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Jeritron 10-26-2010 11:12 PM

I included the full thing instead of deleting the "c'mon"

Kalyx triaD 10-26-2010 11:12 PM

Clark Kent wearing a hoody doesn't seem like Twilight. I don't know how else to put that.

Kalyx triaD 10-26-2010 11:14 PM

And the "c'mon" was a reaction to the (still) silly comparison, whether you say it or some writer for Yahoo says it. Other than that I don't know why you think I'm avoiding the obvious tones of the reboot. You're going off the deep here.

Jeritron 10-26-2010 11:15 PM

What about the rest? Don't patronize me here. The posts are all up there to read.

Kalyx triaD 10-26-2010 11:16 PM

And I'm slightly miffed at the comment about me being a mouthpiece for DC. I don't even consider it an insult, but the intention was unwarranted.

Kalyx triaD 10-26-2010 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by Jeritron (Post 3298867)
What about the rest? Don't patronize me here. The posts are all up there to read.

Rest of what? Every post I made since were a reaction to your reaction. And yeah, they're all up there to see.

Jeritron 10-26-2010 11:18 PM

See there's the rub. You seem to disagree on what the intentions of this overhaul are. You disregard the article, and that's fine. But you also seem to need a press release from DC to see this for what it really is.

They're trying to make it hip and sexy, and the change is a lot more than just a hoodie. From your first post you seem to be in disagreement that it's the least bit of a Twilight-generation makeover, and I think that's bullshit.
It doesn't have to literally be "Twilight." He's not a vampire, at least not yet. But "Twilight" is a certain trend or style that is dominant in pop culture and "in." They're quite clearly trying to capture that vibe. I guess this can't be proven without an official "stance" from DC, like you requested, but the publisher's statement and the writing on the wall make it quite obvious what is going on.

How is it a silly comparion? Like I said, you tried to paint it as though it's just nomral Superman in a hoodie. C'mon yourself.

Kalyx triaD 10-26-2010 11:21 PM

I don't see moody, sexy youth oriented stories as a 'Twilight generation' thing, though. That shit's as old as Swan's Crossing.

Jeritron 10-26-2010 11:23 PM

Sorry to have miffed you, but I was miffed from you writing off the comparison as silly (just a hoodie) from the get-go

Kalyx triaD 10-26-2010 11:23 PM

AND I DIDN'T PAINT SHIT. Please stop that. You're reading context and tone that isn't there.

Kalyx triaD 10-26-2010 11:23 PM

Was I supposed to mention everything about the damn reboot? lol You seem to be fixated on my singular mention of the now infamous hoody.

Jeritron 10-26-2010 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by Kalyx triaD (Post 3298877)
I don't see moody, sexy youth oriented stories as a 'Twilight generation' thing, though. That shit's as old as Swan's Crossing.

But Twilight is "in." They're trying to tap into that directly. You see what I'm saying here? That's where all this shit is stemming from in pop-culture. Our culture loves to connect and copy from an original source of a trend.
I think it's absolutely ridiculous to not see this as Twilight-era Superman, but whatever.

DaveBrawl 10-26-2010 11:25 PM

He's creeping very close to Batman here with this brooding, pale, potential athlete thing he's got going on. Might be time for Bruce to curbstomp him in yet another universe. :shifty:

DaveBrawl 10-26-2010 11:26 PM

You add the vampire thing and you have a legitimate bat man.

Jeritron 10-26-2010 11:28 PM

You're right, Superman wearing a hoodie alone doesn't make him a Twilight-esque makeover, but in conjunction with a Blue Steel facial expression, "smoldering eyes", paler skin, a brooding personality and "hipster style", I would say it does.
That's why I'm harping on the hoodie comment. Because you seemed to try to write off the comparisons as simply stemming from that, rather than just commenting on that one component. I have a hard time believing that's not what you meant, but okay.

Jeritron 10-26-2010 11:31 PM

Before I saw a word of an article, I saw the picture and the headline "Superman gets an edgy makeover" and thought the exact same thing. I didn't need someone to suggest it was in reaction to Twilight shit to make the connection. And I think that's the point of the entire makeover.

And I don't want it to seem like I'm on a crusade against Twilight because I'm really not. I fully understand why they'd attempt this. I'm just conscious to the trend in pop culture and I definitely recognize when it's being capitalized on.

Kalyx triaD 10-26-2010 11:31 PM

Cause I'd totally lie about this sort of thing. There's so much on the line for me.

Jeritron 10-26-2010 11:34 PM

I'm not saying you're lying. It just seems like you're often trying to disarm any and all criticism in these threads. Even if it means ignoring certain things blatantly. I know you're going to say you don't and that I'm just assuming you were writing off my comparison as silly and one-dimensional, but whatever.
I'm not trying to miff you. You're one of my favorite posters here in movies/tv/books. It's just a peeve.

Kalyx triaD 10-26-2010 11:53 PM

Funny, I was told to calm down about this sort of thing in the past. I'd slam some approach DC or Marvel had and people would tell me to lighten up (these occurrences are not exclusive to this thread). And I'm not saying you were in on that, of course.

Lately I've been super-open about what these companies do with their IPs. There's a few reasons that aren't worth getting into for that, but mostly I've gotten new perspectives on things. The flip side is, yes, I find myself on the production's side more often as a result.

Eh, we'll live.

Jeritron 10-27-2010 12:00 AM

Like I said, just an observation/peeve. Not a real problem with you as I'd rather have something to disagree on in these threads than nothing to talk about at all.
It wasn't meant to be as much of a dick comment as it probably actually ended up being. I'm just a dick though.

Kalyx triaD 10-27-2010 12:25 AM

You're mean and hostile.

Lock Jaw 10-27-2010 01:28 AM

I, for one, am actually looking forward to the Superman: Earth One graphic novel, and will probably purchase it soon.

Even though JMS' stuff on the in-continuity Superman has been kinda iffy so far.

stultiloquy 10-27-2010 01:39 AM


Originally Posted by parkmania (Post 3298643)

Oh God...don't remind me....and holy crap is that some awful artwork - why are his proportions so squat and chunky?

Nowhere Man 10-27-2010 03:05 AM

I've made it a point to avoid everything J Michael Straczynski does ever since Sins Past, and since Superman: Earth One is a separate continuity, I can thankfully remain completely indifferent to hoodie Supes.

[EDIT: I've seen a little bit more of Superman: Earth One and am relieved to say that Superman's costume is pretty much still the regular costume, and that the hoodie and whatnot is just part of his Clark Kent outfit to cover it up. That, I can live with.]

Lock Jaw 10-29-2010 05:54 PM

Just read Superman: Earth One.

As I expected, there were parts that I was kinda "meh" on, and parts I loved. As far as "modern" Superman origins go, I liked it better than Superman: Secret Origin, but not better than Superman: Birthright.

Definitely made with "sequels" in mind.

Nowhere Man 10-29-2010 10:25 PM

Yeah, I know that they're planning on keeping the Earth One thing going, releasing a new volume of it every year. I'll reserve actual judgment until I read it, but considering my usual disdain for JMS, that may be a while.

Reavant 11-06-2010 05:46 PM

Rammsteinmad 11-07-2010 06:12 PM

Haven't been in this thread for a while, but heard about that 'new-look Superman'... come on seriously, it's still the same boring guy who never dies and is invincible etc, and it's only a new look in the way that in six months time they'll revert back to canon and this will be forgotten about.

Kalyx triaD 11-07-2010 06:21 PM

What new look?

Rammsteinmad 11-07-2010 06:33 PM

I thought that emo 'Clark Kent with a hoodie' thing was a new look. I'm a bit behind on my DC comics so obviously I'm wrong. :p

Kalyx triaD 11-07-2010 06:38 PM

To your credit, a slight shitstorm was caused over that cover. People were hasty, even though a design pin-up for the classic costume from the same series was posted before.

Rammsteinmad 11-07-2010 06:40 PM

So what's the deal then? No new look at all? Superman just decided to wear a jumper that screamed teenage angst?

Kalyx triaD 11-07-2010 06:41 PM


Rammsteinmad 11-07-2010 06:43 PM

Lol DC.

Jeritron 11-07-2010 11:38 PM

Don't miss the whole truth. DC decided to have Superman decide to wear a jumper and scream teenage angst.
What their motives are in that decision is under debate by Kalyx and myself, but I think it's quite obvious.

Lock Jaw 11-08-2010 12:37 AM

Also, for the record, he does wear the costume.... and it is not in continuity. It is an alternate world. "Earth One".

Regular Superman is still around.

Jeritron 11-08-2010 01:51 AM

Yea, I know that. Sort of like an Ultimates thing I guess. I don't even think it's that big a deal, don't get me wrong. I also have seen the art for when he's actually in Superman mode and it's just fine.

Reavant 11-08-2010 09:33 AM

i just think its funny to see the joker talk about boners

Rammsteinmad 11-08-2010 09:41 AM

There was a thread years ago where someone posted funny pictures from comics. Only one I can remember is Captain America, or the Hulk, or someone punching someone else, and the sound effect was 'WANK'. :lol:

Lock Jaw 11-08-2010 01:21 PM

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