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Old 05-29-2017, 01:00 AM   #4386
Kalyx triaD
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Originally Posted by Kalyx triaD View Post
Superman Returns Sequel:

Bryan Singer appearently has better things to do: instead of moving on to the next Superman feature, he's working on a 'thriller' with Tom Cruise starring. Odd, he seemed so down with Supe's that I thought he'd start out on the next one atleast at a pace faster than the gap between X1 and X2. It must be noted that Singer has a history of finding better things to do. There were rumors that the next Superman would be shelved and JLA (see below) would kick a kick-start early with Brandon Routh starring. Those rumors were quickly dissolved with the powers to be saying the next Superman (rumored to called "Man of Steel") is going just fine, with Metallo and Brainiac as possible villains. The gun-turrent dude from 'Returns (Eye-of-Steel scene) may even have been John Corben...

Kate Bosworth may not return.

Batman Begins Sequel:

Most of us are pretty much up to speed here: The movie will be called "The Dark Knight" with the most talked about news being Jokers inclusion as the central villain. Joker ofcourse is being bought to us by Heath Ledger with a darker edge about the character than the stuff we've already seen. The movie should begin production right about now, with a release next Summer. The batsuit will be updated for anyone who cares, with an emphasis on 'cloth'. There's also talk of a Bat-Cycle, too. Cool. The theme of 'Begins was fear, and the theme for Dark Knight may be "things getting worse before they get better." They say the title also also has multiple meanings. Could Gotham City suffer some kind of mass blackout while the Joker goes on a killing spree? Note that many of Joker's earlier comic exploits usually had him pulling some city-wide crisis that Batman had to work double-time to fix. Also in the movie is Harvey Dent played by Aaron Eckhart. His inclusion reveals the villain for Batman's third feature.

Katie Holmes will not return. She's been replaced by Captain Marvel's sister, Maggie Gyllenhaal.

Captain Marvel:

SHAZAAM!!! And with a blast of thunder, Jake Gyllenhaal (Day After Tommorrow) is most surely, very likely, gonna maybe portray Captain Marvel (one of the few characters who could beat Superman's ass without Krrrryptonite). I'm kinda definately sure of the possibility of his consideration.


Ryan Renalds is up for the part as Wally West. For the most part I agree with this casting. They're talking about getting into the science of super-sonic speed rather than 'him running really fast'.

Wonder Woman:

Joss Whedon dropped out of the project, which disappoints me to no end. There's also talk of setting it in WW2's era. This may have been in the old comics but really... c'mon...


Okay... WB really wants to get this thing going, abondoning their old plan of having 'the big three' set their movie franchises first then teaming them up (would've took too long anyway). I'm sure Marvel pressing for their Avengers feature has a little to do with that. Brandon Routh is definately heading up this one, but Christian Bale didn't seem likely to appear as the Bat because A) the current Batman creative team doesn't wish to merge their darker realistic Batman with a likely bright-n-epic team-up feature and B) JLA is moving on faster than the new Batman franchise can catch up with. Still, Christian Bale has said that he signed to three contracts with the last one being "some sort've team-up." It appears Batman will be on the team afterall (thank GOD). I wonder if Wonder Woman will make the team, her franchise being on the fritz. I also wonder what other heroes will make the team...

So what do you guys think? Exciting couple of years ahead?
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