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slik 11-03-2016 04:46 PM

Latest WrestleMania 33 rumors - UPDATED in Post 817
From various dirt sheets:

Shaq/Big Show - definitely happening

Brock/Shane - might get bumped to the Royal Rumble to help sell out Alamodome, but otherwise a WM33 program.

HHH/Seth - might get bumped to the Royal Rumble to help sell out Alamodome, but otherwise a sure bet for WM33. If it gets bumped to the RR, HHH might not wrestle at WM33.

Cena/AJ - Cena might win RR. His WM program this year will see him aiming to tie Ric Flair's World Title record.

Undertaker/Orton - Orton's heel turn is legit and is the launchpad of Taker/Orton at WM33. Orton is a past favorite opponent of Taker's at WM. Might be Taker's endgame match and previously Taker wanted to lay down for Randy at WM. If that happens expect this to help give the Wyatt Family a rub from Undertaker since Orton is aligned with them currently.

As for Roman, Kevin Owens, Chris Jericho, Dean Ambrose and others...

Roman could end up facing Strowman. They wanted to do a big Strowman push last year but he wasn't ready for it yet. Strowman's monster push on RAW will continue through the Rumble with Strowman looking strong during it. Roman could also end up facing Kevin Owens at WrestleMania. Jericho is scheduled to wrap up his current WWE run before WM but if he's talked into extending it then Jericho/Owens could be a WM program. If he doesn't stay until WM Jericho/Owens will likely happen before then. Dean Ambrose's likely prospect is Baron Corbin so far as they want to push Corbin strong. Corbin, like Braun, is in the Survivor Series match for Raw vs SD and like Strowman he will look strong in the Royal Rumble. If Daniel Bryan is given a final match it might be against Miz. If not, Miz's program will somehow be tied to Bryan still, which is why they keep pushing the Bryan/Miz feud on tv. Finn Balor will be cleared by WM and be featured on the card as well. Goldberg will not wrestle at WM but is the front-runner to be the headliner for next year's Hall of Fame.

Fignuts 11-03-2016 05:00 PM

Shane vs taker was already jumping the shark. Shane vs brock would outright murder everyone's suspension of disbelief.

Fignuts 11-03-2016 05:02 PM

Only way I could see it working is if it wad a no dq match and shane brought in someone like joe or angle to do the actual fighting. At which point you might as well just have brock vs joe/angle.

Anybody Thrilla 11-03-2016 05:02 PM

All of that honestly sounds good to me outside of Brock/Shane.

Fignuts 11-03-2016 05:05 PM

I'm kind of torn. On one hand I would really like to see Taker vs Cena. It's the last really big taker match left. But the Styles vs Cena feud has been the best of the year, and with the added element of tying flair's record, ending the feud at mania would be a great story.

slik 11-03-2016 05:08 PM

I'm not crazy about Undertaker facing Orton again - but - Taker/Orton work well together and the chance of Orton injuring Undertaker in a match is very minimal. Like Cena, he'll protect Taker and the match will have lots of psychology to it.

Anybody Thrilla 11-03-2016 05:13 PM

Taker/Cena only appealed to me when the streak was still on the line. Cena seemed like he could have believably broken it. Now, I'm not so into the idea of a match between the two.

Destor 11-03-2016 05:14 PM

Its November guys...

Might as well hang easter decorations

The CyNick 11-03-2016 06:04 PM

I dont think Brock vs Shane will happen at Mania. I would rather see Shane bring someone in to face Brock. I would love to see Shane bring back Kurt and have them build up Brock v Angle at Mania.

Cena vs Styles makes a lot of sense. Cena should tie or break the record at major events - Mania being the most logical.

Orton v Taker would at least be a good match. I think they could build it up. I think they should start putting Taker's career on the line for each Mania match. Kinda like reliving the streak, and gives someone another chance to get a rub off him like Brock got.

HHH vs Seth is very logical. I also wouldnt mind seeing them do something like The Shield vs HHH and two others. The two others would be NXT call ups (maybe Nakamura and Samoa Joe). Would be a good way to introduce new guys on the big stage. Plus the crowd there would eat it up. It would heel The Shield though, but that might be a good thing.

mike adamle 11-03-2016 06:06 PM

Would be alright with all of that, not exactly what I want, but none of it is bad.

I'd rather see AJ face Taker or Brock, but we know the Cena match will be a classic so I get it.

Cena vs. Shane is something that actually appeals to me, a lot more than Shane-Brock.

If Orton is really a Wyatt member I'd like to see Orton, Wyatt, and Harper vs. The Shield.

I think Brock vs. Owens is the way to go if you wanna make that Universal title mean anything.

I hope Goldberg is on the show and faces either Cesaro, Big E, or Braun Strowman if they're hell bent on pushing him.

Triple H needs to be on there, I hope he faces Cesaro or Sheamus

RP 11-03-2016 06:06 PM

Shaq/Big Show - Why?

Brock/Shane - Why?

HHH/Seth -I guess

Cena/AJ - somewhat cool if Cena dont go shoot a movie afterwards.

Undertaker/Orton - Why?

RP 11-03-2016 06:14 PM

Has WWE gone a Wrestlemania in the last 8 years or so without rehashing some old name talent to draw ratings? Thats a bad company imo.

RP 11-03-2016 06:16 PM

Another troubling theme. The underdog WM Title winner cant win without doing it in a 3- way match most of the time.

RP 11-03-2016 06:17 PM


mike adamle 11-03-2016 06:20 PM

Hoping to see The Rock return and have a match since they'll be in Florida

RP 11-03-2016 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by mike adamle (Post 4883002)
Hoping to see The Rock return and have a match since they'll be in Florida

Your hopes will most likely come true because WWE needs to find ratings somewhere.

Anybody Thrilla 11-03-2016 06:37 PM

I mean, they'll probably explain 'why' in the build up to those matches. Of course they wouldn't make sense in November.

Fignuts 11-03-2016 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by RP (Post 4882998)
Has WWE gone a Wrestlemania in the last 8 years or so without rehashing some old name talent to draw ratings? Thats a bad company imo.

Veterans coming back has been a part of wrestling for decades. I don't know why some people have such a big problem with it. Yes, you need to build new stars, but the two aren't mutually exclusive.

Mr. Nerfect 11-03-2016 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by Anybody Thrilla (Post 4882972)
Taker/Cena only appealed to me when the streak was still on the line. Cena seemed like he could have believably broken it. Now, I'm not so into the idea of a match between the two.

I'm in total agreement with this. I won't go too in-depth with it, but I've done a lot of pondering on the match, and I think it would do more harm than good. Like, minimal harm -- it won't ruin either guy, obviously -- but I think it's a match where the finish is going to be dull no matter what you do. Styles vs. Cena in the match and Taker vs. Orton, while not my choice, makes sense if Taker wants it. Why the fuck not? I had Orton mingling with Ambrose, Wyatt and Harper in my projected card, but I don't have any philosophical problem with Taker vs. Orton.

EXCEPT -- I think that the second person that beats Taker is going to associated with Brock -- the other guy that beat Taker. If you have Orton beat Taker, that just sets up Brock vs. Orton, and we've seen that. That's why I'd rather see Taker put over someone like Rusev. You've also got Rusev for a lot longer than Orton, hopefully, so I think really cementing Orton in that league is unnecessary.

The CyNick 11-03-2016 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by RP (Post 4882998)
Has WWE gone a Wrestlemania in the last 8 years or so without rehashing some old name talent to draw ratings? Thats a bad company imo.

To me that's what makes Mania Mania.

There's tons of TV, guys have to work with one another, so it's hard to keep matches special. The part timers give the show the special feel.

It's no different than a show like SNL doing a special show and bringing back old cast members. Everyone gets a kick out of their shtick and regular cast comes back the next week.

Mr. Nerfect 11-03-2016 10:15 PM

Triple H vs. Seth Rollins is something I see being blown off before WrestleMania. I'm thinking Rollins has a good chance of winning the Royal Rumble. I think they'll put Owens against Rollins and Balor in a Triple Threat match. Something Michael Cole said at Clash of Champions about there only being three men who have been NXT Champion and World Champion made me think "Fuck, they're going to do that, aren't they?" It sort of makes sense too. Rollins keeps getting screwed out of the title and needs something, so giving him the Rumble seems like a nice little "atta boy" for him to try and remind people you want him to be taken as a star. Balor can return in time for WrestleMania, use his rematch clause, and cunningly sneak into the match. Not a heel turn, but foreshadowing for it. Owens wants the Triple Threat because he doesn't want either man one-on-one. Takes the pressure off them to have a Triple Threat too, because you just know Vince doesn't seem them as true main eventers.

Triple H will be wrestling at WrestleMania though, I just think it'll be against someone else. My prediction since WrestleMania 32 has been Nakamura. You just know that Triple H's ego wants to be Nakamura's first WrestleMania opponent so he can take some sort of credit for exposing him to the world. Even if it doesn't lead to a call-up for Nakamura and he defends the NXT Title against Triple H. It just seems fitting. And it won't be bad, by the way. I'd actually be down for Triple H taking the Kinshasa.

Brock vs. Shane I was fine with until Brock vs. Goldberg happens. You can't have Shane taken seriously after Brock beats Goldie. Shane can bring someone in. Bobby Lashley is who I had in mind, but that all depends on whether or not they want him. Kurt Angle returning for one match fits the WWE mentality of running all Brock's old opponents against him. Shawn Michaels is the dream however. Shane is standby. And I do think that match will happen, but I think it will happen down the line.

Mr. Nerfect 11-03-2016 10:19 PM

I've got no desire to see Show vs. Shaq one-on-one. To me, that's a tag match. I don't know whether you put Show and Shaq on the same side as each other this babyface special attraction team or if you put them with different partners that can bump for the other big man, but this will work much better with partners. I eventually came to Big Show & Shaq vs. Sheamus & Cesaro, which I still think is probably the best way to go.

Mr. Nerfect 11-03-2016 10:28 PM

I'd bring Shaq in for the Royal Rumble. He and Show fight near the ropes, and Cesaro or Sheamus dumps them out. Cesaro and Sheamus win the RAW Tag Titles and then develop issues with Big Show. He beats either Sheamus or Cesaro via DQ one RAW when the other guy gets in the ring and helps with a beat-down. Shaq then hits the ring and chases off both men with a steel chair. He and Show shake hands and we've got our Tag Title match for WrestleMania.

You shoot interviews with Shaq about how he's a life-long fan, and he's secretly been training for this for a long time. He's here to be serious and he's here to be a champion. Cesaro and Sheamus respond by talking about how they've made a lifelong profession of this, and this ain't the NBA, fella. At WrestleMania, Cesaro works his magic as best he can, Sheamus moves around like a cruiserweight for Shaq and Show. Cesaro manages to Swing Shaq and body slam Show, but Sheamus eventually gets pinned with a Shaq Chokeslam and we've got new RAW Tag Champs.

I don't know how many dates you can get Shaq in for, but you can have him and Show defend the belts against The Shining Stars at the next RAW PPV if you can get him in. The same can be done with Gallows & Anderson. At some point, The Revival earn a title shot, but backstage they attack Shaq's leg. Big Show goes out to defend the belts in a Handicap Match. Shaq hobbles down to the ring, but The Revival head out and kick his leg as he makes his way to ringside. They finish off Show and are the new Tag Team Champions. Shaq gets into the ring and helps Big Show up, but gets the Knockout Punch right in the face. These two are on.

Mr. Nerfect 11-03-2016 10:36 PM

If Taker/Orton is a lock, then I'd like to see Rusev go against Dean Ambrose, as opposed to the Corbin/Ambrose stuff. I did enjoy Corbin and Ambrose's SmackDown match a few weeks back, but I just see a lot more in Rusev at this point. Make that the interpromotional match of the show. Ambrose eliminates Rusev from the Royal Rumble and Rusev becomes obsessed with "Stupid American Dean." I'm fine with Corbin entering the Andre Battle Royal and trying to be the first back-to-back winner.

RP 11-03-2016 11:21 PM

Why in the hell are they wasting Orton so much. I mean, between the injuries and meaningless matches that go nowhere, he's really been a waste the last 4 years now.

slik 11-23-2016 05:13 PM

Roman/Strowman getting more traction


There has been talk about having Roman Reigns face Braun Strowman at next year’s WrestleMania 33 event.

Based off of upcoming advertisements, the plan right now is to have Strowman compete in a series body slam challenges against The Big Show, which will ultimately lead to a match between the two. Strowman would go over Big Show and move onto a feud against Roman Reigns shortly after The Royal Rumble.


Brock/Goldberg III is in the works for WM33. The program with Shane McMahon, much like the one last year with Bray Wyatt, has been put on hold/cancelled for the time being.

XL 11-23-2016 05:19 PM

A series of Bodyslam Challenges?

Mercenary 11-23-2016 05:41 PM

Brock vs Shane sounds like Brock's kind of match where he has to do the least amount of work as possible

Emperor Smeat 11-23-2016 08:08 PM

According to Forbes, Sting is pushing for a match against Taker at Mania next year.

Wants it to be his retirement match from wrestling and has actually been delaying some surgery he needs since it could legit end his career before having this potential match.


Originally Posted by Forbes
WWE Hall of Famer and recently-retired Sting was a guest on a recent edition of WWE Network’s ‘Legends with JBL‘ and had some very interesting and rather direct remarks when discussing a potential match with the Undertaker.

“Yeah, that’s the unfinished business. I’ve always wanted to have that match. I know wrestling fans have always wanted to see it too” Sting said when referring to a match with the Undertaker. Sting hinted that his career was ending in a way he did not envision it ending.

Sting also mentioned that he has been putting off neck surgery because it would mean the definitive end of his days in the squared circle.

“I am supposed to have surgery, but I’m having so many mixed messages out there. And the one thing I keep hearing is ‘if you’re not having side effects and you’re okay, then don’t do it.’”

It appears that there is more to the JBL interview, which caused quite a stir on the internet, in regards to Sting’s desires.

According to a source, Sting has been pushing WWE to allow him to compete in one last match and that match is against the Undertaker at WrestleMania 33. Sting has brought his request to the decision makers in WWE but it is unclear just how WWE will move forward.

Mr. Nerfect 11-24-2016 07:33 AM

The last thing WWE wants is for Sting to end up paralyzed in a WWE ring and to make more work for Taker. Sure, Sting wants the match, but how about Taker? If his preferred opponent is Orton, I can't see them changing those plans.

Cool King 11-24-2016 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by sliksuke nakamura (Post 4890955)
Roman/Strowman getting more traction


There has been talk about having Roman Reigns face Braun Strowman at next year’s WrestleMania 33 event.

Based off of upcoming advertisements, the plan right now is to have Strowman compete in a series body slam challenges against The Big Show, which will ultimately lead to a match between the two. Strowman would go over Big Show and move onto a feud against Roman Reigns shortly after The Royal Rumble.

Bodyslam Challenges?

Pfft, no.

Although, I do like the idea of Strowman vs Reigns at WrestleMania. Make it a United States Championship match and we're good to go. Strowman defeating Reigns for the title and at WrestleMania of all places, is just what Strowman needs.

He's already been great so far, so doing that would just be the icing on the cake and cement him as being this unstoppable monster that the WWE is claiming Strowman to be.

XL 11-24-2016 02:24 PM

If Taker/Orton is the current plan, and Sting is up to working, they need to change course. It won't set the world alight (but neither would a match with Orton) but it's a match people have waited for for years, and it's not a re-tread.

Mr. Nerfect 11-24-2016 05:57 PM

The problem with Reigns vs. Strowman is that no one in the smark community cares. Reigns has the perception of being the golden boy and the company will not change it until he turns heel; while Strowman is seen as a big anachronistic lug. He might be better than what people think -- and Reigns almost certainly is -- but a WrestleMania card is going to shit all over that and no one will get anything from either outcome.

Reigns is best when he is fighting other babyfaces. That way the crowd reaction doesn't ruin the whole vibe of what they are trying to achieve. He can play the dominant force by default, and it works. Reigns vs. Styles and Reigns vs. Balor are perfect examples of this. Sami Zayn would be a perfect opponent for Reigns. Cesaro could get it done. Rollins and/or Ambrose with it being okay to cheer for the other guys. Ziggler would be a fine opponent. I don't give a fuck about brand alignment, as you can tell.

Reigns vs. Strowman is just going to strike the wrong chords with everybody.

Mr. Nerfect 11-24-2016 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by XL (Post 4891204)
If Taker/Orton is the current plan, and Sting is up to working, they need to change course. It won't set the world alight (but neither would a match with Orton) but it's a match people have waited for for years, and it's not a re-tread.

Sting is basically worthless in WWE after the loss to Triple H and Whiny Rollins. I mean, a lot of the mystique is gone. No one will buy Sting beating Undertaker at Mania and the match will have very little by way of genuine drama. It would be a lot more disappointing than people think it would be. It's better in the head.

Sepholio 11-24-2016 11:10 PM

Sting vs Taker at mania ends in a no contest when both men collapse from exhaustion 3 minutes and 57 seconds into the match. #RetirementMatch

The CyNick 11-25-2016 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by Noid (Post 4883069)
I've got no desire to see Show vs. Shaq one-on-one. To me, that's a tag match. I don't know whether you put Show and Shaq on the same side as each other this babyface special attraction team or if you put them with different partners that can bump for the other big man, but this will work much better with partners. I eventually came to Big Show & Shaq vs. Sheamus & Cesaro, which I still think is probably the best way to go.

You lose the Sportscenter appeal when you add in more guys. It's not like you want them to give you 15 minutes. Just have Shaq slam Show and everyone can go home.

Mr. Nerfect 11-25-2016 06:20 PM


Mr. Nerfect 11-25-2016 06:20 PM

History proves you wrong on that, but okay.

Emperor Smeat 11-25-2016 08:58 PM

According to PWI, WWE is currently considering Styles vs Taker for the WWE title at Royal Rumble next year. (Original post ended up misreading the event rumored thinking it was at Mania for Styles-Taker).

Might be a way for WWE to do Cena-Taker and maybe Cena's 16th reign if they were to go that route for Mania. Or maybe Orton-Taker for the WWE title if Taker were to win at the Rumble and WWE keeps that match as the plan for Mania.

Ruien 11-25-2016 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by Noid (Post 4891283)
The problem with Reigns vs. Strowman is that no one in the smark community cares.

Mania is the one time a year where WWE does not have to cater to the smark community (At least so far. This will probably change shortly).

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