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M-A-G 06-10-2021 03:36 AM

Loki (Disney+ Series) ***NOW DEALING WITH SEASON 2!***
I didn't see a thread so screw it. This was probably the one production I was least interested in but what else are we going to do under the circumstances? It's got an odd vibe to it and I'm not really a fan of 'alternate timeline' stories but Tom Hiddleston really just owns this. He can probably do this role in his sleep at this point. The animation with 'Miss Minutes' that explains the situation is probably the greatest thing. There's enough to keep me watching so let's see how this goes, huh?

Lock Jaw 06-10-2021 09:31 AM

Nice production design but seeming the most "unnecessary" show so far. Of course it's only been one episode.

Lock Jaw 06-10-2021 09:39 AM

Also, mighty convenient that a Gamora who comes from the past isn't a time variant, but a Loki that comes from the past is.

M-A-G 06-10-2021 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by Lock Jaw (Post 5458744)
Also, mighty convenient that a Gamora who comes from the past isn't a time variant, but a Loki that comes from the past is.

Maybe that's where she vanished off to at the end of Endgame.

Lock Jaw 06-10-2021 10:07 AM

I think it is confirmed she is in Guardians 3 isn't it?

Lock Jaw 06-10-2021 10:09 AM

"That was supposed to happen" - catch all to excuse any sort of time travel shenanigans when they want to

M-A-G 06-10-2021 10:41 AM

Yeah, it's the ol' Doctor Who "fixed point in time" bit.

Fignuts 06-10-2021 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by Lock Jaw (Post 5458742)
Nice production design but seeming the most "unnecessary" show so far. Of course it's only been one episode.

The multiverse is going to play a large part in future events and this show is a major introduction to it, so I wouldn't call it unnecessary.

Fignuts 06-10-2021 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by Lock Jaw (Post 5458744)
Also, mighty convenient that a Gamora who comes from the past isn't a time variant, but a Loki that comes from the past is.

Well it's not Gamora's show, so there's no real reason to mention her in it. If Guardians 3 doesn't address it, then yeah it will be a plot hole.

I can buy the "it was supposed to happen" excuse for the avengers, since their actions have such an impact on the entire universe, but it will be disappointing if they use the same excuse for Gamora.

Shadow 06-12-2021 11:18 PM

Oh boy. I can already see where they want to go with this show and it's gonna be great.

Tom Guycott 06-13-2021 03:53 AM


Originally Posted by Lock Jaw (Post 5458750)
"That was supposed to happen" - catch all to excuse any sort of time travel shenanigans when they want to


Originally Posted by M-A-G (Post 5458761)
Yeah, it's the ol' Doctor Who "fixed point in time" bit.

I'm only using tags out of courtesy, because it isn't really:

Clearly rampant speculation because it's only one episode, but
I'm guessing the whole "sacred timeline" thing is artificial. They're forcibly trying to streamline the timeline(s) for some sort of cosmic convenience. It's how you end up with Red Skull being a stone guardian and, of course, an office full of copious copies of infinity stones. I'm guessing this is going to "end badly" and lead into the next Doctor Strange.

Another thought I have about this is that I think Loki in particular prob'ly bucks destiny a lot, and that there isn't just the "other one" running around. In fact, I'm also almost willing to wager this isn't the first Loki that Mobius has tried to or has succeeded in recruiting.

M-A-G 06-13-2021 12:50 PM

LOL, I just noticed in the room where Loki takes a ticket, there's a poster on the wall that says "BEHAVE...or get your clock cleaned!" :lol: I want one.

Seanny One Ball 06-15-2021 05:11 AM

I thought it was fantastic, probably the best first episode of all three shows.

McLegend 06-15-2021 10:49 PM

Everyone likes Tom Hiddleston, and the general consensus is that he’s a good actor. So why doesn’t he do anything else?

What am I missing?

Fignuts 06-15-2021 11:13 PM

He's probably just picky about his roles. He certainly can afford to be.

M-A-G 06-15-2021 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by McLegend (Post 5459729)
Everyone likes Tom Hiddleston, and the general consensus is that he’s a good actor. So why doesn’t he do anything else?

What am I missing?

Maybe he just has too much fun with this role?

mitchables 06-16-2021 12:45 AM

i get what you're saying but hiddleston has played loki 8 times (including this series and the upcoming what if...?) since 2011

in the same period he has starred in 3 short films, 13 feature films (plus one cameo), 2 documentaries, 2 tv movies, 12 episodes of a tv documentary, a handful of random tv appearances between 1-6 episodes, an upcoming tv series, four theatre productions and two radio shows

so what i think you mean is he doesn't do anything else that you've engaged with

Lock Jaw 06-16-2021 12:57 AM

Well he wasn't Loki in those other things so why would I

mitchables 06-16-2021 01:45 AM

no for sure, i would've seen like maybe two of the other things in that body of work

i'm just saying it's not really fair to be like "why doesn't he do anything else" when he does heaps

M-A-G 06-16-2021 02:56 AM


Originally Posted by mitchables (Post 5459754)
no for sure, i would've seen like maybe two of the other things in that body of work

i'm just saying it's not really fair to be like "why doesn't he do anything else" when he does heaps

I get that same vibe from people who ask about a certain band or artist that has 'disappeared' but it's like, no, they still do stuff; they're just not pushed as hard as whatever the new hotness is that the record companies want you to swallow.

M-A-G 06-16-2021 06:00 AM

Randy: the sales clerk we need, but not the one we deserve.

M-A-G 06-16-2021 06:02 AM

Really hoping this doesn't delve into the arena that I think they're going. I do feel that Miss Minutes should be in every episode, though. Speaking of which, anyone know how many episodes this puppy is supposed to have?

Blonde Moment 06-16-2021 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by M-A-G (Post 5459779)
Really hoping this doesn't delve into the arena that I think they're going. I do feel that Miss Minutes should be in every episode, though. Speaking of which, anyone know how many episodes this puppy is supposed to have?

I believe 6

slik 06-16-2021 08:56 PM

I really liked Episode 2

I do feel like something iffy is up with those mysterious, ominous Time Lord lizards tho...

Fignuts 06-17-2021 12:28 AM

Sooooo this is Enchantress. Either that or they've merged the Enchantress and lady loki characters.

M-A-G 06-17-2021 12:46 AM

If it's not her, I'm going to feel quite cheated over not getting an MCU version of that character.

M-A-G 06-17-2021 10:58 PM

OK, so evidently IMDB made a whoopsie because
they listed the variant at the end of the episode as "Sylvie" before changing it to "The Variant". Sylvie was the second non-Asgardian Enchantress so this is a bit odd.

Lock Jaw 06-18-2021 12:30 AM

Just watched episode 2... still fairly ambivalent to the existence of this show, even though I am liking it...


Originally Posted by Slik (Post 5459902)
I really liked Episode 2

I do feel like something iffy is up with those mysterious, ominous Time Lord lizards tho...

Think they are def "not what they seem".... and the "sacred timeline" is gonna turn out to just be nonsense....

Fignuts 06-18-2021 01:11 AM


Originally Posted by M-A-G (Post 5460058)
OK, so evidently IMDB made a whoopsie because
they listed the variant at the end of the episode as "Sylvie" before changing it to "The Variant". Sylvie was the second non-Asgardian Enchantress so this is a bit odd.

Listed as Sylvie Laufeydottir. "Dottir" infers female gender as opposed to Loki Laufeyson. So it appears they are indeed merging the characters.

Seanny One Ball 06-18-2021 05:43 AM


Originally Posted by Slik (Post 5459902)
I really liked Episode 2

I do feel like something iffy is up with those mysterious, ominous Time Lord lizards tho...

They’re doing a Wizard Of Oz set up.
I hope the lizards turn out to be real.
That’s a swerve.

slik 06-23-2021 04:40 AM

Episode 3 was shorter than the first two eps but still really good.

M-A-G 06-23-2021 06:29 AM

Good to see that even Loki gets a version of a hallway fight scene.

Lock Jaw 06-24-2021 10:57 PM

Just remembered this came out yesterday.... maybe not used to Wednesday release, or also maybe just not feeling a sense of urgency to watch it... gonna watch now...

Lock Jaw 06-24-2021 11:36 PM

Was ok... was thinking that it would be revealed at the end that Loki was manipulating the whole thing and the timepad was good and he was just trying to find out more about Sylvie and get info..... might still turn out that way I guess...

Seanny One Ball 06-25-2021 03:50 PM

There were a couple of moments that make me think Loki is setting her up to think he’s useless.

Tom Guycott 06-27-2021 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by Lock Jaw (Post 5461127)
Was ok... was thinking that it would be revealed at the end that Loki was manipulating the whole thing and the timepad was good and he was just trying to find out more about Sylvie and get info..... might still turn out that way I guess...

I kinda thought that, too. Also, in the grand scheme of things, I think Mobius AND his boss might also be Lokis (she always seemed to be short about the time lizards being "busy" in a way that was very Wizard of Oz-ish) who have been doing this for so long they may or may not even *remember* they're Loki.

Explanation: this timeline is a big long con and completely INFESTED with various versions of Loki, but since every Loki thinks they're more clever than every other, each one has a similarly impactful idea of the TVA; be it rule over it or destroy it or whatever. I wouldn't be surprised if the whole thing is kinda like The Citadel of Ricks and was started by Loki as a means of fulfiling his dream of ruling.

Or, you know, I can be completely off the mark and just need to watch the gorram show to completion.

Shadow 06-28-2021 09:31 AM

The latter will probably be for the best.

Seanny One Ball 06-28-2021 01:12 PM

Tom Guycott you had better not have figured the ending out you flash bastard.

slik 06-30-2021 04:28 AM

A lot of crazy shit happened in episode 4

Best cliffhanger yet in this series

M-A-G 06-30-2021 10:17 AM

Hated the post credits bit because it's more 'alternate reality' crap that I don't care for but it did win me over with

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