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Old 06-15-2011, 02:58 PM   #2327
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And now, Judgment Day! Your hosts, Joey Styles and Matt Striker.

Ian Moore vs John Bradshaw Leyfield : Rude Awakening on Ian Moore by JBL. Full nelson slam on Moore. There's a two count on the pin. Moore blocks the suplex attempt. JBL gets caught with a belly to belly suplex from Moore. Flying elbow from Ian Moore. Cover for a two count. Back heel kick off the second rope, JBL goes flying. Cover, but there's a last second kick-out. Ian Moore hits a rolling kick on JBL. John Bradshaw Leyfield ducks a clothesline attempt. Moore walks into a spike slam. There's a two count on the pin. Lifting DDT by John Bradshaw Leyfield, looked good. Pinfall attempt gets a 2.9999. Big backdrop on Moore, executed well. Stiff chop lights up Moore. JBL drops an elbow...but misses. Fate can be so cruel. Big clothesline on JBL. Double Arm DDT by Moore, JBL got destroyed. John Bradshaw Leyfield can barely stand. Here it comes - Epiphany. 1....2...3, it's finished. That was good. **** rating.

Winner: Ian Moore via pinfall after the Epiphany.

Evan Bourne vs Matt Stryker (For The WWE Cruiserweight Title) : Flying elbow from Evan Bourne. Spinning bulldog in the corner, Stryker is down. Hooks the leg for a two count. Matt Stryker pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Stiff high kick on Bourne by Matt Stryker who has evidently been watching some old AJPW tapes recently. Flying elbow from Matt Stryker. Cover for a two count. Vicious kick to the teeth from Matt Stryker. Cover, but there's a last second kick-out. Flying elbow from Matt Stryker. Bourne powers out of a headlock. Flying cross body off the top rope! Even Steamboat would have applauded the execution on that. Hooks the leg for a two count. Stryker walks into a face crusher variation. Hooks the leg for a close fall. Bourne hits a dropkick on Matt Stryker. Stiff high kick on Stryker by Evan Bourne who has evidently been watching some old AJPW tapes recently. Evan Bourne misses a clothesline. Driven DDT by Matt Stryker. The ring shook violently, instantly making it better at selling than some of the current roster. Bourne walks into a face crusher variation. The referee bumps after catching a wild right hand and is down. Evan Bourne knocks Stryker to the outside, then signals for the Airbourne. He reaches out of the ring for Matt Stryker...and gets clobbered with the ring bell! Right to the head! The referee wakes up to see Stryker sliding in and making the pinfall: 1....2....3! Forget about it. Matt Stryker leaves the ring and heads off down the aisle at speed. Stryker has the victory, and isn't hanging around for Evan Bourne to look for revenge. That was good. **** rating.

Winner and new champion: Matt Stryker via cheating.

Mickie James vs Veronica (For The WWE Diva's Title) : Mickie James snap suplexes Veronica. Veronica walks into a stiff lariat clothesline from Mickie. Hard impact russian legsweep by Mickie. If you're going to get impact, 'hard' is probably a good way to go. Veronica takes a butterfly suplex from Mickie. Mickie James gets taken down out of nowhere. Rude Awakening on Mickie James by Veronica. Mickie gets hit with a huge clothesline. Cover for a two count. Mickie reverses a Veronica hammerlock. Vicious snap suplex! Veronica got whipped over hard. There's a two count on the pin. Wicked Tiger Suplex by Mickie James on Veronica. Pin, but Veronica is out just before the three count. Veronica ducks a clothesline attempt. Mickie receives some punishment. Veronica gets taken down out of nowhere. Big dropkick by Mickie James, who got good elevation. Veronica can barely stand. DDT!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!! This was missing something, so it only gets a ****1\2 rating.

Winner and still champion: Mickie James via pinfall after DDT.

Montel Vontavious Porter vs William Regal (For The WWE Intercontinental Title) : Chanelling the spirit of Misawa, Montel Vontavious Porter uses a forearm to the face. Regal receives some punishment. Big backdrop on Regal, executed well. Bodyslam by MVP. Regal powers out of a headlock. Big dropkick by William Regal, who got good elevation. William Regal hits a bulldog off the ropes. Hooks the leg for a two count. MVP counters a sleeper hold by turning it into a jaw breaker. Driven full nelson slam on Regal. Hooks the leg for a two count. MVP pulls a jumping piledriver out! Hooks the leg for a close fall. Regal blocks a punch. MVP gets caught with a belly to belly suplex from Regal. MVP counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face. Big clothesline on Regal. Montel Vontavious Porter moves in for the kill. Playmaker! 1....2....3. I'm slapping a ****1\4 rating on this.

Winner and still champion: MVP via pinfall after Playmaker

Cody Rhodes vs Kane : Kane gets caught with a belly to belly suplex from Rhodes. Cody Rhodes throws Kane toward the flames, but Kane is able to put the brakes on in time. Big clothesline on Kane. Vertical suplex by Cody Rhodes. Kane ducks a clothesline attempt. Kane holds Rhodes near the flames. Spear by Kane. Rhodes blocks a kick from Kane. Spear by Cody Rhodes. Powerbomb on Kane. Cody Rhodes misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. Rhodes receives some punishment. Kane misses a clothesline. Back elbow connects, Kane staggers backward. Cody Rhodes moves in for the kill. Here it comes - CrossRhodes. 1....2...3, it's finished. That was good. **** rating.

Winner: Cody Rhodes via....uh...pinfall??

The Status Quo vs Edge \ Christian (For The WWE Unified Tag Team Titles) : Stiff high kick on Edge by Brian York who has evidently been watching some old AJPW tapes recently. Flying elbow from Brian York. There's a two count on the pin. Tag between Brian York and Bret Banderas. The Status Quo whip Edge into the corner. Brian York whips Bret Banderas in for a hard clothesline to follow-up. Hooks the leg for a two count. Flying shoulder tackle by Banderas sends Edge to the mat. Edge reverses a waistlock. Edge hits a bulldog off the ropes. Hooks the leg for a two count. Tag between Edge and Christian. Flying cross body off the top rope! Even Steamboat would have applauded the execution on that. Cover, but there's a last second kick-out. Hard back suplex on Banderas. Anyone remember when that was Shawn Michaels's finisher? Banderas counters a sleeper hold by turning it into a jaw breaker. Rude Awakening on Christian by Banderas. Tag between Bret Banderas and Brian York. York hits a right hand. Tag to Edge. Flying elbow from Brian York. Edge has lost it! He floors Brian York and starts raining down punches like a psycho! The referee tries to break it up...and gets thrown to one side. The referee is calling for the DQ! Edge has caused a DQ through his hatred of Brian York. I don't think the fight has finished. The Status Quo and Edge \ Christian have begun brawling again! They wind up brawling all the way down the aisle and out of view. A ****1\2 rating for a great match.

Winners and still champions: The Status Quo via DQ after Edge goes off the deep end.

Randy Orton vs Sean O'Haire : Sean O'Haire fires off some right and left hands. Kick from Sean O'Haire to the leg. Big dropkick by Sean O'Haire, who got good elevation. Sean O'Haire hits a rolling kick on Orton. Sean O'Haire misses a clothesline. Big clothesline on O'Haire. Devastating face-first slam from Orton on O'Haire. Hooks the leg for a two count. O'Haire powers out of a headlock. Flying cross body off the top rope! Even Steamboat would have applauded the execution on that. Cover for a two count. Orton walks into a face crusher variation. Pin : 1 - 2 - 2.9999999. Orton kicks Sean O'Haire in the gut to reverse the momentum. Stiff chop lights up O'Haire. Sean O'Haire avoids a Randy Orton avalanche. Big clothesline on Orton. Sean O'Haire moves in for the kill. Cruel Intentions!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!! Great match, a ****1\4 rating i think.

Wait a minute. Looking back at the replay, Orton was pretty close to the ropes. Orton had his foot on the bottom rope but O'Haire blocked the ref's view of it and he kicked it off after the referee counted the pin and called for the bell. Orton appears to have been screwed somewhat.

Ted DiBiase, Jr. vs Jason Collins (For The World Heavyweight Title) : Double arm suplex by Jason Collins, DiBiase hits hard. DiBiase kicks Jason Collins in the gut to reverse the momentum. DiBiase slams Jason Collins. DiBiase whips Collins into the turnbuckles...and predictably, the referee gets sandwiched. Devastating Tiger Driver 91 very nearly crushes the neck of Collins. Misawa is probably laughing with glee at the moment. Cover, but there's no one to count for Ted DiBiase, Jr.. Here comes a second official. Jason Collins avoids a Ted DiBiase, Jr. avalanche. Hard impact russian legsweep by Collins. If you're going to get impact, 'hard' is probably a good way to go. Devastating face-first slam from Collins on DiBiase. Cover for a two count. Springboard dropkick from Jason Collins. Nicely done. Cover, but there's a last second kick-out. Ted DiBiase, Jr. elbows Jason Collins in the face to break a hammerlock. DiBiase looks for Dream Street but Collins pushes off the turnbuckle and it's Survivor Series 1996 all over again as the two fall back. The referee counts...1...2...3! Your winner....and new World Heavyweight Champion, Ted DiBiase? Wait, the original referee has come over to the timekeeper and announcer and discusses something. Your winner and still World Champion, Jason Collins!!! It appears we have conflicting reports over whose shoulders were down. DiBiase is adamant that he's won.

IF YOU SMELL.....!!! Here comes the SmackDown! GM to try make sense of everything. The refs each plead their case. The Rock calls for the replay. It appears that DiBiase may have gotten a shoulder up but it's hard to tell. The Rock demands that the match be restarted!!! DiBiase is irate.

Ted DiBiase, Jr. vs. Jason Collins: Round Two: DiBiase tries Dream Street agains but Collins falls forward causing DiBiase to fall into the turnbuckle. Jason Collins moves in for the kill. Here it comes - Fall From Heaven. 1....2...3, it's finished. Great match, a ****1\4 rating i think.

Winner and still champion: Jason Collins via pinfall after restart.

DiBiase isn't finished and proceeds to just destroy Collins after the bell. Dream Street through the announce table!!! We go off the air with DiBiase holding the World Heavyweight Title over his head.

Overall rating: 92%
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