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Evil Vito 06-09-2018 06:59 AM

Callis isn't exactly known for his subtlety so him mentioning the white towel Ibushi has me thinking something's going down with that. We'll see.

Emperor Smeat 06-09-2018 07:17 AM

The timing of when the Rainmaker and One Wing Angel finally hit was genius. Once one happened, the other loomed as the huge threat remaining in the match. Same for the booking of both finishers being hit the first time.

Emperor Smeat 06-09-2018 07:18 AM

:eek: Omega busting out the Styles Clash.

Evil Vito 06-09-2018 07:30 AM


Emperor Smeat 06-09-2018 07:31 AM


IWGP Heavyweight match was legendary.

Evil Vito 06-09-2018 07:34 AM

First fall was a great twist, and Okada getting the first fall still leaves some doubt

Okada to win G1 probably

Emperor Smeat 06-09-2018 07:38 AM

Yeup. Okada getting first fall also protected him when he suffered the next 2 falls afterwards since he can still claim he would have beaten Omega if it was a normal match

Evil Vito 06-09-2018 07:40 AM

Looks like Cody will be Kenny's first defense

Ol Dirty Dastard 06-09-2018 08:08 AM

Jericho vs Naito was great (just watched it). So happy he stopped trying to hold-for-hold with guys in their physical prime and instead is wrestling matches that are "supposed" to be kind of clunky and heavily based on psychology.

Ol Dirty Dastard 06-09-2018 08:09 AM

and he's also somehow a babyface to the crowd lmfao guess he reminds them of Hansen/Brody with his mannerisms/style

Evil Vito 06-09-2018 08:28 AM

Osaka were the crowd that REALLY turned on Naito back when NJPW were trying to force push him like Reigns. Them still shitting on him now that he’s actually well liked is kinda cool unintentional continuity.

Ol Dirty Dastard 06-09-2018 08:30 AM

Not huge on Callis and Kelly's commentary but like how they acknowledge the booing.

Simple Fan 06-09-2018 01:36 PM

Pretty great show, only outcome I didn't really like was the Never Openweight 3 way. Main event was great and so was the IC match.

slik 06-09-2018 01:46 PM

How was it -- is it worth watching?

Simple Fan 06-09-2018 01:49 PM


Emperor Smeat 06-09-2018 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by Slik (Post 5131705)
How was it -- is it worth watching?

Yes. Whole card was pretty great overall. Usually with NJPW, the undercard or early matches can be pretty skippable but they were good as well at Dominion.

#1-norm-fan 06-09-2018 10:02 PM

So The Bucks, Elgin, Omega and Jericho are all champions now. Is this just NJPW really trying to appeal to North American audiences?

Emperor Smeat 06-09-2018 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by #1-wwf-fan (Post 5131784)
So The Bucks, Elgin, Omega and Jericho are all champions now. Is this just NJPW really trying to appeal to North American audiences?

Probably a mix of Dominion being the event in recent years for mass title changes and NJPW just wanting a quick boost of interest for the upcoming Cow Palace show.

Safe bet at least Jericho and maybe Elgin are dropping their belts at the US show since NJPW's upcoming UK show now lacks belts based on who has been booked for it.

Dark One 06-10-2018 02:40 AM

Just finished Dominion.

Goddamn. Feel like I just watched every Game of Thrones season finale at once.

Gonna sleep for like two days.

Fignuts 06-10-2018 06:19 AM

Love the Suzuki vs Ishii interactions. Can't wait for the inevitable singles match.

Always respected the Bucks athleticism and creativity, but never cared for their spot heavy style. In recent months they've adjusted their style and focus more on story telling and selling, and it all culminated in this match. Fantastic bout that shows just how well the bucks have evolved.

Mysterio looks and moves better than he has since WCW. No exaggeration.

Jr heavy bout delivers as usual. Expecting an obituary for osprey one of these days.

I fucking hate Elgin. Not for what he did, though that was obviously bad. I hate him because he makes me want to like him despite how gross it feels. Dude looks FUCKING AMAZING since cutting weight. And his performance was equally impressive. Someone please tell me there was an update and that chick was a lying druggie or something.

Very surprised at Jericho winning but I have to imagine he's dropping it back to naito or to evil at the g-1 special.

I haven't marked out that hard at the end of a match since Benoit won the title at Wrestlemania. Seriously, what a fucking masterpiece. Every fall telling a different story. And the whole thing backed by their storied rivalry and Kenny's journey to this match.

This is what long term booking gets you. WWE has all but abandoned it and thus haven't gotten an emotional response like this from me in 15 years.

Incredible show.

Fignuts 06-10-2018 06:25 AM


Originally Posted by #1-wwf-fan (Post 5131784)
So The Bucks, Elgin, Omega and Jericho are all champions now. Is this just NJPW really trying to appeal to North American audiences?


Think it would be naive to think it didn't play a factor. That said, I don't think its a problem as they all are deserving of what they won. Not like they said "Hey we're going to India. Let's put our most prestigious title on this jobber because he's brown!"

Fignuts 06-10-2018 06:28 AM


Originally Posted by The Dastardly One (Post 5131661)
Jericho vs Naito was great (just watched it). So happy he stopped trying to hold-for-hold with guys in their physical prime and instead is wrestling matches that are "supposed" to be kind of clunky and heavily based on psychology.

I've said for a while that part of njpw's strength is the diversity of styles on display, and Jericho being a vicious street fighter just adds yet another facet to that.

Jordan 06-10-2018 11:52 PM

Young Bucks vs. Evil & Sanada, Jay White vs. Juice Robinson, Okada & Ospreay vs. Naito & Bushi, Omega vs. Cody all at Cow Palace on 7/7

Jordan 06-10-2018 11:54 PM

To me this is Cody's first big main event, I'm pretty pumped for it. I don't see him beating Kenny and taking the IWGP Title though, so that might affect the way I view ALL IN vs Nick Aldis.

Destor 06-11-2018 12:12 AM

Watched this today wonderful card. Flawless execution throughout. Outstanding

slik 06-11-2018 02:00 AM

Cow Palace card sounds fantastic

Mr. Nerfect 06-11-2018 05:28 AM

I think I might actually check this show out. Some of the results surprise me, but none of them "shock" me. New Japan is great like that. The sporting feel means they can get away from story arcs as real life can break like that.

Mr. Nerfect 06-11-2018 05:30 AM


Originally Posted by The Dastardly One (Post 5131661)
Jericho vs Naito was great (just watched it). So happy he stopped trying to hold-for-hold with guys in their physical prime and instead is wrestling matches that are "supposed" to be kind of clunky and heavily based on psychology.

:y: I haven't watched Jericho/Naito yet, but this evolution of Jericho feels like the way a worker should age.

Evil Vito 06-11-2018 10:02 AM

Just tossed a proposed list of G1 participants into a randomizer and here's the blocks in came up with.

Block A
Kazuchika Okada
Michael Elgin (don't want him in, but he's going to be in)
Minoru Suzuki
Tama Tonga
Tetsuya Naito
Tomohiro Ishii
Zack Sabre Jr.

Block B
Bad Luck Fale
Hirooki Goto
Hiroshi Tanahashi
Jay White
Juice Robinson
Kenny Omega
Kota Ibushi
Togi Makabe
Toru Yano

In terms of participants, I went under the theory that there are only two guaranteed openings from last year (Satoshi Kojima, Yuji Nagata). Jay White is definitely getting one of those spots, and I decided to give some love to KUSHIDA who as others have mentioned doesn't really have much left to achieve in the Juniors.

But at Dominion they referenced YOSHI-HASHI being on the bubble, so I was wondering who would bump him. While I'm not sure they can actually get Cody for a full month, I decided to throw him in anyway.

These blocks actually have some fun stuff. Get to see Ishii and Suzuki have their slugfest. The inter-stable battles of Naito/SANADA and Suzuki/Sabre would be fun. KUSHIDA vs. anybody would be grand.

The real highlight of Block B would of course be Omega/Ibushi. If they aren't planned to wrestle each other in the Dome, then putting them together in the final day of Block B presumably to decide the finalist is workable.

Based only on this group I'd guess an Okada/Ibushi finals, sticking with Okada winning it.

Simple Fan 06-11-2018 11:04 AM

Cody was asked about this year's G1 on twitter and said:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">0%<br><br>I've got a new project that runs mon-fri all the way to <a href="">@ALL_IN_2018</a> <br><br>Those two items alone, and some pretty large matches on the schedule. I'm full up. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Cody Rhodes (@CodyRhodes) <a href="">June 7, 2018</a></blockquote>
<script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Jordan 06-11-2018 11:29 AM

Looks like Jericho and The Bucks are going to team up for a six man on the Jericho Cruise.

Evil Vito 06-11-2018 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by Simple Fan (Post 5132240)
Cody was asked about this year's G1 on twitter and said:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">0%<br><br>I've got a new project that runs mon-fri all the way to <a href="">@ALL_IN_2018</a> <br><br>Those two items alone, and some pretty large matches on the schedule. I'm full up. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Cody Rhodes (@CodyRhodes) <a href="">June 7, 2018</a></blockquote>
<script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Looks like YOSHI-HASHI might make it back in then. Although Taichi getting a run would be fantastic.

Simple Fan 06-11-2018 11:35 AM

Taichi would be my choice.

Jordan 06-11-2018 11:40 AM

What qualifies a person for G-1 throughout the year?

Innovator 06-11-2018 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by Jordan X (Post 5132254)
What qualifies a person for G-1 throughout the year?

Being a competent heavyweight, or being Yano or YOSHI-HASHI

Evil Vito 06-11-2018 12:05 PM

YOSHI-HASHI and Yujiro Takahashi are pretty comparable I think. Two guys who, while talented, aren’t particularly interesting but the company’s probably not ever gonna fully cut bait as they came up through as Young Lions.

The dojo training is brutal, and the company wants to reward that and send a message that they’ll stay loyal to the guys who put themselves through it.

Innovator 06-11-2018 12:06 PM

Speaking of Yujiro, I miss Mao.

Evil Vito 06-14-2018 02:20 PM

I want Omega/Ibushi and Okada/Danielson at the Dome so badly.

Mr. Nerfect 06-15-2018 08:18 AM

I'm rooting for Danielson in New Japan too. And Brock Lesnar.

Mr. Nerfect 06-15-2018 08:28 AM

I should watch the show in order, but I've seen The Young Bucks vs. EVIL & Sanada and the six-man tag with the dream team babyfaces.

On the six-man:

* Rey Mysterio is a fucking gem. He looked so amazing and crisp in this thing.

* Tanahashi is such a great babyface.

* Cody Rhodes is such a geeky mid-carder.

* Marty Scurll was technically very good, but I don't get why he kept acting like a bird. It's like he's trying to be 1998 WCW Chris Jericho, but with a lot less natural charisma. He also did that geeky talking in the match. "Just kidding!" What the fuck is that?

* Hangman Page was trying his little heart out. It is obvious that he hasn't pieced it together yet, but it was a huge spot for him, I guess, so good for him.

On the Tag Title match:

* I should appreciate The Young Bucks slowing down and trying to inject some psychology into their matches. And I do. But it's very basic stuff they haven't done much of and need to get a lot better at if they're going to be true greats like they pretend to be.

* Don Callis is a fucking awful announcer. He was pissing me off in this match.

* The crowd laughed at Nick Jackson not being able to pull off the springboard. They fucking laughed at him. It was at this moment that it dawned on me that drama in wrestling may not exist anymore. The main events might change my mind.

* It also dawned on me in this match that this was exactly the sort of thing you would see in WWE. I don't mean that as an insult or a compliment. But this was just your typical WWE tag team match. They did all the match blocking like it was intended to heighten interest, ala Gargano/Ciampa vs. The Revival, but because it was a WWE tag team match, no one really bought into it the same way. It wasn't so much working that audience as it was performing a routine in front of an audience with things intended to work, in theory.

* The match wasn't bad or anything, it was just that gentrified and pedestrian "here's a tag team match; this is how tag team matches are worked these days."

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