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Destor 09-29-2019 07:39 PM

Season 1 is a wonderfully funny fish out of water story. It doesnt stay strong but def worth a watch.

Seanny One Ball 09-30-2019 11:01 AM

Orange is a good show with an absolutely horrible protagonist. Taystee is the main character as I watch it. Red isn't half bad either.

Lock Jaw 09-30-2019 02:14 PM

I'm only now starting to watch the season before the final season.....

I agree with the horrible protagonist

Putting in spoilers for the benefit of those who are just starting and may not have got there yet...

I lost pretty much all interest in Piper, and a lot in the show in general, when they got rid of Jim from American Pie and it stopped being a "fish out of water" story. I was invested in the story of "can she hold onto a normal life being on the inside", but once that was gone I just became increasingly annoyed by her.

Luckily, other characters became more important and I continued to watch because of them..... but I never was as invested as that original storyline.... (Which is I guess why I didn't feel the dire need to be watching these last two seasons and am only starting now)

Destor 09-30-2019 06:56 PM

The final season is a return to form in a lot of ways and i think its caps piper's journey well

Seanny One Ball 09-30-2019 06:59 PM

She's a classic narcissist so it's hard to get behind her until she's had her wings clipped right down. It's a brilliantly written show in that it throws you through just about every emotion possible so that even the worst characters are somewhat sympathetic. I think that's the one outstanding similarity it shares with OZ besides the setting.
A perfect example of this is the Amish junkie girl. When you go through her back story her image as an irredeemable baddie is undermined so much so that I remember being quite blown away. Don't even get me started on how well played Pennsatucky's back story is, that's the humdinger of the bunch.

I have to admit I haven't seen any since
That crushed me.

Jordan 09-30-2019 08:27 PM

Broadchurch, just finished season 2.

El Vaquero de Infierno 10-01-2019 04:09 PM

I've got a confession to make, lads, and I'm not proud of it: I'm currently watching the first season of Ally McBeal.

Does this make me as gay, or gayer, than Guru Dave?

Seanny One Ball 10-01-2019 08:46 PM

No Ally McBeal was pretty good. Greg Germann is fucking incredible in it, an actor who can play weird as well as anyone.
Also Portia De Rossi is tremendous, but she always is.

Destor 10-01-2019 08:49 PM

If youre expecting me to shame you i should inform you that i love showtunws and anime and have no room to criticize anyone

El Vaquero de Infierno 10-02-2019 12:24 PM

Then I will continue to watch it with pure abandon.

Seanny One Ball 10-06-2019 05:25 PM

Ahahahahaha Bear Grylls Treasure Island cracks me up. Stick a bunch of greedy, sickly morons on an island with a few robust young whippersnapper and watch as the old ones guilt the others into giving them money.

Now one of the wretched old hags has drank a ton of salt water and predictably been very sick. So the show is now about watching an old gross hag puke bile into the sand.

I can honestly say in that situation I would let her die of exposure.

Seanny One Ball 10-06-2019 05:26 PM

The best bit is the guy afterwards like "I told her not to drink the salt water, then she drank loads of the salt water and now she is being sick"

No shit mate

Lock Jaw 10-07-2019 12:17 AM

Watched the pilot of Batwoman.... would say that it was pretty "not good"..... changed way too much, and I don't buy Ruby Rose as Batwoman or a "leading lady".....

Will naturally still watch it

El Vaquero de Infierno 10-07-2019 02:57 AM

I've begun season 3 of Goliath; just from the first episode, it seems like things are going to be taken in a more surreal direction. This may be a good or bad thing, depending on how they pull it off. Billy Bob is always the goods, though.

Seanny One Ball 10-11-2019 12:11 PM

Currently watching "The End Of The Fucking World", it's strong and shocking but with a warmth that makes it easy to absorb.
Alex Lawther is a brilliant actor, so in tune with his emotions that he reminds me of Andrew Garfield only more neurotic and damaged... so almost Paul Dano.

Jessica Barden I had never even seen before but she is incredibly emotionally tactile too. She's beautiful and plays a character that all young men will fall in love with at some point in their lives.

Interesting to see how easily this script got the concept of a cool girl that can be tough and attractive without coming off as cunty.
Marvel please take note.

Seanny One Ball 10-11-2019 12:33 PM

The shoplifting scene and the scene at the petrol station are two that I would use to sell this show to anyone I thought should watch it.

Seanny One Ball 10-11-2019 12:34 PM

Man I love this.

Corporate CockSnogger 10-11-2019 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by El Vaquero de Infierno (Post 5287065)
Trying Patriot at the moment; too early to tell what I think of it.


Originally Posted by Destor (Post 5287303)
Patriot is 5 fucking stars. Giveit time to get going. Absolute aces.

Watching After Life. Im enjoying it.

Been watching Patriot after recommendation from a mate. It’s great. Very influenced by the Cohen brothers I’d assume.

RP 10-11-2019 06:59 PM

I'm watching Fortitude on the Amazon Prime. It's fantastic.

Blue Demon 10-11-2019 09:47 PM

Watched the first ep of Chernobyl...seems pretty cool.

Seanny One Ball 10-12-2019 01:33 AM

Just started "Catch 22" and it is already a wonderful adaptation. It is hilarious.

Destor 10-12-2019 06:18 PM

Starting catch 22 today as it were

Seanny One Ball 10-12-2019 06:38 PM

Major major major major

Seanny One Ball 10-12-2019 07:45 PM

We should try and orchestrate a mass watch of one show so we all can talk about it as it happens.
That would be amazing.

Seanny One Ball 10-12-2019 07:50 PM

On episode 4 of Catch 22. I would be done but my gay ass selfish bitch mate had a birthday night out.
Now I'm drunk and can't stop laughing at major major major major.

Seanny One Ball 10-12-2019 08:05 PM

I'm so happy to watch a show about war that focuses on the stupidity and greed rather than the awful violence. Of course awful violence is used to bring you back to reality but the comedy of bureaucracy is so brilliantly played that you would struggle not to laugh.

So far it's perfect. A film could never tell the story as fully.

RP 10-12-2019 08:53 PM

Almost finished with Season 2 of Fortitude. Been plowing through it. It a great show. Really love it.

SlickyTrickyDamon 10-13-2019 01:59 AM

The Goldbergs. Rushed through about two seasons to get caught up.

Lock Jaw 10-13-2019 02:15 AM

I enjoy The Goldbergs, but feel like it is probably past its "peak" and already reached the downward point where it "stops trying"

Seanny One Ball 10-13-2019 02:15 AM

The Goldbergs was pretty amazing for two or three seasons. Then the kid hit a growth spurt and went from cute to gangly weirdo overnight.

Seanny One Ball 10-13-2019 02:30 AM

I have to say I'm massively into this Catch 22 adaptation. It's gloriously paced as a miniseries, every great joke from the book is given time to develop on screen.

These are culturally significant gags, you can hear a Catch 22 reference in your daily life and not even realise it.

Seanny One Ball 10-13-2019 02:48 AM

Christopher Abbott as Yossarian is great casting. Yossarian should always be played by somebody who's face asks more questions than it answers.
He has played a serial killer before and his deadpan, stone-face killer vibe was intense("Sweet Virginia") so I'm impressed that his ambiguous look is being used in a role outside of that because he will eventually be type cast.

I can see it coming a mile off.

Seanny One Ball 10-13-2019 03:09 AM

Arfy Aardvark should have been played differently. He's far too sinister and cold in this. Charles Grodin played him like a wild fraternity boy and that was perfect. You are supposed to be horrified because you like him.

Destor 10-13-2019 09:04 AM

Catch-22 is a show so good it could have only been written by a jew

El Vaquero de Infierno 10-18-2019 12:44 PM

Nearing the end of season 2 of Ally MacBeal; I continue to enjoy it, and I feel no shame. Portia de Rossi is also fine as fuck.

I've finished the third season of Goliath; I think the first season remains the best.

I'm also currently rewatching the first two seasons of Into the Badlands before watching the third season, which I haven't seen yet.

The fourth season of The Magicians has appeared on Prime, so I'll have to watch that soon as well.

Bad News Gertner 10-19-2019 10:54 AM

Sunderland Til I die season 2 is expected to be released on Netflix Feb 2020. If you're even a casual soccer/football fan I highly recommend checking it out. I binged watched season 1 over 1 weekend.

Seth82 10-25-2019 10:12 PM

started binge watching Downton Abbey recently.

one of those shows I didn't think I would like. I am almost finished with season/series 2.

Destor 10-27-2019 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by Seth82 (Post 5295791)
started binge watching Downton Abbey recently.

one of those shows I didn't think I would like. I am almost finished with season/series 2.

Great show. A lot of people made the mistake of passing on it

Destor 10-27-2019 08:54 AM

Halfway through Living with Myself. Solid.

El Vaquero de Infierno 10-27-2019 08:58 AM

I've begun the third (and sadly the final) season of Into the Badlands. It is some good shit; I hope someone picks it up for a fourth season.

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