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Pintint 05-13-2012 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by Kris P Lettus (Post 3857424)
Is it any good??

Game alway intrigued me but I never played it..

It's amazing, one of the best games I've played recently. I beat it not too long ago, and it was one heck of a ride.
Deff worth playing

El Fangel 05-13-2012 04:56 PM

Bought L.A Noire today for $10.

Think I might get on that.

Requiem 05-13-2012 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by Kris P Lettus (Post 3857424)
Is it any good??

Game alway intrigued me but I never played it..

Yeah honestly have been addicted since I started playing yesterday. Pretty fantastic game. Kinda tough sometimes too, and pretty intense most of the time. Have no complaints about it so far.

Kris P Lettus 05-13-2012 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by Fallen Angel (Post 3857465)
Bought L.A Noire today for $10.

Think I might get on that.

I enjoyed it.. I really liked the fact that you can go back and replay each "case" if you don't do great on them.. Some of the questioning is stupid, like it won't let you do what you'd really do IRL, but it's a good game overall.. I think the next one will be great..


Originally Posted by Requiem (Post 3857489)
Yeah honestly have been addicted since I started playing yesterday. Pretty fantastic game. Kinda tough sometimes too, and pretty intense most of the time. Have no complaints about it so far.

Might pick this up this week..


Ultra Mantis 05-13-2012 05:57 PM

Beat in 2012:
Demon's Souls
The Adventures of Alundra
Catherine :love:
Dead Nation
Uncharted 2
Blazblue: Calamity Trigger
Brutal Legend
Batman Arkham Asylum
Resident Evil 5

Currently Playing:
Decided to finally try and beat SMT Nocturne about 6 years after I last give up. Get the feeling I am going to regret this in record time.

DAMN iNATOR 05-14-2012 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by Fallen Angel (Post 3857465)
Bought L.A Noire today for $10.

Think I might get on that.

Just 'beat' the "Complete" edition over (includes DLC cases) the weekend, still working on 100%, though as I still need to find like 65 vehicles and all the gold film reels and like 19 of the badges from the badge pursuit challenge.

Right now, playing through Read Dead Redemption GotY.

Ermaximus 05-16-2012 09:35 AM

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Been playing this a lot lately. As well as ME3 multiplayer and Dead Rising 2: Off the Record.

LoDownM 05-16-2012 03:38 PM

Beat in 2012 - Rating
Assassins Creed: Revelations - 2/5
Mass Effect 2 - 5/5
Mass Effect 3 - 4/5
Modern Warfare 3 - 3/5
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning - 4/5
The Witcher 2 - 3/5
Trine 2 - 3/5

Time to finish Max Payne 3.

ClockShot 05-16-2012 08:16 PM

I got back into Samurai Warriors 2 just so I can get 1000 gamerscore on it. :$

Simple task, really. Other than that fact that I gotta go back into the infinte castle and get Katsuie as my super bodyguard. :(

stultiloquy 05-17-2012 04:46 PM

Tried out the Dragon's Dogma demo.

I was kinda disappointing - it excels in it's presentation, but the combat is very shallow.
Every fight consisted of hammering X and Y, enemies were pretty dumb, and the bosses were incredibly easy, I was able to stand right next to the chimera, hammer the previously mentioned buttons, and I never once ran the risk of dying.
The only variation in the combat was during the Gryphon fight, where you could use a bow.

I'm hoping there is more depth and challenge present in the final game - it looks great, but everything else about it is paper-thin.

Kapoutman 05-18-2012 01:29 PM

Started Super Meat Boy and Jamestown yesterday. Super Meat Boy is hardcore platforming, which is exactly my type of game. Jamestown is a bullet-hell shooter, which I usually don't like, but some of the guns in that game are so powerful that it just makes it fun to destroy everything in sight. Plus, the setting is pretty imaginative, and I really enjoy the retro graphics.

Probably gonna start Shank this week-end.

Requiem 05-18-2012 05:09 PM

Super Meat Boy is fantastic. Gets pretty fucking tough.

Still playing Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Picked Dark Souls back up again.
Also been playing some old school Pharaoh/Cleopatra

RoXer 05-18-2012 09:17 PM

Games I've Beaten in 2012:

Saints Row: The Third - 86
Ultimate MvC 3 - 80
Mortal Kombat - 85
From Dust - 75
Street Fighter III: Third Strike Online Edition - 60
Skate 3 - 82
Back to the Future: The Game - 70
Gears of War 3 - 76
The Simpsons: The Arcade Game - 56
Mass Effect 3 - 86
Payday: The Heist - 70
MLB 12: The Show - 83
NBA 2K12 - 79
Deadly Premonition - Fuck You
Goldeneye: Reloaded - 9
Street Fighter X Tekken - 42
Bastion - 90
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Trilogy Collection HD - n/a
Resident Evil 5 - 70
Dungeon Defenders - 78

Resident Evil was neat. Co-op was fine. Didn't get into the DLC or versus modes but I bet those are great too. I skipped through most of the "files" you had to "investigate" which vomited 30 pages of character motivation at you and background info on just about everything in the game because I don't really care THAT much to read about it. It's nice it's there though I guess for those who do want that. It sure was convenient they flew over that volcano when they did.

Seems like PC is the best platform for Dungeon Defenders considering the amount of updates it gets. As I'm typing this, steam is downloading a DD patch. There must be at least 4 a week it seems. I wish there were more levels that weren't DLC (which I will probably buy eventually) because there aren't a lot of levels on there but I guess that's how they get you. I also kinda cheated by joining an experienced room in Glitterhelm and leveled up in like 20 mins which sucks the fun out of it a little bit. And when I did beat the game I was dicking around while Reqiuem was doing most of the work.

Working on: Magicka, Soul Calibur V, Dark Souls, Metal Gear Solid Collection

RoXer 05-18-2012 09:20 PM

So after I beat Magicka this week or next than it will be only Dark Souls and MLB:The Show until Borderlands 2 arrives.

Actually, I might try to finish Borderlands 1 with Req because we never got around to it. And I'm also going to start up Soul Calibur V at one point because between you and me, Drakul is getting much too full of himself. And I might pop in the MGS disc once on a weekend.

But really though, it's Dark Souls and The Show all summer long.

RoXer 05-18-2012 09:21 PM

Played a lot of good games this year.

Last year was shit.

RP 05-19-2012 02:00 AM

Might grab MLB The Show tommorow.

Purgatory 05-19-2012 11:50 AM

Minecraft 360 Edition, currently. Kind of addicted. :(

Pintint 05-19-2012 03:23 PM

Diablo 3 starter edition, got a trial key from a gentleman on another forum. Not too impressed thus far, but maybe its one of those games that take time to grow on you.

Kalyx triaD 05-19-2012 10:12 PM

Just got a Wii.

Emperor Smeat 05-19-2012 10:45 PM

Playing Firefight on Halo Reach just to try to go after the scoring achievements. Love how customizable Firefight is in this game compared to ODST and being allowed to rig a match completely in my favor for these scoring achievements.

Kalyx triaD 05-20-2012 12:05 AM

Firefight is fun.

Fignuts 05-20-2012 01:08 AM

Just finished The Witcher 2. Kind of disappointed, tbh. Not that it's a bad game, but there was so much hype and great reviews, that I just went in expecting something better.

The story is good, but few of the characters really stand out. The choices in this game often have fairly large consequences, which is nice for multiple playthroughs.

One big problem I have is that where most games these hold your hand too much, this game doesn't tell you enough. So many times I had to complete a certain objective, and the game gives you no indication of where you're supposed to go, neither on the map or in the journal. Only option is to search every inch of the current town. Doesn't help that the map is absolute garbage.

Combat is okay I guess. I don't really care for not being able to use potions or other items in battle. Some missions you know what you'll be up against, so it's ok, but more often than not, there's no way to predict what type of fight you'll be in next, and the harder difficulties require that you use proper alchemic combos for certain fights. Which means you'll be dying quite a bit, for no other reason than you can't see the future. When things go well, however, combat can be fun.

Auto Save is horrendous at times. You pretty much have to rely on your own manual saves, if you don't want to lose a good 30-60 minutes of work.

The game world felt a bit underwhelming, as you only travel to three small towns, each with it's own small wilderness area around it. It's very linear, as once you're done with a town and leave, you can't go back. Very little to see and explore, which is very important in an RPG, at least to me. It's especially jarring, coming off of something like Skyrim.

Despite all my complaints, it was still fun overall. It's just not up to the hype, imo.

Playing Prototype 2 now, and it's more like Prototype 1.5. That said, it's still a blast, and it does come with a digital copy of the first game if you buy it at walmart, so that's nice. The new powers are pretty cool, especially bio bomb.

James Diesel 05-20-2012 03:44 AM

Games beaten in 2012:

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (9.5/10)
Bit.Trip Runner (10/10)
UFC Undisputed 3 (7/10)
Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City

Ugh. Such a big disappointment, this game was. First off, I understand it's non-canon, but it could've been so much better. Just because the missions are long doesn't mean there should be so few of them. The controls were somewhat alright except the executions could've been more varied, shooting behind cover could've been better. In fact, just running around in general could've felt better. The whole thing felt fucking tedious to no end. There really was no variation in gameplay. Just shooting at waves of endless "zombies" modeled after 5 fucking designs, and a seemingly neverending squad of soldiers. And how they managed to dumb down a Tyrant.....sigh. The whole game felt like a throwaway, which is exactly what I did with it after 10 hours of play. Could've been a lot better (4/10)

Anyways, just picked up The Darkness II. Planning on enjoying the hell out of this game.

Kalyx triaD 05-20-2012 11:01 PM

Mario Kart Wii online is absolutely hardcore. I'm not ready.

James Diesel 05-22-2012 06:23 PM

Games beaten in 2012:

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (9.5/10)
Bit.Trip Runner (10/10)
UFC Undisputed 3 (7/10)
Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City (4/10)
The Darkness II

Absolutely loved this game. Everything was completely solid. Getting to play as a darkling was neat. Some of the new abilities were awesome, and of course, who doesn't love the various ways to rip apart someone's body. The only setback I saw was that the game felt a bit short. I'm sure the 3rd one will be just as great as the last 2 have been though. (9/10)

OssMan 05-22-2012 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by Kalyx triaD (Post 3864677)
Mario Kart Wii online is absolutely hardcore. I'm not ready.

I didn't have much difficulty with it three years ago

DLVH84 05-22-2012 08:19 PM

Super Mario Bros. for NES.

Extreme Angle 05-23-2012 09:12 AM

Gonna go nuts at magicka tomorrow

OssMan 05-23-2012 09:41 PM

Played this game shin megami tensei nocturne and fell asleep

Kalyx triaD 05-25-2012 02:49 AM

Mario Kart Wii: It's Mario Kart through and through. Although I enjoy Diddy Kong Racing more (and Blur), I can dig Mario Kart for what it is. Online is pretty brutal to me, but fun.

Red Steel 2: I really dig this. Sword play is pretty much Wii Sports Resort's sword game, with added moves. Very responsive and stylish.

Skyward Sword: A pleasant game. Nice to sit back and just enjoy single player.

Resident Evil Darkside Chronicles: I needed a light gun game and this is it. House of the Dead with an RE fix. Tougher than I thought, though. The gun shell feels good. Do I really have to press A to pick stuff up or do I just shoot them again?

Wii Sports Resort: A cool time waster. Love the sword fighting and archery. Table Tennis seems kinda floaty.

Ultra Mantis 05-25-2012 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by OssMan (Post 3867651)
Played this game shin megami tensei nocturne and fell asleep

I just finished that. Very dungeon crawly. Last stage is horrible, huge tower with invisible floors / warp panels and random battles every 3 steps (and that was with repel).

OssMan 05-25-2012 01:47 PM

It is holding my attention so that's good. Very confusing kinda, feel like I am doing it wrong.

Ultra Mantis 05-25-2012 04:19 PM

Yeah that feeling never goes away even when you know what to exploit, all the skills have ridiculous names. Some of the bosses are pretty much impossible without the proper set up. One of the worst offenders is fairly early in too.

OssMan 05-25-2012 07:18 PM

Yeah oh my god. Everything has some Japanese name, like Magatsuhi, Maragarah, I don't even know.

Ultra Mantis 05-26-2012 06:32 PM

Its really easy to lose good skills in fusion because its so hard to remember what anything actually means.

OssMan 05-26-2012 07:06 PM

I'm afraid to fuse this pixie bitch with Myo-Gyo cause I like the pixie and don't wanna lost her

Ultra Mantis 05-26-2012 09:14 PM

You'll end up fusing everything eventually because all the demons level up so slowly compared to the PC. Pixie evolves once she learns all her skills though so she's pretty useful to keep for a good while.

Fignuts 05-27-2012 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by Kalyx triaD (Post 3869010)
Mario Kart Wii: It's Mario Kart through and through. Although I enjoy Diddy Kong Racing more (and Blur), I can dig Mario Kart for what it is.

Oh, for the love of god.

Fuck those pissant forest creatures. Fuck the clunky-ass controls. Fuck that ALA-KAZAM'ing genie. Fuck those stupid impossible bosses. Fuck ugly N64 graphics. And fuck not executing a turn exactly right and suddenly going from 1st to 8th place for the remainder of the race. I can put up with that kind of nonsense in Mario Kart since Wario, Koopa Troopa, Toad, and even Yoshi are all endearing, but I refuse to take that shit from the fucking Happy Tree Friends.

I hate Diddy Kong Racing.

Kalyx triaD 05-27-2012 12:16 PM

Sorry to hear that.

Emperor Smeat 06-01-2012 03:48 PM

Currently playing Kirby Super Star since it was available on Club Nintendo and had to spent almost the same amount of coins before they expired at the end of this month.

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