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Old 02-27-2021, 12:50 AM   #2920
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Raw: June 11, 2040

Opening Match: The Royal Effect vs. The Play Pals
We're not wasting any time getting right into the thick of things as we see these two teams battle it out for a shot at the tag team titles at Night of Champions. The new team of McKay and Kavovit might be the talk of the town but the Play Pals have the experience advantage and it culminates in Haywood getting a tap out win over Kavovit to win the title shot for his team. Speaking of which the champions themselves try a run in attack afterwards but they get repelled by the challengers. *****, 96% overall.

We get Kerry Cemenko out now and he brings up his comments from SmackDown!. Xavier Cross' accusations ring somewhat true but like he said, Cemenko has a proposal that already has the approval of Lisa Benton. So with that said he'd like Cross to come out here and hear Cemenko out. Cross comes out looking annoyed and tells Cemenko that he's not interested in wasting any more time with him. Cemenko counters that Cross will be very interested in investing more time because Cemenko is asking for one more match between the two of them. The catch is it will be a number one contender match for the Unified World Title. This certainly grabs Cross' attention but Cross boasts how Cemenko is over his head if he wants to go down this road. Cemenko not only wants to go down that road, he's going to be the bus driver that takes Cross' ass to school. Cross turns and chuckles in apparent amusement but then tries a cheap shot. Cemenko is quick to this though and drops Cross with a shot of his own. Cross decides to bail but issues threats as he takes his leave.

Backstage Michael Hotbody meets up with Lisa Benton. Hotbody wants to let her know that he's sick of all of the calls and messages and what nots he's been getting. He reiterates that he's not facing Jordan Demiras at Night of Champions no matter the consequences because Demiras is a rude person who doesn't give Hotbody the proper amount of respect Hotbody deserves. Benton suggests that maybe she should strip Hotbody of the Cruiserweight Title if that's going to be his attitude. Hotbody accuses her of abusing her authority and playing favorites. Just because Demiras is the only person on the roster willing to play Hide the Salami with Benton doesn't mean she can be abusive to everyone else. Benton looks to slap Hotbody again but Hotbody catches her hand and gives her a threatening look. Luckily, Jordan Demiras arrives on the scene and Hotbody backs off. Hotbody then tells the two of them that he has a proposal. If Jordan wants his title shot so bad, he should face an opponent of Hotbody's choosing tonight and if he wins, he'll get his match at Night of Champions no questions asked. But if he loses, Demiras doesn't get squat and Hotbody gets the night off. What does Demiras say? Demiras accepts and Hotbody takes his leave...but not before mentioning that the opponent in mind is Zed Jones.

Second Match: The British Infection and The Dillingers vs. The Millennium Rebels and The Academy
More multi-man goodness. This combined with SmackDown! makes me think I have way too many teams. Anyways, Brooke makes her presence felt here as she allows Justin Mitchell to score a cheap pin on Ben Dillinger. ****1/4, 89% overall.

The Intercontinental Champion Brandon Reigns decides to come out to the ring and get some things off his chest. What he did to Jake Connelly doesn't make him a bad person. What he's planning on doing with his Money in the Bank contract doesn't make him a bad person. What he going to do to Kyle Jacobs at Night of Champions also doesn't make him a bad person. It's merely life. The best overcomes the rest of the pack no matter the circumstances and certainly no matter the hurt feelings of anyone who wants to judge you. The only thing that would make him a bad person is he doesn't live up to the potential that he has. If anything that would make Kyle Jacobs a bad person because he's spent his time choking on the legacy and shadow of his pathetic uncle and father! Naturally this brings out Jacobs in a fury but Reigns decides he's done for the night and takes his leave.

Third Match: Zed Jones vs. Jordan Demiras
We've been informed that Michael Hotbody is not allowed at ringside for the naturally he sneaks up behind Demiras BEFORE the match starts and sends him into the ring steps and beats on him before heading to the back. Demiras insists on going through with the match. He gets his wish but Jones has quite the advantage and just overpowers the former champion. Demiras is fueled by rage however and won't go away easy. He manages enough of a comeback to hit a top rope Axe Kick and score the win. Hotbody IMMEDIATELY storms down to offer his congratulations and a chair so Demiras sit and rest but Demiras is too much of a klutz and he smacks into it with his head. Jones and Hotbody then notice a bunch of spiders all over Demiras' body and act quickly by stomping them over and over again. Hotbody may have saved Demiras from what sure could have been a medical disaster. ****1/2, 91% overall

Fourth Match: Hannah McCormick and Carmella Costello vs. Phoebe Hanson and Frankie
Hannah makes it clear that she still wants the winner of tonight's Iron Woman Match. More quality shit from the ladies here as Brooke pulls double duty and distracts Frankie long enough for McCormick to set her up for a Spotlight off the top for the pin. ****1/2, 92% overall.

Backstage, Quentin McDaniels and Butch Fleming have gotten into a scuffle with Noah Carmichael and Haven. Everyone's yelling at each other, all laying claim to the Unified World Title. Lisa Benton arrives with officials and tells them all to settle down and shut up because she's going to rectify this issue right now. The main event at Night of Champions will be Butch Fleming defending the Unified World Title against Carmichael, McDaniels, AND Haven in a fatal four-way. She orders all of them to back down right now or she'll remove them from the match.

Fifth Match: Ryan Pattillo vs. L.A. Xander
Simply a match to put Pattillo over. After he scores a win with the Shutdown, Salvatore Scabbia makes his way down and locks in the Omerta on Pattillo until he passes out. Scabbia stands tall after sending his message. ****1/2, 92% overall.

Sixth Match: Lonny Richards vs. Caleb Greene
Another chapter between the two former partners and it's another big man vs. little man style encounter. Nathan Quinn doesn't feel that confident about his client's chances this time around though and pulls Greene out of the ring to stop a potential pinfall after Greene hits the Greene With Envy. Both he and Richards double-team Caleb afterwards. ****1/2, 92% overall.

MAIN EVENT: Iron Woman Match: Faith Connors vs. Jenna Kyle
And here we go....

Jenna makes her way out looking as ready as she's going to be. Maybe not as hot as she's ever going to be but that's neither here nor there. Let's go back to the stage....

And here comes Faith making her usual acrobatic entrance. Clearly both women looked prepped and ready to go. We even get some dueling chants with "LET'S GO JENNA!" and "WE HAVE FAITH!"

It's a rough but even first few minutes as they go back and forth. The first decision comes after Faith counters an errant kick from Jenna into the Crisis of Faith to pick up the pin and go up 1-0.

11 minutes in and this time Jenna gets the upper hand throughout the most of the exchange. Faith has to resort to desperation moves to keep Jenna off her back. She manages to set up Jenna for a Mirror's Edge but Jenna follows her up and brings her off the top with a super belly-to-back suplex and that's enough to stun Faith for Jenna to hit a Kyle Driver to tie things up at 1-1.

We're down to the last 5 minutes and the intensity picks up. Faith decides to play things smart and stay grounded which throws Jenna off a tad. She's eventually able to adapt and latches in her Boston Crab in the closing moments. Faith refuses to tap and it looks like we may be going into overtime but Faith makes the ropes and Jenna lets go not wanting to give up another fall. She looks for the Kyle Driver but Faith escapes and slings Jenna into the ropes and then follows up with a 6-1-9 of all things! Faith then launches off of Jenna's body and springboards off the top rope to hit the Mirror's Edge to go up 2-1 and time expires. ******, 100% overall, piece in the Middle East is achieved, all the men had erections and all the women were ovulating, left and right.

Post-match, we get an apparent face turn from Jenna as she goes through with a handshake as we go off the air.

Overall show rating: 88%
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