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Old 02-06-2021, 03:55 AM   #2834
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Originally Posted by Conspiracy Victim Vito View Post
Psshh...I can use fancy graphics for my PPVs, too...if I felt like it.

AEW Revolution
February 27, 2021

The Buy In: FTR vs. Jurassic Express (Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus)

FTR were back to doing what they do best: putting on excellent tag team matches (88% match quality in this one). Even on the buy-in show, this match followed the tried and true tag formula which stands the test of time as long as it's done well...FTR isolate Jungle Boy, eventually he makes the hot tag to Luchasaurus and the big guy runs wild.

Tully Blanchard starts to panic and can't help but get involved at ringside, leading to Marko Stunt trying to take the old man down as Cash and Jungle Boy join in on the outside. Luchasaurus has Dax down, but the ref is distracted with the mess outside the ring. Then - CRACK - Shawn Spears comes out of nowhere to waffle Luchasaurus in the back with a chair! Cash slides back in, FTR hit the Big Rig and Dax gets the pin. A former client of Tully Blanchard, we haven't seen Spears in two months! What is the meaning of this?
Winners: FTR
***1/4, 78% overall
Tully Blanchard still being involved in wrestling in the 21st century is something I never thought possible. Of course if you really want to round out this whole dinosaur motif there's only one man for the job...

"Hangman" Adam Page and Matt Hardy vs. The Dark Order (Evil Uno and Stu Grayson)

Hangman didn't ask for this match, Hangman didn't want this match, but Matt Hardy pulled some strings and it is so. The story of the match was the difference in approach: Hangman fighting a fair fight and Matt resorting to cheap tactics. Matt is of course completely oblivious to the fact that Hangman is not impressed with his antics, while Matt assumes Hangman wants to win at all costs. Finish eventually comes with Grayson out of the ring, Uno ducks a Buckshot Lariat, Matt quickly pushes Hangman into the ref, hits a low blow on Uno, and rolls him up with a tight hook for the cheap win.

Matt Hardy and Private Party celebrate as Hangman's all WTF was that. The Hardy Party start putting the boots to Dark Order for good measure. The rest of Dark Order run out for the save to send the Party scrambling. Dark Order look at Hangman disappointingly before leaving, leaving Hangman in the ring conflicted.
Winners: "Hangman" Adam Page and Matt Hardy
***, 77% overall
You take the win when you can, you pussy! A real man would be appreciate the honor of being used as a human shield so that your partner can punch another man in the balls!

AEW Women's World Championship: Awesome Kong vs. Hikaru Shida (C)

Just seeing this match typed out, man I'd really love to see this one. Hope Kong has one last run in her in real life. Kong's obviously got the size and strength advantage but Shida has the speed and technical ability to try to cut her down. In any event, like I'm gonna bring Kong back and put her into a huge program to lose. Awesome Bomb and Kong has put an end to Shida's 9 month title reign. Kong laughs maniacally and cuts off a lock of Shida's hair as a memento.
Winner and NEW AEW Women's World Champion: Awesome Kong
**3/4, 77%
Holy fuck, nine months? And of course you wouldn't do something that stupid. That's why you don't work for the WWE. Also, we need to fulfill the legal requirement of informing everyone that Kong does indeed kill bitches dead.

Table Match: The Good Brothers vs. Jon Moxley and Rey Fenix

This is another one EWR was downright lazy with in the write-up, apparently making it a quick squash. I don't know about that, but I do think it would be a fast paced, wild brawl that spills around ringside and up the ramp. And I also think both members would have to go through the table before the match can end, and both teams continue to fight until that happens. I already have the spots in mind: Magic Killer on Fenix through a table, Paradigm Shift on Anderson through a table, and Fenix leaping off the stage and crashing through Gallows on a table. A fun, chaotic brawl.
Winners: Jon Moxley and Rey Fenix
***1/4, 79% overall
The game tends to go the squash route if one party is just way ahead of the other in terms of their over rating. The rating seems about right, though.

Eddie Kingston vs. Cody Rhodes

Eddie Kingston made a surprise AEW debut against Cody last July, and now they find themselves doing battle again. Kingston roughs up Cody something wicked but Cody finds his babyface fire before too long. You know wherever Eddie Kingston goes, The Family is sure to follow, and eventually The Butcher and The Blade are out there for the distraction while Allie sneaks in on the other side to kick Cody in the balls - our second dick shot of the night! Allie looks into the camera and blows a kiss into the camera directed to her pregnant former tag partner Brandi Rhodes at home...Backfist to the Future and Eddie Kingston has scored the biggest win of his AEW career!
Winner: Eddie Kingston
***, 79% overall
What, do your guys have a dick shot quota to reach or something?
Orange Cassidy vs. Miro

Again, this match would have such an interesting dynamic in real life. PAC vs. Orange at last year's Revolution might be the closest comp that jumps to mind - a cold badass is unamused with Orange's antics but then finds he underestimated him when he gets going. But in any event, Miro hurt his two Best Friends and Orange is seeing red tonight. I think the crowd would eat this one up and they did in game as well (87% crowd reaction).

Ending sequence sees Miro finding himself on the outside, OC has the crowd in the palm of his hands like always, tucks his hands in his pockets for the huge pop and goes for the Suicide Dive only to get a Machka Kick to the head, knocking him out cold. Miro rolls Orange into the ring, locks in the Game Over and the ref seeing him unconscious calls for the bell!
Winner: Miro
***, 83% overall
You could say he...

*puts on sunglasses*

....beat him to a pulp!

Street Fight: Team Taz (Brian Cage and Ricky Starks) vs. Darby Allin and Sting

This was a total brawlfest that started outside the arena, migrated its way into a few closed off corridors of the arena, and then finally down the steps and into the ring for the closing sequence. I'm sure none of this was pre-recorded footage to help protect Sting, nope not at all!

Anyway, it didn't require much more than basic brawling from Sting. The crazy bastard Darby leaps with his skateboard off the top rope and crashes down into Cage who was laid out on the steel steps. Ricky Starks takes a baseball bat shot to the gut, Scorpion Deathdrop, Scorpion Deathlock, and the painted face warriors win!
Winners: Darby Allin and Sting
**3/4, 73% overall

(Crowd Reaction and Match Quality were both 74%. On one hand, a 74% reaction for a legend with 95 overness, not great....of the 4 in the match I think Starks' overness dragged them down considerably. On the other hand, 74% quality is way better than I could've hoped given the circumstances. And hey, Sting didn't hurt himself and his last match didn't have to be getting crippled by Seth Rollins!)
Oh, come on, Sting. You couldn't have hit him in the balls to complete the trifecta? I think the stats of everyone just canceled each other out here.

AEW World Tag Team Championships: The Inner Circle (Chris Jericho and Maxwell Jacob Friedman) vs. The Young Bucks (C)

Oh man, this match delivered in the biggest way and is giving the main event a really tough act to follow. All 4 guys are over so the 94% crowd reaction does not surprise me at all, Jericho and MJF can get pretty much instant heat whenever they want it. But the match quality was 91%, these guys seriously gelled and if the match is this good in real life it's a huge win.

Anyway, fast forward to the end of match hijinx when the Bucks start to run wild. Superkick Party to Wardlow off the apron. Matt Jackson planchas him for good measure. MJF grabs Nick, Jericho winds up for the Judas Effect, Nick ducks, Jericho lays out his partner! Superkick to Jericho, the Bucks both hit moonsaults on them and that's all she wrote, Bucks retain!
Winners and STILL AEW World Tag Team Champions: The Young Bucks
****1/4, 93% overall
I'll be shocked if Jericho can pull something even remotely close to this rating in real life.

AEW World Championship: "The Bastard" PAC vs. Kenny Omega (C)

Did I say the main event was going to have a hard act to follow? Spoiler alert: they were definitely up for the challenge. These two have put on absolute clinics in AEW before, and this match was no exception. Their styles are incredibly similar, the chemistry very apparent, an equal blend of hard hitting and high flying all behind the canvas of top notch storytelling.

After nearly 30 minutes of brutality, PAC has Kenny right where he wants him, down and positioned in front of the corner. BLACK ARROW! This should be it. 1...2...Don Callis puts Kenny's foot on the rope! The Invisible Hand strikes again! Referee Aubrey Edwards admonishes Callis and ejects him, but not before he left something for Kenny on the other corner of the ring. He's got brass knuckles! Omega cracks PAC in the jaw, not this way! Kenny picks up his lifeless body and hits the One Winged Angel to retain.
Winner and STILL AEW World Champion: Kenny Omega
*****, 94% overall.......and 100% MATCH QUALITY, holy fuck

83% Overall Show Rating

Why would the referee send Callis to the back? I didn't see him do anything.

But, yeah, seeing that 100% for your match quality feels so sweet whenever it happens. Off to a good start.
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