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Old 02-01-2021, 12:39 AM   #917
King of Love and Piss
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I thought they botched Christian's story in the match. I would have had Braun, Edge and Christian left, but Edge being #1 entrant is completely drained and stands no chance. So during a scuffle, Christian sacrifices himself to take out Braun for Edge and let Edge win.

Then Orton comes back and that whole thing happens.

But overall i have no issue with Edge winning. I didnt want Daniel Bryan. I didnt want Strowman, didnt want Orton or Rollins. They sure werent about to give Riddle that push so it was basically like.. Cesaro? Big E is in a solid spot as IC champ.

Edge made sense and I also dont know why people dont think he'll challenge Reigns. That match is way more interesting and makes much more sense.
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