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thebitch 02-06-2004 05:39 PM

LOL 4 1/2 stars? Dude...if you have talent like Ultimo Dragon, you should be getting 5 stars constantly unless you can't book worth a crap.

Cactus Sid 02-06-2004 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by thebitch
LOL 4 1/2 stars? Dude...if you have talent like Ultimo Dragon, you should be getting 5 stars constantly unless you can't book worth a crap.

If Ultimo isn't over, your not gonna get 5*

Evil Vito 02-06-2004 07:08 PM

<font color=goldenrod>King of the Ring 2004 Results coming in, but first, some new info on my roster.

-I've managed to get Big Vito to join my roster at the end of the month from NWATNA.

-I bought out MLW, and as a result I have Chris Daniels, Jerry Lynn, Low Ki, Amazing Red, TAKA, Super Crazy, among other really talented wrestlers on my roster. However, I've decided to leave them all on Open Contracts and not use them unless I can sway them away from Japanese commitments and get them to sign Written deals (which I actually was able to do in my last game)

Anyway, here's the PPV results:

Heat Match: Spanky and Paul London defeated Rob Conway and Rene Dupree to retain the WWE Tag Team Titles. ***1/4, 81% Overall

Edge pinned Christian to advance to the finals of the KOTR Tournament. ***1/2, 85% Overall

Randy Orton defeated John Cena after Batista interference. Randy Orton advances to the finals of the KOTR Tournament. *****, 95% Overall :eek:

Rob Van Dam pinned Sabu in an ECW Rules Match. ***1/2, 82% Overall

AJ Styles pinned Jamie Noble to retain the WWE Cruiserweight Title. ****1/2, 90% Overall

The Rock, Eddie Guerrero, Shawn Michaels, and The Undertaker defeated Kurt Angle, Triple H, Batista, and Kane when John Cena interfered and got his revenge on Batista by costing him the match. ****, 90% Overall

Randy Orton pinned Edge to win the 2004 King Of The Ring Tournament and earn a shot at the WWE Title at SummerSlam 2004. *****, 95% HOLY SHIT, ORTON IS GOD

Brock Lesnar cheated to defeat Chris Benoit. ****, 88% Overall

Chris Jericho pinned Booker T to retain the WWE Title. They shook hands afterwards. ****1/4, 90% Overall

89% Overall Rating for King Of The Ring (Dammit, I don't think I'm ever going to get a 90)

1.87 Buy Rate

Pat Patterson: Jamie Noble and AJ Styles work pretty well together due to their similar styles.
Me: Oh really? Gee, I never would have guesse, especially considering the match had 100 Quality and got ****1/2

Pat Patterson: Brock Lesnar and Chris Benoit didn't 'click' in their match, maybe due to their mismatched skills causing their styles not to gel?
Me: Just f</>uck off, Pat.</font>

thebitch 02-06-2004 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by Cactus Sid
If Ultimo isn't over, your not gonna get 5*

If you use him once a week for a month, he will be in the high 80's simply because he gets over by talent filled matches.

Not to mention, Paul London was like 75 over and Ultimo was like 80 over and they got a 5* match in my game.

Evil Vito 02-06-2004 09:12 PM

<font color=goldenrod>Sylvan Grenier is now out of OVW, so now I can use the original La Resistance.

Big Vito has officially joined my roster.

Low Ki signed a Written contract and now he is a permenant WWE Superstar.</font> :cool: :cool: :cool:

Evil Vito 02-06-2004 10:01 PM

<font color=goldenrod>Those NWATNA bastards somehow stole Tazz from me. :mad:

Then I was trying to get him back he said, "I don't want to work for you, no matter what the offer." He had 100 morale when he left.</font> :wtf:

Evil Vito 02-07-2004 12:13 AM

<font color=goldenrod>Vengeance 2004:

Heat Match: Spanky and Paul London defeated La Resistance when London pinned Grenier to retain the WWE Tag Team Titles. ****, 85% Overall

Big Vito pinned Steven Richards to win the WWE Hardcore Title. ***, 77% Overall

John Cena pinned Batista. ***1/2, 85% Overall

Rhyno pinned The Rock. ****, 82% Overall

AJ Styles pinned Low Ki to retain the WWE Cruiserweight Title. Styles cheapshots Low Ki afterwards. ****1/2, 90% Overall

Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, and Edge defeated Brock Lesnar, Kurt Angle, and Christian when Benoit made Brock submit to the Crippler Crossface. ****1/4, 91% Overall

Randy Orton pinned Booker T. ****1/4, 91% Overall

Lance Storm pinned Shawn Michaels to win the WWE Intercontinental Title. They handshake afterwards. ****1/2, 87% Overall

Chris Jericho pinned Triple H to retain the WWE Title. ****1/4, 95% Overall

88% Overall Rating for Vengeance 2004

1.93 Buy Rate</font> :cool:

thebitch 02-07-2004 08:41 AM

Smackdown, Feb 03 2005

Basham Brothers beat Briscoe Boys 89% ****3/4

Nova beat Jaime Noble 91% ****3/4

Chavo Guerrero beat Hurricane 92% ****1\2

Scotty 2 Hotty drew Shannon Moore 80% ***

Carly Colon beat Johnny Kashmere 85% ***1\2

Ultimo and Black Dragon beat World's Greatest Tag Team 92% ****1\2

Matt Hardy beat Lance Storm 96% *****

Chris Jericho beat Funaki 91% ****1\2

Eddie Guerrero beat The Rock 89% ***

Kurt Angle beat Paul London 91% ***3/4

Tajiri beat Rey Mysterio ****

Overall: 89%

thebitch 02-07-2004 08:44 AM

FROM: Television Report
We got a 7.51 rating for 'Smackdown!'!
The attendance level was 10040 people.
We made $401600 from ticket sales.

FROM: Brock Lesnar
Rob Van Dam would be a great opponent for me, how about putting us together in some matches?

FROM: AJ Styles
I'd like to request a match or two with Christopher Daniels. I'm pretty sure we could do some good work together.

FROM: Pat Patterson
Paul London and Kurt Angle didn't 'click' in their match, maybe due to their mismatched skills causing their styles not to gel?

FROM: Pat Patterson
Lance Storm and Matt Hardy work pretty well together due to their similar styles.

FROM: Doug Basham
I think i should be higher up the card.

thebitch 02-07-2004 08:45 AM


Ric Flair is recovering from a Eye Injury, expect him to be back in action in 1 month. Christian is out with a Ripped Bicep, but he should return in around 4 months.

The midcard ranks are packed with great talent. In particular, i think any one of Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit, Jamie Noble, Nova, Rob Conway and Bryan Clarke could be the next worker to find their way into the main event.

We certainly have high hopes for Ohio Valley Wrestling. We're watching a group of workers, including Rikishi, Tommy Dreamer, Chris Kanyon, Nunzio and Maven, very closely as they have a heck of a lot of potential.

Read some Internet reports last week - great work as usual from The Scotsman. Good gawd almighty, he is a hoss! A Scottish hoss at that.

Randy Savage has been rumoured on other sites to be in negotiations with us. I will say that as far as i'm concerned, although we are of course keeping an open-mind, we have had no meetings with this talented performer.

Another great show from Raw, it's becoming a high point of the WWE week. Smackdown! is an exciting product, definitely a strong part of our brand. Another great show from WWE Blackout, it's becoming a high point of the WWE week.

Chris Jericho is a real positive force backstage, and continues to be a shining example of what being a locker room leader is all about.

Big thanks to our fantastic sponsors World Domination Inc, Droese Garbage, Irwin's Taxes and EWR 4.0; these mutually beneficial relationships are great for all parties involved.

Until next time, take care...
Adam Ryland

thebitch 02-07-2004 08:48 AM

And for the hell of it, I'll post my top 100 from last year

WWE End of 2004:

1. J-pac (WWE)
2. Josh Van Dam (WWE)
3. Kurt Angle (WWE)
4. AJ Styles (WWE)
5. Christopher Daniels (WWE)
6. Lance Storm (WWE)
7. Mark Jindrak (WWE)
8. Tajiri (WWE)
9. Rob Conway (WWE)
10 Chris Jericho (WWE)
11 Johnny Kashmere (WWE)
12 Doug Basham (WWE)
13 Black Dragon (WWE)
14 Chavo Guerrero (WWE)
15 Edge (WWE)
16 Nova (WWE)
17 Low Ki (NWATNA\RoH\FLI)
18 Rey Mysterio (WWE)
19 Danny Basham (WWE)
21 Jamie Noble (WWE)
22 Chris Benoit (WWE)
23 Paul London (WWE)
24 Johnny Jeter (WWE)
25 Rob Van Dam (WWE)
26 Hurricane (WWE)
27 TAKA Michinoku (XPW\NWATNA\RoH)
28 Christian (WWE)
29 Randy Orton (WWE)
30 Brock Lesnar (WWE)
31 Shawn Micheals (WWE)
32 Matt Hardy (WWE)
33 Spanky (WWE)
34 Shelton Benjamin (WWE)
35 Funaki (WWE)
36 Sean O'Haire (WWE)
37 Nick Dinsmore (WWE)
38 Insane Dragon (WWE)
39 Mark Briscoe (WWE)
40 Trent Acid (WWE)
41 EZ Money (RoH\CCC\IRON)
42 Kid Kash (IRON)
43 Nunzio (WWE)
44 Juvi Guerrera (RoH\NWATNA\IRON)
45 Charlie Haas (WWE)
46 Shark Boy (NWATNA)
47 Ultimo Dragon (WWE)
48 Blitzkrieg (WWE)
49 Trish Stratus (RoH)
50 Jay Briscoe (WWE)
51 Kumiko Indohara (RoH)
52 Veronica (IRON)
53 John Cena (WWE)
54 Super Crazy (XPW\FLI\RoH)
55 CM Punk (NWATNA)
56 Micheal Modest (RoH\FLI\WCWF)
57 Orlando Jordan (NWATNA)
58 Shannon Moore (WWE)
59 Kriss Sprules (WWE)
60 Scoot Andrews (SWC\FLI\XPW)
61 Ikuto Hidaka (FLI\RoH\IRON)
62 Lash LeRoux (NWATNA)
63 Cade Sydal (Free Agent)
64 Psychosis (NWATNA)
65 Bryan Danielson (RoH\NWATNA\FLI)
66 Mikey Whipwreck (NWATNA)
67 Chris Candido (RoH\WLW\FLI)
68 Satoshi Kojima (CCC\WCWF\FLI)
69 Tazz (WWE)
70 Sting (WWE)
71 Donovan Morgan (NWATNA)
72 Carly Colon (WWE)
73 Jeff Hardy (WWE)
74 Jerry Lynn (NWATNA\WLW\WCWF)
75 Bryan Clarke (WWE)
76 Scotty 2 Hotty (WWE)
77 Colt Cabana (IRON\RoH\FLI)
78 Ebessan (RoH\IRON\CCC)
79 Shannon Ward (IRON)
80 Steve Austin (WWE)
81 Men's Teioh (CCC\FLI\RoH)
82 Rhyno (WWE)
83 JR Ryder (IRON\RoH\FLI)
84 Kaz Hayashi (SWC\FLI\XPW)
85 Chris Stylez (WLW\ECWA\CCC)
86 The Rock (WWE)
87 Test (WWE)
88 Jade (IRON)
89 Trinity (RoH)
90 Jimmy Yang (RoH\IRON\XPW)
91 Chris Kanyon (WWE)
92 Tony Mamluke (NWATNA)
93 Dick Togo (NWATNA)
94 Fred Williams (FLI\WLW\IWAMS)
95 Devon Storm (NWATNA)
96 Jody Fleisch (RoH\XPW\IRON)
97 Billy Kidman (WWE)
98 Lord of Darkness (WWE)
99 Sick Nick Mondo (IRON\WLW\WCWF)
100 Micheal Shane (NWATNA)

I own 59 of the top 100

thebitch 02-07-2004 09:06 AM

WWE Blackout! Feb. 5

WWE Cruizerweight Championship:
Chavo Guerrero (c) def. Rey Mysterio to retain.
89% ****
>>The WWE Cruiserweight title has gained in image.<<

WWE Tag Team Titles:
Spanky and Funaki(c) def. World's Greatest Tag Team to retain.
93% ****3/4
>>The WWE Tag Team titles have gained in image.<<

WWE United States Championship:
Edge(c) def. Chris Benoit to retain.
91% ****1\2
>>The WWE United States title has gained in image.<<

Brock Lesnar def. Rob Van Dam in a singles match.
90% ****1\2

Lord of the Ring (Rob Conway & Nick Dinsmore) def. Ultimo and Black Dragon
87% ****
>>Rob Conway is losing overness because of his weak gimmick.<< (oops!)

AJ Styles drew Christopher Daniels
98% *****


From: TV Report
We got a 6.91 rating for 'WWE Blackout'!
The attendance level was 10037 people.
We made $401480 from ticket sales.

From: Paul London
Eddie Guerrero would be a great opponent for me, how about putting us together in some matches?

From: Josh Van Dam
I was thinking, how about giving me some matches with J pac? I think we'd be able to do some good work together given the chance.

From: Sean O'Haire
Edge would be a great opponent for me, how about putting us together in some matches?

From: Lance Storm
I was thinking, how about giving me some matches with Chavo Guerrero? I think we'd be able to do some good work together given the chance.

From: Black Dragon
I think i should be higher up the card.

Evil Vito 02-07-2004 10:42 AM

<font color=goldenrod>Cool, I just realized that The Amazing Red didn't re-sign with the Japanese Promotion that he had been working for, so he has now been signed to a Written Contract.</font>

Evil Vito 02-07-2004 11:57 AM

<font color=goldenrod>This is odd, I just checked the Other Promotions page. Even though Low Ki is under Written Contract with me he is still on the NWATNA and RoH rosters. :wtf:

The only real bad thing about that is that NWATNA are gonna get rich off of me when I make Low Ki a major star with like 98 overness.</font>

Evil Vito 02-07-2004 12:06 PM

<font color=goldenrod>Well, I've slightly diminished my problems with sharing workers slightly, as I just bought out RoH.</font>

thebitch 02-07-2004 10:32 PM

Did you use Arsenic to get him? If not, its just a little bug.

Use arsenic's roster fix to correct the problem.

Evil Vito 02-07-2004 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by thebitch
Did you use Arsenic to get him? If not, its just a little bug.

Use arsenic's roster fix to correct the problem.

<font color=goldenrod>I didn't use Arsenics so likely it's a bug.

Arsenics roster fix? What is that? I popped in my Arsenics editor and I see no way to fix roster stuff.</font>

Boondock Saint 02-07-2004 11:02 PM

i've heard about "roster updates" and stuff, just wondering if they are worth the d/l at all? and a current game wouldn't be updated, only when you start a new one, right?

Evil Vito 02-08-2004 02:49 PM

<font color=goldenrod>Some planned SummerSlam 2004 stuff:

WWE Championship: Randy Orton vs. Chris Jericho (C)

WWE Cruiserweight Championship - Ladder Match: Low Ki vs. AJ Styles (C)

WWE Intercontinental Championship: Christian vs. Lance Storm (C)

Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena

That's all I have for now.</font> :-\

Cactus Sid 02-08-2004 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by Boondock Saint
i've heard about "roster updates" and stuff, just wondering if they are worth the d/l at all? and a current game wouldn't be updated, only when you start a new one, right?

A game that you've started and saved won't be written over, but the new games will have more up-to-date rosters. They are well worth downloading, unless you want to do it yourself, or want to carry on with an old roster. Also, most roster updates have huge lists of workers, so you can find more people to train for the future, I highly recommend them.

thebitch 02-08-2004 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by Big Vito 22
<font color=goldenrod>I didn't use Arsenics so likely it's a bug.

Arsenics roster fix? What is that? I popped in my Arsenics editor and I see no way to fix roster stuff.</font>

Arsenic 4.4

The roster fix should be included in that file.

Evil Vito 02-08-2004 08:45 PM

<font color=goldenrod>*post 100*</font> :D

Evil Vito 02-09-2004 08:24 PM

<font color=goldenrod>Summerslam 2004 Results coming in:

Heat Match: The Amazing Red pinned Rey Mysterio Jr. ****1/2, 76% Overall, Because I'm a nice guy I'm gonna post the rest of the results despite the fact that this is another one of these bullshit shows that doesn't click.

Spanky and Paul London defeated Triple H and Batista to retain the WWE Tag Team Titles. ****, 78% Overall

Big Vito pinned Kurt Angle to retain the WWE Hardcore Title. ****, 78% Overall Why do I even f</>ucking bother with this?

Kane, Abyss, and Rhyno defeated The Rock, Rob Van Dam, and The Undertaker. ***1/2, 78% Overall

Shawn Michaels cheated to beat Edge. ****, 81% Overall

Low Ki defeated AJ Styles in a Ladder Match to win the WWE Cruiserweight Title. ****1/2, 83% Overall

Lance Storm pinned Christian to retain the WWE Cruiserweight Title. ****1/2, 81% Overall

John Cena defeated Eddie Guerrero, Brock Lesnar, and Chris Benoit to become the #1 Contender to the WWE Title. ****1/4, 81% Overall

Randy Orton pinned Chris Jericho after Triple H interference to win the WWE Title. ****1/4, 84% Overall

80% Overall, which I guess is still pretty good even for a show that didn't click. But still, if Ryland expects me to believe that there's really a random, 1 in 25 chance of a show not clicking even though it's happened on THREE PPVs this year, he is out of his f</>ucking mind.

1.85 Buy Rate

Somehow, AJ Styles injured his eye when taking his sick bump in his match against Low Ki. He'll be out for 2 months (One of the months is almost over anyway)</font>

123 kid 02-10-2004 04:15 PM

I know this is a really stupid question but is this game available in the UK ? What is the game all about?

Cactus Sid 02-10-2004 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by 123 kid
I know this is a really stupid question but is this game available in the UK ? What is the game all about?

EWR is indeed available in the UK, just go to its there to download somewhere

TEW (which is the new one being released) you'll have to buy for $34.99, but if you set up a paypal account or something like that, it'll be easy to buy it.

The game is essentially, you in charge of running a wrestling company, hiring and firing wrestlers, booking the shows, dealing with the general running of a wrestling promotion.

123 kid 02-11-2004 02:41 AM


Originally Posted by Cactus Sid
EWR is indeed available in the UK, just go to its there to download somewhere

TEW (which is the new one being released) you'll have to buy for $34.99, but if you set up a paypal account or something like that, it'll be easy to buy it.

The game is essentially, you in charge of running a wrestling company, hiring and firing wrestlers, booking the shows, dealing with the general running of a wrestling promotion.

thanks :y: :y: ....but I can't get it, I click download- games- extreme warfare revenge and it says "this page can not be found" does this happen to everyone and does anyono know any other ways of downloading it?

Evil Vito 02-12-2004 06:40 AM

<font color=goldenrod>I've had the Unforgiven and No Mercy cards planned out for some time now. I just haven't gotten around to booking them.</font>

Evil Vito 02-12-2004 06:14 PM

<font color=goldenrod>I'd like to restate that I have too much time in my hands. Today in Study Hall I wrote up the cards for Survivor Series and Armageddon. Now that's the next 4 PPVs all set. :|

But I managed to get Unforgiven completed, results coming in:

Heat Match: The Undertaker pinned Batista after botched Kane interference. ****1/2, 82% Overall :eek:

Big Vito pinned Triple H to retain the Hardcore Title after a distraction from Chris Jericho. ****, 79% Overall (FUUUUUUUCK! I'M GETTING SCREWED WITH THESE BULLSHIT OVERALL RATINGS AGAIN)

Booker T pinned Brock Lesnar, earning a WWE Title shot at No Mercy. ****1/2, 84% Overall

The World's Greatest Tag Team defeated Spanky/Paul London, The Dudley Boyz, and La Resistance in TLC5 to win the WWE Tag Team Title. ****, 77% Overall :|

Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit battled to a time limit draw. *****, 86% Overall

Low Ki pinned Tajiri to retain the WWE Cruiserweight Title. ****1/2, 80% Overall

Chris Jericho pinned Shawn Michaels. Afterwards Triple H tries to attack Jericho but fails. *****, 88% Overall

Lance Storm pinned Eddie Guerrero to retain the WWE Intercontinental Title. They shook hands after. ****1/2, 81% Overall

Randy Orton pinned John Cena to retain the WWE Title. *****, 86% Overall

83% Overall Rating. While that is still pretty damn good for a show that didn't click, the fact that it didn't click REALLY pisses me off. That's FOUR times this year that the PPV hasn't clicked, when it's supposed to be a totally random 1 in 25 chance that the show won't click. Random my ass, especially when EVERY match got **** or better.

1.89 Buy Rate

Tajiri wants to be higher up the card. How is it that I can understand Japanese?


I figured out the problem. When I bought out RoH it gave me all their crappy refs. They have all been fired.</font>

Evil Vito 02-12-2004 06:36 PM

<font color=goldenrod>Managed to sign Taka Michinoku onto a Written Contract.</font> :cool:

Savio 02-12-2004 07:01 PM

Eh got boring for me

Evil Vito 02-13-2004 02:43 PM

<font color=goldenrod>No Mercy 2004:

Heat Match: The World’s Greatest Tag Team defeated Kai En Tai to retain the WWE Tag Team Titles when Haas made Taka submit to the Haas Of Pain. ****1/2, 81% Overall

Big Vito pinned Rob Van Dam to retain the WWE Hardcore Title. ****1/4, 79% Overall

Brock Lesnar defeated The Undertaker after special referee Kane attacked Taker. Kane administers more of a beat-down afterwards. ****, 83% Overall

Edge and The Rock defeated Triple H and Shawn Michaels when Edge pinned Michaels. ****, 83% Overall

Low Ki pinned Chavo Guerrero Jr. to retain the WWE Cruiserweight Title. ****1/2, 80% Overall

Kurt Angle, Rhyno, and Christian defeated Chris Benoit, John Cena, and Eddie Guerrero when Angle cheated against Benoit. ****1/4, 81% Overall

Chris Jericho pinned Batista after botched HHH interference. Because of this, Jericho gets HHH at Survivor Series. ****, 81% Overall

Lance Storm pinned AJ Styles to retain the WWE Intercontinental Title. ****1/2, 81% Overall

Randy Orton pinned Booker T to retain the WWE Title. ****1/2, 83% Overall

81% Overall Rating for No Mercy. I was screwed AGAIN. Every match got higher quality AND reaction than the overall rating did. This is the 3rd consecutive PPV that this has happened. The game is obviously trying to screw me over, I don’t care what anyone says.

I deleted the buy rate before I could read it by accident. :mad:

End of Month Notes: A new promotion, League Against The McMahon Family has opened. :lol:

Combat Zone Wrestling gets the "Bought out by the WWE" Award for November, making this the 5th or 6th consecutive month that I've bought out another promotion.</font>

Evil Vito 02-13-2004 08:41 PM

<font color=goldenrod>Here is Survivor Series 2004, code-named "A Night of Opprotunity" because there are a LOT of wrestlers involved with this show. Note, all tag matches listed have Survivor Series elimination rules unless noted otherwise.

Heat Segment: All 4 Members of Evolution hold an interview, they hype themselves up. 87% Overall

Big Vito, John Heidenreich, Al Snow, Test, and Billy Gunn defeated Kanyon, Steven Richards, Max Impact, Matt Morgan, and Justin Credible. ***, 78% Overall

The World's Greatest Tag Team and La Resistance defeated The Dudley Boyz, Spanky, and Paul London. **3/4, 81% Overall

Low Ki, The Amazing Red, Rey Mysterio Jr., and Kai En Tai defeated AJ Styles, Tajiri, Chavo Guerrero Jr., Jamie Noble, and Nunzio. ****, 84% Overall

Matt Hardy, Christian, Rico, and Doug Basham defeated Lance Storm, The Hurricane, Shannon Moore, and Ultimo Dragon. ***1/4, 81% Overall

The Undertaker, Rob Van Dam, Booker T, and Goldust defeated Kane, Abyss, Rhyno, and Sean O'Haire. ***, 83% Overall

War Games: Randy Orton, Shawn Michaels, Batista, Kurt Angle, and Brock Lesnar defeated The Rock, Edge, Chris Benoit, John Cena, and Eddie Guerrero after 3 RKOs on The Rock. ****, 91% Overall

Chris Jericho hyped his upcoming bout against Triple H. 93% Overall

Chris Jericho defeated Triple H in an I Quit Match. Because of this, Jericho gets a shot at Randy Orton and the WWE Title, and HHH is out of a job. ****1/4, 95% Overall

86% Overall Rating, FINALLY, a show that clicked. :cool:

1.93 Buy Rate</font>

Evil Vito 02-14-2004 12:44 PM

<font color=goldenrod>Armageddon 2004:

Heat Match: The World's Greatest Tag Team defeated The Maximo Brothers to retain the WWE Tag Team Titles. ****1/2, 88% Overall

Chris Jericho is ambushed backstage by Evolution, leaving his chances at winning the WWE Title hanging in the balance. 88% Overall

Kanyon cheated to defeat Big Vito and win the WWE Hardcore Title. ****, 84% Overall

Low Ki pinned The Amazing Red to retain the WWE Cruiserweight Title. They shook hands afterwards. ****, 83% Overall

Rob Van Dam pinned Shawn Michaels. *****, 95% Overall

Chris Benoit made AJ Styles submit to the Crippler Crossface. ****1/2, 90% Overall

Lance Storm defeated Edge and Christian to retain the WWE Intercontinental Title. ****, 86% Overall

Eddie Guerrero won the Armageddon 10-Man Battle Royal, last eliminating Brock Lesnar. Because of this, he earns a WWE Title match at Royal Rumble. 87% Overall

Chris Jericho pinned Randy Orton to win the WWE Title. ****1/4, 95% Overall

89% Overall Rating (SOOOOOOO close to 90)

1.79 Buy Rate

I'm killing NWATNA in the ratings war.

Also, is it just me, or does my Public Image ALWAYS go from 100 to 99 after every Sunday? Whether it be Heat or PPV, it always happens.</font>

Evil Vito 02-14-2004 01:27 PM

<font color=goldenrod>Out of the 100 top workers of 2003, nearly 4/5s of them are on my roster, including the top 22 workers.

Also, what's the point of training camp? I was told the latest graduates would be on the roster at the end of January 5th, and here I am at January 6th and jack shit has happened.</font>

Supermark101 02-14-2004 02:39 PM

You might have to wait until the end of the month. That is just a guess though. I have never made it that far in a game.

Evil Vito 02-14-2004 02:41 PM

<font color=goldenrod>Two Royal Rumble 2005 matches:

The 30-Man Royal Rumble

WWE Championship Match: Eddie Guerrero vs. Chris Jericho (C)</font>

Supermark101 02-14-2004 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by Big Vito 22
<font color=goldenrod>Two Royal Rumble 2005 matches:

The 30-Man Royal Rumble

WWE Championship Match: Eddie Guerrero vs. Chris Jericho (C)</font>

You sould feud Lance Storm, as a heel, and Benoit for the IC Title. I did that and got 90's overall every time.

The Mackem 02-14-2004 02:49 PM

Started a game with FLI the other week, I'll post some stuff about it next week.

I had a major orgasm when WWE released Ultimo Dragon and managed to sin him to a written contract.

Evil Vito 02-14-2004 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by Supermark101
You sould feud Lance Storm, as a heel, and Benoit for the IC Title. I did that and got 90's overall every time.

<font color=goldenrod>I would, but I've got other plans for Benoit.</font>

Evil Vito 02-14-2004 03:51 PM

<font color=goldenrod>Out of boredom, here is a list of Royal Rumble participants:

AJ Styles
Big Vito*
Booker T
Brock Lesnar
Chris Benoit
Doug Basham
Joel Maximo*
John Cena
Jose Maximo*
Justin Credible
Kurt Angle
Matt Morgan
Randy Orton
Rey Mysterio Jr.
Rob Van Dam
Sean O'Haire*
Shawn Michaels
Shannon Moore*
The Amazing Red*
The Hurricane
The Rock
The Undertaker

* = Wrestler is making their Royal Rumble debut</font>

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