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Evil Vito 02-22-2019 11:36 AM

They took on so many contracts that they actually ran a second invasion angle in HWA at the same time the regular invasion was going on.

Johnny the Bull, Jamie Noble, Shannon Moore, Evan Karagias, Mike Sanders, Lash Leroux, Elix Skipper, Kaz Hayashi, Reno, Jason Jett, Kwee Wee were all there and part of it. The first three guys were the only ones to get called up and not until after the invasion was done.

Simple Fan 02-22-2019 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by Iceman King Gertner (Post 5227750)
Scott Hudson

Yeah that right, some reason I thought Mark Madden but he might have gotten fired before the sale. WCW had too many commentators though.

Evil Vito 02-22-2019 12:08 PM

Mark Madden was a fat fuck moron

ClockShot 02-22-2019 12:24 PM

Major networks this, major networks that.

Which major networks? We should know this by now.

Bad News Gertner 02-22-2019 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by Conspiracy Victim Vito (Post 5227751)
They took on so many contracts that they actually ran a second invasion angle in HWA at the same time the regular invasion was going on.

Johnny the Bull, Jamie Noble, Shannon Moore, Evan Karagias, Mike Sanders, Lash Leroux, Elix Skipper, Kaz Hayashi, Reno, Jason Jett, Kwee Wee were all there and part of it. The first three guys were the only ones to get called up and not until after the invasion was done.

Ok yeah I knew I was missing a bunch

Mr. Nerfect 02-23-2019 09:04 PM

AEW is being very smart by not rushing into a TV deal. With big star contracts coming up circa April/May, there should be more and more interest. Way smarter to string this out until after DoN and see if you can jack up those rights fees.

slik 02-23-2019 09:47 PM

I don't think AEW wants a ton of names

I think they want to make their own names, ala WCW and Flair/Luger/Sting, etc

Emperor Smeat 02-23-2019 09:57 PM

Yeah that seems to be their main plan at the moment.

Kahn supposedly has already rejected a few names suggested to him by the Elite since he wants to keep the main roster small and not have AEW come off as WWE Rejects heaven like TNA/Impact nor being just The Elite & Pals. Even someone like Cody was something that took a lot of persuasion by Omega and the Bucks for him to sign.

Also makes it easier to offer big contracts if you have fewer mouths to feed since they are going to be running way fewer shows than WWE does per year.

Mr. Nerfect 02-23-2019 10:02 PM

That’s the official line, but of the WWE talent that have deals coming up, almost all of them are logical signings. Jim Ross, Arn Anderson, AJ Styles, Shinsuke Nakamura, Brock Lesnar, Dean Ambrose, Randy Orton, The Hardys and The Usos — they all fit. They all bring with them some cache.

slik 02-23-2019 10:15 PM

Those are all people in the twilight of their careers, save for Uso's and Ambrose. They already have Jericho, they don't need a ton of people in a similar position.

I don't think Ambrose will wrestle anywhere when his contract ends. I think Uso's will resign.

Emperor Smeat 02-23-2019 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by Noid (Post 5228032)
That’s the official line, but of the WWE talent that have deals coming up, almost all of them are logical signings. Jim Ross, Arn Anderson, AJ Styles, Shinsuke Nakamura, Brock Lesnar, Dean Ambrose, Randy Orton, The Hardys and The Usos — they all fit. They all bring with them some cache.

They also have their share of baggage and in Lesnar's case, a very expensive price tag.

Like out of that group, I'd only pluck Styles (main event), Ambrose (mid to main event), and Usos (tag). Maybe Anderson for a backstage role depending on how things clarifying regarding his release.

If Lesnar comes with Heyman, then no need for Anderson although Lesnar would need to work a lot more and that price tag has to come down a lot.

Mr. Nerfect 02-24-2019 01:10 AM

I’d 100% take Styles, Orton and Lesnar. Brock vs. Jericho and a trilogy with Omega would make it worth it from the start. I’d even have some sort of perverse interest in Brock vs. Cody and Brock vs. Pentagon.

Even Nakamura makes sense from the perception perspective. If you want to draw a clear line between your product and the WWE, then having a kick-ass Styles vs. Nakamura match is a good start.

XL 02-24-2019 02:54 AM

It <s>spends</s> depends what we’re talking about perception wise; yeah AEW don’t want to be perceived as the place *all* WWE rejects go and get a push, but WWE lifers like Orton will help with the perception tha AEW can compete. Guys like Styles & Nak give a different vibe; these aren’t guys that are fully WWE branded. Styles in particular has worked in the biggest companies in the world throughout his career, he has a bit of a Free Agent feel to him still, choosing AEW over WWE when they’ve been pushed well (more so in Styles’ case) gives off a totally different vibe than your Tye Dillinger’s and TJP’s signing.

erickman 02-24-2019 06:38 AM

they would be fools if they did not take rusev when he leaves wwe he is young enough and over enough to be a steal for them.

Mr. Nerfect 02-24-2019 07:07 AM


Originally Posted by XL (Post 5228098)
It spends what we’re talking about perception wise; yeah AEW don’t want to be perceived as the place *all* WWE rejects go and get a push, but WWE lifers like Orton will help with the perception tha AEW can compete. Guys like Styles & Nak give a different vibe; these aren’t guys that are fully WWE branded. Styles in particular has worked in the biggest companies in the world throughout his career, he has a bit of a Free Agent feel to him still, choosing AEW over WWE when they’ve been pushed well (more so in Styles’ case) gives off a totally different vibe than your Tye Dillinger’s and TJP’s signing.

Bingo. You want the tippy top guys because it looks like you’re shakers. You want the underappreciated because it allows you to look ace using them properly. A TJ Perkins or Shawn Spears are the guys I would be more reluctant to take. They’ve got more of the “cast off” vibe.

Mr. Nerfect 02-24-2019 02:27 PM

Mr. Nerfect 02-24-2019 02:28 PM

I don’t know if that’s worked. But I tried to post a screen grab of an interesting exchange between Randy Orton and Zack Ryder on Instagram.

XL 02-24-2019 02:49 PM

Not showing up for me.

xrodmuc316 02-24-2019 11:21 PM

Nakamura should be their number one target. That dude is a star, and would certainly bring in more fans, especially from NJPW. Yeah they will want to watch the Americans who did good in New Japan, but their own guy, that will bring in a big fan base.

Tom Guycott 02-25-2019 01:40 AM

Shinsuke would be a huge coup. I think an announced signing for AEW would be like when AJ showed up in WWE.

Nakamura can do it all, but WWE isn't seeing fit to hitch their wagons to him and let that spark of excitement flicker, so another change of scenery could be a nice "oh, shit" moment. Plus, you have the potential of out the box classics with guys like Jericho, Omega, PAC, or possibly even Cody, and a guy who can help get Adam Paige over as "the man" since it seems like that's a direction they're heading in.

Conversely, if WWE actually decides to let the man cut loose and be top dog to keep him away from AEW, that could be a benefit, too. Of course, they could just throw a bunch of money at him to server that purpose, and let him languish in the midcard anyway content to not have him draw elsewhere...

erickman 02-25-2019 04:06 PM

uh oh noid eli drake is in the latest being the elite vid.

Mr. Nerfect 02-27-2019 12:31 AM

Well, AEW is officially dead to me. Have fun, folks.

Evil Vito 02-27-2019 06:56 AM

:lol: all that Noid optimism in this thread gone in one fell swoop

slik 02-27-2019 07:33 PM

AEW continuing to announce good things -- Their first show, 'Double or Nothing' and all shows will be 'sensory inclusive', -- they will have things and staff on hand to help fans with disabilities, such as Autism/PTSD so they can both enjoy and attend their show w/o being overwhelmed by all the sensory things happening.

They are teaming up w/ to make it happen

Simple Fan 02-27-2019 11:39 PM

Oh shit, Eli Drake and Joey Ryan in the same segment. Is Noid's head still intact?

SlickyTrickyDamon 02-28-2019 12:10 AM


Originally Posted by Simple Fan (Post 5229456)
Oh shit, Eli Drake and Joey Ryan in the same segment. Is Noid's head still intact?

Well, I told you so guys. Don't come bitching to me.

slik 02-28-2019 12:25 AM

Why would we? Nothing wrong w/ Eli Drake or Joey Ryan.

SlickyTrickyDamon 02-28-2019 01:03 AM

Eli is meh but Joey is a blight on professional wrestling.

slik 02-28-2019 01:15 AM

Seems like a solid hand w/ an established and known gimmick

Would be a benefit to any organization that hired him.

Emperor Smeat 02-28-2019 03:10 AM

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Konnan being interveiwed rn. He mentions AEW can bring them some interesting matchups in the future. That they have limited spots for the triplemania show and would love to see Kenny vs Penta in AAA.</p>&mdash; MICRO THE MAIN MAN (@MicromanFever) <a href="">February 27, 2019</a></blockquote>
<script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Considering last year's TripleMania was an entertaining train wreck for quality, I was already on board to watch this year's show and now even more interested if Kenny vs Pentagon happens.

Mr. Nerfect 02-28-2019 08:40 AM


Originally Posted by Slik (Post 5229464)
Why would we? Nothing wrong w/ Eli Drake or Joey Ryan.

Joey Ryan is fucking trash and Eli Drake is one of the most cringe-inducing wrestlers I have ever seen.

Maluco 03-01-2019 01:32 PM

Possible initial alarm bells ringing with this whole thing...

1. The Khans are making a potential mess at Fulham. A heavy spend upon promotion to the top division in England promised to bring big returns, but has produced a poor, badly balanced squad. They are now the only team in the division to be under their 3rd manager this season and looked lol but confirmed to being going down. Poor choices in players and on second manager.

2. Recent trademark news appears to indicate that the applications have been ballsed up and that all of them weren’t even properly applied for or paid for.

Seems amateurish and combined with the Fulham scenario, is a bit worrying going forward and would make it seem like they don’t really know what they are doing.

Might be fine and early teething problems, but it’s def a reminder of where they are.

slik 03-01-2019 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by Noid (Post 5229504)
Joey Ryan is fucking trash and Eli Drake is one of the most cringe-inducing wrestlers I have ever seen.

I am sorry to hear you don't like to have fun

Joey Ryan brings entertainment in the tradition of The Godfather, Rick Rude, Sable & Val Venis to his matches.

Emperor Smeat 03-01-2019 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by Maluco (Post 5229729)
Possible initial alarm bells ringing with this whole thing...

1. The Khans are making a potential mess at Fulham. A heavy spend upon promotion to the top division in England promised to bring big returns, but has produced a poor, badly balanced squad. They are now the only team in the division to be under their 3rd manager this season and looked lol but confirmed to being going down. Poor choices in players and on second manager.

2. Recent trademark news appears to indicate that the applications have been ballsed up and that all of them weren’t even properly applied for or paid for.

Seems amateurish and combined with the Fulham scenario, is a bit worrying going forward and would make it seem like they don’t really know what they are doing.

Might be fine and early teething problems, but it’s def a reminder of where they are.

Young Bucks had a similar problem with trademarks when it came to last year's All In event.

In their case it was the Patent Office thinking All In was just a one-off type trademark and Bucks likely thinking they owned a regular trademark.

Other legal issues related to All In is why ROH and not AEW owns the tape and broadcasting rights to that event.

Tom Guycott 03-04-2019 05:10 AM


Originally Posted by Maluco (Post 5229729)
Possible initial alarm bells ringing with this whole thing...

1. The Khans are making a potential mess at Fulham. A heavy spend upon promotion to the top division in England promised to bring big returns, but has produced a poor, badly balanced squad. They are now the only team in the division to be under their 3rd manager this season and looked lol but confirmed to being going down. Poor choices in players and on second manager.

2. Recent trademark news appears to indicate that the applications have been ballsed up and that all of them weren’t even properly applied for or paid for.

Seems amateurish and combined with the Fulham scenario, is a bit worrying going forward and would make it seem like they don’t really know what they are doing.

Might be fine and early teething problems, but it’s def a reminder of where they are.

Prob'ly this.

I know there are folks who just want this to implode because they hate the Young Bucks or whatever, but even WWE wasn't WWE overnight, a fact that even that company seems to forget at times. As long as they keep going the "alternative" route and not fall for the "competition" trap OR hope this thing becomes perfect before 2020 even starts and blow it up to start over if it isn't (aka the mistake TNA kept making by hitting multiple reset buttons). The beginning steps of possibly sustaining the brand should be around five years or so. Give or take.

On the subject of Eli Drake and Joey Ryan... I personally dislike watching those two for divergent reasons, but they are capable in the ring. Eli still needs to tone down the "Tryhard Miavia" schtick (seriously, even Sonny Siaki wasn't aping him that much), and Joey is hopefully moving past trying to cling to what was supposed to be a one-off, contextual spot against one particular opponent and parlay that into a career move over a number of YEARS. It would be like if Adam Cole still was trying to get everyone to suck his dick while working his way up the NXT ladder.

And, because I haven't done this in awhile and am overdue:


Originally Posted by Emperor Smeat (Post 5178248)
Not a good night for Ospreay's nuts.

slik 03-04-2019 02:34 PM

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">July 13th <a href="">@dailysplace</a> <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#AEW</a> <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#FightForTheFallen</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; All Elite Wrestling (@AEWrestling) <a href="">March 4, 2019</a></blockquote>
<script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

slik 03-04-2019 02:57 PM

Seats 5K, should look good on camera

Evil Vito 03-04-2019 02:58 PM

Interesting layout for a wrestling show, I'd be keen to check it out

Supreme Olajuwon 03-04-2019 03:52 PM

Looks like the setup for the South Park Wrestling episode

slik 03-04-2019 03:53 PM

They do have a Kenny, hmmm

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