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Old 01-21-2021, 03:47 AM   #2654
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Superstars: April 12, 2040

Going to use this show as a way to mainly showcase people I haven't been using too often these last few shows.

Opening Match: Alexander Piero vs Tom Foley
Piero hits a right hand. Foley takes a headbutt from Alexander Piero. Flying shoulder tackle by Piero sends Foley to the mat. Piero slams Tom Foley down. Tom Foley comes up with a right hand out of nowhere. Back elbow connects, Piero staggers backward. Piero walks into a spike slam. There's a two count on the pin. Piero counters an avalanche with a raised foot to the face. Foley gets hit with a huge clothesline. Hooks the leg for a two count. Lifting DDT by Alexander Piero, executed well. Pinfall attempt gets a 2.9999. Tom Foley comes up with a right hand out of nowhere. Chanelling the spirit of Misawa, Tom Foley uses a forearm to the face. Piero kicks Tom Foley in the gut to reverse the momentum. Rude Awakening on Tom Foley by Piero. Tom Foley can barely stand. Flashpoint! 1....2....3. This one gets a ***1\4 rating, it was a good bout. 82% overall. Piero keeps getting more over.

Second Match: The Young Bloods (Matt Riley and Sully Lane) vs The Wasteland (Duke and Drakken)
Duke receives some punishment. Riley slams Duke down. Cover for a two count. Tag between Matt Riley and Sully Lane. The Young Bloods whip Duke into the corner. Matt Riley whips Sully Lane in for a hard clothesline to follow-up. Cover for a two count. Sully Lane with a spinning neckbreaker on Duke. Duke kicks Sully Lane in the gut to reverse the momentum. Lightning kick by Duke on Sully. Cover for a two count. Tag to Drakken. Super kick by Drakken. Pin, but Sully is out just before the three count. Drakken hits a dropkick on Sully Lane. Sully blocks the suplex attempt. Drakken takes a butterfly suplex from Sully. Tag between Sully Lane and Matt Riley. Drakken takes a headbutt from Matt Riley. Tag between Drakken and Duke. Riley slams Duke down. Stephan Q. Sterling has climbed up onto the apron! Duke turns...and falls for the distraction! Matt Riley attacks Duke from behind! Duke can barely stand. Full Nelson Slam! 1....2....3. A ****1\4 rating, great bout. 93% overall

Backstage, Haven has words...not for his opponent at Backlash, Noah Carmichael, but rather Xavier Cross. He warns Cross to not continue being an impediment. Cross's day of retribution may be postponed but not canceled.

Third Match: Blaine Bellamey vs Corey Mattis
An extension of the Wyldhearts/Agents of Change feud. BB hits a right hand. Blaine Bellamey misses a clothesline. Corey Mattis fires off some right and left hands. BB reverses an irish whip...and Corey Mattis runs into the referee. Brutal seated powerbomb on BB. Pinfall attempt, but the ref is conveniently laid out. Mattis walks into a trip. Flying elbow from Blaine Bellamey. Vicious lightning kick by BB on Mattis. Hooks the leg for a two count. Blaine Bellamey drills Corey Mattis with a press slam into a Michinoku Driver. Hooks the leg for a close fall. Blaine Bellamey misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. Beautiful spinning arm drag out of the corner by Mattis. Pinfall attempt gets a 2.9999. Corey Mattis gets taken down out of nowhere. Clayton North comes running down the aisle with a chair! Mattis and Blaine Bellamey continue fighting, unaware of the intrusion. Clayton North slides in and prepares to swing the chair...but Blaine Bellamey moves! North accidentally blasts Mattis with a chair to the head! Blaine Bellamey throws North out of the ring! Blaine Bellamey floors Corey Mattis...and climbs the turnbuckles. Through the air, Flying Legdrop! 1....2....3. Agents of Change are beating down on Blaine Bellamey! The music of Robbie Greer hits, and he comes running down the aisle into the ring. Mattis and North bail out of the ring, leaving Blaine Bellamey down in the ring. Robbie Greer may have saved Blaine Bellamey from a brutal beating. Good **** rating. 88% overall.

Fourth Match: Faith Connors vs Cordelia
Dropkick connects, Cordelia goes down. Chanelling the spirit of Misawa, Faith Connors uses a forearm to the face. Stun Gun from Faith Connors! There used to be this blonde guy in WCW in the early 90's who used that...i wonder what happened to him? Vertical suplex by Faith Connors. Cordelia comes up with a right hand out of nowhere. Big backdrop on Faith, executed well. Faith gets hit with a huge clothesline. Hooks the leg for a two count. Faith kicks Cordelia in the gut to reverse the momentum. Powerful Spear by Faith Connors. Cover for a two count. Belly to back suicideplex, Cordelia got folded up big time. Pinfall attempt gets a 2.9999. Cordelia backdrops Faith Connors out of a piledriver attempt. Stiff chop lights up Faith. Faith Connors takes the advantage after a i-block-your-punch-you-don't-block-mine routine. Spin kick by Faith Connors to the face. Cordelia can barely stand. Here it comes - CRISIS OF FAITH!!!. 1....2...3, it's finished. Good **** rating. 90% overall.

Video package showcasing the soon-to-debut Hugo.

Fifth Match: Ronnie Costello and Carmella Costello vs. Raymond Delaney and Frankie
Big clothesline on CiCi. Super kick by Raymond Delaney. Cover for a two count. Tag to Frankie. Frankie \ Delaney whip CiCi into the ropes and hit a double clothesline. Frankie slams Carmella Costello down. Hooks the leg for a two count. Frankie strikes CiCi. CiCi pushes out of a Frankie hold. Slingshot senton by CiCi, crushing the chest of Frankie. Tag to Ronnie Costello. Frankie takes a flying neckbreaker from Ronnie Costello. Super kick by Ronnie Costello. Costello only gets knees on a splash. Frankie tags out to Raymond Delaney. Raymond Delaney hits a bulldog off the ropes. Costello walks into a face-first flapjack. Pinfall attempt gets a 2.9999. Raymond Delaney fires off some right and left hands. Costello counters a sleeper hold by turning it into a jaw breaker. Beautiful spinning arm drag out of the corner by Costello. Ronnie Costello gets a roll-up...and grabs a handful of tights as well! The referee doesn't see it: 1....2...3!! Almost got a **** match, but was lacking in certain areas, so i'm knocking off half a star, so it gets a ***1\2 rating. 85% overall.

Sixth Match: L.A. Xander vs. Ozzy Mandias
Bodyslam by LAX. Tiger bomb by L.A. Xander, executed perfectly. There's a two count on the pin. Oz drops out the back of a L.A. Xander bodyslam attempt. Stiff high kick on LAX by Ozzy Mandias who has evidently been watching some old AJPW tapes recently. LAX takes a flying neckbreaker from Ozzy Mandias. Hooks the leg for a two count. Springboard dropkick from Ozzy Mandias. Nicely done. Pin, but LAX is out just before the three count. Hard back suplex on LAX. Anyone remember when that was Shawn Michaels's finisher? LAX drops out the back of a Ozzy Mandias bodyslam attempt. Spinebuster by L.A. Xander, executed with Arn-esque perfection. Hooks the leg for a two count. Slingshot senton by LAX, crushing the chest of Oz. Pin, but Oz is out just before the three count. Second rope flying axe handle, Oz goes down. Stiff high kick on Oz by L.A. Xander who has evidently been watching some old AJPW tapes recently. Oz counters a sleeper hold by turning it into a jaw breaker. Flying elbow from Ozzy Mandias. Tiger suplex on LAX, right from out of the Misawa playbook. Romeo Valiente runs down the aisle and into the ring, carrying a chair! Oz turns...and gets floored with a chair to the head! The referee has no choice but to call for the bell! Disqualification! Romeo Valiente obviously hasn't finished his attack yet! Ozzy Mandias stands up...and gets floored! Romeo Valiente climbs the turnbuckles. Off the top - Casanova Crush!!! Romeo Valiente eventually leaves, having caused enough damage. That was good. **** rating. 88% overall.

Moses McKay joins us in the ring. He claims to not be impressed by Seth Von Kamp. It wasn't too long ago when Von Kamp couldn't rise up to the challenge and face the pressure of beating McKay in Beat the Clock. Von Kamp also had to rely on allies to get a hollow victory. And perhaps most of all, Von Kamp just can't seem to get past the scars of Money in the Bank. Von Kamp is a whiner living in perpetual victimhood. Why do you think he's never won any singles title in his entire career? McKay is light years ahead of a lost cause like Von Kamp and has no regrets over messing up his face at WrestleMania. In fact, if Von Kamp were here right now, McKay would bust him up all over again!

Cue Seth Von Kamp running down the ramp and entering the ring. McKay must have something on the stove, however, as he chooses to bail and head to the back.

Seventh Match: Michael Hotbody and Zed Jones vs. The Tokyo Titans (Tokyo Kid and Wu)
Michael Hotbody scores with a back heel kick on Wu. Fallaway slam by Michael Hotbody. Hooks the leg for a two count. Hotbody tags out to Zed Jones. Hotbody \ Jones whip Wu into the corner. Michael Hotbody whips Zed Jones in for a hard clothesline to follow-up. Hooks the leg for a two count. Jones slams Wu down. Wu counters a sleeper hold by turning it into a jaw breaker. Driven full nelson slam on Jones. Hooks the leg for a two count. Wu tags out to Tokyo Kid. Spinebuster by Tokyo Kid, executed with Arn-esque perfection. Pin, but Jones is out just before the three count. Fallaway slam by Tokyo Kid. Jones pushes out of a Tokyo Kid hold. Big backdrop on Tokyo, executed well. Jones tags out to Michael Hotbody. Hotbody hits a wicked chop that echoes through the building. Tokyo tags out to Wu. Driven DDT by Michael Hotbody. The ring shook violently, instantly making it better at selling than some of the current roster. Wu hooks up a suplex, but it is blocked. Hotbody scores with a low blow, then turns it into a small package! The referee didn't see the illegal blow! 1...2...3! Wu got screwed out of the victory! Good **** rating. 90% overall.

MAIN EVENT: WWE Intercontinental Champion Kyle Jacobs vs. King Kavovit
Hard back suplex on Jacobs. Anyone remember when that was Shawn Michaels's finisher? Vicious lightning kick by Kavovit on Jacobs. Hooks the leg for a two count. Jacobs reverses a King Kavovit hammerlock. Kyle Jacobs fires off some right and left hands. Kyle Jacobs with a spinning neckbreaker on Kavovit. Cover for a two count. Jacobs pulls a jumping piledriver out! Pinfall attempt gets a 2.9999. Kyle Jacobs with a spinning neckbreaker on Kavovit. Kavovit reverses a Kyle Jacobs hammerlock. Vicious lightning kick by Kavovit on Jacobs. Cover for a two count. Diamond Dust from King Kavovit, Jacobs is out. Pinfall attempt gets a 2.9999. Kavovit slams Kyle Jacobs down. King Kavovit strikes Jacobs. Jacobs reverses a King Kavovit hammerlock. Big dropkick by Kyle Jacobs, who got good elevation. Emerald Fusion by Kyle Jacobs on Kavovit. King Kavovit is in trouble. Spinning Fallaway!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!! Salvatore Scabbia comes running down the aisle with a chair! Kyle Jacobs is just leaving the ring...and Big Sal scores with a brutal chair shot! Kyle Jacobs falls to the floor holding his head. That was good. **** rating. 88% overall.

Overall show rating: 85%
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