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Old 01-21-2021, 08:14 AM   #2656
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SmackDown!: April 13, 2040

We open with Faith Connors joining us in the ring. She brings up that there's been a lot of talk and wondering over what she plans on doing with her favor afforded to her by Lisa Benton. She wants to make it known that in time she will deal with both Naomi Bailey and Jenna Kyle but that she would prefer to do it as the WWE Women's Champion. So with that said...

...EVERYONE SLOW THEIR ROLE!!! The Women's Champion herself, Sonya Braddock, comes down and gets face to face with Faith. Sonya suggests that Faith shouldn't get too ahead of herself with her hopes and ideas. Last time anyone checked, Sonya Braddock is the main woman of the company and that's not changing anytime soon. Faith brings up how this whole scenario seems a bit familiar. If Faith recalls correctly, she capped off an incredible first year by unseating a woman who not only was the talk of the town but the Women's Champion as well. Oh, that's right, that woman was Sonya Braddock and it sent shockwaves throughout the entire WWE. History has a way of repeating itself when you continue to make the same mistakes. Faith then asks Sonya to allow her to finish her thought and make things official. Faith Connors will indeed be challenging Sonya Braddock for the Women's Title at Backlash. And if anyone has a problem with that, they can get in line and take it up with her after she takes the title home. Braddock objects to this and declares that they'll have to take it up with whatever's left. The segment ends with the two women staring each other down.

Meanwhile, Alexander Piero wants to inform us all about how he has been scouted and contacted by someone who wants to offer their managerial services. With that said, he welcomes Madison to his side and she claims that she knows a winner when she sees one.

First Match: Salvatore Scabbia, Ronnie Costello, The Academy vs. WWE Intercontinental Champion Kyle Jacobs, Raymond Delaney, The Play Pals
This sort of all of Brooke's horses on one team here. Standing leg lariat by Raymond Delaney on Mitchell. Big backdrop on Mitchell, executed well. Tag between Raymond Delaney and Kyle Jacobs. Mitchell receives some punishment. Tag between Justin Mitchell and Randy Ellis. Jacobs slams Randy Ellis. Jacobs tags out to Gavin Jones. Jacobs \ Jones whip The Didact into the ropes and hit a double back elbow. Flying cross body off the top rope! Even Steamboat would have applauded the execution on that. Hooks the leg for a two count. Tag between Gavin Jones and Michael Haywood. Hard back suplex on The Didact. Anyone remember when that was Shawn Michaels's finisher? Rage King crushes The Didact with a running senton. Tag to Raymond Delaney. Death valley driver by Raymond Delaney, Randy Ellis got planted. Cover, but there's a last second kick-out. Randy Ellis reverses a hip toss. Tag between Randy Ellis and Salvatore Scabbia. Driven DDT by Salvatore Scabbia. The ring shook violently, instantly making it better at selling than some of the current roster. Beautiful spinning arm drag out of the corner by Big Sal. There's a two count on the pin. Tag to Ronnie Costello. Big Sal \ Costello whip Delaney into the corner. Salvatore Scabbia whips Ronnie Costello in for a hard clothesline to follow-up. Cover for a two count. Diamond Dust from Ronnie Costello, Jacobs is out. Pinfall attempt gets a 2.9999. Jacobs kicks Ronnie Costello in the gut to reverse the momentum. Kyle Jacobs with a spinning neckbreaker on Costello. Jacobs tags out to Michael Haywood. Super kick by Michael Haywood. Costello blocks a punch. Costello tags out to Salvatore Scabbia. Costello \ Big Sal hook up Rage King, then hit a double suplex. Back heel kick off the second rope, Rage King goes down. Brooke has climbed up onto the apron! Rage King turns...and falls for the distraction! Salvatore Scabbia attacks Rage King from behind! Salvatore Scabbia has Michael Haywood down on the canvas. Michael Haywood gets locked in the Omerta! Submission victory! Good **** rating. 88% overall.

Second Match: Hannah McCormick vs. Phoebe Hanson
Kick from Hannah McCormick to the leg. Kick from Hannah McCormick to the leg. Legsweep out of Nowhere. Where is Nowhere, and why do moves keep coming out of there? Does it have a factory? Flying elbow from Hannah McCormick. Hannah McCormick misses a clothesline. Legsweep out of Nowhere. Where is Nowhere, and why do moves keep coming out of there? Does it have a factory? Massive backbreaker, McCormick got nailed. There's a two count on the pin. McCormick reverses a Phoebe Hanson hammerlock. Springboard reverse elbow by Hannah McCormick. Excellent move. There's a two count on the pin. Slingshot senton by McCormick, crushing the chest of Phoebe. Pinfall attempt gets a 2.9999. Phoebe counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Phoebe hits a massive spinning kick to the jaw. Phoebe drops an elbow...but misses. Fate can be so cruel. Phoebe takes a flying neckbreaker from Hannah McCormick. We have our mandatory ref bump, as he goes down after accidentally getting caught by an elbow to the face. Phoebe Hanson floors McCormick, then signals for the Stardust. Meanwhile, Hannah McCormick has something in her hands. Phoebe comes over...and gets nailed with a set of brass knuckles! The referee wakes up to see the pinfall: 1....2....3! It's over. Great match, a ****1\4 rating i think. 93% overall.

Backstage, Billie Padgett walks in on Tania who was watching the last match. Padgett wants Tania to not feel lost in the shuffle with the way the women's division is going down right now. There are ways to remedy that, Padgett proclaims. Tania rolls her eyes and points out that Padgett may be right but one of those ways certainly can't be being involved with someone like Padgett. Tania demands that Padgett get the hell out.

Meanwhile, Jordan Demiras is backstage on the hunt for Michael Hotbody and the cruiserweight title belt. He's directed towards the parking area and sure enough Hotbody is there trying to appeal to Jordan and claiming he had wanted to return the belt a long time ago. Jordan isn't hearing any of it and makes a beeline towards Hotbody but before he can reach him Zed Jones cuts him off out of nowhere. Jordan Demiras gets beaten down and Hotbody has Jones slam a car door on the champion. He does find the time to leave behind the belt.

Third Match: The WWE Unified Tag Team Champions The Future Foundation vs. Mean & Greene
Big clothesline on Merrick. Massive backbreaker, Merrick got nailed. Hooks the leg for a two count. Tag to Lonny Richards. Mean & Greene whip Merrick into the corner. Lonny Richards whips Caleb Greene in for a hard clothesline to follow-up. Back elbow connects, Merrick staggers backward. Cover for a two count. Lonny Richards hits some punches. Julian Merrick avoids a Lonny Richards avalanche. Double Arm DDT by Merrick, Lonny got destroyed. Tag between Julian Merrick and Rick Hilton. Big backdrop on Lonny, executed well. Rick Hilton hits a bulldog off the ropes. Lonny drops out the back of a Rick Hilton bodyslam attempt. Tag to Caleb Greene. Hilton gets hit with a huge clothesline. Burning Hammer Drop from Caleb Greene, executed with perfect brutally. Pinfall attempt gets a 2.9999. Hilton takes a headbutt from Caleb Greene. Rick Hilton ducks a clothesline attempt. Ring-shaking slam on Caleb. Vivian Merrick is at ringside! Caleb wastes valuable time by yelling at Vivian! Rick Hilton takes advantage of the distraction and nails Caleb from behind! Rick Hilton moves in for the kill. Check Out Time! 1....2....3. Lonny and Caleb remain in the ring. They are arguing about that defeat. Lonny Richards walks off without saying anything, much to the disgust of Caleb. I'm slapping a ****1\4 rating on this. 92% overall

Backstage, Xavier Cross takes issue with the warning that Haven gave on Superstars. However, he does mention the line of not being an impediment and says that it gives him an idea.

Fourth Match: Brandon Reigns vs. Stone Walsh
Stone Walsh snap suplexes Reigns...with authority! ('With authority', trademark G.Monsoon 1986.) Powerful Spear by Stone Walsh. Hooks the leg for a two count. Brandon Reigns pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Reigns hits a massive spinning kick to the jaw. Hard back suplex on Walsh. Anyone remember when that was Shawn Michaels's finisher? Cover for a two count. Shining Wizard on Walsh, Reigns really laid that one in. Hooks the leg for a close fall. Big backdrop on Walsh, executed well. Brandon Reigns misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. Driven full nelson slam on Reigns. There's a two count on the pin. Diamond Dust from Stone Walsh, Reigns is out. Pinfall attempt gets a 2.9999. Bodyslam by Walsh. Standing leg lariat by Stone Walsh on Reigns. Reigns counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Running knee lift from Brandon Reigns. Back heel kick off the second rope, Walsh goes flying. Brandon Reigns has Stone Walsh down on the canvas. Stone Walsh gets locked in the Iron Reign! Submission victory! A **** rating for a good contest. 87% overall.

Fifth Match: Jenna Kyle and Naomi Bailey vs. Jamie Roderick and Missy Brantley
Naomi Bailey fires off some right and left hands. Running knee lift from Naomi Bailey. Hooks the leg for a two count. Bailey tags out to Jenna Kyle. Bailey \ Jenna hook up Missy, then hit a double suplex. Hooks the leg for a two count. Missy takes a flying neckbreaker from Jenna Kyle. Missy Brantley elbows Jenna Kyle in the face to break a hammerlock. Ring-shaking slam on Jenna. Hooks the leg for a two count. Missy tags out to Jamie Roderick. Beautiful spinning arm drag out of the corner by Roderick. Pin, but Jenna is out just before the three count. Jenna takes a flying neckbreaker from Jamie Roderick. Jenna Kyle fights out of a grapple. Legsweep out of Nowhere. Where is Nowhere, and why do moves keep coming out of there? Does it have a factory? Bailey tags herself in and shoves Jenna aside. Bailey slams Jamie Roderick. Roderick tags out to Missy Brantley. Fallaway slam by Naomi Bailey. Naomi Bailey moves in for the kill. Bail Out! 1....2....3. A ****1\4 rating, great bout. 92% overall.

MAIN EVENT: Ryan Pattillo vs. Moses McKay
Pattillo hits a wicked chop that echoes through the building. Ryan Pattillo scores with a back heel kick on McKay. Flying elbow from Ryan Pattillo. Ryan Pattillo with a spinning neckbreaker on McKay. McKay backdrops Ryan Pattillo out of a piledriver attempt. Flying shoulder tackle by McKay sends Pattillo to the mat. Spinning bulldog in the corner, Pattillo is down. Hooks the leg for a two count. Ryan Pattillo avoids a Moses McKay avalanche. Vicious lightning kick by Pattillo on McKay. There's a two count on the pin. DDT from the top rope by Ryan Pattillo. That looked brutal. Pinfall attempt gets a 2.9999. Ryan Pattillo gets taken down out of nowhere. Moses McKay strikes Pattillo. Pattillo kicks Moses McKay in the gut to reverse the momentum. Flying shoulder tackle by Pattillo sends McKay to the mat. Ryan Pattillo signals for the Nadowa Slam! Chris Collins comes out of the crowd and into the ring! Ryan Pattillo turns around....Fall From Heaven!!! That shook the ring. The referee calls for the DQ because of the interference of Collins! McKay \ Collins are beating down on Ryan Pattillo! The music of Seth Von Kamp hits, and he comes running down the aisle into the ring. McKay and Collins bail out of the ring, leaving Ryan Pattillo down in the ring. Seth Von Kamp may have saved Ryan Pattillo from a brutal beating. Good **** rating. 90% overall.

Overall show rating: 87%
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