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Kalyx triaD 09-29-2007 09:47 AM

Those two or three panels of Black Adam taking to Superboy Prime in Infinite Crisis is what made me a closet fan of Black Adam. That and the line, "Child or not, you die today." Ruthless.

Kalyx triaD 09-29-2007 09:53 AM

Boondock Saint 09-29-2007 10:15 PM

No need to be a closet fan, LET THE WORLD KNOW.

Nowhere Man 09-30-2007 04:01 AM


Originally Posted by Kalyx triaD

:eek: :eek: :eek:

The Hurricane turned heel on the JLA?!?!

Kalyx triaD 09-30-2007 08:53 AM

JLA Issues:

The long rumored Hollywood strike has the execs worried that certain writers of a certain superhero team-up film may screw them over before a rewrite could be done. I don't know the details of this epic strike, but all I know is it put Transformers 2 and DBZ on the hotseat for 2009 releases. May we get more stuff out sooner because of this big scary strike.

Transformers alumni Tyrees is one of the contenders for GL John Stewart. He should stick with Luke Cage, one military character is enough for an R&B singer.

And humorously enough, WB is having trouble finding someone to be Batman for JLA. Plain and simple: Nobody wants to be compared to Christian Fucking Bale. Serves them right for trying that crap in the first place.

Nowhere Man 10-02-2007 05:17 PM

God damnit, why can't we get Hal Jordan for once? I know they feel like they need a black guy on the team, but Stewart is boring.

Kalyx triaD 10-03-2007 12:01 AM

I always saw Martian Manhunter as a black guy.

Mr Regal 10-03-2007 05:00 AM


Mr Regal 10-03-2007 05:01 AM

Not suprising that no one wants the Batman role....pretty much guaranteed to get criticised for it.

Kane Knight 10-06-2007 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by Mr Regal
Not suprising that no one wants the Batman role....pretty much guaranteed to get murdered for it.

Kalyx triaD 10-08-2007 03:30 PM

JLA Plot Revealed:

The early draft of the JLA feature has the seven original members (Kal, Hal, Diana, Bruce, Barry, Arthur, and Jonn) going up against Max Lord and his OMACs. There's a planned battle between Bruce and Clark as well as Clark vs Diana.

Speaking of Wonder Woman; she may not get her own feature because female lead movies did poorly this season. Blow it out your ass WB.

Also, although I stated Barry and Hal up there, there's a likely chance we'll see Wally and John instead as the Flash and GL respectively.

Though the plot sounds promising, I still can't help but feel like the movie's turning out to be a mess.

Boondock Saint 10-08-2007 03:50 PM

It's going to be a mess for sure.

Kalyx triaD 10-16-2007 01:02 PM

Even Superman Can't Save This...:

It seems every update on Justice League is a hint at its own failure, atleast with fans of the DC Superteam.

There was a major casting tryout on Sunday and Monday over the superheroes featured in the movie. The majority being... well kids. 20-somethings are being looked at for the roles because they're expected to grow into their roles through multiple movies (Ha!). It is confirmed beyond a shadow of a doubt that DC faves Ryan Reynolds, Brandon Routh, Christian Bale, and Jessica Biel will have nothing to do with this mess; and good for them if the movie's looking like what its looking like.

More Wonderfully Bad News:

As for the fate of Wonder Woman, WB is going back on their rather sexist statement about not allowing any more female lead flicks from their side of the planet including Wonder Woman. Well now they're saying if JL does well enough, she'll get her film after all. Since the film will blow (see above), we'll never see a movie based on Diana. I wonder what of the fates of Bale and Routh if the movie does do well? Will they be replaced by a hot new young Supes and Bats?

Dark days for us DC fans ahead.

Lock Jaw 10-16-2007 02:31 PM

I guess DC can only give us good movies every few decades. I'll be waiting.

Lock Jaw 10-16-2007 02:32 PM

Actually, nah.

Got some pretty good stuff coming up.

The Dark Knight, and The New Frontier animated movie.

Kalyx triaD 10-16-2007 02:40 PM

We can always trust Bruce Timm and his gang to give us hot stuff, and Dark Knight is looking like the last great live action movie for DC in a while. Even The Batman and Legion of Superheroes are giving quality on the animation front, while Smallville is in its seventh year. What's going on in the feature film department?

Funky Fly 10-16-2007 04:34 PM

Shit, they should just scrap the JLA movie until they can get everyone to appear in their respective roles.

Better yet, after The Dark Knight, they should do the JLA movie with the big names and keep it relatively short (85 - 90 minutes). Then in the movie, there should be events and characters that lead to sequels for Batman and Superman and movies for the others. Basically, the JLA movie should be movie canon, I guess, complete with references in future movies.

Kalyx triaD 10-16-2007 08:51 PM

In a perfect world.

Kalyx triaD 10-22-2007 02:55 PM

More Than Meets the Bat:

Josh Duhamel, who we all know really doesn't want that premium package in Transformers, has read for the Batman in the JLA project. I don't know if anyone ever seen this guy in interviews but he's a bit of a geek himself who would tackle the one part other actors kept clear from.

Look Up, In the Sky...:

WB has confirmed that Brandon Routh will be Superman again... as soon as they find new writers. The old writing team (Michael Dougherty/Dan Harris) who are Bryan Singer's wingmates have expressed that they won't be doing another Superman. Although Bryan himself isn't spoken about, I'm sure he won't be returning as well. Hell, this may be what the franchise needed. In any case, I'm just glad to know Routh is still the Man of Steel, but how will two active movie Supermen work?

Boondock Saint 10-22-2007 04:47 PM

Kal-L and Kal-El.

Nowhere Man 10-23-2007 04:01 AM

Good, I was really worrying they were gonna scrap the \S/ franchise altogether. Routh was awesome as Superman, and it'd be damn sad to see his work ignored for some cheap cash-grab like the JLA movie.

Kalyx triaD 10-24-2007 04:12 PM

Kal-El, Meet Kal-L...:

Rupert Evans (Hellboy) has been rumored to be filling the boots of Justice League's Superman. He's appearently beefing up as we speak, and read for the part for Singer's Superman Returns in the past (and almost got the part).

Its interesting you mention the Multiverse, its a big part of DC's lore and could be used to explain different variations of the same character. Taking Smallville into consideration, WB/DC could turn a confusing production into a huge live action-comic event.

Kalyx triaD 10-27-2007 11:28 AM

Eye Wonder Who She Is...:

Teresa Palmer is a 'favorite' for the role of Amazon ass-kickin demi-goddess Wonder Woman in JL. Never heard of her. Pretty though.

Kane Knight 10-27-2007 01:16 PM

You don't really think WB is sexist for not putting out Wonder Woman, do you?

Kalyx triaD 10-27-2007 07:58 PM

They've took risks on crap before, its just interesting that they give a project a red light based on the sex of the leading role. A superheroine about female empowerment would pull in comic fanboys and chicks all at once, and that don't happen often.

Kane Knight 10-27-2007 08:13 PM

I swear you're on drugs.

Kalyx triaD 10-27-2007 11:31 PM

Swearing's bad.

Kalyx triaD 10-28-2007 05:28 PM

Who Wants Iced Mochas?:

David Dobkin (Director, The Wedding Crashers) is on tap to bring us The Flash after JL. It will be based in the same universe as JL and be treated as a spin-off. Also, Wally West will be the Scarlet Speedster in the solo flick, so its safe to West will be the Flash in JL instead of the reported Barry Allen. Then again, a certain famous comic book death put Wally in the boots of Barry so...

Nowhere Man 10-29-2007 05:19 PM

I'd normally have something pessimistic to say about hiring a comedy director for the Flash movie, but then I remembered that Raimi was best known for doing cheesy horror flicks before Spider-Man, and those (the first 2 at least) turned out pretty damn good.

Oh, and evidently the Green Lantern flick is rising up from out of development hell yet again:


Originally Posted by Rotten Tomatoes
We can't do a Justice League of America story, it seems, without triggering a wave of comments from the RT faithful debating the merits of various members of the Green Lantern Corps, and arguing which of them should be "the" Green Lantern in the movie.

We still don't have any JLA Green Lantern casting news for you -- but we can tell you Variety is reporting that Warner Bros. has hired a team to bring the ring-wielding galactic guardian to the big screen in his very own film. According to a report published yesterday, the studio has tapped Greg Berlanti to write and direct Green Lantern.

Berlanti, best known for his work on TV shows such as Dirty Sexy Money, Brothers & Sisters, Everwood, and Dawson's Creek, will be writing the script with Marc Guggenheim and Michael Green. These days, Guggenheim is a writer/producer on Berlanti's Brothers & Sisters -- but, as Variety notes, his past work on print editions of Amazing Spider-Man, Wolverine, and Blade make him uniquely qualified for the gig. For his part, Green -- who's currently an executive producer on NBC's Heroes -- worked on Smallville and wrote the DC title Superman/Batman.

The Variety report pegs the feature-length Lantern as Hal Jordan, summing up his story below:

"Green Lantern" was hatched in 1940. Hal Jordan, a second-generation test pilot, is an ordinary man who has been charged with defending a sector of the universe.

Source: Variety

So it looks like we might be seeing Hal after all.

Savio 10-29-2007 05:38 PM

Superman returns fucking sucked.

Nowhere Man 10-29-2007 05:59 PM

...and what exactly does that have to do with the Flash/Green Lantern movies?

Kane Knight 10-29-2007 06:14 PM

Green Lantern is one of the characters I'd actually like to see on the Silver Screen.

I could take or Leave the Flash. Mostly leave. And Wonder Woman. And most of the guys in this thread. But still.

Kalyx triaD 10-29-2007 06:51 PM

Oh yea? Well... Techno Man sucked balls!!

How about that?

Kane Knight 10-29-2007 07:37 PM


Kalyx triaD 10-30-2007 01:26 AM


You win yet again, Kane. But there will be a dawn to wash away the Knight.

Kane Knight 10-30-2007 09:27 AM


Reavant 10-30-2007 10:39 PM


Kalyx triaD 11-05-2007 06:41 PM

Ledger Keeps A Mad Journal:

Heath Ledger has been taking great strides in his role as the Joker in the upcoming Dark Knight: He's been keeping a diary since before shooting began on what kind of person Mr. J really is. The contents include things the Joker would find funny (like AIDS).


He didn't even intend to reveal it appearently; word is he was caught with it. Guess you gotta be a little madhouse to play one.

Kalyx triaD 01-05-2008 12:09 AM

My God, WB:

Singer is said to be off the 'Returns sequel with other projects keeping him busy (I knew it). Whatever, my past review spoke of how his muted directing hurt the first movie.

But get this this: Brandon Routh, who I've been a strong supporter of as Supes, may be off the sequel as well. Most likely replaced by the Superman they cast in JLA (I f'n knew that, too).

As far as JLA and the next Superman is concerned; I wash my hands of them. Despite a string of news that made them look worse and worse, I kept up a good face while relaying the news. Though I will still pass on all the news from IGN and SuperheroHype concerning those movies, I've officially lost interest. Congrats WB, you turned off a comic-geek/Superman fan. How'd ya do it?

Lock Jaw 01-05-2008 03:05 AM

Meh. I can wait twenty years or so for them to finally reboot the Superman movie franchise with a kickass movie.

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