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Old 09-05-2015, 09:58 PM   #18939
The CyNick
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Originally Posted by Noid View Post
Except it's not going down that way. If you remember back to late 2004, it was a sharply worded promo from Batista that made people go "Hang on -- this guy might be on to something." In the weeks leading up to his turn, Batista was made to look crafty, cunning and like a killer. Hell, he won the 2005 Royal Rumble. And when the turn came, he was a step ahead of Triple H and Ric Flair, who were trying to get Big Dave out of the picture.

What you have in Seth Rollins at the moment is a chickenshit who doesn't even care if he wins or loses matches (unless the title is on the line, of course), hides behind The Authority, and when they turn on him is suddenly going to become a ruthless killer again. OK. Let's see who buys it.

It's looking more like the Randy Orton/Triple H program of 2004, with Orton being a wormy deer in the headlights for most of it than the Badass Dave vs. Hunter feud of 2005, which was actually designed to get Batista over.

And, furthermore: Why are they trying to make Seth Rollins AFTER HE IS ALREADY THE MOTHERFUCKIN' WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION?!?! The shit makes no sense! For Triple H to bring a ruthless killer out in him after he's climbed to the top of the mountain? There's something else in common with the original Triple H vs. Randy Orton feud there.

The key to the success of the Triple H vs. Batista program was heat. The crowd was rabid for it because they were rabid for Big Dave, and they wanted to see someone finally get one over Triple H and Ric Flair. I can't see much heat coming from the guy in the suit with all the power kicking his chosen chickenshit heel while he's down amounting to much "YAY! Go...someone!" momentum. And I don't have too much faith in the company to get it right, because they just spent months having two heels do a story-time rivalry in the back, bickering like school children, which ultimately went nowhere (to this point in time, anyway).

Triple H and Seth Rollins are both great performers. The match itself will be good-to-great. Triple H also isn't going to let much he touches as an active wrestler in this day and age be the drizzling shits. I'm sure they'll save it to the point where people go "Hey, this is actually not bad." That being said, it won't make Seth as hot as he could be.
First, dont cloud the debate. At the end of the day we're just talking about whether or not it was the right call for HHH to go over Sting. I'm laying out reasons why it made sense - #1 it was the logical end to the Monday Night Wars storyline and #2 HHH needs to be kept strong he can give a meaningful rub to Rollins.

My comparison to Big Dave was just that he was a heel in Evolution for a long time, and only until just before they were ready to pull the trigger on a HHH-Bats feud did he start to do babyface things. The same could easily happen with Rollins, but we dont know the timeline of the program. Will HHH-Rollins happen at 32? Will it be later in 2016? Is it a Mania 33 fight? The timing will dictate when and if Rollins needs to change what he does in the ring (ie winning matches clean, standing up to HHH, etc). At some point though, I would assume Rollins will start becoming more of a babyface champion, at which point he will get screwed and plant the seeds for the fight with Hunter.
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