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Old 04-07-2021, 11:37 AM   #3017
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SmackDown!: July 20, 2040

We open with the Unified World Champion Butch Fleming in the ring ready to boast about how proud he is about what he did to Kerry Cemenko. "You really should've had my perspective in the ring when I was laying his sorry ass out! It was so sad and pathetic they way he was begging for me to stop! That look in his eye as he met mine told me all that I needed to know as it was in that moment that Kerry Cemenko knew I was too much of a man for him and that he is WAY over his head! If he had any brains, he'd forget all about King of the Ring, forget all about trying to take MY Unified World Title, and forget all of you because if he keeps insisting on defying me, if he insists on asking that stupid question of what else I've got, if keeps being AN ANNOYING ITCH, I will have no problem scratching it out of the WWE completely at King of the Ring!!!"

Kerry Cemenko does indeed decide to join us out on the stage looking pretty rough but with a defiant countenance. Fleming shakes his head in disappointment as Cemenko raises a mic to his mouth. "DON'T DO IT, KERRY! DON'T SAY IT!!!"

Cemenko is more than happy to ignore this request and simply asks, "What else you got?"

Furious, Fleming slams down his belts and mic and exits the ring to meet Cemenko at the stage but Cemenko decides to meet halfway as he makes his way down the ramp. Lisa Benton and security decide to interrupt the proceedings and reprimands the two competitors as she points out that she still wants to have a championship match for King of the Ring's main event and this path that the two are choosing is making that less and less of a possibility. Both men are ordered to leave the arena NOW! Cemenko and Fleming reluctantly comply as they're escorted away and yell threats at each other.

Backstage, Vivian Merrick is walking down a hallway texting on her phone where she almost bumps into Madison. Both demand the other watch where they're going. Madison wonders if Vivian is so out of it due to trying to get a hold of her boyfriend or if she's trying out some greener pastures in the Wyldhearts. Vivian is offended at the idea. Madison points out that the rumor mill has it that the Wyldhearts would be more than happy to take away any grief Vivian may be having from having to put up with Rick Hilton and Julian Merrick. Vivian retorts that Julian is her brother; he's family and that she can't just turn her back on family. Madison questions what about Rick? Vivian changes the subject and points out that Madison and Vivian herself need to be worried about another issue in the WWE and that's the fact that there's a vixen by the name of Luscious on the hunt for talent. If Luscious was bold enough to come after Rick Hilton, guaranteed she's bold enough to try to take Madison's client, Alexander Piero. Madison is confident that Piero is happy with what he has and vice versa. Vivian offers up her own client, Azazel, as an opponent for Piero tonight if that's the case. Madison accepts and the two part ways.

First Match: Frankie and the British Infection vs. Carmella Costello and The Academy
Huh, the crowd reaction rating is fairly low here but that's not surprising considering the average charisma rating for this lot. I hope it's not a dud show. Regardless the workrate is phenomenal enough and Carmella makes creative use out of an exposed turnbuckle to score a cheap pin on Frankie for the win. ****1/2, 88% overall.

Backstage, Paul Andrews is with Conner Buchanan. Conner wants to talk about how this year was quite a downer for him. He had just been reunited with his partner, Bobby Whitlock and it looked like they were going to run wild one more time. Sadly, Bobby felt that it just wasn't in the cards and Conner respects that. Leaving on your own terms is the ideal way to get out of this business and Conner had hoped that he would've been afforded that luxury, too. Well Brandon Reigns had to swoop on in and ruin everything, didn't he? He wants to dictate the terms of Conner's career? Under normal circumstances, Conner would tell Reigns to shove it but with Reigns needing to be taught a lesson or two over what he's done and with a prize like the Intercontinental Title on the line, Conner says that he will accept the stipulation proposed by Reigns. If Conner can't whip a disrespectful little punk like Reigns then it might be best to join Bobby in that sunset. Conner's got enough motivation to make King of the Ring the worst night of Brandon Reigns' life.

Second Match: Jenna Kyle and Faith Connors vs. Kelley Hayes and Maya
Well, thankfully it's not a dud show as the crowd reaction is better here...and who can blame them? This is more angle than match as Jenna hits Maya with the Kyle Driver for the pin but Leah and Hannah McCormick immediately storm the ring afterwards to lay out the faces. Hannah informs everyone that she and Leah accept the challenge from Faith and Jenna for a match at King of the Ring. *****, 94% overall.

Third Match: Chris Collins vs. Caleb Greene
Collins demands that Clubber Harris give him answers soon about his recent behavior because his patience is running thin. This is another 'more angle than match' situation as Collins cheats his way to victory here. Afterwards, Clubber Harris makes his way out and climbs into the ring to meet Collins. Harris looks like he's trying to explain himself and calm Collins down...then takes Collins' head off with a clothesline and then tosses him out the ring. What a turn of events! ****1/2, 93% overall.

Backstage, we catch up with the Intercontinental Champion Brandon Reigns. He's informed of Conner Buchanan's decision to accept the title match at King of the Ring. Reigns is amused as Conner just signed his career over. It's going to be delicious to end another veteran. This year just keeps getting better and better for Brandon Reigns and it's barely halfway over! Makes you wonder what else is on the horizon. Speaking of which, Reigns has some other business to take care off so he'll see us later. What did he mean by that?

Fourth Match: King of the Ring Semi-Finals - Noah Carmichael vs. Salvatore Scabbia
Brooke wants to let us all know that Scabbia has been looking forward to this since No Way Out. All of this talk from people like Butch Fleming and Noah Carmichael and Quentin McDaniels over who should be champion is a joke when everyone knows Scabbia had the Unified World Title won until Carmichael took the coward's way out! "There's no escaping now, Carmichael, because your sins have finally caught up to you! Scabbia is on his way to becoming the King of the Ring and he'll take his rightful championship not long after!" Noah Carmichael has other plans as the match commences. It comes down to Carmichael getting locked in the Omerta and trying valiantly to escape and/or reach the ropes. Finally Carmichael uses the Survivor Series '96 trick by pushing off the turnbuckle and landing on Scabbia and the ref counts Scabbia's shoulders down! Brooke is furious and claims that Carmichael is passed out!!! Scabbia shares Brooke's fury and proceeds to punish Carmichael some more and locks in the Omerta again. Carmichael is in bad shape here but RYAN PATTILLO runs down to get him some of Scabbia and put an end to this. Brooke demands that Scabbia back down and leave with her. Despite all of this Carmichael is still the winner and he advances to the finals! ****1/2, 91% overall.

Fifth Match: Alexander Piero vs. Azazel
Both men are seconded by their respective managers. I need to rebuild Piero after I got him beat in the tournament. Things come to a head when the Wyldhearts make their way out to the stage to observe. Vivian looks flustered and Madison gestures to her that perhaps Vivian should go join them. This leads to the two of them exchanging words and this is enough to distract Azazel and Piero hits the Flashpoint to take advantage and scores the win. ****1/2, 92% overall.

Sixth Match: Tania vs. C.J.
Tania talks about how Naomi doesn't make demands of her, no matter her status. Naomi can find someone else to take care of the royal attire and she certainly needs it considering what happened on Raw. The fun and games go out the window at King of the Ring because the Women's Title is coming home with Tania. These words only fuel Naomi's wrath as she runs down during the match to destroy Tania for the DQ. Naomi chokes out Tania with the stained royal robe and tosses her around the ring violently. Officials run down to stop the carnage as Naomi yells threats at Tania. *****, 94% overall.

MAIN EVENT: King of the Ring Semi-Finals - Seth Von Kamp vs. Quentin McDaniels
This is it! Who will join Carmichael in the finals? Von Kamp has been on a hot streak in regards to match quality and it continues here as both men are determined as fuck to get the win. The ref is bumped off a Collapse of Society attempt. Quentin takes advantage and sends Von Kamp to the outside and pounds his head into the announce table several times. He goes for a chair but Von Kamp recovers and drives McDaniels into the ring post. Back into the ring we go as Seth sets up for another Collapse of Society but BRANDON REIGNS slams his Money in the Back briefcase into Seth's face!!! WHAT IS HE DOING?!? Reigns rolls out and McDaniels is able to gain his bearings and hit the Great Depression as the ref recovers and counts the pin giving McDaniels the win and sending him to the finals! IT'S NOT OVER! Reigns drags Von Kamp to the outside and proceeds to just brutalize him culminating in another shot with the Money in the Briefcase to the back of Seth's head. What is up with Reigns? We close the show with the Intercontinental Champion standing over the fallen Von Kamp. ****1/2, 94% overall.

Overall show rating: 90%
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