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M-A-G 01-09-2024 09:31 AM

Rate the Game: Week 166
Good morning. So while this is the proper edition for this week, last week didn't go so well as Alien: Isolation only racked up one rating. The rules state that because of that, it cannot be considered to be part of the leaderboard. With that said, Alien: Isolation takes its place on the Honorable Mentions list and I have taken it upon myself to do a replacement edition for last week, which you can find already up and ready for your perusal right now on the forums. That makes two games for you all to tackle this time around. Be sure to swing on that way. Or if you came from over there already, I invite you to partake in this entry, too. Speaking of which, what is our game for Week 166? We go to the bowl for the answer....

<iframe src="" width="480" height="270" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="">via GIPHY</a></p>

Time for some more fighting game action and more from our great friends over at SNK, who were all about fairness and not-at-all cheap computer opponents. Samurai Shodown had its day in the sun, but this time around, we're going a little bit further back. This week's game is Fatal Fury! As mentioned when we looked at Eternal Champions, we all had to witness virtually every gaming company and their mother try their hand at topping games like Street Fighter 2 at the time. How does this one fare? I leave that question up to you and your capable hands of fury. Do the voting thing and let's hear what you have to say on the matter. Until next week!

Also this should be up on the other forums. When you think about it, I had to do quadruple work this week.

drave 01-09-2024 09:42 AM

Played the bejeebus out of this on Genesis. It was the 2nd game I owned.

Tong Fu Rue was really cool the first time I saw him.

I played as the Muay Thai guy, Hwa Jai, the most. After him, I moved to Terry "BURN KNUCKLE" Bogard.

Ended up discovering how to unlock Geese Howard, who was interesting to play with, but I was nowhere near as good as the computer was with him.

Excellent fighting game. I'd love to see this game get an update/remake.

M-A-G 01-10-2024 10:00 AM

I mean, I don't know if whatever deity you believe in is ever good as SNK A.I., much less us mere mortals.

drave 01-11-2024 12:13 PM

SNK Man cheated on N64 :|

Fignuts 01-13-2024 11:17 AM

Had some cool ideas, but overall this was a rough draft of what the series would eventually become.

DAMN iNATOR 01-13-2024 11:22 AM

Never played.

M-A-G 01-14-2024 06:23 AM


Originally Posted by Fignuts (Post 5640265)
Had some cool ideas, but overall this was a rough draft of what the series would eventually become.

It was kind of odd limiting the number of choices for characters to three.

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