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Old 02-20-2021, 10:36 AM   #2883
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Raw: May 28, 2040

It's the Raw after Judgment Day and the road to Night of Champions begins. There are two matches scheduled so far as the result of what went down last night. Time to see where all of the champions end up.

Speaking of which we're opening with the NEW Unified World Champion, Butch Fleming who made the most of his return to PPV after being gone a year. He takes the mic and addresses the crowd.

"I....TOLD....YOU! Did you really, truly believe that a year's absence was going to be enough to blunt my edge? Did you honestly think that all of that time away gave Noah Carmichael some sort of advantage? I ALWAYS have the the advantage! You want to know why you people wanted to believe I'd fail? It's because you're so stupid that you're not able to learn from history! I went more than THREE YEARS with NO ONE being able to beat me! The few losses I ended up with I can count on one hand! And the so-called 'men' that can claim those empty, hollow victories? They're back in their place where they belong BECAUSE I DON'T COWER AWAY AND I PUT THEM THERE! Crossing me is the ultimate sin for anyone dumb enough to consider it. Which brings me to one other individual that I am demanding come out here right now and face the music. QUENTIN MCDANIELS! i'm not asking you, I'm ORDERING YOU to get in this ring now!"

Quentin McDaniels makes Fleming wait a bit but eventually the man joins us and steps into the ring with an intense glare towards the champion. Fleming continues his tirade this time directed at his former City Slickers stablemate. "Quentin, I'm only doing this because you and I go way back so I'm going to give you a chance to be straight with me. WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU DOING OUT THERE IN MY MAIN EVENT LAST NIGHT?!?!"

McDaniels raises his own mic and furiously gives his response. "Let me get something straight here, I'm out here on my own accord. You don't order me...."

"ANSWER THE DAMN QUESTION, QUENTIN! I'm not in the mood for any backtalk and I sure as hell don't care about your feelings. What the hell were you doing at Judgment Day in my match? Because it looked to me like you wanted to help Carmichael keep the title."

"You really want to know, Butch? Truth be told, I was just going to sit back and enjoy the show at Judgment Day but then there was something you said last week that got me thinking; you said that no matter who was in the main event at Backlash you were going to come down and attack them. I have to ask would that have included me? You see, just one month before Backlash, I was in the main event of WrestleMania and it just as easily could have been me defending the Unified Title at Backlash. So I'll ask again, would you have included me in your little temper tantrum against the world?"

"Who the hell do you think you are talking to me like that? I ask the questions around here! I am the Unified World Champion! I am your God damn superior!"

"Wake up, 'boss'! I know being gone a whole year can leave you behind on current events but in case you haven't noticed, the City Slickers aren't a thing anymore. The brilliant idea of The Integration also isn't a thing anymore. I did fine without you by my side and I sure as hell can be just fine with you right in my face. I deserved another crack at Carmichael. Hell, I could the one that takes that title away from you and send you packing for another year. Maybe more depending on how willing you are to piss me off."

Fleming chuckles at this incredulously. "If you want to start with your own visions of grandeur, I hope you took a long hard look at what I left of Noah Carmichael last night. Remember, you're no different than him. I know you just as well and I know you can't measure up to me. There's barely anyone back there that measures up to me as far as deserving a title shot goes!"

Almost on cue the lights dim and the eeriness sets in as Haven makes his way to the ring. He gets in the face of Quentin McDaniels and has words for him. "Wallow in pity as long and as deep as you wish. The truth is simply this: your chance came and went. Fear not, though, for sanctuary beckons the Unified World Title as there is another who is far more deserving." And with that, Haven turns his glare to Fleming and simply growls, "ME!" He then grabs the champion by the throat furiously. However, McDaniels doesn't take kindly to Haven's apparent disrespect and attacks from behind. Soon, Haven is laid out by McDaniels and Fleming.

Backstage, Romeo Valiente demands that Ozzy Mandias stay out of his business. Valiente has been treating the rookie with kid gloves but he warns that he's not sure how much longer he's willing to do so.

First Match: Moses McKay and King Kavovit vs. The Tokyo Titans
Thought I'd never get to a match, huh? Well, it's a doozy so there is that. McKay is in rebuild mode and he leads his team to victory with a well-placed Mass Effect on Wu to get the pin. *****, 94% overall.

Backstage, Naomi Bailey reaches out to Sonya Braddock who, unfortunately, isn't here tonight. Naomi hopes the champion was watching the Queen and Queens match last night. Naomi also invites her and everyone to witness her re-coronation on SmackDown!.

Second Match: Seth Von Kamp vs. Steve Hayes
I debated hard about what to do with Von Kamp next but unfortunately I had to set him aside and have him tread water for a bit while I let some other things unfold. There is something in store for him, I assure you, it's just that he's got to stutter for a bit. He can still get some wins, though, and he does so here after a solid match that ends with a pin after the Collapse of Society. ****1/2. 92% overall.

Third Match: Faith Connors and Phoebe Hanson vs. Hannah McCormick and Bobbi Jo
McCormick is HOT after losing last night and she's keen on taking things out on Faith. Jenna Kyle watches from the ramp while the announcers speculate what might be on her mind. The end comes when both Faith and Bobbi Jo stumble into Jenna and it looks like Jenna tries to take a pound of flesh from Faith but Bobbi gets the raw end of that deal allowing Faith to hit the Mirror's Edge for the pin. Did Jenna really mean to do that? *****, 94% overall.

Backstage, Kyle Jacobs is proud to say that he shoved all of that fluke talk up the asses of all of the naysayers. It's only too bad that last night's joy was tempered a great deal by having to watch the end of a legend, Jake Connelly, at the hands of Brandon Reigns. Reigns has made his bed. Now Kyle Jacobs gets to mess it up all over again.

Fourth Match: Michael Haywood vs. Julian Merrick
These two tag team specialists have a date with destiny as The Play Pals earned a shot at the tag team titles. Both men show their determination to show the other up but Rick Hilton pulls Merrick out when the water starts getting too hot. Haywood gets a countout win here. ****1/2, 92% overall.

Fifth Match: Billie Padgett and Carmella Costello vs. Tania and Frankie
The poor faces don't get last names. They don't need them, though, as Frankie causes Carmella to collide with an interfering Brooke and hits the Frankie-Stein for the pin. ****1/2, 91% overall.

Sixth Match: Lonny Richards vs. Caleb Greene
The former partners finally get to try to settle things. It's another David vs. Goliath situation as Greene pulls out all of his cruiserweight craftiness and agility to hang with the powerhouse in Richards. Lonny's manager, Nathan Quinn, proves to be the deciding factor as he distracts Greene long enough for Richards to slap on the Dragon Sleeper and Greene passes out. ****1/2, 92% overall.

FINAL SEGMENT: The Mega-Super-Happening-Hip-Cool-Awesome-Hot-Dance Party-Celebration-Fiesta-Electronica-Dubstep-Fresh-Funky-Award Ceremony-Extravaganza to Commemorate the NEW WWE Cruiserweight Champion, Former Cruiserweight Champion-Elect Michael Hotbody
Hotbody is in full giddy mode tonight as the ring is filled with apparently party guests of his selection. We're all here to take part in this momentous occasion and bear witness to the elevation to legendary status by Michael Hotbody. He overcame the impossible! A biased boss in Lisa Benton! An unfair match stipulation! A sex-crazed, insecure weak FORMER champion in Jordan Demiras! Hotbody wants to dedicate this special event to Zed Jones, who is recuperating after Haven UNJUSTLY REAGGRAVATED Zed's health problems. He feels bad about Jones being in the wrong place at the wrong time last night. All Zed was trying to do was get some measure of rest after being worked on in the back of that ambulance and then he heard the wild commotion coming from Demiras and his hormones! All Jones was trying to do was take a peek outside to see what was happening and that sexual deviant Demiras went all klutzy again! But it's all OK because what's important is right here, right now! Demiras is banned from entering this exclusive party as all of Hotbody's guests have been personally vetted! The audience is also banned from dancing and if there are people seen dancing during the party THEY WILL BE EJECTED!!! They are only here to observe and reflect on what a loser Jordan Demiras is and what a great cruiserweight champion Michael Hotbody will be! Now with that said, LET'S DANCE!!!

The lights dim but the ring lights up with various spotlights and God awful electronic club music plays. Everyone in the ring does their thing but Hotbody just goes completely wild. After a while, he looks into the crowd and takes the mic again and asks for the music to be lowered because he SEES PEOPLE DANCING! Hotbody declares that he will immediately start ejecting people and any further blatant rule-breaking will cause that person to be PERMANENTLY BANNED FROM ALL FUTURE HOTBODY EVENTS!!! He then tries to get things back on track when one of the party attendees smashes a record over Hotbody's head!!! The attacker removes some of his party attire...IT'S JORDAN DEMIRAS!!! He managed to sneak in! He rains some more fury on the fallen Hotbody but the party security pulls him off! We go off the air as Demiras desperately tries to get him some more!

88% overall show rating.
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