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Old 09-23-2012, 08:51 AM   #6131
Raven Reaper
Flame on, Motherfokkas!
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Raven Reaper is "reptacular" (2,500+)Raven Reaper is "reptacular" (2,500+)Raven Reaper is "reptacular" (2,500+)
Judge Dredd in 3-D.. Now I fully understand this unpopular comic franchise appeal... I think I like to live in a world ruled by judge/cop hybrid type of vigilantes. On the same bad-assery level as Robocop and Punisher. Lena Headey as Ma-Ma the druggie queen bitch herself was the true scene stealer.. Yes, lots of people say this was like The Raid Redemption minus the kung fu kick-ass fighting skills. Lots of gun blazing. And I think I wanna try that SLO-MO DRUG that makes you feel like in the Matrix bullet time mode... I wish they could've used that as a weapon to dodging bullets instead of just relaxing and admiring the slow motion effects of the objects around themselves. It was also spectacular seeing the slow motion effect drug when one of the crooks fall 200 feet from the building splatting blood on the pavement. Intense stuff. 10/10. I AM THE LAW!!!

And yes, the subplot of having a psychic rookie blondie judge cop alongside Dredd reminded me of Robocop's sidekick as well. Hehe... Also, this one blows Stallone's version out of the fucking water... And the portrayal of Mega City as he calls it like a huuuge wasteland desert filled with blown buildings and more dirty streets filled with thugs is almost on par with Nolan's dark realistic version of Gotham in Dark Knight Rises.\

My fave scene: Ms. Anderson the rookie reading the black guy's mind of having sexual rape and getting naked in front of him saying, "Welcome to your fucked up head!"

And the other one:
Ma-Ma's slow motion free falling from her building after Dredd pushed her out the window right up to the point where her pretty scarred face splats up-close on the ground headfirst with blood splatting all over the screen.

Fucking intense was the low ammo while huuuge ass guns blazing just to take out 2 judges.

10/10. I AM THE LAW!!!
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