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Old 12-22-2021, 03:19 PM   #3200
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Thought I completely gave up on this, huh?

Superstars: October 18, 2040

Opening Match: Neil Quint vs. Bill Crockett
Oh, yeah, we're right back at it again! Let's have some of that Quint-Essential goodness to open the show and get things kicking. I'm going more relaxed here tonight but it's still going to be awesome...I hope. Anyways, Crockett serves his purpose here, making the new potential top superstar of the cruiserweight division look good. It's a fun opener to be sure. Quint works his magic yet again, setting Crockett up to be at his mercy and he comes off the top with the Quint-Essential Top Rope Manuever to score the pin and the victory. I can only picture great things ahead for this guy. ****1/4, 85% overall.

Second Match: Jason Sorola vs. Josh Turmell
Sorola gets on the mic and wants to explain himself and his actions on Raw in regards to the match against Shawn Dangerson. He figures that everyone should hear the truth about Shawn Dangerson's condition from him and nobody else because everyone else will just want to fluff it and make sure the blow isn't so bad because the fans are fragile snowflakes who can't handle the truth! Dangerson is going to be gone for a LONG time. Dangerson got exactly what was coming to him. Week in and week out, he and his bitch, Sophie Waters, would just chip away and chip away, bit by bit, piece by piece. And you want to know what happened? Sorola couldn't take it anymore! Sorola is the best the division has to offer and there's only so much B.S. he's going to take before he has to snap and put people in their place! Dangerson is in his proper place right now. The so-called great number one contender, destined to be the face of the Cruiserweight division is nothing more than some sap sucking his meals through a straw and watching the REAL face dominate like no other! Yeah, Dangerson won the series but that and 3 bucks will get him a cup of coffee at this point. The days of Jason Sorola putting up with crap are over because there's plenty more of what happened to Dangerson where that came from! So not surprisingly this is a match that's all about rebuilding Sorola. Dangerson, unfortunately, is going to have to take some time off for now. In the meantime, Sorola dominates this sucker and it's a doozy. He locks in the STF for the submission win. *****, 94% overall.

Third Match: Galino & Farnes vs. El Silencio and Isaac Wolff
Accompanying Galino & Farnes is their client, The New Age Intellectual Savior to the Masses, The 2031 Fulton County First Place Conga Award Winner, The Luscious Lover and Undefeated Steel Cage Master and REAL 2040 King of the Ring, The Supreme Submission Machine, Former WWE Cruiserweight Champion-Elect, the Cruiserweight Champion Michael Hotbody. Hotbody knows that all three of his so-called opponents are going to be fighting like hell to try to nullify the restraining order that was put out on them. The truth of the matter that they all need to realize is that order is actually for their own good! All that was going to happen if the fatal four-way match had gone forward was the inevitable cracks in their alliance and it wouldn't have been long before the three of them were sniping at each other, stumbling over themselves in a selfish frenzy! The restraining order also keeps the three of them away from Hotbody's impressive collection of muscle. Not just his own, but Zed Jones and the best legal counsel money can buy, Galino & Farnes. Hotbody only wants the best for Jordan Demiras, Martyn LaSalle, and Ozzy Mandias and he's just looking out for them. In time, all three of them will understand that it just wouldn't have been worth the trouble going forward with this match and that challenging Michael Hotbody is a fool's errand. Just take these two fine gentlemen over here who are daring to challenge Galino & Farnes. This match will be a fine example of what happens when you try to shoot for the moon and end up smacking into an asteroid. So with that out of the way it's fair to say this is a match that's all about making Galino & Farnes look good. Wolff ends up the face-in-peril as Hotbody runs distraction and gets the attention and ire of El Silencio. Sadly Wolff can't overcome the two-on-one and falls victim to SERIOUS INQUIRIES and eats the pin, giving the heels the win. Hotbody taunts El Silencio with the Cruiserweight Title belt as he takes his leave. ****1/2, 91% overall.

In-Ring Super Special Talky Time with Quinten McDaniels. "It seems like there's going to be a theme here tonight where there are certain people here that are having to explain themselves. Well if any of you people were smarter and could figure things out on your own, this wouldn't be necessary! It should be crystal clear to anyone with functioning gray matter why I did what I did to Seth Von Kamp. Ever since the City Slickers and then later the Integration went by the wayside, the door finally opened to me. Haven was out of the way. Butch Fleming was out of the way. I had myself a ticket to the main event of WrestleMania this year and it was only a matter of time before Noah Carmichael was out of the way! Everyone out here knows that my time has come to stand out on my own and be recognized as just what this company needs as its biggest star! I can outthink anybody! I can outwrestle anybody! I was on that road right back to the top in the Beat the Clock challenge but ONE SECOND, ONE GOD DAMN SECOND, was all the difference needed to take that away from me! And who was the person responsible for that? None other than that late-bloomer Seth Von Kamp! Oh, congrats and all that good stuff to you, Seth, on finally winning a God damn belt. BEEN THERE, DONE THAT! It's taken you almost a whole decade to get to where I am right now and I'm supposed to be impressed and then just take a backseat to you? Kiss my ass! One second isn't going to be my damn legacy and you can rest assured that I'm going to work my ass off to make sure that's never the case! Pain and suffering is what's on the menu for the near future, the best tools to help remind the stupid and lucky to mind themselves! So let's get down to the real nitty-gritty, Seth. You took from me, I'm going to take from you! You didn't make it into the main event for No Mercy either but that doesn't mean you're off the hook. You lace up those boots of yours, shake off that ass-kicking I gave you on Monday, and man up and accept my challenge! You and me, for the Intercontinental Title AT NO MERCY! With Fleming out of the way again and Carmichael walking around on borrowed time with no chance of surviving his championship match, the iron is hot again and I'm not going to let this opportunity slip..."

CUE THE MUSIC OF SETH VON KAMP INTERRUPTING QUINTEN'S TIRADE! The Intercontinental Champion himself comes on out and simply glares at Quinten for a good while, sizing him up. He ponders his possible courses of action before ultimately deciding to bum rush the ring and try to get him some of McDaniels. McDaniels seems a tad unprepared for this and decides discretion is the better part of valor and bails before things get physical between the two. Is Von Kamp accepting the challenge?

Fourth Match: Leah vs. Faith Connors
A question for another time as we have to move on to the business of the WWE Women's Tag Team Titles. Nathan Quinn starts things off by saying that he took a lot of criticism for taking a chance on someone like Leah. Leah was an unknown commodity when he began his quest to become one of the best managers in the business. He confesses that he had his eye on some of the more established talent out there. Jenna Kyle being one. Faith Connors being another one. But Nathan Quinn didn't become the name that he is today by simply playing things safe. He has one of the best minds for the business and he knew where his green pastures were. No Mercy is where those green pastures lay and he'll be in the corner of the team that's going to make the Lonely Girls nothing more than a footnote in history! Faith Connors can get a little bit of that right now! So this match rocks, as you'd expect. I probably shouldn't have doubted myself making Leah such a big deal from the beginning. Maybe she can win Rookie of the Year? Anyways, an awesome encounter ensues and Bobbi Jo of all people decides to make herself known. She yells insults at the two competitors until both Leah and Faith eventually decide to leave the ring and surround Bobbi, coming at her from opposite sides of her. She manages to avoid confrontation long enough for a double countout to be called. Both Leah and Faith turn to the ref in disgust and disappointment and Bobbi uses this chance to shove Leah into Faith. Faith gets the wrong idea and proceeds to attack Leah as Bobbi sneaks off. ****1/2, 89% overall.

Backstage we've got the number one contenders to the Unified Tag Team Titles, the Royal Effect, Moses McKay and King Kavovit. Moses is glad that Paul Andrews saw things their way and that he should be complimented on his ability to get Adam Hail and Simon Bennett to see things their way. After too long, things are finally starting to look up for the Royal Effect. They took out a bunch of old trash in the Play Pals so it's only appropriate that they take out more old trash and win the Unified Tag Team Titles. In fact, why don't the Royal Effect offer Bennett or Hail a chance to see what's in store for them come No Mercy? One of the Royal Effect versus one of the champs tomorrow night on SmackDown!. Get ready for a glimpse into your futures!

Fifth Match: Eddy Clash vs. L.A. Xander
Eddy needs more mileage under his belt. More wins, too, as he heads into No Mercy for his match against Zed Jones. It's a Battle of Hosses! Not this match, though. Eddy dominates pretty well here and LAX falls victim to the Thunderstrike to give Eddy the win. No time for celebrating as Zed Jones comes running down, ready to get him some. Eddy is too inexperienced and too tired here, though, to put up too much of a fight and unfortunately gets powerbombed through the announce table. Zed stands tall and beats his chest as we go to break. ****1/2, 90% overall.

More In-Ring Super Special Talky Time but this time it's the WWE Women's Champion, The Queen of Queens Naomi Bailey. Naomi is glad to welcome us back from break because she always deserves all of the attention as the Women's Champion. "What I DON'T deserve is all of the ridicule and guilt-tripping all of you people are trying to throw at me! You peasants are all out and about calling for me to do the unthinkable and get me to fight my own flesh and blood! Eclypse is the closest thing I have to a sister! You don't just throw something like that away for something as trivial as a fight over a belt! But I probably should expect something like that from you ungrateful savages! You people would probably stab your own mother in the back if it meant getting ahead. Or maybe you'd do it just for jollies because that's the kind of sick people you are! You have no respect for family and my drama isn't here for your amusement! You people should be ashamed of yourselves demanding that I fight my cousin! I am a queen! I am THE queen! I refuse to lower myself to your level and give in to a selfish request. More to the point, if Eclypse really deserved the Women's Championship, she'd already be the champion! The better woman between the two of us has already been decided just by the fact that I'm standing here, the Queen of Queens, STILL the Women's Champion! So I am issuing a royal decree that no more talk about this proposed match shall continue! I don't want to hear about it anymore! I'm your queen and I expect respect from all of my subjects!"

Cue Eclypse who makes her way out onto the stage. The cheers for her are getting louder as the days go on. Eclypse has a mic and addresses Naomi. "Nothing, I do mean NOTHING, has been decided between you and me. If our bond is as strong as you claim, then something like a simple contest shouldn't be the thing that destroys it. Something like me taking that Women's Title from you shouldn't be a problem. Understand, Naomi, I'm not one of your 'subjects'. You're walking roads and paths that I paved long before you ever got here. I don't demand respect from anyone. I already have it. The only person that seems to be alone on that branch of not giving me any respect is you. Now I'm not saying I'd be thrilled with beating some respect out of you or that I'd be glad to leave you broken in the name of reclaiming the Women's Title, but I know that I can beat you and the more you avoid this, the more you betray yourself."

"Eclypse, don't fall for this nonsense that these people are feeding you. You are your own woman. I do respect you! You don't need the championship to earn my respect! You're asking for the two of us to head down a direction from which there's no coming back. I don't want to have to hurt you and have that hanging over us for the rest of our lives. We can just walk away from this right now and be a family. We can still be a team. Every other woman in that locker room is just loving this because they know that if we weren't united, they'd be able to have their run of the place. You and I OWN this division, Eclypse. Forget about these people and forget about any bad blood that's been between us these last few weeks. Let's not do anything that we're going to regret."

Eclypse merely narrows her eyes at Naomi for a bit and then proceeds to raise her mic. "Like I said before, I already have regrets. This isn't over." And with that, Eclypse turns around and walks away leaving Naomi dejected.

Sixth Match: Jordan Demiras vs. Zachary Vale
Martyn LaSalle is on commentary. He talks about how he and Jordan Demiras and Ozzy Mandias have been wanting to take a look at that alleged restraining order from Michael Hotbody but strangely nobody seems to want to produce a copy. They all suspect shenanigans. Anyways, this is all about Jordan Demiras looking good. LaSalle makes comments here and there about Jordan's skills and what it's been like working with him these last few weeks. The announce team points out that Demiras would be an impediment to LaSalle if the fatal four-way match manages to actually happen. LaSalle says that it's not an issue because he's better than Demiras anyway. Hotbody's ass belongs to LaSalle and LaSalle is going to through anyone to take that Cruiserweight Title away from him. Demiras picks up the win here after an Axe Kick leading to the pin. He trades glances with LaSalle as he celebrates. ****1/2, 91% overall.

More backstage action as we get Michael Haywood on the mic being asked about how things are faring now that's he's essentially on his own. Michael responds that he's not alone. He's still got the support of the people who, just like him, are eager to see the teeth of douches like Ziggy Styles get kicked in. Partner or no partner, faction or no faction, Michael Haywood has always been about delivering something the people will talk about. Ziggy Styles is the latest in a long line of arrogant johnny-come-latelies that are due a slap in the face. People need to understand that the break up of the Hunters wasn't the worst thing that could happen to Michael Haywood. The worst thing would be someone like Ziggy Styles getting the better of him.

MAIN EVENT: Noah Carmichael vs. Justin Mitchell
Brooke and Randy Ellis are with Justin here and she gets on the mic in order to get her ducks in a row. She realizes that she's in the trenches now. Noah Carmichael may be wounded and reckless but he's still dangerous. He's not completely out of it just yet. But that's why now, more than ever, she needs all of her troops on the same page. She and Salvatore Scabbia came SO CLOSE to that Unified World Title before it got snatched away and it can't happen again! She gives Justin and Randy a pretty intense glare as she warns of consequences for anyone that might screw this all up for her and Scabbia. Carmichael still looks pretty rough but he toughs it out here, despite the odds. Carmichael starts the comeback and things look grim for Justin. Brooke insists that Randy try to do something to help out but that leads to an argument between the two. Noah and Justin fight to the outside and Noah accidentally sends Justin into Randy which pushes him into Brooke. Back into the ring they go as Brooke is insulted. Justin grounds Noah but has to put up with Brooke on the apron yelling at him. That's enough to allow Noah to recover and hit the Quick Draw on Justin to score the pin. Brooke is furious but Randy and Justin don't seem too eager to try to console her. Noah has successfully BUILT MOMENTUM for No Mercy. ****1/2, 90% overall.

Overall show rating: 89%
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