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Old 01-25-2021, 10:46 AM   #2688
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Raw: April 23, 2040

We open with the Unified World Champion Noah Carmichael out in the ring to blab. He's here with an update on the condition of Haven as he reminds us of the scene back on SmackDown! with Haven found down and out. Carmichael is upset that somebody out there came close to ruining the main event for Backlash but he has an idea as to who might have been responsible. With that said, Carmichael challenges Xavier Cross to get out here.

We get Xavier Cross after a bit of a delay. He gets in Carmichael's face and declares that he doesn't like being accused of things he hasn't done. Carmichael fires back with the fact that Cross got rejected last week by Haven when Cross offered aide in order to take the Unified World Title away. Carmichael isn't down with conspirators trying to take his title and he also isn't down with somebody sticking their nose in his business. Haven will be dealt with on Carmichael's watch. In fact, Carmichael offers to take care of Cross tonight in order to teach a lesson. Cross responds with, "Methinks the champion doth protest too much." Cross accuses the champion of being underhanded and that he could have been the one to take out Haven on SmackDown! out of fear and paranoia. But Cross is actually fine with facing Carmichael tonight because he wants to teach a lesson of his own. And with that Cross takes his leave.

Backstage, the Cruiserweight Champion Jordan Demiras is not his usual self. He's been poked and poked and poked by that son of a bitch known as Michael Hotbody for the last few weeks and he's getting sick of it. Demiras claims that he can see right through the charade, though. Hotbody may act aloof and nonchalant but if he's resorting to desperate tactics like the ones he's enacted, then that's proof positive that he knows Demiras will tear him up like the toothless coward he is. At Backlash, Hotbody gets snuffed out.

First Match: Michael Haywood vs. Julian Merrick vs. Randy Ellis vs. Ben Dillinger
A bit of a preview of the Fatal Four Way match for the Unified Tag Team Championship at Backlash. Rage King gets slammed. Dillinger slams Michael Haywood down. Cover for a two count. Michael Haywood elbows Ben Dillinger in the face to break a hammerlock. Tag to Randy Ellis. The Didact hits a dropkick on Ben Dillinger. Randy Ellis misses a clothesline...and takes out the referee by mistake. Tiger suplex on Dillinger, right from out of the Misawa playbook. Hooks the leg, but the referee is still out. Driven DDT by Randy Ellis. The ring shook violently, instantly making it better at selling than some of the current roster. Dillinger counters an avalanche with a raised foot to the face. Dillinger tags out to Julian Merrick. Massive backbreaker, The Didact got nailed. Julian Merrick with a spinning neckbreaker on The Didact. Randy Ellis ducks a clothesline attempt. The Didact hits a dropkick on Julian Merrick. Lifting DDT by Randy Ellis, executed well. Tag between Randy Ellis and Ben Dillinger. Big dropkick by Ben Dillinger, who got good elevation. Lifting DDT by Ben Dillinger, executed well. Julian Merrick gets knocked to the ground by Dillinger, who is already climbing the turnbuckle. Off the top - Senton Bomb, forget about it. 1....2...3! Good **** rating. 90% overall. Winner: Ben Dillinger

Backstage, Faith Connors is prepping for tonight when she's approached by Sonya Braddock. Braddock warns Faith to keep it together tonight because at Backlash, she doesn't want anything less than 100% from Faith. The pecking order needs to be established and that's only possible if Braddock is facing everyone at their absolute best. Connors looks to rebuke but Naomi Bailey joins the scene and declares that the pecking order is determined by the Queen. Naomi hopes Faith fails miserably at Backlash because it'll be just what she deserves for ignoring Naomi's demands. Jenna Kyle then interjects herself into the mix and wants to make the unfinished business she has with both Braddock and Faith crystal clear. Connors has had enough of this and tells everyone to not get ahead of themselves. Backlash is all that matters at the moment and she'll more than happy to deal with everyone's gripes...AFTER she becomes champion.

Meanwhile, some place else backstage, Noah Carmichael is found down and out with people surrounding him. Lisa Benton is there as well but she has no answers for us after being questioned. She does, however, have news for Xavier Cross. He's not out of the woods as far as tonight goes. She has a replacement opponent for him in tonight's main event...HAVEN!

Second Match: Salvatore Scabbia and Ronnie Costello vs. Brandon Reigns and WWE Intercontinental Champion Kyle Jacobs
Things look pretty tense on the face team. Big backdrop on Costello, executed well. Jacobs pulls a picture perfect fallaway slam out of the bag, driving Ronnie Costello down to the mat. Cover for a two count. Jacobs tags out to Brandon Reigns. Reigns \ Jacobs whip Costello into the ropes and hit a double back elbow. Big clothesline on Costello. Cover for a two count. Stiff high kick on Costello by Brandon Reigns who has evidently been watching some old AJPW tapes recently. Costello pushes out of a Brandon Reigns hold. Costello pulls a jumping piledriver out! Costello tags out to Salvatore Scabbia. Reigns takes a flying neckbreaker from Salvatore Scabbia. Big Sal crushes Reigns with a sweet running senton. Brandon Reigns powers out of a Salvatore Scabbia headlock. Tag to Kyle Jacobs. Massive backbreaker, Big Sal got nailed. Death valley driver by Kyle Jacobs, Salvatore Scabbia got planted. Cover, but there's a last second kick-out. Back suplex on Big Sal, which is a backdrop to you NOAH fans. Big Sal reverses a Kyle Jacobs hammerlock. Big Sal crushes Jacobs with a running senton. Jacobs holds Salvatore Scabbia in place. Brandon Reigns charges...but Big Sal ducks, and in a scenario never before seen in wrestling, the clothesline floors Jacobs. Kyle Jacobs gets knocked to the ground by Big Sal. Omerta!!! Kyle Jacobs taps out! Reigns and Jacobs remain in the ring. Kyle Jacobs does not look happy at losing. Brandon Reigns goes to leave, but gets pulled back in by Jacobs. Tensions seem to be rising between these two. Good **** rating. 88% overall.

Third Match: Faith Connors vs. Bonnie Beckham
Sonya Braddock is watching from backstage. Stiff high kick on BiBi by Faith Connors who has evidently been watching some old AJPW tapes recently. Belly to belly suplex by Faith. Legsweep out of Nowhere. Where is Nowhere, and why do moves keep coming out of there? Does it have a factory? Bonnie Beckham takes a butterfly suplex from Faith. Bonnie Beckham takes the advantage after a i-block-your-punch-you-don't-block-mine routine. BiBi uses a basement dropkick to the knee. Massive backbreaker, Faith got nailed. There's a two count on the pin. Faith drops out the back of a Bonnie Beckham bodyslam attempt. Beautiful spinning arm drag out of the corner by Faith. Cover for a two count. Springboard dropkick from Faith Connors. Nicely done. Cover, but there's a last second kick-out. Faith Connors misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. Faith takes a headbutt from Bonnie Beckham. Faith blocks a punch. BiBi gets caught with a short powerbomb from Faith. Bonnie Beckham can barely stand. CRISIS OF FAITH! 1....2....3. Great match, a ****1\4 rating i think. 93%

Seth Von Kamp comes out to talk about his First Blood match at Backlash against Moses McKay. Some people may wonder if Seth is crazy for wanting to go through a match like this after everything that went down at WrestleMania. For those people Seth says that crazy would be letting Moses McKay get away with what went down at WrestleMania. Maybe he's at a disadvantage, with his face still not fully recovered but it's fine because McKay is going to brought down to Seth's level sure enough.

Moses McKay comes out to mock Seth and remind everyone of how little remorse he has over what's transpired. Seth dares McKay to try and get some. McKay ponders this for a moment and sure enough he runs down to brawl. He gets the upper hand over Seth after a while and looks to repeat himself by busting open Seth's wound again with a chair. Seth recovers in time to steal the chair away and cracks McKay and busts him open. Officials and medical personnel come down to stop the carnage.

Fourth Match: King Kavovit vs. Conner Buchanan
Spinning back kick from King Kavovit. Kavovit hits a massive spinning kick to the jaw. Fallaway slam by King Kavovit. Driven DDT by King Kavovit. The ring shook violently, instantly making it better at selling than some of the current roster. Kavovit only gets knees on a splash. Vertical suplex by Conner Buchanan. Gutwrench into a stomach breaker, Kavovit may be winded. Hooks the leg for a two count. Kavovit ducks a wild right hand. Big piledriver on Buchanan. Cover for a two count. Brutal seated powerbomb on Buchanan. Pinfall attempt gets a 2.9999. Buchanan blocks a punch. Back suplex on Kavovit, which is a backdrop to you NOAH fans. Buchanan drops an elbow...but misses. Fate can be so cruel. Flying elbow from King Kavovit. Buchanan scores with a forearm, sending Kavovit down into the corner. The referee pulls Conner Buchanan away to get the break. Wait! Kavovit has pulled something out of his tights. Conner Buchanan walks over...and gets floored by a punch! 1....2....3! The referee never saw the brass knuckles! That was good. **** rating. 87% overall.

Fifth Match: Romeo Valiente and The Agents of Change vs. Ozzy Mandias and The Wyldhearts
Oz gets slammed. Big clothesline on Oz. Tag between Corey Mattis and Romeo Valiente. Bodyslam by Valiente. Spinebuster by Romeo Valiente, executed with Arn-esque perfection. Hooks the leg for a two count. Valiente tags out to Clayton North. Valiente \ North whip Oz into the ropes and hit a double backdrop. Clayton North hits a rolling kick on Oz. Oz blocks the suplex attempt. Spin kick by Ozzy Mandias to the face. Oz tags out to Robbie Greer. Legsweep out of Nowhere. Where is Nowhere, and why do moves keep coming out of there? Does it have a factory? Diamond Dust from Robbie Greer, North is out. Pin, but North is out just before the three count. Second rope flying axe handle, North goes down. Robbie G. tags out to Blaine Bellamey. BB slams Clayton North. Back elbow connects, North staggers backward. North blocks a kick from Blaine Bellamey. North tags out to Corey Mattis. Bodyslam by Mattis. Tag to Ozzy Mandias. Kick from Ozzy Mandias to the leg. Lightning kick by Oz on Mattis. Ozzy Mandias floors Corey Mattis. Blizzard of Oz!!! 1....2....3!! It's all over. A **** rating for a good contest. 87% overall.

MAIN EVENT: Xavier Cross vs. Haven
We're told beforehand that Lisa Benton has made this a No DQ match. It may that day of retribution after all. Stiff high kick on Cross by Haven who has evidently been watching some old AJPW tapes recently. Kitchen sink shot, Cross gets floored. Haven slams Xavier Cross down. Haven slams Xavier Cross down. Cross reverses a waistlock. Hip toss onto a chair by Cross. Devastating face-first slam from Cross on Haven. There's a two count on the pin. Haven reverses a waistlock. Haven crushes Cross with a running senton. Hooks the leg for a two count. Springboard dropkick from Haven. Nicely done. Pin : 1 - 2 - 2.9999999. Cross counters an avalanche with a raised foot to the face. Chanelling the spirit of Misawa, Xavier Cross uses a forearm to the face. Haven pushes out of a Xavier Cross hold. Haven hits a dropkick on Xavier Cross. Haven moves in for the kill. Here it comes - Sting of Solace. 1....2...3, it's finished. A ****1\2 rating for a great match. 97% overall.

Noah Carmichael stumbles out in visible pain onto the stage and glares at Haven who responds in kind. Carmichael does his damndest to raise the title over his head in defiance.

Overall show rating: 89%
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