed by the Connection with the Heated Affair for the pin. With the current tag champions as heels I can probably squeeze a PPV match out of these guys and the Royal Effect. Maybe at the Rumble. Who knows? *****, 85% overall.

Backstage, Quinten McDaniels would also like to get some things off of his chest, namely things directed towards Seth Von Kamp. He brings up the Beat the Clock challenge from a while back and once again notes Seth Von Kamp beating him in that series by ONE SECOND. Quinten made it a point to ensure that one second difference wasn't going to be the thing that defines him. He also wasn't going to allow Seth to coast on that and advance his career by just dumb luck. Seth escaping No Mercy with the Intercontinental Title was one thing; Seth getting a crack at the Unified World Title all because of that ONE SECOND DIFFERENCE?!? Hell to the no! Quinten vows to make sure Seth never forgets that one second. If Seth wants to do something about what Quinten did on Raw, he knows where to find him.

In-Ring Super Special Talky Time with the WWE Women's Champion Naomi Bailey. Naomi hopes that No Mercy settled a lot of questions anyone might've had regarding her and Eclypse. Eclypse should be thanking her lucky stars that she has a cousin like Naomi who was willing to look past her irrelevance and ask her to be partners. Naomi wanted to make history and she wanted to make that history with family. Apparently that was asking too much! Everyone here witnessed it; Eclypse's ego and selfishness and incompetence eventually came out and screwed everything up and nobody can put that on Naomi!!! She only did what she had to do to keep Eclypse in her place! It pained Naomi to have to do what she did to her own family but with Eclypse coming for the Women's Title, a title Naomi earned, Naomi will be happy to put Eclypse down the next chance she gets! She can't just step up to---

No, wait; hold that thought! Eclypse decides to interrupt these proceedings! It looks like Naomi is getting that chance she spoke of. Eclypse walks to the ring with furious intent giving Naomi some time to think. Not too much time, though, as she jumps into the ring and continues where she left off at No Mercy! It's another brawl between these two that goes all over the place. Eclypse has Naomi down and she stalks the champion as she's down and trying to crawl away. Naomi manages to get enough distance between the two of them and she kicks the ring steps into Eclypse's knee. Naomi gets her second wind and proceeds to capitalize on this turn of events. After beating on Eclypse for a while, she sets up Eclypse's leg across the steel steps and proceeds to bash it with a chair! Looks like she wasn't kidding. Officials eventually get off their asses and come down to try to stop things but it looks like the damage is done. How bad has Eclypse been fucked up?

Fifth Match: WWE Unified Tag Team Champions The Royal Effect vs. The Tokyo Titans
The champions get on the mic and want to brag about what happened at No Mercy. McKay wants to make it clear that regardless of what Adam Hail would have done, he and Kavovit would have walked out of No Mercy as the champions no matter what. So anyone wanting to criticize how things went down should be ignored because they're just being haters wanting to take away from their rightfully earned victory. Their win was the just the final piece of the puzzle needed so that everyone can see that the Royal Effect is the greatest team in the WWE. And to think they only formed a few months ago! Every team looking to take their shot at the Royal Effect had better understand what they're getting into. This is another match that survives the DUD show's effects as it ends up rocking. No need to job the new champions out here. McKay puts Wu away with the Mass Effect for the pin. *****, 86% overall.

Sixth Match: Hannah McCormick vs. Leah
McCormick has decided to be the one to answer the challenge laid out by Nathan Quinn and Leah on Raw. She claims that she and Bobbi Jo aren't going to apologize for becoming the new Women's Tag Team Champions. They did what they had to do. Leah and Bonnie would've done the same thing. Now the belts are where they belong and not attached to a couple of punks like Faith and Jenna. The people now have women champions they can be proud of and emulate because the Southern Belles are about class and skill rather than aimless debauchery! Granted, Leah and Bonnie might just be a step up above Jenna and Faith but they're still second rate in comparison to the Southern Belles. And Hannah is going to prove it right now! This is two heels going at it so naturally it's going to suffer in the reaction department. It's still technically a good match as these two know what to do. The ref gets bumped after Leah comes off the top with a crossbody and Hannah moves out of the way. Hannah knocks Leah down and tries going for her belt. Leah dropkicks Hannah down as she re-enters the ring, knocking the belt out of her hands. Leah picks up the belt and Nathan Quinn encourages her to hand it to him and to go wake up the referee. Leah does so but WHAT THE FUCK?!?! NATHAN SLIPS THE BELT BACK TO HANNAH WHILE LEAH'S BACK IS TURNED!!! Hannah takes the belt and smacks Leah in the back of the head with it!!! The referee comes to as Hannah tosses the belt back to Nathan! Hannah goes to the top and hits Leah with the Spotlight! The ref counts the pin!!! Nathan and Bobbi Jo enter the ring and they all celebrate together! WTF IS GOING ON?!? Has Nathan Quinn been in cahoots with the Southern Belles all along?!? ****, 66% overall.

MAIN EVENT: WWE Intercontinental Champion Seth Von Kamp and Ryan Pattillo vs. Quinten McDaniels and Brandon Reigns
Seth Von Kamp gets the mic and addresses what Quinten had to say earlier. Seth wouldn't be much of a champion if he were to choose to base his whole career around one second. Seth is going to be remembered as a champion because of the amount of ass he kicked. So with that said, there is something Seth is going to do about Quinten robbing him of the Unified World Title and hopefully he shows up. Seth is willing to give Quinten another crack at the Intercontinental Title and it's going to be at Survivor Series. There, Quinten can bring all of his grievances, all of his whining, and all of his indignation. Seth will happily welcome all of that, because he's going to shove it up Quinten's ass. Announcing TWO major title matches on a Superstars? What universe is this? A universe that gives us all a pretty good main event like this, apparently. It comes down to Pattillo and Reigns as the legal men. They end up brawling on the outside, triggering the ten count from the referee. Reigns sends Pattillo back in and he looks to follow in order to break the count but the music of Eddy Clash hits! This distracts Reigns as he turns to see Eddy making his way out. Reigns shouts some threats at Big Thunder warning him to stay away but the ref ultimately reaches the count of ten and that gives the faces a countout win. Eddy hobbles down looking to get a piece of Reigns but the Money in the Bank winner has had enough for the night and he takes his briefcase and bails. Quinten gets knocked around a bit by Pattillo and Seth before he's able to find an opening to make his own escape. *****, 85% overall.

Overall show rating: 81%
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