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Old 07-29-2021, 06:03 AM   #3131
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Raw - September 10, 2040

Opening Match: Nigel Gallagher, Caleb Greene, and Stanley Coleman vs. Doug Michaels, Joey Osbourne, and Zachary Vale
Winners get to participate in the cruiserweight gauntlet this Thursday on Superstars. Not much in regards to the crowd reaction but it's a good opener regardless. Nigel is a future top prospect. I can feel it in my bones. Not as much as Zachary Vale feels Nigel's Union Smack but close enough. Nigel nailing his finisher on Vale is enough for the pin and to send the faces into the gauntlet. ****1/2, 88% overall.

Backstage we get to hear from Chris Collins ahead of his participation in tonight's main event. Apparently Madison suffered an injury as a result of what went down in his match against Alexander Piero on Superstars. (This is actually true. She'll be out for two months.) Collins suggests that Piero is to blame for having her out there in the first place. Collins can't control everything that happens out in that ring. Tonight is the exception. Tonight he'll outlast nineteen other men and he'll be challenging for the Unified World Title...while Piero cries to himself over his failures.

Elsewhere backstage we catch Eddy Clash apparently chasing someone. Lisa Benton intercepts him and asks what the hell he's doing. Eddy responds that he saw Noah Carmichael and that he's trying to chase him down so he can challenge him for the Unified World Title! Tonight's the night that Eddy can cash in the Money in the Bank contract! Lisa Benton tells Eddy that this nonsense has gone on long enough. She tries to explain that Eddy is NOT a contracted wrestler and that the briefcase doesn't belong to him. He needs to hand it over right now because she's not dealing with all of the legal nonsense that Galino & Farnes have tried to give to her over this whole ordeal. Eddy says that this is a dream for him to be in the WWE.

Cue Brandon Reigns who is pissed as all hell and makes a play for the briefcase. Lisa gets in the way and tries to back Reigns off, yelling at him that she'll handle this. Reigns declares that it's too late for that because she should have handled this a long time ago. He yells at Eddy to give him back the briefcase before things get really ugly. Lisa again warns Reigns to back off. If he allows her to handle this right now, Reigns can pick the stipulation for his rematch against Seth Von Kamp for the Intercontinental Title. Reigns calms down a bit and questions Lisa if she's serious. Lisa confirms that she is but he needs to back off and not get physical here.

She turns her attention back to Eddy and again points out that he's not a wrestler in the WWE...but he can be. What if Lisa were to provide Eddy Clash the chance to be a member of the WWE roster? Reigns is taken back by this and questions what the hell Lisa is trying to pull. She warns him again to back off. Lisa offers Eddy a way into the WWE, but he has to hand her the briefcase right now. The only other alternative is legal action and that's an avenue that she's not looking forward to. All Eddy has to do is surrender the briefcase and he can have a tryout match on Superstars where if he wins, he gets signed. What's it going to be?

Eddy hesitates a bit but ultimately gives the case to Lisa, asking if he has her word. Lisa says yes as she hands the briefcase back to Reigns. Reigns tells Eddy that he got lucky and that for his own sake, he'd better hope he loses on Superstars as he takes his leave. Lisa calls for security to escort Eddy out as she says she'll see him this Thursday.

Second Match: Eclypse vs. Faith Connors
Jenna and Naomi have been given their fair share of time so I figure why not go with their partners to help keep the feud going? Faith, of course, plays rag doll as she's got the underdog babyface thing down to a science. It's a hot affair that unfortunately can't have a decisive conclusion just yet as they tumble to the outside and it's a double countout. Eclypse has Faith at her mercy and it looks like there's going to some more punishment dealt out after the bell but Eclypse hesitates and decides to walk away. Hmmmm.... *****, 95% overall. I have high hopes for the rematch.

Third Match: 10-Man Battle Royal
Winner gets added to the cruiserweight gauntlet. Your participants are as follows:
Marc Fury
El Silencio
Isaac Wolff
Johnny Dangeron
Sammy Brady
Patrick Dean Quartermaine
Romeo Valiente
Shawn Dangerson
Josh Turmell
Lyle Morris

DANGERSON VS. DANGERSON!!! OK, not quite but it's still a fun match. It comes down to Shawn Dangerson and Romeo Valiente as the final two. There's just no way Shawn can pull this out. He's finished. Done for. It's over. He can't possibly overcome the, wait, there goes Valiente as Dangerson ducks a charge and that's enought to send Dangerson to Superstars. 87% overall.

Backstage, Lisa Benton is accosted in her office by Ziggy Styles. Ziggy is disappointed in the lack of people on the roster who want to get Ziggy with it. He hopes above all other hopes that a great fun-loving woman like Lisa Benton won't also disappoint him. She's strong and confident and capable and deals with a lot in her line of work. Hell, she did what nobody else could in regards to dealing with Eddy Clash and the briefcase situation. So what does Lisa say? Can she find it in herself to let down that hair once again and get Ziggy with it? Lisa steps in close and nods her head as she claims that she can in fact get Ziggy with it. In fact, all of the audience who tunes into Superstars this Thursday are going to get Ziggy with it, because Ziggy Styles is going to be Eddy Clash's opponent. Lisa proceeds to invite him to get out of her office.

Elsewhere backstage we get to hear from Xavier Cross. He's involved in tonight's main event as he's looking to become the number one contender but almost as important, he looking for another piece of Kyle Jacobs. These rookie johnny-come-latelies are pissing Xavier Cross off. They all need to pay tribute and respect to the people who have been busting their ass for years. Of all the things that Kyle learned from his dad and uncle, he couldn't learn humility. That's OK; Xavier Cross can just beat it into him.

Fourth Match: Galino & Farnes vs. The Tokyo Titans
Luscious accompanies Galino & Farnes as the three of them want to make it a point that Jordan Demiras and Martyn LaSalle are public enemies, numbers 1 and 2! They can decide amongst the two of them which is which. It doesn't really matter because the sentiment is the same. The conspiracy that the two of them have been cooking up against their client, the Cruiserweight Champion, Michael Hotbody is enough to call into question whether or not major lawsuits are in order. Hotbody cannot perform his duties as champion when his well-being is constantly at risk. The fact that the two of them are going to be involved in this Thursday's gauntlet match is a disgrace! The only thing Demiras and LaSalle deserve is what Galino & Farnes plan on dishing out to them. The match here only puts an exclamation point on their grievances as the Tokyo Titans gets a good dismantling. Wu tries a heroic comeback but Luscious is the X factor and her interference is enough to allow Galino & Farnes to hit SERIOUS INQUIRIES!!! for the pin. Luscious blows kisses at the camera and waves to Michael Hotbody declaring that she misses her boo. ****1/2, 92% overall.

Backstage, Eclypse and Naomi Bailey have words for Jenna Kyle and Faith Connors. Well, more like Naomi has some words for Eclypse. Naomi is confused as to why Eclypse didn't kick more of Faith's ass earlier. Eclypse is saving it for Unforgiven. She doesn't want the Lonely Girls to have some sort of excuse or for Lisa Benton to pull one of them out of the match. If Naomi's got a problem with that then the so-called Women's Champion can go fend for herself. Eclypse departs leaving Naomi upset.

Fifth Match: The Glamour Brigade vs. The Internet Darlings
Mmmmm....ladies tag division. The charisma of the faces kind of drags things down a tad but the heels definitely make up for it. Either of these teams would make good challengers down the line. C.J. uses some heelery to score a cheap pin using the ropes. ****1/2, 91% overall.

MAIN EVENT: 20-Man Battle Royal for the Number One Contendership to the WWE Unified World Title
Your participants are as follows:
Cameron Harper
Chris Collins
Clubber Harris
Gavin Jones
Kerry Cemenko
King Kavovit
Kyle Jacobs
Lonny Richards
Michael Haywood
Moses McKay
Orlando Kincaid
Quinten McDaniels
Raymond Delaney
Ronnie Costello
Ryan Pattillo
Salvatore Scabbia
Seth Von Kamp
Stone Walsh
Xavier Cross

Let's cover the highlights. Brooke makes it clear to Ronnie Costello that he needs to watch the back of Salvatore Scabbia. Alexander Piero in the midst of all the chaos decides to run in and make a beeline for Chris Collins in an attempt to fight for Madison's honor. Officials manage to get him out of the ring but Collins is vulnerable to the point where he gets tossed by Ryan Pattillo. The Play Pals and the Royal Effect take each other out as their feud continues. That whole "watch Scabbia's back" thing doesn't really pan out for Costello because as soon as he helps Scabbia avoid elimination, he gets tossed by Seth Von Kamp. Seth doesn't get to celebrate for long as Brandon Reigns runs in and clobbers him from behind with his briefcase. Seth gets tossed by Wrakk soon after. It boils down to Wrakk, Pattillo, and Scabbia. Wrakk has Pattillo on the ropes when the lights flicker and then turn off. When they're back on HAVEN IS ON THE OUTSIDE IN THE FACE OF WRAKK! Wrakk is aghast at this turn of events but the lights turn back off. Upon them coming back up Haven is gone and Wrakk is confused. This leads to Pattillo tossing him over leaving it down to Scabbia and Pattillo. Scabbia is on the rocks and it looks like Pattillo has this well in hand but Wrakk is FURIOUS and returns to dismantle Pattillo. Officials try their damndest to get Wrakk out of there and that's enough commotion for Scabbia to bounce back and toss Pattillo and win the whole thing. Scabbia is officially the number one contender! Noah Carmichael walks out on stage to face down his challenger, belts held high as we go off the air. 85% overall.

Overall show rating: 86%
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