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drave 06-29-2020 01:22 PM

Cyberpunk 2077
New gameplay. Just hook this shit directly into my brain

<iframe width="910" height="512" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Heisenberg 07-02-2020 12:36 PM

got any other steampunk themed games to recommend while we wait for this?

ClockShot 07-02-2020 01:11 PM

Dishonored 1 & 2.

drave 07-02-2020 01:48 PM

Shadowrun isn't terrible. The SNES and Genesis versions were the best. The one on steam is pretty good too. Shadowrun Returns

Heisenberg 07-02-2020 03:08 PM

Thankfully I've crushed those already :-), been playing Stardew Valley this summer.

ClockShot 07-02-2020 04:03 PM

Deus Ex is another good one.

Heisenberg 07-02-2020 04:20 PM

Sounds like a game that was scooped up a couple Steam Summer Sales ago, if not, then the current sale will help

drave 07-02-2020 04:27 PM

The Division 2 is pretty good right now. Not Cyberpunk, but at times, surreal with what is actually happening in the world right now.

I need to jump back onto 76. Just seems so god damn tedious right now.

rightnowrighthere 07-10-2020 01:31 PM

Damn that COVID, because of this crap game was delayed, but I can wait, game is really awesome!

ClockShot 09-30-2020 07:05 AM


Fignuts 09-30-2020 02:06 PM

I think from the start, game journalists have been going about the crunch issue all wrong. Attacking the existence of crunch is silly because literally every job with deadlines has crunch, and they probably always will. Hell, I worked in flooring and often had to work 50 hour work weeks to get jobs done in time.

The problem arises in the working environment. If you are going to make, or even ask people to work beyond 40 hours, you need to create a workplace that people feel comfortable doing that in. Ideally you should strive to create an enviornment that makes people want to work extra hours.

And so the problem with crunch in gaming has never been that it exists, but rather, that a lot of companies create a miserable hellscape at their workplace, that make people want to eat a bullet, rather than be there any longer than they have to.

It IS a slippery slope, and it's not surprising that companies which treat their customers like shit also treat their employees like shit. But until a bunch of CD Project Red employees come out and give detailed accounts of dark ages style work conditions, I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they're doing everything they can to make the overtime as painless as possible while doing what needs to be done. They've earned that trust.

All that said, dude should never have made that promise. You never know what kind of issues and delays might pop up. But at least he's got the balls to come out and take full responsiblity for it.

Destor 10-02-2020 11:33 AM

id love to know what people who villainize crunch do for a living. go ask a lawyer about what crunch is like. its the job; comes with the territory.

the evils of crunch of propagated by YouTubers and children.

ClockShot 10-05-2020 10:46 AM

All done. Gone Gold.

Apparently the world map is floating around online.

Tom Guycott 10-07-2020 04:29 AM


Originally Posted by Destor (Post 5378388)
id love to know what people who villainize crunch do for a living. go ask a lawyer about what crunch is like. its the job; comes with the territory.

the evils of crunch of propagated by YouTubers and children.

That attitude prevailing is kind of the problem, though. It's a similar attitude of how GameStop got away with being a shit company for so long because of how it lures in young, naive nerds who think of it as a dream job, and how more of those "suckers" can be thrown into the ground level grinding wheel of low pay, minimal hours, having lofty numbers goals hanging over their heads, and the perpetual Sword of Damocles above them; that they can be replaced at the expense of the next young, naive nerd. And that's just retail. These people - programmers, testers, and the like - have more specialized skills working on more technical things.

Just because "business is done that way" and possibly done that way forever doesn't mean it should be done that way. And in an industry like games, there's this weird conflation of people voluntarily banding together and putting in all the time and effort neccessary for a great product, and a corporate mandated encampment. Even in other job fields like, say, manufacturing, there's a gulf of difference between offered overtime and mandatory overtime. It's really only after the EA Spouse letter that any of it came to some sort of public thought, but it doesn't mean it was never a horrible way to do business, just not a publicly discussed one.

To simply pass this off as YouTubes (where I assume you mean they're being reactionary for views) and children (who I presume you mean don't know any better) is pretty reductive. On top, how does this make *them* the villain for pointing out bullshit? Again, just because business is done that way doesn't mean it should be. Another conjoining business practice is essentially holding ones career hostage with the same type of logic where people say "if you don't like living wherever you are, just move", as if moving is a free and simple prospect. In this case, quitting the job probably also means you getting a black mark in the industry; being labled as "difficult to work with" or somesuch nonsense, to where nobody wants to hire you for your "reputation"... a reputation born from you not wanting to live out of your office and throw your personal life into upheaval for a few weeks/months unexpectedly because someone above your paygrade deemed it neccessary to do so. I've had a couple jobs like that. Shit sucked. But for me it fortunately wasn't something I had a degree tied to, or in a business where they would talk to other places similar to them and potentially prevent me from doing something similar elsewhere.

What makes this particular story a bit scummier is that CDPR made a show about how they wouldn't/didn't have to crunch for Cyberpunk because they're better than that; that they could just delay the launch instead of shitting on their workers to the adulation and brownie points of the public... and here we are. It makes it seem as if they either went back on their word, or they never intended to keep it in the first place.

Fignuts 10-07-2020 04:44 AM

In a perfect world, crunch wouldn't exist. We don't live in a perfect world.

You would fundamentally have to change how the world works, to get rid of crunch in any profession that revolves around deadlines.

Good luck with that.

Destor 10-07-2020 10:44 AM

work is voluntary. if the needs of the employer dont match match the need of the employee the solution is obvious. this notion of some work utopia is farcical. to achieve great things it requires a great effort. the notion of the contrary is childish.

Destor 10-07-2020 10:49 AM

case in point im on vacation right now. why? i just worked literally 90 days straight 70-80hrs/w. reached a point of accomplishment and now im resting. work needed to be done. this is fins because i chose this when i took the job and im a man and not a child.

El Vaquero de Infierno 10-07-2020 11:04 AM

Destor, you are not a man. You are a fuckin' beast!

Frank Drebin 10-07-2020 11:18 AM

When this comes out, I'm going to play cyberpunk the way Destor works.

drave 10-07-2020 11:51 AM

Pfft, I'll do it without the break. Pussies.

Sepholio 10-07-2020 03:08 PM

Oof 90 days straight. Much respect for that. I pulled 12 hr shifts every day for 3-4 weeks once and was ready to burn it all down. Prob had a lot to do with working overnight and having a newborn at home that made it v hard to sleep during the day so I was constantly running on fumes, but still, I was getting ready for arson.

Sepholio 10-07-2020 03:09 PM

That being said those fat paychecks with all that overtime sure were lovely.

rez 10-10-2020 07:43 AM

I've decided that I'ma just buy this on Stadia. I got multiple 4k TVs, play on the go.

F da hate...I'll prob buy it eventually for multiple systems anyways depending on mp. (gta5)

drave 10-10-2020 10:16 AM

Course, if you bought it for console, you'll get the "next gen" version free.

rez 10-14-2020 08:10 PM

<iframe width="1280" height="720" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Just a little over a month :o

drave 10-22-2020 03:19 PM


ClockShot 10-27-2020 01:44 PM

Still crunching.

CD Projekt Red delays the game again. This time due to shipping issues. 9 consoles across 2 generations is a big task it seems.

New release date is now December 10th, 2020.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">We have important news to share with you <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Cyberpunk 2077 (@CyberpunkGame) <a href="">October 27, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

El Vaquero de Infierno 10-27-2020 02:12 PM


Frank Drebin 10-27-2020 02:45 PM

Keep delaying it until its ready please.

OssMan 10-27-2020 05:56 PM

If I was excited for this game I would not care if it were delayed, I'm sure it's for good reasons, I imagine the workers are under extreme stress which seems bad

RP 10-27-2020 06:02 PM

I wouldnt have an issue if they delayed it until Spring next year. Gamers need this to be right. It's a big deal. I would hate if they put a unfinished product out.

slik 10-27-2020 10:00 PM game looks like Yonkers

Fignuts 10-28-2020 11:22 PM

Yeah, in an era of gaming where companies push out buggy, unfinished, poorly optimized games to meet deadlines, I’m not gonna complain about a company taking the time to make sure that everything is working right.

drave 10-29-2020 08:39 AM


teamXtremist 10-29-2020 03:53 PM

They have been working with the old gen consoles for 6 years, if there is any problem its with the new ones or with that fucking Stadia crap.

have a hard time believing the PC recommended requirements too: i7-4790 + GTX 1060. Wonder if you could get 1080p60 at medium with such a setup. That's nearly the exact cpu I'm running so it would be nice if that really would be enough for high settings though

Frank Drebin 11-29-2020 09:35 PM

Had pto time that I had to burn and I randomly picked the 11th and 14th months ago before they announced the last delay. Looking like a good call.

drave 11-30-2020 09:51 AM


Frank Drebin 11-30-2020 04:15 PM


Frank Drebin 11-30-2020 04:17 PM

Thursday the 10th is going to be hard at work. Going to just look for excuses to leave early and not be able to focus on anything other than going home.

Will only come home to find i forgot to leave it in rest mode and it still needs do be downloaded.

drave 11-30-2020 04:53 PM

You change those settings right god damn now Frank.

Change it......

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