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Old 04-02-2021, 01:14 AM   #3012
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Raw: July 16, 2040

We open with another edition of the Hot Ticket with everyone's favorite host, The Undefeated Steel Cage Master, Former WWE Cruiserweight Champion-Elect, the Cruiserweight Champion Michael Hotbody. Hotbody wants to talk about some of the regrets he's been having. "I regret what happened last week when Zed Jones got screwed out of his King of the Ring match because of Martyn LaSalle. I also regret not being able to make it to Superstar because I would have totally taken Noah Carmichael up on his offer and I would have totally beat him and go on to win the King of the Ring. Really, when you think about it, I gave up my spot and had I competed or even managed to be inserted into Noah Carmichael's position, there's no question I would have been this year's winner. So it's only fair and fitting that I am awarded a new moniker and that is the REAL 2040 King of the Ring, because let's face it, everyone involved right now is only there because I allowed it. But I'll tell you what is probably my biggest regret. I should've gone with a blonde instead of a redhead last week for Martyn LaSalle's potential companion. I mean, granted he'd have probably been ungrateful regardless but I think I would have had a better match considering what went down on SmackDown!. Everyone's talking about this new woman on the scene and what her plans are. Well, I'll say this much, those plans might be a little short sighted if she's looking to get her paws on someone like Martyn LaSalle. Well, no matter the case the Hot Ticket is all about bring you the hottest scoops and I wasted no time in arranging tonight's interview to dig right into the good stuff. Please welcome to the show, LUSCIOUS!"

Luscious sure enough makes her way out and joins Hotbody in the ring and takes a mic. Hotbody proceeds with the questioning. "Now, first things first, there's no way your parents saddled you with that name right? OK, OK, I'm just teasing but let's get down to brass tacks. With you being the new face in town and looking to make an impact here in the WWE, how does it feel being in the presence of THE hottest star going on today, yours truly, the greatest Cruiserweight Champion this company has seen in years?"

"Honestly? It feels like I'm looking at a fraud."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, I am not a fraud. Have you actually been paying attention to the program as you so boldly claimed? Do you know what I have been through to be where I am right now? Actually, a better question would be why didn't you approach me as your first contact? I'M the guy with the belt and the fancy show and the sweetest dance moves! Here, look at me go..."

"Look, look, please...stop. Listen, I don't know if anyone's ever told you this but I'll be more than happy to be the first;'re kind of a big dork."

"Hey, hey! Just who do you think you are talking to me like that?!? I am not a dork! I barely tolerated smart ass remarks like that from the boss so I sure as hell am not going to take it from some nobody fresh off the turnip truck! I'M MICHAEL HOTBODY, DAMMIT! All the guys want to be my friend and all the ladies want me on their speed dial because they know where the hot stuff is!"

"Hot stuff or not I came into the WWE looking for the talent and whether or not I'm fortunate enough to be able to claim him as I client, I believe Martyn LaSalle is just the talent to take that Cruiserweight Title from you at King of the Ring. These people here all know it because they know that Martyn LaSalle doesn't waste time with dorky shenanigans like you do. When was the last time you won a match on your own? When was the last time you stood your ground and fought like a man? Those are the qualities that attract me to a wrestler like Martyn LaSalle...and maybe in certain other areas, who knows?"

"Wow. I mean, just, wow. Not even a week in and I've already got you pegged. The fact that you can stand there with a straight face a proclaim Martyn LaSalle superior over a work of art like this in any area shows what kind of judge of character you are. You do yourself a favor: plant that stupid little ass of yours down at King of the Ring, tune in to that Cruiserweight Title match, and be stupefied at what you see because I'm walking out that night STILL your greatest Cruiserweight Champion! MARK MY WORDS!" And with that, Hotbody signals the Hot Ticket is over and takes his leave as Luscious merely smirks at him.

Backstage, Clubber Harris meets up Chris Collins. Harris wants to clear the air and admit that while he was indeed upset with getting knocked out of the tournament thanks to Collins' antics, he didn't really mean to screw things up for Collins on SmackDown!. All is fair in war, right? Collins isn't so sure about accepting this line but Harris presses on that he'll have Collins' back tonight in the King of the Ring to make up for it.

First Match: The WWE Unified Tag Team Champions The Future Foundation and The Royal Effect vs. The Wyldhearts and The Play Pals
The Future Foundation make it clear that Vivian is to remain in their corner. This is an awesome and hot opener and a good showing for the Wyldhearts. After things break down, Bellamey and Hilton fall to the outside in front of Vivian. Vivian looks to nail Bellamey with one of the title belts but looks hesitant as he rises up. Hilton tosses Bellamey back into the ring and makes the decision for Vivian as he yanks the belt out her hands and clobbers Bellamey with it and gets the pin. Vivian looks conflicted at all of this. ****1/2, 94% overall.

Second Match: King of the Ring Quarterfinals - Seth Von Kamp vs. Chris Collins
Harris claimed he was going to be watching Collins' back but he doesn't accompany him. The match proceeds with its awesomeness regardless. The ref is bumped and NOW Clubber Harris decides to make himself present. Collins motions that he'd like a chair and Harris looks to hand it over...WAIT! It looks like Harris pulled a muscle or something right as he was about to hand the chair over! Collins is confused and Von Kamp recovers to hit the Collapse of Society and gets the pin to advance to the semi-finals! *****, 99% overall. Scott Keith declares it another GOAT candidate.

In-Ring Talky Time with Kerry Cemenko. As the number one contender to the Unified World Title he's been keeping close tabs on the proceedings in the King of the Ring tournament as he needs to know what he might be getting into come SummerSlam. That may sound like he's overlooking Butch Fleming but he's not. Cemenko knows he's in for a fight at King of the Ring but it's a fight worth having and it's a fight he knows he can win. Cemenko stands here defiant once again because mere words and threats and even a trip through the announce table isn't keeping him down. He once again asks the question to Fleming, "What else you got?"

Well, the Unified World Champion has his answer as he sneaks up behind Cemenko and proceeds to brutalize him. A chair shot drops the challenger and Fleming proceeds to nail a Slaughterhouse Special on top of it! Ouch! Fleming then goes the Undertaker route by jamming the chair into Cemenko's throat! Cemenko is rightly fucked up and we get paramedics to help him out as the champion stands tall.

Third Match: King of the Ring Quarterfinals - Quentin McDaniels vs. Haven
I should do an extended program between just these two. There are some issues yet to be fully settled. They try hard to do so here and they gel tremendously. The end comes when Haven looks to put McDaniels away but Paul Heyman apparently bounced another check to the power company as the lights flicker off and on the PA plays a distorted and warped version of Haven's music. Haven is flummoxed and through it all McDaniels recovers enough to hit a low blow and nail the Great Depression and uses the ropes for good measure to squeak out a win here to advance to the semi-finals. What was up with all of that? *****, 95% overall.

More In-Ring Super Special Talky Time, this time with the Queen of Queens and WWE Women's Champion Naomi Bailey. She's out here in full regal garb as she wants to make it a point to once again remind the peasants out here just who the hell she is. Take in all of this majesty and then question whether or not you should all back Tania in her quest to try to become the Women's Champion. Sonya Braddock learned the hard way. All of those other so-called Queens learned the hard way. Maybe Naomi will just have to turn it up a notch at King of the Ring to really hammer home the point that the WWE is looking at the baddest bitch to ever walk down that aisle.

This brings out Tania naturally. She's got snow cones for everyone! It's a hot July night here in the South after all and she wants to cool things down, literally and figuratively. Naomi needs to dial things back a bit and not take things so personal unless she's looking to bust a vein. The Women's Title is a dream of Tania's and it's something she's worked towards for a long time so she can't allow herself to be deterred by talks of 'peasants' and 'baddest bitches'. And as far as the way Naomi wants to carry herself as the Queen of Queens, she should probably try more Queen Kate and less Marie Antoinette. But, hey, where are her manners? Tania has snow cones for Naomi, too! Tania grabs a couple from her tray and 'accidentally' spills the colorful refreshments all over Naomi's glorious regal costume. Oh, clumsy her! Naomi goes for the kill but Tania ducks her and clotheslines the champion over the top rope sending Naomi into an embarrassed frenzy and she decides to back off for the night.

Backstage, Faith Connors and Jenna Kyle talk about their woes and frustrations over Hannah McCormick and Leah. They have an offer for them if they're so sure of themselves and they challenge their foes to a tag team match at King of the Ring.

Fourth Match: King of the Ring Quarterfinals - Ryan Pattillo vs. Salvatore Scabbia
The next chapter in the story of these two. It's another hard hitting slobber knocker affair. The end comes when Pattillo winds up locked in the Omerta again and struggles to free himself. As a last desperate measure he manages to sneak a foot under the bottom rope which should be cause for a break but the ref takes a while noticing it and Brooke uses that time to push the foot back into the ring. Pattillo passing out is academic after that and Scabbia advances to the semi-finals. ****1/2, 91% overall.

Fifth Match: Conner Buchanan vs. Miles Shawcross
Buchanan dares Brandon Reigns to just try to pull on him what he pulled on Paul Andrews and Kyle Jacobs because he's not going to be satisfied until Reigns pays for everything he's done. This is good little outing designed for Buchanan's benefit. Reigns does indeed try to make his way to ringside but Buchanan meets his gaze and finishes Shawcross off with the Borderline for the pin. Buchanan points at Reigns declaring that he's next. Reigns tries to run in to make a go of it but Buchanan's eagerness causes his to rethink that approach and he decides to back away for now. *****, 94% overall.

MAIN EVENT: King of the Ring Quarterfinals - Xavier Cross vs. Noah Carmichael
This is obviously to determine our last semi-finalist. These two have done some good shit in the past and it's no different here. Better yet, there are no shenanigans here as it comes down to Carmichael simply being the better man tonight as he escapes a Cross Cutter attempt and counters into a Quick Draw for the pin and advances to the semi-finals. The other three semi-finalists come out on the stage for a staredown as we close the show. *****, 96% overall.

Overall show rating: 90%
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