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Old 02-01-2021, 09:18 AM   #2782
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Raw: May 7, 2040

We open with Faith Connors telling us that she heard about how disappointed Sonya Braddock was with how their match at Backlash ended. Faith empathizes with that sentiment and she's ready to go again as long as Braddock is ready, willing, and able.

Cue the Queen of the Ring, Naomi Bailey to interrupt. Naomi tells Faith that she lost. Period. She goes back to the end of the line and gets to genuflect in front the true Queen of the WWE, Naomi Bailey!

Cue Jenna Kyle to interrupt Naomi's interruption. If we're going to be talking about royalty, you're all looking at the only two-time Queen of the Ring. Hell, Faith herself is the first ever Queen of the Ring. Jenna believes that all three of them have a claim to getting a shot at Sonya Braddock.

Cue Lisa Benton to interrupt the interruption of Naomi's interruption. This has been getting out of hand with all three of you. She's ready to move on to a different contender for the Women's Title but doesn't want to discount the claims made here. So she proposes a Queen of Queens match at Judgment Day between Jenna Kyle, Faith Connors, and Naomi where the winner will face the Women's Champion at Night of Champions. That seems cool with everyone and we go to break.

First Match: WWE Unified Tag Team Championship
The Future Foundation (c) vs. The Dillingers
Joey receives some punishment. Julian Merrick with a spinning neckbreaker on Joey. There's a two count on the pin. Tag to Rick Hilton. Future Foundation hook up Joey, then hit a double suplex. There's a two count on the pin. Bodyslam by Hilton. Joey powers out of a headlock. Gutwrench into a stomach breaker, Hilton may be winded. Cover for a two count. Tag between Joey Dillinger and Ben Dillinger. Hilton gets hit with a huge clothesline. Cover, but there's a last second kick-out. Second rope flying axe handle, Hilton goes down. Ben Dillinger misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. Rick Hilton with a spinning neckbreaker on Dillinger. Hilton tags out to Julian Merrick. Dillinger takes a headbutt from Julian Merrick. Tag between Ben Dillinger and Joey Dillinger. Rude Awakening on Joey Dillinger by Merrick. Vivian Merrick is at ringside! Joey wastes valuable time by yelling at Vivian! Julian Merrick takes advantage of the distraction and nails Joey from behind! Julian Merrick moves in for the kill. Black Sheep! 1....2....3. Almost a ***** match...but it was missing something, so it only gets a ****1\2. 93% overall.

We're joined by Lonny Richards...and what's this? He's accompanied by Nathan Quinn? Richards wants everyone to know that he's not happy about what he did to Caleb Greene on SmackDown! but when he listened to Michael Hotbody detail all of the evidence of what a horrible friend Caleb has been since reuniting after the roster split, what choice did he really have? Quinn takes the mic and addresses everyone. "You see, when Richards here was on his own on SmackDown!, he was making a name for himself, far away from the past he had with Caleb Greene. He was getting rubs from the likes of Jake Connelly. He got championship opportunities. He was on his way to carving out his own name in the annals of history. That got put on the backburner when everyone came together and Caleb Greene, like the selfish person that he is, dragged Richards back down to his level and expected him to just go along for the ride like the good old days. He expected Richards to have his back even though Caleb never had Richards'. Well, now, Lonny Richards has found a partnership in me. I have his best interests in mind and they have nothing to do with Caleb Greene. I will help guide him to that promise land he was so close to obtaining without any dead weight."

Second Match: Kyle Jacobs vs. Ronnie Costello
Ronnie Costello hits a rolling kick on Jacobs. Flying cross body off the top rope! Even Steamboat would have applauded the execution on that. There's a two count on the pin. Kyle Jacobs reverses a hip toss. Chanelling the spirit of Misawa, Kyle Jacobs uses a forearm to the face. Jacobs slams Ronnie Costello down. Cover for a two count. Brutal seated powerbomb on Costello. Hooks the leg for a close fall. Running knee lift from Kyle Jacobs. Ronnie Costello reverses a hip toss. Flying cross body off the top rope! Even Steamboat would have applauded the execution on that. There's a two count on the pin. Back heel kick off the second rope, Jacobs goes down. Hooks the leg for a close fall. Flying elbow from Ronnie Costello. Ronnie Costello strikes Jacobs. Jacobs counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face. Rude Awakening on Ronnie Costello by Jacobs. Flying clothesline by Jacobs. Kyle Jacobs moves in for the kill. Legacy Bomb!!! That shook the ring. Salvatore Scabbia slides into the ring out of nowhere! Jacobs takes a stiff punch to the face and falls to the canvas. The referee calls for the DQ as Salvatore Scabbia continues to attack Jacobs. Costello and Big Sal are beating the hell out of Kyle Jacobs! Raymond Delaney sprints down the aisle and slides into the ring! He goes toe-to-toe with Ronnie Costello, exchanging punches, while Kyle Jacobs comes back, sending Big Sal out of the ring with a clothesline. Delaney \ Jacobs have cleared the ring, driving off Costello and Big Sal! This was missing something, so it only gets a ****1\2 rating. 90% overall

Third Match: Xavier Cross and Jason Sorola vs. Kerry Cemenko and Martyn LaSalle
Concrete receives some punishment. Stun Gun from Xavier Cross! There used to be this blonde guy in WCW in the early 90's who used that...i wonder what happened to him? Hooks the leg for a two count. Tag to Jason Sorola. Xavier Cross scoops up Concrete. Sorola bounces off the ropes and hits a flying Hart Attack clothesline. Cover for a two count. Sorola drives a thrust kick into the chest of Concrete. Concrete counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face. Spinning bulldog in the corner, Sorola is down. There's a two count on the pin. Tag between Kerry Cemenko and Martyn LaSalle. LaSalle crushes Sorola with a running senton. Cover, but there's a last second kick-out. Rude Awakening on Jason Sorola by LaSalle. Sorola kicks Martyn LaSalle in the gut to reverse the momentum. LaSalle gets caught with a short powerbomb from Sorola. Sorola tags out to Xavier Cross. Cross bodyslams Martyn LaSalle. LaSalle tags out to Kerry Cemenko. Cross uses a basement dropkick to the knee. Kerry Cemenko slugs Xavier Cross, sending him down into the corner. While Concrete fires up the crowd, Cross is removing the turnbuckle pad! Kerry Cemenko comes over...but Cross grabs him by the tights and uses the leverage to slingshot Kerry Cemenko face first into the exposed steel turnbuckle! Xavier Cross rolls up the stunned Kerry Cemenko: 1....2...3! How did the referee not see that? Excellent match, a ***** rating! 95% overall.

We return from break with the ring decorated with an elaborate set-up, similar to a press conference with a podium and set pieces with the phrase "Office of the Cruiserweight Champion-Elect" on them. Michael Hotbody joins us, still wearing his obviously fake title belt and he gets behind the podium to address the crowd. He welcomes us to the first installment of the Hot Button, a segment which will cut to the major issues concerning the Office of the Cruiserweight Champion-Elect, Michael Hotbody. He wants to make it clear that HE WILL NOT BE TAKING ANY QUESTIONS! That being said, he invites Jordan Demiras to be part of the press pool so that he can get a good talking to and maybe he'll finally get with the program that Michael Hotbody is the best thing going on in the cruiserweight division. He's undefeated. He's the winner of a Rumble. He stole the show at WrestleMania. The only thing that is left is for Jordan Demiras to give up the charade of calling himself a champion.

The music of Demiras hits and he makes a beeline for Hotbody. Hotbody repeatedly yells at Demiras that there's no asking questions. Demiras enters the ring but is cut off by the members of the press pool allowing Hotbody to make his escape. Demiras knocks a few of 'journalists' down and wrecks the set.

Fourth Match: Clubber Harris vs. Conner Buchanan
Buchanan takes a headbutt from Clubber Harris. Conner Buchanan elbows Clubber Harris in the face to break a hammerlock. Double arm suplex by Conner Buchanan, Harris hits hard. The referee bumps after catching a wild right hand and is down. Emerald Fusion by Conner Buchanan on Harris. Pinfall attempt, but the ref is conveniently laid out. Clubber Harris reverses a hip toss. Harris uses a basement dropkick to the knee. Clubber Harris hits a bulldog off the ropes. Cover for a two count. Clubber Harris scores with a killer spinebuster. Pin, but Buchanan is out just before the three count. Harris drops an elbow...but misses. Fate can be so cruel. Gutwrench into a stomach breaker, Harris may be winded. Cover, but there's a last second kick-out. Harris ducks a wild right hand. Clubber Harris moves in for the kill. Here it comes - Club Pain. 1....2...3, it's finished. Almost a ***** match...but it was missing something, so it only gets a ****1\2. 93% overall.

Fifth Match: Hannah McCormick and Bobbi Jo vs. Lauren Franklyn and Sarah Moore
McCormick hits a massive spinning kick to the jaw. Legsweep out of Nowhere. Where is Nowhere, and why do moves keep coming out of there? Does it have a factory? Hooks the leg for a two count. McCormick tags out to Bobbi Jo. McCormick \ B.J. whip Franklyn into the ropes and hit a double backdrop. There's a two count on the pin. Flying elbow from Bobbi Jo. Franklyn kicks Bobbi Jo in the gut to reverse the momentum. B.J. gets hit with a huge clothesline. There's a two count on the pin. Franklyn tags out to Sarah Moore. Spinning bulldog in the corner, B.J. is down. Pinfall attempt gets a 2.9999. Legsweep out of Nowhere. Where is Nowhere, and why do moves keep coming out of there? Does it have a factory? Sarah Moore misses a clothesline. Flying elbow from Bobbi Jo. Tag to Hannah McCormick. Kick from Hannah McCormick to the leg. Tag between Sarah Moore and Lauren Franklyn. Spin kick by Hannah McCormick to the face. Hannah McCormick has Lauren Franklyn down on the canvas and is ascending the corner. Through the air, Spotlight! 1....2....3. Almost a ***** match...but it was missing something, so it only gets a ****1\2. 88% overall.

The NEW Intercontinental Champion Brandon Reigns along with his manager, Jake Connelly come down to join us. Connelly wants to let Reigns know that he's proud of him. He knew he was making a wise decision when he tapped Reigns to be his protégé. Connelly knows the future of the business is bright with Brandon Reigns poised to lead the way.

Reigns thanks Connelly for the kind words. He wants to talk about the things he's managed to accomplish in the WWE. He brings up becoming a 4-time Intercontinental Champion. He brings up the fact that he overcame the duo of Scabbia and Jacobs to make it to where he is know. He mentions being the one to eliminate Jake Connelly himself in order to get a chance at Money in the Bank and then winning it at WrestleMania. "So with all of that being said, and with all of that essentially being done by myself, it begs the question, why do I need someone like you by my side, Connelly?" Connelly looks at Reigns confused. BAM! Reigns nails Connelly, sending him down. Reigns continues the assault and emphatically ends it by smashing Connelly's head with his Money in the Bank briefcase. Reigns has just turned on his mentor!

Sonya Braddock is backstage about to be asked about the Queen of Queens match that announced earlier. Vivian Merrick however is passing through and interjects, claiming that no one cares about that. Vivian wants to know what Braddock is going to do about a challenger for title at Judgment Day. That is if she is actually a fighting champion and not looking to stay at home. Vivian Merrick is up to the challenge. She's surrounded by two champions in Rick Hilton and her brother Julian. Maybe it's time she joins them. Braddock gets in Vivian's face and simply says, "It's nice to have a dream." She walks off leaving Vivian perplexed.

MAIN EVENT: Zed Jones vs. Noah Carmichael
This was set up with Jones sticking his nose in the main event last week. Hard back suplex on Wildcard. Anyone remember when that was Shawn Michaels's finisher? Powerful Spear by Zed Jones. Cover for a two count. Wildcard counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Jones takes a headbutt from Noah Carmichael. Big clothesline on Jones. Hooks the leg for a two count. Brutal seated powerbomb on Jones. Pin : 1 - 2 - 2.9999999. Big clothesline on Jones. Wildcard only gets knees on a splash. Spinebuster by Zed Jones, executed with Arn-esque perfection. Hooks the leg for a two count. Massive lariat, Jones really put some power into that. Pinfall attempt gets a 2.9999. Bodyslam by Jones. Wildcard takes a headbutt from Zed Jones. Wildcard kicks Zed Jones in the gut to reverse the momentum. Big clothesline on Jones. Delayed brainbuster suplex, Wildcard really drove that one down. Noah Carmichael moves in for the kill. Here it comes - Quick Draw. Butch Fleming quickly comes running down the aisle and into the ring! Noah Carmichael turns around. Butch Fleming spins Wildcard around. Butch Fleming hits the Slaughterhouse Special! The referee calls for the DQ because of the interference of Fleming! Jones and Fleming are putting the boots to Noah Carmichael! Haven comes running down the aisle with a chair! He slides in, sending Jones \ Fleming running for cover. Haven saved Wildcard from a major beating. This was missing something, so it only gets a ****1\2 rating. 90% overall.

Overall show rating: 90%
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