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Old 10-07-2021, 08:27 AM   #3178
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Superstars: October 4, 2040

We're kicking things off with yet another edition of Gettin' Ziggy With It, with your host, Ziggy Styles! He's thrilled with all of the buzz that his last show got, with all of the juicy drama that went down between Eclypse and Naomi Bailey. The people have been clamoring for more and he's not going to waste any time delivering. There was some other major drama that went down on Raw and it tugged at everyone's heartstrings. It was the end of an era as the Hunters all decided to disband following the humiliating loss that Gavin Jones and Michael Haywood went through at Unforgiven. Well, no one can say that Ziggy Styles isn't the man to watch because he's planning on getting the inside scoop on that break-up. Now, seeing as they all broke up and are each doing their own thing now, there's no way Ziggy is able to get all three of the Hunters, but there is one in particular that he's eager to hear from. So without further ago, let's welcome Michael Haywood to the show!

A good amount of time passes and Ziggy has to repeat himself as he tries to welcome Haywood. Eventually Haywood comes on out with a confused look on his face. Ziggy eagerly and enthusiastically urges Haywood to enter the ring and the two eventually come face-to-face. Ziggy thanks Michael for agreeing to this because it means so much to all of the people watching who tuned it to get Ziggy with it! A lot went down over the last couple of days. There isn't a Unified World Champion. There are new Unified Tag Team Champions as Adam Hail and Simon Bennett made a shocking return. Eclypse and Naomi Bailey seem to be on the verge of a split. But that's almost peanuts compared to what Michael Haywood had to endure, isn't it? Haywood had to endure an actual split as he can no longer team with his long-time buddy, Gavin Jones, nor is there a faction of Hunters that he can find any solace. And why would there be? Haywood and the rest of his buddies drove away Jason Sorola. Ryan Pattillo has been a horrible leader who hasn't been able to get back on the top of the mountain where he used to be. And Michael and Gavin couldn't get it together for what was probably the most important night of their careers at Unforgiven and ate a loss from one heck of an up and coming team, the Royal Effect.

Michael Haywood looks like he's getting annoyed with this whole bit and asks if Ziggy is going to get around to actually asking a question. Ziggy apologizes and gets right to the point. He asks Michael where does he go from here? Let's face it and look at the facts: Jason Sorola won himself the Intercontinental Championship and then later broke away from you guys and became the Cruiserweight Champion multiple times. Even Gavin Jones managed to capture that title a few times, himself. Ryan Pattillo has been the most successful out of all of the four Hunters, with his Royal Rumble win, WrestleMania main events, and having the Unified World Title under his belt. And then there's Michael Haywood, the lone black sheep of the group who couldn't make anything of himself on his own. So what's going to be different this time around? Hell, the Hunters would probably have been better off dumping Haywood's loser ass to the curb a long time ago!

Haywood grabs Ziggy by the collar and lets him know that he didn't come out here to be part of a clown show and to get insulted. He's not sure about the future in the long run, but short term? Ziggy is the one that needs to worry about what Haywood is going to do. Haywood declares this interview over and Ziggy meekly backs away after Haywood lets him go. Haywood tries to leave but Ziggy makes with the sneak attack! It's a beat down as Ziggy is offended at being manhandled and disrespected on his show! Ziggy leaves Haywood down and out as he takes his leave.

First Match: Ethan Lang vs. Dell Killings
This is the debut of both guys actually. I'm most likely going to dump Killings as he blows as far as stats go. Ethan is the real talent here; he just needs a mouthpiece. Anyways, they try hard but it's a battle to get the crowd to give a shit. Lang hits the Bitter Languish to score the pin. **3/4, 60% overall. Not surprising.

Uh-oh, it looks like Noah Carmichael is here and he's apparently going to hijack the show by entering the ring. He sits himself down in the center and addresses what happened on Raw. It was a slap in his face as far as he's concerned. The final twist of the knife that he had to suffer. He can deal with losing the championship to an opponent who is just too much and happens to be the better man. What he can't deal with, what he WON'T deal with is the crap that Lisa Benton pulled. All she had to do was sanction the damn match between Scabbia and himself. Carmichael doesn't know if Benton is trying to protect him or what but he wants to make it clear to her that he doesn't need protection. He didn't need it dealing with Quentin McDaniels or the Order or Butch Fleming. He sure as hell doesn't need protection from Salvatore Scabbia, a guy who won't take a piss without the say-so from Brooke. Carmichael expects Lisa Benton to rectify the situation because he's more than happy to rectify it his own way.

Cue Lisa Benton who walks onto the ramp with security. Lisa Benton tells Carmichael that the person he needs protection from is himself. Carmichael isn't any good to anybody busted up and broken and his stubborness is only going to make matters worse. So she will rectify the situation, starting by pointing out that Carmichael has no business being here because of doctor's orders. Second, these security guards are going to help rectifying the situation by escorting Carmichael out of the building and keeping him out of future buildings until further notice. Unfortunately for Noah Carmichael, this is one scenario where punching his way out of things isn't the way out. And with that, Noah shakes his head but decides to leave without a fuss.

Second Match: The Lady Liberties (Zoey Turner and Katie Frasier) vs. The Pacific Connection
I'm trying to squeeze all of the debuting people into this one show. Making the women's division stronger is certainly a worthwhile goal. The Pacific Connection are talented but at this point, they're the only team the newbies can beat without anyone making a fuss about them not being over enough. It's a strong showing for everyone and the Liberties hit Tamara with the Stars and Stripes to score the win in their debut. ***1/2, 75% overall.

Backstage, Vivian Merrick and The Future Foundation want to rip into Adam Hail and Simon Bennett. The new champions had better not be thinking that they're done with the Future Foundation. Rick and Julian are going to be back, more focused! More hungry! More dangerous! More vicious! Who do Hail and Bennett think they are? They think they can just show up one day out of the blue and demand everyone's attention? They were gone for a reason and the Future Foundation are more than willing and more than capable of sending them on another hiatus.

Back into the ring we go as Joey Osbourne is out there wanting to air some grievances. Why isn't his name being circulated as a possible contender for the Cruiserweight Title? He's sure of it that his name would have been pulled from Michael Hotbody's tumbler a few weeks ago but it was all ruined by Ozzy Mandias and Lisa Benton! They're afraid of Joey Osbourne and the impact that he'd make on the division and that's the truth! He'll show them and he'll showing everyone here watching! Give him anybody from the back and he'll take them on right now!

Cue some unfamiliar music, keeping with the theme of the night. We get what is apparently a new face coming down the aisle and joining Joey Osbourne in the ring. Joey seems flummoxed and asks just who the hell is this guy? The newbie introduces himself as Neil Quint and it was looking like he wasn't going to be able to make it onto the show after all but lo and behold, he saw Joey Osbourne having a temper tantrum and throwing out challenges so he figured why not come on out and make his debut? Osbourne doesn't take this seriously and claims that he was looking for a top guy to take on. Beating some rookie on their first night isn't what's going to grab the attention of the right people. Quint agrees but counters that him beating someone like Osbourne as his first match would do wonders for Quint. And with that Quint dropkicks Osbourne down. We get a ref in the ring and he calls for the bell!

Third Match: Neil Quint vs. Joey Osbourne
And here we go! Quite the night for the noobs, huh? Quint will be a guy to keep an eye on as his charisma puts him above the rest of the debuting crew. I wouldn't have to burden another manager. Anyway, this is all about making Quint look good in his debut so we've got ourselves a nice back-and-forth affair. Osbourne gets cocky but Quint KOs him by sending him face first into the turnbuckle. Osbourne is down and Quint comes off the top with The Quintessential Top Rope Manuever! Quint picks up the win in his debut! ****, 85% overall. Now THAT'S what I'm talking about.

The celebration is cut short as the video feed gets disrupted and we're shown some rather creepy imagery centered around some gothic looking woman and her raven. She identifies herself as Dusk as she pets the raven, who is apparently named Sorrow. She claims it's only appropriate as sorrow is what she intends to cast over the WWE.

Fourth Match: Jason Sorola and The Royal Effect vs. Shawn Dangerson and The Wyldhearts
Jason Sorola grabs the mic as he wants to thank Moses McKay and King Kavovit for doing what he himself had always hoped to accomplish but never could: end the group known as the Hunters. He admits that it was a momentous occasion to watch the group split but he wants us all to be honest: they were on the road to collapse the minute he left! He was the cornerstone of that group and when he dared to think for himself and go out on his own, it began a long downward spiral of ruin. And that's what's in store for Shawn Dangerson if he keeps getting in Sorola's way! So anyway this is a pretty boss match which is in no way designed to punish Robbie Greer for getting his dumbass suspended. Oh, look at that, Vivian Merrick distracts the ref while Sorola goes low on Greer and rolls him up for the cheap pin. I'm sure that was just a coincidence that Greer took the loss. Dangerson tries to get him some of Sorola but Sorola's got one of those pesky DoorDash alerts beckoning him away. *****, 95% overall.

Fifth Match: Leah vs. Lauren Franklyn
Nathan Quinn hopes that the Women's Tag Team Champions and the Southern Belles are watching and listening. Faith and Jenna should dismiss anything that Hannah and Bobbi Jo are probably trying to sell them. The champions made the declaration that they want to be defending their titles against the very best and unfortunately they're not going to find it in a pair of self-centered hicks. Hannah McCormick had her chance to be on the ride to the top but she felt like she didn't really need Nathan, at least not until she actually needed him! It's all going to work out for the best. Leah and Bonnie Beckham are going to continue being the team to beat and the Southern Belles can get to watch them become the new Women's Tag Team Champions! A solid match here. They even overcome the charisma deficit. Leah hotshots Lauren on the top rope and that sets up the Sultry Splash for the pin. ****1/2, 87% overall.

MAIN EVENT: Ozzy Mandias and Eddy Clash vs. Galino & Farnes w/Luscious
Luscious wants to ask an important question in regards to all of the hooplah surrounding Ozzy Mandias wanting a title shot against her boo, Michael Hotbody. What exactly has Ozzy even done to really be in consideration? Yeah, there was the match at Unforgiven but why was he even offered it to begin with? Are we missing some incredible win streak or monumental upset to where we were all supposed to go "Oh, man, that Ozzy Mandias! Hope he gets a title shot someday!"? Michael Hotbody's time is very precious and if he's not using it to be a fighter, he's most certainly using it to be a lover. So Luscious demands that Ozzy stop wasting Hotbody's time! Well with that tirade out of the way we get ourselves a boss tag team main event. Eddy plays the hot tag as he just destroys the heels. Farnes is all alone and Eddy tags Ozzy back in. Ozzy climbs onto the shoulders of Eddy and comes off with a Blizzard of Oz! That's enough for the pin and the victory! Afterwards, Hotbody and Zed Jones try their hand at getting them some of the faces but they're prepped for that and send them over the top rope. Zed is FURIOUS and wants another go but Luscious and Hotbody and the rest get him to back off...for legal reasons, no doubt. ****1/2, 91% overall.

Overall show rating: 83%
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