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Cactus Sid 04-15-2004 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by HardKore UK
Why are people so bitchy about their pushes? :mad:

Yeah, its kinda annoying.

Even Lollipop wanted a push as an opener :mad:

The Mackem 04-15-2004 08:08 PM

Man tell me about it, the people who I've set up on TPWW as commentators want pushes as workers in the ring :mad:

Kayfabeman is happy to be a commentator so why aren't Rob Harvey and Cynick?

All the woman want to be workers but I've got them as valets at the moment.

And out of the non-wrestlers, only Hero wants to remain one.

I've still got a bit of tweaking to do :-\

The Mackem 04-22-2004 05:22 PM

Right I'm going to start this game or else it will never start :mad:

Main Eventers


Big Vito 22
Hardkore UK
Triple A (wanted him as a non-wrestler but he'd have none of it :mad: )


Cactis Sid
Joyrider (must have put his overness up too high :( )

Upper Midcarders


Klepto Klown


Brando Omega (Heartbreakkid2k)


Ninti the Mad
The Outlaw


Dave Youell
King Jericho
Mr Monday Morning
Rob Ban Fan




El Capitano Gatisto
Funky Fly
Hired Hitman
Paranoid Rattlesnake
The Destroyer
The Mask

Lower Midcarders

Dazz (should be a hell :mad: )
Kris P Lettus


JJ Moore
The Duck



road doggy dogg (must have forgot to edit "overness" :( )
Rock Bottom


Jon Kano


Poison Ivy (probably be turned into a wrestler

Authority Figure


Perosnalities (people who just turn up now and again)




Announcing team

Rob Harvey

(all of them want pushes as wrestlers though :mad: )

I just got sick of putting people in so I might just sign existing workers and rename them as TPWW'ers and in the meantime every so often edit the database.

The Mackem 04-22-2004 05:51 PM

Vega appears to have disappeared :mad:

The Mackem 04-22-2004 05:55 PM

Hmm I might try one last edit before I start.

Cactus Sid 04-23-2004 09:23 AM

I wanna see this when its complete

Cactus Sid 04-23-2004 09:24 AM

Also, if you haven't already, I can make up some pics for everyone, including funky background

The Mackem 04-23-2004 11:58 AM

Well some of them look quite funny. those that I've got, when they're squashed by the game, especially Kapoutman and JJ Moore :(

Cactus Sid 04-23-2004 12:02 PM

I can cut them out, like my Hitler/Ghandi/Lennon etc.. pics

The Mackem 04-23-2004 12:09 PM


Cactus Sid 04-23-2004 12:11 PM

Consider it done...

Well, it might take me a couple of days

Cactus Sid 04-23-2004 12:30 PM

Check It Out :cool:

KingofOldSchool 04-23-2004 01:07 PM

Great now I wanna be in it. :(

The Mackem 04-23-2004 02:45 PM

I'll add you in Kingofoldschool, especially if you fill in your stats like a few people have.

KingofOldSchool 04-23-2004 04:37 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Name: "The Rising Star" Scot Roberts

Finisher 1 - The Falling Star (Diamond Dust)

Finisher 2 - Claim to Fame (Old School Expulsion)

Setup: The Big Ticket (Side Effect)

Height - 6'3"

Weight - 251 lbs.

Gimmick - A highly valued rising star, who is very cocky and self-centered.

Heel/Face/Tweener - Hated Heel

Brawl - 73
High Flying - 79
Mat Work - 82
Chain Wrestling - 77
Submission - 91
Power - 67
Athleticism - 81
Stamina - 70
Psychology - 99
Wrestling Basics - 77
Toughness - 69
Stiffness - 20
Selling - 75
Shooting - 62
Charisma - 85
Microphone - 90
Desire - 85
Looks - 93
Sex Appeal - 100000000001 (Have it Rick :P)
Menace - 68


Canada: 75
USA: 92
UK: 55
Australia: 82
Japan: 89
Mexico: 70

Cactus Sid 04-23-2004 06:14 PM

Done 11 so far, will do some more later/tomorrow

Cactus Sid 04-24-2004 06:07 PM

Just gotta go through a list of people who weren't on the server (or I couldn't find a good enough pic) and it'll be complete, obviously some people wont have pics, but hey, I tried

Evil Vito 04-24-2004 06:20 PM

<font color=goldenrod>My pic isn't on the server but it's looming on either the 2nd or 3rd page of the photo album forum, the cropping sucks though.</font> :o

loopydate 04-24-2004 06:30 PM

I don't have a pic but then again, I'm a referee. Necessary?

Cactus Sid 04-24-2004 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by Big Vito 22
<font color=goldenrod>My pic isn't on the server but it's looming on either the 2nd or 3rd page of the photo album forum, the cropping sucks though.</font> :o

Got it.

Cactus Sid 04-24-2004 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by loopydate
I don't have a pic but then again, I'm a referee. Necessary?

Its alright, not everyone has pics anyway.

Mike the Metal Ed 04-24-2004 06:50 PM

My pics in my profile, luckily its the one I took for EWR anyway.

Cactus Sid 04-24-2004 08:50 PM

I was gonna eventually get around to checking profiles, but cheers for that.

I think I've got....about 25 left to do, but tomorrow is football day

Cactus Sid 04-24-2004 10:45 PM

Ok, first time in about....10 days?? Anyway, here is....


Backstage Bret Hart announces a tournament will take place at the next show to determine the number 1 contender. There will be 3 blocks, with the winners of each block advancing to the special 3 Hour PPV to face the Champion, whoever that may be, for the NWA Heavyweight Title in a Four Way 60 Minute Iron Man Match, with some qualifying matches taking place tonight, to be announced later - 89.3%

BG James defeated AJ Styles and CM Punk to earn a title shot for 3 Live Kru at the upcoming 3 Hour PPV, when Konnan hit Punk with a chair, allowing James to get the pinfall - 80.9%

Raven comes out for an interview, when Cactus Sid attacks him from nowhere, weakening Raven before the Main Event - 77.4%

Christopher Daniels comes out for an interview, but is attacked by Low-Ki, who promptly steals Daniels X-Division title belt - 73.8%

Bret Hart announced backstage that the qualifying matches would be, Shane Douglas vs Jerry Lynn, Juventud Guerrera vs Elix Skipper and Justin Credible vs Chris Harris - 76.4%

Justin Credible defeated Chris Harris to advance into Block C of the tournament - 78.6%

Backstage 3 Live Kru discuss who will get the title shot. BG James says he should get it, because he won the chance, which they agree. Konnan then says he should get the shot, because he helped, and he and James have always been tag partners. Killings says he's a former champion, so he deserves the chance. BG James says that if Killings can win in his Fatal Four Way later on, he'll be his partner, they all agree - 70.3%

Low-Ki announced that he wants a shot at the X-Title, if Daniels wants his belt back - 68.2%

Chris Sabin started cutting a promo, angry that Low-Ki was muscling in on his X-Title shot, Low-Ki came into view, and the 2 brawled, having to be pulled away from one another - 67.9%

Hulk Hogan and Goldberg were seen fighting all around the backstage area, which was clearly descending into anarchy - 77.2%

Juventud Guerrera and Elix Skipper drew in a Tournament Qualifier, when both mens shoulders were counted down, they argued over the winner afterwards, with no decision on who would be in Block A - 72.8%

Kim Page gave Cactus Sid some "encouragement" backstage - 49.4% (She is holding me back :mad: )

Goldberg and Hogan continued to brawl around the entire arena, including into the bleachers, before finally being seperated - 77.2%

Shane Douglas defeated Jerry Lynn following a Low Blow, to earn an entry into Block B of the tournament - 68.8%

Bret Hart announced Hogan and Goldberg would fight one on one...TONIGHT! - 79.0%

Kid Kash defeated Julio Dinero, D'Lo Brown and Ron Killings to earn a tag title shot for himself and Glenn Gilbertti, when he pinned Killings with a roll-up. Dinero/Punk, Konnan/James/Killings and Kash/Gilbertti all brawled after the match - 79.6%

Chris Daniels accepted Low-Ki's challenge, and announced the three way - 83.5%

Low-Ki defeated Chris Sabin and Christopher Daniels to WIN the NWA X-Title, when Sabin hit Daniels with a chair, and Low-Ki hit Sabin with the Ki-Krusher for the pin. Low-Ki celebrated his win afterwards - 78.5%

Glenn Gilbertti and Kid Kash sucker punched 3 Live Kru by attacking them with baseball bats - 70.8%

Goldberg defeated Hulk Hogan following interferance from Jeff Jarrett, and a Jackhammer for the pin. Jarrett and Goldberg shook hands, as if it had been a plan all along. - 75.9%

Raven hyped his match with Cactus Sid - 82.7%

Raven defeated Cactus Sid by Disqualification, when Goldberg ran in and speared Raven, Sid and Goldberg then did a number on him - 85.8%

Sid then announced that Goldberg would face Raven for the NWA Title....NEXT WEEK. Bret Hart came out and said that because of everything that happened tonight, he would try and settle things at the next PPV. Firstly.... . Low-Ki, for his actions tonight, will face Chris Sabin to qualify for BLOCK A of the tournament. In Block A, the winner will face Juventud Guerrera, and Elix Skipper will face Christopher Daniels, to clear up the Skipper/Juventud problem. NEXT, for Jarrett's actions tonight, he would be forced to face, in the first BLOCK C round of the tournament....HULK HOGAN. Bret then stated that, as Cactus Sid is an authority, he can't make things to difficult for him. However, he has set BLOCK B up in such a way, that if Sid defears D'Lo Brown, he will potentially have to face his long time nemesis......STING, AND to finish things off....If Sid is going to give Goldberg a title shot at Raven, for attacking from behind.....Bret's gonna make some changes. FIRST OF ALL, the match will be under Raven's rules, in other words....A CLOCKWORK ORANGE HOUSE OF FUN MATCH, and, to make sure things are kept "fair", the special referee will be..... BRET HART. - 77.4%

Overall Rating: 75.7%
Attendance: 7,224 (Mississippi)
Buy Rate: 70,458 buys (0.16 buyrate)

NWA Heavyweight Title Clockwork Orange House Of Fun: Raven vs Goldberg - Special Guest Referee, Bret "The Hitman" Hart

Tournament to determine number 1 contendership

Block A Qualifier: Low-Ki vs Chris Sabin

Block A:
Christopher Daniels/Elix Skipper vs Chris Sabin/Low-Ki/Juventud Guerrera
Chris Sabin/Low-Ki vs Juventud Guerrera
Christopher Daniels vs Elix Skipper

Block B:
Cactus Sid/D'Lo Brown vs Sting/Shane Douglas
Cactus Sid vs D'Lo Brown
Sting vs Shane Douglas

Block C:
AJ Styles/Justin Credible vs Hulk Hogan/Jeff Jarrett
AJ Styles vs Justin Credible
Hulk Hogan vs Jeff Jarrett

HeartBreakMan2k 04-25-2004 02:27 PM

Mackem, just make my name HeartBreakKid2k, probably be easier for you.

#1-norm-fan 04-26-2004 04:30 AM

So how are some of you guys teaming up on EWR games. Like... one doing Raw, one doing SD. Cause it sounds like good times and I'm up for it if anyone else wants to.

Cactus Sid 04-26-2004 04:38 PM

Finished all I can do :cool:

Will upload it in a mo

Cactus Sid 04-26-2004 05:21 PM

I've got nowhere to Upload them :(

I tried to send 'em to Mackem, but he's over his storage limit :'(

Disturbed316 04-26-2004 05:29 PM

:cool: @ being a heel main event

Disturbed316 04-26-2004 05:31 PM

Ok so I haven't been anywhere near TEW since my trial ended, so I have no idea about the updates etc.

Where have they got up to with them?

I'm one of those pissy people who doesn't want to use the original rosters

Cactus Sid 04-26-2004 05:34 PM

Get over to the TEW forums, and get an update called TEW Zone, its the best around right now, pretty complete, especially all the major promotions, a few mistakes, and loads of people bitching about it, but I like it

Disturbed316 04-26-2004 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by Cactus Sid
Get over to the TEW forums, and get an update called TEW Zone, its the best around right now, pretty complete, especially all the major promotions, a few mistakes, and loads of people bitching about it, but I like it

Thanks :heart:

What mistakes are they?

Has there been any new picture packs for the guys who had been added?

Disturbed316 04-26-2004 05:47 PM

Ok gonna buy this now :D

Disturbed316 04-26-2004 06:11 PM

Just putting myself into the game

Have put an 'I hate Russo' relationship for me, may also do a dislike one for triple h

Cactus Sid 04-26-2004 06:24 PM

Minor things like spelling mistakes, and some peoples stats aren't quite right, nothing major

Picture packs are available

Cactus Sid 04-26-2004 06:43 PM


Tournament to decide Number 1 Contenders

Low-Ki advanced into Block A of the tournament by defeating Chris Sabin by submission - 78.8%

Shane Douglas cuts a promo prior to his match with Sting, only to be interrupted by The Sandman, the 2 then brawl - 69.2%

Sting advanced into the Block B final when he defeated Shane Douglas after interferance from The Sandman, Shane and Sandman brawl afterwards - 76.0%

Cactus Sid hyped his match with D'Lo Brown - 89.7%

Cactus Sid defeated D'Lo Brown to advance into the Block B final, when he threatened referee Mark Johnson's job if he didn't fast count D'Lo, giving Sid the win, D'Lo argued with Sid following the match - 73.1%

Raven was attacked from behind by Goldberg backstage - 80.4%

Christopher Daniels defeated Elix Skipper to advance into the Block A final - 77.3%

Kim Page gave Cactus Sid his weekly "encouragment" - 50.4%

Low-Ki defeated Juventud Guerrera to advance into the Block A Final, when Chris Daniels accidentally tripped Juvi, allowing Low-Ki to hit the Ki-Krusher for the win - 81.4%

Backstage, Kim Page was found unconciouss - 52.2%

AJ Styles defeated Justin Credible to advance into the Block C Final - 82.1%

Hulk Hogan hyped his match against Jeff Jarrett - 83.4%

Hogan and Jarrett went to a Double DQ when they both started using chairs, continuing brawling around the ringside area following the match - 75.7%

Christopher Daniels hyped his match with Low-Ki backstage - 85.4%

Christopher Daniels defeated Low-Ki to earn a number 1 contenders shot at TNA PPV X, when Juvi Guerrera distracted Low-Ki allowing Daniels to get the pin, Jerry Lynn made the save - 84.2%

Bret Hart was interviewed indicating that Hogan and Jarrett would both be competing against AJ Styles in a triple threat match to decide a number 1 contender - 90.3%

Sting was shown walking to the ring - 77.0%

Cactus Sid defeated Sting to earn a shot at Raven, by stacking the odds against Sting. First, he made the match No DQ, Second, he threatened Mark Johnson AGAIN and Thirdly, Stablemate Goldberg attacked Sting allowing the quick 3 count, Raven and Bret Hart attacked Goldberg and Sid after the match - 80.0%

AJ Styles hyped his match against Jeff and Hogan, angry that he wasn't already number 1 contender - 74.5%

AJ Styles defeated Jeff Jarrett and Hulk Hogan to earn a shot at Raven, when he school boy'd Hogan after he and Jarrett focused on their little fued, they continued fighting after the match - 77.9%

They were eventually seperated by officials - 75.2%

Raven hyped his Clockwork Orange House Of Fun Match vs Goldberg - 84.3%

Raven defeated Goldberg to retain the NWA Heavyweight Title in a Clockwork Orange House Of Fun match where Bret Hart was the Special Referee, he won with a DDT through a Table, after the match, AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, Cactus Sid and Sting came out, and a free-for-all ensued - 73.4%

Overall Rating: 77.0%
Attendance: 4,374 (Toronto)
Buy Rate: 74,306 buys (0.17 buyrate)

NEXT WEEK: 3 Hour Special
Fatal Four Way Iron Man Match NWA Heavyweight Title: Raven (c) vs Christopher Daniels vs Cactus Sid vs AJ Styles
X-Title: Low-Ki (c) vs Juventud Guerrera vs Jerry Lynn
Tag Team Titles Elimination Match: CM Punk and Julio Dinero (c) vs BG James and Konnan vs Kid Kash and Glenn Gilbertti
Goldberg vs Sting
No DQ Falls Count Anywhere: Jeff Jarrett vs Hulk Hogan
Spin The Wheel Make The Deal: Shane Douglas vs The Sandman
D'Lo Brown vs Justin Credible
Who was Kim Page's Attacker?

We lost a load of sponsers over the content on the show :(

Evil Vito 04-26-2004 08:26 PM

<font color=goldenrod>Just finished the Royal Rumble PPV in my TNM7 game. It's really long so I'll just post the link.</font>

Cactus Sid 04-26-2004 08:50 PM

Pretty hawt show, I love the skits and everything you build the show up really well, although I don't think you'd have that many skits on a PPV.

Shame you only had 1 majorly good match

Cactus Sid 04-27-2004 01:31 PM

TNA PPV X - 3 Hour Special

Bret Hart opens up the show telling Jeff Jarrett and Goldberg that if they interfere in the Iron Man Match, they will be FIRED - 88.8%

Justin Credible defeated D'Lo Brown by Pinfall, when he used the ropes for leverage - 85.5%

Kim and Sid are together backstage - 49.9%

Traci and Shane Douglas hyped the match against The Sandman, they span a wheel to determine the match, and it turned out to be a Last Man Standing match - 80.7%

Shane Douglas and The Sandman drew in a Last Man Standing match when they both hit each other with a double chair shot. After the match both men stared at each other, wondering what next - 75.3%

Kim Page came to the ring to call out her attacker, a masked person came from the crowd and attacked her, revealing herself to be Lollipop - 45.2%

Hulk Hogan hyped his match against Jeff Jarrett - 81.3%

Jeff Jarrett defeated Hulk Hogan in a NO DQ, Falls Count Anywhere match, when Cactus Sid attacled Hogan allowing Jarrett to get the pinfall, Sid told referee Mark Johnson it was No DQ and Bret Hart didn't say he couldn't interfere - 79.3%

Sting hyped his match against Goldberg (OH SH</>IT, I accidentally gave him 12 Minutes to hype :'( ) 47.5%

Sting defeated Goldberg by Pinfall - 72.2%

Cactus Sid hyped the main event - 85.9%

CM Punk and Julio Dinero retained their NWA Tag Team Titles defeating 3 Live Kru and Kash/Gilbertti in a 3 way Elimination match, BG James eliminated Kash with a pumphandle slam, Punk pinned BG James when Ron Killings turned on 3 Live Kru - 82.4%

Lollipop and Kim Page had a cat fight backstage - 60.8%

Mike Tenay and Don West hyped the Main Event, and introduced Chris Daniels - 70.5%

Chris Daniels hyped the Main Event - 84.6%

Low-Ki defeated Juventud Guerrera and Jerry Lynn to retain the X-Title, when Low-Ki made Juventud tap out to the Dragon Clutch, Jerry Lynn shook hands with Low-Ki following the match - 82.9%

Chris Sabin turned Heel by attacking Low-Ki and stealing the X-Title - 71.0%

Raven hyped the Main Event - 83.0%

Raven defeated Christopher Daniels, AJ Styles and Cactus Sid, by 1 fall, to retain the NWA Heavyweight Title in an Iron Man match, Raven scored the pinfall on Cactus Sid with seconds remaming, following a Evenflow DDT, all the men recieved a standing ovation following the match - 94.1% (Best Match so Far)

Overall Rating: 74.8%
Attendance: 10,450 (Georgia)
Buy Rate: 39,527 buys (0.09 buyrate) :'(

War Games: Cactus Sid, Jeff Jarrett, Goldberg, and Christopher Daniels vs Raven, AJ Styles, Hulk Hogan and Sting
The Sandman vs Shane Douglas - Clockwork Orange House Of Fun
X-Title: Low-Ki (c) vs Chris Sabin
Juventud Guerrera vs Jerry Lynn
BG James vs Ron Killings

Cactus Sid 04-27-2004 01:48 PM


Shane and Triple H now HATE each other

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