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Sepholio 07-08-2023 12:30 PM

Oh and Kalyx? Me giving people correct information for the game so they don't base things off of incorrect knowledge is what makes communuties repulsive? You can take that shit and shove it. Drave felt the need to change my name in his quote for some odd reason because I had the gall to say that he was wrong about end game because I actually know. I'm not gonna sugarcoat my explanation of why he's wrong because it hurts your feelings.

I don't know how you act in fighting game threads, ftr, but the difference here is I know you know more about the game than I do so if you gave me advice I would listen to it, not argue with you about it.

Sepholio 07-08-2023 12:39 PM

Thinking back more on D3 seasons, there were a couple times that they added in new tile sets for rifts, which I guess you could count as a new level if you wanted. Not sure that was with seasons though. Think some of it was done in regular patches around the time of the Necromancer DLC.

Fignuts 07-08-2023 01:27 PM

From what it sounds like, they're going to play it by ear and keep stuff around that players are receptive to, and wipe the rest.

Sepholio 07-08-2023 01:32 PM

Yeah I saw where they mentioned that. Hoping it's true. Obviously they'll have to either tone down some of the mechanics for a "base" version addition and do balancing so that power creep doesn't immediately take over and make the newest mechanic the only one that matters, but as long as they do something with it I'll be happy.

Kalyx triaD 07-09-2023 06:32 AM

Nobody's arguing about it and you'd be perfectly valid calling me out if I couldn't drop knowledge without an attitude, correct info or not.

drave 07-10-2023 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by Sepholio (Post 5622059)
And I'm telling you that as someone who has thrown builds around, made multiple fully upgraded sets of gear, has every aspect available from is meaningless once you get to WT4 for anything other than enchanting. You will find yourself with gear sets for any build you want pretty quickly and then it will become the slog of the 1 in a million chance to upgrade a single item by a few points on something. All you'll be doing is hoarding a never ending supply of gold because you already have everything. One run through a t4 nm dungeon will get you enough trash rares to sell that youll have gold to do multiple full respecs.

Mats are so plentiful that I already have more than I would need through season 20 even if I never get another mat again.

This is not subjective. Gold is plentiful in ENDGAME. Where you aren't. When you can do a full respec and gear set after every dungeon there is no way you don't have enough gold. Unless you stop every 2 minutes to do a full change, you will have enough gold. And if you play like that you are probably the only person on Earth who does.

In regards to the T3 capstone boss one shotting you, it is absolutely because of your level. Nothing you do will change that facet of the battle until you get at least to 65, and realistically 67. There is a level difference penalty at play there. However, that penalty doesn't apply the same to your offense. You just need to kill it faster or like you said dance around. This is the same battle that made me respec from minions to bone spear. I went off and farmed a half ass set of gear to upgrade for a few minutes, respecced, and I one shot the boss. Within an hour of going to T4 I was already at the point that I either 1 or 2 shot every elite/boss in the game outside of world bosses/ubers.

Yeah, did it at 60, solo, in under 10 seconds. Running around in Torment with everything at 73+ is...... fun.

Fignuts 07-10-2023 09:18 AM

Simping for Lilith the whole campaign because this world is full of assholes. Getting accosted by the church immediately afterwards just validated me.


drave 07-10-2023 09:24 AM


Very interested to see the DLC and where they go with it. Or I guess they are doing the story thing via campaign. Still - cool.

Kalyx triaD 07-10-2023 10:59 AM

I had a hard time seeing what exactly she was wrong about if there are in fact way worse demons than her and humans did need to level up. But like MCU Ultron she couldn't help herself being needlessly petty and murderous for reasons that did her no favors.

"My ex is an asshole and not worth your worship. I'm also literally the only demon who doesn't want to eat, enslave, or genocide you. My dad and his brothers will return eventually and I happen to like this world. So I want to teach all of you magic and how to loosen up a bit. Now drink this."

Roll credits.

drave 07-10-2023 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by Sepholio (Post 5622123)
Oh and Kalyx? Me giving people correct information for the game so they don't base things off of incorrect knowledge is what makes communuties repulsive? You can take that shit and shove it. Drave felt the need to change my name in his quote for some odd reason because I had the gall to say that he was wrong about end game because I actually know. I'm not gonna sugarcoat my explanation of why he's wrong because it hurts your feelings.

I don't know how you act in fighting game threads, ftr, but the difference here is I know you know more about the game than I do so if you gave me advice I would listen to it, not argue with you about it.

Silly man. I changed your name to Seph42069 because sometimes, the quote function is broken, so I manually copy pasta posts and put a name in there for reference.

42069 - because immature humor..... unless that has something to do with the endgame meta I'm not yet aware of. :wave:

Fignuts 07-10-2023 01:57 PM

Going to begin the arduous journey of collecting all the lilith alters. Heard some people say its a such a slog that it turned them off the game for a little while. Those people also did all of it in one shot. I plan on spreading it out. Do one area a day, mixing in dungeons, sidequests, and strongholds I haven't yet completed. So long as I get it done before season 1 starts, I'm good.

drave 07-10-2023 02:09 PM

It isn't terrible, but I wouldn't want to do it "in 1 sitting" either, for sure. Depending on your guide of choice, you can zip through each zone in ~15 - 30 minutes, notwithstanding any that would require you to have a stronghold done.

Kalyx triaD 07-11-2023 07:54 AM

Me and my bud had one hell of a Helltide run. He just got to Tier 3 so it was a lot of running around but he was tanky enough coming into it that he wasn't two tapped into respawn.

I am happiest with my lightning build than I ever been with a solid gameplay loop. I nearly reconsidered using two basic attacks in one loadout but that lightning super state rocks with the pimp slaps, especially with the thunder balls orbiting me.

Got a bunch of stuff saved for my other Sorcerers so I need to get them higher but no rush there.

road doggy dogg 07-11-2023 10:40 AM

feel dumb, p much already gave up on this game lol oops

drave 07-11-2023 11:03 AM

Eh...... there's good shit there, but there's also a lot left to be desired. I shouldn't talk tho, I'm only in T4, but way early.

Fignuts 07-11-2023 12:54 PM

This pussy ass tree of whispers refuses to give me the glyph I need. Wish there was a chainsaw build.

drave 07-11-2023 01:12 PM

I thought glyphs only came from running Nightmare dungeons? I dunno, maybe not. I get a ton of them from running NM dungeons though.

Fignuts 07-11-2023 01:39 PM

I wasn't sure if my build was optimized enough yet for running those solo. Guess I should just try one and see.

Kalyx triaD 07-11-2023 02:00 PM

Glyphs seem to drop from everywhere for me. Tree people, Nightmare Dungeon, Helltide.

Nightmare Dungeons are not as crazy as they sound, it just adds some modifiers to shake things up.

I wish those Tree Head missions gave an extra point each. Kinda draggy.

drave 07-11-2023 02:29 PM

Right. Think of them as Greater Rifts from D3, but with modifiers. Some of them can be pretty shitty depending on your class.

You get a quest to craft your first sigil..... which just made me realize.....

Sigil or glyph? Sigils are the things used to make a dungeon a NM dungeon. Glyphs are the cool things that you add to the paragon board.

There's a PrettyBasic glyph guide.

Here's a PrettyBasic NM Dungeon guide

Kalyx triaD 07-11-2023 03:03 PM

Path I got going really got me stinging the monsters, though I don't have burst potential until I find bonus top offs for a particular ability.

If anyone else is in Tier 3 me and my bud might be running Helltide later.

drave 07-12-2023 08:23 AM

Ran the Nightmare Capstone dungeons for 2 friends who were mid 60's. Took a few attempts as things are stronger when grouped, but I did it.

drave 07-12-2023 09:41 AM

@Kalyx and Fig

Let me know if you need help with that dungeon, I keeeeel stuff fast.

Fignuts 07-12-2023 09:48 AM

Are you talking about the level 70 capstone? Heisenberg and friends ran me through it yesterday.

Kalyx triaD 07-12-2023 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by drave (Post 5622504)
@Kalyx and Fig

Let me know if you need help with that dungeon, I keeeeel stuff fast.

I'm mid 60s now. I'll give it a go when I'm closer to 70. Crafted some Tier 10 Nightmare Dungeons that should be interesting.

drave 07-12-2023 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by Fignuts (Post 5622505)
Are you talking about the level 70 capstone? Heisenberg and friends ran me through it yesterday.

Ah okay. I'm never on when they're on anymore :-\:-\:-\:-\

drave 07-12-2023 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by Kalyx triaD (Post 5622513)
I'm mid 60s now. I'll give it a go when I'm closer to 70. Crafted some Tier 10 Nightmare Dungeons that should be interesting.

I got to a point where I wasn't getting any new gear from anything (think the highest NM Dungeon I've done thus far is 17).

Weapons are over 700 item power (great when I got them) which had some great stats and were the start of me deleting mobs.

I 100% expected to get wiped at level 60, but I did not. Expected to get slammed harder with a 3 person group, but solo'd that shit again.

Enjoy and good luck. If you find yourself lacking, send me an invite. My notifications are suppressed, so it might be a minute.

Fignuts 07-15-2023 09:50 AM

Leveled from 63 to 66 in a couple hours. So glad someone took me through the capstone early and unlocked tier 4, because xp gain in tier 3 is glacial at this point.

Kalyx triaD 07-15-2023 12:54 PM

Tried the capstone solo and started getting 1 shot by a jerk after opening the third path. Gonna level up more before diving in again.

Fignuts 07-15-2023 02:11 PM

I can try it with you tonight if you want. I have to be careful, but thanks to all the ancestral gear I've got, I don't get one shot, and I can shred through elites.

drave 07-17-2023 09:12 AM

Can still stab things for you as well..... quite easily tbh. The only portion that will suffer will be the boss, and that's just because he can still one shot me.

Still level 62.... maybe 63? Didn't get a ton of time to play.

Kalyx triaD 07-17-2023 11:45 AM

We beat it. Now I'm bullied in the open world again.

thekrow 07-17-2023 02:47 PM
I need help with this new World Boss he keeps hitting my character on the head with toasters

Fignuts 07-17-2023 04:55 PM

Is that the new Hep C class?

drave 07-18-2023 08:32 AM

Hep C cannot crit - it's a DoT

drave 07-18-2023 02:34 PM

Patch Notes link

I was going to embed, but that's a lot.

drave 07-18-2023 03:54 PM

On paper, it looks pretty bad :(

thekrow 07-18-2023 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by drave (Post 5623215)
Patch Notes link

I was going to embed, but that's a lot.


Azurewrath (Unique Sword): Lucky Hit - Your Core Skills have up to a 20% chance to Freeze enemies for 3 seconds and deal 0.75-1.5 Cold damage to them.

<iframe src="" title="YouTube video player" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen="" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Fignuts 07-18-2023 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by drave (Post 5623218)
On paper, it looks pretty bad :(

The big one thats going to upset people is the scaling adjustments for low level players getting carried through high level content.

Fignuts 07-18-2023 05:22 PM

My build got nerfed pretty hard. Probably needed to be though, if I'm being honest. Only challenge I was getting was when I joined my level 93 friend in nightmare dungeons.

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