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Old 11-20-2021, 06:05 AM   #3191
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Raw: October 15, 2040

We open with the Intercontinental Champion Seth Von Kamp joining us in the ring. He's not going to lie to us, he's been stewing in disappointment since SmackDown!. It looked for all the world that he was on his way to the main event at No Mercy and getting a chance at the Unified World Title. It'd have been quite the cherry on top of what's been a pretty cool year for him. Imagine how it would have been being able to walk out of No Mercy with the Unified World Title AND the Intercontinental Championship. Well, he'll have to be content with his Intercontinental Title in the meantime but he'll be watching the World Title match between Scabbia and Carmichael intently because he's not letting Beat the Clock get him down.

Cue Ryan Pattillo. The former leader of the Hunters makes his way out to the stage and begins to address Seth. Ryan says that he was also looking forward to that main event match for the title. It's been a loooong time since some gold has been around his waist and unfortunately he had to watch four different people beat his time; one of them being the man he's looking at right now. The two of them both worked their asses off for the victories they had in the challenge but Seth is the only one between the two that still has something to show for themselves. Pattillo thinks that Seth owes him something for his troubles.

Seth gets back on the mic and asks for Pattillo to stop beating around the bush and get to the point. Pattillo capitulates and asks how Seth would feel about being the main event for tonight, by giving him a shot at the Intercontinental Championship. Seth isn't so sure Pattillo really deserves a shot but the truth of the matter is that he didn't have anything lined up for tonight anyways. "You're on, Pattillo!" he proclaims. Looks like we've got our main event.

We go to a pre-recorded interview from Paul Andrews as he wants to address the Royal Effect. He's been spending these last few days discussing things with Adam Hail and Simon Bennett. He admits that he's partly making this decision for personal reasons but his clients are completely on board with him. If the Royal Effect want a piece of the champions, all they have to do is show up at No Mercy and they can have all they can handle. Hail and Bennett have agreed to defend the title...but that's secondary to smacking down the Royal Effect for what they did.

First Match: Best of 5 Series - Match 3: Shawn Dangerson vs. Jason Sorola
So Sorola needs the win here to stay alive as Dangerson is up 2-0. He looks like he's on the verge of a meltdown as this whole situation with Dangerson has no doubt taken a toll on his mental health. Sorola tries a quick roll-up of his own but that goes nowhere as the match goes on to be another boss encounter between these two. Sorola is more aggressive, probably the most aggressive he's ever been but Dangerson just refuses to go away. They end up outside and Sorola tries to move in on Dangerson but Dangerson kicks him off sending him face-first into the ringpost, busting Sorola open. The sight of his blood is apparently enough to send Sorola off the deep end and he grabs a chair and destroys Dangerson with it, causing a disqualification. That puts Dangerson at 3-0 making it a clean sweep! But that just infuriates Sorola even more and he decides to go to town on poor Dangerson. It's just utter brutality unleashed by Sorola and he leaves Dangerson a quivering pile of bloody jelly. Sophie Waters can only watch in horror as finally some officials and paramedics come down to try to put an end to things. Sorola has lost his marbles. But what of Dangerson? He's won the number one contendership but at what cost? *****, 95% overall.

In-Ring Super Special Talky Time with Wrakk! He's not particularly happy about having to sit on his ass and being out of the main event for No Mercy. He does take a small comfort in knowing Haven is in the same boat. It is a bit annoying that the two of them have been locked in a stalemate of sorts. Maybe if he hadn't been gone for a year, Wrakk would've been able to demolish Haven a long time ago and wouldn't have to be dealing with his crap now. Wrakk is patient, however. No matter the outcome of No Mercy, Wrakk will be waiting for the Unified Champion. They'll only be carrying what's supposed to belong to him. No one else has a more legitimate claim to that title so matter how much Noah Carmichael and Salvatore Scabbia want to bitch at each other.

Cue Haven interrupting the proceedings. Haven says that Wrakk can make a claim for the championship; Haven has a claim to Wrakk's soul. Haven notes that he, too, is upset with the state of things between himself and Wrakk. With the fact that neither of them will be competing for the Unified World Title at No Mercy, well that means that both of their schedules are cleared for that Sunday night. Haven proposes the two of them meet one-on-one at No Mercy to do something about that stalemate. Haven hopes Wrakks says yes because there's a whole lot of frustration that's been built up ever since SummerSlam and he's been looking for an excuse to unleash it.

Wrakk fires back and says that the only thing Haven is going to unleash is more whimpering and begging for mercy. Haven is a slow learner but that's OK because Wrakk is a benevolent teacher. There's only room for one monster at the top of the pack and everyone is looking at him right here in the middle of the ring. He may not have his Unified World Title but Wrakk has everything else that he needs to be the man to fear around here. Haven wants another round? He's got it. No Mercy continues to expand!

Second Match: Ziggy Styles and Chris Collins vs. Michael Haywood and Alexander Piero
Collins and Styles ponder how the two of them ended up having to deal with two of the biggest betas in the WWE right now. Haywood for being a drifter without his buddy and Piero for being a sorry sack of whipped snowflake tears because of what happened to Madison. Sooner or later the two of those crybabies are going to have to man up and take some responsibility. In the meantime, they can take an ass-whooping. This is fun and intense little match. Things break down at the end with Piero and Collins as the legal men. Piero tries suplexing Collins back into the ring from the apron but Ziggy trips him up causing Collins to fall across Piero into a pin attempt. Ziggy holds Piero's leg and the ref doesn't see it as he counts Piero's shoulders down giving the heels the win. Ziggy bails afterwards, wanting no more from Haywood. ****1/2, 93% overall.

Third Match: Eclypse vs. Dusk
Beforehand we get video of Eclypse making her way to the stage from the back where the Women's Champion Naomi Bailey tries to talk to her. Naomi wants to be out there watching Eclypse's back. This right here should be proof enough that things don't have to be strained between the two of them. Eclypse blows off this offer and says the only she wants from Naomi is her title match that she asked for. Eclypse continues on her way leaving Naomi flabbergasted.

That aside Dusk gets an extra little touch added to her entrance, rising from the below the stage, a la The Brood. Sorrow is of course with her and she plants him at ringside on a perch. The crowd is clearly behind Eclypse here in this battle between these two weirdos. Eclypse carries things here as the veteran and Dusk has herself a good showing. It can't be that simple though as Naomi ignores Eclypse's earlier decree and makes her way out as Eclypse is out on the floor. She goes to check on Eclypse but Eclypse isn't having any of it and shoves Naomi's arm away. Naomi takes offense to this and shoves Eclypse into the steps in view of the ref causing the DQ. Eclypse gets in Naomi's grill wanting to know what is her malfunction. Eclypse gives the champ a pretty hefty shove of her own after some words and Naomi takes that as her cue to perhaps back off for right now. DRAMA! ****1/2, 89% overall.

Backstage, Lisa Benton is accosted by Eddy Clash. Eddy brings up the fact that last week Lisa said that his team at Unforgiven was going to get rewarded and indeed they did get rewarded as all of them are going to have a chance at the Cruiserweight Title at No Mercy. But Eddy isn't a cruiserweight and he kind of felt left out. Doesn't he get some sort of compensation, too? Lisa apologizes and says that he's right. It was a bit of an oversight on her part but she's listening. What did Eddy have in mind? Eddy says that the rest of the guys are going to get to scratch their itch at No Mercy by taking on Michael Hotbody but there's an itch that Eddy has, too, that's also in Hotbody's camp. Eddy proposes a match between himself and Hotbody's right-hand goon, Zed Jones at No Mercy. Eddy's been wanting to show him what for ever since he first got in his face. Lisa is thrilled with the idea as she wants No Mercy to be packed. Consider the match sanctioned.

Luscious comes into the picture saying that she couldn't help but overhear. That's all well and good that Lisa is granting Eddy his match but consider it the only real victory she's going to get out of Michael Hotbody's camp. Just watch Michael Hotbody right now because he's got an announcement that's going to nuke Lisa's stupid plans for the Cruiserweight Title!

Fourth Match: Nigel Gallagher and The British Infection vs. The New Age Intellectual Savior to the Masses, The 2031 Fulton County First Place Conga Award Winner, The Luscious Lover and Undefeated Steel Cage Master and REAL 2040 King of the Ring, The Supreme Submission Machine, Former WWE Cruiserweight Champion-Elect, the Cruiserweight Champion Michael Hotbody and Galino & Farnes
Hotbody gets on the mic and wants to address what Luscious was talking about earlier. Now he knows that Lisa Benton and her crooked and biased ways were looking forward to the Fatal Four-Way Elimination match at No Mercy being the ruin of Hotbody and his reign as champion. But sad news for everyone involved in this CRUEL CONSPIRACY against him! He's been working and consulting diligently with his CRACK LEGAL TEAM Galino & Farnes here and they have worked out a solution to this whole mess. Farnes takes the mic as Galino shows off a document to the crowd. Farnes explains that due to the severe physical danger that Michael Hotbody is in thanks to the irrational state of mind of the likes of Jordan Demiras, Ozzy Mandias, and Martyn LaSalle, all three of those men can not be trusted to be anywhere near their client. Therefore, the offices of Galino & Farnes have worked out this document that will be EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY. It is an all-encompassing restraining order against LaSalle, Mandias, and Demiras stating that neither of them are to come within 25 feet of Mr. Hotbody under penalty of arrest and incarceration! No, wait...they're not allowed to come within 2500 feet. So as you can all imagine this makes it impossible for Mr. Hotbody to defend his championship at No Mercy in the manner Lisa Benton proposed! Mr. Hotbody will address who he wants to face at a later date but in the meantime they all have business to attend to right now.

Business, indeed, as this an awesome trios match. The heels all keep looking around them making sure nobody gets close to Hotbody. The match ends with Hotbody using THE GAVEL OF DOOM on Exley and he gets the cheap pin for the victory. ****1/2, 90% overall.

Fifth Match: Noah Carmichael vs. Ronnie Costello
Brooke is furious at the fact that Noah Carmichael managed to sneak his way into the title match at No Mercy. How many times does Salvatore Scabbia have to prove himself in order to finally be rid of that teacher's pet? It's fitting that Carmichael only ended up with the second best time because ultimately that's what Carmichael is: he's was second best to Butch Fleming and he is most certainly second best to Salvatore Scabbia and it's all going to come to a head when Scabbia walks out of No Mercy THE RIGHTFUL Unified World Champion. Carmichael looks like he's still competing with some health issues but he gets through this well enough. He stalks Costello on the outside and that causes Brooke to try to get involved so he starts stalking her in response. Brooke backs off with fear and Carmichael is too fixated on her to notice Salvatore Scabbia who nails Carmichael, knocking him down and causing the DQ. Into the ring everyone goes and Carmichael falls victim to a 2-on-1 via Scabbia and Costello. ****1/2, 91% overall.

Sixth Match: Leah vs. Jenna Kyle vs. Bobbi Jo
The Lonely Girls let us know that they're still waiting on word from Lisa Benton regarding the titles and against who they'll be defending. This another fun and intense match but I'm going to blame the somewhat lower-than-usual rating on the charisma of Leah and Bobbi Jo. We've got Jenna to look at though, so that's something. Anyways, Bobbi KO's Jenna with the custom mic but Bonnie Beckham drags her out of the ring. Leah capitalizes by hitting a fallen Jenna with the Sultry Splash and gets the win.

Things look to get out of hand afterwards again but Lisa Benton comes out to get ahead of that. She's here to put to the rest the question of who will be the next challengers to the WWE Women's Tag Team Championship. The truth is both the Southern Belles and the Perfections make such strong cases and she would be denying the champions if she didn't pick the best possible competition. Therefore, at No Mercy the Lonely Girls will be defending the titles against BOTH the Southern Belles and The Perfections in a Triple Threat Tag match! Winners take all! We go to break with all 6 women trading barbs and stares. ****, 86% overall.

MAIN EVENT: WWE Intercontinental Championship
Seth Von Kamp (c) vs. Ryan Pattillo
This should be a good one. The announcers put over both guys and the crowd seems split. Seth has been fire ever since SummerSlam. Again I feel bad for Pattillo but what can you do? I'll tell you what Quentin McDaniels is going to do! He's going to take out his anger over losing out in the Beat the Clock challenge on these two guys. He runs down after one hell of a back and forth match and lays both men out for the double DQ. He decides he's not done and that the two men need to pay some more so he stomps away at the two of them and only leaves after hitting them both with the Great Depression. We go off the air with McDaniels in a huff. ****1/2, 90% overall.

Overall show rating: 88%
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