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#1-norm-fan 08-02-2019 10:56 AM

Jericho’s mystery partners being the Lucia Brothers or anyone else that has already been on the shows would be a huge mistake. If that’s the case, just announce them. Don’t make it clear right out of the gate that your “surprises” don’t actually mean anything. Only gonna make them come off more TNA-like.

It’s gotta be someone new and preferably someone with a little bit of a name to a casual fan. No clue who they could get. Weren’t Gallows and Anderson’s contracts supposed to be up soon?

Fignuts 08-02-2019 01:31 PM

LAX maybe

Emperor Smeat 08-02-2019 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by #1-wwf-fan (Post 5274234)
Jericho’s mystery partners being the Lucia Brothers or anyone else that has already been on the shows would be a huge mistake. If that’s the case, just announce them. Don’t make it clear right out of the gate that your “surprises” don’t actually mean anything. Only gonna make them come off more TNA-like.

It’s gotta be someone new and preferably someone with a little bit of a name to a casual fan. No clue who they could get. Weren’t Gallows and Anderson’s contracts supposed to be up soon?

Gallows and Anderson signed new deals with WWE.

LAX makes the most sense if its someone not currently in AEW. Supposedly they still have a few people signed that haven't been revealed yet for various reasons.

Vastardikai 08-02-2019 04:30 PM

I still say, if they are in anything resembling shape, Storm and Credible.

Conversely, any decent level internet famous team will work. Heatseekers like I mentioned previously, the Carnies, or the Classic Connection (with Zane.)

Emperor Smeat 08-02-2019 04:39 PM

According to Cody Rhodes, AEW's debut tv show hit sold out status although more seats likely will become available for sale after they finish production plans for the show.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">SOLD OUT❗️<br><br>Thank you all so very much. <br><br>(Do not give up hope on being there live though, we should be lifting potential camera/production holds as we get closer to the event. Keep checking at <a href=""></a> ) <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Cody Rhodes (@CodyRhodes) <a href="">August 2, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Volare 08-02-2019 04:47 PM

Hell yes!

Fignuts 08-02-2019 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by Vastardikai (Post 5274301)
I still say, if they are in anything resembling shape, Storm and Credible.

Conversely, any decent level internet famous team will work. Heatseekers like I mentioned previously, the Carnies, or the Classic Connection (with Zane.)

I don’t think their best option for their debut on mainstream television is two old guys who very few people ever gave a shit about.

Mr. Nerfect 08-03-2019 01:52 AM

Justin Credible is a definite no from me.

Mr. Nerfect 08-03-2019 01:53 AM

MJF is one of the few heels in wrestling.

Mr. Nerfect 08-03-2019 01:55 AM

PAC and Scurll are good bets, actually. I would love for this to be where New Japan reveals they are working with AEW though. Ibushi and Suzuki please.

Fignuts 08-03-2019 03:38 AM

Pretty sure they're not even on good terms right now, due to how everything went down during AEW's formation.

And that's before you even get into NJPW's partnerships with ROH and CMLL.

Frank Drebin 08-03-2019 12:01 PM

Depending on how "important" they make this match, it'll be interesting to see which direction they go with the mystery. If it's 50 year old wwe/ecw/wcw mid carders than fears of them being TNA 2.0 will go into overdrive.

#1-norm-fan 08-03-2019 12:33 PM

Well Jericho has commented “you won’t believe” who he got to team up with him which puts more pressure on them to deliver something good.

BigCrippyZ 08-03-2019 01:18 PM

It's going to be Vince & Shane isn't it? Or Hogan and HHH? :lol:

The reaction would be priceless and also potentially dangerous in terms of potential for a riot. The result would be awful of course, because then we wouldn't be getting a potentially actual quality WWE alternative that we're all hoping it will become. Sure, the odds are obviously essentially zero that it's the case, but it would still be hilarious and brilliant (but also frustrating and disappointing) if this was all a huge swerve job by everyone involved.

Lock Jaw 08-03-2019 01:26 PM

I bet it is screech and Seanny One Ball

James Steele 08-03-2019 09:42 PM

Jericho’s partners will be CM Punk and Batista.

Seanny One Ball 08-03-2019 11:49 PM


Originally Posted by BigCrippyZ (Post 5274440)
The reaction would be priceless and also potentially dangerous in terms of potential for a riot. The result would be awful of course, because then we wouldn't be getting a potentially...

Mr. Nerfect 08-04-2019 07:51 AM

I'd like to see Cain Velasquez as a hired gun of Jericho's. It would be nice if Rusev had his contract quietly expire and just leaked that he was having time off and showed up in the main event of the first AEW show.

Emperor Smeat 08-04-2019 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by PWI
We have heard from a number of readers that commercials for the 10/2 debut of All Elite Wrestling on TNT have been seen running before and after The Rock's newest film Fast & Furious Presents: Hobb & Shaw at AMC Theaters this weekend. Obviously, that's a really smart marketing tie-in as you'd expect that the audiences of The Rock's films to at least be somewhat interested in professional wrestling.

The commercial features Cody, Chris Jericho, Jon Moxley, The Young Bucks and more, specifically pushing the October 2nd premiere. The 10/2 taping is being held at the sold out Capitol One Arena in Washington, DC.

AMC is the largest movie house in the United States, so AEW should get some eyeballs on the promo.

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Thanks to David Curameng. #aew @pwinsider #prowrestling #youngbucks #chrisjericho #cody #brandirhodes #hangmanpage #mjf</a></p> <p style=" color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px; margin-bottom:0; margin-top:8px; overflow:hidden; padding:8px 0 7px; text-align:center; text-overflow:ellipsis; white-space:nowrap;">A post shared by <a href="" style=" color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; line-height:17px;" target="_blank"></a> (@pwinsider) on <time style=" font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px;" datetime="2019-08-04T03:46:10+00:00">Aug 3, 2019 at 8:46pm PDT</time></p></div></blockquote>
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Lock Jaw 08-04-2019 03:44 PM

The Rock confirmed as one of Chris Jericho's partners

slik 08-06-2019 12:34 AM

The locations of week 2 and 3 will be announced tomorrow

Emperor Smeat 08-06-2019 12:49 AM

According to Nick Jackson, AEW is looking at a potential crowd size of around 12k for their debut tv episode. They already sold around 10k tickets and will have around an extra 2k seats for sale once the production holds are removed.

Also revealed they were initially estimating around 5k-6k for ticket sales for their tv debut.


"We just sold 10,000 tickets in two hours. It's considered a sellout right now, but production is killing about 2,000 seats. They'll be opened soon, I hope. This is unbelievable. I said five thousand, our guy Raf said six max. We're facing Jericho and two mystery partners."

slik 08-06-2019 01:43 PM

AEW headed to Boston and Philly for weeks 2 & 3, a 7k and 10k seat arena.

ClockShot 08-06-2019 01:48 PM

Is "Boston" code for Lowell and they're grabbing the memorial auditorium like NJPW is?

Or somewhere else I don't know about.

Emperor Smeat 08-06-2019 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by ClockShot (Post 5275179)
Is "Boston" code for Lowell and they're grabbing the memorial auditorium like NJPW is?

Or somewhere else I don't know about.

Nope, its actually in Boston and at the Agganis Arena.


Originally Posted by TPWW Frontpage
AEW announced the locations for their second and third weeks of AEW on TNT TV shows today.

– Wednesday, October 9 – Boston, MA (Agganis Arena)

– Wednesday, October 16 – Philadelphia, PA (The Liacouras Center)

ClockShot 08-06-2019 05:33 PM

Open up with the Capital One Arena and go to a couple college spots for the next shows.

Sounds about right. I guess if it really grows and there's a bigger demand for tickets they might actually grab the bigger venues.

Mr. JL 08-07-2019 01:23 AM


Originally Posted by Frank Drebin (Post 5272655)
They were practically house shows. That was intentional. They were both free for fucks sake. What do you want them to do? Blow their load on a charity event and have nothing left for the PPV and TV debut?

I highly doubt that they were intended to be viewed as house shows given the effort put forward. In fact, my criticism rests entirely on your wording, "Blow their load..."

I felt that there was entirely too many matches where guys were blowing their loads and too many high spot kick outs and too many matches essentially being the same style of match with very little selling.

Outside of matches involving Cody, Jericho & Moxley; everybody else seems to be striving for The Young Bucks match where there are way too many hurricanrana's and tornado DDT's and high spots that lead to meaningless 2 counts.


Originally Posted by Frank Drebin (Post 5272655)
Stop watching only the Young Bucks.

I watched the entirety of the shows. It is not just the Young Bucks. There were moves that were used to obliterate an opponent yet the same opponent kicks out easily. This happened way too often.


Originally Posted by Frank Drebin (Post 5272655)
Got to have a little variation in the match type to reel in various types of fans and keep things fresh so it isn't a standard Raw tv match.

I feel AEW needs more of this variation because a lot of it just feels like more of the same.

Emperor Smeat 08-07-2019 04:56 PM

Based on recent trademark filings, AEW might be considering another potential name for their weekly tv show. Could also just be the name for a potential future ppv event as well.


Originally Posted by TPWW Frontpage via Triple A
On August 2, AEW filed for a trademark for “AEW Revolution” at the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

It’s not clear what the trademark is specifically for, but similar to previous AEW trademarks filed, it’s trademarked for use for various miscellaneous “goods and services,” including “Entertainment services, namely, an ongoing television show about professional wrestling” but also things like “downloadable ring tones,” clothing, action figures, and more.

slik 08-07-2019 05:12 PM

Sounds good to me either way

slik 08-07-2019 09:15 PM

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Who will be first in line for a shot at the AEW Women’s World Championship...? <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Brandi Rhodes (@TheBrandiRhodes) <a href="">August 8, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#AEWAllOut</a><br>Saturday, August 31st, 2019 - <a href="">@Sears_Centre</a> - Chicago, IL<a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#CasinoBattleRoyale</a><a href="">@Phenom_Jazz</a><br>LIVE on Pay Per View <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; All Elite Wrestling (@AEWrestling) <a href="">August 8, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

SlickyTrickyDamon 08-07-2019 11:24 PM

Roddy Piper's daughter just signed on that Battle Royal.

DaveWadding 08-08-2019 01:32 AM

The real news is that Ivelisse is ALL OUT.

Volare 08-08-2019 10:48 AM

I'm already hyped for that....hoping to god Brandi doesn't win via BS.

Seanny One Ball 08-08-2019 09:36 PM

Is she fighting Monica over a boy?

Seanny One Ball 08-08-2019 09:36 PM

She needs to give that up.

Frank Drebin 08-08-2019 10:00 PM

Woah, 90's pop reference from Seanny outta nowhere!

Frank Drebin 08-08-2019 10:03 PM

Still wondering if we get a Kong v Kong match at All Out or if they'll just build it up more.

I've asked this before, but can either of them still get it done in a 1 on 1 match? Awesome Kong I haven't even seen in a match in years, so although I used to love her I'm wondering if shes still got it.

Frank Drebin 08-08-2019 10:06 PM

Also, I agree with @realdavewadding, the possible Ivelisse signing is good. Shocked WWE let her go so easily.

Fignuts 08-08-2019 10:22 PM

Aja Kong can barely walk anymore. So no.

Fignuts 08-08-2019 10:23 PM

She’s literally the undertaker of women’s wrestling.

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