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drave 09-25-2023 11:32 AM

One note if you're on PC:

You will now be required to have a SSD to play. No SSD, no 2.0 for you. Now stop spinning metal like a grandpa.

road doggy dogg 09-25-2023 11:45 AM

Neat. Maybe I'll check out the new stuff later this week.

rez 09-25-2023 11:34 PM

I wish Stadia still existed. It ran refunded for it but the ol ps5 doesn't have the space for it. probably get it for pc sooner or later.

rez 09-25-2023 11:37 PM

It's like, stay in your lane

Cyberpunk should have NEVER came out for last gen Xbox and Playstation

The game would be thriving without that bad press

MK1 for the Switch, sports games for PC. Just not good ideas

drave 09-26-2023 07:53 AM

The game was #1 on Steam the other day. I don't remember which, but it's fine.

drave 09-26-2023 08:28 AM

Also restarted my game again, due to that visual bug that also makes the controller never stop vibrating.

Went with reflexes this time, to play a katana wielding bullet deflecting assassin, no stealth. The dash skill is siiiiiiiiiiiiiick. Not sure if anyone who has played recalls NPC's dashing in a zig-zag like fashion to get to you quickly, but you can do that now, and it is GLORIOUS!

Combo that with "Slap and Thundercrack" or w/e and your melee heavy attacks will "Leap" to an enemy. These skills, plus sandevistan (slows time and actually works now) + grenades is a lethal dose of comedic deaths before most enemies even know wtf happened.

They've done an amazing job, save the one bug, with this update. If anyone was on the fence before, the game is where it should have been at launch, now.

road doggy dogg 09-26-2023 11:41 AM

Patch is fun but yeah my laptop with an RTX 2060 is struggling with this one. I don't think I can really do PC gaming like I used to anymore, I'll stick to my stupid WoW hardcore and Nintendo

rez 09-30-2023 07:38 AM

Is it worth the new gameplay story again? Played the shit out of it on Stadia(RIP...great service and refunded for all purchases) before I got a ps5

rez 09-30-2023 07:40 AM

Does cyber psychosis finally have a negative affect?

rez 09-30-2023 07:44 AM

fuckin netherrealm didnt learn anything from this company releasing on tard hardware

drave 10-02-2023 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by rez (Post 5631709)
Is it worth the new gameplay story again? Played the shit out of it on Stadia(RIP...great service and refunded for all purchases) before I got a ps5

I haven't finished the Phantom Liberty main storyline yet, but thus far it is really damn good and well worth it.

I actually had a "wow" moment last night for the first time in a very long time. There's a part in the DLC where you have to go to a party. During the idle chatter, there's rumors of a "big pop star" who is also going to attend. At some point in the night, the lights go down and Night City's biggest pop star, Lizzy Wizzy, puts on a show. It was absolutely incredible and caught me off guard. I actually stopped and just watched it. Here's a youtube video, but I ended up going "front row" to get a better view. Not my cuppa tea for the music, but it worked perfectly in the environment.

The new gameplay is bonkers. This, IMO, is the game they "wanted" to release at launch, but weren't given the liberty of more time that was needed. I've not stopped playing since I've had the 2.0 update.

There are a few "critical" choices I've made too, that will definitely affect gameplay if I were to have made different choices, so I'm ready for a 2nd playthrough already.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" title="Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty - Delicate Weapon Lizzy Wizzy Performance On Stage [Update 2.0]" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Originally Posted by rez (Post 5631711)
Does cyber psychosis finally have a negative affect?

Cyber psychosis was never in the game for the player. They had a system in place in concept where they wanted to have you "lose humanity" with the more chrome you added.... but that's not there.

Instead, you have a "limitation" on how much chrome you can have applied. There is a perk in the Body tree that will allow you to exceed this capacity but you have to sacrifice overall health. The perk is well worth it. You have a 1% chance when attacking or being hit to go into a mode where your damage, attack speed and crit chance jump in a HUGE way.

drave 10-06-2023 01:06 PM

Finished 1 of 4 endings. This DLC is incredible. The story does an amazing job at eliciting all types of emotions, until the very last moment. Then.... the song that plays through the end credits (with a "video" of in-game stuff) tugs even harder.

I don't believe a game has had me so invested since I experienced Nier Automata. And that story, for me, is a 20/10 - one of the best stories ever told in a game IMO.

This too, is done so damn well, I expect this game to have a bit of a "rebirth" or something.

Plenty of non-campaign stuff I've yet to experience as well. I am very intrigued as to what other possibilities exist for the story on subsequent playthroughs.

At a point, the difficulty takes a back seat, again. That, or the way I built my character is just OP (tank with a shotgun/LMG). Even Maxtac tickles.

Going to do another playthrough focused on stealth and netrunning. That will be a completely different approach. The netrunning overhaul is crazy and I've not even touched it yet.

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