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Old 04-01-2022, 01:49 PM   #3230
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Raw: October 29, 2040

We open with our glorious boss Lisa Benton going over what went down in the main event of last night's No Mercy. Unfortunately because of the way Salvatore Scabbia conducted himself after the match, she has no choice but to suspend him for tonight and the rest of the week and stand by the decision that the main event resulted in a draw. The plan is to crown a Unified World Champion tonight. However, with Scabbia undergoing his aforementioned suspension and Noah Carmichael in severe medical condition, so much so that his return to in-ring action is hard to determine at this point time, neither man will be participating in tonight's proceedings. Lisa Benton declares that the two participants in tonight's main event to determine a new Unified World Champion will be the two men who had the next best times in the Beat the Clock challenge after Carmichael and Scabbia. Those two men are none other than Wrakk and the WWE Intercontinental Champion Seth Von Kamp. There must be a winner. Period.

First Match: Gavin Jones vs. Romeo Valiente
Poor Gavin came up short last night so I figure let him try to look good as he continues his little business against Jason Sorola. Gavin accuses Sorola of forgetting where he came from. It's fine and dandy that Sorola wants to stand on his own and break from the rest of the pack that was the Hunters. However, all four of them got to where they are because of the fact that they stood for one another and they certainly never pulled something like what Sorola did to Shawn Dangerson. Gavin continues by claiming what he's about to say may be in a bit of bad taste considering the circumstances, but he would like to try to work towards a shot at the Cruiserweight Title himself with Dangerson being out of commission and the fact that there's no chance in hell Sorola is better than Gavin Jones. So this match brings home the bacon. Why couldn't we have opened like this for No Mercy? Anyways, we have to make sure Gavin looks strong and in prime contention shape so we'll have him finish Valiente pretty decisively here with a Frog Splash off the top for the pin. Sorola runs down and looks like he's going to try to get a piece of Gavin but Gavin catches him in the act and Sorola takes that as a cue to hold off and wait for another day. We get a staredown between the former factionmates. *****, 95% overall.

Backstage, we're joined by Nathan Quinn and his clients, the Perfections. According to Quinn, last night was highway robbery! Bobbi Jo and Hannah McCormick know for a fact that the Women's Tag Team Titles were stolen out from under the noses of Bonnie and Leah. Well, they had better be enjoying themselves to the fullest extent they know how. Leah has challenged either one of the Southern Belles to a match on Superstars and if the so-called new champions had any shred of dignity and self-respect, they'll show up and answer for what they did!

It's time for another edition of the Hot Button with everyone's favorite host, the Host With THE Highest Rated Interview Show In All of Entertainment, The New Age Intellectual Savior to the Masses, The 2031 Fulton County First Place Conga Award Winner, The Luscious Lover and Undefeated Steel Cage Master and REAL 2040 King of the Ring, The Supreme Submission Machine, Former WWE Cruiserweight Champion-Elect, the Cruiserweight Champion Michael Hotbody! He looks like he's been through the ringer as he comes out in a neck brace and walking very gingerly. He still has the Cruiserweight Title, though, so that's a small measure of comfort that he and everyone can enjoy. He's proud of his valiant efforts last night despite all of the odds against him! He hopes that with such a decisive and dominating victory over THREE incredible challengers, the matter between them is closed and done with. All three of them can go pout and go back to training and hope that someday, maybe, JUST MAYBE, they can once again get the privilege of sharing this ring with the great Michael Hotbody. In fact, Hotbody isn't even concerned about those restraining order anymore! They are officially null and void now so it doesn't matter if they never show up! But onto more serious matters. The match, despite Hotbody's brave efforts, still took its toll on him. He had to be stretchered out and put in this neck brace! He couldn't celebrate with Luscious the way they usually celebrate. He looked over the match from last night and also looked carefully at all the scrapes and bruises and sprains and then he looked at the sad face on Luscious! Maybe...maybe it might not be worth it anymore to be the Cruiserweight Champion. How much more of this is he supposed to take all in the name of being the highlight of every show and the biggest star of the Cruiserweight division?!?'s best to leave on a high note, with his head held high, with the biggest and bravest title defense of his career! It'd probably be for the very best because it's just fair to all the other great athletes back there who work their ass and still not come close to holding a candle to Michael Hotbody....

Wait! Here comes Luscious! She has a huge sack with her and she climbs into the ring with Hotbody begging him not to do this. He can't retire! He still has so much to offer, both as a champion...and as a man. He just needs to be inspired again! She reaches into the sack and pulls out what she calls a letter from a little girl called Suzie. "Dear Michael Hotbody: No Mercy was the greatest night of my life and I'm only 6! I know that even though I might live to be 90, there won't be another night like last night because you were on it! The only way there could be a better night is if you went on another show and also defended your title and won again! I would enjoy it very much! X's and O's, Little Suzie!"

Hotbody begins to well up with tears in his eyes as Luscious pulls out another letter, this time from a little boy named Johnny. "Dear the Host With THE Highest Rated Interview Show In All of Entertainment, The New Age Intellectual Savior to the Masses, The 2031 Fulton County First Place Conga Award Winner, The Luscious Lover and Undefeated Steel Cage Master and REAL 2040 King of the Ring, The Supreme Submission Machine, Former WWE Cruiserweight Champion-Elect, the Cruiserweight Champion Michael Hotbody! You are my hero! You are my inspiration! My dad is such a dork because he's not a real man like you are! He doesn't have any qualities that I can look up to. You, on the other hand, are handsome. Bold. Daring. A winner. A champion. And more importantly than anything, you're not a quitter. My dad is a quitter. I wish you were my dad, Michael Hotbody. I can only hope that one day, I can accomplish just HALF of what you've done. Thank you for being OUR Cruiserweight Champion! X's and O's, Little Johnny!"

Hotbody is beside himself as he cries into the microphone. Luscious declares that he can't give up now! He's just getting started! Hotbody agrees. "You're right! Little Suzie and Little Johnny, you're right, too! I owe it to the people who want to be me and look up to me! If I give up now, all of my haters would win! Luscious, thank you for this! Zed, Freddie, and Jimmy, you deserve thanks as well. You always have my back and so I'll always have yours! Michael Hotbody is here to stay! After a year like this, I can't stop. In fact, you can call me MISTER TWENTY FORTY! And let me tell you, the best is yet to come!" And with that Luscious and Hotbody kiss in celebration and joy as we go to break.

Second Match: Alexander Piero vs. Chris Collins
Collins gets on a mic and brags about being able to manipulate Piero so easily. He will at the very least give Piero a modicum of credit for actually agreeing to this match, not unless he plans on backing out and continuing to be a whipped little school boy! Piero does indeed show up and marches to the ring with enthusiasm. He looks ready to go. He demands that the bell be rung...and then proceeds to promptly boot Collins in the dick for the DQ. Piero shouts over a fallen Collins saying that he doesn't owe him anything before taking his leave. ****1/2, 92% overall.

Third Match: The Wyldhearts vs. Agents of Change
Well with new tag team champions after last night and the fact that Hail and Bennett aren't looking to be reuniting anytime soon, we might as well have some teams jockeying for position to be the next contenders. These guys had a nice little feud earlier in the year so they've picked up some familiarity with each other. Clayton North falls victim to the Heartstopper in the end to give the Wyldhearts the victory. They dedicate that victory to Madison. ****1/2, 93% overall.

Fourth Match: Adam Hail vs. Kerry Cemenko
Hail gets on the mic and mocks Paul Andrews, Simon Bennett, and anyone else who ever trusted him. He's confused as to why anyone would be shocked over what he did last night. Does anyone really believe that he would go through the trouble of brokering a deal, a major money deal for that matter, pairing up with someone like Simon Bennett, just to be in a tag team? He didn't come back to the WWE to tread old ground. He didn't jump through a bunch of legal hoops just so he could be standing side-by-side with Simon Bennett. Adam Hail's eyes has always been on the top of the mountain, so when he saw his chance to get back here, he used that avenue for all that it was worth. Well now Adam Hail is back in the saddle here in the WWE and that avenue has lost its worth. Andrews and Bennett shouldn't take it personally. Hail is going to be extremely grateful to them when he climbs that mountain so they can believe him when he says that there are no hard feelings. I don't think I ever had these guys in a match against each other when they were both on the roster before. Now's as good a time as any, I suppose. Hail is the one who needs establishing so we'll give him the win here. He moves out of the way of Cemenko's Curb Stomp and uses the tights on a roll-up for the pin. Bennett tries running down to get him some of Hail but Hail has a bus transfer that's only good for another hour so he decides to get the hell out of there. ****1/2, 91% overall.

In-Ring Super Special Talky Time with the Money in the Bank holder, Brandon Reigns. He declares that no one, NO ONE, has any right to claim they've had a worse month than his own. Reigns had to put up with losing to that phony champion, Seth Von Kamp and not getting back the Intercontinental Title! Reigns has had to sit at home recuperating watching people like Seth Von Kamp take up HIS valuable screen time! And now, tonight, Seth is going to get a chance to become the Unified World Champion?!?! This is a joke! Reigns has a good mind to just cash in his Money in the Bank contract RIGHT NOW and take that Unified World Title and spoil it for everybody here! But no! You people don't deserve to have such a momentous occasion take place in front of you! Reigns is going to stay the course! He is going to keep his focus on that WrestleMania main event! So no matter what happens tonight, no matter who lucks their way into a championship win, they had better remember what's coming for them come WrestleMania. Wrakk needs to understand that Reigns is the actual most dangerous man in the WWE. And Seth, well, as far as Seth goes, retribution may not have happened last month at Unforgiven but Seth can be assured it will come in the form of a briefcase. The one positive takeaway that Reigns can claim is that he got a measure of revenge against that moron Eddy Clash last night! That was the fulfillment of a promise, Eddy! There was a warning that something like that was coming your way! Everyone responsible for making Reigns go through headaches is on the list so get used to living with a target on your back!

Cue Eddy Clash himself! He runs down to the ring looking to get some of Reigns. Reigns is overwhelmed but he turns to the Money in the Bank briefcase as the equalizer, smashing it against Eddy's knee. Reigns continues to wallop Eddy as he's bent over and finally delivers the knockout blow across Eddy's forehead, busting him open. Reigns stands over Eddy with the briefcase raised.

Fifth Match: Dusk vs. Sarah Moore
We all need a little more Dusk in our lives. I'm kind of in a corner here with her as I brought her out all guns blazing and shit but I'm not exactly sure where to stick her as far as a feud goes. Something will come to me. Something's coming to Sarah Moore, in the form of a Final Sunset from Dusk to give the Goth Goddess the pin. ****1/2, 87% overall.

We go backstage to the Intercontinental Champion Seth Von Kamp being asked about tonight's main event. "You know, I actually have a bit of a problem tonight as far as this main event is concerned. I came here to Nashville prepped and ready to go for almost anything. Unfortunately, I wasn't ready for this little wrinkle. Sadly, ladies and gentlemen, I only have enough baggage for one championship. I'm already the Intercontinental Champion so carrying that around is no big deal but I didn't plan on bringing home the Unified World Championship. Do you know what a hassle that's going to be at the airport? I'm going to have to work some kind of magic with my carry-on! Oh, and I suppose there is another major problem; the man they call Wrakk. Well, you and I have danced this tango before, Wrakk. I'm pretty sure I've got your number, especially with history on the line."

MAIN EVENT: For the vacant WWE Unified World Championship - Wrakk vs. WWE Intercontinental Champion Seth Von Kamp
I think I had these guys go at it the Raw after SummerSlam if I'm not mistaken. I guess Seth is my post-PPV main event guy or something. He's certainly been very handy. Sadly things aren't in the cards for him tonight, despite a fucking awesome match here. The ref is bumped after Wrakk accidentally clotheslines him into Wednesday. Wrakk tries using the championsip belts as cymbals on Seth's head but Seth blocks and hits a surprise Collapse of Society. He tries waking the ref! HERE COMES QUINTEN MCDANIELS!!! Quinten reintroduces the Intercontinental Championship belt to Seth...namely to the back of Seth's head. Wrakk and the ref slowly recover as Quinten slides out of the ring. Wrakk takes the opportunity to hit the Demon Cross! 1...2...3!!! WRAKK IS ONCE AGAIN THE UNIFIED WORLD CHAMPION! But what of Seth??? Quinten McDaniels glares at Seth's body as Wrakk takes his moment in. WE'RE OUT OF TIME! *****, 95% overall.

Overall show rating: 90%

Last edited by M-A-G; 04-02-2022 at 01:19 AM.
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