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Lock Jaw 08-22-2020 10:46 PM

Justice League - The Snyder Cut
<iframe width="750" height="422" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Warning: straight up spoils the death of a minor character

Damian Rey 2.0 08-23-2020 01:22 AM

It certainly looks waaaaaaay more interesting than the wb mandates Whedon cut

GD 08-23-2020 07:32 AM

Kinda excited. Hope it is "better".

Seanny One Ball 08-30-2020 12:25 AM

Ezra Miller is a they/them'er

Burn the witch!

Lock Jaw 02-14-2021 10:37 AM

<iframe width="1620" height="1080" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Just waiting for this to come out and be worse than the theatrical version, but praised as better because it is "in" to hate Joss Whedon right now

McLegend 02-14-2021 12:55 PM

I am kind of into this, but I don’t think it will be good.

slik 02-14-2021 01:23 PM

Looks good

I think Man of Steel is an underrated gem in the superhero genre and people will look back on it one day really well.

Seanny One Ball 02-14-2021 01:42 PM

Man Of Steel is the best Superman film outside of the Donner films.
I actually like it more.

McLegend 02-14-2021 01:56 PM

I prefer Superman I, but I agree Man of Steel is good, and underrated.

RP 02-14-2021 03:24 PM

How much different can this movie possibly be?

Lock Jaw 02-14-2021 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by Slik (Post 5425896)
Looks good

I think Man of Steel is an underrated gem in the superhero genre and people will look back on it one day really well.

Far from a gem. Not very good.

Nor is it AS bad as people say, but it is pretty "not good". I'd place only Superman III and IV below it from the live action movies....

Seanny One Ball 02-14-2021 04:15 PM

The Snyder Cut should be an umbrella term for superheroes that kill indiscriminately in their films.
He turns them all into mad bastards.

Still, when it was just Superman and the killing was purely collateral damage I liked it. In retrospect Superman could be called Homelander.

It's not really Superman as you'd want him, but it's what you'd get if that sort of thing really happened.

mitchables 02-14-2021 05:23 PM

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="und" dir="ltr">NOOOOOOOOOOO <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; hannah woodhead (@thethirdhan) <a href="">February 14, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Destor 02-14-2021 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by Slik (Post 5425896)
Looks good

I think Man of Steel is an underrated gem in the superhero genre and people will look back on it one day really well.

i saw it in the theater and fell asleep during it

Seanny One Ball 02-14-2021 06:42 PM

My friend did that during "Doom" when he was high as a kite and when he woke up during the credits he didn't realize he had been fast asleep so he started ranting and raving about how the film was only twenty minutes long.

Same guy once drank a bottle of poppers and had to go to hospital because his lips went blue and he couldn't breathe.

Damian Rey 2.0 02-14-2021 10:50 PM

Man of Steel is a gem compared to the turd BVS ended up being. As a stand alone film it's whatever. I didn't think it was a very good portrayal of the character despite having lots of interesting ideas.

That trailer was pretty meh honestly. It's Zack Snyder. How he's continued to get work despite mostly sucking is beyond me.

I'm sure this'll be different in tone but I can't see how much better it could possibly be given who's making it.

Lock Jaw 02-14-2021 10:51 PM

Man of Steel is indeed a gem compared to BvS but that really isn't saying much.

As a stand-alone film I'd rather watch Brandon Routh deadbeat-dad stalking his ex Superman

Damian Rey 2.0 02-15-2021 01:56 AM

No thanks. The Routh superman was boring as fuck. I remember my brother took me to see it to help give me an escape as my dog was dying at the time the movie came out. I walked outta the theater thinking that I'd rather watch my dog die than sit thru that nonsense again.

Man of Steel was just frustrating because it had all the right ingredients for a Superman movie, but Snyder sucks and can't figure out what ideas he wants to flesh out, and instead runs with all of them and nothing makes sense.

Snyder's Superman at no point makes it clear he even wants to be Superman and his own fucking parents make it a point to say that he doesn't have to be. He's just Superman for the hell of it.

Savio 02-15-2021 01:34 PM

No one has mentioned "Superman Returns" and I just wanted to say that movie was very silly.

Seanny One Ball 02-15-2021 02:06 PM

Two people directly above you just did

Big Vic 02-15-2021 02:22 PM

Ahh didn't know that guy directed it or whatever.

Destor 02-15-2021 02:23 PM

saw the brandon routh superman at a drive in. had sex instead of watching it

Destor 02-15-2021 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by Big Vic (Post 5426443)
Ahh didn't know that guy directed it or whatever.

the actor who played him. bryan singer directed

Seanny One Ball 02-15-2021 02:38 PM

Between him and Spacey somebody got molested in a hot tub during pre-production, that much is certain.

Big Vic 02-15-2021 02:47 PM

Kumar most likely

Lock Jaw 02-15-2021 04:18 PM

Snyder going to be releasing a black and white version of his Justice League called "The Justice Is Gray Edition"

Really just a natural progression for him to get rid of colour completely.

RP 02-15-2021 04:22 PM

If this movie turns out totally different in the Snyder Cut, do these actors get paid more money? If not, than this should be something they should start negotiating into there contracts because this movie is basically gonna get a completely new release.

mitchables 02-15-2021 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by Lock Jaw (Post 5426516)
Snyder going to be releasing a black and white version of his Justice League called "The Justice Is Gray Edition"

Really just a natural progression for him to get rid of colour completely.

fuck me dead what is this man's obsession with turning big dumb bright superheroes into the bleakest most dour shit imaginable

Damian Rey 2.0 02-15-2021 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by mitchables (Post 5426557)
fuck me dead what is this man's obsession with turning big dumb bright superheroes into the bleakest most dour shit imaginable

He very much desires to be Chris Nolan but doesn't realize or accept he's actually just Michael Bay, and that if he mutes colors and tones and everything is dire and dour, it means he's making a really serious big boy movie about serious dark edgy progressive themes and stuff.

Damian Rey 2.0 02-15-2021 06:31 PM

Zack Snyder's DC movies are what I imagine a teenager who loved the Dark Knight Trilogy would write if tasked or inspired to write a character driven Superman movie with moral conflict and a Clark Kent with inner struggle and existential doubt.

Azriel 02-16-2021 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by RP (Post 5425929)
How much different can this movie possibly be?

80% of the movie was reshot after Snyder left. It's pretty much going to be an entirely different movie

joshwoodsrohfandm 02-25-2021 05:45 PM

Is this gonna be one of those releases where it replaces the original film on TV or will it be exclusive to HBO Max? or is it gonna jump to TV in a few years and be as if it was another movie along with the 2017 version? that's what i am curious about. Also I've seen the trailer; this version looks much better but why wasn't this the original used anyway?

Seanny One Ball 02-26-2021 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by RP (Post 5426520)
If this movie turns out totally different in the Snyder Cut, do these actors get paid more money? If not, than this should be something they should start negotiating into there contracts because this movie is basically gonna get a completely new release.

They already shot the footage.
There is no extra work involved for the cast.

Damian Rey 2.0 02-26-2021 11:21 PM

They absolutely shot new stuff. Lego was never in the original cut that Snyder never finished. But he realized the Batman and Joker in his universe never shared the screen, so he wanted to create a moment for them to have together.

Cavill, Affleck, Gadot and Rayb Fisher all came back for reshoots, plus however many scenes Leto gets plugged into.

Seanny One Ball 02-27-2021 01:33 PM

More should be made of that then, most people are under the assumption this is being cobbled together from existing, unused footage.
It sounds like an even bigger waste of time/money now.

Seanny One Ball 02-27-2021 02:58 PM

I wonder what Ray Fisher thinks of Ezra Miller for choking that girl... He didn't like Joss Whedon shouting at 'em, but he remains silent on queers that choke them.


Damian Rey 2.0 02-27-2021 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by Seanny One Ball (Post 5429698)
More should be made of that then, most people are under the assumption this is being cobbled together from existing, unused footage.
It sounds like an even bigger waste of time/money now.

It's been pretty well stated at this point. If people don't know they're getting something new, they're not whip HBO max was targeting in the first place.

Also Whedon reshot a lot of the original cut. So there's quite a bit that never saw the light of day. Or scenes that remained in the movie but were rewritten and changed.

Seanny One Ball 02-28-2021 08:16 AM

You wear that pocket watch properly or I'll take it off you

Damian Rey 2.0 02-28-2021 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by Seanny One Ball (Post 5429885)
You wear that pocket watch properly or I'll take it off you

What else do you wanna take off me big boy:naughty:

Seanny One Ball 02-28-2021 11:42 AM

The earmuffs

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