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Corporate CockSnogger 12-13-2013 05:20 PM

Lol Heisenberg was spot on about the guy on the left looking like Marie from Breaking Bad

Shadrick 12-13-2013 05:21 PM

im crying he looks just like marie lmaoooo

Emperor Smeat 12-13-2013 06:17 PM

Cool King 12-13-2013 06:35 PM

Ahh, those were the days when Ryback actually mattered.

owenbrown 12-13-2013 07:01 PM

Tazz Dan is officially 348123974813741728413478912758913278041278904713805738124789 % cooler than I am now that he met Chris Jericho.... not that he wasn't already cooler than I am to begin with :$

Lock Jaw 12-13-2013 08:02 PM

Lock Jaw 12-13-2013 08:05 PM

Lock Jaw 12-13-2013 08:07 PM

Lock Jaw 12-13-2013 08:10 PM

Lock Jaw 12-13-2013 08:11 PM

Cool King 12-13-2013 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by Lock Jaw (Post 4341534)

Emperor Smeat 12-13-2013 09:26 PM

A bunch of concept images for the WWE Network before the final design got picked.

Mr. Nerfect 12-13-2013 09:50 PM

I would love to see Christian get La Familia back together, and have Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins serve as his Christian-Heads.

Mr. Nerfect 12-13-2013 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by Smelly Meatball (Post 4341550)
A bunch of concept images for the WWE Network before the final design got picked.

I've got to be honest, I prefer the second-to-last one.

Lock Jaw 12-13-2013 09:54 PM

Wonder Woman Network

Mr. Nerfect 12-13-2013 09:55 PM

Do you think the WWE could use the change of logo to change up quite a few things aesthetically. For example, maybe they could create new logos for RAW, SmackDown and Main Event and make them feel a bit different? Some of the title designs could also be changed. A new United States Championship would be refreshing, and if one of my dreams comes true and Kharma returns and beats AJ Lee for the Divas Championship, then she could toss it down and restore the Women's Championship, complete with new design and new logo.

The Tag Team Titles are quite new, but they could use a re-design and a new logo. The United States Championship has been in use since as early as 2003, so freshening it up may not be the worst idea on the planet. The IC Title is a classic, but changing it up ever so slightly (perhaps keeping the white strap idea with a new plate) may not be terrible.

Basically, all new belt designs for the championships in the current landscape may not be a horrible idea.

Lock Jaw 12-13-2013 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by Noid (Post 4341558)
I would love to see Christian get La Familia back together, and have Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins serve as his Christian-Heads.

Best Noid post

Lock Jaw 12-13-2013 11:34 PM

12/13 Roman Reigns Says He’d Like To Spear Triple H, More
10:33 PM


#BROKEN Hasney 12-14-2013 09:16 AM

Was just watching WCW AS YOU DO and my housemate came down to have her breakfast. Were just talking while it was on in the background and mid-scentence she just goes THAT'S TERRY CREWS. Had no idea he was in WCW.

#BROKEN Hasney 12-14-2013 09:20 AM

They need to bring back Matt Hardy to tag with him.

Rammsteinmad 12-14-2013 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by Hollywood Hasney (Post 4341650)
Was just watching WCW AS YOU DO and my housemate came down to have her breakfast. Were just talking while it was on in the background and mid-scentence she just goes THAT'S TERRY CREWS. Had no idea he was in WCW.

Too lazy to check it up, but he was one of those Battle Dome guys when they tried that crossover thing in 2000, right?

#BROKEN Hasney 12-14-2013 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by Rammsteinmad (Post 4341654)
Too lazy to check it up, but he was one of those Battle Dome guys when they tried that crossover thing in 2000, right?

Aye, came in as T-MONEY

Rammsteinmad 12-14-2013 12:31 PM

I remember being really excited by that angle at the time. I had no idea what Battle Dome was, and I remember thinking it was real... especially loved when the WCW "invaded" their studio or whatever. I was 11 at the time c'mon.

Ultra Mantis 12-14-2013 02:29 PM

Jericho :heart:s Tazz Dan

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>This whole tour was put into perspective when we had the honor of hanging w our new friend Daniel… <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Chris Jericho (@IAmJericho) <a href="">December 14, 2013</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

Cool King 12-14-2013 02:37 PM

That's fantastic. I'm insanely jealous.

Though it's mad how many <s>idiots</s> people that are leaving comments on the Instagram page are just leaving comments asking Jericho why he isn't in the WWE at the moment.

whiteyford 12-14-2013 03:24 PM

Where can I DL Austins podcasts from?

Innovator 12-14-2013 04:31 PM

Try getting them from

Emperor Smeat 12-14-2013 04:34 PM

Tazz Dan 12-14-2013 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by Ultra Mantis (Post 4341699)
Jericho :heart:s Tazz Dan

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>This whole tour was put into perspective when we had the honor of hanging w our new friend Daniel… <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Chris Jericho (@IAmJericho) <a href="">December 14, 2013</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

Worst photo of me ever there. Almost. Great guy, the effort he went to get hold of me, he contacted Downunder, emailed me, and DM'd me in twitter. Can't speak highly enough of any of Fozzy.

Vastardikai 12-14-2013 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by Smelly Meatball (Post 4341720)

Crazy thing is, that wasn't even a bump. Dr. Death just hits that hard. :cool:

Cool King 12-14-2013 06:00 PM

Here's Renee Young competing in the Pillow Fight League in around 2008.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

There were other videos of her from this PFL thing, but they were apparently all suddenly removed quite recently.

Cool King 12-14-2013 06:01 PM

Also, here's a gif of her competing.

Razzamajazz 12-14-2013 06:07 PM

blocked in my country on copyright grounds

Razzamajazz 12-14-2013 06:07 PM

and no gif, why do you play with my emotions like that?

Cool King 12-14-2013 06:17 PM

The copyright claim is most likely due to the song used in the video. For some reason, the person who made it decided to have a Madonna single playing all the way through.

As for not being able to see the gif, I don't know why that's happening. I can see it just fine. :-\

But maybe this will work:

Emperor Smeat 12-15-2013 12:39 AM


According to the latest reports, WWE has been thinking of ways to feature the Total Divas more on Raw, and it could involve an idea similar to Impact365 where you see footage of the Total Divas cast in real life, and then that footage is tied into Raw.

Vastardikai 12-15-2013 02:13 AM

Probably posted this match before, but I wanted to post it possibly again?

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I can think of 3 people off the top of my head who were influenced by him.

SlickyTrickyDamon 12-15-2013 02:14 AM

They did that a little bit already with Fandango Vs. Tyson Kidd. Had a match after showing a bit of the show to set up a feud. Still don't get that they don't get that Total Shivas actually competes against live PPVs right around time the main event starts. Don't know any moron who would switch to watch it but I don't know much female wrestling fans.

el bobbo 12-15-2013 02:19 AM

mike adamle 12-15-2013 06:47 AM

So the mystery partner at ROH Final Battle replacing "The American Wolf" Davey Richards who got fired for saying the ROH World title has been devalued over the years and has lost it's meaning to team with "Die Hard" Eddie Edwards in his farewell match against "Mr. ROH," "The Messiah Of The Backbreaker" Roderick Strong and "Black Machismo" Jay Lethal was said to be right on par with "The American Wolf" Davey Richards. After much speculation the person that teamed with "Die Hard" Eddie Edwards last night was none other than "The Buzzsaw" BJ Whitmer! You may recall that earlier this year "The Buzzsaw" BJ Whitmer was injured at the hands of "The Prodigy" Mike Bennett's piledriver on the apron and was forced to retire due to the injuries. He said no way, this is my last match on my own terms. Needless to say, everybody was disappointed.

After the match "The Buzzsaw" BJ Whitmer was hugging "Die Hard" Eddie Edwards goodbye but instead turned it into an Exploder Suplex and turned heel along with "The Zombie Princess" Jimmy Jacobs and "Mr. ROH" "The Messiah of the Backbreaker" Roderick Strong and he will now be wrestling regularly.

Meanwhile "The Prodigy" Michael Bennett's whole storyline with "Mr. Wrestling" "Wrestling's worst Nightmare" Kevin Steen for the last 3 or 4 months has been about how ruthless Bennett is that his piledriver is so devastating that it forced "The Buzzsaw" BJ Whitmer into retirement. Anyway, for those wondering, "Mr. Wrestling" "Wrestling's Worst Nightmare" Kevin Steen defeated "The Prodigy" Michael Bennett last night in their stretcher match by Ref Stoppage because "Mr. Wrestling" "Wrestling's Worst Nightmare" Kevin Steen destroyed the stretcher during the match.

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