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Funky Fly 04-06-2012 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by G (Post 3817799)
Looks as bad as the Turtles 4 remake.

Even that was better than this. This looks like an indy title or a generic early xbla title with Double Dragon slapped on. Not impressed at all.

Emperor Smeat 04-06-2012 06:43 PM

Microsoft hints the next big focus for Kinect is to improve the voice recognition to make users sound like "actors" with the basis being how well they liked the feature in Mass Effect 3.

The boss of the Kinect division, Kudo Tsunoda, says the goal is to improve the voice recognition to make virtual conversations seem more fluid while also improving the camera to take into account body movements and stances.


He said that he would like games to be able to factor in voice tone and body stance during virtual conversations.

“We’re looking at how we can make people more like actors within a narrative. I think the work done within Mass Effect 3 has been awesome,” he explained to MCV. ”We want to get to the stage where not only can Kinect detect what you’re saying but also tone of voice and body stance, and work that into the narrative. There are some really compelling experiences to be gained from that.”

Daily Recap:
1) Ubisoft announces the beta for Ghost Recon Future Soilder will start on April 12 for Xbox 360 owners and a later date in April for Playstation Plus members. The requirements for the beta involve owning Splinter Cell Conviction for Xbox 360 users and a PS+ membership for PS3 users.

2) According to Lionhead Studio, the Fable universe will be expending to novels and digital shorts with the short films arriving around the same time Fable Heroes is released in May.

3) The original Max Payne game will be ported as a "HD remastering" called Max Payne Mobile on April 12 for iOS devices while Android users will get it at a date to be announced later.

Kalyx triaD 04-06-2012 06:53 PM

Funny thing is, I always read out the options in KotOR1/2 (or any such branching dialogue system) to immerse myself in the game. It would be funny to actually do that as an option.

Fable is dead. Long live Fable II.

Drakul 04-07-2012 02:55 AM

The voice recognition thing is what I was talking about here.

You have to read out a few hundred phrases to help improve Kinects voice recognition. I guess the above news story is why.
The few hundred phrases are broken up into 8 stages so you don't do it all at once, if you don't want to.

Some of the phrases were weird. One was something like "I was in bed with Robert, at the time." Most were normal things like "Xbox, achievements." and small things like "cat" and "dog".

Kane Knight 04-07-2012 08:27 AM

I was in bed with Robert at the time.

Drakul 04-07-2012 12:08 PM

It was something like that.

Kane Knight 04-07-2012 12:11 PM

No, seriously. Ask him.

Kane Knight 04-07-2012 12:12 PM

I have a suspicion they're creating a voiceprint database they can use to defraud you later.

Swiss Ultimate 04-07-2012 11:38 PM

We are totally not doing that.

SlickyTrickyDamon 04-08-2012 01:46 AM

Anybody go to PAXEast Friday or Saturday? Going Sunday?

Drakul 04-08-2012 02:56 PM

Quick Pc question. Installed GTA 1 and I can't figure out how to adjust the ratio so the screen isn't cut off. GTA 2 has ratio adjustment in the options but GTA 1 doesn't. How do I fix this?

Also, for some reason, GTA 1 has the police radio playing the entire time, even if I'm on foot or in a non-police car.

Pintint 04-08-2012 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by Drakul (Post 3820085)
Quick Pc question. Installed GTA 1 and I can't figure out how to adjust the ratio so the screen isn't cut off. GTA 2 has ratio adjustment in the options but GTA 1 doesn't. How do I fix this?

Also, for some reason, GTA 1 has the police radio playing the entire time, even if I'm on foot or in a non-police car.

I assume youre running in compability mode for Win98?

Drakul 04-09-2012 02:08 AM


Emperor Smeat 04-09-2012 07:06 PM

A bunch of Epic Games stuff with the long rumored Gears of War Exile officially canceled, an exclusive game being made for the PC, and no chance at a sequel for Bulletstorm.

While only rumored to be in development as a Kinect title, Cliffy B confirmed at PAX East Hears of War Exile was actually in development. The project was recently cancelled with the main reason rumored to have been the development team struggling to get the Gears of War style to work with the Kinect system.

Also announced at PAX East was the company is developing a game exclusively for the PC with the potential of being the debut game for the Unreal 4 Engine. A few rumors are pointing to either the tech demo of Samatarian could be made into a full game or a new game in the Unreal Tournament series.

According to Mike Capps, president of Epic Games, a sequel to Bulletstorm was in development until it was recently scrapped in favor of a new unannounced project. People Can Fly studio was developing the game for Epic Games until the project got cancelled.


"We thought a lot about a sequel, and had done some initial development on it, but we found a project that we thought was a better fit for People Can Fly," he said. "We haven't announced that yet, but we will be announcing it pretty soon."

"I'd love to go back [to Bulletstorm]," he added. "I think there's more to do with Bulletstorm. Heck, it kind of ended wanting more. I'd love to see another project, but right now we don't have anything to talk about."

Daily Recap:
1) The founder of Commodore, Jack Tramiel, passed away over the weekend at the age of 83. His main accomplishments involved overseeing the launch of the Commodore 64 and eventual ownership of Atari before the Crash of 83.

2) Atlus announces Persona 3 FES will be arriving this week as a downloadable PS2 Classic on the PSN Store and at a $9.99 price tag.

3) Previous rumors of Dark Souls getting a PC port end up being true as From Software announces "Dark Souls: Prepare to Die" edition will be arriving this August containing 2 new boss battles and support for game pads.

4) The Brazilian branch of Ubisoft might have accidentally leaked a sequel to Rayman Origins will be arriving later this year and would be very similar in style to the original game.

PrettyCool 04-10-2012 06:52 PM


The entire World Of Warcraft

thats all of it :eek:

Kane Knight 04-10-2012 07:52 PM

Has anyone played that new free to play Pirates game on Playstation Home?

Just wondering, because I need a huge update just to log into home, and I can't be arsed.

Kane Knight 04-10-2012 07:53 PM

Can't be arsed unless it's worth a look, I mean, Obviously I wouldn't ask if I didn't think about playing.

Emperor Smeat 04-10-2012 07:58 PM

Anyone who downloaded the fan-made Sonic 2 HD remake is urged to delete the game as soon as possible from their hard drive as a keyloger was discovered to be running while the game is played.

The rumor is one of the programmers was pissed at the ability of people to take unapproved screen shots of the game or something that was done by others on the team which he hated and put in the key logger as a nasty surprise. None of the other members of the team knew about it until recently.

Kalyx triaD 04-10-2012 08:11 PM


Kane Knight 04-10-2012 08:15 PM


Kalyx triaD 04-11-2012 12:29 AM

Next month this thread will be two years old. There's gonna be a TPWW Invite for some game during this period.

Fignuts 04-11-2012 01:06 AM

Was there nothing at Captivate about Darkstalkers 4?

Kalyx triaD 04-11-2012 01:17 AM

Nope. Guess E3's the place.

Drakul 04-11-2012 01:27 AM

They wont reveal a new fighting game until they've gotten more out of SFxT.

Fignuts 04-11-2012 01:43 AM

Sales have been abysmal. It's already down to 40 dollars at Wal-mart.

Drakul 04-11-2012 02:09 AM

£19.97 new on ASDAs website and about £25, in my local one.

Emperor Smeat 04-11-2012 06:34 PM

EA accidentally confirms the existence of Crysis 3 after making the mistake of publishing the box art on their Origin services instead of a place holder.

It wasn't just limited to a picture of the game's box art as other adverts meant to be shown latter were also discovered on Google and other web sites before being pulled down by EA.

The suggested $49.99 price is assumed to be just a place holder as EA and other companies have adopted the standard console price of $59.99 for big name PC games and ports.

This also isn't the first time Crysis 3 has been teased to be debuting soon as last month the CVG teased Crytek was working on a "major unannounced project" while magazine Game Reactor teased Crysis 3 might be the cover image for their upcoming issue.

Daily Recap:
1) Sega is rumored to be in the process of a major reboot to the Sonic franchise with a rumored release of 2014 and a complete rehaul of the Sonic universe.

2) Update to the fan-made Sonic 2 HD project as it was revealed a poorly implemented DRM system was causing the problems. The reasoning was due to the programmer not wanting anyone to copy his work which is ironic considering he had to copy the original game's assets for the project.

3) A California court decided against Gamestop in a class-action lawsuit involving Gamestop treating used copies of Online Pass enabled games the same as new and not informing customers of additional purchases needed with a used copy.

Bonus: Sony's expected $2-$3 billion loss for this fiscal year ended up being revealed as a $6.4 billion loss with half due to "deferred" taxes they were required to pay back according to US laws.

OssMan 04-11-2012 06:54 PM

A Dream Deferred

Kane Knight 04-11-2012 08:51 PM

Two words that generally send chills down my spine. Sonic and Reboot.

Unless we're talking about the 90s animated series, in which case...

Kalyx triaD 04-11-2012 09:15 PM

The 'dark' Saturday morning cartoon was pretty cool. That's as good as it got for me. Never saw that underground stuff.

Kane Knight 04-11-2012 10:00 PM

Was referencing Reboot. Though that Sonic was pretty awesome.

Kalyx triaD 04-11-2012 11:20 PM

Weren't they rebooting... Reboot? What happened to that?

Kane Knight 04-12-2012 12:52 AM

They still are, sorta. Just not on the same level. Rainmaker is projecting it for this year or next.

Fignuts 04-12-2012 03:30 AM

Has anyone tried out Skullgirls?

Considering getting it tomorrow, but if TPWW isn't getting it, I don't think I will bother.

Drakul 04-12-2012 04:42 AM

I tried a demo fight for about 15 seconds and decided it wasn't for me. That's just me, though.

Emperor Smeat 04-12-2012 06:51 PM

According to Miyamoto, he'd like a "spiritual" sequel to A Link To The Past to be made one day and a new F-Zero game to be made for the Wii U.

While his idea is for a new Zelda game to be influenced heavily by A Link to The Past, he doesn't want an exact remake of the game made for the 3DS or Wii U. Instead he would want the game to use a similar graphical and gameplay style as the basis.

"I think the answer would be the same if we're talking about just porting," he said, "but I think I'd be even more interested in creating something new maybe based on, or starting from, A Link To The Past. I think it's important to bring some really new software."

He did admit he wouldn't have any control over the project but would want to hand pick the director if the project gets approved in the future.


"To be very honest and open, it really depends on the directors that have time at the moment as well," he said. "Some directors, I can give them the title and I know they will do something great with it.

"Other directors I'm not so 100 per cent confident [in], so they're the ones I'd rather take a more remake approach to the title. It really depends on that as well."

Miyamoto wouldn't be drawn on his favorite among the current crop of Nintendo directors, but he reserved special praise for one in particular: Koichi Kawamoto, who developed the concept demo that birthed the WarioWare series, and more recently created 3DS's StreetPass Quest. Miyamoto says Kawamoto is "a very strong figure [who] will play a very important role in the future."
The last time he held absolute control during development of a Zelda game was with A Link to the Past for the SNES.

In regards to a potential new F-Zero game, he teased its very possible the next F-Zero game would be on the Wii U with the goal of wanting to create a surprise or something unique which every F-Zero game has done so far. He admitted he nor anyone else was able to come up with something amazing for the Wii which is why there was no F-Zero game for it.

Daily Recap:
1) Darksiders 2 could be missing its June 2012 release date although THQ refuses to explain what could cause delay with the possibility of it being more related to their current financial problems.

2) Upcoming DLC and patches for the Xbox 360 version of Elder Scrolls: Skyrim will add in Kinect voice support and timed exclusive quest missions.

3) God of War IV debut could be happening next week based on a posting by Sony on Facebook which teased a big announcement is on its way soon.

ClockShot 04-12-2012 08:18 PM

God of War 4?

Didn't think it was necessary.

Kane Knight 04-12-2012 08:24 PM

I didn't think the last two were necessary.

Fignuts 04-12-2012 08:43 PM

I consider them good mindless fun.

I'm biased though, as I liked greek mythology as a kid, so this series was a nice nostalgia treat going in.

Emperor Smeat 04-13-2012 07:08 PM

Valve could be reigniting rumors of a Steam Box being developed as two key developments occurred recently.

The first is based on a recent job posting by the company due to them currently hiring engineers with experience developing hardware. While this could just be related to Valve's current plans on making Steam compatible with TV monitors, its also possible it could be related to previous "Steam Box" rumors.


“Join our highly motivated team that’s doing hardware design, prototyping, testing, and production across a wide range of platforms,” the advert reads. ”We’re not talking about me-too mice and gamepads here – help us invent whole new gaming experiences.”

The successful applicant will have to, ”work with the hardware team to conceive, design, evaluate, and produce new types of input, output, and platform hardware.”
The second development is based on a recent meeting Gabe Newell supposedly had today with the CEO of Apple, Tim Cook. While no exact details of the meeting were revealed current rumors range from Valve getting some input on how to design the Steam Box, a potential Steam app/client for the iOS devices, or integrating Steam into the AppleTV project.

Daily Recap:
1) Atlus confirms all the online servers for Demon Souls will be shut down on June 1st.

2) Based on a recent domain registered by Nintendo and hints earlier in the year of a new "classic 2D Mario" in development, Super Mario Bros 4 is expected to be released later this year for the 3DS.

3) Namco Bandai announces a new Dragon Ball Z game is heading to Kinect later this year with 50 motion based moves possible, a story mode, and at least one new character expected for the game's roster.

4) Sleeping Dogs (previously True Crime Hong Kong) was confirmed to have an August 14 release date in the US and an August 17 date in Europe for the PC, PS3, and Xbox 360.

Cool King 04-15-2012 08:00 AM

WWE '13 survey.

Emperor Smeat 04-16-2012 06:44 PM

A bunch of upcoming E3 news with Nintendo confirming a new Mario for the Wii U and Pikmin 3 set to debut at E3 while Sony, Microsoft, and Ubisoft revealed their press conference times.

Sony and Microsoft once again will be having their press conferences occur on the same day with Ubisoft's sandwiched in the middle on June 4th. Nintendo will have its own day once again while Konami is expected to once again have a conference occur as part of the pre-E3 show.


Microsoft: Monday, June 4th, 10am PST
Ubisoft: Monday, June 4th, 3pm PST
Sony: Monday, June 4th, 6pm PST
A new Super Mario game and the long awaited Pikmin 3 will be having their official debuts at E3 with both set for the Wii U. According to Miyamoto, Pikmin 3 is hinted to have a similar style to the previous games and will be taking advantage of the Wii U tablet.


“In a recent interview, Mr. Miyamoto confirmed that a new Pikmin game will be shown at the E3 Expo in June. He believes that anyone who has played Pikmin games in the past will enjoy playing.”

In a recent interview, Mr. Miyamoto confirmed that a new Super Mario Bros. game for the Wii U system will be shown at this year's E3 Expo," a Nintendo spokesperson said. "We'll have more to announce about our plans for the E3 Expo at a later date.
Miyamoto didn't confirm if this new Super Mario game will be the rumored Super Mario 4 although the 3DS is also expected to have its own "classic 2D Mario" game get announced soon as well.

Luigi's Mansion 2 was confirmed to be shown for E3 in the same interview.

1) Microsoft will be expanding the fees for Xbox Live later this year with either new content having separate costs or the rumor of Microsoft ditching points in favor of real currency.

2) According to analysts, Sony could be considering stripping away more of their free PSN services as a way to recover the massive loss they recently posted for the fiscal year.

3) The developers of recently released Fez are working with Microsoft to fix issues the game has with owners of older and Arcade model Xbox 360s. No exact date was given for when the patch would be ready.

4) The creator of Shadowrun Return, Jordan Weisman, says one of his goals after work on the Shadowrun revival is finished is to revive the Crimson Skies game although he admits it wouldn't be worked on any time soon.

Kane Knight 04-16-2012 11:34 PM

Crimsons Skies...I'd love another.

Way to go, Sony. further punish actual users for your failings. assuming it's true, of course.

Kalyx triaD 04-17-2012 01:07 AM

Can't put my finger on it but Crimson Skies just worked.

Emperor Smeat 04-17-2012 06:47 PM

Rare could be tweaking their game development direction after recently hiring the former head creative director of Sega West as the new head creative director boss of the company.

Simon Woodroffe, who also worked at Midway and Ubisoft, will become the new head creative director with his main experience revolving around R&D for game projects.


Woodroffe has been in the industry for more than 20 years, his first game was a point-and-click adventure called Simon the Sorcerer. He also worked at Midway and Ubisoft before moving to Sega.

“He has worked on many innovative titles over the years, including some really impressive R&D prototyping projects. He is a terrific all-rounder and the ideal person to head up our design department,” said Rare senior studio director Craig Duncan. ”Rare is committed to making the best possible games experiences that inspire everyone to play, and we believe the best way to do that is to attract the brightest and best talent in the business.”

“Games are my passion and they are Rare’s passion so this is my dream role. I love working with talented and creative people and there are plenty of them here at Rare. I am looking forward to getting stuck into making incredible games that will be worthy additions to the pedigree of the studio,” added Woodroffe.
Woodroffe is expected to help more with the design and development of Kinect games the company currently is making than actually provide a huge shift into a new direction or even reviving classic Rare series.

Daily Recap:
1) EA's updates their Origin service to allow gamers who have been banned from an online multiplayer game or from the EA forums to still be able to play their other games in campaign/single player mode offline.Previously a banning from either area meant a complete ban from Origin and all games a user owned for the service.

2) Nintendo announces they are skipping this year's Gamescom convention and instead will focus more on either hosting their own convention or participating in a lot more conventions this year than usual.

3) According to Capcom, the demo for the upcoming Dragon Dogma's game will arrive on XBLA and PSN on April 24 for US/Canada and April 25 for Europe.

Kalyx triaD 04-17-2012 08:34 PM

An issue with many companies is lack of vision. Maybe this guy can help Rare, but they could have more problems than that itself.

Emperor Smeat 04-18-2012 06:54 PM

Activision announces a new James Bond game will be released later this year but isn't a complete tie in with the upcoming Skyfall film.

The game will be called 007 Legends and ties in together five films of the Bond series with Skyfall for the game's storyline.

Eurocom was announced to be the developers of the game with Mi6 Ops missions from GoldenEye Reloaded returning for 007 Legends.


Multiplayer will feature four-player split-screen and online, with new maps characters and weapons plucked from Bond’s 50 year history.
Daniel Craig was also revealed to be the Bond character for the entire game and will not feature multiple Bond characters.

The game is set for a Fall 2012 release date for the PS3 and Xbox 360 as of now.

Daily Recap:
1) WayForward Studio teases Battletoads could become DLC characters for the Xbox 360 version of Double Dragon Neon if enough people convince Microsoft or Rare to approve of the idea.

2) Darksiders II has been delayed from its original June 26 date to now a potential August release date with THQ's official response being the game need more time for polish.

3) EA announces the reboot of SSX will be getting two Classic SSX DLC packs with one adding 7 classic characters to the game's roster and the other adding in a new race track who's style resembles classic SSX tracks.

ClockShot 04-18-2012 09:05 PM

5 old Bond films plus the Skyfall storyline? AND we're playing as Daniel Craig? How the fuck is that gonna work?

We gonna go from Dr. No to O.H.M.S.S. to Octopussy to License to kill to Goldeneye to Skyfall?

See what I did there?

Requiem 04-18-2012 11:24 PM

New Bethesda game.

<iframe width="853" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Kane Knight 04-18-2012 11:41 PM

not sure why I'd want to buy Battletoads as DLC for a shitty Double Dragon game.

I'm not THAT nostalgic for it.

Fignuts 04-19-2012 12:30 AM

FINALLY got around to playing Portal 2. If there is any series that absolutely deserves the amount of praise it gets, it is this series.

Perfection. Through and through.

Funky Fly 04-19-2012 12:39 AM

Pretty trailer with no gameplay footage.

#BROKEN Hasney 04-19-2012 01:34 AM


Originally Posted by Requiem (Post 3831263)
New Bethesda game.

Only as publisher, before we all get carried away and buy another Wet.

Fignuts 04-19-2012 01:39 AM

Valve needs to just come out and say they are never going to make Half Life 2 Episode 3/Half Life 3.

LoDownM 04-19-2012 02:03 AM


Originally Posted by Hasney (Post 3831348)
Only as publisher, before we all get carried away and buy another Wet.

I liked Wet :(

#BROKEN Hasney 04-19-2012 02:25 AM

I did as well. Everyone always tries to convince me it's shit, but hell, I even liked that Woo Stranglehold game.

Maybe Brink would have been the better example.

Kane Knight 04-19-2012 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by Hasney (Post 3831348)
Only as publisher, before we all get carried away and buy another Wet.

Yeah, wouldn't want to get our hopes up for another completely broken game.

PrettyCool 04-19-2012 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by Fignuts (Post 3831353)
Valve needs to just come out and say they are never going to make Half Life 2 Episode 3/Half Life 3.

Valve sux, Half Life 2 sucked, I couldnt play through it cuz it was SO BORING and LAME.


Ashley in Resident Evil 4 is the PROPER way to do a sidekick

:love: :love: :love: :love: :love::love::love::love::love::love::love:

Fignuts 04-19-2012 11:02 AM

At least Alex could fight for herself.

If you like babysitting games tho, I won't judge.

The Destroyer 04-19-2012 11:03 AM

Not really, you couldn't kill her either. Just let her be dragged off to her doom.

Couldn't look up her skirt either. :shifty:

Fignuts 04-19-2012 11:03 AM

Also, Ravenholm is scarier than anything in Resident Evil 4.

Ermaximus 04-19-2012 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by Fignuts (Post 3831559)
Also, Ravenholm is scarier than anything in Resident Evil 4.


Why do you think they even tell you that "we don't go to Ravenholm?"

Kane Knight 04-19-2012 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by Fignuts (Post 3831353)
Valve needs to just come out and say they are never going to make Half Life 2 Episode 3/Half Life 3.

It's funny that the Sonic devs are getting their balls busted for stopping at part two of promised episodic content when Valve has been a much harsher prick tease about the whole thing.


Originally Posted by Fignuts (Post 3831553)
At least Alex could fight for herself.

If you like babysitting games tho, I won't judge.

He probably just faps to her. We're talking about a guy who thinks the pinnacle of gaming is the ability to simulate sex.

Ermaximus 04-19-2012 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by Kane Knight (Post 3831588)
He probably just faps to her. We're talking about a guy who thinks the pinnacle of gaming is the ability to simulate sex.

So he likely owns Playboy: The Mansion is what you're saying then?

Kane Knight 04-19-2012 11:59 AM

He probably burned several copies off the web. :naughty:

Emperor Smeat 04-19-2012 06:34 PM

Sony officially debuts God of War IV with the details given so far making the game act as a prequel for the first game and set for release on the PS3.

The game's official title is "God of War Accession" and covers the origins of Kratos before the events of God of War I. While it wasn't specified how far back in the storyline the prequel occurs, it will cover the events that lead to Kartos' family destruction and him becoming a "god killer."

Sony also states more details about the game will arrive on April 30.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Daily Recap:
1) Persona 3 which was released released as a digital PS2 Classic on PSN was recently discovered to have a game saving bug which does not allow any progress to be saved.

2) Bethesda announces Prey 2 has been delayed due to serious issues involving the game's development which will prevent the game from being released in 2012.

3) Take it with a grain of salt but a rumor posted by the Official Xbox Magazine (OXM) states Mirror's Edge 2 will be arriving next gen with Kinect support for the next Xbox version.

Kane Knight 04-19-2012 07:57 PM

A God of War prequel sounds like a really bad idea,

Fignuts 04-19-2012 08:55 PM

I thought the PSP games were prequels. How many prequels do you friggin need?

Kane Knight 04-19-2012 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by Fignuts (Post 3832184)
I thought the PSP games were prequels. How many prequels do you friggin need?

As many as will sell?

I'd like to see some spinoffs dealing with other pantheons.

D Mac 04-20-2012 03:33 PM

Update: Sold my Ipad 2 to gamestop for 220 and bought a laptop. Only lost about 250 bucks. Not bad. :shifty: It's a nice laptop tho.

G 04-20-2012 04:34 PM

Well, considering Apple products hold the highest resale value and are insanely easy to sell, I guess you made the right call letting GS violate you for $250. :roll:

Emperor Smeat 04-20-2012 06:54 PM

EA announces they are putting a strong emphasis on "online universes" for all future games they develop.

The idea is for a single game covering multiple platforms to share the same "online universe" in a sense that anything done in one platform benefits the same game owned on a different platform. The games would all share the same online account and data which also means everything is saved on EA's servers than locally.

The examples EA gave involved playing FIFA on mobile devices can unlock achievements for the same game owned on the Xbox 360.


Imagine a player gets up in the morning, plays an online match on his 360 before going to work. On the bus, on his way to work, he practices his free kicks on his tablet. At lunch he looks at the transfer window on his PC. On the way home he chooses his kit on his smartphone.

Here's the thing: when he gets home to play again on his 360 that evening, all those achievements and upgrades will be alive in his game.
The company already tested this idea earlier in the year by having the iOS app for Mass Effect 3 help unlock and boost stats for the console versions of the game.

Daily Recap:
1) Update to Prey 2 being delayed as a new source states the developer for the game, Human Head, are to blame for the delay due to their unwillingness to work on the game for the past 2 years and an employee strike impacting the company.

2) The closed Diablo III bets will become a public beta for this weekend only (April 20-23) with all classes available and a level cap set to 13.

3) According to Famitsu, the upcoming issue for the magazine hints Capcom will reveal an "unexpected" new game next week on April 26.

Kane Knight 04-20-2012 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by G (Post 3832861)
Well, considering Apple products hold the highest resale value and are insanely easy to sell, I guess you made the right call letting GS violate you for $250. :roll:


Drakul 04-21-2012 12:57 AM

<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value=""><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="360"></object>

Releasing for the 3DS in August. They probably could have thrown a trailer togethor for this.

Kalyx triaD 04-21-2012 07:44 PM

My roommate pitched a perfect game early this morning and I guess he has to do things now.

DaveBrawl 04-21-2012 08:21 PM

A good day for he and Philip Humber.

Is he the first to do it this year? I would have thought someone would have had it by now, since the contest on last year's game ended on the first day.

Kalyx triaD 04-21-2012 08:23 PM

I don't think he's the first, but they added other steps to make it a tourny sort of deal even after doing it at home.

Kalyx triaD 04-21-2012 08:25 PM

My brother made 2nd place in a West Palm Beach SoulCalibur V tourny today. Feeling unambitious as far as competitive gaming goes.

DaveBrawl 04-21-2012 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by Kalyx triaD (Post 3833937)
I don't think he's the first, but they added other steps to make it a tourny sort of deal even after doing it at home.

Oh, that's cool. Makes the whole competition seem more exciting to me rather than some random draw ending it on day 1 and everyone forgetting about it.

G 04-21-2012 09:29 PM

Pretty sure I would destroy your brother in Soul Calibur V.

Kalyx triaD 04-21-2012 09:58 PM

Who knows.

G 04-21-2012 09:58 PM

I am such a beast at the Soul Caliburs V.

Blitz 04-22-2012 09:32 PM

Ocarina of Time map done SNES style

RoXer 04-22-2012 09:40 PM

Do that with Dark Souls

Kane Knight 04-22-2012 11:19 PM


Originally Posted by RoXer (Post 3835015)
Do that with Skyrim

Fignuts 04-23-2012 12:43 AM

Honestly, just rom hack LTTP into every game ever, please.

El Fangel 04-23-2012 05:51 AM

#BROKEN Hasney 04-23-2012 05:55 AM

Portable N64 model #1387612783

El Fangel 04-23-2012 06:31 AM

First time I have ever saw one. I want one :(

Kane Knight 04-23-2012 08:53 AM

Why didn't someone think of that bef....


Originally Posted by Hasney (Post 3835206)
Portable N64 model #1387612783


Emperor Smeat 04-23-2012 07:14 PM

Activision announces the debut of the next Call of Duty game will officially occur on May 1st during the NBA playoffs.

The game is expected to be Call of Duty Black Ops 2 with more rumored details involving the game's multiplayer supposedly leaked. Since the game is being developed by Treyarch, very little chance of a new engine being created due to Infinity Ward being the studio in charge of the Modern Warfare engine development.


Game Modes

Escort ~ A game mode in which you escort a player across three flags to achieve victory. The enemy team killing the player will result in a win for their side.

Split Spawn ~ A game mode in which you spawn from a hellicopter, and climb down to get to the ground. The player starts with 3 lives. One player can control the chopper to let you climb down in different areas, as well as shoot from the chopper. If the chopper is destroyed, players can no longer spawn. Players compete for a central flag that takes 2x as long to capture than a regular domination flag. Either the death of all opposing players or the capturing of the flag will grant you a win. This game has 2 rounds.

Equalizer ~ A game mode in which players are switched to the enemy team upon death. Players will compete for a flag, which when owned, open up a power plant to allow the player to customize their class in game, get new weapons, and put on a juggernaut suit for their team only.When there are 2 players left on a team, they are granted with the power plant automatically, and pointstreaks up to a 5 point requirement can also be obtained. If either of the two players die, they will remain on their own team. The team with the most converts (kills) at the end will win. If tied, whoever is currently owning the power plant will win.
Perks have also been reworked to include "Elite" perks which require base perks to be included and not allowing just elite perks to be stacked on each other. Each perk also appears to be broken down into 3 groups with Pro, Elite, and a class specialist as the options available.

The entire list of known and rumored stuff for the game is greater detail in the EGMNOW source link.

The game is expected for release on November 13.

Daily Recap:
1) Nintendo announces Kirby will be getting the anniversary treatment for its 20th anniversary later this year and hinted it might contain every Kirby console and maybe handheld games ever released.

2) Sony teases the will announce the next "huge PS3 Exclusive" game later this week on GTTV with a lot of rumors hinting of the game most likely being Sony's version of a Smash Bros game.

3) Valve's Gabe Newell denies all rumors of Apple's CEO Time Cook having a meeting with the company last week although teased if it did occur, it would have been amazing.

Kane Knight 04-23-2012 11:30 PM

Kirby getting a decent anniversary deal?

Emperor Smeat 04-24-2012 06:22 PM

After constant rumors of Ubisoft considering making a sequel to Rayman Origins, the company might have accidentally confirmed and leaked details of a potential sequel.

A survey sent by Ubisoft revealed the company wanted feedback to the details of the game containing new characters such as dragon ghosts and Greek Gods while also revealing plans for at least a PC, Xbox 360, and PS3 release.

The supposed screens included in the survey shows the game will a similar style as the first game although Ubisoft refused to deny the screens potentially being fake.

No other details were revealed nor if there will not be a handheld, Wii, or Wii U version planned for a later release. The original did have a release on the 3DS and Wii with poor advertising and timing to blame for low sales for each version.

A trailer was also supposedly leaked but wasn't confirmed by Ubisoft if it was indeed a legit debut trailer for Rayman Origins 2.
Trailer --->

Daily Recap:
1) Naughty Dog announces Uncharted 3 will be getting a Game of the Year re-release containing all the DLC packs and content later this year while also proclaiming the series has passed the 17 million sold mark.

2) Sony pulls a third PSP game from the PSP Store after hackers using PS Vita's were able to once again hack into the PSN network using the "Virtual PSP" mode which allows the PS Vita to play digital PSP games.

3) Nintendo announces the New Play Control of Pikmin 2 for the Wii which was released in Japan and Europe 3 years ago will finally be arriving in North America this June as part of the lead up to Pikmin 3's debut at this year's E3.

Fignuts 04-25-2012 01:32 AM


Originally Posted by Kane Knight (Post 3836647)
Kirby getting a decent anniversary deal?

I'd certainly buy it. It had better have the gameboy games though. I got the original Kirby when I was a kid, and it was my favorite gameboy game, behind Megaman 5.

LoDownM 04-25-2012 02:14 AM

Dragon's Dogma demo came out, seems like it'll be a pretty fun game.

Kalyx triaD 04-25-2012 02:15 AM

Oh shit.

SlickyTrickyDamon 04-25-2012 02:48 AM


Originally Posted by Kalyx triaD (Post 3833905)
My roommate pitched a perfect game early this morning and I guess he has to do things now.

Holy shit that's awesome.

People who pitch a perfect game are put in an elimination tournament. Not sure how many people get put into the tournament or if he made that cut.

Good luck to him.

Kane Knight 04-25-2012 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by Fignuts (Post 3837512)
I'd certainly buy it. It had better have the gameboy games though. I got the original Kirby when I was a kid, and it was my favorite gameboy game, behind Megaman 5.

I never actually played a full Kirby game growing up, but the times I tried them, I enjoyed them. I would love a proper anniversary collection.


Originally Posted by LoDownM (Post 3837537)
Dragon's Dogma demo came out, seems like it'll be a pretty fun game.

Cool. I need to try the demo.

Emperor Smeat 04-25-2012 06:46 PM

According to sources close to the Official Xbox Magazine, the previously cancelled TimeSplitters 4 is currently in development again and is in a playable form but no guarantees the game will ever be released.


In their latest issue the magazine writes: ”Trusted OXM sources have claimed that they’ve seen TimeSplitters 4 running. That’s no guarantee that it’ll be released – at least one version of Star Wars: Battlefront 3 was cancelled without ever being announced – but it’s a promising sign.”
While Crytek hasn't completely ruled out a Timesplitters 4 game never being released and have stated they really want to revisit the franchise, its still up to Free Radical to develop the game itself. The biggest issue is funding due to Free Radical still having financial problems even with Crytek as their new parent company and EA will not help fund the game.

Earlier rumors did tease it was possible the game could have a debut as early as this year's E3 show but Crytek hasn't confirmed those rumors to be true.

Daily Recap:
1) The Stalker series is dead after the developers of Stalker 2 announce they have both cancelled the development of Stalker 2 and the series itself while shift focus to a new project meant to be a MMO FPS type game.

2) The creator of the Resident Evil series, Shinji Mikami, announces his studio is currently developing a survival horror game with the placeholder name called "Zwei" and would be released in 2013.

3) Crytek joins the growing list of companies who actually like the idea of next gen consoles blocking the ability to play used games with Crytek saying it would be "absolutely awesome" if it becomes true.

Kalyx triaD 04-26-2012 01:37 AM

Over 100 hits in a single day for an UMvC3 post on my blog. Kinda sorta proud of those numbers.

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