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Sepholio 10-01-2017 01:59 PM

I would say its still worth playing in the long run. All The Witcher games are greatness in my book. I've been on board since day 1 though so I don't know what it would be like going back to 2 for the first time after having played 3.

Sepholio 10-01-2017 02:03 PM

Persona 5 is greatness on so many levels. One of the first mini bosses is basically a mutated severed penis head. It was so glorious and disturbing and just generally wtf hilarious all at the same time.

Wasn't expecting the craziness of all the shit talk in this game either. So crass and over the top and just excellent given the setting. Makes me laugh constantly. Just finished the first dungeon and am currently in the downtime afterwards just going about my daily life. It's weird just doing normal daily activities like this, but I find it weirdly enjoyable. Who would have thought just going to the movies, hitting up the ramen shop, going to the bathhouse and then brewing some coffee before bed would be so fun?

Sepholio 10-01-2017 02:04 PM

Also could someone tell me how to become a guinea pig for a hot punk rock doctor in real life?

Destor 10-01-2017 03:04 PM

The daily grind is the best part! Man i really neednto pass time to help people ive gotta study!

RP 10-01-2017 11:34 PM

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Sepholio 10-02-2017 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by Destor (Post 5021582)
The daily grind is the best part! Man i really neednto pass time to help people ive gotta study!

Dude...the second dungeon....going in and out of paintings followed by a trip to MC Eschers mind.....amazing.

Destor 10-02-2017 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by Seph (Post 5022205)
Dude...the second dungeon....going in and out of paintings followed by a trip to MC Eschers mind.....amazing.

Took a week to play golf story. Im in that dungeon now. This just so good... completionist average is 160hrs...

Destor 10-02-2017 09:35 PM

I genuinly love the party too.

Sepholio 10-03-2017 08:18 AM

Ryuji is one of the greatest party members of all time. He's so hype bro.

Ultra Mantis 10-03-2017 06:20 PM

Been playing through FFXII Zodiac Age, it was always my least favourite of the PS1-PS2 era but after XIII and XV I've mellowed on it. I've reached the part where the story just suddenly stops so it's gotten very grindy, the last two times I've replayed on the PS2 I never made it to Archades. There is a double speed option now though which I have admittedly had on 90% of the time.

On the plus side, the monster design on this game has always been top notch, Hunts are still the best part and the Bestiary itself is incredible. They removed the Sky Pirates Den though, loved that gimmick, trophies before trophies was a thing. Having strict job classes seems to work a lot better than the open license board in the original, though I am finding myself massively overpowered as a result.

Hopefully I'll reach the finish this time, although I did pick up a copy of Persona 5 and all this talk is making me want to jump into that.

Destor 10-03-2017 06:27 PM


Sepholio 10-03-2017 09:05 PM

I would agree with Destor but since you've never finished FFXII I'd say stick it out this time. It's really pretty good in the long run. Not one of my favorites, but definitely one of the better ones in the series. Id probably have it ranked in like 6th place in terms of FF games.

Destor 10-03-2017 09:13 PM

Combat is great...story is one of the most forgettable. More of a middle of the pack ff for me. Would have to think about it...

DAMN iNATOR 10-04-2017 06:01 PM

Downloaded MGSV: TPP last night on PS+...had actually kinda forgotten how much of a blast it is to play since I last played it on PS3 years ago.

Fignuts 10-05-2017 05:14 AM

Played Cuphead for about an hour, and I'm already in love with this game.

So worth the wait.

ClockShot 10-05-2017 04:52 PM

Gonna try to finish the story for MvC: Infinite.

Then stick with some of the games on the SNES Classic until Assassins' Creed Origins comes out. Blow through that and start working on the backlog until next year.

Destor 10-05-2017 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by Fignuts (Post 5023307)
Played Cuphead for about an hour, and I'm already in love with this game.

So worth the wait.

First exclusive to make me want an xbone. But not enough to pony up that money

Sepholio 10-05-2017 11:30 PM

Yeah I wouldn't buy it at this point either if you haven't already. I've had one since launch and I probably regret it more than any console purchase I've ever made, honestly. Even more than the WiiU.

Besides the next generation is likely only a couple years out at the most at this point. Might as well wait for the XboxTwo720X

Destor 10-06-2017 12:05 AM

Finished the 2nd palace tonight. Had 13 days left or so. Really got a good handle on how to spend my time outside of dungeons. Made great social stat progress.

Fignuts 10-06-2017 05:16 AM

Barely touch my PS4. Don't doubt that it has better exclusives. But the Heisenberg World Order plays on Xbox, and that's more entertaining than any exclusive.

Ultra Mantis 10-06-2017 12:17 PM

Zodiac Age is so much easier than the original FFXII, I've been squashing all the elite marks without even changing my Gambits, Quickenings don't use MP so you can do 50-100% damage on most bosses for free. I don't think it will take much longer to finish tbh.

Locke 10-06-2017 01:47 PM


Sepholio 10-06-2017 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by Destor (Post 5023595)
Finished the 2nd palace tonight. Had 13 days left or so. Really got a good handle on how to spend my time outside of dungeons. Made great social stat progress.

I'm on the 3rd now for the first time. Starting to get a bit harder, too.

Sepholio 10-06-2017 01:54 PM

Also I'm focusing more on the confidant levels than the social stats atm. Not ignoring them, but I want those confidant abilities ASAP. Some of them are ridiculous. I got Ryuji maxed already. Was very pleased with what happens when you max a party members confidant rank.

Destor 10-06-2017 02:03 PM

In my head hose were lumped, but yeah. Ive spread them about thiugh instead of maxing individuals. Speech perk tree seems like its going to be good as well.

Im on...6/3 i think...?

Destor 10-06-2017 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by Ultra Mantis (Post 5023680)
Zodiac Age is so much easier than the original FFXII, I've been squashing all the elite marks without even changing my Gambits, Quickenings don't use MP so you can do 50-100% damage on most bosses for free. I don't think it will take much longer to finish tbh.

If inplayed 12 before is it worth a replay?

Ultra Mantis 10-06-2017 02:31 PM

With the combat being the main draw I think the vanilla version is more fun at its core. That said, I do like the job system because you need to use all of your party rather than just having six clones to swap in and I guess you could just not use Quickenings (or limit them to finishing moves) and not buy all the battle lores immediately to give yourself more of a balanced experience.

Fast forward button is also great for traversing, I've only been going at normal speed for bosses, it doesn't speed up the music or dialogue so it's pretty seamless. Finished Great Crystal at around 35 hours and I've been doing hunts, optional espers and sidequests with two characters near maxed on licenses and nobody over level 45. For replaying purposes it definitely provides a more streamlined experience but I kind of regret going all in with double LP accessories early on.

Locke 10-06-2017 04:57 PM

Quickenings were mostly useless I remember, they hardly did much damage. The key to battles in FFXII (haven't played zodiac age) was setting up killer gambits

Ultra Mantis 10-06-2017 05:25 PM

They do fuckloads of damage in Zodiac Age and you always have it fully charged after touching a crystal, MP use doesn't lower the gauge anymore. I was hitting 5 figures early game once I unlocked the level 3s, you can one shot bosses with one good chain and if you don't you can just switch in the other three characters for another go. I never used them in vanilla because to get a good chain you needed full MP on everyone and then when it finished your MP was usually all gone.

Destor 10-07-2017 05:02 PM

Feel like P5 needs its own thread...

Cleared the 3rd palace in one day. Earned it tho.

Destor 10-07-2017 05:03 PM

Sans calling card of course

Sepholio 10-08-2017 01:53 AM

Same here. I grinded a ton in there though. Spent all my lewt on SP regen accessories prior to going in. Let enemies put me to sleep to regen more. Kept demanding lewt from enemies until they refused lol. Fused some ridic personas compared to what was previously available. I was strong enough by the end to actually capture one of those demonic avengers (the miniboss standing around the button that unlocks the 3rd vault in the main area). When I saw one spawn in a random battle deeper into that 3rd vault and noticed it had a level number (29 I think) how could I not grind it out to catch one?

Sepholio 10-08-2017 01:56 AM

Between Yen and treasure I came out of there with over 500k lol. Mind you I rerun dungeons after sending the calling card out to get the treasures again since most of them seem to respawn for some odd reason and you can get a number of the treasure demons to spawn as well for massive loot and yen. Plus I can't leave those pesky locked chests just sitting there. The ones in there have great shit for Makota.

Destor 10-08-2017 12:35 PM

My best persona is on that looks like the frost giant from disneys clue what its name is... but its nul for both melee and ranged. The boss could do damage to joker outside of his charge attack...

Sepholio 10-08-2017 12:43 PM

Don't think I've gotten that one yet. Sounds useful. Let me know its name when you find out.

Phoenix is extremely useful if you don't have one yet. Has the racarn ability (revive with 50% health) very early on. Think it had diarama as well. Thinking of duplicating a media with yusuke and adding that to it as well, but wait until I get the mid level version of that spell before going that route.

Sepholio 10-08-2017 12:45 PM

I also have a pretty sweet Nue (The sphinx mini boss from palace 2) that has nearly every element at his disposal for weakspot abuse. Allows me to not have to worry about whether or not a persona I am replacing has a specific element or not.

Edit: For the record I fused him to get him so that I could choose to inherit most of those elemental attacks he has, they aren't standard on him.

Destor 10-08-2017 01:16 PM

Turned it on just for your sake:Shiki-Ouji

I dont field morgana and have him do the healing. I have the rez spell on shiki though juuuuuuuust in case.

I start combat though with Jikokuten as he casts the defense buff at the start of combat but i switch off immediately. Joker has and AoE of every element most of which are on on memeber....wish i had gone single target but the lvl rare persona had aoes so i loaded up a fusion...

Destor 10-08-2017 03:49 PM

Also the house keeping perk is the best

ClockShot 10-08-2017 07:55 PM

Beat Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite this morning. Just, didn't have that magic previous games had.

Went into my PS4 library and downloaded Darksiders 2. Scratched the surface, but I'm liking it so far. Nice to hear Michael Wincott's voice again.

Sepholio 10-08-2017 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by Destor (Post 5024201)
Turned it on just for your sake:Shiki-Ouji

I dont field morgana and have him do the healing. I have the rez spell on shiki though juuuuuuuust in case.

I start combat though with Jikokuten as he casts the defense buff at the start of combat but i switch off immediately. Joker has and AoE of every element most of which are on on memeber....wish i had gone single target but the lvl rare persona had aoes so i loaded up a fusion...

I don't field morgana or ann for this reason a lot of the time. If they run out of SP I just switch them in and equip a regen accessory and go fight a few easy battles to build them back up then go right back to grinding. Gonna have to start fielding ann now though, got her to level 10 now as well and she has my strongest weapon atm, not to mention her follow up attack is OP.

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