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Old 04-03-2021, 02:28 PM   #3014
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Superstars: July 19, 2040

We open with Lisa Benton talking about how it's a night off as far as the King of the Ring tournament goes. All four semi-finalists will need all the time they can get in order to prepare for tomorrow night on SmackDown! when we determine the finalists who will compete next Sunday for the crown of this year's King of the Ring. She's about to continue when the music of Haven hits and the intimidating figure of the Dark Shepherd joins Benton in the ring. Benton makes the first overture before Haven can say or do anything. "Haven, look, I already know what this is about and I'm sorry about went down on Raw in your match against McDaniels."

"I don't need apologies or accountability from you. I only need a target."

"Listen, we checked out what happened and the best we can tell is that someone hijacked the system remotely. That's the best that I can tell you, and before you ask, no, there wasn't anything that proves Quentin McDaniels was behind it so you can't get on his case for that, alright?" Haven merely continues a steely, cold glare of disappointment at Benton which causes her to continue. "Haven, I know you're upset and angry and you definitely feel cheated and I get that; but at this juncture there's really not a whole lot that I can do."

Haven leans forward close to Benton and simply utters, "You need to ask yourself a rather simple question: What good is power if it constantly slips from your grasp? Shackle yourself to bureaucracy if you wish. I'm more than capable of retribution on my own."

This calls for an interruption from another aggrieved party, this time in the form of Chris Collins. Collins declares that he's after the truth, too because he thinks that there's a very high chance that Clubber Harris didn't really pull any kind of muscle on Raw! Collins demands to know about any medical update from Lisa Benton regarding Harris because that whole business cost him a chance to be the King of the Ring. And unlike some other people here in this ring right now, Collins actually had a legitimate chance of taking the whole thing!

Haven glares at Collins and raises his mic. "Lisa Benton, consider yourself fortunate. You are no longer the biggest focus of my wrath. Collins gets in Haven's face and replies, "What? You think I'm afraid of you? I'd have taken you out of the tournament myself!"

Lisa Benton feels the need to interject and demands that both of them back down. If they're so eager to get at each other's throats, then they can be the main event for tonight! That seems to satisfy both men...for now.

Backstage, Brandon Reigns wants to talk about Conner Buchanan and his pathetic begging he's been doing to get a title match. Well, Reigns has had it up to here with all of this nonsense so here's the gist of it: Reigns has got good news and bad news for Conner Buchanan. The good news is Reigns isn't doing anything at King of the Ring anyway, so fine, Buchanan can have a shot at the Intercontinental Title. The bad news? If Buchanan accepts this very generous offer, he needs to offer something up to make it worth the time. Buchanan needs to put his career on the line and leave the WWE if he loses. "I know you're eager to jump into this foolishly but you might want to consider talking things over with your buddy Paul Andrews. After what I did to his fellow veteran pal back at Judgment Day and what I did to him, maybe he'll talk some sense into you."

First Match: Shawn Dangerson vs. Zachary Vale
Sophie Waters accompanies Dangerson and announces that it's official that the two of them have formed a partnership but it's only the beginning. Sophie is looking to challenge herself and build a dynasty and there's plenty of overlooked talent that she's got her eye on. That aside, opening matches with cruiserweights always rules and surely matches involving Shawn Dangerson will also rule so do the math here. It's a hotly contested affair that ends with Vale finding his way into the Danger Zone and tapping out to give Dangerson the win. ****1/2, 90% overall.

Backstage, Rick Hilton has been watching the show as he prepares for his tag team match tonight. He's joined by Luscious of all people who is impressed with his physique. She points out that Sophie Waters isn't the only manager looking to build a dynasty. Luscious is well aware of Rick's situation with Vivian Merrick, both on a managerial level AND on a personal level. If things look like they're not working out, Luscious says the door is always open. Rick stammers a bit but before he's able to reply Vivian Merrick walks in looking none to happy. Luscious gives Rick a wink before taking her leave.

Second Match: The Agents of Change vs. The Tokyo Titans
This is more of a laid back show in terms of matches. This seems like the right spot to have a sweet tag team affair and I haven't used these guys in a while. Corey Mattis ducks a springboard crossbody and uses an Oklahoma Roll Deluxe (using the tights) to score a cheap win. *****, 94% overall.

In-Ring Talky Time with semi-finalist Seth Von Kamp. Apparently he didn't get the memo that he's supposed to have the night off. It's OK, though, because it's important that he says his peace. "It's been a wild few weeks but that light at the end of the tunnel is getting closer and brighter and right there waiting is a ticket to immortality. Speaking as the only semi-finalist who has actually won King of the Ring before, there's an energy to it. There is a magic that flows through you that lets everyone know that you've made it. At the risk of sounding bitter, I have to say that I'm due. Hell, I'm overdue. That Unified World Title passes by every now and then but it's been out of my reach for too long. This needs to happen for me next Sunday night. Quentin McDaniels is waiting for me tomorrow night. It's going to be the longest night of his life because I take nothing for granted."

The music of Noah Carmichael plays and the man himself comes out to confront Seth. "Actually I think there is something major you're taking for granted. You see, I plan on being in the finals next Sunday night, too, after I'm done with Scabbia. You can talk all you want about your experience winning the King of the Ring. I'm the only one in the semi-finals who has actually been the Unified World Champion and let me tell you there's nothing else like it. You want to talk energy and magic? Winning that title is damn near orgasmic. I'm not on board with Butch Fleming and his activities but I certainly understand why he does it. I also understand Kerry Cemenko taking his lickings and coming back for more because he knows what's at stake. So I hope you do make it to the finals, Seth, I really do because I'm curious how you're going to stand up to a man like me who is just dying for another hit."

"You want to know what I'm capable of? You just tune in tomorrow night and watch what I do to McDaniels and I'll see you in the finals...then again, maybe I won't." And with that Seth takes his leave after giving Carmichaels a little smirk.

Third Match: Romeo Valiente vs. Martyn LaSalle
Luscious comes down to ringside apparently cheering on LaSalle. She joins the announce team and makes it clear that she's ready and willing to make any kind of arrangement to have LaSalle as her charge as she thinks he's the cream of the crop in the Cruiserweight Division. LaSalle certainly proves that statement with a showing like this. The announcers quiz Luscious on if there's something more she likes about LaSalle but she doesn't answer. The end comes when LaSalle hooks in the Martynizer for the tap out win. Luscious gives a standing ovation and practically gives LaSalle the bedroom eyes. *****, 95% overall.

More in-ring talky time but we've got The Royal Effect this time around only this time they're dressed up as the Play Pals. They spend their time imitating their rivals in a bit of a parody basically making it a point to express their nerdiness and lack of maturity and how they shake in their boots at the mere mention of the Royal Effect. It reaches the point where the real Play Pals have heard enough and they run out to chase off the posers.

Fourth Match: WWE Unified Tag Team Champions the Future Foundation vs. The Wasteland
Vivian Merrick is conspicuously absent here. Julian tries to get Rick to focus in order to BUILD MOMENTUM! This is just more tag team awesomeness and it ends when Julian feels the need for speed...and to cheat as he uses one of the tag belts to nail Drakken from behind for the pin. The Wyldhearts come running down to fuck shit up for the champions and the Future Foundation goes into retreat mode. *****, 98% overall.

Fifth Match: Jamie Roderick vs. Eclypse
Yikes, is this my only women's match on the show? Well, they'd better make it a good one...which they do because Roderick plays an awesome underdog against Eclypse's monster strength. Roderick clips the knee after escaping a Fade to Black attempt and locks in the Roderick Legacy for the tap out win. ****1/2, 93% overall.

MAIN EVENT: Chris Collins vs. Haven
If there was a King of the Ring loser bracket these two would meet in it. Regardless both men feel wronged and cheated so they're not in the best of moods. They take out their frustrations on each other in a hard-hitting match here. Clubber Harris makes his way out apparently in better health and in support of Collins. The end comes when Haven boots Collins off the apron and he falls into Harris. The ref starts the count as both men try to get up. Collins almost beats the count but Harris grabs his tights to use as leverage to pull himself up and that's enough to keep Collins out of the ring for the ref to complete the ten count. Collins is less than thrilled but Harris looks like might have reaggravated his arm. Haven takes his leave but we get the flickering lights again which draws Haven's ire. *****, 95% overall.

Overall show rating: 89%
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