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Mr. Nerfect 07-30-2020 10:43 PM

But even then you'll probably have sycophants like Smeat posting articles going "Well actually...AEW only went out of business because Vince McMahon poisoned the town's water supply and scared people off wrestling forever. It is technically impossible for anyone to be successful and AEW came as close as could possibly be."

Emperor Smeat 07-31-2020 02:33 PM

The Sheets (Observer Newsletter Edition):


For a number of reasons, as it turns out, the pandemic was the greatest thing for WWE’s business as they posted the most profitable quarter in their history.

It’s not that they overcome the pain of the pandemic. They outright benefitted from it, with more consumer product sales, higher network numbers and the real difference maker, far lower costs to produce television.

Profits quadrupled in the quarter, blowing away all estimates, due to saving $51.6 million in media costs. The vast majority of those savings was the lower cost of producing television the way they do it now in the Performance Center, no longer running live, and taping multiple shows on successive days as opposed to live Monday, Wednesday and Friday in different parts of the country with far more wrestlers, production people and costs.

For one, taping two weeks had a time for each show, and taping shows on successive days, saved travel costs greatly. Producing a show in a small building greatly cut down on the production budget, not to mention the fewer production people and costs that were already lower were cut almost in half from there by generally taping two shows at a time. Plus there was savings on uplinks by no longer doing any shows actually live, as even when taped the same day, they never actually went live.

The second positive was a huge increase in subscribers to the WWE Network. The number was 195,000 above what would have been normally expected as of 6/30.

There are a number of factors involved here. One is that WrestleMania had so many people subscribing for free as compared to the past few years, that many of them didn’t cancel and stayed on as paying subscribers. Another reason, arguably the most important because ESPN’s PPV numbers for UFC were so much higher than previously, and AEW also set records in PPV, is that with sports bars are closed, and people are no longer getting together in large numbers for PPV parties ...

But it does have to be noted when interest appears at a low point since at least 1996, that network subscriber numbers have increased so strongly over the last three months, and manly the month of June when the free month was dropped and the free tier was launched ...

Another aspect is that streaming has gotten more popular across the board during the pandemic with more people home. Then again, more people are home to watch television, and there is less sports competition, and WWE had struggled badly there.

What’s notable is that the record profits came during a quarter where revenues were not only much lower than last year even with the new television deals, but were slightly down from analysts expectations.

The general expectation was $231 million in revenues and $11.5 million to $12 million in profits. The actual numbers were $223.4 million in revenue and $43.8 million in after-tax profit, basically quadrupling expectations. Last year’s numbers which included both all the live events associated with WrestleMania and the Mania show itself, a full house show schedule, and payment for a Saudi Arabia show, none of which happened this quarter. Last year’s second quarter grossed $268.9 million in revenue and ended with a $10.4 million after-tax profit ...

It also should be noted that it was not the cost-cutting of talent salaries that led to the record profits. All main roster talent, and a number of the furloughed and fired employees, were being paid their regular salaries through 7/17. So the $4 million per month savings in that category will likely lead to $12 million more in added profits next quarter.

The WWE Network on 6/30 had 1,690,000 subscribers, broken down as 1,229,000 in the U.S. and 461,000 outside the U.S. Three months earlier, just days before WrestleMania, the numbers were 1,083,000 in the U.S. and 412,000 outside the U.S., so the gains were 13.5 percent domestically and 11.9 percent outside the U.S. The strongest growth outside the U.S. was in India.

For comparison, during the same three month period in 2019 there was a 0.4 percent decrease in the U.S. and 1.2 percent increase overseas. In 2018, it was a 6.9 percent increase in the U.S. and 8.3 percent increase outside the U.S. in quarter two ...

Based on the current profit margins, the stock price is very low. The only red light regarding a strong increase to the past $60 to $80 per share range is the uncertainty that the huge rights fees, which are totally carrying the company at this point, may not be maintained in the next contract that would start in late 2024. There is a big feeling FOX way overpaid, and USA was forced to overpay because FOX really wanted Raw. WWE has already had to renew a number of international deals, including the previous No. 2 deals in the U.K., at substantially less money.

In addition, the company has noted that profits will be down once they start touring and going back to live weekly television, particularly early on if they have to run arenas with limited capacity.

Unlike in the past, where investors were more bullish on the prospects of 3 million to 4 million network subscribers, and growing from there, which never materialized, there is a realization that only numbers that really matter are rights fees. They’re dropping overseas, and the next round are likely to be determined by ratings in the 18-49 demo primarily, which have dropped badly in recent months. Analysts listened to Vince McMahon’s excuses, such as injuries, or needing to be patient because they have to build new stars, and now the excuse is the pandemic, but many are growing weary of excuses ...

There was also a blame on the declining international rights on countries being affected by COVID, but that’s ridiculous. The U.K. deal was based on declining ratings in recent years and how WWE treated Sky by giving them more of a PPV cut and then not telling them about the network killing PPV until after the deal was signed. Plus, WWE ratings plummeted in the market. Italy was similar. It was not related at all to COVID, but to high costs with low ratings returns and the station willing to give it up.

Riddick said the smaller international deals are because they are challenged by COVID. He also noted that there are no major renewals coming up, which also indicates they aren’t close to a new Middle East deal.

When asked about the purchase of Evolve and, out of left field, the company getting into MMA, Riddick said, “Evolve was a content purchase deal and very straightforward and every small in size in terms of investment. Right now, we are not looking at any MMA opportunities. Hopefully, they will come along. We are actively, we do have investments in certain new technologies in new areas and we are looking for opportunities, but there’s nothing imminent there.”

They also noted that a return to arenas will likely hurt profits because they will likely not be able to sell the same amount of tickets with social distancing.

Virtually all revenue this quarter came from television rights, network subs and PPV, which combined brought in $200.1 million of the $223.4 million in revenues, with the rest coming from consumer products. Last year in the quarter the number was $197.0 million, but that included $50 million in a payment from Saudi Arabia.

Regarding whether the originally scheduled November date in Saudi Arabia will take place, it has not been canceled and nothing is certain, but they are not expecting it ...

Expenses when it came to television, network and PPV were $118.5 million, down from $170.1 million for the same period last year, or a savings in the quarter alone of $51.6 million. That right there is the profit margin and then some. Everything else is almost immaterial.

As far as total revenue, Network plus PPV numbers declined from $51.8 million to $49.4 million. That’s due to a decline in PPV and a slight decline in average subs during the quarter. But the end of the quarter was up from last year so that should be ahead of last year in the next quarter report.

The new deals led to television rights increasing from $69.0 million last year in quarter two to $132.9 million this year. Television advertising and sponsorships fell from $18.9 million to $13.3 million ...

Last year, in a quarter that included WrestleMania, and all the Mania activities, the live event profits were $12.4 million. This year running no shows, due to various deals and money and advertising costs of shows that didn’t happen, the live events division lost $4.5 million.

Profits from consumer products increased from $5.2 million in last year’s second quarter to $7.6 million.

Licensed products, like video games, console games and mobile games saw revenue increase in the quarter from $9.4 million last year to $9.7 million, an increase seemingly having to do with people home more and playing more games. The industry as a whole has grown during the pandemic ...

Merchandise sold through the web site increased from $6.6 million to $12.6 million, both increases being examples of the pandemic helping WWE business.

Plans for a multi-tiered WWE Network, which had been talked about for years, and which would have included usage of the tape libraries of a number of independent promotions, including wXw, Evolve, ICW and Progress, that has been on-and-off for years, is back off.

Regarding whether that content would be used on the paid tier, those decisions have gone back-and-forth for years and every time the decision has been made to do so, Vince McMahon in the end has changed his mind on it.

At the 7/16 WWE shareholders meeting, when discussing the network, the company announced the free tier, which has the goal of trying to use that tier to convert viewers to becoming paid subscribers, has replaced multi-tiers and higher priced tiers giving more content and benefits in the WWE’s network strategy ...

An obvious question is the return of live events, or even the question of WrestleMania 2021 in Inglewood, CA, and like everything, including a potential closing in Orlando, there are no answers. The reality is things aren’t going back to normal any time soon. A closing in Orlando is very unlikely to happen for the political reasons it opened up in the first place and the government turned a blind eye to all those tapings with no testing for months. WrestleMania is far enough in the future that perhaps there may be a vaccine, but from a timing standpoint, that’s a longshot. Many have speculated on the idea that Florida, even though it’s in bad shape, would welcome a WrestleMania more than California would, and Tampa in a sense is owed one. And ultimately, these decisions do have to be made in the next few months because if they are going to do a stadium event, they need to be able to start promoting it by the end of this year ...

Regarding the 2021 WrestleMania and the new SoFi Stadium in Inglewood, Vince McMahon said, “Again, we, it wouldn’t be fair to mention that now because we’re following the COVID-19 aspect. So many cities are obviously interested in Wrestlemania and many have bid for it, and what have you. This somewhat changes from time to time, again, depending upon the severity of COVID, but we haven’t announced anything yet.”

Regarding a potential shutdown in Orlando, Vince McMahon said, “Let me just say there’s always a `B-plan.’ I don’t want to say right now exactly what that would be, but yes there is a `B-Plan.’”

There are several backup plans in place. The belief is that WWE can’t be shut down in Florida due to Linda McMahon’s Super Pac agreeing to spend $18.5 million for Donald Trump’s reelection campaign in Florida, and Gov. Ron DeSantis being loyal to Trump. That could mean going down with the ship because Trump’s popularity numbers are so bad, but DeSantis won’t be making that decision in August.

But according to one person who knows the situation, McMahon has DeSantis “by the balls.” If for some reason it gets so bad in Florida that there is a complete lockdown, McMahon had a study prepared and now has several different locations as backup. Among them is the television studio at their corporate offices in Stamford, CT, which was the ring they shot the John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt WrestleMania match in. It’s said they can make that setting look similar to the Performance Center, although they wouldn’t have as easy access to contracted wrestlers to be fans if they run outside Florida.

Shooting outdoors on the beach for SummerSlam is another possibility, just for the visual differences, as noted first in PW Insider.

As for a second Saudi Arabia show this year, the situation is the same, it’s completely out of the company’s control. McMahon has said in the past that if the show can’t happen this year, it would be tacked onto the end of the ten year deal. One of the issues with such a show are all the quarantine measures that UFC had to put in place. For UFC, they did it, but also ran four shows there over two weeks and had all kinds of infrastructure in Abu Dhabi put together including a bubble environment. Saudi Arabia may not be able to provide that, and while TV can be taped well ahead of time when a $50 million type of payment for an event is in the equation, it’s far more difficult ...
Vince McMahon was also asked about a physical Hall of Fame.

“Bricks and mortar is something that, generally speaking, we, other than office buildings and office space of course, that we’re not necessarily fond of, but nonetheless, again the interest in that continues to build and it’s still a possibility somewhere down the line.”

Antonio Inoki, who one can argue that along with Hulk Hogan, would be the biggest pro wrestling star of the last half-century, revealed on 7/26 that he was suffering from a rare incurable heart ailment.

Inoki, 77, was interviewed in Weekly Sincho, talking about his battle with cardiac amyloidosis. Because Inoki was such a cultural icon, as the second biggest pro wrestling star in the history of the country behind Rikidozan, and considered one of the country’s ten biggest sports stars of the 20th century, this has become one of the most talked about topics in Japanese culture since he went public. From a cultural standpoint, Inoki in Japan would be much bigger than any pro wrestler has ever been in the U.S., perhaps LeBron James would be a comparison as he’d not be Muhammad Ali or Michael Jordan, but would probably be bigger than just about anyone else. As far as a wrestler being a cultural icon, probably only Rikidozan and El Santo would be at his level.

The rare disease, that affects between 700 and 750 people in the entire country of Japan, has to do with an abnormal protein buildup on internal organs that interferes with their normal functions and causes heart issues. There are different types of cardiac amyloidosis, but Inoki’s type is believed to be hereditary ...

Inoki said that this past fall he went a little deaf and was hospitalized, and after tests, was diagnosed with cardiac amyloidosis. He described it as the heart having a bad membrane called amyloid. Due to that, the function of the heart deteriorates, making it difficult to send enough blood for the body to fully function. He said that at times he felt like he was suffocating, but thought it was just the effects of aging.

He said that he was taking ridiculously expensive medicine called Vindaquel to combat the problem. The medicine is not a cure, as there is no cure. But it does slow down the effects of the disease.

On the 7/25 New Japan Sengoku Lord show, a surprise announcement was made regarding the first pro wrestling show at Tokyo’s Jingu Stadium, the site of the famous battle of world champions with UWFI world champion Nobuhiko Takada and WCW world champion Vader on December 5, 1993.

The show was announced for 8/29, just five weeks later ...

There are a number of reasons, all related to the pandemic. The first is that doing 30 percent capacity limits paid attendance and live gates greatly, and New Japan’s revenue base is largely ticket sales to live shows and merchandise sold at those shows. Between shutting down for months and now generally drawing about one-third of projections and running fewer shows, the company has taken a huge economic hit this year. In addition, the budget included a huge August event in Madison Square Garden, Wrestle Dynasty, with the idea of running the building once a year, and that show was moved to 2021. There is no word on capacity, but the stadium holds 37,933 for baseball, so capacity depends on staging and seats on the field and being outdoors if they can do more than the 30 percent that they do indoors.

Only three matches have been announced thus far, Evil defending both the IWGP and IC titles against Tetsuya Naito; Hiromu Takahashi defending the IWGP jr. title against Taiji Ishimori and a four-way match to crown the first King of Pro Wrestling champion ...

New Japan already has too many titles to keep up with, although less are in play now. The IWGP and IC titles have merged. The U.S. champion (Jon Moxley) and British champion (Will Ospreay) are out of action. In the case of Moxley, due to the 14 days quarantine going into Japan and AEW commitments, he’s likely not going to be available for a long time. There is no set date for Ospreay’s return but the hope is October for the G-1 Climax tournament. The Never trios titles are around, but not taken seriously. The IWGP jr. tag titles are also not in play, as Yoh, who holds the title with Sho, underwent surgery for a torn ACL and will be out for six months or more. While this can change, as of right now the plans are not to strip them of the titles. So it’s just the main singles title, the junior title, one secondary singles title (Shingo Takagi as Never champion) and the main tag titles.

The KOPW title is an idea of Kazuchika Okada, legitimately. It’s very Americanized, to the point the first champion will be crowned in a four-way match. Historically, the very few times the IWGP title was put up in three-way matches, fans were not particularly positive with the idea.

AAA: Konnan on his podcast talked about the idea of the drive-in shows. He said that they would be doing stand-alone matches rather than storylines at these shows. He said it would be a way to present unique matches and pairings that you wouldn’t expect to see, similar to Lucha Fighter. He also said that there would be a roof over the ring to protect the ring in case of rain.

Fantasma, in his role as head of the Box y Lucha commission in Mexico City, held a press conference on 7/22 announcing a distribution of pantry items to wrestlers who are currently out of work, which is basically all of them. He also distributed medicine to those in need. At the press conference, he was asked about AAA and CMLL starting back. He showed a letter from CMLL asking that same subject. CMLL would like to open at 50 percent capacity, which would be about 8,000 seats, which would be more than anyone has opened up in front of and Mexico is in worse shape than the U.S., even if you don’t hear that on the news. Fantasma said AAA presented him an idea three weeks ago, which would be the drive-in show idea. The reality is that in Mexico City, the government looks to be a long way of allowing events like this. Fantasma encouraged wrestlers to see if they could get other jobs until the pandemic ends

Jeff Jarrett and Global Force Wrestling prevailed to at least a degree in its lawsuit against Anthem Entertainment regarding the usage of the GFW name and the television shows taped in Las Vegas years ago that Impact used as part of its PPV shows. PW Insider reported the jury ruled for Jarrett that Anthem used the term Global Force Wrestling and its logo, and used content owned by GFW without the license to do so, and that Anthem was negligent for deleting the original master tapes. But they also ruled Anthem’s actions were caused by Jarrett breaching his fiduciary duty as owner of GFW and he’s liable to Anthem for certain damages. The amount of damages due both sides was not declared yet by the jury. According to PW Insider, Anthem on 7/29 filed a new motion in U.S. District Court in the Middle District of Tennessee requesting that the rulings be nullified and that a mistrial be declared. They asked for a mistrial based on Jarrett’s attorney, Samuel Miller, making a statement in court that Ed Nordholm wasn’t there in court even though Anthem’s attorneys had specifically requested that not be brought up. Nordholm and Scott D’Amore weren’t there because Anthem was taping Impact on 7/21, the day in question and the court had been told neither man could attend the trial on that day. Miller tried to portray Nordholm as the villain and him not being there for part of the trial was brought up with the idea he didn’t care. Jarrett’s side is fighting the attempt to get a mistrial declared. Impact had claimed all the revenue they derived between PPV and DVD sales of the GFW tapes was only $10,000

AEW: Excalibur was off the 7/29 show with no explanation given. The company hasn’t said anything publicly, or privately about the matter. There was talk but not confirmed that he asked to be off the show because there had been a Twitter furor over him using the “N” word in a PWG angle 17 years ago. This incident was known about. It totally sucked, like bad, at the time, and everyone realized it and regretted it and pretty much apologized for it shortly after the time. I saw it resurface a few weeks ago but didn’t get any traction. Evidently on 7/28 people made enough of a case about it that it became an issue. The story, again, not confirmed, was that he didn’t want to be on the show thinking it would be the focus of the show. As it turns out, it became a much bigger issue because he wasn’t on the show. There is no word if he’ll be back next week. The 8/5 show was being taped on 7/30. He had flown to Florida for this set of tapings but he’d have flown in before the stuff got hot again. According to one person close to the situation, there was a promo involving Human Tornado, who is black and was at the time the top babyface, and heels Excalibur (when he was a wrestler), Disco Machine and Kevin Steen. One person was there and said that Human Tornado had often asked for heels to do racial stuff on him as a babyface and had asked people to use the N word on him. Steen argued against it but Tornado was persistent and talked him into it. We don’t know if Machine or Excalibur argued the point or just agreed to do it. I saw the video of it, and it sucked. There’s an issue because Tony Khan had said that Hulk Hogan, and Linda were not welcome as part of his group for racial remarks in the past. Hulk’s remark was not in an angle and part of a storyline. The fact is WWE didn’t sit Steen out because of this and they were aware of this and it was taken care of long ago. Everyone pretty much apologized after and acknowledged that it was a bad idea. Excalibur has brought it up and said he regretted it multiple times and Steen has publicly at least once in an interview. It was an angle that wasn’t a secret, that everyone knew and figured was taken care of, but the nature of Twitter is such that it became an issue this past week.

The women’s eight-team tournament will be a blind draw in the sense partners are drawn at random in storyline, like a WCW Battle Bowl type thing. The tournament won’t be on Dynamite, or at least most of it won’t, and will be a YouTube series that will be released every Monday at 7 p.m. starting on 8/3. The teams will be announced on that show. So AEW will now have a Monday and a Tuesday YouTube show, a Monday BTE show and Wednesday’s Dynamite

As of early in the week, Rey Mysterio and Vince McMahon were still in negotiations for terms of a prospective new deal

Regarding office people furloughed, the idea many were told that they would be brought back next month but now most have been extended until 8/28. A number are looking to find new jobs at this point, although this is probably the worst time in our lifetimes to be on the job market. The added time to the furloughs in the cases when you look at the profits for the quarter tells quite the story

Even though he wasn’t on the last two shows, Owens was at the Raw tapings on 7/20. He had been written into the original shows but with all the changes made, they decided not to use him. I think the key was that since they wanted to do injury angles with Black on both shows, the feeling was that Owens would theoretically have to do run-ins to attempt to break those up and they didn’t feel the need to sacrifice him in angles like that

The most-watched shows of the past week on the WWE Network were: 1. Daniel Bryan’s best matches; 2. Raw Talk for 7/27; 3. 1997: Dawn of the Attitude; 4. The Horror Show at Extreme Rules; 5. Undertaker’s Last Ride: Tales from the Deadman; 6. WWE Break it Down: Mick Foley; 7. R-Truth Game Show
RAW, SmackDown, & AEW vs. NXT Ratings stuff:


Raw on 7/27 was another disappointing showing, as the third hour, which contained most of the Asuka vs. Sasha Banks match, and all of the Drew McIntyre vs. Dolph Ziggler match, ended up as the least-watched hour and lowest rated in the key demo in the history of the show.

Overall, on a week where the number should have shown a noticeable increase, it ended up as the second lowest overall number, with 1,616,000 viewers, and tied for the third worst demo number at .48 (618,000 viewers).

The third hour, featuring the two matches advertised a week ahead of time, both advertised ahead of time as title matches, set record lows with 1,463,000 viewers and 0.41 in 18-49. McIntyre vs. Ziggler ended up changed to a non-title match after being pushed for most of the week as a title match. Both numbers broke last week’s record for the lowest hour in show history with hour three, headlined by Randy Orton vs. Big Show, doing 1,504,000 viewers and a 0.42 in 18-49.

The third hour decline, a record level among teenagers and really all but the over-50 audience, was almost surely based on the Asuka vs. Sasha Banks title change finish. Even though most of the audience of the show was over 50, and that audience for the most part stayed until the finish, about 15 percent of the total audience tuned out after the finish of that match.

The look at that breakdown is likely along the lines of the first-to-third hour declines. Those saw were women 18-49 dropping 27.8 percent, men 18-49 dropping 16.2 percent, teenage girls dropping 88.0 percent (this sounds completely ridiculous and there’s never been anything like this level of viewers tuning out of any demo like that on the same show), teenage boys dropping 52.6 percent while over 50's steady the ship by only dropping 7.2 percent.

Raw has now done the three lowest numbers in its history and three of the four lowest 18-49s in its history over the past three weeks.

Even with that, Raw was No. 1 on cable for the night in Males 18-49 and Males 18-34.

It was 19th place overall and No. 4 in 18-49, behind two episodes of 90 Day Fiancé on TLC and one of Below Deck Mediterranean. It was No. 5 in total viewers among non-news programming.

The scary stuff remains the comparisons with last year. For the same week last year, Raw was down 30.3 percent in total viewers, 35.1 percent in 18-49 and 51.9 percent in 18-34.

The first hour did 1,699,000 viewers. The second hour held steady with 1,688,000 viewers before hour three’s 1,463,000.

In the key demos, Raw did 118,000 in males 18-34 (up 34.1 percent from last week), 61,000 in women 18-34 (up 10.9 percent), 291,000 in men 35-49 down 2.3 percent) and 148,000 in women 35-49 (down 5.7 percent).

Smackdown on 7/24 did a 1.22 rating with 1,924,000 viewers (1.31 viewers per home) and 0.48 (618,000 viewers) in the 18-49 demo.

The slight increase in audience is a good sign because it aired out of prime time in Detroit due to Tigers baseball. In theory an increase over recent weeks would figure to be attributable to the Jeff Hardy vs. Sheamus bar fight, but that was not the high point of the show, and it opened stronger than usual.

Overall the rating was down 1.6 percent but that was offset by a solid increase in viewers per home, with total viewers up 0.6 percent and 18-49 up 2.8 percent ...

Smackdown was one of only two first-run shows on network television, with CBS having a one-hour show at 8 p.m. that did 3,488,000 viewers and 0.4 in the demo. Greatest At Home on CBS tied Smackdown in 18-34 at 0.3, and beat it in 25-54 by a 0.7 to 0.6. Smackdown also beat everything on cable in 18-49 and was first in males 18-49, but last in over 50, and had the fewest actual viewers of any network show event though they were almost all reruns.

Last year in the same time slot airing two reruns, FOX averaged 1,358,000 viewers and 0.3 in 18-49.

In the segments, the Bayley & Sasha Banks stuff with Nikki Cross and Alexa Bliss and the Cross vs. Bliss match for the title chance did 2.02 million viewers. The Firefly Fun House, Matt Riddle vs. Tony Nese and Miz & Morrison’s Miz TV with Naomi did 1.85 million viewers. The ending of Miz TV with Lacey Evans, plus Shorty G vs. Lince Dorado vs. Gran Metalik vs. Drew Gulak for an IC title match did 1.97 million viewers. And Hardy vs. Sheamus in the bar fight did 1.86 million viewers.

There was a lot of news regarding the 7/22 ratings that wasn’t noted last week ...

The biggest thing is that the last five minutes of the Young Bucks vs. Butcher & Blade falls count anywhere match did 1,018,000 viewers and 502,000 in 18-49. This was the best figure in 18-49 on Wednesday and the highest peak as well. The match itself averaged 912,000 viewers and 459,000 in 18-49. The last quarter of Keith Lee vs. Adam Cole was 922,000 viewers and 355,000 in 18-49, but the overall match from start-to-finish was 887,000 viewers and 339,000 in 18-49.

AEW was near one million viewers briefly during the Darby Allin run-in and again prior to the commercial break in Young Bucks vs. Butcher & Blade, the last five minutes of the match, at 950,000 for the post-match involving The Dark Order, Adam Page, FTR and Kenny Omega and the Chris Jericho & Jake Hager vs. Luchasaurus & Jungle Boy match started at 650,000 due to a huge turnout during a commercial break, was at about 800,000 most of the match and hit 900,000 right as Sammy Guevara was revealed in the post match.

NXT’s first minute, coming off the strong lead-in, was at about 1 million viewers but the Dexter Lumis vs. Killian Dain match had it down to 600,000 by five minutes in. The show was a little under or over 600,000 most of the way, hitting 700,000 during a few AEW commercial breaks and a high point of 750,000 during Oney Lorcan vs. Timothy Thatcher at the time AEW was in the commercial break before the Jericho match.

The main event final quarter battle saw Jericho & Hager vs. Luchasaurus & Jungle Boy do 799,000 viewers and 393,000 in 18-49 to NXT’s 602,000 viewers and 232,000 in 18-49 for Karrion Kross vs. Dominik Dijakovic ...

AEW opened with 905,000 viewers and 391,000 in 18-49 for Cody vs. Eddie Kingston. The number was almost a straight line steady from Cody coming out first until the end of the match. NXT opened with 633,000 viewers and 199,000 in 18-49 for William Regal and Keith Lee’s interview and Lumis vs. Dain, but it was a huge first few minutes from the lead-in and a collapse.

In the second quarter, AEW lost 94,000 viewers and 15,000 in 18-49 for a Jon Moxley promo and MJF vs. Griff Garrison. NXT lost 31,000 viewers but gained 22,000 in 18-49 for an interview with Strong, Reed and Gargano, a Dakota Kai feature and Breezango vs. Matt Martel & Chase Parker.

In the third quarter, AEW gained 81,000 viewers and 68,000 in 18-49 for the Taz & Cage promo with Darby Allin, Ricky Starks and Moxley running in and a Jericho & Inner Circle promo and the start of Young Bucks vs. Butcher & Blade. NXT gained 30,000 viewers and 12,000 in 18-49 for Aliyah vs. Blackheart.

In the fourth quarter, AEW gained 20,000 viewers and 15,000 in 18-49 for the rest of Young Bucks vs. Butcher & Blade. NXT lost 14,000 viewers and 8,000 in 18-49 for an Isaiah Scott package and the beginning of Gargano vs. Reed vs. Strong.

In the fifth quarter, AEW lost 25,000 viewers and 22,000 in 18-49 for Diamante vs. Ivelisse. NXT gained 33,000 viewers and 3,000 in 18-49 for the rest of Reed vs. Gargano vs. Strong.

In the sixth quarter, AEW lost 81,000 viewers and 33,000 in 18-49 for Adam Page vs. Alan Angels and the post-match, with the post-match growing well. NXT lost 63,000 viewers and 31,000 in 18-49 for Thatcher vs. Lorcan .

In the seventh quarter, AEW lost 57,000 viewers and 38,000 in 18-49 for the rundown of next week and beginning of Jericho & Hager vs. Luchasaurus & Jungle Boy. NXT gained 11,000 viewers and 19,000 in 18-49 for the ending of Lorcan vs. Thatcher and the backstage segment with Robert Stone, Aliyah and Mercedes Martinez.

In the final quarter, AEW with Jericho & Hager vs. Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus gained 50,000 viewers and 28,000 in 18-49. NXT with Kross vs. Dijakovic gained 3,000 viewers and 16,000 in 18-49.

A few notes on the 7/29 ratings.

The wrestling audience on Friday, Monday and Wednesday, all of which had baseball competition, all did similar numbers in 18-49. Friday was 618,000. Monday was also 618,000. Wednesday was 625,000 ...

In 18-34, Wednesday did a combined 196,000, while Monday did 179,000 and Friday did 175,000. But AEW, which had been only slightly behind Raw and Smackdown the past few weeks in 18-34, did 133,000 so it fell well behind both.

AEW did beat hour three of Raw in overall 18-34. In women 18-34, AEW beat Raw this week by 65,000 to 61,000, even with competition, as it also did last week. But Smackdown won the night with 80,000 ...

The 7/29 numbers saw AEW do 773,000 viewers and a 0.30 in 18-49 (394,000 viewers), putting it in sixth place for the night. NXT did 707,000 viewers and a 0.18 (231,000 viewers), finishing in the No. 28 spot, essentially meaning it had a very old audience ...

AEW was down 8.5 percent in viewers and 3.7 percent in 18-49. AEW’s lead-in, Talladega Nights, was down 28 percent in 18-49 per usual and really that’s probably the complete difference in the 18-49 drop and maybe the overall drop.

It took AEW until quarter three to beat NXT in total viewers due to the huge lead-in difference ...

AEW’s decline was strongly in men over 35, which could mean baseball. Women were way up from last week, particularly teenage girls. Baseball beat AEW handily in males under 35, but AEW beat baseball in women under 35.

AEW beat NXT in every key demo. In men 18-34, AEW did 68,000 viewers (down 4.2 percent) to 39,000 for NXT (up 5.4 percent). In women 18-34, AEW did 65,000 (up 12.1 percent) and NXT did 24,000 (up 41.2 percent). In men 35-49, AEW did 182,000 (down 13.3 percent) and NXT did 103,000 (down 9.6 percent). Those may be baseball drops. In women 35-49, AEW did 79,000 (up 12.9 percent) and NXT did 65,000 (up 27.5 percent).

AEW won every quarter big in 18-49 with the biggest gap in quarter five (Kenny Omega & Adam Page vs. Dark Order on one side, and Keith Lee, Cameron Grimes, Scarlett, Karrion Kross, a main event package and Imperium vs. Ever Rise on the other side) where it more than doubled NXT. In total viewers, because of the lead-in, NXT had a huge first quarter lead and a significant second quarter lead, before AEW turned it around in quarter three during the Cody vs. Warhorse match ...

However, NXT had strong growth for the Finn Balor vs. Dexter Lumis vs. Timothy Thatcher main event, which did 671,000 viewers and 230,000 in 18-49. AEW’s main event of Jon Moxley & Darby Allin vs. Brian Cage & Ricky Starks did 721,000 viewers and 360,000 in 18-49.

The show opened with AEW at 718,000 viewers and 367,000 in 18-49 for The Inner Circle vs. Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus & Best Friends & Orange Cassidy match. NXT with the big lead-in did 853,000 and 247,000 in 18-49 with Io Shirai & Tegan Nox vs. Dakota Kai & Candice LeRae. This was NXT’s high point for viewers and 18-49, but most of that would have to do with the huge lead-in advantage and not having Dexter Lumis in the match.

In the second quarter, AEW gained 3,000 viewers and lost 9,000 in 18-49 for the ending of the Inner Circle ten man tag and post-match, Jon Moxley interview and beginning of Cody vs. Warhorse. NXT lost 75,000 viewers and gained 1,000 in 18-49 for the Adam Cole/Pat McAfee angel and beginning of Roderick Strong vs. Johnny Gargano.

Quarter three saw AEW gain 84,000 viewers and 48,000 in 18-49 for Cody vs. Warhorse, post-match with the debut of Matt Cardona and an Inner Circle interview. NXT lost 71,000 viewers and 5,000 in 18-49 for Gargano vs,. Strong and the Dakota Kai/Rhea Ripley promo.

Quarter four saw AEW gain 27,000 viewers and 17,000 in 18-49 for the FTR contract signing with Arn Anderson and Adam Page and beginning of Omega & Page vs. Stu Grayson & Evil Uno. NXT lost 3,000 viewers and 8,000 in 18-49 for an Undisputed Era backstage piece, and Shotzi Blackheart vs. Mercedes Martinez.

Quarter five saw AEW gain 46,000 viewers and 32,000 in 18-49 for Omega & Page vs. Dark Order, and the post-match angle with The Young Bucks, FTR, Brodie Lee and others. This was the high point of the night for either side with total viewers and 18-49.

Quarter six saw AEW lost 88,000 viewers and 43,000 in 18-49 for Hikaru Shida vs. Diamante and the Nyla Rose/Vickie Guerrero interview. NXT lost 36,000 viewers and 10,000 in 18-49 for the Imperium/Undisputed Era angle, a Bronson Reed feature, more interviews and the beginning of Isaiah Scott vs. Jake Atlas.

Quarter seven saw AEW lose 70,000 viewers and 30,000 in 18-49 for the MJF interview. NXT lost 51,000 viewers and 32,000 in 18-49 for Scott vs. Atlas and ring intros for the main event.

Quarter eight saw AEW gain 1,000 viewers and but lose 20,000 in 18-49 for Moxley & Allin vs. Cage & Starks. NXT gained 60,000 viewers and 36,000 in 18-49 for Lumis vs. Balor vs. Thatcher.

Spoiler tags used for those who don't want to read ratings related news from the Observer newsletter while those who don't mind or are interested can just click on the tab.

Fignuts 07-31-2020 05:19 PM

Oh wow. you mean the Owens/Excalibur incident actually had context to what happened and why?

Who ever would have guessed?

Mr. Nerfect 07-31-2020 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by Fignuts (Post 5362933)
Oh wow. you mean the Owens/Excalibur incident actually had context to what happened and why?

Who ever would have guessed?

This is a very weird point to make.

Fignuts 07-31-2020 05:58 PM

The point I'm making is that people get nailed to the cross without any research or investegation. None of the news sites that initially reported about this incident bothered to do the research on what actually happened despite the fact that it's their job to do so.

I'm not saying that what they did was right, but the knowledge that a black talent pestered them into doing it, and that they immediately knew it was a mistake and apologized is a very important detail to omit, especially in today's enviornment and the way people are judged.

The feeling of righteousness has become an addiction for a large portion of society, and it's a fucking cancer on critical thinking.

Mr. Nerfect 07-31-2020 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by Fignuts (Post 5362947)
The point I'm making is that people get nailed to the cross without any research or investegation. None of the news sites that initially reported about this incident bothered to do the research on what actually happened despite the fact that it's their job to do so.

I'm not saying that what they did was right, but the knowledge that a black talent pestered them into doing it, and that they immediately knew it was a mistake and apologized is a very important detail to omit, especially in today's enviornment and the way people are judged.

The feeling of righteousness has become an addiction for a large portion of society, and it's a fucking cancer on critical thinking.

Well, sure, in many cases I'd agree with you. But in this case, it's pretty cut and dry. We have video of them using the word for an angle in PWG. That's really the full context there. I mean, was anyone out there really suggesting that Human Tornado was not expecting to get the word thrown at him? Or that it makes a difference?

Maybe I'm alone in this, but I always assumed it was a co-operative angle that was just tasteless. No excuse for it other than "We were fucking idiots." And they've all said that, so good. But I'm just not getting where this idea of a wider context comes from. Maybe I'm just lost in the semantics.

Not saying this about you, but the righteousness extends both ways. There are plenty of people willing to be like "Ahhhh, seeeeeeee" which is just as annoying.

Owens and Excalibur shouldn't have done that shit. They did. They've said sorry and now realize why it is wrong. They don't need people calling for their heads or defenders.

Droford 07-31-2020 10:13 PM

<iframe width="300" height="367" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Emperor Smeat 08-04-2020 09:34 PM

The Sheets sponsored by WCW Hardcore Division Appreciation Night:


Originally Posted by Observer
The return of Shane McMahon on Monday's WWE Raw led to a stronger second hour than usual and brought viewership up six percent from last week's second lowest number of all time with the show averaging 1.71 million viewers and 0.51 in the 18-49 demo.

The first hour was slightly ahead of last week (1.71 million to 1.70 million last week), likely due to the last day hype of the McMahon addition and the promised debut of a new stable. The key was that the second hour not only didn't decline, but it grew greatly to 1.82 million viewers before the show experienced a third hour drop to 1.61 million ...

Raw was No. 4 in 18-49, trailing 90 Day Fiance, NBA on ESPN, and Below Deck: Mediterranean. The show was No. 22 for the night overall and No. 4 among non-news shows ...

Raw was down 31% from the same week last year overall, 37% in 18-49 and 51% in 18-34.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
The three-hour show averaged 1,715,000 viewers on the USA Network and a 0.51 in the 18-49 demographic. Viewership increased by 6% and the demo rating improved by 6.25% and were their best figures in those categories since June.

The show started with 1,710,000 viewers and increased by 6.6% in the second hour to 1,824,000 viewers, which is the highest hour of Raw since the opening hour of the June 29th show. In the third hour, viewership dropped by 11.7% but that was heavily skewed by the over 50 audience turning off the show.

In the key demos, the largest increase this week was among females 12-34 that were up by 60% from last week followed by males 12-34 improving by 26% and females 18-49 increasing by 25%. The only demo that fell was a minor drop with males 18-49 falling 3% this week.


Originally Posted by PWI
WWE Network News is reporting that the new show "WWE Timeline" debuting this Sunday on WWE Network will focus on the rivalry between The Miz and Daniel Bryan. It will be available on both the free and paid versions of the streaming service.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Ariane Andrew and Matt Dillon welcomed Naomi onto their ‘Sippin The Tea’ show on YouTube. To kick off the conversation, Ariane Andrew spoke about her stint with All Elite Wrestling and competing in their Women’s Tag Team Cup. Ariane clarified that she is not with AEW and is still a free agent.

“So since we are spilling tea, I’m gonna keep it 1,000 percent so everyone can hear it right here, right now. I am not with AEW. That was just a little something, something. A little something, something.

I’m a free agent. As excited a people were, people were like, ‘So what does that mean? There’s no Funkadactyl reunion?’ And the thing is, I can’t say anything — not that I can’t say anything but it’s like I don’t wanna spill the tea but I’m spilling the tea right here, right now that it’s not official so there’s still a door. Hello Vince, are you listening? Funkadactyl reunion.”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
ESPN has a feature story up about the recent purchase of the XFL by Dany Garcia, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and their backer, RedBird Capital Partners. Garcia spoke to ESPN for the article and recalled reaching out to Johnson when the news of the XFL going out of business became public.

“I told DJ, ‘We have something really important to do. We want to do this.’ It was so natural. There was a moment in Dwayne’s life when football was going to be his [career]. I’m a professional athlete myself. We do sports. We do entertainment. If you look at our résumés, everything points to this moment and opportunity for us, to work with these athletes and to build this brand.”

It’s noted in the article that Oliver Luck, who’s currently suing former XFL owner Vince McMahon for wrongful termination, will not be a part of the forthcoming version of the league.

Regarding a 2021 season, the XFL built a bubble plan for their eight teams to either be used during the COVID-19 pandemic or as a cost-cutting measure and that bubble plan is a part of the intellectual property that’ll transition over to Garcia, Johnson and the group that now owns the XFL.

Dany Garcia was also heavily involved in Dwayne Johnson’s contract negotiations while he was with the WWE full-time and she knew Vince and Linda McMahon “very well”. The unsecured creditors filed an objection to the sale of the XFL because of the feeling that the sale might not have maximized the value of the league. The committee also expressed concerns about the relationship between Johnson, Garcia and McMahon.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Lance Storm was a guest on the ‘Sitting Ringside with David Penzer’ podcast and Storm told the story of when he was informed that WCW talents were supposed to get involved in the match between Vince and Shane McMahon at WrestleMania 17. According to what Storm was told, they were scheduled to do more than just appear on camera from the press box but due to Shawn Stasiak doing a radio interview and tipping off that WCW talents were being brought to Mania, their initial plans were scrapped and Vince McMahon was not pleased that their appearances had been leaked.

“That first WrestleMania, the Mania 17 where we all sat in the luxury box or whatever and we’re there to support Shane O’Mac. From what I was told, again, it was second-hand but I was told we were originally going to be involved in the match but Shawn Stasiak stooged off that we were gonna be there in a internet interview that he did on the Friday, because we all got called less than a week before. ‘Hey, we’re gonna bring you into WrestleMania.’ We’re like, ‘Mhm, cool!’ And it was Johnny Ace that called me. He was always the liaison guy and he didn’t specifically say, ‘Hey don’t tell anybody, kayfabe this.’ But it’s not my first rodeo. Unless they tell you to promote it, you shut your damn mouth so I’m like, ‘Cool’ and kept it quiet. Well, Shawn Stasiak did an internet radio interview and said, ‘Oh yeah, we’re all being brought into WrestleMania. We’re gonna be at Mania 17’ and I was told Vince [McMahon] lost his sh*t and wanted to just cancel us all and not bring any of us there but tickets were booked, planes were booked, all that stuff and apparently, someone managed to calm him down and still bring us in but we were just sitting in the box, they’re having nothing to do with this and were sort of shunned and I think that was step one of, ‘Man, we’re in trouble.’”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
When asked about the whereabouts of Austin Theory, Dave Meltzer of F4WOnline noted that Theory’s situation is a “unannounced suspension of sorts”.


Originally Posted by Fightful
Extreme Rules didn't happen the way Kevin Dunn wanted.

The WWE executive was particularly unhappy with a couple of spots in the Asuka vs. Sasha Banks Raw Women's Championship match, according to backstage sources within WWE. As reported on Fightful Select recently, we detailed what upset Dunn:

Extreme Rules was high quality for WWE, but not everything went so smoothly, we're told. During the Sasha Banks and Asuka match, there were some production snafus that set Kevin Dunn off. We weren't told of specific instances, but Dunn was upset that cameras were catching Bayley in spots where they weren't supposed to. When asking around, we were told it wasn't significant, but enough to get Dunn to shout at people over it for not protecting talent.


Originally Posted by Observer
Stock had a big drop from the $48 range to $44.17 Monday. The drop was based on uncertainty with the ratings which has never been an issue before, but now is a big issue because analysts have brought it up.

As of Tuesday's after hours trading, WWE Stocks were at $44.31


Originally Posted by Fightful
You may have noticed that before his Great American Bash double title victory, a of Keith Lee celebrating with both titles emerged. It was posted Instagram by Indus Sher's Saurav Gurjar. This past week, Fightful Select learned more about how the situation was handled.

Fightful has learned that at the last set of WWE NXT tapings, a backstage meeting was held and Indus Sher's Saurav Gurjar apologized for spoiling the results of the title-for-title match before it happened. Gurjar posted a picture of Keith Lee celebrating in the ring with both title belts with confetti falling a week before the title switch aired. We're told there's no significant heat on him, and there's no punishment expected to be handed down, though he and his partner have not been mentioned on TV since. Indus Sher is a personal favorite of Matt Bloom, who has been a big proponent for them in the past.

There was disbelief in Gurjar among those in the company that we spoke to, with most of it being a "why did he think it would be okay to post anything from the tapings, much less that?" type of reaction. He was said to have apologized to Lee directly for spoiling a huge moment for the star.


Originally Posted by PWI
It was announced over the weekend that the Shoney's restaurant in Acworth, Georgia owned by former WCW World Champion Scott Steiner has closed. It opened in 2016 and shut down due to COVID-19 and will not be re-opening. The restaurant featured a display case featuring items from Steiner's career, including his Michigan University jacket, action figures, PPV posters and photos.


Originally Posted by PWI
While Major League Wrestling has been militant about not running show due to COVID-19 (MLW HQ is located in New Rochelle, the same city where COVID-19 first hit New York, so a lot of staff dealt with the issues firsthand), we are told they are reconsidering the stance after watching UFC, The NBA and boxing on DAZN have handled the situation. If those entities don't have massive flareups (see Major League Baseball and WWE), the more likely MLW will return to live events. Currently, nothing is on the books until December at the 2300 Arena, but the company has been willing to wait as long as 18 months before running. It's a situation that could change by the moment, just like the rest of this horrible ongoing pandemic ...

Speaking of BeIN, John Duff, who was head of acquisitions and perhaps MLW's biggest advocate at BeIN, left in March to head up programming at MAVTV. We are told by MLW sources the departure will not have any bearing on their relationship with the Network. Duff and Dan Teitscheid, the President of MAVTV, went to UCLA together and previously worked together at Viacom.

MLW had been scheduled to film content with the Von Erichs in Hawaii this past week but had to delay due to concern about Hurricane Douglas hitting the Island. Of course, MLW HQ is scheduled to be hit with a Tropical Storm tomorrow thanks to Isaias as well ...

There's been talk of bringing in Canadian talent Michael Richard Blais, who won the first-ever Reid Flair Memorial Scholarship at the 2013 Mid-Atlantic Legends Fanfest in North Carolina. Blais was originally trained by TJ Wilson (Tyson Kidd) and has popped up on Raw and 205 Live in the past.

We are told July was the third strongest MLW merchandise sales month in the company's history. The number one selling piece of merchandise was the LA Park Face Mask. MLW has seen an increase in online merch sales across the board since COVID-19.


Originally Posted by PWI
As reported last week by, the trial in the lawsuit brought by Jeff Jarrett and Global Force Entertainment lawsuit against Impact Wrestling parent company Anthem Wrestling was ruled a mistrial on 7/30. has acquired a copy of the official order of the mistrial signed by United States District Court of The Middle District of Tennessee Chief Judge Waverly D. Crenshaw, Jr.

ORDER In a July 30, 2020 ruling from the bench, the Court declared a mistrial in this case and a new trial was ordered in accordance with Rule 59 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure because cumulative errors by both the Court and counsel resulted in neither party receiving a fair trial.

This included, but was not limited to:

(1) the Court’s failure to instruct on comparative negligence;

(2) the identity of the wrong entity in the verdict form on the counterfeiting claim;

(3) improper comments by Defendant’s counsel in opening statements; and

(4) improper statements by Plaintiffs’ counsel in closing arguments, all of which were discussed in detail in the Court’s oral ruling.

Accordingly, the jury is hereby DISCHARGED, and the Clerk shall note on the docket that a MISTRIAL has been declared.

A status conference will be held on September 11, 2020 at 9:00 a.m to set a new trial date.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
TNT has announced that three episodes of AEW Dynamite will be affected by the network’s NBA coverage. The Wednesday, August 19th edition of Dynamite will now air on Saturday, August 22nd at 6 pm Eastern, which is the same night as NXT TakeOver on the WWE Network. The following week’s episode will air on Thursday, August 27th at 8 pm Eastern and the September 16th edition of Dynamite airs on Thursday, September 17th at 8 pm. TSN in Canada has not confirmed how this will impact their airings of the show but we should know later this week.

Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter adds that the August 26th episode of AEW Dynamite will air later that night on TNT and then be replayed in prime time the following night.

TPWW Frontpage:

Mr. Nerfect 08-04-2020 10:54 PM

AEW is probably going to get fucked hard by that rescheduling. Awful timing for them heading into All Out and coming out of it. WWE with an unopposed NXT should see about a 300k increase. This would be a good time to use a star and implement a hot angle.

Emperor Smeat 08-05-2020 07:10 PM

The Sheets sponsored by Keith Lee ragdolling Tomohiro Ishii:


Originally Posted by Fightfyl
The latest chapter in the rivalry between Adam Cole and Pat McAfee will play out tonight on NXT.

WWE announced that McAfee will appear on NXT to address the situation between the two and hopes to clear the air with the former NXT Champion.

Back in late July, Cole was a guest on "The Pat McAfee Show" and things got heated between the two men. Cole and McAfee took verbal jabs at each other, trying to discredit the respective career of the other man. Cole finally snapped when called short, getting out of his chair to confront McAfee, drop a couple of F-bombs, and shove McAfee's co-host. Cole has since then apologized for his actions ...

Previously announced for NXT is a triple threat match between Oney Lorcan, Ridge Holland and Damian Priest where the winner advances to the NXT North American Title Ladder Match at TakeOver XXX. In addition, NXT announced Keith Lee vs. Cameron Grimes and Bronson Reed vs. Shane Thorne as well as Imperium (Marcel Barthel & Fabian Aichner) vs. Undisputed ERA (Kyle O'Reilly & Bobby Fish) for the NXT Tag Team titles and Rhea Ripley vs. Dakota Kai where the winner becomes the No. 1 contender to the NXT Women's title.


Originally Posted by Observer
Eric Young has officially signed an exclusive contract with Impact Wrestling.

In an interview with Sportskeeda, Young confirmed the news.

"Yeah, I am on an exclusive contract with IMPACT,” he was quoted as saying. “ I'm very excited about that!"

"I do have a lot of gas left in the tank,” he added. “ It's just a question of how much longer I want to do it."

Young was released by WWE in April as part of wide-ranging cuts due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. He made his return to Impact at Slammiversary, taking part in a five way match for the Impact World title ...

Young was previously part of Impact Wrestling from 2004 to 2016 before signing with the WWE.


Originally Posted by Observer
AEW officially announced 'Heels' on Wednesday, a paid online subscription service geared toward female wrestling fans.

For $49/year, members "receive access to a variety of features including virtual meet-and-greets, video conference discussions with industry experts, exclusive AEW talent Q&A sessions, customized merchandise, special promotions, themed parties and more. The secure space enables AEW Heels members to connect, learn and thrive together through shared passions for women’s wrestling."

Originally scheduled to launch on May 22nd, the service did a soft launch earlier this year with two video conferences designed for women.

In the press release, they announced an event this Friday which will include a Q&A with referee, podcaster and front office worker Aubrey Edwards, a social media strategy session with Brandi Rhodes, and a session on respect and empowerment in the workplace with Keisha-Ann Gray, partner at the Proskauer law firm.

Rhodes, AEW's chief branding officer, is heading up the initiative.


Originally Posted by Observer
In a move that is surprising some in the sports media industry, Nick Khan has been hired as WWE's new president and chief revenue officer, announced by the company Wednesday morning.

The 45-year-old Khan was the co-head of the TV division of CAA (Creative Artists Agency) and was the driving force behind negotiating WWE's new TV deals in 2018. He reportedly is leaving the company on good terms.

While at CAA, Khan also negotiated deals for a slew of big name sports broadcasters and talking heads in addition to organizations like Top Rank Boxing and college sports' Southeastern Conference (SEC).

Khan will report directly to Vince McMahon and is taking over the roles Michelle Wilson and George Barrios held before they parted ways with WWE earlier this year.

WWE stocks rose to $45.26 by the end of Wednesday's regular trading hours but fell to $44.69 during after hours trading.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
The hiring of Nick Khan is a huge story for WWE and sends a strong message by getting Khan from CAA as its news president and chief revenue officer. The greatest concern for a WWE shareholder is the fear of the television rights bubble bursting and therefore, the added concern over viewership declining even though the company less than one year into their five-year pacts with NBC Universal and Fox. To offset that, they have hired a major power broker when it comes to negotiating sports rights and will be in-house for the next set. On the surface, it would represent massive savings for WWE to cut out CAA and send Khan out as the chief negotiator on its behalf (assuming WWE negotiates on their own without CAA for the next round). I would suspect this can quell concerns of shareholders of falling numbers knowing Khan is a huge hire for this specific task, but nothing is a guarantee when we are looking down the road at the landscape of 2023-24. The news of Khan’s hiring was met with a 2% increase in the WWE stock price that closed at $45.26 on Wednesday. In terms of long-term stability and possibilities, this is one of the most important hires for WWE and was a massive story within the television industry on Wednesday.


Originally Posted by Observer
After making a television appearance with someone who later tested positive for COVID-19, Hiroshi Tanahashi has undergone testing and been cleared to resume wrestling.

NJPW wrote that Tanahashi made the TV appearance on August 1 but adequate countermeasures were put in place and Tanahashi wasn't in close contact with the person who tested positive. NJPW's full statement is available below:

" On August 1, Hiroshi Tanahashi made a television appearance with another cast member who has since tested positive for COVID-19.

Adequate countermeasures were put in place during production of the program, and Tanahashi did not come into close contact with the infected party.

As a precaution, Tanahashi has since undertaken antigen, antibody and PCR testing, with all tests returning negative.

Tanahashi is in good health and will be able to compete on this week’s Summer Struggle events in Korakuen Hall."

Tanahashi is teaming with Kota Ibushi & Master Wato in NJPW's tournament for the vacant NEVER Openweight Six-Man Tag Team titles. They're facing Taichi, Zack Sabre Jr. & Yoshinobu Kanemaru in a first round match at Friday's Summer Struggle event.


Originally Posted by PWI
Q - We see Scott Steiner pop up from time to time here and there. But, What is Rick Steiner up to these days?

A - He is selling Real Estate in the Atlanta, GA area. You can check out his website by clicking here.

From PWI's weekly Q&A articles. Link for those interested:


Originally Posted by PWI
Jerry Lawler will be celebrating his 50th wrestling anniversary next month.

Official Announcement : Jerry “The King” Lawler’s 50th Anniversary Wrestling show has been set for Saturday September 26th at The Ball Park of Jackson in Jackson, Tn. 7:00 pm bell time. We have been cleared for 25% capacity with an additional 200 on field seats at home plate .
— Chris Styles (@TheFutureChris) August 3, 2020

Jerry’s opponent will be named later this month. Special guest will be WWE Hall of Famer , the legendary KANE ! Already set to appear are The Rock n Roll Express, “Wildfire” Tommy Rich, Dr. Tom Prichard, “Superstar” Bill Dundee , Downtown Bruno and Jerry Calhoun. And MORE
— Chris Styles (@TheFutureChris) August 3, 2020

Also just added to the @JerryLawler 50th anniversary show none other than @LexLuger yall September 26 is shaping up to be a big one!!!
— Chris Styles (@TheFutureChris) August 4, 2020

Sergeant Slaughter says he is on his way to Jackson, Tn on Sept. 26th to help the King celebrate !!!! This is turning into the Who’s Who of Wrestling epic event. And the King deserves an incredible night. Come see Sarge live at the Stadium. I'm telling yall we aren't slowin down
— Chris Styles (@TheFutureChris) August 4, 2020

USA Wrestling is proud to announce that LEX LUGER will be appearing at the LAWLER 50th Anniversary Show in Jackson, Tenn. on Sept. 26th at the Jackson Baseball Stadium. Better get your tickets now!!!
— Chris Styles (@TheFutureChris) August 4, 2020


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
One of the bright spots of Disney’s earnings report from Tuesday was the health of its streaming platforms. During the quarter, ESPN+ increased by 7.9 million subscribers to 8.5 million. You would have to attribute a lot of that growth to the UFC being one of the few sports properties running over the past few months, which included the huge UFC 249 event from May with Justin Gaethje vs. Tony Ferguson and last month’s UFC 251 card with Kamaru Usman vs. Jorge Masvidal and two other title fights. Disney’s other streaming services also saw increases led by Disney+ that added 24 million subscribers this past quarter with 50 million subscribers total. Hulu added 3.4 million subscribers leading to a total of 101.5 million between the three services.

Felt that was an interesting article especially when comparing it to WWE and their struggles to grow their WWE Network sub base to levels they still haven't hit all these years later.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
WWE ended up taping only one episode of SmackDown on Tuesday at the Performance Center after the original plans called for two episodes to be taped. The call was made Monday to scrap the taping of the second episode, which would be the show airing on August 14th. I was told they are still finalizing the schedule for when they will be taping their next shows.


Originally Posted by Fightful
Scott Steiner's restaurant recently announced that it is being closed, but Steiner wrote on social media that he is looking to open a sports bar.


Originally Posted by Fightful
Booker T was not a fan of TNA moving away from the six-sided ring.

Longtime TNA/IMPACT fans certainly remember the company having a six-sided ring when TNA Impact premiered in June 2004. It was done to give the promotion a unique presentation compared to what most wrestling fans were used to, and while there were flaws with it, it certainly stood out.

The six-sided ring was done away with in January 2010 upon the arrival of Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff.

Speaking on his Hall of Fame podcast, Booker T recalled the change and why it was such a mistake.

"I had left the week before Hogan came in. Honestly, what I thought, when they changed to the four-sided ring and I heard it was being debated, I didn't agree with it. I believed in the identity that TNA had built that was different, different than any other wrestling company ever produced. Having the six-sided ring was different. Did I like the six-sided ring? Not really. It wasn't my cup of tea. (It was) hard and a lot of guys used it better to do their tricks off of. I knew I wasn't going to be taking many bumps and I knew I wasn't going to be jumping off the top rope. I was good with the situation. I'm thinking about the future, not the past, and the identity this company had built and when they went away from the six-sided ring because of Hogan coming in, me personally, Hogan should've been thinking about the same thing. [He's] not going to take any bumps or do anything off the top rope, so it shouldn't matter if these young kids want to go around and do all this stuff. We need them to do that. Moving away from the six-sided ring was the bullet in the head that put TNA out of the question as being something different and new," he said.

The six-sided ring returned in June 2014, but was gone again in January 2018. TNA/IMPACT still uses the traditional four-sided ring.


Originally Posted by Fightful
When the AEW rankings came out earlier this morning, it officially had AEW Women's Champion Hikaru Shida at 20 career AEW wins. This makes Shida the first woman ever to get 20 wins in an AEW ring, joining Trent, Scorpio Sky, Kenny Omega, Jon Moxley, Frankie Kazarian, Cody and Hangman Page to also win 20 AEW matches. The two women closest to the 20-win mark are Nyla Rose at 14 wins and Britt Baker at 13 wins.


Originally Posted by Fightful
Finn Balor's alternate persona "The Demon" hasn't been seen since Super ShowDown 2019 and Finn doesn't want to talk about it, until he had to talk about it.

During the SummerSlam 1992 watch party on Fox Sports 1, Balor joked that he didn't want to talk about paint during the Randy Savage vs. Ultimate Warrior match, which of course led to Balor and Renee Young talking about paint.

During the discussion, Balor recalled the original idea for wanting to paint his body and how it grew from there.

"The paint was was a weird idea, it was supposed to be a once-off. I had been working babyface for like six and a half years in Japan and they asked me if I wanted to turn heel. I thought, 'Okay, I'll take everything away that they recognize from me as a babyface. [Jushin Thunder] Liger had already worn the bodysuit and I didn't want to change my body too much so I thought, 'Why not cover my body in black paint?' The idea was that the babyface would be wrestling against this shadow in the ring. That was where the concept came from. The more I played with it, I found a really good painter in Tokyo and we came up with my first Demon character. It was supposed to be a once-off and I'll never forget, I told Karl Anderson a month before it happened, 'I'm going to cover myself in paint for Tokyo Dome' and he said, 'You're gonna look stupid. Everyone is gonna laugh at you. The paint is gonna go everywhere and you'll look like an idiot.' I always remember that one," he said.

Balor has brought out 'The Demon' multiple times in WWE, but it's been over a year since his last appearance.

TPWW Frontpage:

Emperor Smeat 08-06-2020 09:17 PM

The Sheets sponsored by the Wednesday Night Rasslin War:


Originally Posted by Observer
Coming on a night where they faced competition in the form of three of the four major sports, AEW Dynamite and WWE NXT ratings were both up from last week.

Last night's Dynamite was up 16.6 percent in total viewers, averaging 901,000 viewers. NXT was also up 6.5 percent, averaging 753,000 viewers ...

In the 18-49 demo, AEW averaged a 0.36 rating, up 20 percent from last week. Dynamite finished fifth overall on cable behind two NBA games, Tucker Carlson Tonight, and Real Housewives ...

NXT saw an 11.1% increase in the 18-49 demo from last week, averaging a 0.20 rating. NXT finished 27th overall on cable for the night.

The combined 18-49 number of 0.56 beat all three hours of Raw on Monday.

The story in the other demo categories was similar to most weeks in that NXT won the 50+ category with a 0.39 to 0.33 advantage, the exact same numbers as last week. AEW won every other demo and doubled or nearly doubled NXT in almost every category, particularly in the younger demos.

AEW's strongest category was men 18-49, where Dynamite averaged a 0.45 rating, tied for third on cable for the night. It's notable that AEW averaged a 0.29 rating in people 18-34. That beat Raw this week by itself, which averaged a 0.28 in that category.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
AEW’s viewership average was its highest since March 18th, which was the first empty arena show after the shutdown and their sixth-highest number of the year. In the 18-49 demo, it was their best performance since February 5th, which did the same rating. This week’s demo number is tied for AEW’s second-best performance of the year with the episodes airing on January 1st, January 8th, and Feb. 5th ...

For NXT, they did see increases in all their demos as well as overall viewership, which averaged 753,000 and was up 6.5% this week. It was their best numbers in those categories since the second Great American Bash show on July 8th that was headlined by the Double Tite Match between Adam Cole and Keith Lee ...

It was a rare week where no key demo decreased on either program.


Originally Posted by Observer
Adam Cole vs. Pat McAfee is now official for NXT TakeOver XXX after McAfee posted a video accepting the challenge that was issued to him. The show is taking place on Saturday, August 22.

The fact this actually got made as an official Takeover match is crazy. Feud itself has been somewhat dumb but to actually waste a spot on a TakeOver card is another thing. Road Dogg really wasn't joking when he mentioned a while ago that NXT was going to start leaning a lot more into WWE booking mentality for the brand and storylines.


Originally Posted by PWI
Triple H announced that Metallica’s “Moth Into Flame” is an official theme song of NXT TakeOver XXX: “#NXTTakeOver: XXX will be our biggest event yet…so we had to make it as LOUD as possible. A special thank you to @Metallica for this #NXTLoud theme. ‘Moth Into Flame’ gets even LOUDER on S&M2, out August 28th. #WeAreNXT”



Originally Posted by Fightful
Eric Bischoff is not officially All Elite.

Bischoff made a surprise appearance on Wednesday's AEW Dynamite as the moderator for the debate between Chris Jericho and Orange Cassidy. It was his first appearance on TNT wrestling since 2000 when he was a regular on WCW Nitro.

Mike Johnson at PWInsider reported Bischoff's appearance was a one-off. Bill Pritchard of WrestleZone talked to Bischoff and asked if any future plans with AEW were discussed. Bischoff said, “No. It was a cameo and it made sense in that particular scene between Orange Cassidy and Chris Jericho."


Originally Posted by PWI
Q - Could the hooded new group in WWE be formerly released wrestlers?

A - That would actually be a hell of a story, but I haven't heard that to be the case. They could easily just have everyone under hoodies until the reveal so it would be very easy to have others in their place before the reveal.

From PWI's weekly Q&A articles about who might be members of WWE's new mysterious faction.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Xavier Woods guest appeared on The Two Man Power Trip of Wrestling podcast. Woods spoke about his gaming feud with Kenny Omega and stated that he still wants to do an inter-promotional wrestling match with Omega.

“Kenny Omega has been on my YouTube show before and so have the Young Bucks. We have been able to do a Street Fighter Tournament together with a wrestling spin on it of course with the contract signing and cutting promos on each other beforehand. Using video games as a conduit we have been able to do something no one else has been able to do. That rivalry is still going strong today and I’m pretty sure it will never end. I would love to do some sort of inter-promotional match with him one day. The goal is to destroy boundaries. Do things that we aren’t supposed to be doing because people would really enjoy it. Given the right circumstances, I do think it could happen, but we’ll see.”

Xavier Woods recounted some of his experiences with Vince McMahon and mentioned how McMahon was laughing uncontrollably backstage when he first saw Woods with the trombone. Once New Day got to the backstage area, McMahon told Woods to always carry the trombone with him.

“I decided why don’t I bring out the trombone to the ring with me. I may never get another chance to bring it out onto TV with me. Kofi and Big E are having a match and I’m on the floor, as per usual (laughs). So I have the trombone and I’m thinking to myself what would make the guys laugh. I just started randomly playing the trombone during the match and during the commercial break the cameraman walked up to me. He said Vince is dying laughing in the back, he loves the trombone, keep playing it. Vince had tears in his eyes and he was screaming laughing, he loved it that much. When we got to the back he said, ‘Forever, forever, you will always be bringing out the trombone to the ring with you.'”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
D-Von Dudley welcomed Kofi Kingston onto the Table Talk podcast. Kofi was asked about the public viewing him as the first African-American WWE Champion and not Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. Kofi feels that it’s “silly” that people don’t associate that accolade with Johnson because he’s half-Samoan.

“And I agree with you too man. I think it’s sometimes kinda silly that people try to not count The Rock in that category because regardless of what you look like, you are what you are, you know what I’m saying? He’s black, whether he’s half-black or full black, he’s black so, but I definitely take a lot of pride in that sentiment like you said. I think for a long time, people of color, especially African Americans have been waiting for someone who looks exactly like them to hold that championship title and I mention it all the time but on Twitter and social media, the moment that happened, I got so many different messages and people in tears. There’s a video of actually Shad [Gaspard] and MVP crying.”


Originally Posted by Figghtful
Anyone who has seen The Rock's animated hit "Moana" knows just how catchy those songs are. "You're Welcome" was listed in the Top 5 of Spotify's most listened to Disney songs in the car.

And Daniel Bryan, like most parents out there who have had to endure the song endlessly after one viewing of "Moana," is TIRED OF HEARING IT!

Taking to social media, Bryan gave his reason as to why he wants a match with The Rock. Not because it would do big business at the box office or elevate Bryan's career to new heights. Nope, it's all because he's sick of that friggin' song.

Always one to put talent over, The Rock is ready to do the job for Bryan.

Link: ,


Originally Posted by Fightful
Vickie Guerrero is officially All Elite.

Speaking with Simon Hannig of Daily DDT, Vickie confirmed that she officially signed her AEW contract this week. Terms of the deal were not disclosed.

Vickie made cameo appearances in Inner Circle segments during 2020 but took on a more prominent on-screen role at AEW Fight for the Fallen when she was announced as the manager for Nyla Rosa.

When asked about joining AEW instead of going back to WWE, Vickie said, "No hesitation, put it that way. I retired from WWE in 2014. My focus was not to return to them. We just had a lot of just difference of opinions and things going on. If it wasn’t going to be for AEW, I don’t think I would be anywhere else, but when AEW presented that there was some opportunity, I gave 100%, just my whole being. I said, 'I’m here for you and I can’t wait to be a team player with the company.'"


Originally Posted by Fightful
Kazuchika Okada has an idea of what his first stipulation for the KOPW Title tournament will be.

During today's NJPW Summer Struggle show, Okada revealed that he is in the tournament as well as Yujiro Takahashi. Okada cut a quick promo on Takahashi and made his first proposal for their first round match which is Okada facing Takahashi in a 3 vs. 1 handicap match, except it is Okada who would be at a disadvantage.



Originally Posted by Fightful
On Monday, AEW began its Women's Tag Team Tournament: The Deadly Draw. The concept behind the tournament is similar to WCW's Lethal Lottery where teams are randomly drawn for the tournament.

Speaking to Sports Illustrated, Brandi Rhodes, discussed the tournament and how it will help spotlight the women in the division.

“I see people saying they want more for the women in AEW, and that’s where my idea for the Tag Team Cup Tournament came from,” said Rhodes. “I don’t book the women’s division, but I help out wherever I can, and I’m really excited for this tournament. I hope people take their cues from the women involved, because we’re really excited about this. This exists on its own, with no restraints. I think people are going to be charmed by it, both by the production and the talent. Very quickly, it’s become a labor of love, with graphics, travel, filming pre-tapes, every detail. People are working really hard to create new content. It’s not tacked onto Dark or Dynamite, this is the start of something great for the women’s division.”

TPWW Frontpage:

Emperor Smeat 08-07-2020 01:29 PM

The Sheets (Observer Newsletter Edition):


WWE announced on 8/5 that Nick Khan, the man who negotiated the company’s current television deals with FOX and NBC Universal for Raw, Smackdown and NXT, has been named new company President and Chief Revenue Officer.

Essentially he takes the position formerly held by George Barrios, and is basically the replacement for both Barrios and Michelle Wilson, who were fired in January, leading to a huge drop in the WWE stock price due to investor uncertainty. Khan signed a lucrative five-year deal which is valued at approximately $35.5 million if profits each year reach their target amount and he remains with the company for that duration. He also receives a full benefits package. Khan’s deal includes relocating to Stamford by the end of this month and working in the company offices, reporting directly, and only, to Vince McMahon.

Khan was the Co-Head of Television at the Creative Arts Agency (CAA), which took over WWE’s television negotiations for its Raw and Smackdown deals after the split between WWE and Endeavor over the conflict of interest of the same group at the same time negotiating both UFC and WWE deals with the feeling they were in competition ...

Khan was also involved in a later deal to get NXT onto the USA Network, which was key, because the show without the big lead-in provided would have done far worse on FS 1 as was originally talked with. Even though WWE drew far more eyeballs, historically pro wrestling eyeballs were not considered valuable for television with the belief it draws from lower-income audiences. But CAA and WWE leveraged a bidding war between NBC Universal and Fox, first for Raw, and then for Smackdown, which led to the company increasing its rights fees by 260 percent for its two major franchise shows ...

It would make sense that one of Khan’s early moves would be to attempt to sell network property, whether it be the PPVs, or that and more content, to a larger streaming company and get similar level guaranteed money. Vince McMahon had attempted to do that earlier in the year and predicted a deal before WrestleMania, but talks fell apart due to money tightening from the big players due to the pandemic. With his experience, he would no doubt become the key person in the company involved in negotiations in around 2022, for the Raw & Smackdown deals that expire in October 2024, as well as the NXT deal, which is believed to expire in October 2021 ...

There are a number of other key aspects of this deal, but with his contacts with not only the major players in cable and streaming, as well as the sports business media, Khan is a key hire for the next round of contract negotiations as far as being within the company as opposed to outside the company, which can make them and in other ways save them significant amounts of money ...

Khan was a huge part of the FOX deal, which is the key deal because USA is not going to give up on WWE even though they were on board with a short-term decline as an 18-month rebuilding phase which was then dropped last month, and instead the declines continued at a stronger rate. He also has a good relationship with USA Network, which was strong on Paul Heyman ...

The company made a second hire this past week, as James Kimball, who had been the operations head of the UFC Performance Institute, overseeing both the Shanghai, China and Las Vegas training facilities, is moving to Stamford, CT to take a senior business operations role in WWE according to Marc Raimondi of ESPN. Dr. Duncan French, who had been the performance head of the Performance Institutes, will take over as the operational head.

WWE is just over two weeks away from its weekend of SummerSlam and Takeover and three weeks from Backlash. AEW is also four weeks away from its second All Out show.

SummerSlam, the traditional No. 3 show of the year in the U.S., currently has no announced location even though it is three weeks away. Originally set for Boston, and then Orlando, the latest word is that it will be in Atlantic City. Vince McMahon had wanted it outside of Orlando to have a different look. He strongly wanted it before fans but it’s not clear whether that will be the case. If there are no fans, there is no imminent need to announce a location.

The other three shows at this point are from Florida ...

NXT Takeover the night before, which usually is built up with more straight-forward angles, will be headlined by Keith Lee vs. Karrion Kross for the NXT title and Io Shirai vs. Dakota Kai for the women’s title ...

Pat McAfee vs. Adam Cole is happening in some form as an attempt to get mainstream sports attention. McAfee was a former All-Pro punter with the Indianapolis Colts but he’s been a WWE Network pregame show character for quite a while, along with being a streaming talk show host. Depending on how it’s done, this will be a real test for Cole having to carry a guy in his first match. But the guy is a legit athlete and he’s 33 years old, so even though he had his football injuries, he’s by no means old. This is all about getting the brand publicity outside of pro wrestling circles and it’ll be a challenge to see just how good Cole really is.

Regarding the note from last week about furloughed employees being told they were not being brought back in August, this has led to a lot of significant unhappiness. They furloughed about 240 full-time non-wrestlers in mid-April, so while the wrestlers were not figured into the large profits for the quarter because they were still being paid through mid-July, there was the savings of some money in quarter two of employee cuts in that $51.6 million in savings. The producers and others in live events pretty much knew they were done until those shows returned. Most of the others expected to be back at the start of July. A few of those people were brought back, but it’s a small number. The basic argument is that the furloughs made sense in April due to the unforeseen prospects of the future, because if they missed providing new television for weeks, which was possible had it not been for Gov. DeSantis in Florida, the contracts that carry the company could have been in jeopardy. Plus, Vince at first was terribly fearful if they didn’t air shows live they could cancel the deals. But by July, that fear was gone. FOX & NBC Universal weren’t opting out, nor demanding the shows be live, and WWE has a place to tape with no fear of being booted out, or limited fear because nobody can 100 percent see a future that nobody really knows. The argument is that by July, they knew they were setting profit records and then to extend the furloughs twice since then is the thing employees were really upset about. Right now the date is 8/28 so they’d come back in September, but nobody knows how many will be back or if it’ll be extended another month. And of course, it’s the worst time ever for the job market. And there may be the feeling that they just set record profits with lower costs and that maybe they don’t need all those people after all. But the unhappiness is that management already knew the quarter two records and seven days before the investment call they extended the furloughs another month
For some perspective, WWE employees around 1000 people although not entirely sure if that actually includes wrestlers or not. Either way, a huge chunk of the company got impacted by those furloughs and releases.


I can’t confirm pen to paper, but Rey Mysterio is staying, as was always the betting line outcome of this, but it’s as close to official without confirmation of it being official, and obviously Dominik is a big part of that deal. AEW made an offer that equaled the WWE’s per-match offer, but the WWE offer was higher because it was for more dates. We don’t have a time frame past this new deal would be considerably longer than the previous (18 months) deal but not the five-years or longer deals that WWE has tried to get everyone on

There were all kinds of issues on 8/3 and 8/4 with the tapings for the 8/3 and 8/10 Raw shows and 8/7 Smackdown show. It’s always chaotic day of the show, but this was said to be an overly chaotic week due to the 7/27 show doing so poorly in the ratings even with a hotshot show and Vince being grilled by investors about ratings as well as negative articles on the ratings not in the wrestling world but outside the world where that has been largely, particularly the financial and entertainment world. Vince McMahon during the week came up with Shane’s return and what that would entail and an angle with Orton and Ric Flair and he wouldn’t commit to any other outside ideas. As of the morning of the show, that was all he had approved of and a show was written but not with him approving of any other elements. There was a meeting during the day before the investment call on 7/30 described as brutal as Vince approved nothing. They had another meeting on 7/31 which lasted four hours. He did talk forever about how much he loves Bayley and her new persona and that he sees Peyton Royce and Bianca Belair as singles stars. After Raw on 8/4, with Smackdown the next day in chaos due to Vince blowing up the scripted show and the loss of some people at the last minute expected to appear on the show, the decision was made to only tape one week of Smackdown on 8/4, instead of two. The original plan was to tape NXT on 8/12 for both 8/12 and 8/19, and that is still on. Since key people in production will be there, the 8/14 Smackdown show will be taped on 8/13, the next day. The 8/17 Raw show, scheduled to be taped a few hours earlier that day along with the 8/21 Smackdown show, was moved to being taped on 8/13 with the Smackdown show to save on costs. However that still leaves the 8/21 Smackdown show, and officially no decision was made about that show at press time. Right now, aside from Takeover on 8/22 and the upcoming PPV dates, there is nothing scheduled and everything is to be determined. The logic would be the 8/21 show to be taped on its own the day before, since the production team is already working the next day in Florida and it makes no sense to bring them in twice. But those in the company, talent, producers, production people, writers and others have not been told of any television taping dates after 8/13

So this is the situation with the draft, which at last word is expected for October with two dates (a Smackdown and a Raw date) being talked about. It was scheduled for October, but then talked about for August because they know they need to make changes. Then it was brought up that doing it in early August would mess up the angles for SummerSlam. So then it was September. Last week the idea was late August, but then with the second PPV show on 8/30, they figured to wait until after that. So then it was moved to October which is where it is this week, but can easily change, like everything does

Regarding the story about NXT adding new writers , there have been three people who were on the regular writing team who were moved to writing NXT when it moved to television in September. They’ve added two others, one who had been a former writer brought back to the company and the other someone on the writing team who was working for the company moved to NXT. Although nobody will say it, there is a lot of unhappiness about losing in the ratings every week. The unhappiness shouldn’t be losing as much as the complete inability to draw those under 50. NXT has always had writers but they were people who were on the main roster writing team who would also help write NXT. Since going on television, NXT was given three exclusive writers and now that number has been upped to five

NEW JAPAN: For the 8/29 Jingu Stadium show, it looks like they are going with 30 percent capacity, which would be around 10,000 tickets with about 2,000 priced at $188 and the other 8,000 at $103.50 so in theory they can do the million dollar gate that they were hoping for out of Madison Square Garden. What we were told is that the number of tickets being sold is not public but it would be about the same as the Yakult Swallows games are being set up for. That could end up being 50 percent capacity or 18,000, but I don’t know that they have the card that would draw that many people and at this point still only have two matches announced and we’re a few weeks away. They do have the deal where most fans haven’t been able to get into shows, since the Tokyo shows have been held at 482 paid at Korakuen Hall, so most fans aren’t being able to get tickets, and this show would be the first most would be able to attend in Tokyo in months, so that could help attendance

Harold Meij did an interview with Weekly Toyo Kazai. The subject was talking about the pandemic and how it affected the business. He noted that 50 percent of New Japan revenue is live ticket sales and that merchandise at the events is a large percentage as well ...

Regarding New Japan World numbers, he said they did drop to 90,000 during the months of not running shows, which did hold up better than you’d think with months of no new events. They are now back around 100,000, broken down as about 60,000 in Japan (few subscription streaming services do big business in Japan as compared to other countries) and 40,000 outside Japan. They’ve peaked at 120,000 to 125,000 during Wrestle Kingdom or G-1 season, as well as during last year’s Best of the Super Juniors tournament ...

He noted that only 20 percent of New Japan’s revenue comes from a combination of New Japan World and TV rights fees. Right now WWE’s revenue is 90 percent those two categories so they could continue with minimal economic damage, and actually ended up being far more profitable during the pandemic. Meij noted that 60 percent or more of revenue coming from television rights fees is the norm in the international sports world.

Regarding Excalibur, he will be back. Nobody has officially said anything but we were told he was flying to Jacksonville for next week’s television and unless things change would be back on the first show taped that airs on 8/12. His name hasn’t been mentioned on either Dynamite or Dark and Taz was in his spot on both shows

While not getting a lot of pub, they [AEW] have cut back on extras that were being brought in weekly. Pineapple Pete was the biggest name not brought back

The most-watched shows on the WWE Network for the past week were: 1. Greatest Stars of the 90s; 2. Day of Extreme Rules with Bayley and Banks; 3. Extreme Rules; 4. Best of Saturday Night’s Main Event; 5. Raw Talk for 8/3; 6. Double Champions of the last decade; 7. Raw from 6/29. It’s a bad thing when a month old Raw show is beating NXT, 205 Live and NXT U.K
To be fair to NXT UK, WWE's been mostly running "Best Of" episodes for the brand ever since they stopped tapings.

WWE Ratings, AEW vs. NXT Ratings, Impact Ratings, & Coronavirus Impact on Ratings stuff:


Raw on 8/3 was in a sense a ratings bright spot but also a question mark regarding where it was yet another hotshot that will result in more damage down the line.

Even going against the NBA, Raw increased 6.1 percent overall and 6.8 percent in 18-49 from last week’s low marks and averaged 1,715,000 viewers and 0.51 (660,000 viewers) in 18-49.

The number was still the sixth lowest of all-time, but was also the best the show has done overall in five weeks.

The increase was a combination of last-day hype of the return of Shane McMahon and the debut of a new group, and during the show, of the anticipation of both and hype of Raw Underground, a Fight Club like presentation.

The second hour did strongly. It was the most-watched hour of the show in five weeks, with major growth over hour one ...

The first hour did 1,710,000 viewers. The second hour increased to 1,824,000 viewers while hour three declined to 1,610,000 viewers.

But each demo told a different story. Women 18-49 grew 22.2 percent in our two before falling 9.1 percent in hour three. Men 18-49 grew 10.2 percent in hour two and then fell 4.6 percent in hour three. Teenage girls grew 17.8 percent in hour two and then grew another 21.6 percent in hour three. Teenage boys grew 17.4 percent in hour two and another 22.8 percent in hour three. Over 50 stayed the same in hour two but fell 15.3 percent in hour three.

For a comparison, last week’s show fell 88.0 percent after hour two with teenage girls, 52.6 percent after hour two with teenage boys and 7.2 percent after hour two with those over 50

Smackdown on 7/31 did a 1.18 rating, 1,894,000 viewers (1.33 viewers per home) and a 0.50 (644,000 viewers) 18-49 rating.

Viewers were down 1.6 percent going against NBA action, the rating was down 3.3 percent but 18-49 was up 4.2 percent, so it’s an overall plus. It was the third lowest number of viewers since Smackdown went on FOX, barely ahead of 5/1 and well ahead of 7/3, which was the record low due to the holiday weekend. But the 18-49 number was well up from the last several weeks. With the lower viewing number but higher 18-49 number, the median viewer age dropped to 55.3 years old.

Smackdown was last place in viewers among network programming which was almost all reruns, but it was the only show to hit 0.5 in 18-49 among networks shows with a number of 0.4s. However it was third for the night, as even with the advantage of being in 34 percent more homes, both NBA games beat Smackdown in 18-49 ...

The segments were 1.90 million for A.J. Styles vs. Gran Metalik, 1.84 million for clips of Jeff Hardy vs. Sheamus, Hardy and King Corbin interviews, Corbin vs. Drew Gulak and the Matt Riddle-Chad Gable angle. It was 1.95 million for Big E vs. Miz and Naomi vs. Lacey Evans as the high point of the show. And it did 1.87 million for the Mandy Rose-Sonya Deville angle and Bayley vs. Nikki Cross ...

FOX on the same week last year with rerun programming did 1,514,000 viewers and 0.3 in 18-49.

There was a major turning point this past week, as for the first time, even with head-to-head competition from both NXT and an NBA game with LeBron James, AEW won the week in both the overall 18-34 demo for the first time and in 18-34 women for the second time ...

AEW had 201,000 18-34 viewers as compared to 200,000 for Raw and 183,000 for Smackdown. Smackdown has the huge advantage of being on FOX and should blow away the field, but doesn’t.

It was close with men, but both WWE shows were still ahead, with Smackdown at 118,000, Raw had 110,000 and AEW at 108,000. With women, AEW had the edge with 83,000 to 80,000 for Raw and 61,000 for Smackdown ...

For 8/5, AEW did its beat overall number since 3/18 and best 18-49 number since 2/5, for a loaded up show where every key star had a segment. But NXT did well with, even with stronger competition with the NBA, it did its best numbers four weeks.

AEW did 901,000 viewers and a 0.36 in 18-49 (461,000 viewers), good for fifth place in the key demo on the night, trailing two NBA games, Tucker Carlson and Real Housewives of Beverly Hills ...

NXT did 753,000 viewers and 0.20 in 18-49 (255,000 viewers). It was 27th for the night in 18-49 ...

The NBA actually skews younger than AEW. Right now of major sports, AEW has the third youngest age skew behind soccer and the NBA ...

AEW won every key demo, and huge with the young ones. In Males 18-34, AEW nearly tripled NXT. AEW had 108,000 viewers (up 58.8 percent form last week) while NXT had 39,000 (identical to last week). In women 18-34, AEW had 83,000 viewers (up 27.7 percent from last week) and NXT had 36,000 (up 50.0 percent from last week), so AEW doubled there a well. In men 35-49 AEW had 183,000 viewers (up 0.5 percent from last week) and NXT had 121,000 (up 17.5 percent from last week0. In women 35-49, AEW had 87,000 (up 10.1 percent from last week) and NXT had 59,000 (down 9.2 percent from last week).

In the main event battle, AEW did 863,000 viewers and 450,000 in 18-49 for the Jon Moxley vs. Darby Allin title match. NXT had 713,000 viewers and 249,000 in 18-49 for Imperium vs. Bobby Fish &amp; Kyle O’Reilly, which was really a segment built around the Adam Cole-Pat McAfee angle.

The night featured the most successful segments since the early weeks of the pandemic, with the Young Bucks &amp; FTR &amp; Kenny Omega &amp; Adam Page vs. Dark Order match averaging 943,000 viewers, besting the Young Bucks vs. Butcher &amp; Blade that did 912,000. Six of the eight quarters on the show beat the 887,000 mark for the Keith Lee vs. Adam Cole double title match that had been the pandemic high point until recent weeks.

In 18-49, the Chris Jericho/Orange Cassidy debate did 487,000 as the peak, and there were five of eight AEW quarters that beat the 459,000 18-49 number of Young Bucks vs. Butcher &amp; Blade from two weeks earlier that was the previous top Wednesday mark since April.

The first quarter saw AEW do 943,000 viewers and 460,000 in 18-49 for the 12 man tag match. NXT, with its big lead-in edge, did 820,000 viewers and 232,000 in 18-49 for Dakota Kai vs. Rhea Ripley. This was both group’s total audience peak.

The second quarter saw AEW do 943,000 viewers and 479,000 in18-49 for the ending of the 12 man, a Moxley interview and the beginning of Ortiz &amp; Santana vs. Best Friends. NXT did 777,000 viewers and 252,000 in 18-49 for the ending of Kai vs. Ripley and post-match, and Bronson Reed vs. Shane Thorne.

The third quarter saw AEW do 885,000 viewers and 451,000 in 18-49 for most of Best Friends vs. Ortiz &amp; Santana. NXT did 771,000 viewers and 263,000 in 18-49 for the kidnapping of Fandango, a Robert Stone interview and the beginning of Damien Priest vs. Oney Lorcan vs. Ridge Holland.

The fourth quarter saw AEW do 919,000 viewers and 460,000 in 18-49 for the MJF interview, Matt Hardy interview and angle with Sammy Guevara and Ortiz &amp; Santana messing up Sue’s minivan. NXT did 756,000 viewers and 285,000 in 18-49 for the bulk of the Priest vs. Lorcan vs. Holland three-way which was the 18-49 peak of the night for NXT.

The fifth quarter saw AEW do 915,000 viewers and 471,000 in 18-49 for Cody &amp; Matt Cardona vs. John Silver &amp; Alex Reynolds. NXT did 759,000 viewers and 263,000 in 18-49 for Keith Lee vs. Cameron Grimes.

The sixth quarter saw AEW do 918,000 viewers and 487,000 in 18-49 for the Jericho/Cassidy debate with Eric Bischoff. NXT did 700,000 viewers and 242,000 in 18-49 for the Lee/Karrion Kross confrontation and the Santos Escobar guys beating up Tyler Breeze &amp; Fandango.

The seventh quarter saw AEW do 825,000 viewers and 427,000 in 18-49 for the post-debate, Britt Baker’s interview and Reba vs. Big Swole. NXT did 730,000 viewers and 255,000 in18-49for the Pat McAfee stuff and Indi Hartwell vs. Tegan Nox.

IMPACT: We have monthly average television ratings for the Thursday night prime time show for this year. January averaged 169,000 viewers and 49,000 in 18-49 (0.04 in the demo). February averaged 181,000 viewers and 54,000 in 18-49 (0.04). March averaged 161,000 viewers and 36,000 in 18-49 (0.03). April averaged 144,000 and 27,000 in 18-49 (0.02). May averaged 153,000 and 34,000 in 18-49 (0.03). June averaged 141,000 and 32,000 in 18-49 (0.02). July averaged 153,000 and 44,000 in 18-49 (0.03). The key takes is that Impact draws a much older audience than any other wrestling show. Impact is also the most-watched show on the station. We don’t have the median but you can get a glimpse of the age by looking at the percentage of viewers of a show that are 18-49. Impact was 28.8 percent in July. For the week of 7/27 to 8/2, Raw was 38.2 percent, AEW was 51.0 percent, NXT was 32.7 percent and Smackdown was 34.0 percent. So Impact is skewing far older than even NXT and Smackdown, and those shows are in the 55-57 range as the age of the median viewer

There are a few things to look at regarding how television viewing has changed during the pandemic, looking at WWE, NXT, AEW and Impact.

What we are doing here is comparing July, which means that the stronger numbers that both Raw and AEW did as compared to July are not factored in. But the overall 12-17 and 18-34 trend, huge drops for Raw and Smackdown, and staying even and lesser drops respectively for AEW, had been building all month to where the lines would intersect.

Right now, AEW, with competition, is very close and sometimes even ahead of both Raw and Smackdown, without competition, under the age of 35 ...

Raw for July was down 36.2 percent from the prior year, by far the largest year-to-year drop in the history of the show. Now, some, if not much of this is the pandemic, and we’ve never had a year where Raw had no crowd. The previous record drop was between April 2018 to April 2019, which was down 25 percent. The April drop was 21 percent from the prior year. The May drop was 23 percent. And the June drop was 24 percent. Paul Heyman’s removal came in early June, and then they had the two good weeks when they brought back Ric Flair, Big Show and Christian before that gimmick ran its course and things fell harder than ever.

Even scarier is that in the history of Raw, there was never a 30 percent drop year-to-year for any show in history over the same week the prior year that can’t be explained by either a holiday or a special episode.

But over the past six weeks, the drop from the year before has exceeded 30 percent in five of those weeks. So we can say that even though WWE has added an audience making the atmosphere better, the audience has declined from the complete empty arena shows, and that goes for Smackdown as well ...

First, we looked at the month of February, which was when things were going usual even though there were certainly hints of problems. Really, nobody was taking it seriously until early March and then, in a hurry, the world changed. Everything stopped production except WWE, AEW and Impact Wrestling ...

We’ll start with Raw. Raw averaged 2,288,000 viewers in February and 1,623,000 in July, a decline of 29.1 percent. In 18-49, the average went from 0.74 to 0.48, a decline of 35.1 percent ...

As expected, the largest audience, over 50, remained the most loyal, but that is still a scary drop over a five-month period ...

We don’t have the same level of details for Smackdown as far as different groups, but we do have the key numbers.

Smackdown in February averaged 2,542,000 viewers and 0.75 in 18-49. In July it averaged 1,878,000 viewers and a 0.46 in 18-49. So the total viewers during the period were down 26.1 percent and 18-49 dropped 38.7 percent, so while the audience decline was slightly less than Raw, in the key demo the drop was worse, which also speaks to the audience of Smackdown aging more over the period.

NXT in February averaged 760,000 viewers in February and 701,000 in July, a drop of 7.8 percent, which on the surface sounds good and it is far less than any other show dropped. In 18-49, the drop was from 0.24 to 0.18, or 25.0 percent, which is still less then Raw or Smackdown but when there is a big difference between the total audience drop and the 18-49 drop, it tells you that the audience has aged significantly during the period.

Breaking it down more, in 12-17 the drop was from 0.11 to 0.08, or 27.3 percent. In 18-34, the drop was from 0.15 to 0.09, or 40.0 percent. In 35-49, the drop was 0.32 to 0.28, or 12.5 percent. And in 50+, the audience was 0.37 both before and after the pandemic. So this didn’t hurt NXT with its older audience at all, but it dropped strongly under 35 ...

AEW in February averaged 876,000 viewers and 774,000 in July, a drop of 11.6 percent, which is more of a drop than NXT. But AEW held up with younger viewers better, falling from a 0.30 in 18-49 to 0.28, a drop of 6.7 percent. When the demo drop is less than overall, that means the audience is getting younger.

Among 12-17, AEW actually increased from 0.12 in February to 0.14 in July, an increase of 16.7 percent. In 18-34, the drop was from 0.20 in February to 0.17 in July, or 15.0 percent. In 35-49, the drop was 0.44 in February to 0.42 in July, or a 4.5 percent drop. In 50+, the drop was big, from 0.36 to 0.29, or 19.4 percent ...

Impact went from 181,000 viewers in February to 153,000, a 15.5 percent drop. The 18-49 number went from 54,000 to 44,000, a drop of 18.5 percent, meaning the show is slightly aging. The 18-34 decline was only 5.9 percent but the 35-49 decline was 24.3 percent ...

The average total audience drop, and remember that this is heavily skewed toward those over 50 since with the exception of AEW, every show’s mean is over 50 and Impact is over 60 and NXT is creeping up to it, would be 18.0 percent. Based on that, NXT and AEW have done the best, Impact is under the average and Raw &amp; Smackdown have declined by far the worst ...

In 18-49, the average drop was 24.9 percent. That’s really quite bad for such a short period of time, even with the circumstances. Raw and Smackdown have done poorly. NXT is at the average. AEW has done the best and Impact has kept its audience the second best. Even though all companies declined, a drop of only 6.7 percent under the circumstances does indicate that to 18-49s, AEW is doing a great job of appealing to that audience under bad circumstances ...

In 18-34, which is probably the most important audience when it comes to looking at the future because they are adults, but still not as much set in their ways, meaning open to newer products and not avoiding change, the average decline is 23.2 percent. NXT is under the average, while AEW and Impact have performed spectacularly with only minor declines. Raw in particular has gotten destroyed. A key also is this is the audience most likely to attend live shows and buy merchandise. It’s also the date crowd. It’s the audience that makes the new trends and that live arena business covets.

In 35-49, an older audience more set in their ways, likely more skewed to what they’ve watched for a long time and with greater brand affiliation, already established their favorite sports team, harder to sway, the decline is 17.5 percent not including Smackdown. Raw and Smackdown should by all rights fare the best here and Raw fares the worst. NXT has declined less than average and AEW has only declined 4.5 percent. Impact has fallen more than average.

In 50+, we only have Raw, NXT and AEW to look at and the average decline is 12.7 percent. In this case, an age group that Raw and Smackdown should fare the best in, Raw is still well above average in its decline. But AEW fared the worst. This demo is most important because it is going to sway the overall number the most, since by far the most wrestling fans watching television are over 50. But as far as future growth, it’s the least important, and not important to advertisers or the television stations.

The key to all this, and what we do have complete information on, is that the pandemic is likely the cause of 18 percent audience loss overall and 25 percent in 18-49. Those are very significant drops so any dismissal of the pandemic as a key reason for declines is ignoring the elephant in the room.

Still, it’s not the disaster it could be. The key is that both overall, and more in 18-49, Raw and Smackdown are getting killed as far beyond pandemic levels. Anything above those average numbers is on the product losing appeal, and with Raw and Smackdown, that is very significant.

NXT has done great with the over 50 audience in keeping it. The show has done well with over 35 and not well at all with under 35. And keep in mind that the start point, in February, the show wasn’t doing well under 35 and now has gotten significantly worse. NXT is holding its younger female audience much better than its male audience. Really, all shows are, but Raw’s declines in women 12-49 are still in the 34.7 to 37.3 percent range while NXT is 18.0 and 3.8.

AEW has done great as far as maintaining under 50. In every demo it greatly beats the other shows other than Impact actually has held up the best in 18-34. But the real feather in its cap is women 12-49, where it has maintained and even grown while the other products have declined. While still not at the level of Raw and Smackdown, they have gained significantly among teens and if this trend continues, will be the top show among teens at some point. A 54.2 percent increase in teenage girls watching during this pandemic speaks volumes.

Mr. Nerfect 08-08-2020 03:30 PM

Most of the under 50 crowd would watch NXT on the Network or on delay. How is that so hard for people to understand? Well, Meltzer probably understands it, but it doesn't make a good story. Also, lol @ "nobody will say it." So it's just made up. Cool. :y:

xrodmuc316 08-08-2020 04:01 PM

Meltzer is such a turd.

"While I can't name names since it was off the record, I can confirm WWE doesn't like it when AEW beats NXT in the ratings."

1. He has no sources, nobody in WWE talks to him.
2. No shit Dave, no shit.

Mr. Nerfect 08-08-2020 04:26 PM

Well, no shit, but it also completely ignores that NXT has succeeded in its mission to cap AEW and split that hardcore audience. NXT are also still fighting AEW with one hand tied behind their back using nothing but limited resources found largely on site and they're obviously being patient and still putting their content up on the WWE Network the next day.

It was obvious AEW was going to beat NXT out the gate. That's why NXT debuted earlier. Is it annoying that the new car smell on AEW is lasting this long? Sure. And it's probably frustrating that when NXT does turn the tides, the hardcore fans snap back to give AEW another edge. But they're very obviously being patient with that. It just isn't cool to say and you get called a WWE cocksucker for pointing out the obvious long-term strategy of waiting them out.

Mr. Nerfect 08-08-2020 04:30 PM

Sometimes people confuse Meltzer's opinions as him stating facts -- but remember when he said that Vince McMahon was definitely getting involved in NXT. That was obviously bullshit (history has born that out), but it was also unreasonable (I'm sure Vince's Wednesdays were already busy). It would have also been counterproductive. It also missed the point of what NXT is supposed to be (monetized developmental, boutique product, audition for Triple H). It was also either a straight-up lie or something he heard from AEW that he reported as fact because it helps the narrative.

You cannot trust Meltzer on the AEW/NXT "war." I don't believe he's on the take, but his reporting on it is just not balanced.

Fignuts 08-08-2020 08:00 PM

Vince’s involvement could of just been sending the main roster writers over to NXT. That’s something that would definitely be Vince’s call. Also explains the sterile, formulaic feeling of NXT since the TV deal.

I could see some people in NXT being frustrated about the ratings, because if NXT talent didn’t have its hands tied with all these main roster hack writers, and functioned more like the pre TV deal NXT, they’d have a lot more wins.

Fignuts 08-08-2020 08:05 PM

I shouldn’t be mean to the writers. I forget who said it, but apparently the writers have lots of great ideas, but most of it gets shot down by Vince for the crap we end up with.

Emperor Smeat 08-08-2020 08:09 PM


Originally Posted by Fignuts (Post 5365040)
Vince’s involvement could of just been sending the main roster writers over to NXT. That’s something that would definitely be Vince’s call. Also explains the sterile, formulaic feeling of NXT since the TV deal.

Road Dogg mentioned in an interview a while back about NXT putting a lot more focus towards character/gimmick building and sports entertainment style and less on what NXT was doing pre-USA Network.


Originally Posted by Fightful
Speaking with Corey Graves on WWE’s After The Bell podcast, Road Dogg opened up about how the black and gold brand is making a conscious effort to develop more characters as the in-ring action is at an all-time peak in WWE

“Working on the entrances, working on the TV spots, and cool camera angles and I mean, we take a lot of time in that stuff and I don't know what people think about that, but man the television aspect of what we do is second to none,” said the former multi-time WWE Tag Team Champion. “I'd put [NXT] up against any, even in the other [WWE] brands, but any television show”

He continued, “Sometimes we get the criticism like, 'Oh it's too clean. It's too perfect.' Well, okay. That's what we're doing. That's what we're trying to do. We don't want it to be Channel 5 studio wrestling. We want it to be a cool television show that just happens to be hip tosses and arm drags in between commercials, you know? Now like we talked about, it's time to [say] okay, we got this live TV thing down. We got this wrestling thing down. Let's dive deeper into the characters and that's where we're going and we're going to try to bring a little more entertainment back into the show. NXT's been heavily wrestling, wrestling, wrestling. We want to bring-- and we started that with Riddle and Pete Dunne-- we're making a conscious effort to get a little more entertainment and dive deeper into character. So, the future is bright, man and I'm loving what I'm doing.”

Him and HBK having a heavier hand in NXT Creative has been having more of a negative effect on the show.

When Dusty was in charge, he was a lot more hands-off when it came to creative stuff and let the sole lead writer handle creative with some input from NXT agents. Same for Triple H back then but he's been getting more hands-on ever since Dusty's death and even more so since the switch to USA Network.

Mr. Nerfect 08-08-2020 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by Fignuts (Post 5365040)
Vince’s involvement could of just been sending the main roster writers over to NXT. That’s something that would definitely be Vince’s call. Also explains the sterile, formulaic feeling of NXT since the TV deal.

I could see some people in NXT being frustrated about the ratings, because if NXT talent didn’t have its hands tied with all these main roster hack writers, and functioned more like the pre TV deal NXT, they’d have a lot more wins.

There are 600k people who are going to choose AEW regardless. I really don't think the show has changed that much. Seems like regular NXT to me, but maybe I just don't pay enough attention? They could really use some personalities down there. A hot angle and some programs people care about wouldn't hurt.

For the hardcore internet crowd, letting Gabe Sapolsky play matchmaker probably isn't the worst idea. He knows how to put together the matches that those people want to see. Maybe give him his choose of a few main roster guys and go from there?

xrodmuc316 08-08-2020 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Nerfect (Post 5365046)
There are 600k people who are going to choose AEW regardless. I really don't think the show has changed that much. Seems like regular NXT to me, but maybe I just don't pay enough attention? They could really use some personalities down there. A hot angle and some programs people care about wouldn't hurt.

For the hardcore internet crowd, letting Gabe Sapolsky play matchmaker probably isn't the worst idea. He knows how to put together the matches that those people want to see. Maybe give him his choose of a few main roster guys and go from there?

My only problem with NXT is that being 2 hours means non NXT stuff gets shoved in. I've said it here before, but if I wanted to watch 205 Live or NXT UK, I would just watch 205 Live and NXT UK.

I don't generally care about that content, and it's when I switch over to see what AEW has going on.

xrodmuc316 08-10-2020 02:21 AM

"The people in the mask aren't necessarily the same people who will actually be in the new retribution group." ~ Dave Meltzer

Basically, Dave doesn't know who is under the mask, so we won't know who they are until they actually unmask, and we won't know for sure if they were the masked ones the whole time or just this time.

Meltzer for the win. That will be $11.99

Mr. Nerfect 08-10-2020 03:06 AM

I feel sorry for Meltzer. Imagine if this was your job and you had to try and make an interesting newsletter each week and fewer and fewer WWE talents were talking to you.

Ol Dirty Dastard 08-10-2020 10:27 AM

A couple of Bruce Prichards in here.

Evil Vito 08-10-2020 11:22 AM

I like how AEW has caused Noid to gradually turn on Meltzer over the past year after always defending the guy previously.

Mr. Nerfect 08-11-2020 07:29 AM


Originally Posted by Conspiracy Victim Vito (Post 5365294)
I like how AEW has caused Noid to gradually turn on Meltzer over the past year after always defending the guy previously.

He’s reported some grade-A bullshit around the subject. He’s got either a real blindspot or he’s desperate for AEW to succeed since their owner has an Observer University Education.

Emperor Smeat 08-11-2020 09:09 PM

The Sheets sponsored by "The Human Pinata" Dominik:


Originally Posted by Observer
Raw had split messages this week as viewers increased 7,000 from last week to 1.72 million, but 18-49 was down eight percent to 0.47, the latter being the third lowest number in the history of the show.

Raw finished fifth for the night in 18-49 and was 24th overal ... The NBA game head-to-head did a 0.67 in 18-49 and 1.53 million viewers.

As compared to the same week last year, Raw was down 37 percent in viewers, 49 percent in 18-49 and 67 percent in 18-34.

Raw started well above last week and the second hour didn't drop much, but hour three had the big drop with a normal 12 percent first-to-third hour drop. So the Raw Underground curiosity didn't hold the audience this week, but they did start out with more interest in hour one than they had in a long time.

As far as first-to-third hour drops, it was 18 percent in women 18-49, two percent in men 18-49 (so held up better than usual there), two percent in teenage girls (so not the increase of last week, but still held up better than usual), and teenage boys were up eight percent, again better than usual ...

The three hours were:

8 p.m. 1.81 million viewers
9 p.m. 1.75 million viewers
10 p.m. 1.60 million viewers


Originally Posted by Observer
For the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic halted events, Ring of Honor is returning to producing new television episodes.

ROH announced today that they're returning to producing episodes of their Ring of Honor Wrestling TV show in the company's home state of Maryland this month. There will be no fans in attendance at the tapings ...

ROH wrote that the new tapings will "pick up right where ROH left off with a focus on the ROH Pure Title Tournament, which had been originally scheduled for April."

Matt Sydal revealed on the latest episode of the ROHStrong podcast that he'll be taking part in the Pure title tournament.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, ROH hasn't run an event since February. The promotion's 18th Anniversary pay-per-view and Past vs. Present show that were scheduled to take place in Las Vegas in March were the first events affected by ROH's cancellations.


Originally Posted by PWI
Ring of Honor announced today they will return to PPV on Friday 9/25 with The Best of Death Before Dishonor 2020:

Interesting to note that show is listed as "live" on PPV.


Originally Posted by PWI
The documentary You Cannot Kill David Arquette will be released on 8/21 via drive-in theaters and on 8/28 for digital streaming and On Demand via PPV outlets

Directed by David Darg and Price James, the plot of the documentary is that Arquette has returned to pro wrestling to clear his name after being hated and blamed by wrestling fans for his short run in WCW. The documentary features interviews with those closest to Arquette, including Courteney Cox, sisters Patricia and Rosanna Arquette, Richmond Arquette and Ric Flair, among others.

Promotional material for the film expounds on the plot, noting "Branded as the most hated man in wrestling after winning a highly controversial WCW World Heavyweight Championship in 2000, actor David Arquette attempts a rocky return to the sport that stalled his promising Hollywood career. Dangerously determined to redeem his reputation and reclaim his self-respect, Arquette will stop at nothing to earn his place in professional wrestling."

The film was slated to debut earlier this year but was halted by the COVID-19 pandemic


Originally Posted by PWI
The next planned WWE NXT Takeover event after Summerslam weekend is slated to be Sunday 10/4, has confirmed.

NXT UK was scheduled to have a Takeover in Dublin, Ireland on 10/25 but given the realities of the COVID-19 pandemic, that is looking less and less likely to take place as originally envisioned.


Originally Posted by PWI
In an article on MLW's website, Major League Wrestling head Court Bauer commented on the promotion moving closer to resuming an in-ring product, something the company stopped at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“I’ve been very encouraged by how the UFC, NBA, the NHL, Top Rank Boxing and DAZN Match Room boxing have managed operations as they restart,” said Bauer. “We’re also seeing TV and film start back up in certain regions in a cautious manner and that’s the mindset you need to operate with during this moment in time: caution.”

“We are speaking with some of the sharpest minds at Johns Hopkins University & Medicine on a restart and talked with New Japan’s people on how they’ve approached it – and they’ve done an incredible job… we also engaged some of our athletes who have competed outside of MLW during the pandemic to see what worked, what didn’t and what could be improved upon. It’s very important to gather as much information, advice and medical analysis as possible and that’s what we’ve been doing. That analysis gives you the best ability to do your job and navigate the next steps in examining a restart.”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Eric Bischoff recently appeared on AEW Dynamite to moderate the debate between Chris Jericho and Orange Cassidy. Bischoff took to his 83 Weeks podcast and reflected on his experience backstage at Dynamite and what he picked up from his time there.

“When I went backstage at AEW two weeks ago, the first thing I noticed was, ‘Wow, these guys are actually having fun laying their sh*t out. These guys are actually having fun trying to figure out how to lay a match out in a way that not only entertains the audience obviously, but advances their story’ and you could tell. I could hear some of the conversations. Not that I was eavesdropping but sometimes you can’t help it. I was walking by and it’s like, ‘These guys are working hard to get each other over. They’re not just working hard to get themselves over’ which you have to do. But when you get to that point and you’re coming at it with a frame of mind that, ‘Okay, how can I make my opponent look better than me’ and your opponent is looking to do the same thing, that’s when the magic happens, and the freedom to do it so, can’t say enough good things about the talent, the energy backstage, the hospitality, the professionalism. It was really a great experience for me. If I never step in front of a camera again, if I never go backstage again anywhere, even to say hi to anybody, it’ll be okay for me. Sure I’d look forward to doing it and all that. I’m not saying I’d never want to do it again but if it were to happen, I’m glad that my last experience kind of in a backstage environment, watching a bunch of young talent, fresh talent, hungry talent that believe they can make a difference, that energy is something that I walked away with and if that’s the last experience I have, it will be a great one.”

Eric Bischoff also spoke highly of AEW President Tony Khan. Bischoff stated that on top of Khan being a great businessman, he’s also a good producer. Bischoff mentioned that-that’s a department he went the wrong direction in as far as his tenure with WCW and that was putting people in positions that are for him and expecting them to work the way he would’ve.

“That was really interesting. Now I got to meet Tony, because of you [Conrad Thompson]. You put us together to do a thing on Patreon and I enjoyed talking to him, talking to him then, but when I was backstage, it was most noticeable for me and I hope Tony doesn’t mind me saying this — I doubt that he would but, in case you do Tony, I apologize. Okay, I’m just gonna use my best judgement here. But while I was getting ready to go out — we’ll call it a Gorilla Position but, when I was standing backstage ready to be introduced for the segment, I was within an earshot of Tony when he was at the Gorilla Position on monitors and couldn’t help but overhear Tony talking to probably Keith Mitchell in the truck, somebody in the truck. I’m assuming it was Keith. Tony’s into this. Tony’s not just the guy with the checkbook. Tony’s not just the guy with the checkbook that’s also a big fan. Tony’s the guy with the checkbook who’s a big fan, who’s also a good producer, and more importantly, loves producing. Therein lies the magic. His passion in the product, he’s obviously a very intelligent and experienced businessman. Check those boxes but when you have passion and you like producing and you’re willing to grab it by the balls as opposed to putting someone else in that position and hoping that they’re going to do the work that you want them to do, and by the way, that’s what I did to a large degree. That’s a mistake that I made to a large degree as I put other people in positions that I probably should’ve had a much larger control of myself so that’s why I’m pointing this out. Tony is grabbing this thing by the balls. What he lacks in experience, he more than makes up for in passion, intelligence and enjoyment of what he’s doing and taking control over it. He has a lot more control over what’s going on than I assumed. Not knowing him, just assumed that he did so that was a fun thing to watch.”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
New Japan Pro-Wrestling released a schedule for the participants who’ll be in the 2020 G1 Climax tournament that kicks off next month. Due to Coronavirus concerns, the number of wrestlers at the G1 events will be limited. B block tournament entrants will not compete on A block nights and vice versa throughout the tour.



Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Son of Rick Steiner, Bronson Rechsteiner has been waived by the Baltimore Ravens according to ESPN’s Ravens reporter Jamison Hensley.


Originally Posted by WrestleTalk
A New Japan Pro-Wrestling (NJPW) star has revealed that WWE made contact with him over a potential contract during his period of free agency.

Jeff Cobb spoke with Fightful, which on Fightful Select (subscription required and recommended) gave a sneak preview writing that Cobb spoke about his contract negotiations with various companies.

Cobb said that WWE made contact with him while he wasn’t signed anywhere, but also said that IMPACT Wrestling didn’t.

It had also previously been reported that AEW had made him contract offers after he made a couple of appearances for the promotion as Chris Jericho’s hired hitman during his program with Jon Moxley.


Originally Posted by 411Mania
According to a report by Fightful Select, some new details about trainees and developmental talent being able to resume their training again are available. As previously reported, WWE’s developmental talents have not been able to train since the start of the pandemic. Also, the Observer Newsletter reported regular classes are rumored to be resuming on August 10 at a new facility, which is expected to be a warehouse located close to the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida.

Based on Fightful’s latest report, starting on July 31, wrestlers were being informed by coaches about the new warehouse facility to conduct their training. The report states that coaches were frustrated that the trainees were still being paid in full when they weren’t training, along with some of the students opting out of the audience tapings.

Also, WWE has already apparently resumed tape studies and Skull Sessions. Skull Sessions are when wrestlers watch someone’s most current matches, and everyone provides their feedback. Additionally, Ryan Katz is said to have overseen a “Promolympics,” where the talents submit their own promos and pitches.


Originally Posted by Fightful
While fan engagement is important in 2020, sometimes it can go overboard turn into toxicity.

Earlier last week, Brandi Rhodes deactivated her Twitter account after receiving negative criticism over the membership fee for AEW Heels as well as complaints about the recent direction of AEW’s women's division.

Back in December, Matt and Nick Jackson, The Young Bucks also made the decision to leave Twitter following negative criticism that stemmed from the direction of the AEW Dynamite television show.

In the wake of Brandi leaving Twitter, Matt Jackson took to his Instagram story to further explain why he supports anybody making the decision to leave social media and more surrounding why he and Nick felt the need to get off of Twitter for their own mental health and family well-being.

"I applaud anyone who decides to take a break from social media. Especially the toxic world of Twitter specifically. We logged off when threatening messages were sent to us regularly and finally the last straw came when google map images of our homes were being tweeted to us. It's been a nice break for our mental health. If someone decides to sign off, good for them."


Originally Posted by PWI
FOX will be airing a two-hour special to promote WWE's 2020 Summerslam PPV on Saturday 8/22, has confirmed.

WWE Summerslam's Hottest Moments will air in the New York City market from 4-6 PM. The special may air in other timeslots depending on the market.

The special will feature highlights from the history of WWE's annual August PPV, which debuted in 1988.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Seth Rollins was a guest on The Gorilla Position podcast to discuss the Monday Night Messiah character and the ongoing feud with Rey Mysterio. The subject of long-term storytelling was brought up and Rollins’ belief that the fanbase does not have the patience for long-term storytelling:

"Well, man, I think its kind of a lost art across the board in entertainment. And not that it’s a lost art, just the audience, as we get into this age of instant gratification, they don’t have the patience for long-term storytelling. When you can binge-watch your favorite series in two days as opposed to two months, it creates a different precedent for how we intake our entertainment. It’s the difference between watching a full match and just seeing the GIFs of it or the highlights of it. So, I just think people are intaking their entertainment on a different level. It’s the difference between artists releasing singles as opposed to full-length albums because of the way the consumers are taking in their entertainment, so that shift, wrestling is not immune to that shift and so we have to do that as well to keep up with our audience. But I do think, I’m not a twenty-something, I’m a thirty-four-year-old guy, so the storytelling I grew up on had a longer form and that’s what I enjoy, so I think if our younger audience could learn to appreciate it might be something they’re into. But it also might not be how their brains are wired or how we’ve rewired people’s brains to think. It’s a very interesting time in entertainment, in television, and music and movies altogether really, and that shift of how things are going."

Of course, he is also working for someone who has shown zero capacity to stick with something long-term with one of the frequent complaints is Vince McMahon’s inability to stick with a plan long enough and often, blow up plans without notice. It’s a cop-out to blame the fanbase that has barely been given an opportunity to respond to a truly long-term and laid out storyline that goes beyond a pay-per-view cycle. There are countless examples from other promotions that have built their stories for months and sometimes years for the finale that audiences have been captivated by. In WWE, there are too many examples of stories that begin and have no payoff or ending with Rollins even noting in the interview that his character and stories are a week-to-week process rather than a carefully laid out plan of where his character will be six months from now.

Rollins also shared his satisfaction with the recent Eye-for-an-Eye match at Extreme Rules and who they were trying to appeal to:

"If this stipulation had happened in 1999 in the middle of the Attitude Era, I don’t think anyone would have scoffed at it. I think it would have just been a crazy moment of wild stuff happening in WWE and obviously, we are twenty years later and things are different in the way we watch things and the audience sees wrestling differently At the end of the day, it is what it is, that’s what the moment was meant to do was to create interest in the casual viewer. I think the moment you said ‘Eye-for-an-Eye Match’, the hardcore wrestling fan, and if I was a nineteen-year-old kid would probably say the same thing, would be like ‘Oh please, why can’t they just let these two wrestle?’ you know? But, at the end of the day, the wrestling spoke for itself and the end moment ended up on TMZ, so we’re doing a service to both of our audiences. We gave them a great wrestling match on the front end and gave the casual viewer to say, ‘What the hell are they doing over there?’. I loved it, I thought it was great, I was really happy with. I loved sharing the ring with Rey Mysterio and I was pretty overwhelmingly happy with the final product, particularly considering we sort did that last scene with limited time and in one take. So, I was overwhelmingly pleased with the finished product."


Originally Posted by PWI
A GoFundMe Campaign has been launched to assist the family of James "Kamala" Harris, who passed away yesterday due to cardiac arrest brought by COVID-19, with funeral expenses. The family had been hit hard financially in recent years due to Harris' medical expenses.

Link for those interested in donating:

TPWW Frontpage:

Emperor Smeat 08-12-2020 07:07 PM

The Sheets sponsored by Lucha Underground Appreciation Day:


Originally Posted by PWI has confirmed that any WWE plans to tape content for Summerslam in Atlantic City have been dropped. We are told that the show will be held in Florida.

WWE is slated to tape this Friday's Smackdown and this Monday's Raw tomorrow at the WWE Performance Center.


Originally Posted by PWI
For those who have asked, tonight's AEW Dynamite is a live broadcast.


Originally Posted by PWI
WWE filed for the following trademarks on 8/7:

-Pretty Deadly.

-The Hunt.

-Zack Gibson.




Originally Posted by PWI
Dwayne Johnson once again topped Forbes annual highest-paid actors list coming in at over $87.5 million between June 2019 and June 2020, thanks to the Netflix production deal for action spy thriller "Red Notice" bringing in $23.5 million alone. Not to mention, his Under Armor. "Project Rock" partnership, television projects, etc. Coming in a number two with $71.5 million is "Red Notice" costar Ryan Reynolds, who himself signed exclusive agreements with Netflix to produce projects. Many on this list including Mark Wahlberg, Will Smith, Adam Sandler, Vin Diesel, Lin Manuel Miranda and Ben Affleck have exclusive licensing deals or content deals with different streaming services or online platforms. A sign of the times.


Originally Posted by Observer
The full card for next week’s Impact Emergence card has been revealed, while a stipulation has been set for night two.

Taya Valkyrie will face Kylie Rae in what will be a Wrestle House match. The two have been stuck in the reality show house for the last few weeks, with Rae calling out Valkyrie on tonight’s show.

The Good Brothers will face Ace Austin and Madman Fulton in a tag team match. Austin and Fulton have been a thorn on Anderson and Gallows’ sides since their debut at Slammiversary.

The Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley) will defend their new Impact Tag Team titles against former champions The North (Josh Alexander & Ethan Page). They made their return to Impact at Slammiversary, defeating The North for the titles.

Edde Edwards, successfully defending the Impact World title against Brian Myers on tonight’s show, will defend the Impact World title next week as well. Edwards has instituted an open challenge policy for the title since winning it.

Here is the full card for the first night of Emergence, which takes place next week:
  • Eddie Edwards will defend the Impact title
  • Kylie Rae vs. Taya Valkyrie in a Wrestle House match
  • Moose vs. Trey Miguel for the TNA World title
  • Chris Bey vs. TJP vs. Rohit Raju for the X Division title
  • Good Brothers vs. Ace Austin and Madman Fulton
  • Motor City Machine Guns vs. The North for the Impact Tag Team titles

Confirmed for the second night of Emergence is a 30 minute Iron Man match for the Impact Knockouts title, with champion Deonna Purazzo facing former champion Jordynne Grace. The second night will take place on August 25.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
AEW Dynamite has a loaded show tonight billed as “Tag Team Appreciation Night” with several tag matches and appearances. In addition, the big rematch between Chris Jericho and Orange Cassidy takes place, and a TNT title match between Cody and Scorpio Sky.

It is always hard to predict numbers ahead of time but AEW has been on a roll and coming off one of their best weeks of the year. Last week’s episode of Dynamite topped this week’s Raw in the 18-34 demo. It’s become clear that the race isn’t between AEW and NXT any longer, it’s a fight for the younger audience between AEW and Raw. While WWE will have a stranglehold on the older audiences and still have a comfortable distance in the 18-49 demo (Raw did a 0.47 this week and AEW did a 0.36 last week), the gap among teenagers and young adults is closing. Last week, had the added competition from the NBA and it didn’t bear any impact on AEW or NXT, who were also up.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Obviously, one of the concerns going into these AEW tapings was the risk presented by Chris Jericho and Fozzy performing several shows over the past week. This included a show in South Dakota in conjunction with the Sturgis Rally. Yes, Jericho will be tested but it doesn’t eliminate all risk even with a negative test result. It would have made sense that if Jericho was adamant about performing the shows that the rematch with Cassidy should have been taped two weeks ago or delayed two weeks so that Jericho could miss this cycle of tapings. If it was so important for the match to occur this week given the proximity to the pay-per-view, then a line needed to be drawn in the sand forcing Jericho to choose one or the other. This option, while it may turn into nothing, seems like one that presents too much potential for problems and sends a mixed message about being cautious when home between tapings.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Brandi Rhodes spoke with Scott Fishman at TV Insider on the launch of the AEW Women’s Cup tournament and the allotment of television time for the women’s division. On the decision to launch the tournament as a property for YouTube:

"With YouTube, it’s its own show. That means we are trusted enough to carry our own show and don’t have to be compared to men. We were also not restricted on time. So it’s really the dream scenario. Better than finding out when we are live and something went long, you may only have four minutes to put it out there. That’s really hard, especially when you are trying to introduce new women and put that kind of pressure on them. Being it’s our own show without the restraints and to be able to tell these stories how we want to is a really great situation."

Rhodes gave the following answer regarding the time the women receive on AEW Dynamite and stating that those decisions don’t come down to her:

"It’s an interesting question because I don’t feel it really applies to me considering it’s not something week-to-week I discuss or plan. I took this tournament on as a side project. Of course, in doing the tournament I know what the criticisms have been. I know what they are and thought this would be really great for that, especially those who are die-hard women’s wrestling fans. As far as the week-to-week goes, unfortunately that’s a burden that lies elsewhere. Thankfully, it’s not one I have to navigate so frequently."

Finally, she spoke about the launch of AEW Heels and the subscription fee attached to it, which did garner complaints over the last week:

"Another thing for people to know out of the gate is that “Heels” is not ever going to be something I look to as a super profitable thing. It’s not intended to be. It’s intended to be something they can count on and grow with and learn with and get something out of. In order to run a multi-faceted platform like that, it costs money. It’s not cheap by any means. This is not going to be a huge cash grab for AEW. But it’s something fans will love and appreciate, so it’s worth all the work and effort. Not everything is about a dollar. Some things are about what’s right."


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
On Monday, the NWA announced its partnership with Thunder Studios and the United Wrestling Network (which encompasses Championship Wrestling from Hollywood and Championship Wrestling from Arizona) to launch a weekly pay-per-view series beginning Tuesday, September 15th at 9 pm Eastern. The shows will be billed as “United Wrestling Network’s Primetime LIVE” and stream on Fite TV, along with traditional pay-per-view and satellite TV ...

In the press release, Executive Producer David Marquez said there will be possibilities to have talent from other promotions appear and specifically identified New Japan’s L.A. Dojo, Freelance Wrestling, and West Coast Pro Wrestling.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Independent wrestler Ariel Dominguez played the security guard confronting Retribution on Raw this past Monday prior to the cinder block being thrown through the window.


Originally Posted by PWI
2K officially announced the following:


Wage war in a wide variety of your favorite match types with fun, new twists, including:

Throw down in this single-player story mode told through a comic art style as you add to your stable of Superstars to overcome the next challenge. Team up with Paul Heyman and “Stone Cold” Steve Austin as you travel the globe in search of new Superstars for an all-new WWE brand. Play as one of the 7 newly created Superstars like Bolo Reynolds and Jessica Johnson as you travel across several regions battling WWE Superstars as you achieve campaign goals and unlock various Superstars, power-ups, and items!

Brawl with your friends or family with up to 4-player action online or on the couch in your favorite match types including:

Tag Team
Triple Threat
Fatal Four Way
Steel Cage Match
Royal Rumble
Brawl to become the Last Man (or Woman) Standing as you and up to seven other online players burn it down and try to fling one-another out of the arena! The longer you stay in the arena, the higher your score climbs. The second you send someone flying, another player waiting outside the ring enters the fray!

Brawl online for rewards in a variety of time-limited tournaments featuring a wide range of win conditions! Keep an eye out… you never know when a new Battlegrounds tournament might be kicking off!

Brawl from the bottom all the way to the top! Create your own WWE Superstar and overcome all the odds stacked against you.


Originally Posted by Fightful
Liv Morgan believes the dancers of Raw Underground aren't taking the women's evolution a step back.

Morgan was one who actually wanted to see the dancers return this week when they ultimately did not, even going to Twitter to ask for the dancers back next week. Afterwards, someone commented to Morgan that they felt the dancers were a step backwards in WWE's women's evolution. Morgan argues that it doesn't, writing on Twitter that having women proudly dancing doesn't change anything and wants all women to feel empowered.



Originally Posted by Fightful
Pineapple Pete has seemingly finished with AEW following Tuesday's Dark



Originally Posted by Fightful
The Stadium Stampede at AEW Double or Nothing had a little bit of everything as the Inner Circle and The Elite battled in TIAA Bank Stadium.

The two groups pulled out plenty of football spots including a challenge flag, excessive celebration, and a 100-yard score. The Jacksonville Jaguars mascot even got involved, although the NFL almost said otherwise.

"That was one of the best things I've ever done in 30 years in the business. That was just 10 guys with different ideas, banging it out, not having to worry about so and so approved this. The only thing I had to get approved was knocking out the Jacksonville Jaguars mascot. The only reason I had to get it approved was the NFL didn’t want us to do it, but Tony Khan said do it anyway...everything was kinda free form. It’s just how creative do you want to be and how successful do you want to make the segment you’re in," said Chris Jericho in an interview with The SDR Show.


Originally Posted by Fightful
The KOPW title that NJPW introduced not long ago has certainly been a polarizing decision with its unique set of rules.

The title, which is not an actual championship, will see wrestlers introduce stipulations only for fans to vote on them ... NJPW star Rocky Romero recently sat down with me and we discussed the KOPW title and how he believes it is the right time to introduce it.

With the current pandemic limiting the current NJPW roster and the world going through an uncertain time, Romero thinks it's great to have something out of the ordinary be introduced to New Japan Pro-Wrestling. Romero says it's also good in the sense that it doesn't completely disrupt what NJPW is traditionally known for and it's something that can even level the playing field when it comes to the different roster and weight classes in NJPW.

"I think if it's ever going to happen, now would be the time. Having a limited roster is a good time to introduce something that is super crazy on paper, but we really won't know until we see it. The thing about it is, in the end, New Japan will be the traditional New Japan. It's not going to change and even having one element to break up just how traditional it is, it could work, maybe it won't work and it will go away, but I think it's an interesting and good time to go and try things like this. You may not get the opportunity like this to try different things. I think it's cool, interesting. It's one way that kind of evens the playing field between juniors and heavys. I mean, having a stipulation could be a benefit. Like, if I'm wrestling Okada, maybe I can come up with a stipulation in my favor that maybe levels the playing field. I wouldn't be able to beat Okada in a regular 1 vs. 1 match, but maybe if I introduce something that is different and unique, that puts me in favor. It could make things interesting. Maybe let's check it out and see how it unfolds and see the conclusions. Hey, it could work out, it could completely flop, but I think it's worth the try and swinging the bat," Romero said.

Although it will be quite some time before Romero can go back to Japan and wrestle there, he does have an idea of what he would propose for a KOPW match stipulation. Instead of a cage match, a weapons match or a submissions match, Romero wants barbed wires and explosions in his match and he would love to have it with current IWGP United States Heavyweight Champion Jon Moxley.

"It definitely wouldn't be Boneryard Match (laughs). I want to do some exploding barbed wire matches, just something that's totally not me. If I'm going to do something, it's going to be something super out there, like you wouldn't expect me to. I think something like that would be crazy, once-in-a-lifetime kind of thing. Give me Moxley in an exploding barbed wire match," Romero said.


Originally Posted by Observer
During a photo shoot Wednesday, Cody Rhodes was surprised when he was presented with the new version of the AEW TNT Championship belt.

Featuring plenty of gold, red, and the same design of plates as the original, this version was originally slated to be done by May's Double or Nothing but was delayed due to COVID-19. Rhodes pinned Lance Archer in the finals of a tournament to win the inaugural title, presented that night by Mike Tyson.

Rhodes is set to defend the title against Scorpio Sky on Wednesday's Dynamite, the first time the belt will be seen on national TV.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#TNTChamp</a> <a href="">@CodyRhodes</a> just a few hours away from his title defense against <a href="">@ScorpioSky</a>, and he gets a surprise from <a href="">@RefTurnerAEW</a> <br><br>Watch <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#AEWDynamite</a> TONIGHT at 8/7c on <a href="">@tntdrama</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; All Elite Wrestling (@AEWrestling) <a href="">August 12, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

TPWW Frontpage:

Emperor Smeat 08-13-2020 09:18 PM

The Sheets sponsored by Clothesline/Lariat Appreciation Day:


Originally Posted by Observer
AEW Dynamite averaged 792,000 viewers last night on TNT, down 12.1 percent from last week. NXT on the USA Network was also down, averaging 619,000 viewers. That was a drop of 17.8 percent from last Wednesday.

There was more competition than usual with the annual Shark Week on the Discovery Network and cable news coverage of Presidential candidate Joe Biden choosing Kamala Harris as his running mate dominating the cable TV ratings on the night. That's in addition to NBA and MLB games, along with the NHL starting the opening round of their playoffs this week.

Dynamite averaged a 0.32 rating in the 18-49 demo, down 11.1 percent from last week. The show finished ninth overall on cable in that demo. It did tie for the second best number Dynamite has done in that ratings category since March.

NXT did not fare as well. It averaged just a 0.16 rating in 18-49 and failed to chart in the top 50, finishing in 65th place in the demo. That's down 20 percent from last week and is the second lowest number NXT has done in that category since May.

The combined audience of 1.411 million viewers was down 14 percent from last week and is the lowest number since June 10.

Detailed demo numbers, aside from 18-49, are not available for NXT since it was out of the top 50. AEW did best in men 18-49 with a 0.38 rating. In people 18-34, where AEW beat Raw last week, Dynamite was down to a 0.18 rating. That's 18 percent lower than Raw did this week in that category.


Originally Posted by PWI
As Dave Scherer wrote in the ratings recap: For those wondering, after Chris Jericho mentioned last week's AEW beating this week's Raw in the 18 to 34 demographic, AEW dropped to a 0.18 (from last week's 0.29). Raw this week did a 0.22 (down from a 0.28) in the demo so AEW beat Raw by 0.01 last week and actually lost this week to Raw by 0.04


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Next week is a big test for AEW with Dynamite airing on Saturday night instead of Wednesday. On one hand, it’s a different night of the week and Saturday is tougher than Wednesday, but the silver lining is that Dynamite will have the NBA as a lead-in and that’s as strong as it gets on TNT.

NXT will go unopposed on television next Wednesday with its go-home show for TakeOver: XXX.


Originally Posted by Observer
Those watching AEW Dynamite Wednesday likely noticed the presence of more fans in the stands than in the past few months as the company nearly doubled the amount of people they allowed in, albeit with added COVID-19 protocols.

According to a report from Pro Wrestling Sheet that was also verified by our Dave Meltzer, nearly 150 "invited spectators" were allowed into Daily's Place in Jacksonville, FL, but were seated a good distance away from the AEW wrestlers who are at ringside, Spaced apart unless they were with a pre-determined group, the spectators were subject to temperature checks and had to wear a mask throughout the event with security doing constant checks to ensure that was happening.

Noted wrestling fan Jessi Davin was one of the people in attendance, along with her husband. She gave some of the details of the night on Twitter, saying seating was planned out in advance and that they both felt very safe with how things were handled. She also shared video of the aforementioned security checking on masks and suggesting adjustments for proper use.

It's unclear as to the process in which the spectators were chosen, but Devlin said she got in thanks to a "non-wrestling related connection." A Reddit user that claims to work at Daily's Place said people were able to get tickets if you worked for the venue's sponsors and that capacity was limited to around 100 people.


Originally Posted by Observer
New Japan Pro Wrestling has announced their Summer Struggle event scheduled for Thursday in Uwajima has been canceled as one of the wrestlers slated to appear developed a fever.

From the statement: "Unfortunately, one of the wrestlers scheduled to appear had developed a fever. The wrestler immediately undertook additional COVID-19 testing, but New Japan Pro-Wrestling is still awaiting results. Under NJPW’s Coronavirus guidelines, and acting in the best interests of health and safety for other wrestlers and fans in attendance, the decision was made to cancel tonight’s event" ...

As of now, New Japan is scheduled to run this Sunday in Shizuoka with another non-televised show. They aren't set to return to air until August 26th's kickoff to the King of Pro Wrestling tournament.


Originally Posted by PWI
United States District Court of The Middle District of Tennessee Chief Judge Waverly D. Crenshaw, Jr. ordered that Jeff Jarrett and Global Wrestling Entertainment sit down with Anthem Wrestling (the parent company of Impact Wrestling) for a settlement conference next month instead of the originally scheduled hearing to set a new trial date in the lawsuit Jarrett brought forth against Impact.

As reported in the Elite section earlier this week, Jarrett's side requested a settlement conference for the two sides to come to the table and attempt to work out a deal to end the legal wranglings between the two sides, offering to be available anytime between 9/1-9/10. Anthem responded that Ed Nordholm was not available on those dates but that they would be amenable to having a settlement conference after the scheduled hearing on 9/11 in Nashville to set a new trial date.

Instead, yesterday, Judge Waverly canceled the hearing and instructed the two sides to attempt to settle the matter. The two sides have attempted to settle their issues previously but were unable to do so, leading to the original trial that ended up in a mistrial after a mixed verdict. In a ruling issued by Waverly on 7/30, the mistrial was declared due to, "...the Court’s failure to instruct on comparative negligence; the identity of the wrong entity in the verdict form on the counterfeiting claim; improper comments by Defendant’s counsel in opening statements; and improper statements by Plaintiffs’ counsel in closing arguments, all of which were discussed in detail in the Court’s oral ruling."


Originally Posted by PWI
Expected to be added to Summerslam's lineup is Jeff Hardy challenging WWE Intercontinental Champion AJ Styles. That was the direction planned for the Smackdown episode that was slated to be taped last week but was canceled. That episode is being taped today at the WWE Performance Center.


Originally Posted by PWI reported this evening that Major League Wrestling signed a deal with Fubo for MLW Fusion to be carried weekly on Thursdays at 10 PM EST with a replay of the previous week's episode preceding it at 9 PM EST. This is the latest deal the promotion has signed in recent weeks, placing MLW on the streaming service, which has picked up major steam in recent months, including deals with Disney/ESPN and more. Fubo was praised by Forbes last year, which predicted the platform would be a billion dollar property. It's had quite a few investors behind it, including Univision and AMC, having raised $200 million in funding. is told this deal would not be a replacement for BeIN Sport but is one of several recently made, including MLW's deal with DAZN, designed to place the promotion on platforms that appeal to younger fans as they are more likely to be on platforms that stream content as opposed to traditional linear TV outlets.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Brian Myers was the most recent guest on the ‘Sitting Ringside with David Penzer’ podcast. Myers was asked about the amount of money that WWE offered to talents when AEW was finding their footing in the pro wrestling business. Myers stated that it was a running joke in the WWE locker room as talents referred to the new WWE contracts as, ‘Please don’t go to AEW’ contracts.’

“Yeah, absolutely and think it was astronomical and once someone said no, then it went up for everybody and that just kept happening. It wound up being what it was, too good to be true to be honest with you. But yeah, more money than I ever imagined making in this business that I signed for, and like I said, I’d already been a producer. I was kind of like — the big thing for them was the years. Everybody’s contract was five years. That was their big thing, and the boys were all calling them the, ‘Please don’t go to AEW’ contracts but that’s fine because I was like, ‘Okay, I’m very comfortable here, I enjoy it and I’m set up for post in-ring stuff’ so I was like, ‘I’m more than fine signing this.’ At the time it was like, ‘Okay, sure.’”

While reflecting on his time in WWE developmental, Brian Myers feels that if enough talents were gathered and were willing to speak, a Dark Side of the Ring episode could be done on Deep South Wrestling.

“I say this when people ask me about Deep South; I’m eagerly anticipating Dark Side of the Ring: Deep South Wrestling because if they get enough of the boys to open up and talk about it, they’ll have one of their more interesting episodes and for sure, their funniest episode of all-time if they get the good stuff.”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
David Finlay was a guest on The Wrestling Inc. Daily podcast. Finlay recounted when WWE did the storyline of Hornswoggle being revealed as the son of Fit Finlay. David shared that his mother informed him that when he went to school the next day, he had to say ‘yes’ to all who asked if Hornswoggle is legitimately his brother to protect the storyline.

“So funny story about this; I think they announced or revealed that Hornswoggle’s my father’s son on RAW, and that night, before RAW came on TV, or when I got home from school that day, my mom — my mom’s never been in the wrestling business… she’s been around like that. They’ve been married for — I don’t know. They’ve been together for a very long time. So she sat me down and she was like — this was after — I was in middle school too. This was like 8th grade. She sat me down, she was like, ‘David, this is what we’re gonna do on TV tonight, which means tomorrow when you go to school, all your friends are gonna be asking if this is your brother. You have to tell them yes.’ I’m like, ‘What!?’ She said, ‘You have to tell them yes.’ Alright, so I go to school, sure enough, ‘Is that your real brother? Is that your brother? Is that your brother?’ And I have to go, ‘Yeah, yeah, yeah,’ but then of course, that’s not good enough to my friends, so they’re asking all these follow-up questions like, ‘Well how come he doesn’t live with you?’ So I’m having to like B.S. all my friends on the spot just because my mom told me that I have to tell them that’s my brother.”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
WrestleZone has an interview with Ariane Andrew. She shared that it was Brandi Rhodes who reached out to her about participating in the Women’s Tag Team Cup tournament. Ariane added that she did reach out to Brandi in the Summer of 2019 about possibly working with AEW.

“Brandi [Rhodes] reached out to me, because I would say probably back [in] August, I had reached out to her and she’s like, ‘You know what? I’ll keep you in mind’ and she’s like, ‘Well remember I said I’ll keep you in mind?’ And it happened so quickly, less than a week to get it together. So, I had no gear, I hadn’t been in the ring so it was like, woo, it was a lot but, I did it so I mean… it was one of those type of things. It’s not maybe necessarily how I wanted to come back, but I felt like AEW is such a great opportunity and me and Brandi go back and I love what they’re doing with the product so, it was just like, ‘Even if this happens to be my last match, I think it’ll be fun’….. Which is not gonna be [my last match] though,” Ariane smirked.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Erick Rowan did an interview over Instagram Live with Sportskeeda. Rowan stated that the original plans for his ‘cage’ gimmick was to have a rodent or a rat on the inside of it that would eventually be killed by the babyface champion.

“No no. Originally it was pitched that it would be a rodent or a rat and it was going to be killed by the babyface Champion to show that I had cared about something and that babyface turned heel, so that didn’t work. Well ok, then I asked them what is it now, then they just kept extending it, extending it and extending it.”

Rowan stated that he wanted to have a slightly larger cage and place a little woman in the cage to be revealed. He got the idea from the ‘Freak Show’ season of American Horror Story.

“I had over the top ideas about it. One was this actress in American Horror Story, the smallest woman of all time. She was in American Horror Story Freak Show. One idea was to build a slightly larger cage and when unveiled, it would be this slightly smaller woman. Me and her would be friends and I would be protecting her from the atrocities of the outside world by locking her in the cage.”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
In 2019, it was confirmed that Sadie Gibbs signed with All Elite Wrestling and just one year after her signing, she is no longer with the company. Gibbs took to her Twitter page and confirmed the news that she is no longer with AEW after her profile, along with the profiles of Jimmy Havoc and Bea Priestley were removed from the AEW roster page.

Sadie has continued to respond to a number of comments on social media from those are wishing her well in the next steps of her career. Sadie debuted for AEW at All Out in the Casino Battle Royale. Her next two in-ring appearances for AEW occurred in October on the AEW Dark program on YouTube.



Originally Posted by 411Mania
Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus teamed up on last night’s episode of AEW Dynamite in a loss to AEW tag team champions Kenny Omega & Hangman Page. This comes after his last title shot, against Cody for the TNT belt, was also a loss. According to Wrestling Observer Radio, AEW still has plans to give Jungle Boy a major win, but they are holding off. It’s believed that the company wants to wait to give him his first big win when they are able to have fans at live events again.


Originally Posted by WrestleTalk
A new update has been provided regarding the situation of contracts for WWE talent that has been called up from NXT recently.

As per Fightful Select (subscription required and recommended), several of the recent call-ups haven’t received new contracts as they usually would have.

It was noted that this is something that the company will likely think about doing when things get back to normal i.e. when the pandemic has passed over, but who knows how long that’s gonna be at this point.

Worth mentioning too is it was pointed out in the report that some of the talent is actually working a lighter schedule on the main roster than they were in NXT anyway.

WWE still has “no idea” on the situation with its live events schedule, or whether there are even going to be shows at all besides TV.

TPWW Frontpage:

Emperor Smeat 08-14-2020 03:26 PM

The Sheets (Observer Newsletter Edition):


After five months down, Ring of Honor will be returning to action with television tapings, believed to be from Baltimore, later this month.

ROH sent out a release noting they would be producing new wrestling shows in August from Maryland, working with the Maryland State Athletic Commission ...

No date has been publicly announced but talent has been told to do a 14-day quarantine before the date and that may mean several people being pulled from independent dates that they were booked on.

ROH got a lot of praise within pro wrestling for how it has handled the crisis regarding talent. All talent under contract was paid in full even with no shows, which essentially they had to do or breach the contract. But they also paid non-contracted talent for any dates that were booked that didn’t happen, as well as all officials and extras that were originally booked for canceled shows in full. We were told that there is a new concept for television described as unlike anything currently done in pro wrestling, described as not cinematic, not goofy, nothing whatsoever done out of the range of reality but also keeping kayfabe. The goal is for the new ROH to try and fill a void that hardcore fans have asked for.

The tapings will be a tournament concept, with eight shows being taped at the tapings this month. The new shows will start airing in September. With no fans in attendance, the results of the shows would be kept confidential until they air on television and streaming platforms.

The protocol running the shows has been said to be very strict as well, including consulting with people involved in setting up some of the Nevada procedures for the return of MMA in that state.

Hunter Johnston (Delirious) is back as the head of creative. Marty Scurll, who had been head booker, is technically on hiatus with no ROH responsibilities pending a human resources investigation of the claims made against him. Johnston has been the sole creative force as far as formatting, producing and organizing television since the investigation started.

In news that doesn’t directly relate to New Japan just yet, but has to be considered scary, the Tokyo Dome canceled its annual multi-date event, Furusato Matsuri, which takes place in January, due to COVID-19 concerns ...

Pro wrestling has started having COVID issues, not close to the U.S., but the 8/13 New Japan show in Uwajima and a number of women’s wrestling shows from different companies were canceled this week.

The New Japan crew was in Uwajima for a sold out house show (30 percent capacity usage). A lot of fans were already in the building when one of the wrestlers felt ill backstage and had a fever. Because of the risk involved regarding spreading to both the other wrestlers and perhaps the audience, the decision, based on the company’s guidelines, was to cancel the show and send everyone home with refunds.

The wrestler was removed from the arena and two staff members drove him home to Tokyo with them putting up a plastic sheet in the car where he was to be taken to a COVID testing facility for a series of tests ...

New Japan released a statement regarding the cancellation stating, “Unfortunately, one of the wrestlers scheduled to appear had developed a fever. The wrestler immediately undertook additional COVID-19 testing, but New Japan Pro-Wrestling is still awaiting results. Under NJPW’s Coronavirus guidelines, and acting in the best interests of health and safety for other wrestlers and fans in attendance, the decision was made to cancel tonight’s event.”

The women’s shows were canceled due to Yuki Miyazaki, a woman wrestling with Pro Wrestling Wave, testing positive and she had appeared on a show this past weekend.

Wave then postponed all of its upcoming shows including the 8/16 card at Korakuen Hall. The 8/9 Oz Academy show was canceled because Hiroyo Matsumoto, Yumi Ohka and Hiro’e, all scheduled, were on the Wave show. Hiro’e has appeared for a few groups in recent weeks but her retirement show was one of the cards Wave was running that has been canceled. Other promotions that had booked wrestlers who appeared on the Wave show that Miyazaki appeared on before she tested positive have also canceled dates.

It should be noted how well, in comparison, Japanese groups including New Japan have been when it comes to transparency. When talent was even on a television show where somebody tested positive, they were held off even with no symptoms and the public was told immediately, and also informed the public of their testing process and that nobody would be allowed to perform until passing three different tests. On the women’s side, multiple shows this week were canceled because of talent appearing on a show where somebody tested positive, even if nobody on the shows themselves tested positive. Contrast that to the U.S. where you have far less transparency, and certainly no shows canceled based on the fact people were in contact with people who tested positive.

After a number of starts and stops that date back many years since the deals to purchase the tape libraries from companies like Evolve, ICW, Progress and wXw were done, content from those companies will start appearing on the WWE Network.

Aside from a one-time live Evolve show in July 2019, “coincidentally” head-to-head with a live AEW show on B/R Live, WWE has not aired full shows based on the various tape libraries they had purchased. The original idea was to use the tape library and future shows from the promotions on a more expensive network premium tier that would be priced at $14.95. WWE had talked for years about it being imminent, but the decision was finally made this year to drop the idea, and instead launch a free tier, designed to get people to buy the regular $9.99 tier. Thus far, the marketing has proven to be a big success with paid subscribers up as much as 195,000 from the level they likely would have had if the free tier not been launched, hitting 1,690,000 on 6/30 ...

CHIKARA was somewhat close to a deal to sell its library to the WWE but the talks ended in recent months.

The expectation was that New Japan would bring back its foreign stars for G-1, and that was the plan at one point. Right now plans are up in the air due to concern that the situation in the U.S. is worse than New Japan had expected, and with cases also rising in Japan, the question is how would the country take bringing Americans in. If Americans, or Will Ospreay, coming from the U.K., are in the tournament, they would have to arrive by 9/5 and do two weeks of quarantine. That also means they would have to be paid for six weeks rather than four weeks at a time when revenue will be cut back because it’s doubtful they’ll be allowed to run buildings at full capacity, and even if they can, the health restrictions for doing so will cost money.

CMLL announced on 8/12 that they were back to running shows starting on 9/4.

The plan is to do weekly Friday night shows from Arena Mexico, that would stream as iPPVs on the Ticketmaster Live service, which is a new business Ticketmaster is getting into since it’s regular business is shut down with so few events.

No price has been announced, but The Cubs Fan has reported other iPPVs on that site are ranging from 150 pesos ($6.75) to 400 pesos ($18.05). At this point, fans will not be allowed at the shows, but they are hoping for eventually being open at 30 percent capacity, which would be about 5,300 seats. But Mexico City has opened up movie theaters at 30 percent.

The fourth show, on 9/25, will be the annual anniversary show. There will be no hair or mask matches on the show, because the income from the live gate will be small or non-existent, meaning it makes no sense for a big payoff to the loser of the hair or mask match.

Instead the anniversary show is being built around all championship matches, with champions announced ahead of time as defending the titles, and then fans voting for who they want as challengers. They will be running more one fall singles matches, to go with tag team and trios matches.

Stardom founder and Executive Producer Hiroshi “Rossy” Ogawa, 63, was hospitalized this past week. It was said that he had a medical procedure which was said to be scheduled well in advance

Jimmy Havoc, Bea Priestley and Sadie Gibbs were all released on 8/13. AEW hasn’t been able to bring talent in from the U.K. due to quarantine and they’ve added a lot of new talent of late. Tony Khan said a few months ago that he didn’t want to release anyone during the pandemic but there would come a time that if people couldn’t get into the U.S., they would have to, plus at some point when you keep adding there would have to be cuts. Havoc was likely not being brought back for allegation reasons as he had been suspended. The other two were largely due to their inability to get into the country with nothing looking like that will change any time soon. Gibbs was brought in as a project, in the sense she wasn’t ready but she was a great athlete with a good look, and had only worked three matches for the company, none since October

Evil Uno will be doing two events this week to benefit the Canadian Cancer Society. Since the death of Phrank Morin, Capital City Championship Combat of Ottawa has done fund-raisers that have raised $270,000 for the Canadian Cancer society. This year they can’t run a benefit show, so Evil Uno, New Legacy Int. and IWTV Live will be doing an event on 8/15 with as live stream and Uno and some of his friends raising money. On 8/29 IWTV will be doing an all-day Fighting Back Marathon running shows from previous years and encouraging donations with 100 percent of all donations going to the Canadian Cancer Society

Fozzy will be doing a U.S. tour from 10/3 to 11/22. Right now the tour dates have no shows any Tuesday or Wednesday so it would fit around the Dynamite schedule. But there may need to be changes since when the original dates were put together, he’d fly into whatever city on Tuesday, do TV Wednesday, and fly back out Thursday. But now, tapings are Wednesday and Thursday every other week. After doing shows in Sturgis, SD and Minot, ND this past week, the Sturgis shows being scary because the Sturgis rally was thought to be a major risk of being the epicenter of COVID-19 spread. You had 250,000 people coming from all over the world, but mostly the U.S., the vast majority with the non-mask mentality and social distancing not existing, with the mess this country is in, it’s just not worth the risk, and then doing AEW days later. Jericho did isolation himself aside from performing and had to pass a COVID test (or tests) to just get into Daily’s Place to perform, but testing isn’t 100 percent accurate and really all talent in every promotion, for the sake of all other talent, because of the nature of the spread of the disease, should be as careful as possible because just flying in and being part of shows themselves has a risk factor, as is being shown constantly. Touring in October and November has its risks as well, as does everything, but Sturgis his past weekend looked to be a risk of a different level

Velveteen Dream returned on the 8/12 NXT show as the mystery man in the three-way. He had been off TV since more allegations were claimed about him regarding inappropriate behavior. WWE had kept him on television after the first set of allegations, which had what appeared to be audio proof of his voice, but those who made the allegations then disappeared from public view and it was thought to be a dead issue. Then a few weeks later, another person came out. WWE said nothing and Dream, in the middle of a main event program with Dexter Lumis against the Undisputed Era, disappeared and his name was never said again. He returned in a three-way match with Kushida and Cameron Grimes, where he neither won, nor got pinned, which leads him to a singles match with Finn Balor for next week. Dream after the match did a heel turn attacking Kushida after he had lost. Josh Fuller, who was the latter claim, said that he was disappointed when he saw Dream back on the show, and said that he came forward with his name and if there was a WWE investigation, he was never contacted

An interesting note from Brandon Thurston regarding the ten most searched WWE stars of 2020 on Google. This tells you all you need to know about Raw & Smackdown creating stars when the top ten, in order, are Cena, Undertaker, Reigns (off TV since March), Lesnar (off TV since WrestleMania), Big Show (likely more due to Netflix than WWE), Becky Lynch (off TV since April), Goldberg (off TV since April), Orton, Mysterio and Bliss

The key creative forces for 205 Live are said to be Adam Pearce and Dewey Foley, who is Mick’s son

WWE filed to trademark several names in recent weeks like Tony Nese, Drew Gulak, Jordan Devlin, Dexter Lumis, Pete Dunne, Mustache Mountain, James Drake, Zack Gibson, Indi Hartwell, Jake Atlas, Kacy Catanzaro, Karrion Kross, Pretty Deadly, The Hunt, Indus Sher, Rinku, Saurav, Grizzled Young Veterans, Imperium, Gallus and Legado del Fantasma. The Devlin name is notable because he was dropped by U.K. groups as part of the Speaking Out movement, and WWE dropped most of the same guys, but did not say anything about Devlin. This pretty much tells you they aren’t planning on dropping him. Devlin is still listed as co-cruiserweight champion even though his name hasn’t been mentioned on television in a long time and Santos Escobar has been referred to as champion with no mention of a co-champion

The most-watched shows on the WWE Network for this past week were: 1. WWE Timeline Daniel Bryan vs. Miz feud; 2. Rise and Fall of WCW; 3. SummerSlam 2019; 4. NXT for 8/5; 5. Best of Jeff Hardy; 6. The Horror Show at Extreme Rules 2020; 7. Raw Talk 8/10
WWE Ratings & AEW vs. NXT Ratings:


The 8/10 Raw was a mixed bag, as the viewer number stayed at the same range as last week and up from July, but in 18-49, the show did the third lowest number in its history.

The show averaged 1,722,000 viewers and 0.47 in 18-49. Two episodes of Raw this year hit 0.46, which is the all-time record low. The total viewers were up 7,000 (0.4 percent) from last week, while 18-49 was down 7.8 percent.

The basic story is told by the hours. The first hour did 1,811,000 viewers, the best first hour since 6/29. The second hour did 1,754,000 viewers, a nice hold, while hour three did 1,601,000 viewers. Hours two and three were both the third best since the start of July.

The third hour dropped overall even with Bayley vs. Asuka, Raw Underground, Randy Orton vs. Kevin Owens and the Ric Flair/Orton angle.

But men 12-49 and teenage women held well for all three hours. It’s better than usual. It was better than two weeks ago, when teenagers collapsed in hour three after the Asuka vs. Sasha Banks match, but not like last week when the Raw Underground boosted teenage interest in hour three by a huge amount. The drops from the first-to-third hours were 18.2 percent in women 18-49, 1.5 percent in men 18-49, 4.1 percent in teenage girls, there was an 8.0 percent gain in teenage boys and 12.4 percent over 50.

The comparisons to last year look bad, but last year SummerSlam was two weeks earlier so this was the post-Summer Slam show we are comparing this with. The drop from last year same week was 36.9 percent overall, 48.9 percent in 18-49 and 66.7 percent in 18-34.

Raw was fifth in 18-49

Smackdown on 8/7 did a 1.20 rating and 1,962,000 viewers (1.36 viewers per home, a better than usual number) and 0.49 in 18-49 (637,000 viewers) , up 3.6 percent in viewers, 1.7 percent in households and was down 1.1 percent in 18-49, as well as declined from 0.3 to 0.2 in 18-34.

Smackdown was last in viewers, even though all the other networks had reruns, but first in 18-49 and tied for first in 18-34 ...

On the network scoreboard, they were second in women 18-49, first in men 18-49 and last in 50+. The median viewer age was 54.5 years old.

FOX as a network averaged 1,953,000 viewers and 0.5 in 18-49 in the same time slot last year, but that’s unique. They aired rerun programming, including an episode of BH90210 that had aired just a few days earlier. But the regular FOX programming did 1,181,000 viewers in the markets it aired and the other 772,000 viewers were from other sports events that played in selected local markets.

In the half hours, the Firefly Fun house and Sheamus vs. Matt Riddle opened at 1.97 million viewers. The Dirt Sheet with Miz, John Morrison and Sonya Deville plus Cesaro vs. Lince Dorado did 1.87 million viewers. The Bray Wyatt, Alexa Bliss, Braun Strowman segment, Jeff Hardy vs King Corbin and Corbin vs. Sheamus did 2.00 million viewers. Stephanie McMahon with Bayley and Sasha Banks, Heavy Machinery vs. Miz & Morrison and the Retribution deal did 1.97 million viewers. That actually held up in the fourth half hour better than the show usually does.

The 8/12 numbers, across the board, had huge declines from last week’s high points. Every show was down with younger viewers, whether they be news or sports, and both wrestling shows took a hit.

AEW did 792,000 viewers and an 0.32 in 18-49 (417,000 viewers), numbers that would be considered very good until last week’s huge numbers, but there were thoughts with the lineup and the Chris Jericho vs. Orange Cassidy match that there would be another increase. In particular, the 18-34 demo, which AEW won last week, dropped 37.8 percent, and fell below Raw, which it had beaten the week before and was favored to beat again with the strong lineup and Raw’s low number, with most of the drop being male, which points to going head-to-head with the NBA and NHL.

AEW fell from No. 5 for the night in 18-49 ...

This week it was No. 9, actually beating one NBA game and all four NHL playoff games, but losing to Real Housewives, the late NBA game, three news shows and two Discovery Network specials. Until the 9:19 p.m. second game start time, AEW beat both the early NBA game and NHL playoffs head-to-head in both overall viewers and 18-49. However, it was likely that level of competition played a factor in a comparison from last week.

Overall AEW was down 12.1 percent in viewers and 9.5 percent in 18-49, but the big drop was in its best demo, 18-34.

The news was worse for NXT, which dropped to No. 65 on the charts, doing 619,000 viewers and a 0.16 in 18-49 (206,000 viewers). That was a drop of 17.8 percent in viewers and 19.2 percent in 18-49. It was the fifth lowest viewer number of the year and tied for fifth lowest in 18-49.

Because it finished out of the top 50, we don’t have the usual details in the breakdowns.

In 18-49, AEW more than doubled NXT, doing almost triple in women 18-34 and also more than double in women 35-49.

AEW did 65,000 viewers in Men 18-34 (down 39.8 percent from last week) to 39,000 for NXT (same as last week). In Women 18-34, AEW did 60,000 viewers (down 27.7 percent from last week) and NXT did 21,000 viewers (down 41.7 percent from last week). In Men 35-49, AEW did 182,000 viewers (down 0.5 percent from last week) and NXT did 98,000 viewers (down 19.0 percent from last week). In Women 35-49, AEW did 110,000 viewers (up 26.4 percent from last week) and NXT did 48,000 (down 18.6 percent) ...

AEW did a 0.14 in 12-17 (down 30.0 percent), 0.18 in 18-34 (down 34.6 percent), 0.46 in 35-49 (up 8.1 percent) and 0.26 in 50+ (down 21.2 percent). The audience was 59.2 percent male in 18-49 and 54.2 percent male in 12-17, so the drops were more heavily male, pointing again to competing ports as the likely key culprit.

Compared to the other sports on television, AEW was No. 2 in 18-49. The late night ESPN NBA game did 1,240,000 viewers and 0.48. The prime time NHL game on NBC Sports Network did 764,000 viewers and 0.31. The early NBA game, which went against the first 79 minutes of AEW, did 674,000 viewers and 0.26, so they beat the NBA in hour one. An earlier NHL game on NBC Sports Network did 626,000 viewers and 0.26. The late-night NHL game did 464,000 viewers and 0.20 on NBC Sports Network. An afternoon NHL game did 459,000 viewers and 0.18 in 18-49.

Regarding the 8/5 show, there were five minutes total of the 12-man tag that topped 1 million viewers, peaking at 1,050,000. From 8:09 to 8:19 p.m. during that match they were above 500,000 in 18-49, peaking at 554,000. The Jon Moxley interview did 1,012,000 viewers. The first minute of the Matt Cardona & Cody ring entrance did 1,024,000. Four minutes of Jericho-Orange Cassidy topped 500,000 in 18-49 and two minutes topped one million. The high point of the show, which was the attack on Cassidy, did 1,054,000

Mr. Nerfect 08-14-2020 04:36 PM

Why would anyone think that Jericho vs. OC would lead to an increase in ratings?

Emperor Smeat 08-18-2020 09:28 PM

The Sheets sponsored by Sonya Deville Appreciation Day:


Originally Posted by Observer
Partially, if largely due to going head-to-head with the Democratic National Convention, Raw had its fourth lowest ever overall average viewing audience last night and tied for its fourth lowest number in 18-49.

Raw averaged 1.64 million viewers and an 0.48 in 18-49. The audience was down five percent from last week, but the key demos saw 18-49 up two percent and 18-34 up 27 percent.

The first two hours did decently well by the standards of the last month, but there was a big third hour drop going against convention coverage that had nearly 14 million viewers between the various stations. The 13 percent first-to-third hour drop was a little larger than usual. The third hour was the second least watched hour of Raw on a Monday night in history, beating only the third hour of the July 27 show.

As compared with the same week last year, Raw was down 35 percent in viewers, 41 percent in 18-49, and 51 percent in 18-34 ...

The three hours were:

8 p.m. 1.73 million viewers
9 p.m. 1.70 million viewers
10 p.m. 1.50 million viewers


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Every key demo fell in the third hour by double digits led by females 12-34 (36 percent), adults 18-34 (27 percent), and adults 18-49 (15 percent). Adults over 50 had the smallest drop by 12 percent but it was the continual pattern since Raw Underground began as adults over 50 watched the first two hours and tuned out in the third.

The 12-34 audience losses are notable because that is the audience that Raw Underground did best with during Week 1 on August 3rd. Those audiences grew by 18 percent with men and 12.5 percent with women on August 3rd and fell by 16 percent and 36 percent respectively this week, and that cannot be attributed entirely to the competition.


Originally Posted by Observer
New details have emerged in the attempted kidnapping of WWE wrestler Sonya Deville, real name Daria Berenato.

Deville filed and was granted a petition for a temporary injunction against stalking violence on Monday, further detailing her incident with alleged stalker and would-be kidnapper Phillip Arnold Thomas II early Sunday morning at her Lutz, Florida, home ...

A hearing will be held on August 27th to discuss putting a more permanent injunction into place.

In the petition, Deville said that after she went to bed, she was awakened by a security alarm and alerted that a sliding door that led to her lanai was open. She then awakened her house guest, Amanda Saccomanno, better known as Mandy Rose.

Deville went to check on the sliding door and said that as she was ensuring the door was locked, she looked up and saw Thomas. Deville said that she asked him, “What are you doing, what do you want?” at which point he began walking toward her.

“That is when I realized this person was not here to rob me, he was there to hurt me,” Deville's petition said. According to a Tampa Bay Times report, Thomas was armed with a knife and pepper spray when he approached Deville.

Deville then told Rose, “There’s a man in the house, we have to go,” before they fled the home and called 911. Deville said she later saw on home security footage that Thomas had followed her into the house, "but he thought I ran up the stairs, leaving me and my friend just enough time to escape.”

Sheriff's deputies gave Thomas's name to Deville, who then searched her social media accounts for messages from him of which she found hundreds.

“The nature of the messages from this account were obsessive, suicidal, idolizing, saying, ‘You are the only person I will ever love,’ " according to Deville's petition.

She also described a second account that also appeared to belong to him which sent similar messages. One such message read, "I found your home address.” She said she received a message from the second account Sunday at 12:16 a.m., just hours before the incident at her home. Deville says that the last message read, “Look outside, baby, by your pool. I’m here. I’m gonna kill that little b---- you have inside with you.”

Deville also described receiving messages from the second account that included threats of decapitating her friends and family, describing individuals by name. Deville wrote that she received explicit messages and one graphic sexual photo from the account.


Originally Posted by Observer
Live English commentary is returning for NJPW's next major show.

For the first time since the promotion resumed events, there will be live English commentary for Summer Struggle in Jingu on Saturday, August 29. NJPW announced that Kevin Kelly and Chris Charlton will be on commentary for the show


Originally Posted by PWI
The Associated Press reported today that the United States Federal Government is seeking to seize the $1.5 million Madison, MS home of former WWE star Ted DiBiase Jr., the son of WWE Hall of Famer The Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase.

This stems from an audit into the Mississippi Department of Human Services after arrests were made in February 2020 in one of the largest embezzlement scandals ever in the history of that office, a scandal that saw direct connections the DiBiase wrestling family. Former WWE developmental talent Brett DiBiase (DiBiase Sr.'s son, DiBiase Jr.'s brother) was among those indicted several months ago as part of the scandal, which saw the former director of Mississippi's state welfare agency and five others charged in one of the biggest embezzlement scandals in the history of the office.

While DiBiase Jr. is not accused of a crime, federal agents stepped in to prevent him from selling his home with today's AP article stating that sale was a week away from being completed.

As reported at the time, it was alleged that Brett DiBiase was given funds to go to a drug treatment facility in Malibu that was earmarked for Mississippi's welfare programs. According to documents, DiBiase was allegedly given the money as payment for classes that he didn't teach for drug abuse.

The Associated Press later ran a follow-up story on the DiBiase family connection based on a revelation that WWE Hall of Famer Ted DiBiase's non-profit religious organization, Heart of David Ministries had reportedly received more than $2.1 million in welfare from the state of Mississippi after his son Brett began working for the State. The organization had received just $5,000 in grants in 2013, but pulled in $271,000 in welfare money, the same year Brett was hired as a senior official at the Mississippi Department of Human Services. DiBiase’s group received as much as $900,000 one year ...

Where DiBiasel Jr.'s home may play into this is that the AP reported that the Mississippi Community Education Center also paid Brett DiBiase’s brother, former WWE star Ted DiBiase Jr., to provide training to human services employees in late 2018 and early 2019.



Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
El Phantasmo joined Tama Tonga on his ‘Tama’s Island’ podcast ...

In the early portions of the interview, El Phantasmo talked about his career in editing and being well-versed in various types of software. He worked for EA Sports and edited cartoons that were going up on the Netflix service. Phantasmo stated that he was making more money than some of the talents in NXT.

“So I was so excited to do that, to go do Ring of Honor dark shows with them [Established Canadian wrestlers] and stuff while they were all killing it. So I gotta pretty bummed out when I couldn’t get across the border. It was like a gray area where it was like I wasn’t doing anything illegal but I couldn’t prove to them that I was coming back to Canada. So that kinda bummed me out with wrestling and then I ended up getting a job editing cartoons, and I did that for like seven years. Like making cartoons for Netflix and we worked on a couple Emmy-award winning shows which was cool, and my whole big thing was I was making more money than guys in NXT or anything like that. So it was really hard at that point to leave that to go literally live on someone’s couch in St. Louis or something, or however you wanna make it.”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
The following note is from Fightful’s ‘Fightful Wrestling Weekly’ column concerning Matt Hardy’s reaction to Sammy Guevara after Guevara threw a chair at his head which opened a wound on Hardy’s forehead:

“We’re told the scene was ‘chaotic’ two weeks ago following the errant chair throw from Sammy Guevara. Nobody in AEW that we spoke to thought that the spot was intentional, but many thought that it was reckless. We heard that a usually mild-tempered Matt Hardy was heated after the incident and felt lucky that it wasn’t worse than it ended up being. There was heat on Guevara afterwards, even though he apologized, as the show was taped and the spot could have been done a number of different ways.”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Both Colby Corino and Brandi Lauren were featured on Monday Night RAW on 8/17 as a part of RAW Underground.


Originally Posted by Fightful
Tony Schiavone has given the details regarding his AEW contract.

Schiavone signed a multi-year deal with AEW in August, though terms of the deal were not disclosed.

Speaking to Ron Funches on Gettin' Better, Schiavone revealed the terms of the contract.

"Right now, my life is great. I can't imagine, had I not signed with AEW, what my life would be like right now because I wouldn't have baseball, I would have to wait until football started to get some sort of revenue stream. It's saved me on a financial level, but also rekindled my love of professional wrestling that I never thought I would get back again, but it has. I started with them in September of 2019, I signed a three-year deal, which can go up to five years, with two more years added on to that. We signed an extension with WarnerMedia, and we're gonna be on another four years," he said.


Originally Posted by Fightful
Cody revealed on Twitter recently that Madusa will be presenting AEW Women's Tag Team Tournament trophy. The finals will take place on the August 22 episode of Dynamite.


Originally Posted by Fightful
Chris Jericho says Bray Wyatt understands the secret to longevity in show business.

Chris Jericho is somebody who has survived 30 years in wrestling because of his ability to adapt and evolve his character along the way. From Lionheart, to Y2J, to Le Champion, Chris Jericho has continued to change with the times and he says that is how you survive in wrestling.

On his way to Saturday Night Special Q&A session, Chris Jericho was asked about how he feels about “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt. Chris Jericho would say that he really enjoys seeing the character change and called Windham Rotunda, the man behind the character, a very smart man.

“I love 'The Fiend.' I love Windham Rotunda, it's kind of a mouthful of a name. He’s such a great guy and super smart, creative. I think that is why he reminds me a little bit of me, he'll never be the same guy twice because that's the true secret of having longevity in show business. You can't be the same guy. Look at David Bowie or any great actor.”


Originally Posted by PWI
There's been a lot of talk about the status of Ethan Page over the last few days after he tweeted out he was preparing to "print money" in January 2021. In asking around, we are told that his current deal expires towards the end of 2020, so he would be free come January. Obviously, like any other wrestler, he's going to see what he could command on the open market, but this doesn't necessarily mean he's exiting Impact as there's lot of time to come to a new deal. The belief is that Josh Alexander's current deal runs well into 2021, so if Page does exit, it would mean the end of The North, who have been one hell of a team.


Originally Posted by PWI
The word is the Good Brothers' Talkin' Shop A Mania PPV did really well on FITE, so don't be surprised for a second one.


Originally Posted by WrestlingInc
Since it's inception, AEW has shown that former WWE stars of varying levels of success are welcome in the company. This includes their current World Champion Jon Moxley, their current TNT Champion Cody Rhodes, Chris Jericho, FTR, and numerous others.

Interest in AEW from current WWE stars may be more common than fans previously thought. It's being reported that "virtually everybody" on the WWE roster has reached out to AEW in some fashion to discuss a potential future with the company, according to Dave Meltzer of Wrestling Observer Radio. He notes that this includes whether or not the company has interest in the particular WWE superstar and, if so, how much money that person could make signing with AEW.

Of all the top WWE superstars on the roster, it was noted that Roman Reigns is the sole person that has never inquired about AEW's interest.

Makes sense a bunch of WWE talent would reach out to AEW especially in regards to money since that would help explain some of the deals WWE has been offering to certain talents solely to keep them in the company like your Riddick Moss and at the time, Anderson & Gallows team. Orton's teases of possibly joining AEW helped land him a very favorable and rich new deal with WWE.


Originally Posted by Fightful
WWE Raw Underground has been a major talking point of the last couple weeks as WWE tries to change the complexion of its longest-running weekly episodic television series. Fightful has learned new information regarding the first round of tapings for the new concept.

As of 1 AM EST during the first Raw tapings to feature the gimmick, WWE was still filming content for WWE Raw Underground. We're told that there were other hosts besides Shane McMahon suggested, and the "Underground" name had been thrown around for other projects in the past years. Much of the main roster had no idea what was even being filmed the day of.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Justin Kendall has a story on the recent sale of the rare Greg Valentine Rhythm ‘n’ Blues figures designed by Hasbro. A collector from Wales named Marc Reynolds recently purchased one of the three known figures of Valentine from Mark Bushey. Reynolds didn’t reveal the purchase price for the figure but noted that it topped his previous high mark of $13,000 for a figure while falling under the eBay price listing of $30,000 for the Valentine figure. Of the three known figures of Valentine, Matt Cardona owns one of them and detailed the history of this rare figure on The Major Wrestling Figure Podcast.

Link: ,

TPWW Frontpage:

Emperor Smeat 08-19-2020 07:11 PM

The Sheets sponsored by The Invisible Man:


Originally Posted by Observer
Ring of Honor's return to television production will include the debut of a wrestler who was part of April's WWE releases.

PWInsider reported today that former TNA World Heavyweight Champion EC3 is in Baltimore and will make his ROH debut at this week's TV tapings. Their report has been confirmed by our Dave Meltzer.


Originally Posted by PWI
Paul Levesque met with reporters in a conference call this morning in advance of Saturday’s Takeover XXX super show on the WWE Network ...

The first caller was Brian Fritz. He asked something I wanted to know, why is NXT not going to be in Thunderdome. HHH said with moving Smackdown, Raw and SummerSlam to Amway, he said as awesome as the Dome will be, it’s important for him to stay at Full Sail due to their great relationship. Never say never, but he’s happy right now. He said Friday will be debut Thunderdome and he misses the fans, they are the secret sauce. He can’t wait to get them back. They are everything to WWE. He said for the immediate future they are at Full Sail and they are still figuring everything out.

Jason Powell asked about Velveteen Dream’s investigation, which I was also curious about. He said there is an online accuser who has not been contacted by WWE. He mentioned Nia Jax not being happy with how this has gone. HHH said they take it seriously, have looked into it and found nothing there. He said that they will always listen when new evidence is brought up but he already talked about it and he wanted to move on to other topics ... asked about Renee Young and what she has meant to NXT and the company for 8 years. He said he won’t comment on her status but having her in WWE has been awesome. She has been a large part of what they do and he has loved working with her.

The Wrap asked if running SummerSlam on a boat was an option. H said every option was looked into. He said most options didn’t have much of a chance. It’s all about doing it safely and things on a boat aren’t easy. He said when you see Thunderdome, you will get why they went that way.

Nick Houseman asked about Lars Sullivan’s status. He said he didn’t even know that Lars was putting workout videos online. He said he has no update on Lars ...

Dave Meltzer asked what the biggest lesson they have learned about producing shows in the pandemic and will there be a new head writer for NXT. He said they shift things around writing the show. He said it’s a group that include Shawn Michaels, Brian James and himself. He said everything goes through them. He said that there are lessons to be learned everywhere. He said that the biggest difficulty has been in the shifting of everything. COVID has made it all exponentially harder. He said you could have great stuff written and then you wait to see if it can be used ...

Shawn Sap asked about haven’t talent being poached now that they have a USA slot too. He said that due to USA, they have made changes to the process of the talent being poached and you will see that in the draft when it returns later this year. He added that people can go brand to brand now and try different things. He said when he came into WWE and he would talk to Taker about people being in the company for 5 or 6 years, it was unreal to him that they could stay in one place that long. Now you have people in the company 10 years or more. He said with that, people now can go to other places in the company and change things up. All brands need to be supported now.

Jim Varsallone asked what Karrion Kross brings to the table ... H said he has had his eye on Kross for a long time and he could see serious talent there. He could sense the X Factor in him, and that is king for any talent. He said that the learning curve is steep when one comes to the company, including the TV aspect. He said Kross is a sponge for the business. He is always learning. His improvement and growth rate has been huge since walking through the door, just like Keith Lee ...

Justin Labar asked about the ratings for the Wednesday shows. What is important, demos, viewers, etc. What does he focus on? He said he’s focused on NXT. He said thank God people care about that stuff to the degree they do. At the end of the day it’s about his product and his fans. You put out the best product you can, hope fans want to watch and that’s it. He looks at numbers but not the way people do online. He said people can argue all they want, he doesn’t worry about that. He worries about NXT. He said he can’t wait for the fans to come back because they are the true barometer of what the fans love. The digital stuff has a lot of factors and negativity, so he likes the true reactions in the arenas. He can’t wait to get fans back to tell them what they want ...

A British caller asked if this match could lead to more matches for Pat McAfee. He said we will see. He said Pat is an amazing athlete. He said he was an all around athlete but could monetize being a kicker so he did. He said Pat was always a WWE fan and HHH didn’t realize that when he first met him. He gets it now. He said Pat was not looking for a niche role, he wants to be a wrestler. H said he has watched Pat train and he is a natural and very gifted. H said that the reason that he is putting him in an NXT match, where it will be scrutinized, is that he has the ability to do it. He is also working with one of the most gifted guys on their roster in Adam Cole. He thinks it will be spectacular on both of their ends. Where that goes, it depends on Pat because he has a lot of irons in the fire.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
He was asked about a new head writer on NXT and wouldn’t address any specific people but noted it is “business as usual” and would appear to confirm that head writer Joe Belcastro is moving on, which had been out there and we had heard about. It is not known if Belcastro has already left or is leaving soon. Ringside News had reported on the story on Wednesday.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Paul Levesque was a guest on the Bill Simmons Podcast to discuss WWE navigating through the pandemic and promoting the launch of their shows at the Amway Center this Friday.

*He said the internet makes their jobs more difficult and it’s all opinions that are out there, it’s a subjective business and talent can selectively find an opinion that benefits them ...

*He said the most important thing is having a wealth of talent coming into the company and are as much a content company as they are a wrestling one

*On AEW, he said the strength of WWE is their ability to pivot and Vince McMahon will put the right people around him. He didn’t directly speak about AEW and more so used the question to discuss Vince McMahon’s history and ability to adapt

*Levesque noted when it comes to new stars it helps when the old one leaves citing Hulk Hogan leaving the company in 1993 – this is a point we have discussed where talent gets on top and can be there for years without other options. It was helpful for Hogan that Bruno Sammartino was largely retired by his run, that Hogan left for Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels, and then they left to usher in Steve Austin’s ascent with The Rock.

*He completed agreed with Simmons that Raw should be two hours and that it’s obvious adding it is so hard to write that third hour of Raw

*Regarding their on-screen product reflecting the world and its problems, he said if you go too far today you alienate people and can’t push the boundaries as they once did and cited films from ten years ago you couldn’t make and jokes that wouldn’t fly today

*They had a discussion about the dynamic of working for Vince McMahon while he’s also family and a grandfather to his children. He said if there was ever an issue so significant and he had to choose, he would walk away from working with McMahon if it would affect the family dynamic ...

*He will see if the right scenario presents itself but didn’t completely close the door on wrestling again but prefers helping the younger talent than doing it himself, he said he will be fine if he doesn’t wrestle again


Originally Posted by Observer
After unsuccessfully challenging for Kenny Omega & Hangman Page's Tag Team titles on Dynamite last week, Jurassic Express have fallen out of the top five in AEW's tag team rankings ...

The Young Bucks moved up to third after defeating The Dark Order last week, while Evil Uno & Stu Grayson have fallen to fifth after that loss. Rhodes & Marshall are back into the rankings at fourth. They defeated Jack Evans & Angelico on AEW Dark last week.

The men's and women's singles division rankings are unchanged from last week ...

This week's full rankings are listed below:

Men's division --
Champions: AEW World Champion Jon Moxley (15-0 singles record in 2020, 21-2-1 overall record), TNT Champion Cody (18-1 singles record in 2020, 26-6-1 overall record)
  • MJF (8-0 singles record in 2020, 13-2 overall record)
  • Lance Archer (11-1 singles record in 2020, 11-1 overall record)
  • Brian Cage (6-1 singles record in 2020, 6-2 overall record)
  • Brodie Lee (5-1 singles record in 2020, 8-1 overall record)
  • Scorpio Sky (7-2 singles record in 2020, 24-11 overall record)

Women's division --
Champion: Hikaru Shida (16-1 singles record in 2020, 21-7 overall record)
  • Nyla Rose (7-2 singles record in 2020, 14-6 overall record)
  • Big Swole (6-3 singles record in 2020, 8-8 overall record)
  • Penelope Ford (6-4 singles record in 2020, 8-7 overall record)
  • Abadon (4-1 singles record in 2020, 4-1 overall record)
  • Britt Baker (4-4 singles record in 2020, 13-8 overall record)

Tag team division --
Champions: Kenny Omega & Hangman Page (12-0 tag team record in 2020, 29-9 overall record for Omega, 21-10 overall record for Page)
  • FTR (5-0 tag team record in 2020, 5-2 overall record for Dax Harwood, 5-2 overall record for Cash Wheeler)
  • Best Friends (13-4 tag team record in 2020, 21-15 overall record for Trent Barreta, 20-13 overall record for Chuck Taylor)
  • The Young Bucks (6-2 tag team record in 2020, 19-11 overall record for Nick Jackson, 19-11 overall record for Matt Jackson)
  • The Natural Nightmares (6-1 tag team record in 2020, 14-8 overall record for Dustin Rhodes, 9-11 overall record for QT Marshall)
  • The Dark Order (8-2 tag team record in 2020, 13-5 overall record for Evil Uno, 14-6 overall record for Stu Grayson)


Originally Posted by PWI
The WWE Network has quietly removed a number of older WWE documentaries from the streaming service, has confirmed. The titles that have been removed are:
  • 2005's Bret Hart - The Best There Is, the Best There Was, the Best There Ever Will Be
  • 2010's Hart and Soul: Hart Family Anthology.
  • 2010's WWE Top 50 Superstars.
  • 2011's Greatest Rivalries: Bret vs. Shawn.
  • 2013's Bret Hart: The Dungeon Collection.
  • 2019's The Most Powerful Families in Wrestling.

The documentaries that have been pulled all seem to have one common, obvious factor - WWE Hall of Famer Bret Hart.

As previously reported on, while WWE has ownership of the Stampede Wrestling library, Bret Hart owns the rights to his matches from that same library, which he purchased from his parents before their passing. This issue has led to the WWE Network pulling complete episodes of Stampede Wrestling TV in 2015 shortly after they were uploaded to the WWE Network. Since that time, WWE has only utilized matches from Stampede that do not feature Bret Hart appearing and the two sides have never come to an agreement on the usage of Hart's matches from that time period.

There is no word what led to the documentaries pulled, but if those documentaries featured Bret Hart content from Stampede (which in the case of some of them, was certainly the case), they may have been yanked from WWE's streaming service for that reason. If those titles return with some slight re-editing, that would certainly prove the Stampede footage theory.


Originally Posted by PWI
WWE sent out invitations to members of their mailing list, offering them a chance to take part in a live WWE Thunderdome test tomorrow.

For fans who have signed up for the invite, WWE will present a match for them to test the Thunderdome experience, promising they will be the first to take part.

It does not appear the match will be broadcast live and it will just be an in-house test for the company. The test is scheduled for 5:15 PM EST.


Originally Posted by PWI
As noted last night, WWE made the first Virtual Fan opportunities available for this week's Friday Night Smackdown broadcast last night via We are told by sources that they hit capacity within minutes.

The virtual fan slots for Sunday's Summerslam PPV will be made available later this week, followed by Monday's Raw slots, and so on.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
For those in Canada, AEW Dynamite will now be available at 6 pm Eastern this Saturday on and on the TSN app. It will also air on TSN2 at 10 pm Eastern that night.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
NJPW Strong will now be available on Fite TV each Friday night at 10 pm Eastern in addition to airing on New Japan World. The Fite TV version is available for $5.99 U.S.

For the type of shows NJPW Strong and the Lion's Break Collision series have been so far, $6 per episode seems a bit high especially since that would be $24 for a typical month's worth of shows.


Originally Posted by Fightful
Buff Bagwell, real name Marcus Bagwell, has been involved in an accident that resulted in serious injuries.

The Cobb County Police Department Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) Unit is currently investigating a traffic collision that took place on the afternoon of August 16 in Georgia. According to the report from the STEP Unit, the 50-year-old Bagwell lost control of his Chevrolet Tahoe going through a curve.

Bagwell then collided into a free-standing bathroom at the Cobb County Transit (CCT) bus station. He was transported to Wellstar Kennestone Hospital with serious injuries.


Originally Posted by
Fightful Select reports that Riddick Moss was on the verge of getting a big push in the WWE prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.

As noted, he took a break from WWE TV due to the pandemic. The reason for that was due to him caring or a family member that is a higher risk for the virus due to cystic fibrosis.

Former RAW executive director Paul Heyman made the decision to bench Moss, to avoid any possible heat of Moss making the decision himself. It was added that Heyman was very high on Moss at the time.

TPWW Frontpage:

Emperor Smeat 08-20-2020 09:02 PM

The Sheets sponsored by WWE Don't Try This At Home:


Originally Posted by Observer
Running unopposed with AEW Dynamite preempted due to the NBA playoffs, WWE NXT posted its strongest viewership since November on Wednesday night.

Last night's NXT, which was the go-home show for TakeOver XXX, averaged 853,000 viewers. That's up from the 619,000 the show drew last week. The rating in the 18-49 demo was a 0.24, up from last Wednesday's 0.16.

While Dynamite didn't air last night, NXT did face competition from the NBA playoffs, NHL playoffs, and news coverage of the Democratic National Convention.

This was NXT's best viewership number since the November 20 edition of the show averaged 916,000 viewers. After ranking 65th in all cable programs in the 18-49 demo last Wednesday, NXT rose to 23rd in that metric last night.

The rating in the 18-34 demo was a 0.09, down from the 0.11 that NXT drew two weeks ago. That would seemingly indicate that much of AEW's younger audience migrated to news or sports coverage rather than head over to USA Network to check out the other Wednesday wrestling show.

This week's Dynamite will air on Saturday at 6 p.m. Eastern time or immediately following the NBA playoffs. The TakeOver XXX pre-show is starting at 6:30 p.m. Eastern on Saturday, with the main card then beginning at 7 p.m. Eastern.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Since NXT finished out of the top fifty cable programs last week, we cannot compare all the key demos. However, looking at the ratings from the August 5th episode of NXT, the lack of AEW competition didn’t translate to increases among each group. The largest loss was with women 12-34 which were down 44 percent from two weeks ago registering a 0.05 this week. The other big loss was with adults 18-34 that was down 27 percent from two weeks ago.

The largest gain compared to August 5th was with men 18-49 that grew by 28 percent followed by adults 25-54 increasing by 25 percent. In the 18-49 demographic NXT was up 20 percent compared to two weeks ago.


Originally Posted by PWI
WWE star Sonya Deville testified this afternoon in Tampa, Florida at a pre-trial hearing for Phillip Arnold Thomas II, who was arrested in Sonya Deville's Florida home early Sunday morning. Thomas has been charged with Aggravated Stalking, Armed Burglary of a Dwelling, Attempted Armed Kidnapping, and Criminal Mischief. He has been assigned a public defender and invoked his fifth amendment right to remain silent.

Thomas was not present in the court room but was seen via video monitor from another room, where he was handcuffed and alone. This hearing was to determine whether Thomas would be held without bail prior to his trial.

Deville recounted that the evening Thomas invaded her home, she was sleeping in her master bedroom when her alarm went off. Mandy Rose was sleeping in the guest bedroom and Deville woke her up to tell her the alarm went off, then turned off the alarm and entered her kitchen, turning on the lights. She looked outside a sliding door that she usually used to enter the house and saw a man dressed in black wearing a mask outside. She asked him, "What the f*** are you doing?" but he just looked at her, with a deadpan expression on his face, and approached.

At that point, Deville knew he wasn't trying to rob or burglarize the home, but instead was there for her. She ran out of the kitchen to the guest room, grabbed Rose and they ran to the garage with Rose's cell phone and car keys. The garage was down the hallway from the guest bedroom, so if they went the other way, they'd have run back towards the intruder. Deville jumped in Rose's car to drive but couldn't get it to to start because she was so freaked that her foot was on the ignition, not the brake. Rose was able to press the manual start button so the engine revved and they pulled out and drove through the neighborhood as Rose called 911.

They returned to the house after they were advised a deputy had arrived. The deputy asked them to wait and when backup arrived, the authorities entered the home through the garage and returned several minutes later with the suspect, who Deville identified as the same man she saw and the same man who was seen on the video monitor.

Deville testified that the man had never had permission to enter her home and that she had no communication with him before the night he invaded her home.

They showed video footage of the incident, which saw Deville looking through her doors and then running out of the kitchen. A man dressed in black entered the house and followed the same path, exiting out the same kitchen door Deville fled through.

During her appearance, Deville was presented with photos of items that were not in her home until Thomas broke in.

Deville was then asked about checking her Instagram messages after authorities gave her Thomas' name. In searching his name, she testified that she found hundreds of messages from him threatening her life, the life of her baby niece and threatened to decapitate her ex-girlfriend. She testified that he also threatened to sexually assault her and that the messages were sent over a period of many, many months. He sent messages under his first name using his own face as a picture, a second account using the name "Phil" with no photo and a third account using another name.

Deville stated that the last message she received came shortly before he invaded her home and stated that she should look outside because he was at her pool and he was going to "kill that b**ch" who was with her. Deville was then presented with copies of the messages, which she said she recognized. Thomas' attorney tried to object that the messages could not connect the defendant but the State argued that the last message placed Thomas at the scene of the crime and that further testimony from a detective could link those together. One of the messages specifically noted Deville's home address, which also strengthened the State's claim ...

Deville testified that one of the messages featured a threat that demanded she needed to have sex with the defendant or he would release her address to the world. He also threatened the lives of every living relative in her family, including her mother, her sister and her nieces as well as Deville's ex-girlfriend. His messages claimed that he could walk next door to her house, that he could kill people to show her he was serious and sent her messages stating "Tick Tock when will the fun begin?"

She testified that he threatened to come find her at a WWE event and it wouldn't matter if she was backstage, that he would get to her baby niece and that he would force her to perform sex acts on him and would force her to do so in the WWE Performance Center. She testified that her ex-girlfriend was so frightened by messages she received, she deactivated her own Instagram. She testified that she received a message that the only way to save her family from hard was to have sexual relations with him - and that he was coming to see her in person, wearing a mask. She testified that he sent a message saying that since she was ignoring him, he was coming to see her to talk to her in person, warning her that he was going to "get what I want" and would make her regret the fact that he was being ignored by her.

He also sent her a message stating that he would be attending Summerslam with her as her boyfriend. Deville had to explain what Summerslam was and that it was the second biggest event of the year for the company and that she and Mandy Rose were slated to wrestle against each other on the show. At this point, the livestream covering Deville's testimony ended.


Originally Posted by PWI
FITE issed the following:

FITE Announces the Appointment of Nick Aldis as Special Correspondent for the Global Digital Brand

THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 2020----- FITE, the premier global digital platform for sports and entertainment, announced today that Nick Aldis, businessman and Pro Wrestling superstar, would add an additional title to his resume, serving in the role as a Special Correspondent for the company. Aldis has a deep background in media duties which have served him well both in his professional life as well as in the wrestling arena.

Nick Aldis is a Pro Wrestler, Broadcaster and Author. In his 15-year career he has performed all over the world and held multiple championships including the prestigious NWA World's Heavyweight Championship, which he currently holds. Outside of wrestling he has appeared on stage and television as both an actor and broadcaster. As a writer he was the longest running columnist for Fighting Spirit Magazine (2008-2018) and his first book, The Superstar Body, was published in 2015 ...

Mr. Aldis’ initial efforts will include the creation of exclusive content for FITE involving video conversations with key sports stars. Stay tuned - If it Happens, it’s on FITE!


Originally Posted by PWI
New Japan Pro Wrestling announced the following:

Gabriel Kidd suffers neck injury; to miss Korakuen events

Gabriel Kidd has suffered a neck injury and will not be able to compete on Korakuen Hall cards on August 26 and 27. Changes have been made to both cards accordingly.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
On Wrestling Observer Radio, Dave Meltzer discussed USA Network preempting the September 2nd edition of WWE NXT for NHL Playoff Hockey ...

The timing would seemingly benefit AEW, as their first opportunity to host Dynamite unopposed on a Wednesday will also be their “go-home” show ahead of All Out on September 5th.

Meltzer also stated that this episode was originally to be followed by a one-hour countdown special, however it appears that special will now be condensed to 30min and will air prior to The Buy-In on Saturday, September 5th and 5:30pm ET.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Deadspin’s Julie DiCaro has published an article compiling the various public accusations made against Patrick Clark (a.k.a. Velveteen Dream), along with public responses from Clark and Paul Levesque over recent weeks.

The hashtag #FireVelveteenDream was trending during the airing of last night’s WWE NXT, which featured Velveteen Dream vs. Finn Balor in the main event.



Originally Posted by Fightful
A new company has joined the fray.

LIDET Entertainment, former owner of Pro-Wrestling NOAH, has announced the formation of a new promotion called GLEAT.

According to the promotion, GLEAT is a coined word in which GREAT is combined with L, the acronym for LIDET ENTERTAINMENT.

Former wrestler and MMA fighter Kiyoshi Tamura will be the Executive Director of the promotion. Tamura competed in UWF, UWFi, RINGS and PrideFC. Tamura said about his vision for the promotion, "My ideal is this. Martial arts pro wrestling, The UWF. That’s what I want to make. I want to leave UWF for future generations. I want to keep it as history."

NOSAWA Rongai joins the as Chief Strategy Officer, Kaz Hayashi joins as Chief Technical Officer and Riki Choshu will be "an observer."


Originally Posted by Fightful
At SummerSlam 2019, Finn Balor was "murder" by the debuting 'Fiend' Bray Wyatt, disappearing off WWE television in the process.

Joining Dan Matha on Spark in the Dark, Balor explained why he needed that time away last summer and into the fall.

"I had been working from 2000 until last August, which is 19 years without taking a break unless it was an injury. Even with the shoulder injury, I worked harder when I was out than when I was fit because I was doing rehab three times a day to get back and get going. The stress of the injury and the pressure to come back, that felt harder than when you're actually working. When you're working, you're in the zone and going and going. I had been going for 19 years straight and I came to a point where I needed a break, not just physically, it was more mentally to be by myself and be away from the boys. I love the boys, but it gets to a point where it's just too intense. When you're around them all the time, you just need some space. I needed space from everything; the business, bookers, writers, schedules, everything. It had become too intense. I was turning into a different person that I didn't like. I was snapping at people, I wasn't giving people time in conversations. I was turning into a bitter dick and I could feel it building and building. Thankfully, the company gave me some time to get my head straight and get better. When I came back, the idea was pitched around to go to NXT," he said.

Balor returned to television on October 2, 2019, returning to NXT to confront Adam Cole. Balor said moving back to NXT has been great for him as he was working 172 matches a year and traveling, but in NXT he does only 50 matches a year and doesn't have to travel as much.


Originally Posted by Fightful
Daniel Cormier walked away from MMA following his loss to Stipe Miocic at UFC 252 on Saturday. Cormier's next move is unknown, but there has long been talk of him joining WWE in some capacity, even when he was an active fighter.

Speaking to Justin Barrasso of Sports Illustrated, Cormier once again floated the possibility of stepping inside the squared circle.

“That’s not my retirement,” said Cormier. “That would be a vacation. I’d love a Royal Rumble moment where I throw a dude into the ropes and I clothesline his ass over the top, or I dropkick somebody over the top rope, and I’ll take my bump and get thrown out. Let me chase somebody down, clothesline him with a Bradshaw-Layfield clothesline from hell and eliminate somebody from the Royal Rumble, then throw me over the top. Pro wrestling? I’m all in.”

Cormier has had offers to do work with WWE, but not in an in-ring capacity. He revealed in December that he had one offer to work on WWE Backstage and another offer to be part of the press conference between Brock Lesnar and Cain Velasquez leading up to Crown Jewel 2019.


Originally Posted by Fightful
Sammy Guevara returned to AEW Dynamite on July 22 after serving a suspension for inappropriate comments made towards Sasha Banks in 2016.

During his suspension, Guevara underwent sensitivity training, which he completed prior to his return.

Appearing on AEW Unrestricted, Guevara discussed his return to the company.

"The first day back, I didn't know how people were going to be with me and everybody was very positive and nice to me. I appreciate you guys because you welcomed me back," he said to hosts Tony Schiavone and Aubrey Edwards.

Guevara was dressed as Serpentico for his return, helping the Inner Circle pick up a victory in multi-man tag team action.

"[Chris] Jericho told me he had an idea for me coming back, I didn't ask too many questions, I was just like, 'Okay, cool.' I was more working on doing the training. When I finished it, they were like, 'Cool, we'll send you the flight.' I didn't know what I was doing until probably an hour or two before the show started. Someone was like, 'you're going to be Serpentico.' 'What?' That was my own fault for not asking questions, but I also trust Jericho, the genius that he is, whatever it's going to be, it's going to be great. I think it went pretty well," he said.

TPWW Frontpage:

Emperor Smeat 08-21-2020 04:27 PM

The Sheets (Observer Newsletter Edition):


WWE moves into a new location for television on 8/21, with the new schedule going live every Monday and Friday night from the Amway Center in Orlando, which will be renamed the Thunderdome, after the Mad Max movie and not the laughing stock of a WCW television show two decades back.

WWE will basically be the building’s only client through 10/30, doing shows with no fans, but following the NBA technology in using simulated fans to enhance the presentation.

This will be key because WWE externally has largely blamed its ratings declines, largely under the age of 50 and extensively under 35, on the setting. And no doubt some of that is true, but the declines of Raw and Smackdown, by percentage, are greater than those of NXT, in a similar setting, and far greater than AEW ...

One person with the company familiar with the situation said that from the moment they started doing shows from the Performance Center, the feeling was that they had to get out of the Performance Center, and this was before ratings took a hit which did lag a few weeks ...

“The NBA has shown the way,” said one person on the inside. “The moment the NBA pulled the Disney deal, and then the moment they went on TV with the concept, I’m sure Vince McMahon and Kevin Dunn said, `that’s the answer" ...

The company is billing this as that all the television shows with the new screens that will show fans in the stands reacting and the special effects in the arena will make all the television shows have a WrestleMania feel.

There are those who have said the belief is that the ratings will readjust to February levels within a month, although Raw is generally hit hard by the NFL. Smackdown actually should increase in theory during football season because FOX will promote the shows on its highest rated programming period of the year. But it’s all theoretical because without getting new characters over and better storylines, the gains will be short-lived. WWE did tremendous promotion for its move to HD as a game changer, yet that ended up with virtually no ratings increase at the time.

But with the ability to do better entrances with more special effects, the wrestlers they choose to be top guys will be enhanced and look more like top guys. Having fans on screens and real crowd noise should also be beneficial in getting talent over. It’s not perfect, but nothing will be and, at worst, this will be a significant improvement in atmosphere and hopefully at least stymie the ratings decline if not lead to a reverse.

Fans will be shown , but the nature of this will be people there more to get attention on themselves than truly reacting. By doing so, they will be attempting to do what they perceive the company wants as a way to get more screen time. The positive from WWE is they will react, and they’ll likely react the way the company wants as opposed to the mob mentality which takes the show where they want to take it, and is dead during matches they don’t care about ...

While WWE has had endless excuses in the last few years for declining numbers, it has really not become a major issue outside the TV partners until recent weeks when it was clear stock analysts were telling the company that they need action, and pointed to AEW &amp; NXT’s performances during the pandemic with the belief it can’t be all blamed on that. So they are under the gun for movement in a positive direction ...

WWE is paying the Amway Center approximately $450,000 to use the building for more than two months for 23 televised shows. That’s a great deal for WWE, even though it’s obviously going to be a far more expensive production per show both between all the changes and also being live every Monday and Friday. The building would be unused because the NBA is playing in a bubble and no other arena sports leagues and concerts are running buildings that large right now.

WWE will likely do three PPV shows from the location, with confirmed dates of SummerSlam on 8/23, Backlash on 8/30, and a 9/27 Clash of Champions PPV show. The rest of the PPV schedule comes after the end of the Amway contract on 10/30. The contract can also be renewed based on the state or the world and the ability of touring acts and sports teams to run arena events with fans.

SummerSlam at press time is listed as an eight-match show. There will likely be matches added in the final few days, perhaps off the go-home Smackdown show as well as added pre-show bouts. The show is scheduled to start with the pre-show at 5 p.m. Eastern, so we’re talking five to six hours most likely.

The line-up has Drew McIntyre vs. Randy Orton for the WWE title in a significantly huge match as far as the future direction goes. Orton winning, leading to a title defense against Edge at WrestleMania was an idea on the board. But others have been behind McIntyre with the idea the company needs a different star rather than someone who has been around a long time in the top spot, and McIntyre has been protected strongly. But this is one result that will tell a lot about the currently planned future direction. Orton vs. Edge could easily take place without the title at stake, and there is a draft coming that will shake up potential challengers since McIntyre has run through most of the Raw heels aside from Orton, although the company has been very careful to protect both Seth Rollins and Bobby Lashley in booking.

Coming back seven days later with Backlash is only the second time in company history they’ve done two PPV shows with such a rapid turnaround. This was tried in 1991 as an experiment and the experiment at the time was deemed unsuccessful and never done again. The atmosphere today as far as streaming vs. individually purchased PPV makes it completely different.

One would think, as they did in 1991, there will be major controversy surrounding the finish of one of the main events and thus it will be brought back right away. The only thing announced thus far is Bayley &amp; Banks defending the women’s tag titles. Asuka &amp; Shayna Baszler beat Bayley &amp; Banks in a non-title match on the 8/17 Raw show, which would seem to make them the favorites for that spot, especially if it’s a main event level match as other challenging teams would be lower on the card. They are also doing an angle where Baszler wants Asuka to beat Banks and then she challenges Asuka. Baszler vs. Asuka was a direction headed for title matches when Becky Lynch left due to pregnancy, but things changed in creative.

WWE on-air personality Renee Young (Renee Paquette Good, 34), gave notice last week that she was leaving the company.

Good had two deals, an employee deal with WWE that allowed her to give notice when she wanted, and a second contract with FOX for WWE Backstage, which was canceled when the show was canceled. With the latter contract being canceled she was able to leave without any obligations. She will be finishing up with the company this coming week as she agreed to work through SummerSlam weekend.

There aren’t a lot of details but Good did contract COVID-19 during the recent WWE outbreak. It was known at the time that she went public with it without the company’s knowledge. It was also noted to us that none of the company’s top officials talked to her after they had knowledge she had it until several days had passed. Another WWE source noted that others who got it at the same time had similar stories, but Good was the only one who went public without the company’s knowledge.

Exactly what she does next is anyone’s guess. We had known years ago that ESPN had interest in her, and some in WWE had thought at the time she might leave the company for ESPN, but that didn’t happen. FOX is also high on her, and she may do some things for them here and there. From an AEW standpoint, even though Jonathan Good (Jon Moxley), her husband, is AEW champion, we were told AEW was unaware she was leaving WWE until after the news broke. This is not to say that is or isn’t an option and what her legal limitations and time frames would be.

Of late she’s been working on a cookbook.

One person close to the situation said it’s inevitable she hosts something or does something for AEW but there is not deal at the present time for anything. Everyone in the company knows her. But it probably won’t be soon since her WWE announcing deal does have a serious non compete clause.

Outside of wrestling she already has some cool stuff that has been presented to her. Her interest would include anything sports, talk shows, comedy shows or podcast shows among likely other things. Before she got into broadcasting she had moved to California from Toronto for acting so that is part of her background that isn’t as well publicized, and did some minor acting roles.

On the new Rey Mysterio deal, it is believed to be for three years

Regarding the current creative situation, Bruce Prichard’s role isn’t really driving creative. Ed Koskey drives creative. Prichard oversees the team, implements and executes Vince McMahon’s orders and makes sure other departments are notified about plans so merchandising and network partners and promotional people are in the loop. Such as ideas like this is the date a guy is returning and we need new merchandise for him ready. He also deals with USA and FOX, although Kevin Dunn has stepped in a lot on that and Nick Khan may end up doing that as well

Joe Belcastro, who had been the head writer of NXT and considered by some the No. 2 guy in creative behind Paul Levesque, has left the company. Only a few people knew about but for Levesque it didn’t come out of nowhere and he wasn’t caught off guard. Johnny Russo and Gabe Sapolsky are believed to have more influence now. Levesque on the conference call this week said that he, Brian James and Shawn Michaels were the key guys when it came to NXT creative decisions and didn’t address anything about a new head writer. Another person noted to us that Belcastro was talented, but that this isn’t a world changer and things are pretty much the same with Russo picking up match of the slack

The 150 fans allowed in at the 8/12 AEW tapings at Daily’s Place was part of a long-term project to ease into having fans.

They are now upping crowds to 500, with the goal of if that goes well, upping them later to 750, and for the first time since the pandemic, one of the major U.S. promotions is selling tickets for a show.

The idea is to keep the fans a deck away from the talent that is stationed at ringside and they will be kept in groups with friends and family that are socially distant from each other. Basically, there will be the wrestlers on the floor, the 100 section of the stadium will be left empty and fans will be allowed in the 200 section and above.

They announced the 8/27 tapings, which will be the Thursday live show, the company’s next event, that they would be selling 500 tickets. Tickets will be put on sale on 8/21. This would be the first time the company has put tickets on sale for a show to the public since early March.

If all goes well, the idea would be to up that to 750 tickets but right now the idea isn’t to top 750 any time soon although there are NFL teams looking at 15,000 to 25,000 when the season starts in a few weeks. And if 750 goes safely than they may increase down the line. Even with 1,500, or just under 30 percent capacity, it would become difficult to keep groups far apart from each other ...

At this stage, there is always risk involved, but being outdoors with social distancing and if the mask wearing is enforced (from reports from those at the last tapings it was), and with the low capacity you are mitigating risks to a degree, but it’s not a no-risk situation . If it was indoors, you couldn’t pull it off as safely, nor could you do so if you were doing a 25 percent capacity.

At some point there are going to be decisions made regarding the nature of touring. The one thing that has helped the bottom line a lot is doing two weeks at a time as opposed to live weekly. Of course, with that many paying fans, the nature of the results getting out for the taped shows is inevitable, and probably immediate.

The plan right now is to continue taping two weeks at a time most of the time, limiting production costs as well as travel and its risks since a large percentage of the roster is on the West Coast. It’s the decision right now that makes the most economic sense ...

Tony Khan had studied the Warrior Wrestling and Game Changer shows with fans in recent weeks. Warrior Wrestling put more than 500 people in a high school football stadium that was significantly smaller than Daily’s Place. He felt in a 5,500-seat building they had the space to do it safely and in particular really liked what he saw of how Warrior Wrestling handled things at their show in Chicago

New Japan announced that the Jingu Stadium show on 8/29 would have live English language commentary with Kevin Kelly and Chris Charlton. This will be unique because Charlton will be there, but Kelly will be broadcasting from the U.S. WWE has been doing something similar with NXT since the start of the pandemic with Mauro Ranallo and Beth Phoenix each calling the matches from home with a third person live in the building, formerly Tom Phillips and now Vic Joseph. Most of those shows have been taped and not live which gives some leeway, but they have done live Takeover shows, and will once again this coming week.

John Bedoya, who was the second Ring of Honor champion under the name “Xavier, The All-around best,” passed away on 8/16 at the age of 42.

Details of his death remain a mystery, past he had been in contact with family members the night before and that this came out of nowhere.

Bedoya, who had wrestled very little since 2011, was looking at coming back this year with ROH. He had been booked on a then vs. now show in March in Las Vegas that was canceled due to the pandemic. While not announced, plans were for him to wrestle some with ROH going forward.

NEW JAPAN: We’ve heard nothing new in some time regarding U.S. television. One person outside of New Japan but with knowledge of the current landscape of broadcasting and streaming and interest in pro wrestling said that linear TV networks right now are freaking out due to declining ad dollars, plus cable and the dish carriers are trying to lower the carriage fees on channels that specialize in sports since they are so high and so much of sports going forward is so iffy, and it was noted almost all programming and development executives are scared to lose their jobs over a failure and are less apt not to take risks than any time, and a product unproven on U.S. television would be considered a big risk, especially when the declines of WWE are so well known and people don’t see this as people wanting a different form of pro wrestling, they see it as wrestling, whether AEW has had success or not, is a declining television product

The state of Mexico, which surrounds the Distrito Federal (Mexico City itself is part of the Distrito Federal) is allowing a number of places, listed as gyms, auditoriums and places where sports of cultural activity are practiced, to open at 30 percent capacity. Everyone is going with the idea that auditoriums means Lucha Libre events, although the commission has not made a statement on this.

Regarding Jericho and the Sturgis concert, there were a few measures put in place in that Jericho took four different COVID tests in the days leading up to the show. It wasn’t optimum playing several shows, especially since Minot, ND, when it was booked, looked like the safest place in the U.S., but by the time the show came, it was no longer the case. And Sturgis could have been scary and we still don’t know the ramifications of the bike rally and won’t for a few more weeks, but just having the rally with so many people at this point seemed like a terrible idea. The residents of the city made it clear they didn’t want the rally held, the city council felt people were coming either way and they had no choice but to accept the reality and prepare for it. About 462,000 vehicles came to Sturgis that weekend. At this point there is only one confirmed case coming from a bar many frequented at the Sturgis rally and the city claims less than 25 new cases came from the biker rally, but it’s also very early in the game to know the real repercussions and most of the people at the rally weren’t from Sturgis so those are far from any kind of real figures on spread

Tony Khan made a few points about his philosophy regarding tings he didn’t like, which are disqualifications and false advertising. He wanted people who view AEW to believe they were going to get real finishes, even if there will be outside interference aspects, but winners and losers (occasional draws). He said they may at some point do a DQ but that it would be extremely rare. Regarding false advertising, he said that when Jon Moxley missed the TV’s over staying home with his wife and also his own fear of possibly being infected, there were people who suggested Khan not saying anything, because that’s how many wrestling companies would have handled it, perhaps most until the modern era as the St. Louis and Houston’s were very much the exception, not the rule. In hindsight, it probably did hurt ratings slightly for two shows but he’s wanting to play fair with his audience with the hope that plays out better for the company in the long game. This likely comes from his own experience as a fan of multiple promotions, seeing companies that rarely if ever do DQs (ECW, All Japan, New Japan and many other Japanese groups) and also play fair with their audience regarding no-shows (tons of companies fit into that category, probably most nowadays but in the older days, and today in WWE, that wouldn’t be the case)

In a YouTube live stream the company [AEW] asked people for names of five women you want to see added and the responses were Diamante, Ivelisse, Conti, Chelsea Green, Tessa Blanchard and Jordynne Grace. The response was they are in talks with two of them. Since Green is in WWE and Grace in Impact, that would seem to cut the list down to Diamante, Ivelisse, Conti and Blanchard.

The most watched shows of the past week on the WWE Network were: 1. WWE Timeline: Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart; 2. SummerSlam 2019; 3. Best of Drew McIntyre in Evolve; 4. ICW Shug’s House Party 5 Dave 2; 5. The Horror Show at Extreme Rules; 6. Raw Talk for 8/17; 7. NXT from 8/12; 8. SummerSlam 1988; 9. SummerSlam 2018; 10. Smackdown from 7/17; 11. Top Ten Most Humiliating Taunts; 12. Royal Rumble 2020; 13. Raw 7/13; 14. Progress Chapter 92; 15. SummerSlam 2016. Notable no 205 Live or NXT U.K. even cracked the top 25. Best of Keith Lee in Evolve was No. 16. Some wXw stuff made the top 25
WWE Ratings, AEW vs. NXT Ratings, NXT Ratings:


Raw on 8/17 averaged 1,643,000 viewers and 0.48 in 18-49, which sounds bad, but given the competition from both the NBA playoffs and the Democratic convention, it wasn’t that bad.

It was the fourth lowest overall number in the history of the show, and tied for the fourth lowest in 18-49. The third hour drop, against the Michelle Obama speech that did monster numbers, to 1,502,000 viewers was the second lowest hour in the history of the show, beating only hour three from 7/27.

Raw was down 4.6 percent in viewers and up 2.1 percent in 18-49 ...

The first hour did 1,730,000 viewers. The second hour did 1,697,000 viewers. The third hour did 1,502,000 viewers.

The biggest take was that among teenagers, which grew greatly two weeks ago for the first week of Raw Underground, the third hour drops were scary bad. The drop also included a segment built around Shawn Michaels confronting Randy Orton.

The first to third hour drops were 17.1 percent with women 18-49, 13.2 percent with men 18-49, 55.5 percent with girls 12-17 and 19.2 percent with boys 12-17 and 11.9 percent with those over 50.

As compared with the same week last year, the show was down 35.2 percent overall, 40.7 percent in 18-49 and 50.9 percent in 18-34.

Smackdown on 8/14 did a 1.21 rating and 1,940,000 viewers (1.33 viewers per home) and 0.53 (687,000 viewers) in 18-49.

It’s a little misleading for direct comparisons since there were markets were FOX aired sports and FOX did 2,002,000 viewers and 713,000 (0.55) in 18-49 in total, the best numbers for the network since June for the show and 18-49 even with the one market that carried sports was well up from the past month plus. But even with market preemptions, the rating was up 0.8 percent, viewers were down 1.1 percent and 18-49 was up 8.0 percent which is the key number. It would appear the difference is the Bray Wyatt/Alexa Bliss storyline and the Retribution storyline, as the show the prior week was awful and did nothing to build this ...

The 0.55 (the network rating for FOX) in 18-49 and 0.3 in 18-34 both won the night among network telecasts and were both up from 0.49 and 0.2 the prior week. Smackdown and one show in CBS were the only shows not in reruns. Still, Smackdown did finish last in actual viewers, but it was close as a rerun of The Wall did 2,174,000 viewers ...

The show did 1.89 million viewers in the first half hour with the Retribution attack on Big E vs. John Morrison, Bayley &amp; Sasha Banks promo and the beginning of the Battle Royal.

The second half hour also did 1.89 million viewers with the rest of the Battle Royal and Sheamus vs. Shorty G.

The third half hour was the high point at 2.03 million viewers which was all the A.J. Styles, Jeff Hardy stuff with Joseph Park, Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Gran Metalik, Mandy Rose interview, the Matt Riddle/King Corbin angle and the Alexa Bliss interview.

The final half hour fell to 1.94 million viewers for E vs. Morrison, another Retribution angle, and the Strowman/Wyatt/Bliss final segment.
* Last year on the same Friday, FOX aired rerun programming that averaged 866,000 viewers in part of the country and local sports that did 499,000 viewers. So the total was 1,361,000 viewers and an 0.4 in 18-49, so it was up 47.1 percent in viewers and 37.1 percent in 18-49.

For 8/12 in the AEW vs. NXT comparisons, AEW won all eight quarters overall and easily won every quarter in 18-49, doubling NXT in three of eight quarters and overall.

In the main event battle, AEW with Chris Jericho vs. Orange Cassidy did 783,000 viewers and 398,000 in 18-49, while NXT with Kushida vs. Cameron Grimes vs. Velveteen Dream did 621,000 viewers and 205,000 in 18-49. While the main event numbers for Jericho vs. Cassidy don’t look all that high when compared with the rest of the show, the actual minute-by-minute numbers showed that the Hikaru Shida vs. Heather Monroe match did not do well, and the audience plummeted during a commercial right before the match. The match gained, then lost during a commercial break, but actually skyrocketed after that break and ended up at right around 1 million viewers and 500,000 in 18-49 which is the level only AEW’s biggest matches with its top guys hit.

The show opened with AEW having 775,000 viewers and 403,000 in 18-49 with Young Bucks vs. Stu Grayson &amp; Evil Uno. NXT had 720,000 viewers and 230,000 in 18-49 with Karrion Kross vs Danny Burch plus the angle where Keith Lee and Kross signed their contracts and Lee got the fireball in the face. NXT’s high number has a lot to do with the big lead-in. It was also the NXT high point in both viewers and demo.

The second quarter saw AEW stay at the same level with 776,000 viewers and 409,000 in 18-49 for Omega &amp; Page talking about the Young Bucks, and the MJF promo/campaign speech and Jon Moxley attack and promo. NXT fell to 607,000 viewers and 213,000 in 18-49 for Drake Maverick vs. Killian Dain and the Undisputed Era out and Adam Cole interview.

The third quarter saw AEW at 779,000 viewers and 408,000 in 18-49 for a Matt Hardy interview and Cody vs. Scorpio Sky for the TNT title. NXT had 604,000 viewers and 217,000 in 18-49 for Tyler Breeze vs. Santos Escobar and a Dakota Kai feature.

The gap got big in quarter four. AEW had 809,000 viewers and 440,000 in 18-49 with Cody vs. Sky and the post-match with Brodie Lee challenging. NXT fell to 564,000 viewers and 174,000 in 18-49, both low points of the show, for Mia Yim vs. Indi Hartwell.

In quarter five, AEW had Kenny Omega &amp; Adam Page vs. Jungle Boy &amp; Luchasaurus and did 817,000 viewers and 437,000 in 18-49. NXT did 591,000 and 195,000 in 18-49 for Damien Priest vs. Bronson Reed.

In quarter six, AEW had its high points of the show with 862,000 viewers and 461,000 in 18-49 for the segment with the Young Bucks, FTR, Tully Blanchard &amp; Arn Anderson and Ricky Morton &amp; Robert Gibson. NXT did 609,000 viewers and 191,000 in 18-49 for Mercedes Martinez &amp; Aliyah vs. Kacy Catanzaro &amp; Kayden Carter.

In quarter seven, AEW fell to 739,000 overall and 384,000 in 18-49 for Hikaru Shida vs. Heather Monroe, Shida promo, Jake Roberts &amp; Lance Archer segment and plugging next week. NXT did 637,000 viewers and grew to 220,000 in 18-49 for main event intros.

For the main event segment, AEW gained 44,000 viewers and 14,000 in 18-49. NXT lost 16,000 viewers and 15,000 in 18-49.

With no AEW on 8/19, NXT’s numbers increased greatly even against competition from the Democratic Convention, NBA and NHL playoffs.

The real key to the number was to see just how NXT would do if it was not in a Wednesday night war. While there were likely AEW fans who were looking to watch wrestling and may not follow NXT if it was on another night, NXT also would have easier competition most of the time.

The show did 853,000 viewers and 0.24 in 18-49, good for the No 23 spot for the night. Considering last week, with tough competition, but not this tough, did 619,000, you are talking 234,000 viewers on a tough night up and maybe close to 300,000 on a normal night. NXT on its own is likely doing about 900,000 viewers and in the 0.26 range in 18-49, so that tells you what WWE, and USA, are costing themselves being in this Wednesday night war. With that knowledge, if they don’t move, it does explain the actual goal, which everyone has known from the start.

Even with the tough competition, it shows AEW is NXT’s biggest competition, since this was the best NXT audience since November 20 and best in 18-49 since February 19. It was the best overall number of the year and second best in 18-49, but without AEW, it should have been ...

NXT was up 37.8 percent overall and 50.0 percent in 18-49. Still, it also showed that of the 623,000 in 18-49 watching the two shows last week, only half watched television wrestling this week. And of the 1,411,000 total viewers, 60.5 percent watched this week. It showed that the older viewers of AEW were far more apt to watch NXT than those in the key demo. While this isn’t perfect because of the competition changing this night hard, roughly 102,000 of the 417,000 AEW 18-49 fans or 24.4 percent, watched NXT for two hours this week. When it comes to those over 50 and under 17, it would be 132,000 of 375,000, or 35.2 percent ...

We don’t have demo comparisons from last week as far as age groups go, because NXT wasn’t in the top 50 last week. But we do have figures for a comparison from two weeks ago, but those are numbers against far easier competition.

The key comparison is that the new viewers were heavily male, so the women viewers of AEW did not watch NXT hardly at all, noting the 0.05 in the Female 12-34 demo and 0.16 in 18-49.

As compared to two weeks ago, even without AEW, NXT did a 0.10 in 12-17 (down 16.7 percent), 0.09 in 18-34 (down 18.2 percent), 0.39 in 35-49 (up 2.6 percent) and 0.42 in 50+ (up 7.7 percent).

The audience was 66.7 percent male in 18-49 and 80.7 percent male in 12-17.

With the male skew so much higher than usual, what it says is that the gains are mostly AEW male fans, but that the AEW female fan base did not watch NXT this week. And the AEW fan base under 35 didn’t so much either, but gains were made over 35. Basically it says the AEW 35+ fan base is interested in NXT to a decent degree, but the under 35 and women fan bases are not interested in even sampling it.

The competition was very tough with CNN doing 4,880,000; MSNBC doing 6,187,000 and FOX News doing 3,794,000 viewers head-to-head. The NBA game against the first 75 minutes of the show did 1,705,000 viewers and 0.68, and against the last 45 minutes did 2,283,000 and 0.98. The NHL game on NBC Sports network did 748,000 and 0.27.

Emperor Smeat 08-25-2020 09:21 PM

The Sheets sponsored by newest member of the Badass Submission Machine club, Anna Jay:


Originally Posted by Observer
The combination of the show's ThunderDome debut and being the day after SummerSlam led Raw to its best numbers in more than four months, averaging 2.03 million viewers and a 0.67 rating in 18-49.

The numbers were up 23 percent in viewers but more importantly 40 percent in 18-49, so they did have a younger audience checking them out and about 250,000 in the 18-49 demo that haven't been watching Raw in the past several months. It was mostly 35-49 gains since the 18-34 increase was 18 percent.

The first to third hour drop of 11 percent is slightly better than most weeks, but in the normal level, so it wasn't people checking out new technology and then leaving. It was a lot of new curious viewers who mostly stayed, which is a good sign.

The key to this isn't that the numbers for the day after SummerSlam were good, but they went against heavy competition with the Republican National Convention which averaged 6.54 million viewers on FOX News alone, as well as big numbers on other cable stations. Plus there was NBA playoffs on TNT (2.97 million viewers and 1.34 in 18-49 for the late game; 2.05 million and 0.66 for the early game).

It was Raw's best numbers since the day after WrestleMania did 2.10 million viewers.

Raw was sixth in 18-49 for the night and 20th overall.

As compared with last year, the show was down 20 percent overall, 16 percent in 18-49, and 39 percent in 18-34 ...

The three hours were:

8 p.m. 2.14 million viewers
9 p.m. 2.05 million viewers
10 p.m. 1.90 million viewers


Originally Posted by Observer
Despite airing outside of its normal day due to the NBA playoffs, ratings for AEW Dynamite held up well on Saturday night.

Saturday's Dynamite averaged 755,000 viewers on TNT, down 4.7 percent from the previous week in the regular Wednesday night time slot. It was the lowest rating for the show since July 8, which was night two of Fyter Fest and aired opposite the Keith Lee vs Adam Cole winner-take-all title vs. title match on NXT.

In the 18-49 demo, Dynamite finished fifth on cable with a 0.31 rating, down 3.1 percent from the previous week. It trailed three NBA playoff games and the UFC main card on ESPN in that demo.

Dynamite's lead-in was an NBA game that averaged 1.607 million viewers on TNT, but it should be noted that a subsequent game on ESPN aired against most of Dynamite and averaged 1.757 million viewers. It's reasonable to assume most basketball fans would've switched over to ESPN rather than stay on TNT for Dynamite.

It's not really fair to compare the show with NXT this week since they ran on different nights and NXT had no wrestling competition while Dynamite aired opposite NXT TakeOver XXX, but the individual demo ratings were very similar to what they usually are when both shows air on Wednesday.

AEW won every demo except people over 50, where NXT had a huge advantage of 0.42 to Dynamite's 0.25. AEW's strongest demo was men 18-49, where the show did a 0.44 rating to NXT's 0.32


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
The first time AEW ran on a Saturday proved to be effective with young males with the 18-49 audience increasing 16 percent from the Wednesday, August 12th episode. The largest increase was among males 12-34 which were up by 47 percent.

They did drop among young females from last Wednesday with the 18-49 audience down 27 percent and 12-34 down 13 percent.

Interesting, adults over 50 were basically the same with a 4 percent drop. So, that audience found the show on Saturday and while they never beat NXT in that demo, it shows that the ones that do watch are going to find the show regardless.


Originally Posted by PWI
WarnerMedia execs had to the extremely happy with AEW's ratings over the weekend and all signs are that is the case, has confirmed. Dynamite allowed them to have three of the top five rated broadcasts in the 18-34 demo on cable Saturday night - NBA coverage were the top two broadcasts that night, AEW ranked fifth - and also showed that the audience followed AEW from its usual home on Wednesday to Saturday, even with WWE Takeover taking place at the same time. WarnerMedia ended up with four of the top ten shows that night.


Originally Posted by Observer
While appearing on the Two Man Power Trip of Wrestling podcast, Paul Ellering said there were plans for him to return as AOP’s manager prior to the COVID-19 pandemic: “Well, the idea was to bring me back in to manage them full time on Raw and go on the road with the Authors of Pain, but the pandemic happened. So with Covid going on, I’m not sure what happens next.” AOP’s Rezar is out of action now with a torn biceps.


Originally Posted by Observer
Dakota Kai’s gear at NXT TakeOver XXX was a tribute to Hana Kimura.



Originally Posted by Observer
Chris Jericho will be part of the commentary team for this week’s episode of Dynamite. Due to the NBA playoffs, the show is airing on Thursday at 8 p.m. Eastern time.


Originally Posted by Observer
A former WWE wrestler is returning as part of the commentary team for this week's NXT tapings.

Pro Wrestling Sheet reported today that Stu Bennett (formerly known as Wade Barrett in WWE) will be doing commentary for NXT this week. Bennett departed WWE in 2016.

"Sources tell us this is just a one-shot deal for now and that the former leader of Nexus – who won the first original season of NXT – has not signed a full-time deal to re-join the company," Pro Wrestling Sheet wrote.

Bennett joined the NWA's commentary team in December 2019.

Vic Joseph, Beth Phoenix, and special guest Corey Graves were the commentators for NXT TakeOver XXX this past weekend. Mauro Ranallo didn't call the event due to being back home with family in Canada.


Originally Posted by PWI
Former WWE broadcast personality Renee Young will be appearing on tomorrow's edition of the Bump to discuss her WWE run. JBL and Mandy Rose are also scheduled to appear on the WWE Network broadcast.


Originally Posted by PWI
The expectation is that Cody will be off TV for an extended period to sell the beating he took at the hands of Brodie Lee. The timing may have something to do with STARZ Heels series going into production in Georgia as Stephen Amell specifically asked Cody to take part in the series when Amell's casting was announced last year. The timing certainly matches up. AEW has promised an update on Cody this Thursday.


Originally Posted by PWI
Dave Marquez announced that Chris Dickinson, who has competed for EVOLVE, AAA and Beyond Wrestling, is the first officially announced competitor for the United Wrestling Network's Primetime Live PPV series, which will deubut on FITE.TV and all PPV and satelllite PPV providers on Tuesday 9/15: ... is told that the primary booking team for the endeavor will be NWA Champion Nick Aldis, Marquez and Aron Stevens (aka the former Damian Sandow in WWE) and will effectively bring back fresh NWA content after the promotion paused production on NWA Powerrr. Obviously, NWA President Billy Corgan will have a say in the NWA-centric content and matches. One would think NWA Championship matches will be a major part of the presentation for the PPV series.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
One of the individuals who cyberbullied Hana Kimura confessed to her actions while speaking with ‘The Mainichi’. The woman who resides in Eastern Japan said that she created a social media account and partook in the online abuse that led to Kimura taking her own life. She told The Mainichi that she has done a very terrible thing and expressed regret for her role in what happened. She first became aware of Hana Kimura through the show ‘Terrace House’ and initially viewed Hana as “a very nice kid who can cook and greet others properly.”

The incident that changed her thoughts about Kimura was when there was an altercation between Kimura and a male housemate who washed Kimura’s ring gear in a washing machine. The gear had a special meaning to Kimura. Kimura reacted by knocking said individual’s hat off of his head which drew a great deal of negativity towards her on social media.

The individual who partook in the cyberbullying said her feelings of “disgust” towards Kimura began to grow following the incident. She questioned why Hana had an attitude and saw a handful of other posts directed at Hana Kimura in similar vein and figured that she should send messages to Kimura as well. She never used social media prior to that but created an account just to send negative messages to Hana Kimura and admitted that she felt happy when she received “likes” from other people who agreed with her comments towards Kimura.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
More details have emerged regarding Phillip Thomas breaking into the home of WWE’s Sonya Deville, real name Daria Berenato. Tampa’s FOX affiliate noted in an article that Ariana Johnson, ex of Daria Berenato testified in court and shared that Thomas had been threatening her as well dating back to May of 2019. This led to her deleting her Instagram account. Prosecutors believe Thomas wanted to “get rid of competition” so he could solely pursue the attention of Berenato.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Samoa Joe is the voice behind ‘King Shark’ in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League.



Originally Posted by Fightful
All Elite Wrestling conducted a set of TV tapings a couple of weeks ago, and with fans in attendance, Fightful was able to gain some notes.

- There were a number of fans who were invited to the show, and it was not available for ticket purchase.

- Tony Khan came out to encourage the crowd the be loud and rowdy -- without profanity. #FTF

- Masks were being strictly enforced, with people patrolling the crowd to make sure masks were up when people weren't eating or drinking.

- Though television production made it look like fans were grouped together, that was done by design as an illusion of sorts, and the fans were spaced out several rows apart from other groups.

- A thermal temperature scanner was done before entering the venue one at a time, and a waiver was signed to ensure that nobody that entered had been sick.

- There were other, prohibited areas taped off to make sure people didn't get into rows they weren't supposed to.

- The Britt Baker, Reba, Kip Sabian and Penelope Ford segment originally was filmed in the ring. We're told that AEW ended up re-shooting it due to time constraints.

- A back elbow spot in the Dark Order match had to be re-filmed because one of the wrestlers got caught up in the ropes.

- Ivelisse & Diamante had to re-shoot their entrance for the match, supposedly because cameras were out of place during it.


Originally Posted by Observer
In an interview with Sports Illustrated, KENTA discussed his time in WWE and what his current inspiration in wrestling is: “I’ve felt in my heart that the five years I spent in WWE were the most frustrating days of my life. I’ve talked about this, but I’ll always remember the humiliation in America. Being here reminds me of that regret. And when you’re not good, you tell yourself that. That is what inspires me.”


Originally Posted by Observer
The deal with Thunder Rosa, the NWA women's champion, challenging Hikaru Shida for the AEW title on the 9/5 PPV was a deal that Tony Khan worked out with Billy Corgan, so it's not an indication of anything more and the NWA is still targeting a weekly iPPV schedule with FITE TV.


Originally Posted by Observer
Despite a well received in-ring debut Saturday at NXT TakeOver XXX against Adam Cole, Pat McAfee has no plans to return to the ring...for now.

On his own show and in an interview with ESPN Monday, McAfee said that he doesn't have any additional contract or commitments to NXT but didn't close the door on a return.


Originally Posted by 411Mania
There were several taped Raw Underground segments that got scrapped for Monday’s show, according to a new report. Per Fightful Select, WWE tossed three segments for the show, though no reason is known regarding why.

The site notes that the following segments were done and then scrappred:

Jessamyn Duke and Marina Shafir both won matches against enhancement wrestlers, with Duke’s running about a minute. Duke reportedly got high praise for her striking in the segment.

Titus O’Neil got a spotlight that turned into a fight with Riddick Moss.

Finally, Ivar faced Dolph Ziggler, which saw Angel Garza get involved and a ton of “huge bumps.”

WWE did have some Raw Underground segments that did air, including Bobby Lashley vs. Ziggler and Lashley vs. Cedric Alexander.


Originally Posted by Observer
While Shaquille O'Neal's re-signing with WarnerMedia normally wouldn't make headlines in the pro wrestling world, a sentence in the release caught people's attention Monday.

The popular former basketball star will add to his duties with Turner Sports with possibility of AEW being one of those duties: "Could Shaq return to the ring, making a cameo at a future All Elite Wrestling (AEW) event on TNT? We shall see...."

The Athletic's Richard Deitsch noted in his story about the new contract said the possibility is "in the embryonic stage at best" but that O'Neal had a message for Cody Rhodes: "I’d love to fight Cody. Write it. Print it. Text it to him. Call AEW up and tell them.”

The 48-year-old wrestling fan has made appearances in various top promotions through the years, first in WCW at 1994's Bash at the Beach as he presented the World title to the winner of Hulk Hogan vs. Ric Flair; a guest host for a 2009 episode of WWE Raw; and backstage with Hogan on a 2012 episode of Impact Wrestling.

He appeared as a surprise participant in the 2016 Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal at WrestleMania 32 and the plan was to work toward a singles match with Big Show at WrestleMania 33 but it never materialized due to O'Neal's schedule.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Inside the Ropes is launching a magazine in September with a big roster of writers including Kenny McIntosh, Bill Apter, Keith Elliot Greenberg, Brian Elliott, Findlay Martin, and Dan Richardson. The first issue will be released next month and there is also an option for an annual subscription on their website.

TPWW Frontpage:

Emperor Smeat 08-26-2020 07:11 PM

The Sheets sponsored by 3MB Appreciation Day:


Originally Posted by PWI
The Hilsborough County Court has denied a motion from the local Florida media requesting that the evidence in the Sonya Deville stalking case be released to the public. The evidence is listed as video footage from that night, messages sent to Deville via Instagram, photos taken outside and inside her home as well as other online communication. The court ruled on 8/24 that they would not release any evidence before a hearing.

A motion was also filed requesting confidentiality for the victims and their personal information, including Deville. In that motion, it was revealed that Deville has received additional threatening online communications "from persons unknown" since her alleged stalker Phillip A. Thomas was arrested on 8/16 inside Deville's home. It was noted in thar motion that Thomas was denied bail out of concern for Deville's safety as well as the safety of other members of her family.


Originally Posted by WrestlingInc
As previously reported, both AEW Dynamite and WWE NXT scored strong ratings. AEW aired in an unfamiliar timeslot on Saturday night against NXT Takeover on the WWE Network, while NXT aired in its usual spot unopposed.

AEW Dynamite drew an average of 755,000 viewers, down 4.7% from the previous week's 792,000 viewers in its normal timeslot. NXT averaged 853,000 viewers on the USA Network without competition from AEW, which was the best audience for the show this year ...

Brandon Thurston of WrestleNomics released the quarter hour ratings for both shows. Thurston noted that while AEW didn't have specific viewership expectations for Saturday's airing, he was told before the numbers came out that they'd be very happy with an audience over 700,000.

Dynamite benefited with the NBA playoff game lead-in, which averaged 1,601,000 and a 0.62 rating in the 18-49 demo. With the strong lead-in, Dynamite averaged 1.002 million viewers in the first quarter and 575,000 viewers in 18-49. The audience dropped 43% in the second quarter, while the 18-49 audience fell 28%. Without the first quarter, Dynamite averaged 720,000 viewers for the remaining seven ...

NXT had a strong open with 921,000 viewers for the Johnny Gargano vs. Ridge Holland match, which was the high for the show in total viewers. In the 18-49 demo, the fourth quarter garnered the best audience with the finish of the Legado del Fantasma vs. Breezango & Isaiah "Swerve" Scott match as well as the start of the Pat McAfee - Undisputed Era segment.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Chris Harrington of AEW noted that Dynamite began with 1.4 million viewers following the NBA game and had over one million viewers for the first five minutes of the show.


Originally Posted by Observer
Following his TNT title loss, Cody has a new spot in AEW's roster rankings.

Cody is ranked third in the men's singles division this week. He lost the TNT Championship to Brodie Lee in the main event of Dynamite last week. On Dynamite this Thursday, AEW will give an update on Cody's condition after the show-closing angle from last week where he was taken out on a stretcher and Lee and The Dark Order attacked Cody and The Nightmare Family.

MJF, Lance Archer, Brian Cage, and Scorpio Sky make up the rest of the top five for this week. All four of those wrestlers were ranked last week as well.

The women's and tag team division rankings are unchanged from last week. The top four ranked teams in the tag team division will face off in a gauntlet match on Thursday's Dynamite. The winning team will challenge Kenny Omega & Hangman Page for the AEW Tag Team titles at All Out on Saturday, September 5.

This week's full rankings are listed below:
Men's division --
Champions: AEW World Champion Jon Moxley (15-0 singles record in 2020, 21-2-1 overall record), TNT Champion Brodie Lee (6-1 singles record in 2020, 9-1 overall record)
  • MJF (8-0 singles record in 2020, 13-2 overall record)
  • Lance Archer (12-1 singles record in 2020, 12-1 overall record)
  • Cody (18-2 singles record in 2020, 26-7-1 overall record)
  • Brian Cage (6-1 singles record in 2020, 6-2 overall record)
  • Scorpio Sky (7-2 singles record in 2020, 24-11 overall record)

Women's division --
Champion: Hikaru Shida (16-1 singles record in 2020, 21-7 overall record)
  • Nyla Rose (8-2 singles record in 2020, 15-6 overall record)
  • Big Swole (6-3 singles record in 2020, 8-8 overall record)
  • Penelope Ford (7-4 singles record in 2020, 9-7 overall record)
  • Abadon (4-1 singles record in 2020, 4-1 overall record)
  • Britt Baker (4-4 singles record in 2020, 13-8 overall record)

Tag team division --
Champions: Kenny Omega & Hangman Page (12-0 tag team record in 2020, 30-9 overall record for Omega, 21-10 overall record for Page)
  • FTR (6-0 tag team record in 2020, 6-2 overall record for Dax Harwood, 6-2 overall record for Cash Wheeler)
  • Best Friends (14-4 tag team record in 2020, 22-15 overall record for Trent Barreta, 21-13 overall record for Chuck Taylor)
  • The Young Bucks (6-2 tag team record in 2020, 20-11 overall record for Nick Jackson, 20-11 overall record for Matt Jackson)
  • The Natural Nightmares (6-1 tag team record in 2020, 15-8 overall record for Dustin Rhodes, 10-11 overall record for QT Marshall)
  • The Dark Order (8-2 tag team record in 2020, 13-5 overall record for Evil Uno, 14-6 overall record for Stu Grayson)


Originally Posted by PWI
It was announced on today's edition of The Bump that Renée Young's cookbook, which is currently in the final editing stage, will have the title "Mentally In the Kitchen: Eating Deliciously, Hosting Fabulously and Drinking Copiously". Renée stated the book will not likely be out until the spring ...

Kofi Kingston and Cesaro have been announced as the guests for this Sunday's Payback preview episode of The Bump.


Originally Posted by PWI
The 2020 WWE Clash of Champions PPV, originally slated for Sunday 9/20 has been pushed back a week to 9/27, PWInsider has confirned.


Originally Posted by PWI
Q - Why does WWE always screw up everyone who comes up from NXT? Baszler was a badass who was champ for 13 months and now she’s a nobody on the roster. Now they debut Keith Lee who was NXT big star and have him interrupt Orton the wrestle him in a 4 min match where McIntyre interferes and Lee leaves so now he’s just another person instead of being a star. Matt Riddle debuted lost to Styles now he’s a nobody on SmackDown.

A - They do that because once those stars leave NXT, they go from being what HHH sees to what Vince McMahon sees. Like you, I like what HHH sees better. I don’t think Lee is done yet, since he was doing really well with Randy Orton before Drew came out (which made sense in the storyline). Baszler saying she would team with Nia if it meant Nia would leave her alone? Yeah, that would never happen in NXT (and shouldn’t happen in WWE).

From PWI's weekly Q&A articles. Besides issues with Vince, WWE's other biggest problem they still haven't established a reliable call-up bridge between NXT and main roster for the past 8 years. That's why a lot of disconnect ends up happening between main roster Creative and NXT Creative when it comes to the transition phase.


Originally Posted by PWI

1991 - WWE holds their Summerslam Pay-per-view at Madison Square Garden in New York City. Billed as "The Match Made In Heaven/The Match Made In Hell" the show actually ended with the "wedding" of Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth. The wedding went off without incident, and WWF gave their viewers a "happy ending" to the show, instead choosing to do an angle with Jake Roberts and Savage at the "wedding reception" which would air on television the following weekend.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
The four-way match at Summer Struggle this Saturday for the KOPW title will feature Kazuchika Okada vs. SANADA vs. Toru Yano vs. El Desperado after Wednesday’s card at Korakuen Hall in front of 626 fans

Spoiler tags used since its related to today's NJPW Summer Struggle show that had the 1st round of the KOPW tournament for those who haven't watched the show yet.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Last week, Randy Orton revealed during a media call to promote SummerSlam, that Ric Flair’s promo prior to being punted was adlibbed and Flair wasn’t scripted to speak. This week, Flair spoke to Nick Hausman at Wrestling INC and explained his intent:

"I just did my own thing. At the end of the day, I think they trust me enough. Now that I’m supposedly more mature, I’m going to deliver something heartfelt… and I didn’t tell him what to say. I said this is designed to get this whole [thing] over, what we’re doing here Randy. It’s designed to enhance what you’re doing right now in the business, and I’ve known him so long.

[Orton’s] in the groove. It’s a groove that very few people ever get in. You could be great for a long time, and then you take that step where you’re not just great, you’re whatever the next level is because he’s always been good. He’s at a level that very few people get to, ever."


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Here is a report from listener Jeremy Samples, who was part of the virtual audience on Raw this past week including notes of what they were told and talent addressing the audience during commercial breaks:

I participated in my first WWE Thunderdome experience tonight. Some things that happened on it:

At the beginning, the crowd producer mentioned that if you were a Nielsen family household doing the Thunderdome to still have your TV turned on with the sound down and your people meter on to count in ratings.

They also had Superstars talk to those in the Thunderdome throughout the night. It was weird that they could see everyone’s cameras, but the Superstar wasn’t visible. Some conversations:

Drew McIntyre said that he thought the Thunderdome was awesome and that he wanted to do something in the first segment of Raw to interact and include everyone. He said he didn’t know what it would be yet, but to be waiting for it. (Was the thumbs up.)

Kevin Owens said Hello. I waved on the camera, and Kevin said he was glad one person waved at him. And, then said, “Yeah, you in the glasses. Nice shirt.” I assume he waa talking to me, which felt really cool to have direct interaction. Kevin Owens then asked everyone to yell really loudly into their Mic. He said that he tried it last night at Summerslam and He heard that 7 people got evicted from their apartments and that he hoped to make it an even 10 after tonight. He then told the audience that he hoped they enjoyed the KO show tonight.

Mark Henry said that he thought the Thunderdome idea was cool. That he was glad the WWE Universe could be part of the show again, and that he wanted to give them a segment in the arm wrestling challenge to be excited about, because “That’s What I Do”.

Liv Morgan and Ruby Riott came on and Liv asked if those in the Thunderdome who saw her new shirt last week to raise their hands. Then, she asked for those who bought it to raise their hands. Liv said “I’m glad, at least, one of you did.” Ruby said that if anyone felt like it they could buy her shirt also.

Apollo Crews came on and said he hoped everyone enjoyed him beating MVP last night at Summerslam. He said that he was excited to be going against Bobby Lashley tonight in the arm wrestling challenge, and that he would appreciate everyones support.

Dolph Ziggler came on and asked what was up. He said that it was cool to see so many people in the Thunderdome, especially because it proved that everyone and their small picture were so much more insignificant than him. He said “I see the one guy booing me. I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Raw Underground isn’t the only land I run. You never know when I might be coming after you, so lock your doors and keep watch outside your windows.” He said it as a joke, but it kinda felt weird after the Sonya Deville situation.

Lana and Natalya said that they would be on Raw in a few minutes. They said that they had cute outfits to show everyone and that they appreciated everyone’s love and support. To please follow them on their social media, and cheer for them out on the ring. (Which was contradicted by the producer telling the Thunderdome crowd to boo, when they were out in the ring.)

They also showed the action that happened in the ring during the commercial breaks of the last two matches.

During the women’s lumberjack break, all the lumberjacks started brawling for no reason on the outside while Banks and Ashla traded pinfalls inside the ring.

During the main event, Rey and Dom tagged in and out several times while working over Murphy. They hit a pretty cool double team maneuver where Dom springboarded and came off of Rey into Murphy.


Originally Posted by Fightful
The newest edition of WWE Timeline, which focused on the rivalry between Randy Orton and Christian, has been posted to the WWE Network earlier today and you can check out a sneak peek of it in the video below.



Originally Posted by Fightful
Nick Aldis and Bruce Prichard engaged in a war of words in July after Prichard said Aldis lacked the 'it factor.' Aldis responded by saying Bruce hasn't been paying attention to what he's done since his time in TNA and questioned Bruce's booking ability by pointing out the declining ratings.

On August 10, Aldis' wife Mickie James returned to WWE Raw and fans were less than thrilled with her presentation. In her first match back on August 17, she lost by count out to Natalya and said after she was disappointed by how her return went.

Appearing on the Battleground podcast, Aldis was asked if Prichard, who serves as the executive director of Raw, purposely botched the booking of James due to the feud between the two.

"You're not suggesting that the executive director of a publicly-traded company, with stockholders and huge television rights fees to maintain, would be as petty as to devalue one of his own assets just to get revenge over a feud that he himself started, are you? You can't honestly suggest that would be a real thing. It has to be a coincidence," Aldis said sarcastically. "These silly, petty tactics, fans see through it. I don't think anybody saw that and thought, 'Mickie James is a jabronie.' Everyone saw it for what it was. She's an all-time great and doesn't need me to fight her battles. She knows her worth and will make it work, but everyone could smell that stench. It was just sad."

James is currently feuding with Lana and Natalya on WWE Raw.


Originally Posted by Fightful
Bray Wyatt has used the empty arena to his advantage, creating two separate cinematic matches with a similar theme, but different settings.

At WrestleMania, Wyatt battled John Cena in the Firefly Fun House, which was more of a career retrospective than a wrestling match.

Speaking to ESPN Africa, Wyatt discussed what it was like working with Cena.

"John's such a sweet guy, isn't he? What a sweet guy that John Cena is. What a sweet, sweet guy. I've been through so much with John Cena, you know, it's amazing to me to see him, you know, from the star he always was turned into this gigantic movie star. And John is very much the type of person you have to earn his respect. Because he doesn't just give it, he's very forward that way. So hearing that phrase, for me and Seth [Rollins], it's a big deal because, like I said, John is this huge star. That's a milestone, for me and my legacy, I think it's pretty neat," said Wyatt. "It's pretty wild, really. When I came into the arena, it was like I stepped through a door and then I'm not kidding -- 48 hours, [it] just erased my mind. It was like I was teleported to another place in time. It was pretty wild dude, from what I remember it was, it was pretty wild."

Along with the Firefly Fun House, Wyatt also competed in and helped put together the Swamp Fight against Braun Strowman at The Horror Show at Extreme Rules.

WWE has leaned on cinematic matches during the empty arena era and though Wyatt enjoys them, he doesn't want them to be overdone.

"I think they're fun and all, but like I said, I like being around the people more. And those [matches], they should be select. There should be a few here and there. That's what keeps them special. Especially after the humdinger that Undertaker and AJ Styles put together, because that thing's close to undefeatable. But you know it's something that you get to approach differently, so it's wonderful for your creativity. But they should be finite," he said.


Originally Posted by Fightful
Eddie Kingston now has some direction in All Elite Wrestling, and cut a fiery promo to kick it off. However, it wasn't as originally presented.

Kingston approached the Lucha Bros. duo of Rey Fenix and Pentagon, as well as Butcher & Blade on the August 22 episode of AEW Dynamite. Taped on August 13, the promo saw some editing, as originally reported by Fightful Select:

Fightful has learned that a mention of wrestling legend and current WWE Superstar Rey Mysterio was edited off the taped August 22 edition of AEW Dynamite. Eddie Kingston mentioned Mysterio during his promo with Fenix, Pentagon, Butcher & Blade, but it was removed from the show. We weren't given a reason why. Mysterio has been working in WWE without a contract of late.

TPWW Frontpage:

Emperor Smeat 08-27-2020 07:25 PM

The Sheets:


Originally Posted by Observer
With no NBA playoffs last night due to the player boycott following the shooting of Jacob Blake, but coverage of Hurricane Laura and the Republican National Convention dominating the cable news ratings, NXT averaged 824,000 viewers on Wednesday night, down 3.4 percent from the previous week.

In the 18-49 demo, the show finished 24th on cable with a 0.24 rating, identical to last week.

It's the second straight week that NXT has had no head-to-head competition from AEW Dynamite and is the first time all year that the show averaged over 800,000 viewers in consecutive weeks. The 0.24 rating back-to-back is the first time since February that NXT has hit that mark on consecutive shows.

In the other categories, NXT did a 0.17 rating in women 18-49 (up 6.3 percent), 0.30 in men 18-49 (down 6.3 percent), 0.12 in people 18-34 (up 33.3 percent), 0.05 in females 12-34 (identical), 0.20 in males 12-34 (up 42.9 percent), 0.28 in people 25-54 (down 6.7 percent), and a 0.41 in people over 50 (down 2.4 percent).

Due to the NHL playoffs, next week's NXT will air on Tuesday, September 1 ... AEW Dynamite will be unopposed next Wednesday for its All Out go-home show.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
NXT also went head-to-head with the Tampa Bay Lightning vs. Boston Bruins game that did 982,000 viewers on the NBC Sports Network.

The third night of the Republican Convention averaged 15.6 million viewers across all networks, although this didn’t impact NXT as the convention itself didn’t start until 10 pm Eastern but the preceding news coverage would have.


Originally Posted by PWI
2K today released a new trailer for WWEŽ 2K Battlegrounds, the arcade-style WWE brawler currently scheduled for release on September 18 and available now for pre-order in both digital formats and at participating retailers.

In “Clash of the Eras,” WWE Hall of Fame commentator Jerry “The King” Lawler cheers on the WWE 2K Battlegrounds roster of WWE Legends – such as Undertaker, Mankind, Beth Phoenix and the Bella Twins – as they compete in fantasy matches against several of today’s most popular WWE Superstars, including Roman Reigns, Drew McIntyre, Bayley, Sasha Banks, Finn Bálor and more. While Lawler shows his allegiance, he is joined in the trailer by renowned sports broadcaster and WWE NXT’s Mauro Ranallo, who will make his WWE 2K in-game debut as a member of the WWE 2K Battlegrounds commentary team.


Originally Posted by PWI
WWE is looking for a new lead writer for Smackdown ...

They are also looking for a Writer's Assistant.


Originally Posted by PWI
On 8/26, WWE filed their opposition to Cash Wheeler and Dax Harwood trademarking the following:

No Flips, Just Fists.

Say Yeah

Top Guys


Shatter Machine.

The opposition noted:

"Applicants (Wheeler and Harwood) entered into contracts with Opposer (WWE) effective as of April 10, 2017 to exclusively perform professional wrestling services for Opposer in connection with WWE live and televised professional wrestling exhibitions (the “Booking Agreements”). Pursuant to Section 3 of the Booking Agreements entitled “Intellectual Property, Applicants expressly agreed that Opposer owned, in perpetuity, any and all trademarks, service marks, and/or distinctive and identifying indicia, including among other things, ring name,nickname, likeness, personality, characters, gestures, routines, themes and any other items of tangible or intangible intellectual property written, composed, submitted, added, improvised, created, used by or associated with Applicants’ performance during the term of the Booking Agreements. The sole exception to the intellectual property rights owned by WWE under the Booking Agreements is any intellectual property specifically identified in Exhibit A to the Booking Agreements, defined in the Booking Agreements as "WRESTLER Intellectual Property"."

They noted each of the above five are not identified as "Wrestler Intellectual Property" and were created by WWE.


Originally Posted by PWI
Q - I saw your audio about Shane Douglas tossing the NWA title today and obviously that was a surprise, but did anyone know he was winning the tournament? Looking at the lineup, you'd think Chris Benoit would have been the guy. Just made me wonder.

A - I remember hearing at the ECW Arena event a month before that Shane was winning the tournament, but obviously plans could have changed at any point. I know Dennis Corraluzzo did push for Benoit to win, but the decision was made to go with Douglas, something the NWA obviously wouldn't have agreed to if they knew what was going to happen next.

From PWI's weekly Q&A articles.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
On the latest installment of The Bellas Podcast, Nikki and Brie Bella dove into their time with WWE ...

When it comes to how WWE handled the Divas era, Nikki Bella feels that there were multiple missed opportunities for WWE to capitalize off the women’s division. Nikki feels that had they done so, to this day they still could have a good portion of that fan base that were interested in the Divas division.

“And I think too why a lot of us didn’t speak up was we were lucky enough where the numbers weren’t a huge difference, because there were some of the top guys that were making a lot and I even understood that. I’m like, ‘Okay, they are the headliners’ and in our industry, they were still bringing in more people than us. It was more the mid-card guys, but I guess it wasn’t such a big difference. I felt like the one thing they lacked especially when we were [in] our prime with Divas, they didn’t capitalize on the women. They were so focused on the men that they lost a whole audience that they could still have today because they just didn’t believe in our mission or what we were doing or the changes we were making. I think we could’ve made an even bigger title wave, if the company was behind us even more. They were behind us but they could’ve capitalized in so many different ways and I think politics always come into play. I think in every industry, you have your favorites, you have who they wanna push, who they don’t but at times I’m like, ‘What they really could’ve done with this big group of women would’ve been so amazing worldwide.’ We did a lot but oh my gosh, we would always talk about that. I’m like, ‘They could’ve capitalized and used us even more,’ and they didn’t. They missed out a lot.”

The Bella Twins also commented on the backlash they received following the announcement of their Hall Of Fame induction. Both Nikki and Brie were amused by most of the comments they received but didn’t understand why they were getting so much hate from mainly male wrestling fans.

Nikki: “And it’s like the online ones and that’s why I’d always tell her [Brie], that’s like ten percent of the fan base. We call them smart marks in our industry and because of everything we would start to build and then also we were the mean girls. That was our characters so we were the bad, like legit heels, bad girls and they would believe everything that was being said in promos and don’t get me wrong, some of the girls that would get on the mic because of how they were with Brie and I, they would say stuff like — they’d just attack us in ways and fans would believe it and it’s crazy still to this day the hate we will get from…

Brie: “We got inducted into the Hall Of Fame this year for WWE. To have Vince McMahon call you and give you all these reasons why he wants to induct you, surreal. But we were trending two days straight because fans were disgusted.”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Jeff Hardy spoke with Daily Star about WWE incorporating his past addiction issues into his storyline with Sheamus. Hardy did not have an issue with it and doesn’t pay attention to any of the comments from those who felt like WWE was mistreating him.

“The stuff with Sheamus that’s happened most recently, I knew there was a great outcome in it. I knew that bar fight was going to be cinematic and good. All the stuff building up to that match, I just knew the outcome was going to be fantastic. And it’s good to face challenges like that because there’s so much negativity in the world. I’m not a social media guy at all, I don’t read comments or the negativity of people who thought it was wrong or that [WWE] were treating me [badly], I don’t read any of that. I’m just confident in myself to get through it, and when I get a feeling that something’s going to be good, I just run with it.

I’m always interested as everybody is different in so far as how the viewer feels watching at home, especially hardcore fans of mine. Even thinking back to the stuff with CM Punk when I was failing drugs tests, they turned it into a storyline and that’s what I mean when I talk about roller-coasters of good and bad. Throughout all of that, so long as I can continue to do good, especially with this, my last chance to get it right, it is going to inspire people around the world that I’ll never meet, that need to stay sober to survive. Hopefully I’m doing that through the television screen and helping people I’ll never know.”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Xavier Woods joined D-Von Dudley’s ‘Table Talk’ podcast and it was mentioned how Woods was absent for the return of ‘Talking Smack’ on the WWE Network. Woods was scheduled to host the show with Kayla Braxton but he stated he wasn’t made aware until the post went up on social media.

“I was at home. I found out when y’all found out. So, it’s been adjusted so I’ll be there soon.

Things happen sometimes. It’s a very large company and you’ll find in any large company sometimes things get lost through the cracks. Things someone thinks they told somebody else but they actually didn’t get a chance to but that person thought that someone else told them so it’s a regular thing with a company that’s as large, that’s as successful as this so it’s not like a bad thing by any means. It’s just like a little, ‘Oops, okay cool.’ Now we’re on the train tracks again, let’s get it moving.”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Chris Van Vliet spoke with Erick Rowan for an exclusive interview and Rowan recalled being unsure if he and Brodie Lee were getting called up from NXT to the main roster along with Bray Wyatt. Rowan said that Wyatt alerted them that they were coming to the main roster but Bill DeMott was not in line with those plans.

“Fast forward to when we get called up onto the roster, hence we always knew Bray [Wyatt] was getting called up to the roster. We didn’t know we were. We were told by Bill DeMott, me and Brodie [Lee] were told we weren’t getting called up. So, then they’re filming these vignettes and then were like, ‘Oh, well they’re gonna need you for the vignettes.’ But, are we getting called up? And then Bray’s like, ‘Yeah, you guys are getting called up’ and then Bill’s like, ‘No, you guys aren’t getting called up.’ It’s like what the hell?”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
WrestleZone’s Dominic DeAngelo conducted an interview with Scorpio Sky. Sky spoke about his stretch of matches on AEW Dark and expressed that he feels Lee Johnson is the future of All Elite Wrestling.

“But I also did get to wrestle young guys like Lee Johnson and I think Lee Johnson is the future of AEW. He’s young, he’s probably only about 22-years old, he’s got a good look, he’s got a good body, he’s athletic, he gets it, he listens and he’s gonna be a guy five, ten years from now, he’s going to be a big time player in this company.”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Matt Hardy chatted with TV Insider ahead of the 8/27 edition of AEW Dynamite. Hardy was asked about the possibility of Jeff Hardy coming to AEW and reuniting The Hardy Boyz in the tag team division and here’s what Matt had to say in response to that:

“With the incredible deep division there is in AEW, I’d love to have my brother there to wrestle against the Young Bucks, Hangman Page and Kenny Omega, Private Party, FTR. There is such a deep roster. I’d love to do that one day if it was a possibility.”

Regarding Hardy’s arrival in AEW, he shared that one of the original plans was for him to do a cinematic match with Sammy Guevara but the COVID-19 pandemic put those plans on the back burner.

“In all actuality, when we first started doing all that, the original plan, I think, was to have the cinematic match with Sammy. I challenged Jericho, but the idea was for it to get pushed off to Sammy. Things went differently when North Carolina and other states went into lockdown. There was this six-week period where AEW literally survived on a day or two of shooting footage, which was pretty amazing. They did an incredible job. Kudos to the crew. We had to change course in many ways. From the very beginning, I was going to end up having a feud with Sammy, and Jericho was my bridge to get to that. As far as the Hardy Compound fight with Sammy, that may happen one day. We’ll see.”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Chris Featherstone of Sportskeeda hosted a Q&A session on Facebook with Eric Bischoff. One of the questions asked of Bischoff had to do with WWE’s storytelling and Bischoff explained why he feels that WWE is constantly hit or miss with their storylines.

“I knew WWE was gonna knock the ThunderDome concept out of the park. Better than everybody including the NBA. I knew they would, because they’re so good at that. What they’re not good at is basic, fundamental storytelling. They’re just not. I love them, I have many friends there, I have some friends there who I consider my closest friends in the world and who I love dearly. It doesn’t change that the storyline, the architecture, their approach to stories, their discipline with stories suck, and until somebody comes along and takes an honest look at storytelling and the structure of storytelling and the formulas that are used, it’s gonna be hit or miss forever. You’re gonna throw ten stories up against the wall and maybe one of them will hit, because there’s no rhyme or reason to it. There’s no methodology to it, there’s no model for it, no formula for it. It’s just simply throwing sh*t against the wall and hoping it sticks.”


Originally Posted by Fightful
Although Alex Shelley is currently working for IMPACT and is one-half of the IMPACT World Tag Team Champions, he is not under contract.

After Breezango (Tyler Breeze and Fandango) defeated Imperium to win the NXT Tag Team Championship, Shelley took to Twitter and asked his old pal Kushida if he would be up for another reunion and challenge for the NXT titles. It was in that same tweet, as well as another tweet, in which revealed that he is currently a free agent.

KUSHIDA's time in NXT has been such a huge waste considering all the great stuff he was doing in NJPW prior. Him leaving over creative and direction issues in NJPW made sense but he's pretty much gone backwards in the ladder and career direction during his stay in NXT.


Originally Posted by Fightful
Haku is one of the most feared and respected men in the history of pro wrestling, and of course in his own house.

With three sons in the pro wrestling business, it's clear the eventual Meng has a strong influence on all of them. As it turns out, he wasn't completely forthcoming with Tama Tonga, Tanga Loa, and Hikuleo about how exactly his day job went down ...

Beyond that, Loa's brother Tama Tonga said that Haku went above and beyond to keep them as detached from the realities of professional wrestling as he possibly could. This stretched to the point of him not letting them know about some of the wild road stories you hear about Haku today.

"Alright, be honest with you, I’ve said this to a lot of people—my pop, he kayfabed us," Tama Tonga told Fightful. "I didn’t know shit until I started wrestling at 27. Then, that’s when I filled in with everything. Then once I started traveling the world, everybody had stories and that’s how I got to know my pop beside the family man that I knew at home as a father. I got to know him as a wrestler and I was like, “Holy shit.” So, those are a lot of new things that were brought to my attention once I started wrestling.

Tama got a late start in pro wrestling, but both he and Tanga grew up in an internet age. With Haku/Meng being an internet pheneomenon with lore of his ass kicking stories, those somehow all escaped the two brothers.

"When we were kids, back then we didn’t have social media," Loa said. "So anything that ever happened, only the wrestlers knew. The company knew. Nothing ever got outside of that unless you were there in that city or that particular [hotel] and the cops that showed up. They knew the story. If anyone had a [phone] back, yeah, maybe kids would have found out and then they would have asked about that. But, we’re all good about hush-hush about the business and thought for a long time our dad was a truck driver. To everybody else that’s how we explained his job. ‘Cause our parents were real keen about making sure we had friends because they wanted to be our friends. They didn’t want have our dad’s job play an influence on whether or not we would be liked."


Originally Posted by Fightful
The induction ceremony for the 2020 WWE Hall of Fame class had to be postponed, but WWE did have plans to make it happen this year.

According to Cassidy Haynes of, WWE planned to "piecemeal" the inductions by holding them at various times throughout the year. Inductions were planned to take place during SmackDown or Raw and not in conjunction with any pay-per-view. Unfortunately, COVID-19 and "other factors" made inductions impossible.

The Hall of Fame ceremony was originally scheduled for WrestleMania weekend but was canceled due to COVID-19.

Davey Boy Smith's Daughter Georgia said in March that WWE was hoping to hold the Hall of Fame induction ceremony during SummerSlam weekend, but that did not happen.

WrestleVotes noted that the new plan is to induct the class of 2020 during WrestleMania 37 weekend.

TPWW Frontpage:

Fignuts 08-27-2020 07:33 PM

The bellas thinking the Backlash for their HoF induction was because they're such good heels is hilarious.

Emperor Smeat 08-28-2020 03:55 PM

The Sheets (Observer Newsletter Edition):


Originally Posted by Observer
Bob Armstrong, one of the biggest stars in the history of pro wrestling throughout Georgia, Alabama, the Florida Gulf Coast and Tennessee, passed away on 8/27 at the age of 80 ...

As far as a national angle goes, he would probably be best known for one of the great television feuds of the early 80s with Roddy Piper in Georgia.

Piper started as a television announcer with Gordon Solie in mid-1981, using his gift of gab, and became the architect of the heel color commentator role. He started out as an analyst, but was polite, well dressed, funny and was always deferential to Solie. But he would say things at certain times designed to rub the people the wrong way. He wasn't a heel per se, but people were supposed to think he was a little arrogant, and not like him, but at the same time respect his analysis of the matches.

In November, Bob returned from Southeastern Championship Wrestling with some fanfare. For the first time, he was teaming with 21-year-old son Brad. The two had held the Southeastern tag team championships.

The two immediately won the November 26, 1981, Thanksgiving night tag team tournament at the Omni in Atlanta, on the company's biggest show of the year. They beat The Sheepherders (Luke Williams & Jonathan Boyd), Kevin Sullivan & Wayne Ferris (Honky Tonk Man) and beating Masa Saito & Mr. Fuji in the finals, to become the new National tag team champions.

Piper would routinely criticize the team, with the idea that Bob was too concerned about his son and thus wasn't a good tag team partner for him. He would say that the correct role is to sacrifice your partner to tire out the opposition and then hot tag in, but that Bob wouldn't let Brad get beaten on for long enough to tire out the opponents. Bob would tell him to mind his own business.

It started small, but every week, one of the highlights was the interplay on interviews between Piper and Armstrong.

Piper would interview him and criticize him, and Armstrong was the perfect foil, older, and with his character, Piper would come across as someone who showed no respect for a babyface that fans genuinely liked. For months the interview segment with Piper and Bob was among the highlight, and often the most talked about part of the weekly television show. Keep in mind that at this point in time, Georgia Championship Wrestling was the most popular show on cable television, with the two-hour Saturday how averaging a 6.4 national rating and the one hour Best of show on Sunday averaging a 6.6, and Piper was a key part of it.

Every week it was a Piper making fun of Armstrong's skinny legs, and Armstrong asking if he's ever seen a racehorse. Piper always got the last word in on every subject, but with Armstrong, the key was that the babyface, Armstrong, always got the last dig in. Once, Armstrong cut a promo about whoever his opponent was that week at the Omni, and made a dig that when he's done, he's coming after Piper next.

Piper did a promo about how Bob says he wants to fight him, but first he has to take out the garbage, first he has to go to the store and buy groceries, and basically make fun of him being every family father.

"It's like mind over matter," Bob would say when Piper would run him down,, "I don't mind and you don't matter," and then Bob would walk off and leave Piper hanging.

Dusty Rhodes would also at times get the last word in, but with Armstrong, it was more personal.

After months of this, one day in the TBS Studios, it finally happened. Armstrong and Piper got into it, doing an uncontrollable brawl all over the studio. Those type of brawls happened almost every week, but this was at a different level. For one, it had been built up for months, and second, both guys knew the brawl had to be next level to live up to the expectations from all those months. Also, because of how long it had been built up, the fans were screaming, and all over the country, wrestling fans were talking about what they knew was going to happen at some point for months, and finally it did.

At the time, even though ratings were incredible--only 15 million homes in the U.S. had cable in 1981, and 1 million homes watched the Saturday and Sunday shows, which averaged 2.2 viewers per home, or 2,200,000 viewers weekly. Today, with cable in six times as many homes, and network in seven times as many homes, wrestling rarely hits that number.

It was the first cable show in history that hit 1 million homes, and really, it was the success of that show that spawned cable television as we know it. At the time, the belief is that nobody outside of Atlanta would watch a local Atlanta television station, but Ted Turner thought different, figuring sports were underserved, and airing the Braves, the Hawks, local soccer and wrestling, he figured there would be national interest. But nobody thought it was local wrestling that would be the star program on the station.

But there was no money in getting big ratings on television. The promotion was not lighting the world on fire at the time when it came to selling tickets, even with using the biggest names from around the country.

Jim Barnett was still running Georgia Championship Wrestling, coming back in 1974 after leaving Australia, and winning the war for the NWA against Ann Gunkel's All South Wrestling.

Ole Anderson was the booker.

At the time Piper only worked as a television announcer in Georgia on Saturday mornings, as his main job was as a top heel for Jim Crockett Promotions.

Wrestling at the Omni was doing about 5,000 fans and $25,000 most weeks, which was running at a slight loss.

Everyone watching wrestling, and certainly Barnett, saw dollar signs in Piper. Armstrong was really supposed to be the first guy to get Piper over, and set him up for the bigger babyfaces, like Rhodes and Tommy Rich.

Barnett rarely gave Anderson input into booking. He would bring in guys and tell Anderson who he thought could get over, and ask Anderson to protect them. Sometimes Anderson would and sometimes he wouldn't.

In theory, since it was Piper's first match, and also because the program was so hot that they should in theory get a series of matches, a Piper win by cheating seemed logical.

Barnett had a social engagement, but knew by the advance that this would be a big night. Even though the listed main event was Race defending the NWA title against Rich, Barnett and everyone who watched television knew the real main event was Piper's first match at the Omni. Barnett, who had been appointed by President Jimmy Carter in 1980 to the national theater and arts board, had another engagement that night.

Barnett told Anderson about the first Armstrong vs. Piper match, "Whatever you do, Piper has to get his hand raised."

They drew nearly 13,000 fans and more than $60,000, not quite a sellout, but the largest crowd since a boom period had ended some time back. Anderson booked a double count out. Barnett was furious. Anderson told him that Armstrong was full-time and Piper was Crockett's guy and wasn't working the territory and he didn't want to have an outside guy beat his own guy..

"Piper never drew big in Atlanta again," Barnett lamented to me about the feud, noting that Bob was mid-level babyface whose role was to be the guy with credibility that Piper would beat before getting to guys like Rhodes, Mr. Wrestling II and Rich. Barnett said the timing was everything, and Anderson not giving Piper wins at that time ruined his specialness.

Whether it was the finish, or it was just people wanting to see their local guy kick Piper's ass after all those months of talking once and had a magic that wasn't going to be recaptured even if Piper had won, who is to say.

The rematches didn't draw anything special, but Piper did help Georgia Wrestling a lot in Michigan and Ohio where they were touring, where he often wrestled Armstrong. They did some matches in other territories as well.


It was a huge week for WWE, with the debuting of the Thunderdome concept that led to a major ratings increase, the return of Roman Reigns, SummerSlam, the third biggest show of the year, and NXT Takeover.

The Thunderdome concept, ever evolving, has the Amway Center set up with virtual fans in front of the hard camera and a lot of special effects. The key to this is if ratings hold up after the big increases this past week.

Raw was up 23.4 percent in viewers; 39.6 percent in 18-49–although some of that increase was based on coming the day after SummerSlam but it was also against heavy competition; Smackdown was up 13.3 percent in viewers; 9.6 percent in 18-49.

If it does, it says the majority of the pandemic drops were due to the venue and not the creative, although it is a combination of both that was the culprit. If the novelty wears off and things go back to the level of the prior week, that would be a major blow.

For Smackdown, the opening visual was strong. The laser light show and brightness of the building was a strong start. The problem was the audio. The fans that were shown really weren’t making any noise. They piped in fake sound, which is good for the bad matches, but bad for the good matches. Because it was just fake sound, the noise and ups and downs had no relation to the match. In particular, when Jeff Hardy won the IC title from A.J. Styles, there was no real pop, nor was there pops for his lines in his post-match interview ...

It was a learning experience. The second show two nights later, SummerSlam, on 8/23, saw them use a coordinator who would direct the fans to react. When Randy Orton came out, fans were told to boo. These were contrived reactions, even worse than the wrestlers as fans, because it was mostly the piped in noise that didn’t relate to matches, with some coordinated cheers and boos and chants that were loud, but clearly not organic. Plus, they limited it, so really it was mostly done in the matches they wanted to enhance. When a heel would come out, the coordinator would tell everyone to do a thumbs down, so you’d see everyone in unison doing something that you would never actually see for a real life crowd ...

On the positive side, the look and production of the show does make a difference and by a month from now we’ll be able to figure out how much. The other positive is whether the matches themselves get over, the performers look far more like stars being in a better setting and being able to do stronger entrances. The old scenario was nearly impossible to make new stars, which was key because WWE badly needed them. Now, they look more like stars, but it’s still a situation where there are no organic stars being made by the fans, not that WWE listened to the audience that much to begin with ...

The positive is WWE was in complete control of its crowd, something it hasn’t had for more than 15 years. Usually when somebody does a heel turn, the crowd cheers them wildly because they are there for “moments” and “events.” But on Raw, when Aleister Black turned heel on Kevin Owens, nobody cheered. The one thing WWE did get in the pandemic was control of the crowd reactions ...

Still, it was a huge improvement over the Performance Center as the ratings showed. The reality is not just show content, but even when it came to the look and production of the show, AEW was ahead of WWE the past few months and it showed in the difference in gains and steadiness of numbers. Now WWE is ahead of AEW at least when it comes to look and production and looks like the more major league, which is really the key advantage it had left. It also makes it curious as to why, since WWE has the ability to do it with very minimal cost as the full-time tenant through the end of October, that they are still doing NXT with the low-rent look at Full Sail University.

Reigns returned at the end of SummerSlam, attacking and laying out both former Universal champion Braun Strowman, as well as new champion The Fiend Bray Wyatt, with spears. Reigns appeared to have some face work done (enough so that Randy Orton on Twitter actually made a joke about his teeth) and changed up his physique, looking both slimmer and more muscular. While rumors about his return were around the last two days, this was kept as a secret from the writers and just about everyone until around the last few days.

Reigns’ return should help Smackdown for a week or two in ratings and less after that, but he’ll be the star of the brand once again. In a sense it’s a positive in hindsight he wasn’t around, throwing out the health issue. Granted, missing Mania wasn’t a good thing from a company standpoint and Smackdown was hurt without him, but he wasn’t tainted being part of the low-rent looking shows and now he’s fresh. The health issue is still there. And with UFC with all its testing and having issues with COVID every week, and they take far more precautions, this isn’t without risk. The larger arena allows for more distancing and the actual testing greatly lowers the risk.

The interest level in the [SummerSlam] show was way down as compared to the shows in the past. The searches for the show were at first listed as 200,000, but an updated top search list on Sunday doesn't have WWE or SummerSlam listed. And the No. 20 for the day was 100,000. Even at 200,000, it would be less than one-tenth the interest level of the 8/15 UFC show headlined by Daniel Cormier vs. Stipe Miocic. 200,000 is a usual B WWE PPV show level and SummerSlam traditionally would be between 500,000 and 1 million.

Karrion Kross (Kevin Kesar, 35) captured the NXT championship and then had to vacate it due to suffering a separated shoulder in the opening minutes of his win over Keith Lee on 8/22 at Full Sail University in Winter Park, FL.

The technical injury was a separated acromioclavicular joint in his right shoulder. The injury came early in the match after an exchange of strikes and Lee came off the ropes with a shoulderblock and Kross took the bump on his right shoulder, and immediately grabbed it. Just judging from his strikes prior to the injury there may have been a pre-existing minor injury because there were differences in how he threw right handed strikes from the start of the match.

The company had been grooming Kross to build NXT around as champion since his arrival. Kross had said he expected to be out of action a minimal amount of time after the injury, but before he got his MRI.

Nobody has officially said anything regarding what the MRI showed, past the 8/26 show opened with Kross vacating the title and vowing to be back, not giving a timetable. William Regal in a later promo said that Kross would be out of action for a long period of time. The indication was surgery but nobody has specifically said that. If Kross was not to need surgery and be out a month or two, they could work around it.

As New Japan Pro Wrestling gets ready to run its first major outdoor stadium show in 21 years, they have experimented with their own form of new technology.

Starting with the 8/26 show at Korakuen Hall, the company adopted Yama's Remote Cheerer Powered by Sound JD. The technology was already being used in Japan for baseball and soccer. Unlike in the U.S., in Japan the culture is such that all fans at live events wear masks, but also are asked, and listen, to not cheer, boo or do chants. So at the shows, there have been a lot of clapping, but it's very different from the atmosphere of the past.

Those in the arenas were given access to devices and if they push certain buttons, the device will cheer or boo. Even though it's very different, the atmosphere is somewhat similar to the fake crowd noise pumped in at U.S. sports events and on the recent WWE broadcasts, the background noise that has virtually no connection to the match or promo itself.

With New Japan, because the fans are in control of sounds, and because there are fans in the building, there is a correlation between what goes on in the ring or the promo and the sounds. But it's still far from optimum.

NEW JAPAN: Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said that they would allow foreigners who have residency in Japan to return next month, which would open the doors for people like Will Ospreay, Juice Robinson and Bea Priestley

Moxley was on Wrestling Observer Radio and told a funny story about the Death Rider gimmick. Moxley debuted in videos in New Japan for a first big match with Juice Robinson, where he won the U.S. title. He had a contract through WrestleKingdom with the original idea being he wins the U.S. title, then would do an angle when Karl Anderson would attack him out of nowhere at the October Sumo Hall show and that would lead to the Tokyo Dome. In theory, Anderson was winning the title. So that’s another reason Anderson has been so adamant that he made a big mistake signing the new deal. The guy in the jacket with the Death Rider jacket wasn’t Moxley but a guy basically there to be a body double. They wanted a jacket that would fit the character and the body double guy went to a Goodwill store to get a jacket which had “Death Rider” on the back. That’s actually where the name came from, just happened to be on the jacket and New Japan decided it would then be his nickname and the name of his finisher, because WWE owned the dirty deeds name.

Jericho explained where the Mimosa Mayhem idea came from, since it was his concept. "I got the idea, kind of, coming from one of those of old Atsushi Onita exploding barbed-wire death match sort of things (Jericho worked for FMW early in his career and was on big stadium shows during Onita's heyday) and, you know, a lot of suspense, kind of like a battle royale, getting thrown out, holding onto the ropes, that sort of a thing. Of course, if someone is able to throw the other, into the pit, the vat, the container of mimosa, then they're the winner. So of course, it makes perfect sense for the storyline of this feud with Orange Cassidy. Of course, he's orange juice and I'm a little bit of the bubbly... the champagne. We're just trying to think of some cool ideas and that just popped into my head and I thought it would be a kind of fun match that can have a lot of twists and turns and false finishes and that sort of thing to it.

Tickets for the 8/27 show, about 500 of them, sold out in four minutes. That really isn’t much of a surprise with so few tickets available. Even though the plan is to tape every other week, what they are doing next week is keeping everyone in Jacksonville from 9/2 to 9/9 with TV live on 9/2 and 9/9 and the PPV on 9/5. The feeling is if they have everyone in town already they can keep them for the week and for obvious reasons they didn’t want to tape 9/9 prior to 9/5. The 9/9 taping will be for shows on 9/9, 9/16 and 9/17 plus Dark for those days as well

We got a copy of the letter sent to all fans who attended the 8/27 tapings. The basic rules are masks required at all times except when eating and drinking. Guests can only eat or drink while sitting in their assigned seat or a seating area. Masks must completely cover the mouth and nose. Guests who fail to comply are subject to ejection. Cars can only be parked in every other parking lot spot. Masks are recommended in the parking lot and tailgating is prohibited. No liquids or beverage are allowed inside but food is permitted provided it is unwrapped and inside a one gallon clear plastic bag. Everyone has to have their own mobile ticket. Concessions are cashless. Smoking is prohibited

From those who attended live, they said everyone was masked, the crowd was loud given the small numbers in a big outdoor building, and it was a super well behaved crowd, lots of PWG regulars from the Southeast who were just happy to see a major live show

Brandon Thurston, who was the closest of any analyst when it came to WWE’s profitability and revenue in the last quarter, almost perfectly on target while almost everyone was high on revenue but low on profit margin, had readjusted his 2020 projections to a year-end $100 million in profits, almost identical to last year. The company was running well ahead of that pace, but his belief is the costs of going live every week and of the Thunderdome set up will lead to profits of $13.05 million in quarter three and $17.4 million in quarter four. This model is based on no revenue from live events, no merchandise from live events and no second Saudi Arabia show for the remainder of this year. Given AEW, NFL and NASCAR will be having paid attendance now and shortly, I suspect WWE will try and do at least some live events going forward. Whether they can do them with, say 30 percent capacity, and make them profitable is a big question, but arenas are going to cut deals wanting shows back. Right now the leading analysts are predicting WWE profits for the year being $115 million to $140 million, which would break last year’s record of $99.6 million. But none have revised with the greater expenses of running every show live rather than taping in clusters and doing multiple shows at a time, and the added production expense of the new format

WWE posted for job applicants on Linked In looking for a new head writer for Smackdown. Wasn’t it NXT that just lost its head writer? Lead writer doesn’t mean as much today as it used to. A lot of different people are called lead writer even though Ed Koskey is the lead writer on Smackdown and he’s not leaving as far as anyone knows. But other like Ryan Callahan and Ryan Ward have been called lead writers so it’s not a singular person, but just wanting to add a new higher level writer

After getting the big push on the first week of Raw Underground, Babatunde has disappeared, which is quite the feat when you're a legit 6-foot-9 and 360 pounds

For the 8/24 Raw, Vince was on the phone all day with the writers. That morning, the changes started. He made multiple changes via phone and then got to the building at 7 p.m. and wanted to review the show and started making more changes. The third hour of the show wasn’t finalized until after 9 p.m., while the show was in progress. The Raw Underground stuff was actually taped well before they went on the air. The only actual match promoted all week long, until the day of the show, was Ivar vs. Ziggler for Raw Underground. That never happened, was never discussed on the air, nor was there any explanation regarding it not happening even though both were there

Paul Ellering claimed that he was going to come in full-time as the manager of AOP right before the pandemic, and has no idea if it’s still in the cards as he hasn’t heard from anyone. That would have been under Paul Heyman who was going to give AOP a big push as his top heel tag team, but that makes little sense since they were to be Seth Rollins’ muscle at the time. It fell apart when Rezar suffered a torn biceps and the decision was made to take Akam off television until he could return. One person on the inside said that Ellering's name was never brought up for the return of AOP before the pandemic or since because Vince didn't like him, which is why he had AOP turn on him their first night on the main roster. The plan right now is when they return to not put them back with Rollins, but that could always change tomorrow. The return is expected sometime between late September and the end of the year. Not sure what will be done with them as Heyman was going to give them a huge push but before Heyman had some power, they weren't even being used

The top ten most-watched shows on the WWE Network this past week were: 1. SummerSlam; 2. NXT Takeover; 3. WWE 24: WrestleMania 2020 The Show Must Go On; 4. R-Truth Game Show; 5. SummerSlam pregame show; 6. WWE Untold: Bayley vs. Sasha Banks from Brooklyn; 7. Raw Talk on 8/24; 8. WrestleMania 20 day two; 9. 2020 Royal Rumble; 10. The Horror Show at Extreme Rules. The first episode of Talking Smack was only No. 21. Neither 205 Live nor this week’s NXT show cracked the top 25. The NXT shows the week of Takeovers never seem to chart well because people watch Takeovers. The NXT preshow on Saturday also didn’t chart which kind of tells you for NXT its best to not label something as a preshow and just add that match to the main show
WWE Ratings, NXT Ratings, AEW Ratings:


Raw, with a combination of the Raw debut of Thunderdome and being the day after SummerSlam, pulled its best numbers since the day after WrestleMania, with an average of 2,028,000 viewers and 0.67 in 18-49.

The show the day after WrestleMania did 2,100,000 viewers. The number was even more impressive because the 18-49 number was up 39.6 percent from the show the week before which did the fourth lowest number in that demo in history, with the strongest gains in 35-49 at 48.5 percent.

Overall the show's total audience was up 23.4 percent. Next week will probably give a better idea of the difference the Thunderdome concept will make longer-term because there will be a first week novelty and coming off SummerSlam helped as well, and even Roman Reigns curiosity, although that should help the 8/28 Smackdown show the most.

The show went against tough competition with two NBA playoff games on TNT, the game against the first 74 minutes doing 2,140,000 viewers and 0.72 in 18-49; and the game against the last 106 minutes doing 2,979,000 viewers and 1.34 in 18-49. The major competition was the Republican National Convention which averaged 6,544,000 viewers on FOX News in hour three. However the crossover wasn’t that strong because the third hour drop was actually less than usual. There were also NHL playoff games which did 837,000 and 0.26 for the early game and 692,000 and 0.25 for the late game on NBC Sports Network.

The good news was that the audience held up well, especially in hour three against the highly rated Republican convention. The first hour did 2,140,000 viewers. The second hour did 2,045,000 viewers. The third hour did 1,900,000 viewers.

Overall, Raw was 20th for the night and sixth in 18-49, behind two NBA games, two FOX news shows covering the convention and 90 Day Fiancé ...

As compared to the same week last year, Raw was down 19.7 percent in viewers, 16.3 percent in 18-49 and 38.9 percent in 18-34.

First-to-third hour drops were 12.2 percent for women 18-49, 13.7 percent for men 18-49, 27.8 percent for teenage girls, 19.9 percent for teenage boys and 11.5 percent in over 50.

Smackdown on 8/21 did its best numbers of the pandemic era, based on the hype for the debut of Thunderdome, doing a 1.38 rating and 2,198,000 viewers and 0.58 (753,000 viewers) in 18-49 (1.32 viewers per home).

It was up 14.0 percent in household ratings, 13.3 percent in viewers and 9.6 percent in 18-49 from the prior week. The show before the pandemic was generally doing about 0.75 in 18-49 so they were not back to usual levels.

Smackdown was the only non-rerun on network television and easily won the demo as a number of shows did 0.4. Smackdown’s 0.4 in 18-34 was way up from usual, with nothing else on network above 0.2. Smackdown usually does 0.3 and has done several 0.2s in the last two months. In total viewers, Smackdown finished next to last as a Dateline Classics rerun did 2,175,000 viewers.

In the half hours, the first half hour did 2.24 million viewers for Vince McMahon, Braun Strowman, Bray Wyatt and Retribution in the first segment and Sheamus vs. Big E. The second half hour did 2.14 million viewers with Cesaro & Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Lince Dorado & Gran Metalik and promos with Mandy Rose and then Bayley & Sasha Banks. The third half hour did 2.19 million viewers with Bayley vs. Naomi, Banks vs. Naomi, interviews with Sonya Deville and Nikki Cross and the start of A.J. Styles vs. Jeff Hardy. The final half hour did 2.10 million viewers for Styles vs. Hardy, The Firefly Fun House and the ending segment with Strowman destroying Wyatt and The Fiend coming out of the ambulance.

Last year over the same weekend with reruns, FOX avenged 1,038,000 viewers and 0.3, so they more than doubled last year.

Some more notes on NXT on 8/19, and going unopposed. As noted last week, but this spells it out even more, the AEW under 35 audience did not watch NXT while the 35 and older audience did.

NXT did 310,000 viewers in 18-49, up 50.5 percent with no AEW competition. 38,000 in men 18-34 (down 2.6 percent from the opposed prior week), 22,000 in women 18-34 (up 4.8 percent), 168,000 in men 35-49 (up 71.4 percent) and 82,000 in women 35-49 (up 70.8 percent).

If we look at what AEW did on 8/12, basically on a percentage basis, you can’t even basically trace the AEW 18-34 movement to NXT (basically 0 out of 105,000 viewers). In males 35-49, one would estimate 38.5 percent of the AEW audience watched NXT. In women 35-49, one would estimate 30.9 percent of the AEW audience watched NXT.

As far as individual groups went, in Males 18-49, the high point of the show was Adam Cole & Pat McAfee. In Women 18-49, it was Dakota Kai vs. Jessi Kamea and Legado del Fantasma vs. Tyler Breeze & Fandango & Swerve Scott. In men overall 2+ it was the Cole/McAfee segment. In women overall it was Johnny Gargano vs. Ridge Holland, which also had the mot total viewers of any segment, which is because it was on first and had the big lead-in.

In the segment-by-segment, NXT opened with 921,000 viewers and 306,000 in 18-49 for Johnny Gargano vs. Ridge Holland. The second quarter was 871,000 viewers and 318,000 in 18-49 for Dakota Kai vs Jessi Kamea. The third quarter was 848,000 viewers and 325,000 in 18-49 for the beginning of Santos Escobar & Joaquin Wilde & Raul Mendoza vs. Tyler Breeze & Fandango & Isaiah Scott. The fourth quarter was 873,000 viewers and 340,000 in 18-49 for the end of that six-man tag match. It was also the high point of the night for 18-49s. The fifth quarter with the Adam Cole-Pat McAfee angle and the beginning of Aliyah & Mercedes Martinez vs. Rhea Ripley & Shotzi Blackheart did 847,000 viewers and 324,000 in 18-49. So the Cole-McAfee segment, put in the best time slot usually (Q5 for the show), lost 26,000 viewers and 16,000 in 18-49. The sixth quarter with the continuation of the women’s tag match drew 779,000 viewers and 279,000 in 18-49, so that was a huge drop. The beginning of Finn Balor vs. Velveteen Dream rebounded to 842,000 viewers and 289,000 in 18-49, and the bulk of the match in the final quarter did 863,000 viewers and 309,000 in 18-49.

Because of no AEW and NXT gaining so many 35-49 new viewers, NXT skewed slightly younger than Smackdown this week, with Smackdown the oldest skewing show, followed by NXT, Raw, UFC and AEW as the youngest. For the week AEW skewed younger than every sports show of the week on television except the NBA, and it skewed younger than about half the NBA games during the week.

Even though the NXT show on 8/26 was the first show after Takeover and had no AEW competition, nor NBA competition, the overall audience declined with 824,000 viewers and 0.24 in 18-49, good for 24th place on the night.

The audience was down 3.4 percent from the unopposed show the prior week, while 18-49 was identical. There were slight gains in women 35-49 from last week but women under 35 were almost nonexistent, so once again they picked up none of that AEW fan base.

They did go against the Republican convention and Fox News in the head-to-head hours did 5,850,000 and 7,088,000 viewers which is about double usual. The Weather Channel due to hurricane threats did far better than usual. The NHL game on NBC Sports Network did 982,000 viewers and 0.29 in 18-34. It still indicated that in a normal week if they ran unopposed they could do about 900,000 viewers or more ...

The show did a 0.13 in 12-17 (up 30.0 percent from last week), 0.12 in 18-34 (up 33.3 percent), 0.36 in 35-49 (down 7.7 percent) and 0.41 in 50+ (down 2.4 percent). The audience was 63.8 percent male in 18-49 and 82.4 percent male in 12-17.

AEW on 8/22 did 755,000 viewers and 0.31 (407,000 viewers) in 18-49. While the numbers were similar to the prior show on 8/12 which did 792,000 viewers and 0.32 (417,000), given being out of prime time and a different night, it’s completely different circumstances.

AEW benefitted by having a far stronger lead-in than usual with the NBA playoff game lead-in doing 1,607,000 viewers and 0.62 in 18-49, but was hurt by starting 34 minutes later than advertised due to the game going long. It was and also hurt on the DVR front because the last 34 minutes were off the DVR for people who only recorded the show itself as per normal. AEW did go head-to-head with NXT Takeover, so it still had pro wrestling competition in the time slot. But with Takeover available in so few homes it was a factor, but a very minor factor as compared to a television show which would draw a far higher audience.

AEW was No. 5 on cable for the night, behind three NBA games and barely behind UFC. UFC had a number of advantages over AEW, between being in prime time, having a slightly stronger lead-in, being on its regular night and being on a stronger station ...

The other thing to look at is audience demo changes even though the final audience and 18-49 numbers were similar, so you could say that almost all the AEW fans came over.

But here’s the difference as compared with 8/12. For this show they did 0.17 in 12-17 (up 21.4 percent, likely due to the NBA ,lead-in because this is a bad time slot for teen viewers, especially on the West Coast), 0.21 in 18-34 (up 20.8 percent, again strong NBA demo), 0.41 in 35-49 (down 12.3 percent) and 0.25 in 50+ (down 3.8 percent).

In 18-49, the audience was 72.7 percent male as opposed to 59.2 percent for the last Wednesday show. The NBA game lead-in was 73.4 percent male, so their make up was closer to NBA than AEW. Essentially they picked up some NBA fans but some of their regular women’s audience missed it due to unfamiliar time slot or being Saturday. In teenagers, they were 64.7 percent male as opposed to 54.2 percent male the last Wednesday show, so the same thing applies. The NBA was 75.0 percent male in 12-17 so in this case it was a mix of what they usually get and the heavier male skew of an NBA game.

More notes as far as each demo went, men 18-34 did 96,000 viewers (up 47.7 percent from the previous show), women 18-34 did 55,000 viewers (down 8.3 percent), men 35-49 did 186,000 viewers (up 2.2 percent) and women 18-34 did 70,000 viewers (down 36.4 percent)...

The key to note in the quarter hours is because people’s watching via DVR wouldn’t have gotten the last two quarters, those numbers are artificially low by a small amount. So the decline for the Darby Allin vs. Will Hobbs match is significant, but the decline for the women’s tag match is to a degree, but some of the 361,000 to 288,000 18-49 drop is due to extenuating circumstances. The Cody vs. Lee segment had to rebuild and did, gaining 98,000 viewers and 68,000 in 18-49, but that number would have lost out in homes that watched same night via DVR.

The quarter hours are notable because the first quarter at 6:34 to 6:49 with FTR vs. Private Party and Jon Moxley interview did 1,002,000 viewers and 575,000 in 18-49. Because of the NBA lead-in, that would be the biggest quarter of the show in more than six months. But it went back to normal in quarter two with 724,000 viewers and 416,000 in 18-49 with an MJF promo and the beginning of Dustin Rhodes & QT Marshall & Luchasaurus & Jungle Boy vs. Butcher & Blade & Pentagon Jr. & Rey Fenix. Quarter three did 791,000 viewers and 444,000 in 18-49 for the rest of the eight-man tag, the post match with Eddie Kingston’s promo, the Britt Baker, Reba, Penelope Ford and Kip Sabian vignette and the beginning of the Inner Circle/Best Friends & Orange Cassidy angle. Quarter four did 767,000 viewers and 423,000 in 18-49 for the rest of the Inner Circle/Best Friends & Cassidy angle and Young Bucks & Kenny Omega vs. John Silver & Alex Reynolds & Alan Angels match. It fell to 712,000 viewers and 386,000 in 18-49 for the rest o the six-man tag and a promo with Tully Blanchard, FTR and Adam Page. The sixth quarter fell to 666,000 and 361,000 in 18-49 for Darby Allin vs. Will Hobbs and the post-match with Allin, Taz, Ricky Starks and Brian Cage. The seventh quarter did 640,000 viewers and 288,000 in 18-49 with Allie & Brandi Rhodes vs. Ivelisse & Diamante. And the final quarter did 738,000 viewers and 356,000 in 18-49 for the Brodie Lee TNT title win over Cody and post-match destruction.

ClockShot 08-28-2020 04:06 PM

That's huge if Japan is gonna let the international crowd back in who got a place there.

Beef up the roster and shuffle things up a bit for NJPW.

Emperor Smeat 09-01-2020 07:20 PM

The Sheets:


Originally Posted by Observer
The second Raw in the ThunderDome, going against strong sports competition, averaged 1.90 million viewers and a 0.58 rating in 18-49.

Those numbers were down seven percent in viewers and 13 percent in 18-49 from last week's strong Raw debut in the new arena and day after SummerSlam episode. But the numbers were still far above what the show did during most of the pandemic. They are still well below pre-pandemic numbers as the last full month average before the pandemic was 2.29 million viewers, 0.74 in 18-49, and 0.53 in 18-34 ...

Raw was 23rd overall last night, and fifth if you factor out news coverage. In 18-49, Raw was fifth behind the two NBA games, 90 Day Fiance, and Below Deck Mediterranean ...

The big story was a 19 percent first-to-third hour drop. It seems to indicate more interest than usual coming off Payback, but more audience loss than has been the case in recent weeks. That indicates people were not as interested in the three-way to determine the title contender at Clash of Champions as compared to other recent main events ...

Raw was down 24 percent in viewers, 30 percent in 18-49, and 40 percent in 18-34 as compared to the same week last year.

The three hours were:
8 p.m. 2.10 million viewers
9 p.m. 1.88 million viewers
10 p.m. 1.70 million viewers


Originally Posted by PWI
Variety is reporting more members of the voice cast for Paramount Animation and WWE Studios "Rumble" will include basketball legend Charles Barkley, comedienne Bridgette Everett , former boxing champion Chris Eubank. They join Will Arnett, Terry Crews, Michael Buffer, Stephen A. Smith, Ben Schwartz, Tony Danza, Roman Reigns, Becky Lynch and others in the animated movie about a monster wrestling universe. The film has a current release date of January 29, 2021.


Originally Posted by PWI
For those who asked about whether WWE is adding other additional PPVs after Payback returned, here is how their calendar currently shapes up:

There is no main roster PPV scheduled for October currently. There will be a NXT Takeover on 10/4.

WWE Hell in A Cell is set for 11/1 with Survivor Series slated for 11/22

WWE TLC is set for 12/20.

So, while Payback was an additionally added PPV, there are currently no plans to add others to the 2020 PPV calendar.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Nikkan Sports conducted an interview with RAW Women’s Champion Asuka. Asuka talked about some of her goals that she set for herself upon arriving in WWE and one of her main goals was to strengthen the company’s women’s division.

“When I came in, the word ‘Diva’ wasn’t used anymore, and female athletes were also known as ‘superstars.’ I’m going to strengthen the women’s division from now on. I thought this was my mission. When I was just coming to WWE, I played the main role at the NXT competition several times. It was rarely said that it’s really amazing! ‘Congratulations to the main!’ It was rare for a female player to appear in the main at WWE, but now I am left to the main of PPV and TV broadcasting. Isn’t it one of the first motivations to start closing the gender gap in WWE?”

Asuka also compared wrestling in America to wrestling in Japan. She stated that while in Japan, there were not many women that came to see her wrestle so that was a positive change for her to see when she arrived in NXT.

“Well, I think it’s unique. When I was in Japan, there weren’t many women coming to see me, so it was really nice to be a fan. At that time, I was conscious of trying to increase the number of fans who are watching male professional wrestling. The world of female professional wrestling is like a small village. I was thinking of getting the fans to be fans, and I thought that if they didn’t become happy players, they wouldn’t reach the level that would be accepted in the world.”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Ringsiders Wrestling chatted with Aaron Solow recently. During their conversation, Aaron revealed that he and Ricky Starks were a part of Rusev’s WrestleMania 31 entrance as they played the role of the soldiers holding the Russian flag.

“Ricky and I were actually in Rusev’s entrance for Mania 31. You can never tell. Unless there’s some technology that can really zoom in, you’ll never be able to tell. But we’re the soldiers for Rusev when he comes out and we’re holding the Russian flag.”

Prior to going out in front the crowd, the extras were met with handshakes from Linda McMahon who thought that they were actual soldiers.

“And then another funny story about that is because we were dressed in the soldier uniforms the whole time and we’re kind of just all in line waiting. Ricky, myself, the other extras and I think it was Linda McMahon. Linda McMahon comes walking up to us and she starts shaking all of our hands and I’m wondering why is she doing this and then by the time she gets to me and Ricky she’s like, ‘Thank you for your service.’ I don’t know what’s going on. I just nodded my head and when she walked off I was like, ‘Oh God, she thinks we’re real soldiers.’”


Originally Posted by Fightful
Triple H has given the WWE Universe a look into what to expect when NXT UK re-launches.

On Twitter, Triple H showed a video of the set for the NXT UK re-launch, taking place at the BT Sport Studios in London. During NXT TakeOver XXX, it was announced that NXT UK will return later this month.

NXT UK has not run new episodes in months and has instead been airing best-of compilations and matches that were never before seen featuring names such as Adam Cole, Matt Riddle, and others.

BT Sport has also lent its studio to British boxing promotional company Queensberry Promotions, with a number of shows featuring British stars Carl Frampton, Daniel Dubois and Michael Conlan airing on ESPN+ in the United States. The BT Sport Studio will also be the site of a world championship fight between unified junior welterweight titlist Josh Taylor and Apinun Khongsong on September 26.



Originally Posted by Fightful
Jim Cornette has lost a preliminary injunction in his lawsuit against G-Raver.

Cornette filed a lawsuit in December 2019 over a t-shirt with his likeness being stabbed that said "Fuck Jim Cornette." G-Raver's attorney filed a motion to dismiss the lawsuit, which was denied.

In the preliminary injunction (via Alexandra J. Roberts), the court ruled t-shirts sold by G-Raver aren't commerce but speech, "G-Raver sold the critique Cornette’s views on deathmatch wrestling through parody; 1a protects this expression...because parodies are a valuable means of expression to weaken the ideas the celebrity espouses. On top of that, the shirts don't create a likelihood of confusion and Cornette's name may possess the distinctiveness that would make it a trademark. It's certainly not a famous one capable of dilution. Even if it were a mark, defendants' uses aren't similar."

Cornette's right of publicity claim also failed with the ruling saying, "even when the use is facially for a commercial or advertising purpose; the relevant exception here is...the shirts are expressive works & the use is through a communications medium."

The court holds the shirts to be works "invented by G-Raver's imagination" and thus they are transformative.


Originally Posted by Fightful
Know your role and shut your mouth, jabroni.

Now, when you use the term 'jabroni,' no one can tell you that you're using a slang term as the word has officially been added to the dictionary.

The official definition reads:


Slang. a stupid, foolish, or contemptible person; loser:

She always has a comeback to own the trolls and jabronis on Twitter.
Shut your mouth, you dumb jabroni!

Also called enˇhanceˇment talˇent [en-hans-muhnt tal-uhnt], jobˇber [job-er] .Professional Wrestling. a wrestler whose purpose is to lose matches against headlining wrestlers in order to build up the status and fame of the headliners: The man is a legend in the ring—he eats jabronis for breakfast.
The Rock made the term famous during the late 90s, calling his opponents 'jabronis' during his electric promos. The term has stuck around for wrestling fans and is still used to this day.


Originally Posted by Fightful
The group known as Retribution will only be causing chaos on Monday nights.

According to John Pollock of POST Wrestling, Retribution will be exclusive to WWE Raw moving forward.

Fans may have noticed that Retribution didn't cause any chaos on the most recent episode of SmackDown and were absent from SummerSlam and Payback as well. The announcers continued to focus on the group, even airing video packages highlighting their antics, but the masked men and women were absent from those shows.


Originally Posted by WrestlingInc
There is expected to be major ratings in TV ratings moving forward, especially involving sports, as Nielsen begins counting out-of-home viewership. Viewers will now be counted from places such as bars, restaurants, and airports. Viewers will also be counted if they take their mobile devices from the home and use those to watch.

This latest Nielsen tool is supposed to make a huge change in sports ratings moving forward, particularly major sporting events, and generally for the NFL, according to WWE and AEW will also be affected, but likely on a much smaller scale.

OutKick's Ryan Glasspiegel noted that Nielsen counting out-of-home viewership is a game-changer, and a huge deal that can't be overstated. OutKick reports that the out-of-home viewership will be incorporated into the numbers that Nielsen currently releases the day after events. While household rating numbers will remain constant, viewership is going to be an inexact comparison to previous year's numbers.

Nielsen will reportedly measure out-of-home viewership via a beeper-like device carried by people who are in Nielsen's measurement sample. The device will capture and recognize the audio of what people are watching away from their homes. OutKick noted that this will go for everywhere from a friend's home, to a hotel, bar, gym, restaurant, and so on - hundreds of places. It was noted that an interesting aspect will be if people remember to carry the device, when they're already leaving the house with things like wallets, keys, and phones. Nielsen household samples have to opt in to the company's in-home measurement tools, but this new way of counting views involves an extra step in carrying the device with you.

It was noted that there will also be interesting scenarios at bars and restaurants that air sports programming, but also play music during commercial breaks. One Nielsen source speculated to OutKick that in this scenario, if there's a 200-minute game and the sound of the game is on for 160 minutes, then the viewer would be counted for 160 minutes in the average minute audience, but not the other 40 minutes. It was also said that any time a viewer watches something with headphones while out of the house, such as the gym, the data won't be counted as streaming numbers are measured separately from TV viewership ...

It was also noted by that the sports world has been waiting for a change like this as ratings decline each year, and now there's an idea that they will have a comeback year, or at least a year where the declines are not as bad. Previous tests have found that this method increases the number of younger viewers, which means the key younger demographics that have been hurt in recent years may see a comeback. Previous tests also found that this method skews more heavily towards female viewers. There's an idea, based on previous experiments, that out-of-home viewing will skew closer to a 50/50 split on male and female viewers.


Originally Posted by WrestlingInc
As noted on Monday, it was reported, via Alex McCarthy of talkSPORT, that WWE Chairman & CEO Vince McMahon told Randy Orton to make Keith Lee a star in their match at WWE Payback on Sunday, which Lee won clean in under 7 minutes. You can click here for that report, which noted that McMahon wants to push Lee "to the moon" on the RAW brand.

In an update, it was noted by Gary Cassidy of Sportskeeda that Lee is said to be "very well-liked" backstage, by WWE higher-ups and other Superstars.

Regarding Lee's planned push, word is that he is in line for a "big, but steady push" to the top of the red brand.

WWE recently changed Lee's theme song and look, after negative feedback to what he came to the main roster with after SummerSlam, and word now is that his appearance may be "tweaked" more as they move forward.


Originally Posted by Observer
TV Guide in their new listings has AEW Dynamite No. 57 in a list of the 100 best television shows in the U.S. I can't recall a pro wrestling show ever making the list other than GLOW. No. 1 was Better Call Saul.


Originally Posted by Observer
MJF"s lawyer, who faces Jon Moxley on Wednesday's show, Smart Mark Sterling, is an independent wrestler as well as the producer and co-host of Matt Cardona &amp; Brian Myers' podcast. He trained with MJF at Myers' school in New York, which is also where Kris Statlander was trained.


Originally Posted by PWI
Paradise Alley Pro Wrestling, which is run by former WWF and WCW star Paul Roma and longtime WWF enhancement talent Mario Mancini, received a cease and desist letter, dated 8/28, ordering them to shut down as their wrestling school as been deemed as being in violation with a local zoning law that lists "wrestling studios" under adult entertainment aka pornography.

The letter states the town was made aware that wrestling events were being held in the space on 8/27 and such events violate the city's rules on "adult oriented businesses and entertainment establishments." The school has been ordered to halt all wrestling activity immediately under threat of fines and potential criminal charges if they resume training or presenting events. The school has 30 days to appeal the decision and if they choose not to do so, that will be considered an admission that they are liable for violating the zoning law and could be subject to "an assessment or judgment" by East Haven. The letter does not state who brought the complaint against PAPW.

The irony here is that Parade Alley Pro Wrestling, as a promotion, bills itself as family friendly and has promoted a number of events over the last five years in the Nutmeg State to raise money for different charities.


Originally Posted by 411Mania
Heel by Nature reports that WWE is having some trouble trademarking EVOLVE after buying the company earlier this summer on July 2.

The trademark was filed by former owner Salem Hamaoui back in November, and the United States Patent and Trademark Office initially refused the application due to an issue with the documentation.

The USPTO said at the time: “Registration is refused because the specimen does not show the applied-for mark in use in commerce in connection with any of the goods and/or services specified in the application.”

Hamaoui never responded so the trademark was subject to being abandoned. On August 4, WWE lawyer Lauren A. Dienes-Middlen filed a notice to revive the application and change ownership to WWE. The USPTO stated on August 25 that the application can’t move forward because of confusion with a trademark for “EF EVOLVED FIGHTS MIXED WRESTLING”.

WWE has six months to respond.


Originally Posted by 411Mania
As previously reported, WWE confirmed a mutual parting of ways with NXT announcer Mauro Ranallo yesterday (Aug. 31) ... Dave Meltzer offered more commentary on Ranallo’s exit on today’s episode of Wrestling Observer Radio.

As noted in yesterday’s report, Ranallo had recently missed some NXT shows because he’s in British Columbia, where his mother is currently hospitalized. According to Meltzer, while in British Columbia, Mauro Ranallo came to the realization that he would not be returning to WWE. Currently, Ranallo plans to continue doing his broadcast work with Bellator MMA and Showtime Boxing.

Meltzer added, “It was told me to me that he’s 50 years old, and it kind of brought into perspective that he’s here to be a mental health advocate, and doing wrestling every single week under that pressure is not what he’s here for.”

Meltzer continued that while Ranallo’s WWE exit “wasn’t a big blowup,” Ranallo felt that it was time to go while his mother is currently hospitalized.


Originally Posted by PWI
Add former CZW Champion Joe Gacy to the list of former EVOLVE stars who have signed a NXT/developmental deal with World Wrestling Entertainment. Gacy, 33, was a member of The Unwanted in EVOLVE, holding the EVOLVE Tag Team Championship.

Gacy debuted in 2006 and has worked all over the Northeastern independent scene as well as Germany's WXW promotion. is told Gacy is the final talent from EVOLVE expected to be signed at this time, following Josh Briggs, Anthony Greene, Brandi Lauren, Leon Ruff, Curt Stallion and referee Jake Clemons.

TPWW Frontpage:

screech 09-02-2020 12:10 PM

That's interesting re: the wrestling school being shut down for being "adult entertainment."

I wonder if other states/counties/whatever have similar ordinances in place.

Emperor Smeat 09-02-2020 07:02 PM

The Sheets:


Originally Posted by Observer
Airing to an unfamiliar night -- but unopposed by AEW Dynamite for the third straight week -- NXT on USA Network was up three percent in overall viewership from last Wednesday's show, averaging 849,000 viewers.

It was the second highest audience for NXT this year, just trailing the episode two weeks ago that averaged 853,000 viewers ...

Perhaps more importantly, NXT did a 0.26 rating in the 18-49 demo and finished 10th overall on cable in that category, the highest the show has finished since the first couple of weeks on USA. That rating was up 8.3 percent from last week and is the highest for NXT since December 18 of last year.

In the individual demo categories, the ratings -- as compared to last week,were: women 18-49 -- 0.19 (up 11.8 percent), men 18-49 -- 0.33 (up 10 percent), people 18-34 -- 0.14 (even); females 12-34 -- 0.11 (up 120 percent); males 12-34 -- 0.18 (down 10 percent); people 25-54 -- 0.30 (up 7.1 percent), and people over 50 -- 0.40 (down 2.4 percent) ...

AEW Dynamite will air in its regular time slot tonight with NXT airing a repeat broadcast of last night's show on SyFy.

NXT will again air on Tuesday next week due to the NHL playoffs.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
The experiment of placing NXT on a Tuesday night provided the show with its second-best viewership figure of 2020 and the highest rating in the 18-40 demographic since December ...

It’s NXT second-highest figure thus year trailing the August 19th show, which ran unopposed in its normal Wednesday night timeslot on the USA Network. This would be NXT’s fourth-highest viewership average since October 2nd, 2019.

After three weeks of running without AEW competition, NXT has averaged 842,000 viewers and a 0.25 demo rating. That compares to 696,000 viewers and a 0.18 rating for the three previous episodes that went head-to-head with AEW, so they have experienced a 21 percent increase in viewership and 38.8 percent jump in the demo rating.

The results would give one enough evidence to argue strongly that NXT is best served to air on a different night if the intention is to grow this product and put the show in the best position possible when their contract with the USA Network comes due. In that sense, this week’s number could be looked back on as a pivotal one if that decision is made.


Originally Posted by Observer
Ring of Honor announced Wednesday they have launched a 24/7 digital linear network called ROH Best On The Planet.

The service is currently available on STIRR's channel 357, a free live streaming service owned by Sinclair Broadcast Group who also owns ROH. In the press release, ROH noted that additional distribution partners will be announced and are working with sports network Stadium to help make that happen.

The channel features non-stop ROH action including new and past episodes of ROH TV, archived pay-per-views and On Tour shows. STIRR is available on Roku TV, Fire TV, Apple TV and both iOS and Android devices.


Originally Posted by Observer
After WWE purchased the company he co-founded, longtime wrestling promoter and booker Gabe Sapolsky released a statement Wednesday where he said he is retired from promoting and booking indie wrestling.

In July, Sapolsky and co-founder Sal Hamaoui sold the rights to EVOLVE and the content library for both that company, Full Impact Pro and Dragon Gate USA to WWE for an undisclosed sum after several months of discussions. Hamaoui is continuing with streaming service WWN which was not part of the deal.

Sapolsky has been a consultant for NXT since 2018 and is expected to remain in that position.


Originally Posted by Observer
In her first appearance since her departure from WWE, the former Renee Young discussed her first week out of the company, her experience having COVID-19 this summer, and how the company's reaction to her announcing the news didn't go over well internally or with her personally.

Now going by Renee Paquette, she was a guest on the Sports Illustrated Media Podcast and was asked by host Jimmy Traina about the rumors WWE weren't happy with her decision to go public. She said she likes to be transparent about things and there's no shame in having the virus, but wanted to be responsible and ensure those who were around here were aware.

"But yeah, it was not well received," she said.

She said that after her tweet announcing the news at night, she awoke the next day to several texts:

"They weren't even even like 'You shouldn't have posted it.' But it was like, 'We really wish you gave us a heads up that you were going to post it.' It was bad for PR and whatnot. But again, I wouldn't have even thought to be like, "Hey guys, I'm gonna tweet that I have COVID, ha, ha. Like, that was just not what I was thinking about when I posted about it."

Asked if WWE should have shut down early on in the pandemic, Paquette said she felt less concerned at SummerSlam given the testing they are doing now and that proper testing and protocols should have been implemented from the beginning. She also admitted she felt "a little slighted" as she "didn't really feel like anyone was all that concerned that I got sick. That bothered me for sure."

Paquette said she knew fairly quickly that she had the virus despite an initial negative test, feeling a gradual increase in symptoms and that her husband (Jon Moxley) didn't think she had it. To this day, she still feels some aftereffects from time to time despite being COVID free.

She said there wasn't a definitive moment when she decided to leave WWE but that when Backstage got canceled and she got her virus diagnosis on the same day, it forced her to take stock of her career and that she realized there wasn't a lot for her to do in WWE that represented career progress. She added she will still be working for Fox in relation to WWE but that they are currently trying to figure that situation out.

When it was time to announce her decision, she talked to Michael Cole as both her boss and friend. No one tried to talk her out of her decision once they knew her mind was made up and that doing a show like Talking Smack again or random backstage interviews felt like taking steps back at this point in her career.

She said she has not spoken to AEW about working there since leaving and joked about the assumption that everyone that leaves WWE is going there. Her goal is to be "Lady Rogan" and be in more control of her content. She said she has a non-compete for "quite a while" and intimated it's much longer than 90 days. She said she would open to talking and that it was tough in having to pretend that Moxley didn't exist as she wasn't allowed to tweet about him.


Originally Posted by PWI
Colt Cabana is reviving his Art of Wrestling podcast.


Originally Posted by PWI
The Rock responded to Jabroni being added as a word to

Wow - very cool!
Honored have a word actually make the dictionary.
Making my all my teachers very proud ????????
For the record, I may have made the word “Jabroni” (a noun, btw;) famous and part of ???? culture, BUT the Iron Sheik made it famous in our wild wrestling locker rooms!????
— Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock) September 1, 2020


Originally Posted by PWI
WWE Network announced the following list of content coming to the streaming service this month:

Coming this month to WWE Network... ???? ??
— WWE Network (@WWENetwork) September 1, 2020

They also reveal that September will see a new addition never before added to the classic content library in Velocity, which ran from 2002 to 2004 featuring Smackdown talents before migrating with Raw's secondary show at the time, Heat over to WWE's website as a webcast before being retired in 2006.



Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Brandon Thurston at Wrestlenomics looked at data over the past five years regarding the viewership bump Raw would receive following a pay-per-view. His research shows that over that period it’s the episodes of Raw following WrestleMania (+16 percent), Royal Rumble (+12 percent), Money in the Bank (+10 percent), and SummerSlam (+9 percent) that saw the largest increases from the prior four episodes. In 2020, the overall pay-per-view bump on Raw has been 4 percent but when factoring out the four big shows listed above, it’s only an increase of 0.3 percent.



Originally Posted by Fightful
ICW No Holds Barred announced that Joe Gacy's last match before heading to WWE will be against Tony Deppen at No Holds Barred Vol. 6 on September 11. Gacy is one of several wrestlers reportedly signed by WWE recently.


Originally Posted by Fightful
Eric Young is atop the IMPACT Wrestling mountain yet again, after four years away from the World Title.

"I’m doing well. What’s the old saying? 'It’s good to be king,'" Young told Fightful in an exclusive interview just after winning the championship.
Wrestling Television Viewership Numbers: WWE Raw, SmackDown, NXT, AEW
Related Article Wrestling Television Viewership Numbers: WWE Raw, SmackDown, NXT, AEW

Eric Young went from not being used on WWE TV, to being released, to being a free agent during a pandemic, to returning to the IMPACT brand in one of the hottest stories the company has seen in recent years. That's not lost on him ...

We've heard of new champions, namely Deonna Purrazzo, who not only don't have contracts, but haven't had full-time offers. That isn't the case for Young. He's with IMPACT, and doing some side gigs as well.

"Yeah, I’m committed there. I signed a two year exclusive deal. So, exclusively wrestling with them. It will be all IMPACT! all the time for me. I mean, I have tons of other interests like TV, outside of that I’m crazy into fantasy sports. Just actually this morning signed a deal with SportsGrid, I’ll be doing a Sunday morning fantasy prep show for them that airs digitally online and all over the world. Like I said, I’m a very experiential person. I want to do everything. I’m running out of time in the day. One guy can only do so much. For me, IMPACT! is my home. It was my home away from home when I was gone. Now, I’m back. It’s just a very cool place to work, a very cool place to be involved. I said, for me, I just wanted to be involved. I just wanted to be doing something. The fact that I’m the World Champion, I’m the flag bearer, I’m the flagship of the show, it is a huge honor for me. Something I feel that I’ve earned and I deserve, but I will not rest on it, you know what I mean? I’ve never been a person that’s rested on it. I want to improve myself. I want to improve IMPACT! and in turn improving my life. Everything is circular that way. The task at hand is huge. We’ve got a long ways to go, but the opportunity is there. It’s limitless potential in this locker room and I can’t wait to get going and do some other amazing things."


Originally Posted by WrestleTalk
All Elite Wrestling an the NWA will be holding a big interpromotional match at All Out this Saturday. NWA Women’s Champion Thunder Rosa will be challenging Hikaru Shida for the AEW Women’s Championship. It is not every day that promotions work together like this and now we have more details about how the relationship came to be.

Fightful Select (subscription required) is reporting that the entire deal to bring Thunder Rosa in was constructed between Billy Corgan and AEW. Rosa was said to have wanted to be respectful towards NWA but doesn’t think anything is surprising in how the deal was made.

Rosa first appeared on the August 22 episode of Dynamite, challenging Shida for her title. Their match was quickly signed for All Out for September 5. Rosa will be making her in-ring debut tonight on AEW Dynamite.


Originally Posted by Fightful
Tenille Dashwood has made her return to the IMPACT Zone.

Dashwood crashed Knockouts Champion Deonna Purrazzo’s Black Tie Event on IMPACT, making her first appearance for the company in nearly six months. Her last appearance was on the April 14 episode of IMPACT, which was taped in March, when she defeated Taya Valkyrie.


Originally Posted by Fightful
MJF's personality isn't for everyone and he's pissed off his fair share of fans throughout the years.

It's better to piss off fans than be pissed on by fans.

Speaking to the New York Post, the number one contender for AEW World Title, recalled a couple of fan horror stories he's experienced during his time in wrestling.

“At AEW, a fan tried to dress up I believe like a pilot and was trying to convince our security that they were supposed to fly me out on a private jet after the show,” MJF said. “I can assure you that that guy was most certainly not my pilot, so there was once a fan who literally tried to kidnap me. I’ve seen it all. When I was in Mexico, people threw a car battery at me and urine at me. That’s because I don’t tiptoe around. I don’t hide how I feel.”

MJF isn't afraid to insult anyone and everyone

Arn Anderson, who has been around wrestling for nearly four decades, has seen it all and has his own fan horror stories. Even he is surprised fans don't kill MJF on the spot.

“I just happened to be walking by a monitor when he started [a stage show at a Starrcast fanfest] and my God, I couldn’t believe the kid was getting away with the stuff that he was saying, that a herd of people didn’t bum rush the podium and cuff him and take him to jail,” Anderson said. “It was unbelievable how he was toeing the line.”

Taz went on to call MJF "a pain in the ass, but [AEW's] pain in the ass."

TPWW Frontpage:

Volare 09-02-2020 11:54 PM

MJF = $$$$$

fundiddle 09-03-2020 08:17 AM


Originally Posted by screech (Post 5370699)
That's interesting re: the wrestling school being shut down for being "adult entertainment."

I wonder if other states/counties/whatever have similar ordinances in place.

if anyone ever caught wind of them filming those creepy fetish videos like what tyler black/seth rollins was in, i would

Emperor Smeat 09-03-2020 09:02 PM

The Sheets sponsored by Swaggie Time, now in Orange flavor:


Originally Posted by Observer
With Wednesday all to itself in terms of live wrestling, last night's All Out go-home episode of AEW Dynamite averaged 928,000 viewers on TNT, matching February 5 for the show's fourth highest total of 2020.

That was up 14.1 percent from last week when the show aired on Thursday night.

In the 18-49 demo, Dynamite averaged a 0.36 rating, up 24.1 percent from last week and matching the highest number in that category since January 15. The show was eighth for the night on cable in the demo ...

A replay of Tuesday's NXT aired on SyFy and finished 125th in the 18-49 demo with a 0.04 rating. It averaged 183,000 total viewers, so it likely had little impact on the AEW number.

The total combined audience for NXT and AEW this week was 1.777 million viewers. That's the highest since November of last year and the third highest ever, but it's also with the show airing on two separate nights as compared to head-to-head like they usually do.

In the individual demos, as compared to last Thursday, Dynamite did: women 18-49 -- 0.21 (up 10.5 percent), men 18-49 -- 0.51 (up 30.8 percent and fourth overall on cable), people 18-34 -- 0.23 (up 21.1 percent), females 12-34 -- 0.10 (down 28.6 percent), males 12-34 -- 0.28 (up 12 percent), people 25-54 -- 0.43 (up 30.3 percent), and people over 50 -- 0.35 (up 16.7 percent).

Next Wednesday, AEW gets the night to itself again for the post-All Out edition of Dynamite. NXT will air on Tuesday again next week due to the NHL playoffs.


Originally Posted by Observer
During a stream on his Twitch channel Wednesday night, AJ Styles revealed that he tested positive for COVID-19 earlier this year.

“I also tested positive a couple of weeks ago, probably almost a month. I think, ago," Styles said when asked about Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson announcing that he and his family battled COVID-19. "I feel for people who have to deal with this, but I gotta say, I didn’t have many problems with it. So, hopefully The Rock and his family, hopefully everybody is safe and everybody is taken care of and nobody has too bad of symptoms and stuff like that. It sucks, it’s not good for anybody.”

Styles said he was one of the lucky ones and didn't have severe symptoms. He had a headache and "maybe a couple boogers" but never had a fever.


Originally Posted by Observer
AEW president and booker Tony Khan did a one-hour long media call Thursday afternoon, hitting on a variety of topics from this Saturday's All Out to Brock Lesnar to booking philosophies and more.

Here's some of the highlights:
  • He was asked about free agent Brock Lesnar and said he couldn't comment while putting over how he's a great fighter and wrestler and that he doesn't get enough credit ...
  • He said the FTW Title will be defended and that he's working on a "pilot" on how to make it different than the World or TNT titles.
  • He said the reason Big Swole vs. Britt Baker is on the Buy In pre-show is that his philosophy is to put big names and stars in front of more viewers to help drive PPV buys. He confirmed the match will be cinematic in nature due to Baker still recovering from her injuries.
  • He talked about his relationship with NWA president Billy Corgan and how the connection between the two was initially helped by Chris Nowinski. At this point, no other NWA talents are scheduled to be part of AEW, but he thought having Thunder Rosa involved made sense for both sides. He said the Rosa-Serena Deeb match from Wednesday was a home run and talked about Deeb came into the picture.
  • He discussed how they keep surprises just that, saying a very small circle helps control things getting out there, adding "There's a lot more surprises ahead for you in the upcoming weeks."
  • Khan said he held back on the go-home show, focusing on more wrestling in the first half and more storyline in the second half ...
  • He said the Dynamite after All Out is going to be "really, really good" with some surprises.
  • Saturday's Matt Hardy-Sammy Guevara Broken Rules match is a last man standing-style affair with a loser leaves town stipulation for Hardy.


Originally Posted by PWI
The cease and desist order filed against Paul Roma and Mario Manicini's Paradise Alley Pro Wrestling school in East Haven, CT on 8/28 has been officially rescinded with the school being given permission to resume training and events, has confirmed. is told that Joseph Maturo Jr., the Mayor of East Haven stepped in upon learning of the situation and helped settle the issue.

The belief is that the original cease and desist may have come from, believe it or not, someone miunderstanding what professional wrestling was and we are told that the ordinance used to back the cease and desist will be adjusted so such a thing could not happen in the future.

The school had been informed that they were in violation with a local zoning law that lists "wrestling studios" under adult entertainment aka pornography. The verbiage of the local zoning law was designed to prohibit massage parlors that could double as places of prostitution or "studios" that could potentially house the filming of pornography in some form, which again, would not be what professional wrestling is, but the terminology "wrestling studios" was utilized in the ordinance as it was written and used to enact the cease and desist, despite PAPW having operated out of the same facility for years.

:lol: at the whole issue revolving around someone thinking wrestling was some sort of porn instead.


Originally Posted by PWI
As has previously reported, the next WWE NXT Takeover will be on Sunday 10/4.

Currently, there is no planned Takeover for the night before Survivor Series in November.

However, WWE has added another Takeover on Sunday 12/6.


Originally Posted by PWI
The United Wrestling Network's Primetime Live PPV series, the first undertaking for a weekly pro wrestling series on PPV since the early days of NWA: TNA, debuts 9/15 on In Demand and FITE.TV. The series will be available for $7.00 per episode or a bundle of $23.99 for the month on FITE. The series will be priced $11.99 weekly on InDemand.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
An NXT show at Center Stage in Atlanta, Georgia that was originally set for April has been moved to Thursday, December 17th. Tickets for the event at Center Stage are currently on-sale. POST Wrestling reached out to Center Stage for a comment about tickets being on-sale for the show.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Richard Deitsch welcomed Renee Paquette, also known as Renee Young onto his Sports Media podcast. Renee talked about contemplating leaving WWE several years before her recent departure and how the company would not grant her release because she was under a talent contract.

“When I had actually thought about leaving WWE several years ago and I was not granted my release at the time because I was under a talent contract but they wouldn’t let me out of that contract, and it turned out to be a good thing. I got to do a ton of stuff beyond that-that I wouldn’t have the career that I have today had I not been there for the past three years. But as I sort of accepted that I’m like, ‘Okay, I am gonna be here for longer. What are these other opportunities and these other things that I’m gonna get to do here?’ I’ve also accumulated this knowledge of wrestling that I’m not gonna be able to use anywhere else so, to just throw that away seems like a waste of the past almost decade, you know?”


Originally Posted by PWI
There is a hearing scheduled on 11/12 in The Hilsborough County Court in Tampa, Florida in the case of Phillip A. Thomas, the man arrested inside WWE star Sonya Deville's home last month. The hearing is related to the temporary injunction filed against Thomas in order to prevent him from approaching or contacting Deville or her family.

Thomas remains incarcerated without bail in Tampa as Judge Catherine Caitlin ruled on 8/20 that he was a threat to the safety of the community after Deville testified about Thomas invading her home and the hundreds of threatening messages she discovered sent to her social media accounts after authorities provided her with Thomas' name post-arrest.

As previously reported, Thomas has been charged with Aggravated Stalking, Armed Burglary of a Dwelling, Attempted Armed Kidnapping, and Criminal Mischief. Thomas is being represented by a public defender and has involved his fifth amendment right to remain silent. The Tampa Bay Tribune is reporting that Thomas' attorney argued that bail should be set at $2 million and that he could be electronically monitored but the court shot that down given the nature of the situation.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
9/3 would’ve been the 23rd birthday of Hana Kimura.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
MJF chatted with Inside The Ropes to promote his AEW World Title match at All Out. MJF discussed some of the comparisons that he’s been a part of throughout his career and how the goal post is constantly moved for him regarding those comparisons.

“You know, it’s funny the comparisons were changing every week. When I first debuted, the comparisons were, ‘He’s another EC3’ and then I surpassed those comparisons so they kept moving the goal post. ‘Oh he’s just another Miz,’ they moved the goal post. ‘Ah, he’s great but he’s no Randy Orton.’ Uh, screw me man. That’s somebody I grew up watching and idolizing. ‘He’s great but he’s no Chris Jericho’ then I got in the ring with Chris Jericho and people went, ‘Oh man, oh snap. He’s not just holding his own here, he’s kinda taking the ball, running and scoring a touchdown’ and that’s what I love about pro wrestling is the fans constantly feel the need that they need to be satiated and they need to be proven right, but no one’s been proven right about me yet. The dialogue about me when I first came in was I was a guy that was just good at promos. Then, I got to have the Jungle Boy match and I got to kind of shove it down everybody’s throat that not only am I good at wrestling, I’m great at wrestling, but I’m a special attraction. I’m not gonna come on Dynamite and wrestle every single week. That’s not my job. Roddy Piper didn’t wrestle every single week. Roddy Piper, he grabbed you by the balls and when it was time for him to wrestle, it was either a pay-per-view or it was a big money match on TV. That’s what MJF is all about. So for me, that was one of the rare instances I got to go out there and show the world how great I am as a pro wrestler. So, the comparisons to Chris Jericho, do I like them? Yeah, I love every comparison I get because they’re comparing me to great talents, but I do find it interesting that the goal post keeps getting moved more and more. I won’t be shocked by the time it goes, ‘MJF is great but he’s not as good as God’ and when that happens, we’ll have jumped the shark and we’re getting pretty close to those comparisons.”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Justin Barrasso of Sports Illustrated spoke with NWA World Women’s Champion Thunder Rosa. During their conversation, Rosa said she has seen the criticisms of AEW’s women’s division and in her match against Hikaru Shida at All Out, both of them are going to show what a championship match looks like.

“I’m the NWA women’s champion, and I get to walk into an AEW pay-per-view for a match against Hikaru Shida—to me, that is an honor. I know people have been very hesitant about what they’ve seen in the last couple of weeks in the AEW women’s division. I’ve read the criticism, but we are going to show what a championship match should look like. I’ve been visualizing my entrance, my moves, my MMA technique, and I wish I was getting in the ring with her right now.”


Originally Posted by Fightful
AJ Styles can be a professional next to Paul Heyman.

It's no secret that there is some bad blood between Styles and Heyman following Heyman being accused of lying by Styles, Luke Gallows, and Karl Anderson. According to the OC members, Heyman was the one who planted the idea in Vince McMahon's head to fire Gallows and Anderson in April after previously telling them they were safe.

Styles admitted he wanted to be off Raw and away from Heyman following the incident.

Styles got his wish as he was moved to SmackDown, but Heyman now joins him on the blue brand as the advocate for Roman Reigns.

"It is what it is," said Styles on his Twitch stream when asked about Heyman coming to SmackDown. "I could care less. It's water under the bridge. Not saying that I have forgotten what he's done, but I'm not gonna be that guy who holds a grudge, I'm not like that. Okay dude, you know you pissed me off, you know how I feel, I may not ever trust you again, can I get along with him professionally? Absolutely. Doesn't mean I'm gonna be mean to him or say anything, it's over. My buddies are doing fine."

Heyman was fired from his position as executive director of Raw shortly after Styles was moved to SmackDown. Both men are now on SmackDown, but Styles appears willing to work in a professional manner.


Originally Posted by Fightful
Kevin Nash is another wrestler who tested positive for COVID.

Following The Rock announcing he and his family tested positive for COVID, Nash took to social media to welcome Rock to the team, revealing he and his family had also tested positive for the virus. It is unknown exactly when Nash got the virus. Nash said he was tired due to the virus while his wife still hasn't regained her smell or taste. His son was asymptomatic.


Originally Posted by Observer
Wade Barrett is officially set for his third straight week of NXT commentary.

On Twitter today, Barrett confirmed that he'll again be part of the commentary team for next Tuesday's episode of NXT: "There’s no way I’m missing this one. This is fast becoming a habit.. see you next week for another #NXTSuperTuesday! #WWENXT"

PWInsider reported earlier this week that Barrett was in negotiations with WWE to return to the promotion full-time as a commentator. He's called the past two NXT episodes with Vic Joseph and Beth Phoenix.

TPWW Frontpage:

Emperor Smeat 09-04-2020 05:32 PM

The Sheets (Observer Newsletter edition)


The WWE's ability to license and merchandise Brock Lesnar ended this past week, which comes months after the end of the actual contract.

Lesnar had been a free agent since WrestleMania but that news never broke and at the time considered largely a formality given it made no sense for WWE to use him during the pandemic and the belief was that he was out of everyone else's price range. The belief was that, at 43, he was not going to do UFC once he pulled himself again out of the USADA testing pool and that AEW would not be able to afford to make a comparable offer to what WWE could in his case, and he's purely a money guy ...

For AEW it would be a statement move, but ultimately in this environment such a move, given the price tag we are talking about and the schedule he's looking at doing, it wouldn't appear to make any economic sense. Plus a key part of his WWE act, Paul Heyman, is still under contract to WWE ...

The contract gives the WWE rights to continue to sell merchandise for a length of time, in this case around five months, after the deal expires. That period is what just expired this past week.

One person in the company noted that it makes no sense to sign Lesnar to a new deal at the moment, as it would only be to keep him from AEW. The belief is Lesnar could, and probably would try to use AEW as leverage, but that at the end of the day, the belief is Lesnar's value to AEW would be nowhere near his price tag and a deal with Lesnar makes no sense for a company basically trying to just break even during the pandemic. It was said that for Lesnar, like for Tyson Fury (who issued a challenge to Drew McIntyre this past week for a match), that it's at this point Saudi Arabia and WrestleMania as the only shows that make sense right now and the belief right now is Saudi Arabia won't happen this year. Lesnar’s name had been talked about in WWE in reference to a Drew McIntyre rematch for this coming WrestleMania, but that was if McIntyre was to retain the title, which has also been considered to go to Randy Orton, who in theory would be earmarked for Edge and not Lesnar. But nothing in that direction is close to being decided.

Lesnar and WWE was described as the exact same thing that UFC is doing with Conor McGregor, in the sense that his pay is so high for a show that it doesn't make sense to use him until you have a big money event.

His contract expiring isn't a new thing but in the past he's always signed a new deal before the time frame where the WWE's ability to merchandise him ends. When that time frame ended, they had to remove all merchandise from the web site.

Mike Johnson at PW Insider reported that there were talks for a new deal, which would have allowed them to continue selling his merchandise, that had an impasse.

Lesnar usually has his deal expire by design, and teases going to UFC, which would give him a big offer. It is believed Lesnar received $8 million for his UFC 200 fight with Mark Hunt and would have been able to get a similar if not larger deal for a fight with Daniel Cormier, which he shot an angle for before UFC had the deal in place. This gave him a ton of leverage in his last set of negotiations. Lesnar also always tries to sign short-term contracts, which has worked in his favor, but would work against him if Vince McMahon decides they’ve gotten what they need out of him, such as the quick loss to McIntyre to try and establish a new top guy, and that his huge paycheck and working few dates no longer made sense.

It is always possible AEW could make him an offer, which no doubt would be what he would be counting on.

Lesnar now is actually more valuable to one party than for anyone else, including WWE, which is ESPN ...

The reality is that if Lesnar had any interest in UFC, and he knows he can make more money for one fight there than he can earn in a year or perhaps multiple years in WWE, and at his age, the idea that he’s never even talked to White, if true because White is often not honest, would seem to indicate zero interest in fighting.

Another key is that Lesnar is not a big spender and doesn’t need money. He likely has enough to not just live the rest of his life, but also to insure a great life for his children after he’s gone.

Roman Reigns turned heel and joined up with Paul Heyman, and then won the Universal title in the main event of the 8/30 Payback PPV ...

It’s not known whether it was Reigns or McMahon who made the call to put Heyman with Reigns, but Reigns did ask to be turned heel on his return after being out of action since March due to concerns over COVID-19.

Reigns probably should have been turned years ago but the company was adamant that he was the only person who could follow John Cena as the top full-time face of the company. The feeling is that you need a guy who has great looks, a muscular body, be at least 6-feet tall, preferably an inch or two taller, and has charisma. A lot of WWE fans rejected that, and really, as shown with New Japan and Tetsuya Naito, had they turned him heel, the fans on their own would have eventually turned him babyface, and he’d be stronger because of that and no longer face the adversarial relationship since the fans believed they had chosen him as opposed to him being forced on them. Essentially this is the same thing, only years later, and Reigns is now 35 instead of 30.

As far as Heyman, he has a top tier contract and without Brock Lesnar, they could either pay him a high figure to be a booking consultant after removing him from the guy working under Vince McMahon in charge of Raw, or try and make use of him as talent, so it fell together ...

Reigns will next defend the title likely on the 9/27 Clash of the Champions show against the winner of a four-way on the 9/4 Smackdown show with Big E, Matt Riddle, Sheamus and King Corbin. The idea seems to be to save Fiend, his WrestleMania opponent in the original planning that Vince changed, to a later PPV. Sheamus being in is kind of weird since he’s lost to Big E and Jeff Hardy, who isn’t in, but in WWE the secondary title holders almost never challenge for the main title, which really makes no sense. Corbin also lost on the PPV.

The PPV main event looks to be Drew McIntyre vs. Randy Orton for the WWE title. Orton also lost on this show to Keith Lee, clean, fast and deceive, to a spirit bomb. Orton had been talked about to face Edge at WrestleMania for the title, so if Orton wins, Lee is set up perfectly as a challenger, although Lee taking the RKO in the three-way where Orton beat Lee and Seth Rollins to get the shot should have never happened if the plan is for a big Orton vs. Lee program.

The Cartoon Network Latin America announced an animated cartoon series called Rey Mysterio. The character of Mysterio will be in a cartoon where a fan of Mysterio has found out secret information where the forces of evil are threatening the world, he calls on Mysterio and the two of them work together to save the world. The release never mentions WWE so this may be an outside project that he was able to work on his own. We’ll have more details on this next week

Levesque talked about the relaunch of NXT U.K., which starts back 9/17 with new shows on the WWE Network. They taped last week at the BT Studios and Levesque said that would be the permanent site. I guess the decision is that taping at arenas with larger crowds isn't cost-effective. "That is the intent and the hope. BT has been, I can't say it enough, an amazing partner," Levesque said in an interview with Metro U.K. "When you look at that studio, it's perfect for what we do, but they are perfect for what we do. They have been a leader in changing the game in sport across all of Europe and, really, globally. They have once of the most technologically advanced studios in the world. It's an amazing facility. The intent is for us to be able to in there long term to be able to create this content, and I think if later down the line, we get to a place where fans can come in, obviously we'd be thrilled and excited." Levesque was also asked out the allegations of sexual misconduct in U.K. pro wrestling. "Part of this is why we started (the company) in the first place, to professionalize and put that system into place where everyone can feel safe and protected, and have a working environment that is inclusive of everyone and the opportunity to do what we do. We take every allegation very seriously, and you can refer back to our policy. It's zero tolerance for things of this manner. We look into everything. We look into it, we go from there to see what is legitimate, what is not, what is real, what isn't, and deal with it accordingly. While a lot of these things happened years ago, we take them very seriously. We also have an open policy with everybody. No one should ever feel like, `I didn't wanna say anything.' That's the exact opposite of what we want. We're trying to make this the safe, inclusive environment for everybody that it should be." A real question coming out of this regards talent that several of the major local promotions have stopped using based on allegations that WWE still has under contract, Jordan Devlin being the biggest name that comes to mind. If the allegations are true and serious, than he should be gone, but if WWE has truly investigated and found the claims to not be valid, then shouldn't the other companies use him? I don't know the answer of what is and isn't true in his case, just that he was working for companies as a top guy what are affiliated with WWE and this is a major contradiction. If nothing else, WWE should share what they've investigated if they have, and the other companies should share with WWE why they won't use him. There are two basic issues here. Either there is something to why other companies dropped using him but WWE feels they are untouchable and he's a good worker and all that, or he was unfairly accused and the other companies are afraid to use someone not guilty for fear of a public backlash. There's in the middle as well but if WWE investigated in situations like this the public and certainly other companies they work with have the right to know. Some people won't believe anything WWE says but that doesn't mean they shouldn't say it. And if what WWE says doesn't actually hold up, and that happens as well, WWE should want to know that if they really do care about the various situations. It's a really ugly, sometimes confusing and often contradictory situation

Ric Flair on said that his daughter may be out of action for a year. She had issues with her implants and needed to get them taken care of. She had worse issues a few years back, and got it taken care of to a degree but with a procedure that allowed her to return relatively quickly.

When Tetsuya Naito was growing up, his favorite baseball team was the Yakult Swallows, and during the season he would go to about one home game a week at their home Meiji Jingu Stadium.

When he was 17, he was sitting in the left field bleachers when New Japan booked a show at the stadium headlined by the Great Muta vs. the Great Nita (Atsushi Onita).

21 years later he was on the field as the main star of the show as he became the 11th person to win the IWGP championship at least three times with a win over Evil in the main event of Summer Struggle in Jingu Stadium on 8/29.

Naito joins Kazuchika Okada, Hiroshi Tanahashi, Keiji Muto, Shinya Hashimoto, Tatsumi Fujinami, Kensuke Sasaki, Kazuyuki Fujita, Shinsuke Nakamura, Riki Choshu and Hiroyoshi Tenzan ...

Naito also regained the IC title, his record setting sixth reign (he and Nakamura previously were tied with five) of a belt that dates back to 2011 and that he first won on September 25, 2016, in Kobe, from Michael Elgin.

G-1 kicks off on 9/19 and they have not announced participants at this point. For foreigners to be able to be brought in, they'd have to arrive by 9/5 and quarantine in a hotel room for two weeks.

With the exception of the 9/3 show in Saitama and 9/8 in Mito, all the rest of the shows will air live on New Japan World. The jr. tag title tour will have only Japanese commentary live. It's not clear what will be done regarding English commentary for G-1, but the belief is that the bigger shows will have live English commentary like the stadium show did.

Tony Khan said that while he and Billy Corgan negotiated the deal and he approved it, the idea of bringing in Thunder Rosa to face Hikaru Shida came from Kenny Omega

He also said that the second AEW show on TNT would debut over the next year. It was delayed by COVID. We had heard as of a few weeks ago that while there was no date, it was targeted for before the end of 2020 but in TV things can change ...

He also noted in regard to this past week’s show that his philosophy on PPV go-home shows is different from a regular show, and laid it out with the idea of good matches early and lots of promos late, which is not the usual way he puts shows together

Tony Khan invited a number of guests to attend the 9/2 tapings who were fans who had been laid off in the Orlando/DeLand area as well as those who had been affected by the recent tornado. When he found out about a group of Orlando area NXT fans helping the clean up efforts from the tornado and a family that were fans who had been affected by the tornado, he invited them all to come to the show this week

Regarding Matt &amp; Jeff Hardy and them splitting up, they likely would have stayed together in the same company, or at least there was a good chance of it, but the contract situation played a part. Both signed on the same day, but Jeff had shoulder and knee surgery and other issues and WWE decreed that he owed them 20 more months and tacked that on. So he couldn't leave. If Matt didn't leave when he did, he likely would have been asked to sign for five years and while he did entertain the thought of staying, he opted for more creative control. Matt did an interview with Chris Van Vliet where he felt the Broken character would have gotten over better with live crowds. I believe that's the case as well, because fans would have done the big chants and stuff for him and that would make it appear to be a hot character, and with no fans, you are missing that. He sensed that and toned that down, but gave the impression when fans are back that he'd give the broken character another strong shot. The fact he's doing a broken match on the PPV and doing multiple characters on TV makes it clear the character isn't being dropped

Pentagon Jr. is now Penta Cero M. That's the name he owns merchandising rights to. AEW was allowed to call him Pentagon Jr. because they work with AAA, which owns the Pentagon Jr. name. It was AEW that pushed for it because for a variety of potential projects AEW wanted to push them with a name they could market them as, and Rey Fenix owns that name but not just Fenix, which AAA owns, but he's been Rey Fenix in AEW from the start. Basically once they started merchandising them they didn't want to use an AAA-owned name and at some point they were going to switch it to a name he owns and it was just a question of when. It also coincides with the Masked Republic deal getting Penta Cero Miedo merchandise into Hot Topic

Melissa Cervantes (Thunder Rosa) noted that she was invited to a WWE tryout last September, but she was training for her Combate Americas MMA debut and passed on it. The key is that they were not interested in her as a wrestler, but told her they were interested in her as a referee

The most-watched shows on the WWE Network for the past week were: 1. Payback; 2. Day of SummerSlam 2015; 3. Payback kickoff show; 4. SummerSlam; 5. Steve Austin’s Broken Skull Sessions: Undertaker; 6. WWE Timeline: Rock &amp; Nation of Domination; 7. WWE Chronicle: Braun Strowman; 8. Raw Talk for 8/31; 9. Broken Skull Sessions with Goldberg; 10. The Bump for 8/30. NXT was 18th for the week. Of all the indie stuff that was introduced last week, only an ICW show at No. 23 remained in the top 25
The indies stuff charting poorly is a bit surprising considering that originally was meant to be the basis for a new expensive Network sub tier. WWE probably would be looking at some abysmal new sub numbers for that new tier had they gone through with their plans.

WWE, NXT, & AEW ratings:


Raw on 9/1, for the second Thunderdome show, averaged 1,896,000 viewers and 0.58 in 18-49, on a night with very serious sports competition.

It did come the day after the Payback show and had an usually strong first hour, but faded with a 19.1 percent first-to-third hour drop, which is among the larger numbers of all-time.

It’s not exactly fair to judge the ratings drop yet if the key was the Performance Center location or the booking, although it obviously is a combination of both. The question is how much. If we go with the pre-pandemic average and the last show before moving into Thunderdome, it looks like of the 28 percent drop in viewers, about 17 percent is related to the product itself and 11 percent to the location. But that’s just based on second week numbers that are both hurt by strong competition and helped by the PPV the night before. Next week would be a much better gauge. Similarly, the 18-49 drop of 35.1 percent during the pandemic looks to be in that age group, 22 percent product and 13 percent location.

As compared to week one in Thunderdome, which was also the day after SummerSlam, the show was down 6.5 percent in viewers, 13.4 percent in 18-49 but in good news, it stayed even in 18-34, so the drops were largely in the 35-49 age group, the same age group that was up huge last week ...

As compared to the same week last year, the show was down 24.4 percent in viewers, 30.1 percent in 18-49 and 40.0 percent in 18-34.

The big third hour drop says that whatever it was in hour three being pushed the hardest, whether it was the three-way match after already seeing all three wrestling earlier, or the Raw Underground, it didn’t resonate at usual levels. The drops were 17.8 percent with women 18-49, 14.6 percent with men 18-49, a 21.8 percent increase with teenage girls and a 27.2 percent decrease with teenage boys and a 20.2 percent drop over 50.

The first hour did 2,104,000 viewers. The second hour did 1,882,000 viewers. The third hour did 1,703,000 viewers.

Smackdown on 8/28 did a 1.34 rating, 2,144,000 viewers and 0.57 (738,000 viewers) in 18-49, not only winning the night in the key demo but actually beating three other shows overall instead of what has been its usual last place among big four network shows ...

The number was expected to be good largely as the return of Roman Reigns with a show long angle before you saw him. It was down 2.9 percent in households, 2.5 percent in viewers and 2.0 percent in 18-49 from last week. But last week was the first Thunderdome show and far higher than the show has done in months, so staying even is a good sign.

Smackdown was down 25.0 percent in 18-34 but still beat everything on television in that demo, 18-34, 25-54, tied with many shows for first in women 18-49 and won male 18-49 by a significant margin.

In the segments, the first half hour did 2.24 million viewers with Vince McMahon &amp; Adam Pearce, Jeff Hardy &amp; A.J. Styles and Hardy vs. Shinsuke Nakamura for the IC title. The second half hour did 2.09 million viewers for The Firefly Fun House, Matt Riddle vs. Shorty G and more stuff with King Corbin. The third half hour did 2.16 million viewers with Bayley &amp; Sasha Banks, Nia Jax &amp; Shayna Baszler, Braun Strowman vs. Drew Gulak and Kalisto vs. Cesaro. The final quarter did 2.06 million viewers for Big E &amp; Heavy Machinery vs. Miz &amp; Morrison &amp; Sheamus, all the promo around it, and the attempting to sign Roman Reigns segments.

FOX last year on the same Friday only did half of the audience with rerun programming, doing 1,043,000 viewers and 0.3 in 18-49, up 105.6 percent in viewers and 100.0 percent in 18-49.

NXT on 8/26 unopposed did 305,000 viewers in 18-49, down 1.6 percent from the prior week. It broke down as 63,000 in men 18-34 (up 67.8 percent from the prior week), 22,000 in women 18-34 (same as the prior week), 130,000 in men 35-49 (down 22.6 percent) and 90,000 in women 35-49 (up 9.8 percent).

So that week, unlike the first week, with no NBA competition, the male 18-34 audience of NBA and AEW did watch NXT in larger numbers, unlike the prior week with no AEW but NBA ...

For NXT on 8/26, in 18-49, the high point was the William Regal interview and beginning of Santos Escobar vs. Isaiah Scott. The low point was the second half of Breezango vs. Imperium. In 18-34, the high point was Tommaso Ciampa vs. Jake Atlas and low point was Io Shirai &amp; Rhea Ripley vs. Raquel Gonzalez &amp; Dakota Kai.

It opened at 866,000 viewers and 311,000 in 18-49 for Karrion Kross' speech vacating the title and the beginning of Breezango vs. Imperium. The rest of the tag title match fell to 779,000 viewers and 287,000 in 18-49. Ciampa vs. Atlas grew to 819,000 viewers and 299,000 in 18-49, which also included the post-match and a Candice LeRae interview. The fourth quarter with Bronson Reed and Austin Theory, plus Mia Yim vs. Shotzi Blackheart did 820,000 viewers and 302,000 in 18-49 The fifth quarter, with the Regal interview and the beginning of Escobar vs. Scott grew to 853,000 viewers and 323,000 in 18-49. The rest of Escobar vs Scott and a Johnny Gargano interview fell to 804,000 viewers and 301,000 in 18-49. Kyle O'Reilly vs. Drake Maverick and a post-match plus interviews with Rhea Ripley and Adam Cole did 823,000 viewers and 308,000 in 18-49. And the Shirai &amp; Ripley vs. Gonzalez &amp; Kai main event did 832,000 viewers and 311,000 in 18-49.

NXT on 9/2, featuring the four-way Iron Man match with Finn Balor vs. Johnny Gargano vs. Tommaso Ciampa vs. Adam Cole, did 849,000 viewers and 0.26 in 18-49 (336,000 viewers). It was the second highest viewership of the year (the highest numbers, shockingly, have all come in unopposed weeks) and the highest 18-49 number of the year.

Because of the number, it has led to a lot of talk about NXT perhaps going unopposed by moving from Wednesday to either Tuesday or Thursday, more likely the former. There was an internal discussion a few months ago weighing the pros and cons of asking USA to move. WWE at the time realized the NXT audience would be larger and there wouldn’t be the perception that they were losing to AEW if they weren’t head-to-head. Vince McMahon decided against it at the time because he didn’t want to give the impressions that they had backed down in the fight publicly, and privately, there was the issue of whether AEW going unopposed would do numbers in certain younger demos that would come close to Raw &amp; Smackdown. The discussion was before the period AEW started winning a few weeks in women 18-34 and the week AEW won 18-34 overall even with opposition.

The numbers were in line with what the show did unopposed the past two Wednesdays, but the 18-49 number was higher. The key is the main event, as the show was the biggest the brand had since the Cole vs. Keith Lee show, but unlike that show, this was unopposed.

In the different demos, it did 48,000 in males 18-34 (down 23.8 percent from last week), 48,000 in women 18-34 (up 118.2 percent from last week), 166,000 in males 35-49 (up 27.7 percent) and 74,000 in women 35-49 (down 17.8 percent).

In the quarters, NXT opened at 831,000 viewers and 334,000 in 18-49 for the Legado del Fantasma vs. Tyler Breeze &amp; Fandango &amp; Isaiah Scott street fight. The second quarter did 836,000 viewers and 331,000 in 18-49 for the end of the street fight and Candice LeRae vs. Kacy Catanzaro. The third quarter did 855,000 viewers and 343,000 in 18-49 for Bronson Reed vs. Timothy Thatcher. The fourth quarter was the ring intros for Finn Balor, Adam Cole, Tommaso Ciampa and Johnny Gargano, which did 804,000 viewers and 313,000 in 18-49. The first 15:00 of the Iron Man match did 869,000 viewers and 344,000 in 18-49. The next 15:00 did 864,000 and 347,000 in 18-49. The 30-45 minute mark did 839,000 and 332,000 in 18-49. And the final 15 minutes did 895,000 and 349,000 in 18-49.

Interestingly in 35-49, the show peaked with 251,000 viewers for the final 15 minutes of the Iron man and 98,000 in 18-34. The 18-34 peak of 103,000 was minutes 30-45.

NXT was No. 10 for the night in 18-49 on cable, trailing only an NBA playoff game, two NHL playoff games, five news shows and Teen Mom II on MTV.

The show was No. 7 in Males 18-49, behind only the NHL, NBA and three news shows on Fox News, No. 11 in 18-34 (a demo the show usually doesn’t do well in so that’s the main event) and No. 7 in Males 12-34, again a demo the show usually doesn’t place highly with ...

It was up 3.0 percent overall and 8.3 percent in 18-49, and would have been even higher if it was unopposed on the normal day.

AEW on 8/27 airing on Thursday unopposed but going against the Republican convention that did its biggest numbers of the week, did 813,000 viewers and a 0.29 (376,000 viewers) in 18-49 ...

As compared to Saturday, where the show was out of prime time, not against the convention, but against the NBA but also had the benefit of a stronger than usual lead-in, it was up 7.7 percent in viewers and down 7.6 percent in 18-49 ...

Really because of the variables, the comparisons don't mean a lot. However, the show did 77,000 in male 18-34 (down 19.8 percent which is the lack of NBA lead-in), 58,000 in women 18-34 (up 5.5 percent), 172,000 in male 35-49 (down 7.5 percent, probably due to lack of NBA lead-in) and 69,000 in women 35-49 (down 1.4 percent).

While they were on different days, NXT did beat AEW in women 35-49 by 90,000 to 69,000 but Wednesday is the familiar day. AEW greatly more than doubled even on an off night in both men and women 18-34 and outdid NXT 172,000 to 130,000 in men 35-49.

It opened at 759,000 viewers and 332,000 in 18-49 for Young Bucks vs. Dustin Rhodes &amp; QT Marshall and the beginning of Young Bucks vs. Best Friends. It grew huge, to 853,000 viewers and 373,000 in 18-49 for the bulk of Young Bucks vs. Best Friends and Best Friends vs. FTR. Viewers fell to 806,000 and 18-49 grew to 385,000 for a Darby Allin skit, Lance Archer vs. Sean Maluta and the beginning of an Archer &amp; Jake Roberts promo. Next was big growth to 869,000 viewers and 410,000 in 18-49, both show peaks for the Archer, Roberts, Taz, Brian Cage and Ricky Starks confrontation and most of the MJF/Jon Moxley contract signing. The end of the Moxley/MJF contract signing, a Santana &amp; Ortiz interview and beginning of Pentagon &amp; Rey Fenix &amp; Butcher &amp; Blade vs. Griff Garrison &amp; Brian Pillman Jr. &amp; Joey Janela &amp; Sonny Kiss match did 841,000 viewers and 404,000 in 18-49. Most of the eight-man tag and beginning of the Dark Order segment fell to 781,000 viewers and 375,000 in 18-49. The end of the Dark Order segment plus Big Swole vs. Rebel &amp; Penelope Ford did 796,000 viewers and 370,000 in 18-49. Matt Hardy vs. Sammy Guevara in a tables match did 796,000 viewers and 361,000 in 18-49.

In 18-34, the peak was the Moxley/MJF contract signing and the low point was Hardy vs. Guevara.

AEW did a 0.20 in 12-17 (up 17.6 percent and its best mark in months), 0.19 in 18-34 (down 10.6 percent), 0.39 in 35-49 (down 5.9 percent) and 0.30 in 50+ (up 20.0 percent). The audience was 67.2 percent male in 18-49 and 61.0 percent male in 12-17.

While the number itself, by going largely unopposed, doesn’t really say a lot due to a number of variables, there are different things to learn from the AEW show on 9/3, which did 928,000 viewers and 0.36 in 18-49 (469,000 viewers).

On the surface, the number would indicate an unopposed show doing 1 million or more viewers a week and probably in the 0.4 range in 18-49. This week’s show was coming back to the time slot after two weeks off, and while men did well, women, which had been AEW’s most impressive audience before being bounced around, did not. That audience also didn’t move with AEW as much to the new nights.

The show did have NXT competition, although minimal, as the replay of the show the night before did 183,000 viewers and 0.04 in 18-49. But the key factors which likely kept it well under 1 million and 0.4 were a less than marquee show with no big matches announced and really one of the weaker shows of the year, bigger NBA ratings than have gone against wrestling so far, and the two weeks off hurting the women’s audience ...

Based on everything, on a non-NBA night for a regular marquee show IF women come back and if the show is regularly in its time slot as opposed to being bounced around, AEW looks to be able to do a steady 0.41 in 18-49 if we go with the idea it would do an 0.30 regularly with competition (a little lower than it’s been averaging on Wednesday in recent weeks) and if we go with a normal 750,000 on a Wednesday opposed, and women come back at their 8/12 levels, we’re looking at a 1,095,000 range in total viewers most weeks and 1,214,000 and 0.48 for a blow away night (a show that would have done 900,000 and 0.36 under the current competitive umbrella).

So regarding a decision by USA/WWE to move NXT, those are the key numbers on the other side to consider. In 18-49, which is the only figure that really matters, AEW unopposed will not beat Raw or Smackdown right now ...

As far a the future goes, that’s the key. That’s harder to predict. WWE has a multi-hear history of major declines in the key demo. If we say Raw and Smackdown are at 0.55 right now (Raw did 0.58, Smackdown did 0.57 this past week but it’s still early in the Thunderdome phase) and WWE declines over the course of the next year by 25.5 percent and AEW stays steady, they would be in a flat-footed tie with Raw and Smackdown next year at this time. That doesn’t mean WWE can’t reverse the trend, as they can. That doesn’t mean AEW can stay even, since TV in general is falling. WWE’s y-o-y decline in 18-49 has been closer to 40 percent most weeks of late, this past week was a good week and was still at 30 percent. Some (but the minority, not the majority) is the pandemic and running the PC as we’ve seen. If NXT stays in that spot, WWE has to decline about 43.6 percent y-o-y and AEW stays even to catch up, and that is very unlikely to happen in one year. So that’s the key factor here.

Overall, AEW was No.8 for the night in 18-49, trailing three NBA related telecasts on ESPN, three FOX News shows and Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. It tied AEW’s best 18-49 number of 2020 ...

In the different demos, AEW did 122,000 in males 18-34 (up 58.4 percent from last week), 41,000 in women 18-34 (down 29.3 percent), 208,000 in males 35-49 (up 15.1 percent) and 98,000 in women 35-49 (up 42.0 percent).

The show opened with 883,000 viewers and 445,000 in 18-49 for Santana &amp; Ortiz vs. Best Friends. The second quarter did 832,000 viewers and 430,000 in 18-49 for the beginning of Young Bucks &amp; Luchasaurus &amp; Jungle Boy vs. Private Party &amp; Christopher Daniels &amp; Frankie Kazarian. The third quarter, with the finish of that match and Kenny Omega interview did 860,000 viewers and 434,000 in 18-49. The fourth quarter, with the Omega interview plus FTR, Tully Blanchard and Adam Page, Chris Jericho interview and Jericho vs. Joey Janela did 899,000 viewers and 445,000 in 18-49. The Jericho-Janela post-match angle with Jake Hager and Orange Cassidy and Sonny Kiss, a video piece of Matt Hardy and Sammy Guevara and the verbal stuff with Taz, Jake Roberts and Eddie Kingston did 1,008,000 viewers and 508,000 in 18-49. The brawl with half the world in the ring, Brodie Lee and Dustin Rhodes interview and most of Serena Deeb vs. Thunder Rosa did 972,000 viewers and 482,000 in 18-49. The ending of Deeb vs. Rosa Jon Moxley promo and the Big Swole, Reba and Britt Baker angle did 974,000 viewers and 501,000 in 18-49. And Jon Moxley vs. Mark Sterling and the post-match with MJF and Wardlow did 999,000 viewers and 505,000 in 18-49.

In 18-34, the peak was the Deeb vs. Rosa, Moxley promo and Baker angle at 190,000 viewers. In 35-49, the peak was the Jericho-Cassidy angle, Hardy &amp; Guevara video and Taz &amp; Jake &amp; Kingston promo at 343,000.

As compared to last week when it was unopposed by another wrestling show completely but on a Thursday and with a better show and lower rated sports competition, AEW did a 0.15 in 12-17 (down 25.0 percent due to the female drop), 0.23 in 18-34 (up 20.7 percent), 0.49 in 35-49 (up 27.0 percent) and 0.35 in 50+ (up 16.7 percent).

Emperor Smeat 09-08-2020 06:57 PM

The Sheets sponsored by that one time in wrestling history when a ladder won a championship belt:


Originally Posted by PWI
Finn Balor vs. Adam Cole to crown a new WWE NXT Champion will kick off tonight's edition of WWE NXT on the USA Network. WWE taped tonight's NXT earlier today and is also taping next week's episode today as well. NXT returns to its regular Wednesday night timeslot next week.


Originally Posted by Observer
As it turns out, based on schedule changes, there is no NHL game on USA this Wednesday. Like last week, NXT will still be airing on Tuesday and there will be a replay on Wednesday. Right now the replay is scheduled by SYFY and not USA.


Originally Posted by PWI
Former WWF Intercontinental Champion Marty Jannetty is now claiming that his confession a few weeks back that he allegedly murdered someone when he was 13 years old, hitting them with a brick as they attempted to sexually assault him, was part of a "wrestling storyline", according to

Jannetty claimed that the plan was to build to a match with a "former corrections officer" with the idea that should Jannetty lose, he would be arrested. Jannetty, 60, has not wrestled since 2018. He did not name who the "officer" would be or what promotion this had been allegedly planned for.

Back in August, Jannetty appeared on Boston Wrestling's YouTube channel to discuss his apparent murder confession. You can find the complete show at this link. During that 20 minute discussion, Jannetty stated that when he was 13, a front desk clerk at Victory Lanes, a bowling alley in Columbus, Georgia attempted to rape him. Jannetty, who was working at the bowling alley at the time, stated that he knew the person was known for selling weed (which is why Jannetty went to see him) but didn't know the same person "lured" children ...

If Jannett's claim of the incident happening when he was 13 was indeed true, the alleged murder would have taken place in 1973. The Georgia Bureau of Investigations' website does not currently list any unsolved murders prior to 1980.

Jannety claimed that once he was red-flagged getting on a flight and the police got involved, investigating, he knew he had to drop the storyline. The Columbus Police Department are still investigating Jannetty's claims.


Originally Posted by Observer
Tessa Blanchard will make her first appearance in the independent scene since being released by Impact Wrestling.

She will headline the first Warrior Wrestling Stadium Series event on September 12. She will defend the Warrior Wrestling Women’s championship against current Impact star Kylie Rae.


Originally Posted by PWI
Undertaker - The Last Ride will be released on DVD and Blu-Ray on 12/15. The 2020 Survivor Series will be released on DVD on 12/29.


Originally Posted by PWI
Yen Press issued the following:

Yen Press Acquires the Manga New Japan Academy for Digital Release

NEW YORK, NY (9/8/20) – Yen Press, LLC announced the acquisition of the manga series New Japan Academy, an action-packed and comedic manga series featuring stars from New Japan Pro-Wrestling by artist HIROKU. and consultation by New Japan Pro-Wrestling.

It’s the stars of New Japan Pro-Wrestling as you’ve never seen them before! Teenager Tetsuya Naito is aiming for the top of New Japan Academy, but in order to be the champion, he’ll have to face formidable students like “Rainmaker” Kazuchika Okada and the “Once-in-a-Century Talent” Hiroshi Tanahashi. Luckily for Naito, he has his boys in Los Ingobernables de Japon on his side! No matter the odds, Naito’s motto remains the same: tranquilo.

With the rise in worldwide popularity of New Japan Pro-Wrestling, the manga New Japan Academy is a highly-anticipated release by the many passionate fans of the pro-wrestling promotion and the stars within it. A story told from the point of view of Tetsuya Naito, one of the most popular pro-wrestlers in the world due to his tenure at both New Japan Pro-Wrestling and Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre (CMLL), New Japan Academy shows fan-favorite wrestlers like they’ve never been seen before!

New Japan Academy, Vol. 1 is scheduled for an October 2020 release exclusively on digital platforms.


Originally Posted by PWI
Big Japan Wrestling, seeking to garner more of an audience beyond Japan, has officially launched an English language Twitter account.



Originally Posted by Fightful
Fightful has learned some of the current planned lineup for IMPACT Wrestling's biggest show of 2020.

Every year since 2005, IMPACT Wrestling has spent the entire year building towards the Bound for Glory event in October. Over the years, the event has been headlined by such names as Kurt Angle, Sting, Jeff Jarrett, Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, and Drew McIntyre.

As first revealed on Fightful Select, the current plans for the 2020 event are already being worked out

Fightful has learned several of the plans ahead of IMPACT Bound For Glory this October.

As of now, Ken Shamrock is pegged for a high level match with Eddie Edwards. Shamrock has been feuding and teaming with Sami Callihan in recent months.

After returning at Slammiversary, Rich Swann and IMPACT World Champion Eric Young's heated feud is expected to continue at IMPACT Bound For Glory.

There is a four-way IMPACT Tag Team Championship match in the cards with Motorcity Machine Guns, The North, The Good Brothers and Ace Austin & Madman Fulton.

An IMPACT Knockouts Championship match between Deonna Purrazzo and Kylie Rae is also tentatively scheduled for the show.

In addition to these matches, we're told a 6-way IMPACT X Division Title match, as well as a Call Your Shot Rumble are planned.


Originally Posted by 411Mania
WWE has made a couple of edits to a wXW show that has been released on the WWE Network that look to be due to allegations made during the #SpeakingOut movement. The WON reports that wXw’s 2019 Toronto show, which was added to the Network in its independents section, does not have a Julian Pace vs. Daniel Makabe vs. Cima vs. Brent Banks match as well as an angle between David Starr and WALTER.

Allegations against Starr were the catalyst for the #SpeakingOut movement, when he was accused of sexual abuse and rape. Pace and Jay Skillet were released by wXw after the company investigated claims against the two made by students from the wXw Academy against him.


Originally Posted by Fightful
You might have seen Thunder Rosa in WWE if they had their way, but not as a wrestler.

The ambitious Rosa has appeared on American television for five different companies, basically everyone but IMPACT and WWE. In 2019, Rosa actually had a tryout scheduled with WWE, but didn't end up going.

"I was supposed to go, last September, for a referee try out," Rosa told Fightful. "That was like a week before I signed my contract for MMA. That was in WWE. Dorian, the hurricane, happened and my things kept getting canceled, getting canceled and then I was getting too close for me to sign my contract for my fight and I was already training. I had like three months training. I was like, “I can’t wait.” One week’s too long for me not to train. I just sent them an e-mail saying, “Thanks for the opportunity, hopefully we can work something out in the future,” and I left it as that. That happened my career skyrocketed ‘cause we made it happen. But, yeah, man. It’s insane. But, other than that, I never got any e-mails or interest or nothing," Rosa stated.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
NWA World Women’s Champion Thunder Rosa joined the ‘This Is The NWA Podcast’ one day after her AEW Women’s World Title match against Hikaru Shida at All Out. Thunder Rosa was defeated by Shida in the match but feels that she gained more than she lost. Rosa feels that from the moment she showed up in AEW to promote the match with Shida, she showed that AEW does not have a woman like her on their roster.

“It’s been a team effort and I just came there and just represented and yesterday [All Out] was really good because [Hikaru] Shida was — she was willing to do something different. She’s worked with us, I mean of course the people that she works with in AEW, but I don’t think they have a woman like me on the roster and I showed it from the moment I showed up there. That first week, I went there and I went to training and I showed the girls how you should look when you train, and how you should look when you get in the ring. You should be the same way and you should train as hard because it’s national TV and it’s prime time, you know?”

Rosa said the powers that be were pleased with the match. She shared the advice that Kenny Omega gave to her and Shida before their match and that was to show everyone what a “real women’s wrestling match should look like.”

“The thing is the pressure was [a lot]. Everybody was like, ‘You guys have to knock it out of the park,’ Wednesday too and… another thing, they gave us time which they never do on Dynamite, ever, on women’s wrestling and then I come and I’m the NWA Champion who’s not even signed and it’s just like… we’re in the back, there was supposed to be some stuff and then [Kenny] Omega came then he looked at us and said, ‘Show them what a real women’s wrestling match should look like.’”


Originally Posted by PWI
Championship Wrestling from Hollywood returned to TV with new, original in-ring content this past weekend, airing nationally on YouToo America (YTA) as well as the Z Channel and other markets via local syndication.

The episodes were taped in an empty arena format and were the first episodes under new booker Aron Stevens aka the former Damian Sandow in WWE.

The episode was more of a traditional, episodic style format with storyline vignettes and outside of the ring interviews conducted by Jon Roberts helping to move storylines forward. Previously, CWH had been a series of bouts and some interviews leading to those matches but episodically, there wasn't as much of a strong narrative from week to week and this reboot of sorts appeared to change that old formula up somewhat


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
TV Insider chatted with IMPACT Wrestling talent Heath Slater. Heath shared that there are a few talents in WWE who he has been in contact with that have expressed that they would like to experience what’s transpiring in wrestling outside of WWE but they have a significant amount of time left on their respective contracts.

“They know when they are locked down under contract, they can’t get out. That’s the bottom line. You may have well signed yourself up for the military. But guys that did get released and guys from other companies have been texting and calling and asking about Impact. The WWE crew, some of them have been like, ‘Man, that would be awesome to do this, But I still got a year-and-a-half or another year.’ I’m like, ‘Remember what you’re saying because years go by pretty fast. So if you really want to, I might know a guy.’ The interest is there for sure" ...

After being released, Heath made an appearance on RAW and had a promo segment and a quick match with WWE Champion Drew McIntyre. Initially, Heath turned it down but stated that McIntyre pleaded with him to do the segment as it got approved.

“That’s exactly what that was. McIntyre called me a month or so in advance. I told him I wasn’t going back, and I didn’t want it. Then literally two weeks before Slammiversary he pleaded with me to let him pitch working together. He was sure they would go for it. Then when he called me back and said they went for it I was like, what?! It was one of those things where Drew is one of my best friends inside and outside the ring.

We just clicked 12 years ago when we met. I’m in the ring with him and Dolph [Ziggler], who is a friend too. I thought to myself, ‘I’m going to hit a home run and speak from the heart and let you know how I feel.’ Thankfully, it was one take and came off great. I wanted to prove to them that I could have been doing this the whole damn time if you gave me the opportunity. Now you give me the opportunity to come back one day to show what I can do, I’m going to spread my wings and fly to other companies and give them my talent.”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
WhatCulture spoke with IMPACT World Tag Team Champion Chris Sabin ...

When it comes to how Sabin has seen tag team wrestling change over the past decade, he feels that a good portion of that credit should go to Matt and Nick Jackson of The Young Bucks. Sabin feels that a handful of tag teams have patterned their style after The Bucks.

“Honestly, I think as far as tag team wrestling goes, The Young Bucks had a huge influence on today’s tag team style of wrestling. Not everyone does it of course, but a lot of teams on independent shows try to replicate The Young Bucks’ style of matches. I think that’s the biggest difference I see from back then is the difference those guys have had on tag team wrestling. They really changed the business, that’s for sure.”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Nick Aldis revealed that the National Wrestling Alliance had plans in place to tour the U.K. before the COVID-19 pandemic.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling spoke with Adam Cole. Cole responded to the mixed reactions that spawned from the finish of the NXT Championship Fatal 4-Way Iron Man match from last week. Cole admitted that he’s one who views things in a positive light and saw the finish as a cliffhanger. He also understands why some viewers were not happy with the result.

“However, I do understand that some people were upset. I understand that some people want to see a definitive end to a match like that, and it makes total sense. But that’s actually kind of, as weird as it sounds, that’s what I love so much about pro wrestling, is you’ll have one match that will happen with a certain result, and like you said, half the people will go, ‘That was the greatest thing I’ve ever seen. They couldn’t have ended that any better. This was perfect’, and then you’ve got another group of people who were so upset and so angry, and think it’s the dumbest thing in the world. The beautiful thing is that both people aren’t wrong, and both people are right, and you can think whatever you want to think.”


Originally Posted by Fightful
Stardom's canceled shows from August have now been rescheduled.

The Japanese promotion announced that the canceled August 22 and 23 shows, which were called off due to precautions stemming from positive COVID-19 tests. The two shows will now be combined into one event on October 3 at Yokohama Budokan.


Originally Posted by Fightful
Former WWE Divas Champion Eve Torres reveals her own family's battle with COVID-19.

The novel coronavirus pandemic has owned the majority of 2020 regardless of your walk of life. Recently, WWE legends such as The Rock and Kevin Nash have revealed their own stories battling COVID-19 and even current WWE Superstar AJ Styles admitted to testing positive recently.

Eve Torres revealed in an Instagram post that she and her husband, Rener Gracie, have tested positive for the virus, and even her young child, Renson, has a fever and is assumed to be positive.


TPWW Frontpage:

Bad News Gertner 09-08-2020 07:00 PM

Slater seems like the kind of guy the WWE would bring back as a trainer down the line once things somewhat return to normal.

ClockShot 09-08-2020 07:12 PM

A NJPW anime would be cool as hell. But hey, they got the ball rolling with a manga.

#1-norm-fan 09-08-2020 08:58 PM

Welp. Marty Jannetty is a better booker than anyone working in wrestling today. This is where we’ve come.

Emperor Smeat 09-09-2020 07:25 PM

The Sheets:


Originally Posted by Observer
Raw on Labor Day did 1.73 million viewers and a 0.48 rating in 18-49, by far the lowest for a show since the beginning of the ThunderDome.

Raw was hurt by sports competition with the NBA playoff game going against the first 72 minutes doing 2.71 million viewers and a 1.06 rating in 18-49, and the game against the last 108 minutes doing 3.45 million viewers and a 1.21 rating in 18-49. College football on ESPN did 1.15 million viewers and 0.35 and the NHL playoffs on NBC Sports did 958,000 viewers and 0.28.

As compared to last week, Raw was down nine percent overall, 17 percent in 18-49, and 30 percent in 18-34 ...

In 18-49, Raw was fifth behind two NBA playoff games, Inside the NBA, and Below Deck Mediterranean.

The first-to-third hour drop was eight percent, actually low, but that was because the first hour started low due to Labor Day. Labor Day traditionally has people starting the show later than usual, peaking in hour two, and then falling. Usually the third hour drop isn't as bad because so many tuned in after 9 p.m. as compared to a usual week.

In women 18-49, Raw was 12 percent higher in hour three than hour one due to tuning in late, although males 18-49 were 14 percent down, teenage girls were 12 percent down, teenage boys were 10 percent down, and over 50 was eight percent down.

As compared to the same week last year, it should be noted that this week last year was the season debut of Monday Night Football which did 13.04 million viewers against Raw and led to a huge decline from what Raw had been doing. But even though this was not against the NFL, the show was down 19 percent overall, 30 percent in 18-49, and 52 percent in 18-34.

The three hours were:

8 p.m. 1.76 million viewers
9 p.m. 1.80 million viewers
10 p.m. 1.61 million viewers


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
For the first time in the “Thunderdome Era” of Raw, none of the hours topped two million viewers. The first hour averaged 1,762,000 viewers compared to the last two weeks that saw 2.1 million viewers open the show ...

It was Raw’s lowest-performing show since the August 17th go-home episode for SummerSlam, which was the last Raw to take place at the WWE Performance Center.

The final four episodes of Raw at the Performance Center averaged 1,674,000 and a 0.485 demo rating. So, this week’s number is still ahead of the viewers and right at the same demo rating ...

This week’s show didn’t advertise anything in advance until the day of the show when they revealed three matches late in the afternoon with Dominik Mysterio vs. Murphy (that was announced as a Street Fight during Raw), Randy Orton vs. Keith Lee, and a Raw Underground fight between Aleister Black and Kevin Owens.

WWE's inability to announce near full cards well before the day of the show has been hurting them for a long in terms of show interest. Its also been a reason for NXT's struggles against AEW since AEW does a much better job advertising their next week's show by giving a near full card way earlier than WWE and NXT do.


Originally Posted by Observer
AEW's Countdown to All Out special averaged 357,000 viewers on TNT on Saturday afternoon.

The viewership number is up 3.8 percent from the Countdown special that aired prior to this May's Double or Nothing pay-per-view. That Countdown show aired at 10 p.m. Eastern time on the night before the PPV. Countdown to All Out aired at 5:30 p.m. Eastern on Saturday leading into the event.

In the important 18-49 demo, the improvement was more significant. Countdown to Double or Nothing averaged a 0.10 rating and finished 51st for the night n the cable ratings. Saturday's All Out preview special was up 40 percent in the demo, averaging a 0.14 rating and finishing 23rd on cable in that category.

There was competition in the form of the opening day of college football as well as coverage of the Kentucky Derby, which aired directly opposite the Countdown show and averaged nearly 5.5 million viewers on NBC.


Originally Posted by Observer
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit dismissed an appeal by former wrestlers suing WWE for claiming the company didn't protect them from repeated head injuries and concussions that could have resulted in CTE and other physical and mental health ailments.

In doing so, they affirmed the ruling by a Connecticut district court two years ago that the claims were either frivolous or filed after the statute of limitations expired and that WWE couldn't have known concussions or head injuries caused CTE.

Several cases that began popping up in 2014 and 2015 around the country were eventually consolidated in Connecticut and involved well-known wrestlers both dead and alive including Billy Jack Haynes, Jimmy Snuka, Paul Orndorff, King Kong Bundy, Mr. Fuji, Viscera, and more. An issue raised is that the wrestlers in question worked around the world for different organizations and not just WWE so identifying what organization brain injuries might have occurred in would prove difficult.

The Second Circuit also dismissed additional related lawsuits against WWE because they were filed too late as well as dismissed lawyer Konstantine Kyros' appeal of sanctions imposed by U.S. District judge Vanessa Bryant. In 2018, she ruled Kyros must pay WWE's legal fees for the case and said he repeatedly failed to comply with court rules and orders.


Originally Posted by PWI
The United Wrestling Network's Primetime Live PPV series, the first undertaking for a weekly pro wrestling series on PPV since the early days of NWA: TNA, debuts Tuesday 9/15 on In Demand and FITE.TV. The series will be available for $7.00 per episode or a bundle of $23.99 for the month on FITE. The series will be priced $11.99 weekly on InDemand.

The broadcast team for the Primetime Live series will feature long-time UWN commentator and former Impact Wrestling commentator Todd Keneley handling the play by play for the series. He'll be joined by recent NXT on-air talent Alyssa Marino, who makes her return to the United Wrestling Network, where she had appeared prior to her WWE tenure. The NWA's lead announcer Joe Galli will be on the broadcasts as well from his home in San Antonio and will be appearing to deliver breaking news, interviews and special reports. UWN President Dave Marquez and Mayra Dias Gomes will handle interviews. UWN and NJPW Ring Announcer Adnan Kureishy will be appearing in that role as well.


Originally Posted by PWI
The Wrap is reporting that longtime WWE-NBCUniversal ally Bonnie Hammer has been moved to NBCUniversal Vice-Chair, a corporate advisor to NBCUniversal CEO Jeff Shell. Bonnie Hammer is moving away from the chair of NBCUniversal Content Studios, having been in the NBCU corporate hierarchy since 1989


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
AJ Styles spoke on his Twitch stream regarding the recent restrictions WWE has outlined for some third party outlets. Styles confirmed that Twitch and YouTube don’t appear to be affected and said the company wants its talent to stream and interact with its audience:

Let’s talk about the stream. Is it going to continue? And from the contacts that I’ve had, the information I got is WWE does want us to interact with our fans, and that means streaming. They want this to happen, they want you to have a YouTube channel, there are things they want you to do and be able to do and what we knew was a little vague at first.

We did different things and it was borderline whether we knew we could do it or not and so, those will be answered but streaming I don’t think will be one of those that are taken away, um, YouTube is not one of those that will be taken away. There will be changes in other areas I’m sure of it and I don’t know exactly where that is. But let me say this again, they, the WWE want us to be able to stream and interact with our fans and that’s exactly what we’re doing, that’s exactly what I’m doing. From Adam Cole to Breeze and Xavier Woods, Baron Corbin it’s what we do, it’s fun.

Styles also clarified several things about his news last week that he had previously had COVID-19 and how he quarantined for ten days:

Another thing I need to clarify is with the COVID. I had that like a month-and-a-half ago, whenever it was to the point where the CDC says you have to be quarantined for ten days. I got tested, I went home for ten days, stayed in the basement, was able to go to work because of the scheduling when they had it (TV tapings) next, it was ten days I was able to go back to work. The reason I let you guys know is that I wanted to let you guys know that for some of us it’s not that bad, for some of them it is. I just wanted you guys to know that I had it and that I’m okay – and had I not been tested I never would have never known I had it and I could have spread it, I guess. So, that’s good on WWE’s part for testing everyone, that’s a good thing.


Originally Posted by PWI
Vince McMahon was one of 25 billionaires mentioned in a Forbes articles listing all the billionaires that dropped off this years Forbes 400 list from last year. His net worth of $1.8b (as of July 24 2020) fell short of the $2.1b required to make the list. The COVID-19 pandemic was blamed for him being cut this year.

Meanwhile, Shahid Khan, father of AEW's Tony Khan, with a net worth of $7.8b was #66 on the list.


Originally Posted by PWI
UpUpDownDown announced they have been nominated for an ESports Awards:

Support @XavierWoodsPhD by voting for him in the link below!
— UpUpDownDown (@UpUpDwnDwn) September 9, 2020



Originally Posted by PWI
According to WWE Network News, the following independent shows will be added to WWE Network this weekend:

ICW Fight Club 95.
wXw Shortcut To The Top 2020.
PROGRESS Chapter 94.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Gary Cassidy at Sportskeeda reports that WWE’s European tour that was initially postponed from this past spring to the fall has now been moved to the spring of 2021. The new tour lists six shows beginning April 28th in Cardiff at the Motorpoint Arena, April 29th in Sheffield, April 30th in Newcastle, May 1st in Glasgow at the SSE Hyrdo, May 2nd in Birmingham, and ending with an episode of Raw on Monday, May 3rd in London at the O2 Arena.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
After NXT, they shot an angle where Robert Stone announced that Mercedes Martinez is out of the Robert Stone Brand. They filed a restraining order against Martinez.

Rumor going around is that Martinez is one of the official members of Retribution which would explain why NXT randomly abrupted Ripley's feud with Dakota and Rachel since they needed Ripley's feud with Martinez to be finished quickly. Also would explain the rushed cage match announcement despite their feud not being worth that feud ending stip yet.


Originally Posted by Fightful
Matt Cardona wrestled his first match outside of the WWE umbrella in 14 years, and he said doing it in All Elite Wrestling was an easy decision.

After Cody implied that All Elite Wrestling wouldn't be bringing in his friend Cardona, the opposite happened. Cardona opened up to Fightful how and why all of that went down, even after an EVP indicated it wouldn't.

"I mean, it was one of those things that Cody is one of my good friends, if not one of my best friends, so it was kind of a no-brainer. On our podcast, our producer would always joke, “AEW confirmed” in that nerdy internet troll voice. I was like, “Listen, nothing is confirmed yet, we’re talking.” Of course, I wanted to be and still want to be in AEW because it’s the best. For how many years did we hear, “The next fed’s comin’. The next league’s comin’,” and it never did, right? AEW it comes, it arrives and it exceeds all expectations in my opinion. They’re mainstream, pay-per-views, live on TNT, action figures. This is the real deal. So, who wouldn’t want to be involved in this?," Cardona said.

It was quickly reported that Cardona's deal with All Elite Wrestling was a short term one, but it became clear that Cardona wanted to be with the company on a more permanent basis. The former Zack Ryder tells us some more broad plans and goals for his tenure.

"Listen, I didn’t come to AEW to just get a t-shirt on It’s a very nice shirt, but that’s not why I came to AEW. I came to AEW to win Championships, to have great matches, to have fun, right? So, I would love to wrestle Cody for that TNT title or go for the AEW title. Maybe team with Cody for the Tag Team titles. But, just being in the ring for the first time in five months on Dynamite, it was just so much fun. I was very nervous before. I watched it once, I’ll never watch it again. That’s it. But, I loved it. I loved the whole experience. That’s what wrestling should be, I think. I can’t wait to do it again," said Cardona.

Even if All Elite Wrestling doesn't end up happening full time for Cardona, there's plenty of other places he could land. Right now, options are limited, but he's looking forward to navigating uncharted waters, as he has many times before.

"I love to the hustle. Whether it would be on that old YouTube show or the Major Wrestling Figure podcast, I love being creative and hustling and seeing the results to my hard work and now, being free, there’s nobody that’s going to stop me. If I fail I fail. But, I want to at least try. That’s why I was so excited being free. It’s weird right now, there are no independents. There’s a couple going on here and there. But, I want to wait until everything’s safe. I don’t want to take any independent bookings and then have to cancel them. So, that is a weird predicament, not being able to wrestle on these independents. But, hopefully soon we’ll be able to," Cardona said.


Originally Posted by Fightful
On Monday's WWE Raw, Ivar of the Viking Raiders suffered an injury performing a suicide dive to the outside. Ivar immediately knew something was wrong, throwing up the "X" sign for himself as the camera cut away. An audible was called for the finish and the camera did show medical staff attending to Ivar after the eight-man tag.

Following Raw, WWE informed fans Ivar was transported to the hospital and suffered a cervical injury, noting that he is expected to make a full recovery.

On Tuesday, Ivar posted the following update on his condition:

It is unknown how long Ivar will be out of action for.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU to every single friend, family and fan who has reached out to me. My heart is truly touched from all the love and support. Still figuring it all out but I am working hard to recover and be better than ever! Love you all 💕🤘🍗 <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Ivar (@Ivar_WWE) <a href="">September 8, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

TPWW Frontpage:

Emperor Smeat 09-10-2020 09:36 PM

The Sheets sponsored by AEW's return to the Million <s> Dollar Man</s> Viewers Club:


Originally Posted by Observer
Coming off the heels of Saturday's All Out pay-per-view, AEW Dynamite last night averaged 1.016 million viewers on TNT, up 9.5 percent from last week. It was the highest viewership for Dynamite since the show's second-ever episode.

In the 18-49 demo, Dynamite finished seventh on cable with a 0.37 rating, up 2.8 percent in that category. It was the highest 18-49 number for the show since January 15.

Comparing the individual demo ratings to last week, when the show charted at eighth in the 18-49 rankings with a 0.36, the numbers were as follows: women 18-49 -- 0.24 (up 14.3 percent). men 18-49 -- 0.51 (even), people 18-34 -- 0.22 (down 4.3 percent), females 12-34 -- 0.15 (up 50 percent), males 12-34 -- 0.24 (down 14.3 percent), people 25-54 -- 0.43 (even), and people over 50 -- 0.40 (up 14.3 percent)

The 18-49 number with men is particularly impressive as it was fourth overall on cable behind two NBA games and the SportsCenter broadcast that immediately followed one of those games. In the people 12-34 category, AEW finished just shy of Raw this week, which did a 0.23 rating.

With NXT airing on Tuesday this week, Dynamite was again unopposed by wrestling competition. The overall combined viewership for AEW and NXT was 1.854 million viewers, up 4.3 percent from last week. It was the highest combined total since October 2, which was the night of Dynamite's premiere episode.


Originally Posted by Observer
This week's Super Tuesday II edition of NXT, which featured Finn Balor vs. Adam Cole for the vacant NXT Championship and a steel cage main event between Rhea Ripley and Mercedes Martinez, averaged 838,000 viewers, down 1.3 percent from last week.

The show ranked 15th on cable in the 18-49 demo with a 0.22 rating, down 15.4 percent from last Tuesday. Despite no AEW competition, there were NBA playoff games on TNT. The late game went against the second half of NXT and averaged 4.65 million viewers.

Though it was down from last week, the viewership was NXT's third highest of 2020.

Here's a look at the other demo categories and how they compared to last week's NXT, which also aired on Tuesday: Women 18-49 -- 0.15 (down 21.1 percent), men 18-49 -- 0.29 (down 12.1 percent), people 18-34 -- 0.09 (down 35.7 percent), females 12-34 -- 0.06 (down 45.5 percent), males 12-34 -- 0.14 (down 22.2 percent), people 25-54 -- 0.28 (down 6.7 percent), and people over 50 -- 0.43 (up 7.5 percent).

Ratings for the cable news channels, which do really well in NXT's strongest demo, were way down this Tuesday. That explains the viewership for the show remaining steady despite ratings dropping in every demo except people over 50.

NXT returns to Wednesday night next week.


Originally Posted by Observer
Update --

WWE has announced that "following the tournament, the NXT UK Heritage Cup will be defended as a championship under the same rules."


An eight-man tournament with British Rounds rules will soon kick off on NXT UK.

WWE announced today that the Heritage Cup tournament is coming to NXT UK. Seven of the eight participants for the tournament have been revealed. They are: Flash Morgan Webster, Noam Dar, Alexander Wolfe, A-Kid, Dave Mastiff, Joseph Conners, and Trent Seven.

Here are the rules for Heritage Cup matches:

There will be six rounds for tournament matches. Each round will be three minutes.
There will be 20-second breaks between each round.
All matches are two-out-of-three falls.
Falls can be won by pinfall, submission, or countout.
Once a fall occurs, the round ends.
Once someone has won two falls, they are declared the winner and they advance in the tournament.
If there's a disqualification or knockout, the match ends.
If a match goes the full six rounds, whoever is ahead on falls wins.

More details for the tournament will be announced on NXT UK next Thursday (September 17). The episode will feature NXT UK's return to new in-ring action for the first time since events were paused in March due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The tapings for NXT UK's return are being done at BT Sport studios in London, England with no fans in attendance.


Originally Posted by Observer
NXT UK Women's Champion Kay Lee Ray is set to make her first title defense since January.

KLR will defend her NXT UK Women's Championship against Piper Niven on the Thursday, September 24 episode of NXT UK. The announcement of the match was made on today's NXT UK episode that previewed the brand's return to in-ring action.


Originally Posted by Observer
On the Wednesday edition of Wrestling Observer Radio, Dave Meltzer clarified the status of AEW Dynamite for next week and specifically the one-hour show that is scheduled to air after the NBA playoffs Wednesday night.

As announced by AEW on Dynamite, if the Los Angeles Lakers/Houston Rockets NBA playoff series ends in six games, Dynamite will air on Wednesday in its usual time slot. However, if the series goes to seven games, Dynamite will air at 8 PM Eastern on Thursday. Game six is scheduled for Monday night.

However, AEW had planned to air a one hour Dynamite following the playoff game and the post show that Meltzer said is scheduled to be taped today. If Dynamite can air on Wednesday as planned, that one hour show would air on Tuesday, September 22nd instead. The time slot wasn't given, but Meltzer said that none of the announced matches would be on that one hour show.

Other notes:

Bryan Alvarez said Thunder Rosa has a per-date deal with AEW and next week's Dynamite match with Ivelisse will be for her NWA Women's World title.
Promos and appearances by AEW World Champion Jon Moxley, Lance Archer and Jake Roberts will be part of next week's two-hour Dynamite.


Originally Posted by Observer
John Cena will be one of the hosts of a revival of the obstacle course competition series Wipeout on TBS.

It was announced today that Cena and Nicole Byer will host TBS' revival of Wipeout. Camille Kostek will be the host in the field for the series and will cover the contestants’ progress throughout each round ...

Cena will also be an executive producer for the series ...

Wipeout originally debuted on ABC in 2008 and aired until 2014. When TBS' revival of the show will be premiering hasn't been revealed.


Originally Posted by PWI
WWE Producer Sarah Stock was officially released today as part of the WWE cutbacks, has confirmed. She had initially been placed on furlough back in April.

Stock, 41, had been working as a producer on the main roster. She initially signed to become a WWE Performance Center Guest Coach in 2015, occasionally making cameos on NXT broadcasts as well, before being shifted to a main roster Producer role.

Prior to her time in WWE, Stock had a tremendous international in-ring career, performing as Dark Angel in CMLL and AAA. In the United States, she is best known for her time as Sarita for Impact Wrestling, where she teamed with current WWE star Zelina Vega, then known as Rosita.


Originally Posted by PWI
WWE Producer Mike Rotunda, 62, was among those who were officially released by WWE as part of today's cutbacks, has confirmed.

Rotunda, the father of WWE stars Bray Wyatt and Bo Dallas, had been with WWE in a Producer/Agent role since 2006.

Rotunda retired from in-ring performances in 2004. He is perhaps best known as former WWF Tag Team Champion Irwin R. Shyster (IRS) and had a long career in the WWF, WCW, Jim Crockett Promotions, the AWA and Championship Wrestling from Florida ... is told that Rotunda had been furloughed back in April. At that time, he opened an official Pro Wrestling Tees store.


Originally Posted by PWI
Impact Wrestling announced that Barry Scott, the voiceover artist who added a great dimension to TNA and Impact video packages:

We are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Barry Scott. For years Barry was the iconic voice of TNA Wrestling, lending us gravitas and credibility. He will be dearly missed.
— IMPACT (@IMPACTWRESTLING) September 10, 2020



Originally Posted by PWI
Q - What happens when AEW goes to Picture in Picture outside of the United States?

A - I am told the announcers keep calling the action.

Except for Canada which I think doesn't do split screen for commercial breaks on TSN.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Several days ago, former Presidential candidate Andrew Yang took to social media and shared his thoughts about the new edict that’s being established in WWE, which was first reported by Wrestling Inc. that talent will have to stop using third parties (Twitch, Cameo etc.) within 30 days or face the potential of fines, suspensions or even termination.

Yang sat down with Chris Van Vliet for an exclusive interview to further discuss the topic at hand. Yang feels that it’s shameful and plain greedy that the WWE is worth billions of dollars and mistreats workers. He added that the affordability argument does not apply to the sports-entertainment company because of their investment and recent losses by way of the XFL.

“Well this story is dead real and I will say though that there are a lot of effective storylines that kind of melded reality with fiction, so to the extent that this ends up being part of a narrative, I’d be open to it because I think the fans know. The fans are smart. The fans understand what’s going on. It’s one reason why a lot of people support AEW is that they get this negative vibe from the WWE about the way the talent’s being treated and you can tell that… you can tell that has nothing to do with the bottom line anymore because the McMahons have made so much money. They have enough money where they’re investing in these football leagues and whatnot and then the XFL failed again. If you’re a wrestler, breaking your back and then the WWE is like, ‘Oh we can’t afford you, you’re fired.’ It’s like, ‘Well, you probably could have afforded me if you could afford to lose tens of millions on that debacle,’ and so the affordability argument does not apply to WWE in a way that it applies to every other firm. If you look at AEW, I have a feeling their economics are real. But the WWE does not have those constraints anymore because it’s a public company, the McMahons are worth hundreds of millions of dollars, they spend it on all sorts of stuff.

And the company worth’s 3.3 billion and so if your company’s worth 3.3 billion and you’re mistreating workers, I mean that’s just shameful. Really it’s shameful. There was a point in the distant past where you could’ve made a legitimate argument based upon cost but now you can’t. Now it’s just plain f*cking greed… so we can all see it, fans know. So it’s one reason why a lot of people want there to be fair treatment of wrestlers and genuine competition in the market.”

Yang touched on WWE talents being classified as “independent contractors”. He rebutted against the argument that talents are the ones who signed the contract so they should be aware of what they signed off on. Yang feels that-that’s a reason why so many back All Elite Wrestling is so that they can create a competitive market so wrestlers don’t get exploited.

“Well one, I heard from a former who’s not happy about this particular clarification or this particular rule but the truth of it is that there’s a vastly uneven bargaining table at work where if you’re a performer and WWE says, ‘Hey, here’s this contract and we’re going to stick a bunch of things in it that you think are unfair, ridiculous and exploitative,’ at the end of the day you feel like you have no choice but to sign that deal because WWE holds the keys to the kingdom. They are the largest company, they’re the surest means to elevate your career and there hasn’t been a genuinely competitive market for years. It’s one reason why I, like many other fans naturally root for AEW to succeed and create a genuine competitive market so that wrestlers don’t get exploited. But the reality is that WWE is a quasi-monopoly and imagining that, ‘These wrestlers, oh, they know what they got into,’ it’s like, well, they really didn’t have a genuine chance to negotiate a bargain.”

At the beginning of the interview, Andrew Yang shared how he was first informed of WWE’s new edict. Yang mentioned that he has been on the side of MMA fighters who are involved in similar situations with Dana White and UFC. Yang reiterated that if Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are elected to office this year, then he could be in position to change how WWE goes about treating their wrestlers in a contractual sense.

“I actually got a message from someone who’s a part of WWE, pointing out the story to me about how WWE was saying, ‘Hey, don’t go on Cameo or Twitch’ and it infuriated me because I know that the WWE has been trying to play it both ways for years where they’re saying, ‘Can’t do anything without our say-so. We own you, but you’re an independent contractor and we have nothing to do with your health, retirement, any of the benefits you get that would accrue to an employee.’ So to me, you have to make a choice at some point. If you’re gonna control all the aspects of a wrestler, performers waking life then you should take some responsibility too for that person. A bigger picture, maybe they have a kid, maybe they get maternity, paternity leave, maybe they get an off-season, maybe they get recovery time and I say this as someone who’s been a long time fan of the sport. I know you [Chris Van Vliet] know a lot of the performers well yourself. They’re putting their life on the line, their health on the line, their family life on the line all the time. They made Vince a billionaire and then the fact that he’s still being so heavy-handed about their ability to make a simple buck on Cameo just struck me as so absurd and ridiculous and wrong and I’ve been on the side of MMA fighters who are in this similar boat frankly, with UFC and Dana White and because I got this note from this performer I said, you know it’s past time someone calls Vince out for this. Particularly if Joe [Biden] and Kamala [Harris] win, I may be in position to do something about it.”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Aleister Black’s eye was driven into the steel steps on the 7/27 edition of Monday Night RAW by Murphy. Black was off TV for several weeks and returned just a few weeks after the segment and is now involved in a feud with Kevin Owens. After RAW went off the air on 9/7, Aleister Black and Zelina Vega went live on their Twitch channel.

Aleister visibly has a black rim around the iris of his eye and he spoke about that during the stream. While he did not want to get too much into how that coloration formed around his eye, he said it obviously was related to the steel steps spot but there were issues coming out of that and more to it than what people know.

“Yeah, it’s been a sh*t day guys. But I’m not gonna bore you with that… Alright, let’s address the elephant in the room, this thing [his eye]. It was a lot more that happened to the eye than a lot of people know, that’s why I was wearing the glasses. Half of it was obviously what happened but it was a little bit of an issue here and there. That’s all I’m gonna say about it. That’s why it looks like that. That’s it. I don’t wanna talk about it, I don’t wanna get into it. You’re gonna have to deal with me for a while, if it clears up with this nice little rim in my iris so…”

A user in the chat mentioned how they did not see the black rim around Aleister’s eye while he was on RAW Underground. Aleister said it was there, but the camera did not zoom in on him when he took his bandage off.

“Oh it was there, it was there. They didn’t zoom in on me. You could see it really small at one point in the beginning when I took my bandana off.”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Gail Kim joined Lisa Marie Varon, Mickie James and SoCal Val on GAW TV. Gail revealed that both she and Robert Irvine tested positive for COVID-19 but they are both feeling better now.

“A lot of people don’t know this but I’m gonna say it out loud. We got COVID, so we did get COVID. Yeah, actually I’m glad we got through it quickly. Two weeks for both [of] us and [we] feel like we have antibodies which is great but of course still being careful. But it was more annoying than anything so, I’m just thankful we didn’t go through — I hear horror stories of people [and] what they’ve experienced.

So yeah, I feel like he [Robert Irvine] got it and then I caught it from him.”

On the topic of IMPACT Wrestling, while Gail is still agenting matches, she has been promoted to a member of the Talent Relations team with D’Lo Brown. Gail praised D’Lo for helping her adjust to the position.

“So now, it’s kind of changed a little bit. I still agent some of the girls’ matches but now Madison [Rayne] has started agenting a little bit. They’re trying to get her in there doing a little bit more and they bumped me up. I’m now co-Talent Relations with D’Lo [Brown]. I love D’Lo.

When I got promoted last month, I got a couple people just joking around saying, ‘Congratulations… I think’ because Talent Relations was always seen as that asshole position I guess. But you gotta remember, there’s never been a woman in that position and I think women handle things a little bit differently. Like we can be a little bit more empathetic at times I think and so far I’ve had such great feedback and I think as a woman, being in this position, I think it’s a positive that people feel… they feel like I’m more approachable to talk to maybe. I’m not sure. I’m only a month in but everything’s been going really great and D’Lo, I couldn’t have asked for anyone better. From day one, he’s like, ‘I want everyone to see you as my equal’ because he’s the Head of Talent Relations and we just take turns with everything, everything’s very 50/50. He’s just an amazing guy.”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
AEW’s Jack Evans noted on Twitter that he’s currently out of action with a hairline fracture in his cheekbone. Jack appeared on the 9/9 Dynamite to back Angelico in his match against Orange Cassidy.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
NXT announcer Vic Joseph was the latest guest on WWE’s After The Bell podcast. Joseph told the story of a car accident he was involved in where the result of it was the first responders putting a white sheet over him because they did not think he was alive.

“I got into a car accident, which I never talked about this publicly either, and I went from the backseat through the front seat and had to go to speech therapy, relearn how to talk. There’s a scar on my face that no one ever sees. I don’t know if they can zoom in right now, if you [Corey Graves] ever noticed it. My knee from top to bottom, my knee was completely out. I was on the side of the road, white sheet over me. That’s how bad it was. I’m not joking either, I’m being dead serious and I moved and I remember them screaming, ‘Oh, he’s alive’ and they ran and got me, put me on the gurney, cut my shirt off and I made a joke. Like an off-handed Ohio State/Michigan joke because they were wearing a Michigan shirt… I woke up, neck brace on, they’re pulling glass. There’s a scar on my face. There’s still a piece of glass in there. So anyways, I had to go to speech therapy to relearn how to talk.”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Ring of Honor C.O.O. Joe Koff joined the Outside Interference podcast with Kenny Herzog that’s on the MLW Radio Network. Koff shared his thoughts about Ring of Honor’s resumption of television tapings and how they could’ve ran in the state of Florida but mentioned that there appears to be “no rules” when it comes to wrestling during the pandemic in that state.

“I think this whole COVID pandemic is really about controlling what you can control. And there were so many different ways we could have wrestled. We could have wrestled in Florida where the other two major promotions wrestle, where there seems to be no real rules. The governor says, you know, just be careful.”

Ring of Honor’s Flip Gordon has voiced his opinion about the Coronavirus pandemic and how he’s skeptical about it. Koff said that regardless of what Flip says on Twitter, Flip knows what he had to do to be able to wrestle at the ROH tapings.

“That’s one person tweeting whatever he’s tweeting. Flip understood what he needed to do to be part of the taping or not to be part of the taping, and that will continue. I’m not going to be influenced by the Twitter world or what people say or don’t say. We’ll do the right thing based on [proper protocols and governance and common sense.]”


Originally Posted by
Sean Ross Sapp of Fightful Select reported today that Miro is signed with AEW as talks have been ongoing for quite a while. Per the report, the deal was “long term pending an option on the deal.”

The deal will allow him to work for NJPW in addition to some dates on the independent wrestling scene. It should be noted that while he can work for NJPW, he can only do so in Japan. Thus, when the COVID-19 pandemic slows down and NJPW starts to run shows again in the United States, he can’t work events in America.


Originally Posted by Fightful
Nia Jax isn't too happy with WWE using a picture of her after being Facetuned.

Jax took part in a photo shoot holding the WWE Women's Tag Team Championship and a photo that was put up by WWE was modified. In an Instagram post that can be seen below, Jax voiced her displeasure over her picture being Facetuned. Jax has stated that she asked WWE to replace the modified picture with the untouched one.



Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Forbes chatted with Heath Slater. When asked would he have considered running for President of the United States with his current campaign gimmick that he’s been doing on IMPACT, Heath said that he’d 100 percent attempt to run for office.


Originally Posted by Fightful
Fightful is sad to report that Stevie Lee, who performed in TNA as Puppet 'The Psycho Dwarf' has passed away.

He also performed on “Half Pint Brawlers," which was a short-lived reality show on Spike TV.

Lee was most famous for pulling a gun on Jeff Jarrett and masturbating in a trash can on television. A GoFundMe has been set up in his honor.

TPWW Frontpage:

Emperor Smeat 09-11-2020 02:19 PM

The Sheets (Observer Newsletter edition):


The WWE sent out a vague letter to talent on 9/3 regarding third party bookings that led to a ton of questions among wrestlers, some complaints, and even drew a strong reaction from a former candidate for President in 2020.

A week later, it is somewhat more clear what this means. Exactly what it was supposed to mean, or if it changed due to the reaction and tweets by Andrew Yang, is uncertain.

Talent who got details at the 9/7 Raw in a little more detail thought the policy had been eased up on, but still weren’t sure of everything.

By the next day, the explanation of the policy was that the communication to talent was not about issuing new rules, but simply a reminder of contractual agreements. The company told talent that they were encouraged to be active across all social media platforms. But that talent it not allowed to independently monetize WWE-owned or controlled intellectual property.

Basically, talent was not allowed to use their WWE characters in social media to make money without WWE being involved in the deal.

At first the belief was that talent would not be allowed to be involved with Cameo or Twitch. There was concern about YouTube as well, although the belief is that the company wanted talent on YouTube and Twitter promoting the company and themselves.

One talent said that at the 9/7 Raw they were told that they would have to switch to using their real names as opposed to their WWE names for YouTube and Twitch, but would have to let the company know.

A few days earlier, talent had been told by Mark Carrano that WWE owns the real names and that you couldn’t get around the policy by using your real name.

Regarding if talent was to get an endorsement deal or have a way to earn money on platforms like Cameo or Only Fans, are they allowed to do it using their real name, the reaction was that there are a variety of factors in play including agreements in place and how activations are branded and/or promoted on multiple platforms. The matter will be determined through the specifics and communication. In other words, it seems like things are on a case-by-case basis.

Another person noted that the vagueness was due to the fact that nothing is etched in stone and it constantly changes. It was said that Vince McMahon had talked about this as a problem dating back months. At first he wanted to put a stop to everything, but before doing so, COVID hit. He had talked a few times about it and never pulled the trigger.

A key is that there were talents that were using their WWE names in sponsorship deals which the company wasn’t happy with ...

Some believed this was in specific related to Cameo, with the idea WWE wanted either a corporate relationship with that company, work with another similar company or start something similar, and thus didn’t want its own talent making individual deals that would hurt the company’s overall bargaining power ...

Some, if not most talent, were privately upset, noting that with the pandemic, those without large guarantees and on prior lower guaranteed deals are earning a lot less due to no house show pay and lower merchandise pay. Now the company, while still claiming talent as independent contractors, is taking away an outside way to make income that does not affect their WWE performances or work with other promoters. The independent contractor classification has been weird because WWE controls all bookings, interviews, when people work, their work schedule and even how they work and what they say.

The argument was that because they now have far more time off with the cutback in arena events and travel, that they can use that time to both make money and also market themselves in other platforms as stars which also helps the company with stars being seen in different platforms.

Another person noted that Nick Khan, the new company President, made a killing in Hollywood by procuring third party deals for his clients, but now has to take Vince McMahon’s side on a policy that wouldn’t allow that. Another argument is that Bruce Prichard is an executive and also allowed to make money doing a podcast, but also backed up McMahon’s decision.

The different concussion related lawsuits backed by attorney Konstantine Kyros against Vince McMahon and the WWE, that were thrown out in 2018 by Connecticut Circuit Court Judge Vanessa Bryant saw her decision upheld on 9/9 in the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New York.

The various suits claimed that McMahon and the WWE knew of the dangers of head injuries and never warned the wrestlers. Bryant threw the case out citing both the statute of limitations having expired in most of the cases and also no evidence presented that showed WWE knew that concussions or head trauma caused CTE, as most of the cases in question were prior to 2008, when the term CTE first broke into the sports world ...

In the case of about 50 wrestlers headed by former Road Warrior Animal Joe Laurinaitis, ironically the older brother of longtime WWE executive John Laurinaitis, there was an attempt to not only overturn the decision throwing out the concussion case but also get a ruling that WWE had misclassified its wrestlers as independent contractors and not employees, as well as claims that the talent deserved to be paid royalties for when they appeared on the WWE Network. In addition, Kyros was attempting to get sanctions against him levied by Bryant overturned. The appeals court refused to rule on the sanctions. Kyros will be able to appeal the sanctions until after the trial court sets the amount he would have to pay to WWE ...

There were a number of arguments that made this case a tough one. For one, simply put, the original lawsuit had far too many flaws and in certain cases was full of shit, including trying to argue that Frazier’s heart attack death was somehow caused by CTE, of which he was never documented as having since his brain was never examined. The lawsuit in the case of many of the wrestlers would list every date the lawyers could find of matches that they worked and claimed brain damage in each match. There were also issues where almost all the defendants had worked all over the country for different promoters, and only a small percentage of their careers were even spent in WWE in many cases. Angelo Mosca, who most definitely suffers from severe memory issues, as an example, played college football, then many years of Canadian football, as well as wrestled all over the world in a career that went from 1960 to 1986, and full-time from 1969 on. During that period, the only time working for the McMahon family was for most of 1981 with a main event heel run working with the likes of Bob Backlund and Pat Patterson, and a three-month run in late 1984.

So while it is very possible his WWF stint had a percentage to do with his current situation, it is likely only a small percentage. In addition, Connecticut law only provides a three year window to file a claim based on an injury from the time of the injury, and not the time the person discovers the injury. It was noted in the appeal that even if WWE concealed the risk that blows to the head could cause permanent degenerative neurological damage (keep in mind there was no evidence WWE did so) that it was time barred because none of these cases were filed within three years of the original injury.

In this case, that law is badly flawed because concussion issues that lead to dementia or Alzheimer’s are usually not going to show up in athletes of this type until decades after they retire. So the morality of the situations in the case of a modern wrestler who may have spent the bulk of their career in WWF/E and decades later had problems with memory and other issues from head trauma would be very different from the legal definition.

Gerald Brisco received a phone call from Vince McMahon on 9/9 letting him know that he would not be brought back to the company after a storied 36 years.

Brisco, who turns 74 on 9/19, had been furloughed in April and was one of as many as 70 people let go this past week in decisions made largely regarding not bringing back those furloughed at the time. Categories hit the hardest were live event producers, production managers, and those who worked in other aspects of live events, merchandise and travel.

A number of producers were furloughed and then let go. Lance Storm had already been officially let go after being furloughed due to issues in being able to get into the U.S. and back regularly. Mike Rotunda and Sarah Stock were also let go. I would that others furloughed were also let go but none were official. As a general rule, the company seems to have kept the younger producers and let the older ones go ...

There was a lot of bitterness from those feeling strung along. It was noted to us that people were told they would be brought back, but then the date of being brought back kept moving another month. In time the recognition with the record profits in quarter two, and the big contract hire of new President Nick Khan, led to bitterness because they were told the furloughs were the last thing the company wanted and were forced out of economic necessity. With the continued delays, many had started looking elsewhere, no longer being convinced they were being brought back, but it’s a tough economic market right now. Some of those let go have been brought back in recent weeks. Others were told this past week they officially were not being brought back.

WWE officials said that there would be no new talent releases at this time ...

Brisco privately felt that he knew the day was coming over the past few years given his age. But from the outside, his name was perhaps the most shocking of those furloughed.

The Hell in a Cell PPV that was scheduled for 11/11 has been moved up a week to 10/25, meaning the day after both Impact Bound for Glory and Khabib Nurmagomedov vs. Justin Gaethje in UFC. This may be because their deal with the Amway Arena ends on 10/30 and it would be much simpler to do it with the current set up than to set up and go somewhere else a week later

The 9/7 Raw saw nothing advertised until about 90 minutes before the show. The reason is that Vince didn’t sign off on everything until late in the day. From what we were told and this was also the word going around backstage, Vince didn’t get the show and read it until late, when he got on the jet to Orlando. It was a risk regarding putting Dominik Mysterio vs. Murphy as the main event regarding keeping viewers for hour three. The one thing is with Labor Day, it’s often a late arriving audience and because of that, usually from an historical basis holds the hour three rating better than usual. But it’s still a risk since the prior week the third hour drop was substantial

Lawler, in an interview with Austin on the WWE Network, brought up the change in how the company uses their announcers. He said that the company felt that he and Jim Ross were becoming too big of stars and were outshining the talent. That’s why they changed their approach with announcers. Lawler said in his mind if people think the announcers are stars, then they have the ability to help get talent over as stars. He also mentioned that he was taking over the narration of WWE Story Time from Gene Okerlund and actually plugged his 9/26 50th anniversary show in Jackson, TN, which is unusual for a WWE show to plug an independent show.

AEW’s All Out show on 9/5 at Daily’s Place in Jacksonville, was a show that ended up with a lot of attention, which largely overshadowed the quality of the matches.

While the response was more positive than negative, it was still by far the most negatively received major AEW show to date, even with the key matches all delivering at a good-to-great standard.

The biggest item concerned Matt Hardy, a few weeks shy of 46 and with wear and tear of about three decades inside a pro wrestling ring. Hardy was having a Broken match with Sammy Guevara, basically a Last Man Standing match, with his career on the line if he lost ...

After a spot where Hardy gave Guevara a DDT on the top of his head on one of the picnic tables in the area that connects the stadium and Daily’s Place, they both brawled on a scissors lift.

They were about seven feet above the ground and fighting back and forth for a few seconds. Guevara was to tackle Hardy and both would fly off the platform and go through two tables set up on the floor. It wasn’t even the climax of the match, but simply the first of probably a few big spots they were planning as they were only 1:44 into the match when it happened. Guevara tackled Hardy and when they came flying off, it looked bad because Hardy was flying too far. It was a split second, both men’s bodies crashed through the table the farthest from the platform, missing the closest table for the most part. The table did somewhat break the fall but the shoulders and back of Hardy’s head hit the concrete hard. He was clearly rocked badly, and couldn’t get up for 44 seconds.

Guevara stalled ref Aubrey Edwards for a few seconds and then she slowly administered a ten count which would end the match, with the risk that at that point if Hardy couldn’t get up, in theory he would have to retire. While they would have worked a storyline around it, AEW very clearly doesn’t want to be the wrestling company who does stipulations and then ignores them, as noted by Cody still claiming he will never challenge for the AEW title in a stipulation that everyone figured would be forgotten about.

Hardy did get up before the ten count, but fell back down. Guevara tried to work with him but he was clearly out of it and unsteady. He got up and threw some punches but stumbled and fell again, and Edwards signaled for an “X” signifying there was a real injury. Dr. Michael Sampson came out and a few seconds later the bell was called for, by owner Tony Khan.

What happened next was the controversy. Hardy was up and walking with Sampson after it was called off. The two were talking. Hardy, talking in his broken character was screaming for Sammy and he was talking. He wasn’t stumbling around or anything at this point. Then they cut to the announcers who explained why the match had to be stopped. The time the announcers were talking and they showed the announcers and a crowd shot was 64 seconds.

At that point they showed Matt walking and he was walking fine. The bell rang and they restarted the match. They did a little bit of brawling but went right to the planned finish. They climbed the lighting grid. Matt seemed unsteady climbing. At one point Guevara seemed to grab him to steady him. But Matt climbed and knocked Guevara off the grid into a crash pad. Guevara sold it like his left shoulder was separated or dislocated and he didn’t get up at the ten count to end the match as planned ...

That overshadowed other issues, and was probably a major part of the reason this show got mixed reviews. Hopefully, just because of fan reaction from an entertainment standpoint and this being so publicized, it will lead to the ability for companies to mentally accept just stopping matches if there is a significant fear of a concussion. Hopefully it also leads to a lessening of stunt bumps. Wrestling is dangerous enough as it is ...

There are positives and negatives of Daily’s Place. One of the negatives is with so few people in a large outdoor place, sound doesn’t travel well, and so much of wrestling is based on sound. This show is the perfect example. The key matches on this show, as far as wrestling went, were great–in particular FTR vs. Kenny Omega &amp; Adam Page. With a live crowd, given the creativity, execution and storytelling, this could have been a classic and it did get the most votes for best match on a show where that was a very competitive category. But it was a mixed bag. Some didn’t like it because it didn’t have the great crowd reactions, which had to do with bad micing, and inherent issues of a long show in brutal heat with fans all wearing masks zapping the crowd’s energy. Plus, the crowd was so far away that only the loudest chants really came across, and the crowd at the ring, the wrestlers, were either not as loud as the WWE talent was (let alone the fake noise piped in at WWE shows now) or the outdoor nature made that appear to be the case.

The show was almost five hours from the start to the finish. That’s been the length of most AEW PPV shows, even the Double or Nothing PPV during the pandemic was close to four-and-a-half hours. For those live it was too long because of the heat and humidity. That, combined with what those in the stands said was bad micing, it made the show seem like it wasn’t over with the live crowd. These matches in an indoor setting, and possibly on a cooler night outdoors, the length may not have been bad. But when the crowd is quiet, as has been the case in the COVID era, shorter shows seem to be the best ...

The heat and humidity also leads to worse footing on the ropes, most notable for the debut of Matt Sydal. Sydal was the surprise last entrant in the Casino Battle Royale and the first thing he was going to do was a shooting star press. He went up to the top for a move he’s done perfectly forever, slipped, and actually looked like he hurt himself but he ended up fine and didn’t have any troubles for the rest of the match. Wiping down the ropes between matches would help on a night that hot, not to say that would alleviate it in long matches ...

Jim Ross was also under controversy, to the point that both The New York Daily News and The Sun (U.K.) covered it. When Anna Jay was out during the eight-man tag with Dustin Rhodes &amp; QT Marshall &amp; Scorpio Sky &amp; Matt Cardona vs. Brodie Lee &amp; Colt Cabana &amp; Stu Grayson &amp; Evil Uno, Ross said, “Did Anna Jay have a wardrobe malfunction, or is that wishful thinking in my book?” Ross did apologize after, writing, “Didn’t mean to offend anyone on the wardrobe malfunction line. Weak attempt at humor. Sorry. Now lighten up.”

He later deleted the tweet ...

The comment shouldn’t have been made. It is a product of changing times given that 20 years ago the same comment would have been viewed by that wrestling audience very differently. Jerry Lawler is remembered by some more for his ogling comments at the women on Raw in that generation than for his wrestling. But times have changed. People are also looking to blow things up and that makes things worse if you are in AEW or WWE, or are someone with enemies. At the same time, the apology should have been enough as opposed to making it worse, and I guess that’s why it was deleted.

The early estimates for the show based on streaming orders through B/R Live and FITE TV, which the company gets right away, look like the show will do numbers at the level of the February 29, 2020 Revolution, or 100,000 to 110,000 buys. So it looks to be the third or fourth largest of the company’s six PPV shows to date.

It’s down probably 10 to 15 percent from the 2020 Double or Nothing company record (the largest for a non-WWE pro wrestling PPV show in 21 years), so it was back at normal levels for an AEW show. But one would think the number of people getting together to watch together is down as compared to prior shows, so that’s a negative, but on the flip side, I think most expected a number a little under average based on the lineup and the build.

New Japan officially announced what looks to be on paper one of the more loaded G-1 Climax lineups in history during the 9/9 show at the Sun Plaza Hall in Sendai.

The key is that foreigners Will Ospreay, Jay White, Jeff Cobb, KENTA and Juice Robinson were announced for the tournament. This means all arrived in Japan by 9/5 to do two weeks of quarantine. Jon Moxley, who was one of the top stars in the tournament, wouldn’t be available this year under any circumstances because it would be four weeks away from AEW even under non-COVID circumstances. Until quarantine restrictions are over, requiring foreigners to be in the country for two weeks before they can leave quarantine after arrival, it’s pretty much impossible for Moxley or anyone under AEW contract to work in Japan for any promotion, as Kenny Omega was scheduled to work a number of big shows with DDT this year ...

For safety during COVID times, the two blocks will be kept separate in the sense that the wrestlers in the tournament will only do their singles matches on their block night. They will have the night off during the other blocks’ show rather than work tag team matches that would build up their next singles match.

PRO WRESTLING NOAH: There is at least talk of a Nick Aldis vs. Great Muta NWA title match that would air in some form in the U.S. that would take place on 10/6. This could and at this point there are serious talks of this airing on regular television with Rob Hochman and Sonny Onoo as the announcers.

One Florida fan who attends both NXT &amp; AEW noted that the reason NXT was able to sell out 400 seats every other week was because tickets were $10 to $20 while the AEW tapings in Jacksonville are $40 to $60 and the last two tapings on 9/2 and 9/9 didn’t sell out even with 500-750 tickets being put on sale. The latter would be normal price range for shows and really cheaper than road shows for either group, but the difference is AEW ran three times (and the PPV was priced even higher) over an eight day period at those prices in the same building. We’re also told that as far as the live crowd for the first AEW TV taping and the PPV, a high percentage were NXT regulars

The top ten most-watched shows on the WWE Network for this past week were: 1. Broken Skull Sessions with Jerry Lawler; 2. Payback; 3. Raw Talk for 9/7; 4. R-Truth Game Show; 5. WWE Timeline: Flair vs. Savage WWE feud; 6. Talking Smack on 9/5; 7. Smackdown from 8/7; 8. Survivor Series; 9. WWE Break it Down: Sasha Banks; 10. NXT from 9/1 which was higher than usual with the four-way Iron man title match. Three independent shows cracked the top 25, while 205 Live and the U.K. show both didn’t. No. 16 was the March 16, 2019 Evolve show. No. 19 was the December 3, 2018 ICW show. No. 22 was a We Love Wrestling feature from wXw
WWE, NXT, & AEW Ratings:


The Labor Day Raw on 9/7 was not a good sign at all leading to football season.

The show averaged 1,725,000 viewers and 0.48 in 18-49, making it the seventh least watched Raw in history and tied for the fourth lowest in 18-49.

As far as the Labor Day holiday excuse, goes, last year’s Labor Day show did 2,507,000 viewers, the 2018 show did 2,897,000 and the 2017 show did 3,069,000.

It’s a bad sign since ratings had been way up since going into Thunderdome and Raw next week goes against the start of the NFL season, which historically means a sizable drop, plus a possible game six between the Lakers and Rockets in the NBA playoffs ...

Raw was 17th overall, which is actually better than usual, due to much lower ratings for news shows on Labor Day as compared to a usual Monday, and fifth in 18-49 ...

It was down 9.0 percent overall and 17.2 percent in 18-49.

It had the Labor Day pattern where people arrived late, so the second hour was the highest rated. Usually that leads to less of a third hour drop ...

The first hour did 1,782,000 viewers. The second hour did 1,800,000 viewers. The third hour did 1,613,000 viewers.

As compared to the same week last year, we really need to look at two. Labor Day week was earlier last year so the real Labor Day vs. Labor Day comparisons are a drop of 31.2 percent in total audience, 42.2 percent in 18-49 and 58.2 percent in 18-34. As compared with the second September of last year, which is misleading because this would go against the first week of Monday night football, the declines are 19.0 percent in viewers, 30.4 percent in 18-49 and 52.1 percent in 18-34.

With viewers coming in later due to Labor Day, they don’t get tired as quickly so the third hour drop wouldn’t be as bad. In first-to-third hour drops, women 18-49 were up 12.1 percent in hour three. Men 18-49 were down 14.3 percent, teenage girls were down 12.0 percent, teenage boys were down 10.2 percent and over 50 declined 8.1 percent.
* The show did a 0.27 in 12-17 (same as last week), 0.23 in 18-34 (down 30.3 percent), 0.73 in 35-49 (down 12.0 percent) and 0.84 in 50+ (down 4.5 percent).

Smackdown on 9/4 did a 1.27 rating, 2,129,000 viewers, an 0.61 in 18-49 (793,000 viewers) and a strong 0.4 in 18-34. It did its best viewers per home number in a long time at 1.39.

This was the show where Roman Reigns gave his explanation for the heel turn and had a big spike for the Bayley/Sasha Banks tag title match and post-match angle, and overall did a good number. We’re also far enough to where this is probably a little above what will be the norm for the Thunderdome shows meaning it is making a substantial difference.

Smackdown was first among the networks in 18-34 and 18-49 among network programming, still pretty much all reruns, by a large margin, as no other shows beat 0.4 and 0.2 respectively ...

The rating was down 5.2 percent from last week, the audience was down 0.7 percent from last week, while 18-49 was up 7.5 percent and 18-34 jumped from 0.3 to 0.4.

In the segments, the first half hour did 2.02 million viewers for the Roman Reigns &amp; Paul Heyman interview and Heavy Machinery vs. John Morrison &amp; The Miz. The second quarter jumped to 2.14 million and that quarter usually declines, built around the Nia Jax &amp; Shayna Baszler title defense with Sasha Banks &amp; Bayley. It jumped to 2.32 million, which is huge for the show, for the end of the tag title match and the breakup angle with Banks &amp; Bayley, plus the segment with Jeff Hardy, A.J. Styles and Sami Zayn. The final quarter did 2.04 million with the Jey Uso win over Matt Riddle, King Corbin and Sheamus. While that was a huge drop for the main event, it’s still ahead of what the final 30 has been doing.

It’s way up from what FOX had last year, averaging on the same Friday for rerun programming 961,000 viewers, 0.3 in 18-49 and 0.2 in 18-34.

NXT on 9/8, built around the Adam Cole vs. Finn Balor match for the vacant title and Mercedes Martinez vs. Rhea Ripley in a cage match, fell slightly, as expected with the tougher competition and less unique main event.

The unopposed show did 838,000 viewers and 0.22 in 18-49 (286,000 viewers), down 1.3 percent in viewers. It was also down 14.9 percent in 18-49, and finishing No. 15 for the night ...

It was sixth in its time slot on cable ...

Younger viewers were down which coincides with two NBA games instead of one, and both games being deeper into the playoffs and more attractive than the single game last week. Plus last week almost the entire show was the title match, and this week was the rematch, and it wasn’t going to do quite as well coming one week later.

The show did 39,000 in men 18-34 (down 18.8 percent from last week), 27,000 in women 18-34 (down 43.8 percent), 146,000 in men 35-49 (down 12.0 percent) and 74,000 in women 35-49 (same as last week).

The high point of the show for overall viewers was the Ripley vs. Martinez cage match. The high point for 18-49 was the second half of Cole vs. Balor. The high point of 18-34 was Cole vs. Balor. The high point of 35-49 was Ripley vs. Martinez.

The show opened at 812,000 viewers and 292,000 in 18-49 with the first half of Cole vs. Balor. The second quarter did 869,000 viewers and 310,000in 18-49 for the second half of Cole vs. Balor. The third quarter was 807,000 viewers and 284,000 in 18-49 for Cole and Balor backstage, and the Robert Stone, Shotzi Blackheart, Aliyah and Io Shirai segment. The fourth quarter did 804,000 viewers and 279,000 in 18-49 for a Timothy Thatcher interview, Velveteen Dream vs. Ashante Adonis and some Tyler Breeze &amp; Fandango and Imperium promotion for next week.

The fifth quarter did 844,000 viewers and 279,000 in18-49 for Bronson Reed vs. Austin Theory. The sixth quarter did 830,000 viewers and 272,000 in18-49 Roderick Strong vs. Killian Dain. The seventh quarter did 820,000 viewers and 262,000 in 18-49 for the post-match angle with Dain &amp; Drake Maverick vs. Strong &amp; Bobby Fish and the climax of the Candice LeRae and Tegan Nox angle. The eighth quarter was 918,000 viewers and 307,000 in 18-49 for Ripley vs. Martinez in a cage.

The show did a 0.11 in 12-17 (down 26.7 percent), 0.09 in 18-34 (down 31.3 percent), 0.35 in 35-49 (down 8.0 percent) and 0.43 in 50+ (up 7.0 percent). The audience was 64.7 percent male in 18-49 and 75.3 percent male in 12-17, so in particular there was a big drop with teenage girls from last week of 51.9 percent.

The AEW show on 9/9 did 1,016,000 viewers and an 0.37 (481,000 viewers) in 18-49.

Although there is some psychological success in topping 1 million viewers, and the show went against NBA &amp; NHL playoffs, being unopposed by NXT, that is about what should have been expected. It was the most viewers the show has done since the second episode of the show on 10/9 and in 18-34, it was the highest since 1/15. It was helped by coming off the PPV show, but didn’t have anything marquee advertised with Brodie Lee vs. Dustin Rhodes as the headliner. Of the company’s biggest stars (Chris Jericho, Young Bucks, Kenny Omega, Jon Moxley, Adam Page,. Orange Cassidy and MJF), Jericho and Cassidy were the only one who wrestled on the show and both were in non-marquee matches.

AEW nearly beat Raw in 18-34, with having 164,000 viewers to AEW’s 155,000. AEW won, barely in women 18-34, by a 64,000 to 63,000 mark, so they did start getting the women’s audience back. Still, both were hurt significantly in that demo by both the NBA and NHL ...

AEW was No 7 in 18-49 ...

The show did 91,000 in male 18-34 (down 25.4 percent from last week), 64,000 in women 18-34 (up 56.1 percent), 236,000 in males 35-49 (up 13.5 percent) and 90,000 in women 35-49 (down 8.2 percent).

They also had a huge pickup in teenage girls, increasing 121.7 percent from last week.

AEW’s viewer high point was Brodie Lee vs. Dustin Rhodes.

The high point in 18-34 (173,000) was the Adam Page interview and Chris Jericho &amp; Jake Hager vs. Joey Janela &amp; Sonny Kiss. The high point in 35-49 (358,000) and 18-49 was the ending of Jericho &amp; Hager vs. Janela &amp; Kiss, the Jericho interview, the MJF/Wardlow segment and Jon Moxley interview.

The show opened with 989,000 viewers and 498,000 in 18-49 for Penta &amp; Fenix vs. Jungle Boy &amp; Luchasaurus and Eddie Kingston post-match. The second segment did 1,004,000 viewers and 496,000 in 18-49 for a Lance Archer &amp; Jake Roberts promo, Matt Hardy interview and the beginning of Cassidy vs. Angelico. The third segment did 1,026,000 viewers and 487,000 in 18-49 for the ending of Cassidy vs. Angelico, the post-match with Best Friends and Santana &amp; Ortiz brawling, and Sabian &amp; Miro segment. The fourth segment did 1,017,000 viewers and 486,000 in 18-49 for the Page interview and most of Jericho &amp; Hager vs. Janela &amp; Kiss.

The fifth segment did 1,026,000 viewers and 523,000 in 18-49 for te ending of Jericho &amp; Hager vs. Janela &amp; Kiss, Jericho’s interview, MJF &amp; Wardlow and Moxley’s interview. The sixth segment did 989,000 and 469,000 in 18-49 for the FTR tag team celebration, Ricky Starks interview and the beginning of Nyla Rose vs. Tay Conti. The seventh segment did 973,000 viewers and 427,000 in 18-49 for the ending of Rose vs. Conti, the post-match with Hikaru Shida and Rose, and Kenny Omega interview. The final segment did 1,066,000 viewers and 458,000 in 18-49 for Brodie Lee vs. Dustin Rhodes and the post-match.

The show did a 0.17 in 12-17 (up 13.3 percent), 0.22 in 18-34 (down 4.9 percent), 0.52 in 35-49 (up 6.5 percent) and 0.43in 50+ (up 18.6 percent). AEW tied NXT in 50+, which is rare, but AEW was on its traditional day, but NXT was actually unopposed while AEW did have competition from the NXT replay.

Emperor Smeat 09-15-2020 09:40 PM

The Sheets sponsored by long lost IIconics member Jinder Mahal:


Originally Posted by Observer
Loading up Raw and giving it the In Your Face theme worked for at least the first two hours as while the total audience for last night's show was down, the key demos were up against the NFL, which was way down in its opening Monday night.

Raw averaged 1.69 million viewers and 0.50 in 18-49, down two percent from last week in viewers and up four percent in 18-49. With anything less that a strong lineup with a Women's title bout, a champions vs. champions match, a cage match, and a Drew McIntyre vs. Keith Lee match, the show would have been expected to do near record lows.

There was a 16 percent first-to-third hour drop, a larger drop than has been usual ...

Conversely, Raw was down 26 percent in viewers, 31 percent in 18-49, and 34 percent in 18-34 from the same week last year.

Raw was fourth in 18-49 behind both NFL games and the SportsCenter show that aired at 1:31 a.m. after the second game ...

As far as the audience leaving from hour one to hour three, the drop was nine percent with women 18-49, 16 percent with men 18-49, a four percent increase in teenage girls, 14 percent decrease in teenage boys, and a 16 percent decrease in people over 50.

The three hours were:
8 p.m. 1.81 million viewers
9 p.m. 1.73 million viewers
10 p.m. 1.53 million viewers


Originally Posted by Observer
The trailer for the second season of The Mandalorian dropped today and featured a familiar face to wrestling fans: Sasha Banks.

Banks (Mercedes Kaestner-Varnado) will play an unspecified part, but there is speculation that her character will be a Jedi. A Disney Plus property, The Mandalorian is set in the Star Wars universe. Banks tweeted the trailer today, confirming her role.

The Mat Men podcast first reported Banks's involvement in the series back in February.



Originally Posted by Observer
On his Hall of Fame podcast, Booker T revealed that he tested positive for COVID-19 at the end of June but just got his results back: “About an hour ago from the CDC, and the CDC told me that, yes, I have tested positive for the coronavirus -- back at the end of June... I never got my result back, but they called me, rest assured, today to tell me that back at the end of June when I got tested, I tested positive. And I’ve had three tests since then, and they all came back negative. But it just goes to show how backed up we really are with this system that we’re working with as far as people finding out if they got this, or if they don’t got -- I’m living proof. I’m living proof. Thank God I’m still here, and I got a healthy immune system. And God spared me on this one, but I could have been one of the nearly 200,000 that didn’t know I had this and I was gone on my way to the next life. But man, it’s bigger than that. I know what I went through for, you know, it wasn’t a long time - a couple of weeks that I went through it. I had the headaches, I had the night sweats, I lost my taste and smell for two weeks. And I thank God I was smart enough to quarantine from the family. I stayed away from everyone. I put myself off in the west wing [laughs], you know what I’m saying? And I stayed there for a couple of weeks until I started feeling better, until everything started subsiding, even my taste, I waited until that started to come back a little bit before I started meeting up with the family and what not. Thank God I did, because I could be like The Rock as far as the whole family coming down with this. Like I said, I got my mother-in-law here with us. It’s something that’s so serious. I just want y’all to be so careful with this.”


Originally Posted by Observer
In an interview with the Two Man Power Trip of Wrestling podcast, Mike Rotunda discussed his release from WWE: “Well, I got furloughed in the middle of April along with a number of other people so, it’s been quite some time and didn’t look like it was gonna open back up. I kind of prepared myself for it, but I wasn’t exactly sure what was gonna happen, which I’m fine with it. Like you said, I had a long run there, I’m 62-years old and to be honest with you, it was harder and harder to do all the traveling and keep that pace. It definitely helps being a little younger when you’re trying to keep the pace that you’d have to working for WWE. Especially, my whole time there, we did live shows. Like depending on which show you were on, we did both television shows and I did a ton of live events which were like Friday, Saturday, Sunday and then TVs were Monday, Tuesday until they switched to the Friday Night SmackDown. So I definitely put a lot of time in on the road and it’s kinda nice being home. My wife and I have been married, it’ll be 36 years in October and all but three years of that, I’ve been on the road so I mean, that’s a long time and I’m actually enjoying to be home more and be around my wife and see my grandkids some more and get a chance to go fishing more so, which I like to do living here in Florida. That’s my go-to, my relaxation so it’s given me an opportunity to do more, to me something that’s important to do and it’s fun for me.”


Originally Posted by Observer
Chris Dickinson and Calvin Tankman have been added to Josh Barnett’s Bloodsport, joining Deonna Purrazzo, Homicide, and Josh Alexander as wrestlers announced for the show. It’s taking place on October 11 as part of Game Changer Wrestling’s The Collective.


Originally Posted by Observer
Edward “Teddy Hart” Annis, 40, was sentenced to ten days’ imprisonment in Richmond County Jail on 9/10 following a court hearing before the Richmond City Circuit Court, Criminal Division in Virgnia, but was arrested again after being incarcerated.

As has covered, Annis was arrested after being pulled over by authorities in Richmond on 2/12. Annis had been charged with possession of a schedule III narcotic and possession with intent to sell or distribute. During the court hearing on 9/10, it was ruled that there was probable cause in regard to the charges of possession of a schedule III narcotic and possession with intent to sell or distribute. Those charges will move on to a grand jury and should they decide to bring official charges against Annis after evaluating the evidence against him, Hart would stand trial for those charges ...

During the 9/10 hearing, Annis was found guilty of being in possession of a schedule III narcotic. He was also fined $21 in fines and court costs for not carrying or exhibiting his driver’s license or registration. He was also fined $61 for failure to use lights with wipers. Charges of being in possession of marijuana and for improperly mounted license plates were dropped as it was determined there was not sufficient evidence to pursue those charges.

However, court records indicate that Annis’ ten day jail sentence stemmed from a March 4th arrest, where he was taken into custody for violating his house arrest in Virginia. Annis had been staying at an apartment with Virginia-area wrestler Pork Chop Johnson. Johnson stated on social media that he removed Hart for his behavior in the apartment. Hart was also fined $232 in relation to that charge.

Court records also indicate that Hart had been declared a fugitive from justice on 5/4. Record list him as arrested on that charge on 9/11, one day after he had been processed into Richmond City Jail. Hart is scheduled for another hearing on 10/13, facing charges of a felony arrest without a warrant.


Originally Posted by PWI
The WWE concussion lawsuit court case was officially closed today by the Appeals Court in New York. The only remaining aspect of the case, which would fall under Connecticut Court, is the sanctions against the attorneys who represented the former WWF/WWE talents and how much the financial damages will be.


Originally Posted by PWI
As viewers of Monday Night Raw may have easily realized, the finish of Mickie James vs. Asuka did not go as planned last night.

The planned finish was for James to tap out to the Asuka Lock but the bell was rung prematurely while James and Asuka were grappling with James selling Asuka trying to lock her in a submission hold. has been told by numerous sources that the decision was made to ring the bell out of concern that James might actually have been out on her feet due to the way she was selling the move.

We are told James was actually fine and just did such an excellent job of selling that she was out of it that she fooled those overseeing the match, including the referee. We have heard different versions of who called for the finish, but the decison was made that the match be stopped out of concern for James, who was actually fine.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Mickie James chatted with ahead of the 9/14 episode of RAW. Mickie stated that she would like to see a women’s only show be added to the WWE Network. Mickie explained that the fan base is there for it and it could be something similar to a one-hour format like 205 Live.

“I feel that’s a very, it’s a big dream. It’s a big reach because it’s so much that’s involved when you’re creating something like that. I feel like where we are now, we have so much. First, we have the Network, which has so many outlets and so much stuff that we can do and different types of products that we can put out there.

We have the largest female roster that we’ve ever had combined between RAW, SmackDown, NXT and NXT UK, and there’s a vast amount of female talent, more female talent than there’s ever been. It could be an opportunity within our shows. Sometimes there’s really only time for a female championship match or whatever. A whole show, even if it was just an hour, like a 205 Live or something like that, that is cultivated just for the women, is something I think would satisfy a market that really just loves women’s wrestling. It’s a chance for a lot of females that perhaps don’t get a chance to shine as much on TV to shine there, and then Evolution could be our big pay-per-view of the year.”

Considering WWE has over 40 women wrestlers just on RAW, SD, and NXT, a weekly 1 hour women's only brand could work out very well. 205 Live's biggest problems were Vince/WWE's historically poor handling of Cruiser/Lucha style wrestling and the roster kept shrinking due to the Draft and Shakeups and wasn't being replenished until way too late.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Justin Barrasso of Sports Illustrated interviewed IMPACT Wrestling’s Acey Romero about his journey to get healthier and drop down to the 200 pound range. While discussing his goals, Acey shared that he has two years left on his IMPACT contract.

“I was pleasantly surprised with my results, but there is still a long way to go. Wrestling is a big part of it, but this goes much deeper than wrestling. Success doesn’t mean anything if I don’t have my health.

I know people won’t believe what I want to do, but they won’t be able to believe the way I look, either. I have two more years on my contract, and my goal is to be Impact world champion. That’s my goal before the end of my contract. I’ll have to work my ass off to get there, but I wouldn’t want to do it any other way.”

Romero opened up about how some in the wrestling business were not supportive of his weight loss venture. He said that some told him he was “killing his gimmick” and while he somewhat agreed, he said he was also killing his health.

“A lot of people reached out and said I’m killing my gimmick, that I should stay big. Maybe they’re right, maybe I am killing my gimmick, but I was also in the process of killing myself. I understand that now, so I’m doing this for me. If I kept going the way I was going, I don’t know if I’d make it to 40. I don’t want to be that guy.”

Whoever gave him that shit advice about him "killing his gimmick" due to him wanting to be healthy can go eff themselves and good for him on not listening to those dumbasses.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Dave Marquez joined the Two Man Power Trip of Wrestling podcast to promote the Prime Time Live PPV special on 9/15. Marquez revealed that he had a health scare at an NWA Powerrr taping and had to go to the backstage area to be checked on by the doctor in attendance. He said that could’ve been a reason why Sean Mooney was brought onto the program ...

COVID precautions are in place for the Prime Time Live special. Marquez said that one of their announcers tested positive and he was around said individual so he went to get tested and had a series of tests set up in the days leading up to the 15th. Temperatures are being checked and if the staff does not trust the situation, a physician will be on-hand to conduct the COVID-19 test.

“You can’t necessarily trust the public getting tested and yeah, you could take their temperature and all that kind of stuff… we’re taking it pretty serious in our operation. I know that there’s others that don’t take it serious. Like today, I found out one of our announcers tested positive and I was with them four days ago so I went and got a test this morning. I’ll have another test next week and I’ll have another test on the 14th before the 15th to make sure everything is cool, and people are flying from across the country into this and so I have to take their word for it that they’re negative. Hopefully they have proof that they’re negative. We’ll take their temperatures and there is a COVID procedure at the stage if we really question it. There’s a physician or two to administer a test if we need it done. But, for the most part, we’re gonna be very cautious.”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Sugar Dunkteron, formerly known as “Pineapple Pete” was a part of the RAW Underground crowd on 9/15.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
New Japan Pro-Wrestling revealed the bracket for the Lion’s Break Crown tournament. Logal Riegel is taking on The DKC. Clark Connors is facing off against Jordan Clearwater. Danny Limelight vs. Barrett Brown is set for the tournament as is Adrian Quest vs. Blake Christian.


Originally Posted by PWI
Q - I know I don't pay attention to RAW and SmackDown 100% of the time like I used to but wasn't Nia Jax suspended indefinitely. Did they ever mention how she returned and won the Women's tag titles?

A - The Smackdown hacker brought her back. Seriously, WWE is really good at not following up or explaining storylines

From PWI's weekly Q&A articles on WWE's way too often inability to follow through with their storylines.


Originally Posted by Observer
The AEW one hour show that was originally set for Wednesday night will now air on both TNT and TSN on 9/22 after NBA coverage.


Originally Posted by Observer
Hulu has purchased 100 hours of Vice TV programming including every episode of Dark Side of the Ring.


Originally Posted by PWI
While Major League Wrestling has announced deals with Fubo TV and DAZN, we are told that the promotion is not done seeking out new potential TV or streaming deals. The promotion is currently being represented by their agency, ICM Partners, for additional media deas, for multiple series ideas beyond MLW Fusion. The promotion will still be seen on BeIN Sport on Saturdays.

TPWW Frontpage:

Emperor Smeat 09-16-2020 07:08 PM

The Sheets:


Originally Posted by Observer
WWE is hyping that a pair of "major announcements" will be made on tonight's episode of NXT.

In a tweet this afternoon, WWE revealed that NXT general manager William Regal will appear on tonight's show to make the announcements: "BREAKING NEWS: @RealKingRegal will have two MAJOR announcements tonight on #WWENXT"

Regal also tweeted: "A new episode, a new champion, and an upcoming #NXTTakeOver. I cannot overstate how grateful I am to work alongside the men and women of #WWENXT and tonight is about new opportunities."


Originally Posted by Observer
While the buys for the first Talk'N ShopAMania pay-per-view aren't public, it apparently did well enough that Luke Gallows, Karl Anderson and Rocky Romero are going to run it back this fall.

On the 700th edition of Chris Jericho's podcast Thursday, the trio announced that the sequel will air on Friday, November 13th, and will feature a "Ball for a Ball" match between Chad 2 Badd (Anderson) and Sex Ferguson (Gallows) as the main event.

Their initial attempt at a comedic wrestling show debuted on Saturday, August 1st and featured a main event of Badd vs. Ferguson in a Boneryard match. The show was filled with gimmick matches and cameos from Enzo, the Young Bucks, Heath Miller, Rocky Romero, Chavo Guerrero, Mike and Maria Bennett, D-Lo Brown, the Rock'n'Roll Express, Swoggle, Teddy Long, The Flock, and others.

In a past interview with WrestleZone, Gallows said they intentionally left several people off the first ShopAMania in case they did a sequel. The first one was filmed in Gallows' backyard over several long filming days in early-July and it's assumed the sequel will also be pre-taped.


Originally Posted by PWI
As had been expected, Wade Barrett has officially signed with WWE and will be a full-time part of the NXT announcing team going forward.

Barrett announced the signing this afternoon during an interview with Justin Barrasso from Sports Illustrated.

Barrett stated that he signed a one-year deal with the company with the option there to extend going forward.


Originally Posted by PWI
All Elite Wrestling filed a trademark on 9/10 for "All Elite Wrestling - Elite General Manager." The trademark filing is for good and services, "Downloadable game software; Downloadable computer game software for use on mobile and cellular phones; Downloadable electronic game software for use on handheld computers and mobile gaming devices; Downloadable video game programs; Recorded video game software."


Originally Posted by PWI
Last night's United Wrestling Network PPV debut was marred by streaming issues for the FITE version, which seemed to get better as the show went on. We are told by readers who ordered the show on InDemand and other PPV providers that the PPV version did not have similar issues. UWN President Dave Marquez addressed the issued on Twitter:

Thanks to everyone who joined us tonight for #PrimeTimeLive! I do apologize for the technical issues on @FiteTV, those happened on their end. We’ll be replacing the show with a master file. See ya next week!
— David Marquez (@CWFHMarquez) September 16, 2020

The show also ran into timing issues as several of the earlier matches ran long, leading to the Tribe vs. Wolf Zaddies and the UWN TV title bout between Dan Joseph and Levi Shapiro being extremely cut down. It seemed the tag match competitors had zero idea they were going to a time limit draw when the bell rang. The NWA Championship match between Nick Aldis and challenger Mike Bennett was obviously on hyperspeed as well as they rushed to make sure they could get through what was planned in the 8-9 minutes they had. Aldis' main events usually go in the 20-25 minute range, so they were working around what time they were left with ...

Dave Marquez directed the PPV.

Although he was mentioned on the air, NWA President Billy Corgan was not at the PPV.

Joe Galli, Todd Kenley and Alyssa Marino were absolutely excellent on commentary last night.

There were zero injuries coming out of the show.

The backstage interviews were all pre-tapes from earlier in the afternoon.

Several hours before the PPV, there was a power outage in Long Beach, CA, where Thunder Studios is located, which obviously would have been a disaster had that happened when the show was on the air, but thankfully that didn't happen.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Chris McCumber, who served as the President of the USA Network and Syfy will be leaving NBCUniversal after 19 years. McCumber was considered the point person in the relationship between the network and WWE.

McCumber had been with the USA Network since 2001 and was named its president in 2011. Deadline noted in its story that he spearheaded the negotiations with WWE with their latest deal for Raw believed to be worth $265 million annually for the five-year pact that went into effect last October.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Daniel Cormier spoke with Justin Barrasso of regarding a potential future with WWE and gave the indication the two sides are talking and threw out his own ideas:

"We’ve been talking. We’ve spoken to some of the people over there in very, very early conversations. WWE is a company I’ve watched and loved my entire life. Put me at the commentary table. Let me call the matches for six months and tell you how great these wrestlers are in the ring. I would love that, and I wouldn’t be faking it. WWE is something I’ve loved my entire life.

Then, after those six months, what if I’m sitting next to Michael Cole, and Roman comes over and smacks the microphone out of my hand? But I’m an announcer. Will I hit him back? Then you’re asking if this will happen or not. That’s what I want, that slow build, the type of story you want to see, and your heart feels like it’s going to explode while you’re waiting for it. Give me the slow build, let it simmer."


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
David Bixenspan has an extensive rundown of the latest involving the case between Matt Riddle and Candy Cartwright (real name Samantha Tavel). Bixenspan has obtained documents that outline Riddle and his lawyer Daniel J. Rose had filed a complaint against Tavel making numerous claims including committed stalking, threatening Riddle and his family, and destroying personal property. Last week, just three days before a hearing was scheduled, Riddle and his lawyer filed a notice for a voluntary dismissal to close the case.

Bixenspan analyzed the allegations in the complaint and whether they hold up based on the public evidence that is out there. One allegation was that Tavel posted Lisa Riddle’s (Matt’s wife) phone number and their home address, which public tweets show had the phone number covered in a screenshot post with no evidence that Tavel herself posted the Riddle’s home address.

In the documents, it states the affair began between Riddle and Tavel in November 2017 and didn’t end until July 2019. There was a claim by Riddle that Tavel showed up at Full Sail University this past February and was escorted out, although Full Sail University has not issued a response regarding the incident when asked by Bixenspan.



Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
ESPN spoke with Chad Johnson, who is the SVP of sales and development for the Jacksonville Jaguars about TIAA Bank Field being open to 25 percent capacity this past weekend for their opener. In researching a safe protocol, Johnson said they leaned on AEW’s presentation of shows next door at Daily’s Place to observe how fans acted and responded to the measures. Johnson said:

"We’ll have at least 10 dry runs of watching fan behavior, compliance, how they congregate, how they move. AEW, I sat there and filmed and watched how everybody moved. How long they took from the time they entered to the time they got to their seat. Where did they go? Where did they not go? We were studying that all along so we could adapt to their behavior.

When they were lining up and queueing, even when they were past where we had signage, people were following the 6-foot rule. It was perfect. They were so respectful of the process. I was really pleased. I was really pleased with how they kept their masks on. I was really pleased that they spent most of their time in their seats. They didn’t just go get a beer and hang out in open spaces. They really were respectful."


Originally Posted by Post Wrestlling
[GCW Joey Janela's]Spring Break 4 has released four-match announcements for the card on Saturday, October 10th:
*Matt Tremont vs. Alex Colon – billed as Tremont’s final GCW match
*Jonathan Gresham vs. Lee Moriarty
*Alex Shelley vs. Tony Deppen
*Dezmond Xavier & Zachary Wentz vs. Ironbeast


Originally Posted by WrestleTalk
WreslteTalk’s Louis Dangoor can exclusively reveal after speaking with WWE sources and Fightful’s Sean Ross Sapp that the backstage atmosphere at Raw and SmackDown shows has been much better over the last month or so.

Sources within the company have attributed the more positive atmosphere to the move to the Amway Center, with many feeling a lot happier and more positive following the move out of the Performance Center, which was to be expected.

The move to the Amway Center, which took place last month, is said to have given people backstage a lot more space backstage compared to the Performance Center, and that is said to have helped morale considerably.

Some members of the SmackDown roster have also attributed the positive atmosphere to the return of Roman Reigns, with the Universal Champion being seen as a clear lockerroom leader amongst his peers and higher-ups.

The shorter taping days will also have helped with the moral. WWE has gone from taping two weeks of SmackDown in one day to running weekly live shows.


Originally Posted by Fightful
Sonya Deville's stalker Phillip Thomas II has pled not guilty to all charges. Thomas II was charged with aggravated stalking, armed burglary of a dwelling, attempted armed kidnapping, and criminal mischief.

Armed burglary of a dwelling is a felony punishable by life in prison. The other counts, attempted armed kidnapping and aggravated stalking with a weapon, are second-degree felonies with a maximum of 15 years each. Criminal mischief is a second-degree misdemeanor with a fine of $200 or less.

Thomas remains incarcerated as his bail of $2 million was denied after the judge deemed him a threat to the community.

The Hillsborough County Court ruled on August 24 they would not release any evidence to the public before the hearing in regards to Sonya Deville's case against her stalker Phillip Thomas.

A hearing is scheduled for November 12 relating to the temporary injunction filed against Thomas in order to prevent him from approaching or contacting Deville or her family.


Originally Posted by WrestleTalk
It was reported recently that NXT call-ups had not been given new contracts. Such had usually been the case when stars debuted on the main roster, but perhaps due to the pandemic and additional cost-cutting measures, new contracts were not given. Now, we have an update.

Fightful Select is currently reported that new deals have still not been offered. Additionally, the report states that WWE’s reasoning behind this has been that the talent’s travel and schedule have been reduced already so a new deal is not necessary.

The report also says the money associated with these contracts is significantly below what talent were being offered last year.

Among the most recent NXT call ups have been Keith Lee and the members of Retribution. While not officially called up, the group is reportedly made up of Dominik Dijakovic, Mia Yim, Mercedes Martinez, Shane Thorne, and Dio Maddin.

It remains to be seen when WWE will consider offering new contracts to the recent call-ups. If they are waiting for touring to begin again, it may be quite a while as this pandemic has no end in sight.

TPWW Frontpage:

Emperor Smeat 09-17-2020 09:56 PM

The Sheets sponsored by the Return of the Wednesday Night War:


Originally Posted by Observer
Last night's AEW Dynamite on TNT averaged 886,000 viewers, down 12.8 percent from last week but up almost 10 percent from the last time the show aired head-to-head with NXT.

NXT was also up from the previous head-to-head battle, averaging 689,000 viewers. That's down 17.8 percent from running unopposed last Tuesday night but up 11 percent from the last head-to-head week on August 12.

With no NBA or NHL competition and news shows with a normal level of audience, Dynamite finished third on cable in the 18-49 demo on the night with a 0.34 rating. That's down 8.1 percent from last week but up six percent from August 12.

NXT managed a 0.18 rating in the demo, finishing 31st on cable. It was down 15 percent from last week but up 12.5 percent from August 12

In the other demo categories, it was the usual with AEW winning everything except people over 50, where NXT had a 0.36 to 0.32 advantage.

in women 18-49, AEW had a 0.23 rating to NXT's 0.13. In men 18-49, AEW doubled NXT with a 0.46 rating to NXT's 0.23. AEW was number one on cable in that demo.

In people 18-34, AEW had a huge advantage with a 0.24 rating to NXT's 0.10. AEW topped all of cable in that demo as well. In females 12-34, AEW had an advantage of 0.15 to 0.06. In males of the same age group, AEW drew a 0.26 rating and NXT drew a 0.14. AEW also topped cable in that category.

In people 25-54, AEW had a 0.38 rating to NXT's 0.22.

The combined audience of 1.575 million viewers was down 15.2 percent from last week when both shows aired on different nights but up 11.6 percent from the last time both aired on Wednesday.


Originally Posted by PWTorch
While AEW Dynamite and NXT on USA go head-to-head again this week, last week was the fourth week in a row the shows didn’t battle head-to-head with their first-run programs.

Last week NXT was moved to Tuesday night for the second straight week, bumped from the usual timeslot due to NHL playoffs on USA Network. It drew 838,000 live and same-night-delayed viewers last week (9/8), down from the prior week’s (9/1) viewership of 849,000. The following are the viewership numbers for NXT the last four weeks without Dynamite as competition.

9/8: 838,000
9/1 849,000
8/26: 824,000
8/19: 853,000
AVERAGE: 841,000

The prior four weeks averaged 684,000 viewers. So NXT, without AEW as competition, despite airing on a different night the last two weeks, gained 157,000 viewers on average each week.

Meanwhile, AEW was unopposed in its usual Wednesday night timeslot the last two weeks, drawing 1,016,000 live and same-night-delayed viewers last week (9/9), an improvement on the 928,000 the prior wee (9/2). The preview two weeks NXT aired on Thursday and Saturday instead, bumped from its usual Wednesday night timeslot due to scheduled NBA playoff games.

The last two weeks averaged 972,000 viewers. The prior two weeks moved from its usual timeslot but airing unopposed averaged 784,000. The previous four weeks averaged 831,000. So the last two Wednesdays, unopposed by NXT, AEW drew on average 161,000 more viewers than it averaged during the prior four week “normal” period when up against NXT.

So bottom line, it appears that each show gained right around 160,000 viewers who typically would have watched the other show instead live or on a same-night-delay. This week, the shows get back to normal and it’s possible that one of the shows will end up retaining some new viewers if some of those 160,000 who sampled the other show end up sticking with that show instead.


Originally Posted by PWI
On the latest edition of Wrestling with History on VOC Nation, Ken Resnick talked about the period in 1983 prior to the WWF recruiting Hulk Hogan and going national. Resnick discussed business mistakes made by Verne Gagne, Hogan giving Gagne an opportunity to match the WWF’s offer, the territory system, and much more. Here are some highlights:

On Verne Gagne’s reaction to McMahon’s push to go national: “I remember being in some of the discussions where Vince was kind of going through the country like a blitzkrieg…if you’re facing in business what was essentially a hostile takeover attempt by Vince McMahon or the WWF, the first thing you are taught in any business school is you circle your wagons (and) protect your own business. Being old school and so angered by what Vince was beginning to successfully do, Vern focused in trying to get into Vince’s backyard and let markets like Chicago and Milwaukee be basically second in thought and ripe for takeover.”

On business mistakes Gagne made that ultimately killed the promotion: “Vern sold the Winnipeg market and Winnipeg television to Wally Karbo, Jack Lanza, and Nick Bockwinkel. For a number of reasons, they ended up taking that television and giving that market to Vince. The late Dennis Hilgart, the promoter in Milwaukee, again a lot of it was financial, but he left Vern and he had the contacts and the agreements in Milwaukee and he went with Vince. It was a lot because Vern didn’t quite understand the corporate premise when you’re facing a hostile takeover that you circle the wagons. Vern left a lot of flanks exposed.”

On whether Hulk Hogan considered staying with the AWA: “Hulk did give Vern an opportunity. He was thinking about staying. One of the big things that Vince was able to offer was a high percentage of the secondary marketing – the tee shirts and hats and everything else – and Vern didn’t want to do that. He said ‘without me, you wouldn’t be able to sell anything; I’m not giving you that.’ I remember talking with Hulk and finally I said what’s stopping you? You’ve got 2 choices: You’ve got A, or you’ve got B which is 25x what A is.”


Originally Posted by PWI
Daniel Rose, the attorney for WWE Smackdown star Matt Riddle announced today that Riddle has filed a civil lawsuit against independent wrestler Samantha "Candy Cartwright" Tavel. has not yet been able to acquire the lawsuit.

As previously reported, Tavel alleges that in May 2018 when both were working for EVOLVE, Riddle allegedly attempted to force her to sleep with him, leading to her performing oral sex instead out of fear after he allegedly grabbed her by the throat. She alleges this took place in a van with several others sleeping in the van at the time ...

In court documents for the now-dropped restraining order (also filed in July), Riddle stated he was in a relationship with Tavel outside of his marriage and that after he broke it off, Tavel has since targeted and harrased him. He also alleged she timed her accusations for the date of his "WWE" debut (on Smackdown) and alleged that Tavel was removed from a WWE taping at Full Sail University. Tavel denied the removal in the court documents, stating that she was not at the venue on the night in question.

Tavel continued to post proof of her relationship with Riddle on her social media since her initial allegation.


Originally Posted by PWI
Major League Wrestling ("MLW") today welcomed its newest member to the roster with LA Park Jr. officially joining the league.

The youngest son of the legendary LA Park, LA Park Jr. is the latest of several roster acquisitions that will be revealed in conjunction with MLW's highly anticipated restart this fall.


Originally Posted by PWI has confirmed Ivar of the Viking Raiders underwent neck surgery earlier this week in Birmingham, Alabama. We are told there is currently no timetable for his return but it is not expected to be a short recovery.

WWE NXT developmental talent Simone Johnson had knee surgery at the start of the week in Birmingham as well.


Originally Posted by PWI
For those of you who ordered the FITE.TV version of the United Wrestling Network Primetime Live PPV series, the replay version features a corrected broadcast. We are told that FITE was able to isolate what the issue was with the stream on Tuesday night and believes the issues have been resolved.

As we reported, several hours before the premiere, there was a power outage in Long Beach, CA that wiped out all the power at Thunder Studios. As they were going on the air live, UWN learned that the power outage completely wiped out all of their presets for graphics, lighting and audio, so just as viewers were watching for the first time, the production truck was feverishly trying to get everything that had worked for two days to have prepared back up and running.

Rocky Romero and several other New Japan Pro Wrestling reps were at the taping Tuesday.


Originally Posted by PWI
Q - Is it true Robert Englund was supposed to host Raw at some point?

A - Yes, Englund, immortalized by his turn as Freddy Krueger in The A Nightmare on Elm Street film series, was scheduled to guest host to promote his autobiography "Hollywood Monster" in 2013 but scheduling conflicts caused him to pull out. He was never officially announced by WWE.

From PWI's weekly Q&A articles.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Rob Van Dam did an interview with WrestleZone’s Bill Pritchard. When asked about his contract status with IMPACT Wrestling, RVD said that he’s on a per-taping agreement with the company and elaborated on why he has chosen to not let his emotions get wrapped up in pro wrestling.

“We kind of are like by a handful of shows, you know? So Scott [D’Amore] said, ‘Hey…’ I gotta figure what month it is but, ‘Hey, we got these tapings coming up in August, can you make it? What about these dates?’ So it’s still like that so we [do it], might be two shows ahead and then at the end you might say, ‘Hey, what about the next ones?’ So right now I’m sort of taking it one step at a time and even though I’m having fun and stuff, I would never allow myself to invest feelings into it to a point where I could hurt emotionally or mentally. You really got to learn to not give a — can I swear on here? You have to learn what to give a f*ck about in life. In this business, there’s plenty of heartbreaks, there’s plenty of promises that are made that are gonna not come through and that’s just part of it. How you adjust to that depends on who you are, what your values are and those are all factors on where you get. For me, I’ve always been up front and saying I adjusted by not giving a f*ck after a while. So when someone says something’s gonna happen, I believe it when it does happen and so, I’m stoked that IMPACT thinks that I’m a worthy investment. Some people ask, ‘Dude you’re not even on the opening of the show. How could they have the biggest star there and not even have you –’ I don’t know but you know what? I don’t give a f*ck, they’re paying me, so I’m doing my part and I hope to see them go and I know they are gonna go places but how they do it, regardless of [if] it’s different than how I would do it or not, that’s part of my adjustment to make it work.”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Doc Gallows, Rocky Romero and Karl Anderson joined Chris Jericho’s Talk Is Jericho podcast. Gallows revealed that while he was under contract to WWE, he was running independent shows based out of Georgia and when WWE found out about it, they wanted him to stop but Gallows quietly continued running shows.

Karl Anderson: “He was running shows about halfway through this little four year run in the fed and well, they shut him down halfway through because he wasn’t allowed to anymore.”

Doc Gallows: “So like any good brother would do, I just sold the promotion and then changed the name and just started silently running more.”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
John Morrison sat down with Chris Van Vliet for an exclusive interview. Morrison talked about his return to WWE and choosing them over All Elite Wrestling:

“So when season four of Lucha [Underground] ended, they have some stuff on their contracts where there’s a tail and the tail doesn’t stop until the episodes stop airing, and so I had signed with IMPACT and when everything was free and clear, I decided — I’m a free agent again, completely free, no ties anywhere. I’m going to figure out where I want to go. So I talked to WWE and I talked to AEW and I had a really good conversation with Vince [McMahon], and they made me a really nice offer and I ended up taking it.”

If the choice was about money, then he made a great decision being in WWE but if the choice was about anything else, then he made a bad decision since his current run has been a big waste compared to what he was doing on the indies.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Shane McMahon joined Corey Graves on WWE’s After The Bell podcast ...

On the topic of RAW Underground, Shane McMahon talked about the inspiration behind the project and how some of his life experiences and interests led to the formation of RAW Underground.

“Quite a bit, quite a bit. I mean this goes way back. This is an original concept. This is more even going back to roman gladiator times when they used to have short matches to determine who was gonna be [the successor]. So the iterations, there’s been lots of stuff or similar things I should say — got ‘em in Japan for quite some time and I’ve been traveling to Japan since the late 80s, so when I was a teenager and I saw some of this so, it always resonated with me and again, you mentioned MMA and a lot of my friends do that sport. I also practice multiple forms of it and I really enjoy it so, if you can blend that with WWE entertainment and what we can compact together and again, it’s a work in progress. That’s what we’re trying to accomplish.”


Originally Posted by Fightful
WWE 2K Battlegrounds is set to release on Friday, September 18, but reviewers were able to get an early copy of the game.

Twitch streamers newLEGACYinc played a handful of games this week and discovered an image that has a striking resemblance to former IMPACT Champion Tessa Blanchard.

Blanchard is currently a free agent after she departed from IMPACT Wrestling in June. It is unknown where she will end up next or if she has an offer from any company. She has remained at home during the pandemic era, choosing not to wrestling for IMPACT as they held empty arena shows heading into Slammiversary.



Originally Posted by Fightful
Trent's Mom Sue is a jack of all trades.

We previously learned that Sue brought the crew at AEW Dynamite a batch of homemade cookies. MJF called the cookies "meh" while Eddie Kingston cut a promo on one cookie before burying it in his mouth.

Now, thanks to Bryce Remsburg, we also know that Sue brought brownies to AEW as well and even gave out some parenting advice.

Sue made another appearance on Wednesday's Dynamite, picking up her son Trent and his best friends Chuckie T and Orange Cassidy from their parking lot brawl against Proud-N-Powerful (Santana & Ortiz). Sue even let them in her vehicle even though they were a bloody mess.

She also left Santana & Ortiz with a parting gift.

Link to the gift:


Originally Posted by
During this week’s episode of AEW Dynamite, a match between NWA Women’s Champion and Ivelisse broke down, with real life strikes exchanged between both competitors.

According to Fightful Select (subscription required), Thunder Rosa took exception to Ivelisse no-selling, which caused both wrestlers to go at each other physically.

Following the match, other wrestlers in AEW stated “they didn’t seem to be getting along prior.” Those in attendance believed the match would have to be edited, but it’s unknown if certain spots were removed from the broadcast. While many felt uncomfortable during the match, there has been support for Thunder Rosa backstage in the locker room.

TPWW Frontpage:

slik 09-18-2020 01:40 PM

PWInsider reporting that Melina has signed a contract to return to WWE.

drave 09-18-2020 02:10 PM

Her splits are not PG

slik 09-18-2020 02:11 PM

maybe she is the leader of RETRIBUTION

drave 09-18-2020 02:16 PM

That'd be a fucking let down, moreso than the group already is.

Emperor Smeat 09-18-2020 03:14 PM

The Sheets (Observer Newsletter Edition):


New Japan officially announced its G-1 lineups which will likely contain many if not most of the best matches of 2020.

What’s notable is that every show, except for the finals, will consist of six singles matches, which would be five tournament matches from one of th two blocks, and a singles opener involving a match up with Yuya Uemura, Yota Tsuji and Gabriel Kidd.

There will be no tag matches to build up the next card. The key is the shows will be shorter, but with the idea of not cutting back on match time in the tournament. All arenas will be sold to half capacity, so it is almost a lock that every show will sell out ...

All shows will air live in Japanese on New Japan World. The belief is that at least some of the shows will also air live in English. Right now it is not clear what shows with air live in English past the final three shows likely will .

In the B block anyone who beats Naito is likely to get an IWGP or IC title match in the fall. In the A block, people beating Takagi will likely be the ones challenging for the Never title between now and the end of the year. Those who beat Ospreay may challenge for the British title but that’s up in the air because of travel ...

Another note is that this will be a different Ospreay than before as he’s gained 15 pounds during the pandemic. By only wrestling twice five months, when he wasn’t battling depression issues he was on a bodybuilding regime and now has one of the best physiques in the company if not the business. With guys known for flying, like Rey Mysterio, gaining a lot of weight, even when it’s muscle, does affect the flying. I’ve only seen one match of this with the new weight and it was a tag match and he was working a different style with less acrobatics and more wrestling. And that may end up a positive because he’s not a heavyweight rather than a junior heavyweight and the added weight can strengthen weak spots as far as bumping, but can also put more stress on knees and back. If you look back historically at people like Davey Boy Smith, Mysterio, Dynamite Kid and others, they did have their best matches when they were lighter. But with others, like Kenny Omega, they had better matches bigger so each case is different, but stylistically it’ll likely be a different Ospreay.

While the lack of cheering crowds will hurt, from a health standpoint, the more days off and no tag matches between singles matches looks to be a positive as far as match quality and injury recuperation goes.

Matt Riddle dropped a petition on 9/7 in Orange County to get a restraining order against Samantha Tavel (Candy Cartwright), who had accused him of sexual assault on Twitter and in an article in Newsweek, and is now expected to file a slander/libel lawsuit against Tavel on 9/22 for alleging he sexually assaulted her.

The first filing was simply to get a restraining order to keep her from the Performance Center, where she allegedly came and caused a scene on December 19, 2019.

Tavel and her lawyers were given five-day notice of plans to file a suit by Riddle against her in Marion Country in Florida on or after 9/22 based on giving five day notice based on comments that came out after the petition was dropped, claiming Tavel made up the claim and was attempting to ruin his career after he broke up with her.

Riddle and Tavel had a relationship for several years on-and-off and after it was broken off by Riddle a second time, Tavel accused Riddle of sexual assault from a few years earlier, said to be in a van that the two along with others from Evolve were traveling together to shows in. Her claim is that nobody else in the van was aware of it because they were sleeping.

WWE was aware of the issues between the two for more than one year and had looked into the case at the time and it had not affected Riddle’s standing with the company. Riddle had contemplated filing for a restraining order against her last year but it was said that he decided against doing so after he talked with WWE about the situation.

The two had a relationship at the time of the alleged sexual assault and continued the relationship after that time period.

According to an article by David Bixenspan on the Babyface vs. Heel web site, Riddle alleged by checking a category when filing for the original restraining order that Tavel had committed stalking, previously threatened, harassed, stalked, cyberstalked or physically abused Riddle, threatened to harm Riddle or family member or individuals close to him, used or threatened to use weapons against him such as guns of knives, destroyed personal property, including but not limited to telephones and other communication equipment, clothing or other items belonging to Riddle ...

Daniel Rose, the attorney for Riddle, alleged that there had been no public statements by Tavel in several months and they believed there would not be when they pulled the attempt to get the order three days prior. The article indicated they pulled it based on a filing from Tavel’s attorney trying to deny the order and to get it thrown out to where Riddle’s side would have to pay Tavel’s court costs.

In Riddle’s original petition he was attempting to keep Tavel from coming to the Performance Center. Riddle’s statement was that he met Tavel in 2016, and they started having an affair on November 6, 2017. He said he tried to break up with her in June 2018, but they ended up still seeing each other under he broke up with her again in July 2019.

He said Tavel systematically stalked, cyberstalked and harassed himself and hi wife since July 9, 2019. He said he blocked her on social media and changed his phone number, only for her to text him from a burner phone saying that if he didn’t leave his wife for her that he would be sorry and she would ruin his career.

Days later he and attorney Daniel J. Rose talked about filing a restraining order, but didn’t do it, but did contact WWE about the situation. The petition also lists that this past February (it was actually believed to be December 19, 2019) that Tavel came from New York to Full Sail University where he was working and she created a scene and had to be escorted out of the building.

On 6/19, Tavel accused Riddle of sexual assault during the Speaking Out movement back when both were working for Evolve. She said this took place in May 2018, alleging he forced her to perform oral sex on him out of fear when he grabbed her by the throat in a van when the two and three others were traveling together to shows. The reason she said there were no witnesses to this because everyone else in the van was sleeping. Riddle denied the charge and then filed for the restraining order this past July after she first made the claim. He admitted the two had a relationship and that after he broke it up she began harassing him. Riddle said these claims caused himself and his family “substantial emotional distress.”

Rose claimed Tavel posted Riddle’s home address and wife’s number on Twitter causing her to receive numerous crank calls and death threats which he said were recorded and could be brought to trial. It should be noted that there was a Tweet that showed a people finder web site but it was not from Tavel but from a fan who was part of the conversation, listing Riddle’s last two addresses from a people finder web site.

In a text Tavel released, Lisa Riddle’s phone number was blocked. Tavel’s attorney, Allison Lovelady, pointed to that and noted Tavel never released either their address nor Lisa Riddle’s phone number. However, there are people who have found evidence of people talking about Tavel’s texts that did have the phone number and noted it being deleted with a later text that hid the phone number. Riddle’s attorney claimed Tavel posted Lisa Riddle’s phone number on Twitter from a burner phone and then hours later deleted it and reposted it with the phone number covered up.

The claim was this phone number, later deleted, still resulted in Lisa Riddle’s wife getting death threats and hate messages. There were also claims that Tavel left phone messages to Lisa Riddle during this period threatening her ...

A release claiming victory after Rose and Riddle withdrew the injunction was sent out. The release claimed a false allegation that Tavel traveled to Orlando and caused a scene in February, which was listed in the petition, when she claimed she was never in Florida in February. The claim is that is now that the scene did happen in front of people on December 19, 2019 at Full Sail University.

The release tweeted by Tavel claimed that after Rose sent out a release over the summer first saying that they were going to attempt to get an injunction that Tavel suffered online harassment and retaliation against her, as well as cost her an opportunity to work with WWE and made it difficult for her to find work. Rose claimed that the WWE has made clear they were never interested in Tavel and this did not cost her a job with the company ...

Technically the claims were not dismissed, but withdrawn, and if anything the situation got more heated after the release with the claim by Rose that they were filing suit against her this coming week.

Still, WWE teasing this as part of a storyline on Smackdown last week is mystifying at best, insane at worst given the touchy nature of the subject.

Lovelady attempted to get the injunction dismissed saying there was no support for any claims of threats, destruction of property and/or use of weapons and text messages Riddle supplied showed no evidence of threats to ruin his career if he didn’t leave his wife.

She claimed the petition should be dismissed with Riddle having to pay Tavel’s legal fees and claimed Riddle’s attempt to keep her from attending events at the Performance Center but not from his home or any other location says this is an attempt to harm, harass and silence her and not to protect him.

AAA: Konnan, on his podcast, said that they were hoping to be back running shows in October. He said it was not official and if there is an increase in the COVID-19 cases in Mexico it would be delayed

NEW JAPAN: While it’s not announced that Jeff Cobb has signed here, it’s pretty much a sure thing. Cobb has said that he’s signed with a promotion but would wait for them to announce it. It’s known that he turned down AEW and ROH. This is the only place he’s been working since the pandemic started and pretty much everyone New Japan ism using right now is under contract because there are limited spots with running shorter shows with fewer matches

Regarding Mexicans who can work in the U.S, besides Penta and Fenix, would be Laredo Kid, Black Taurus and Psycho Clown who all have visas. El Hijo del Vikingo doesn’t have a visa

AEW: The ending of the Chris Jericho & Jake Hager vs. Sonny Kiss & Joey Janela match on the 9/9 show did more than 580,000 18-49 viewers and almost 1.2 million total viewers

The plan is to stay at Daily’s Place at least through November (and likely longer) and they’ve offered a plan for $175 for tickets for the next seven tapings which works out to $25 per show. As noted last week, they were going to have a lot of trouble running so frequently in the same location. WWE couldn’t even make this work in a population as large as New York and they only made it work in Orlando by having 400 seats and keeping ticket price low

The one hour show that was originally going to air on 9/16 before it turned out there was no NBA game that night, will air after the NBA on 9/22 on both TNT and TSN in Canada. The show has Matt Sydal vs. Shawn Spears, Anna Jay vs. Brandi Rhodes and Scorpio Sky vs. Benjamin Carter. The latter match, if it’s given time, should be tremendous. Still, it feels like this is a throw away show because it’s on late at night and none of the major stars are on it. I’d like this, coming right after NBA coverage, to be a chance to make new stars for the product and have a more marquee show, although Sky vs. Carter could wow people but there’s still no established major star power past Chris Jericho announcing

Jericho on his Saturday night YouTube show said that he was the one who came up with Miro’s line that was anti-WWE. He told Miro the line and Miro couldn’t believe he’d be allowed to say that on television and Jericho told him here you can say what you want. "I've always been a fan of his. He's another guy, who, for whatever reason, fell through the cracks there and they are going to regret letting him go.” Jericho’s line was about “10 years under the same house, under the same glass ceiling" and chasing an imaginary brass ring. Well, you can take that brass ring and shove it up your ass," "I'm glad Miro came in and gave his mission statement," Jericho stated. "That said, we'll just leave it there now. This is not a place that wants to constantly bash another place. Obviously, when you come from another company, you have to acknowledge the fact that you came from there, because there's a history. But then you move on." Miro said he will not be talking about WWE going forward, although apparently he was not happy at all with Lana’s portrayal on the 9/14 Raw show since a lot of people were asking questions right after that angle aired whether that was done as a reprisal to his AEW interview

Jericho also said that him debuting as Sabian’s best man is actually part of a long thought out storyline in the sense Miro will be “The Best Man” as his nickname, as a takeoff on Curt Hennig as Mr. Perfect. "The Best Man thing is not a one-time deal," Jericho said. “It is going to be his new gimmick. He's the Best Man at everything, similar to Mr. Perfect. You know, Miro has always been a great guy, very funny guy, which a lot of people don't know. It's very cool to have him with us.

I had figured the reason the [AEW] one year TNT anniversary show was 10/14 headlined by the Jon Moxley vs. Lance Archer title match, and not 10/7 (the actual first show aired October 2, 2019) was because the Vice Presidential debate is scheduled for 10/7. But actually the reason is they’ve got other ideas for 10/7 which will have a different theme

The signing of Will Hobbs and subsequent push starting with the Casino Battle Royale was because Khan was impressed with him when he saw him when he was brought in to job on Dark. He booked him on Dynamite against Darby Allin and was hands on in helping put together that match with the idea to show that Allin could beat a physically impressive guy and thought Hobbs performed great in the role

Chris McCumber, who was the President of NBCU’s entertainment cable networks, USA and SYFY, has left the company after 19 years. This comes after Mark Lazarus, Chairman of NBCU television and streaming changed priorities and put Lifestyle Networks president Frances Berwick in charge of the new Entertainment and Business television division. NBCU reportedly did try to find a new role for McCumber, but he felt it was time to leave. It’s about prioritizing streaming and also cutting back on scripted programming on USA and SYFY and the idea of relying more on reality shows and live sports. McCumber has headed USA since 2011 and headed USA and SYFY since 2016. He was the point person in USA’s relationship with WWE. What this means is too early to know. McCumber was known to be a Paul Heyman supporter and wasn’t happy when he was taken off his role with Raw. He had been sold on the idea of a time frame of declining ratings in order to rebuild and create a generation of new stars, and was less happy when the emphasis was put on older stars. Whether he still felt that way a ratings somewhat stabilized is unclear

The plans are to make the Reigns/Heyman dynamic as different as possible from Lesnar/Heyman. The idea is that everyone knew that while Lesnar was a mercenary, he was also friends with Heyman. He smiled at his promos, laughed at his jokes, and long-time fans knew the relationship dated back to Lesnar’s start on the main roster in 2002. With Reigns it is the opposite. There is no friendship. The idea is that with Reigns, he is completely in charge oft he relationship and that, at least in idea, Heyman was done in wrestling with Lesnar gone and had nothing left. Reigns made the call to bring him back so he’s indebted to Reigns for saving his career. There will be catch phrases such as “Reignsing, defending, undisputed champion” and there will be a designation of him as the Special Counsel and Reigns will be the Tribal Chief, as a takeoff on Peter Maivia’s role in Samoan culture in the 70s

There has been talk on both sides of the aisle in the Florida legislature to introduce a bill that stems from the Daria Berenato/Sonya Deville case. It hasn’t been worded that I know of, but the idea of the bill would be to allow celebrities who have purchased homes confidentiality to where, for their own protection from crazed stalkers, it would be more difficult to get their home addresses. It’s been conceded that with Berenato, the guy was so intent that the guy may have been able to get it anyway but the case showed it was far too easy. The idea is that major sport pro athletes, wrestlers who appear on television and actors and actresses from SAG cards would be able to get their home addresses made confidential within the state

Right now they are looking for ideas for television after the contract in Orlando expires at the end of October. They don’t want to go back to the Performance Center and they do want to do shows with paying crowds. The idea is to try and run outdoors where it is safer and continue to run live

Right now the plan for Retribution, is that the main five characters will be Dominik Dijakovic, Shane Thorne, former Raw announcer Dio Maddin, Mercedes Martinez and Mia Yim. On Raw they cut a promo where they made it clear they were disgruntled talent who had been at the Performance Center who felt they hadn’t been given a fair chance. As noted last week, the decision has been made to only do this angle on Raw

Jaxson Ryker, who not only disappeared from TV, but ended up taking his partners Wesley Blake & Steve Cutler down the tubes with him when the team was set to do a program with The New Day by his pro-Trump tweets in early June which went over great in the dressing room (including both partners publicly trying to separate themselves from him to no avail) was back on 9/15 with a Tweet saying, “Lay down your freedom brother. Raise those masks that do not (sic) good.” In fairness, even if he didn’t make those tweets, there were those in the company who felt The Forgotten Sons gimmick was probably not the right thing to put on television at the time. And yes, we do know that people were furious at Ryker while having to keep their mouths shut about Linda McMahon heading a Super Pac for Trump’s re-election fund raising

The current market value of the company is $3.836 billion. Loop Capital, which had recommended selling until the stock hit $38 per share, is now listing as a hold and a $42 per share number saying that the decline in recent months now has the company about where it should be as far as value. In the projections of Alan Gould, he expects numbers to be lower than projections for the remainder of this year but increases in 2021 and 2022. Basically WWE hoped to get a boost from laying off 60 to 70 employees last week but that didn’t happen. But with the layoffs and cost cutting, the feeling is next year when things get back to normal with live events, plus cutting out a lot of the events that were money losers with a cutting back of shows, then profits will be higher than originally anticipated. Gould also felt a strong positive with the addition of Nick Khan. WWE really right now is a domestic and somewhat international based television rights fees business predominately, as is AEW. The feeling is Khan gives them a great person to handle negotiations. The decline in ratings is concerning but Gould believes right now that the next negotiations will lead to an increase in domestic rights from the current $470 million per year to about $658 million starting in October 2024

Regarding the most-watched shows on the WWE Network for the past week: 1. WWE Day of SummerSlam 2020; 2. Clash of Champions 2019; 3. Talking Smack; 4. Steve Austin’s Broken Skull Sessions with Jerry Lawler; 5. Raw Talk; 6. Payback 2020; 7. Smackdown form 8/7; 8. Clash of champions 2018; 9. NXT from 9/8 (Adam Cole vs. Finn Balor show) 10. SummerSlam 2020. The only independent show in the top 25 was the wXw Shotgun to the Top show at No. 19
WWE Ratings, AEW vs NXT Ratings:


All things considered, the 9/14 Raw number has to be looked at as if it could have been worse. The show averaged 1,689,000 viewers and 0.50 in 18-49 against the season opening Monday Night Football doubleheader.

While it was the sixth lowest audience in the history of the show, given the competition, had the lineup not been strong it could have easily been a lot lower. It was down only 2.1 percent in viewers, when it often can drop 10 percent or more, and was actually up with younger viewers, 4.2 percent in 18-49 and 26.1 percent in 18-34 from the prior week. It was the first time since 2012 that Raw went up in 18-49 the first week of the NFL season, but they did really load up the show ...

For a comparison Raw was down 25.7 percent in total viewers from the same week last year, 30.6 percent in 18-49 and 34.1 percent in 18-34.

Raw was fourth for the night in 18-49, trailing only the two NFL games and the SportsCenter show at 1:31 a.m. after the second game ...

The first hour did 1,812,000 viewers. The second hour did 1,734,000 viewers. The third hour fell to 1,521,000 viewers.

Hour three was the fourth lowest hour in the history of the show, which featured the ending and post-match of Dominik Mysterio vs. Seth Rollins in a cage, Raw Underground, Kevin Owens vs. Aleister Black, Lana & Natalya vs. The Riott Squad and Drew McIntyre vs. Keith Lee ...

Regarding the first-to-third hour drop of 16.1 percent, above the recent norm, the drop was 8.8 percent with women 18-49, 15.7 percent with men 18-49, 3.8 percent with teenage girls, 13.7 percent with teenage boys and 15.7 percent over 50.

The show did an 0.25 in 12-17 (down 7.4 percent from last week), 0.29 in 18-34 (up 26.1 percent), 0.71 in 35-49 (down 2.7 percent) and 0.82 in 40+ (down 2.4 percent)

Even with strong sports competition, Smackdown on 9/11 did a huge increase of 9.4 percent in viewers for its best numbers since the week after WrestleMania with a 1.43 rating, 2,329,000 viewers and 0.6 (824,000 viewers) in 18-49. The show had 1.35 viewers per home.

The rating was up 12.6 percent from last week while 18-49 numbers were up 3.9 percent.

The rating continues to be fueled by the return of Roman Reigns as a heel and the Bayley turn on Sasha Banks.

The show also remained even with an 0.4 in 18-34.

Smackdown tied with a first-run episode of 20/20 for first in 18-49 and won among network programming in 18-34 and men 18-49. Each network had first run programming and reruns combined. Smackdown beat two first run shows, Love Island on CBS (1,805,000 viewers) and Dateline on NBC (2,180,000) in total viewers and beat an America’s Got Talent rerun, placing in total viewers out of eight shows when it usually finishes last, although a number of cable shows like the NBA and Fox News also beat them. The early NBA game head-to-head on TNT did 2,563,000 and 0.95 in 18-49 and the late game did 4,691,000 and 1.87 in 18-49. The NHL on USA did 986,000 and 0.29.

Last year on the same week FOX had rerun shows in the time slot and averaged 934,000 viewers and 0.3 in the demo, so they were up 149.4 percent in viewers and 100 percent in 18-49.

In the segments, the first half four with the Roman Reigns & Paul Heyman interview and most of the Jeff Hardy vs. A.J. Styles IC title match did 2.35 million viewers. The second half hour with the end of Hardy vs. Styles and the Shinsuke Nakamura & Cesaro vs. Lucha House Party and interplay with the Street Profits fell to 2.26 million viewers. The big segment once again was the Bayley promo and footage of her turning on Sasha Banks, and the Lacey Evans vs. Tamina vs. Alexa Bliss vs. Nikki Cross match for the title shot at 2.39 million viewers. The Otis vs. John Morrison, Firefly Fun House and Reigns & Jey Uso vs. King Corbin & Sheamus match did 2.32 million viewers.

AEW had a strong showing on 9/16 considering it wasn’t really a marquee show on paper, even if the end result was one of the best two hours shows the company has put on.

The key is that AEW showed where they are on a night without major sports competition, since neither the NBA nor NHL had games, but they were head-to-head with NXT.

AEW did 886,000 viewers and 0.34 (445,000 viewers) in 18-49, placing third on the night in the key demo in the first head-to-head battle with NXT since 8/12 ...

NXT did 689,000 viewers and 0.18, (229,000 viewers, or barely half), good for the No. 31 spot of the night ...

The last time the two shows went head to head, AEW did 792,000 viewers and 417,000 in 18-49, while NXT did 619,000 viewers and 206,000 in 18-49, but that was also against NBA and NHL competition ...

We don’t have breakdowns for Raw and Smackdown, but in 18-34, AEW did fewer viewers than both and we don’t have the women 18-34 numbers broken down at press time for the other two shows.

AEW doubled NXT in both men and women 18-34 and handily won in both groups 35-49. AEW won every demo by a sizeable margin except 50+ won 0.36 to 0.32.

AEW did 107,000 viewers in male 18-34, up 17.6 percent from last week’s unopposed show and up 64.6 percent from the last time they went head-to-head. AEW did 62,000 in women 18-34, down 3.1 percent from last week, but up 3.3 percent from the last head-to-head night. AEW did 186,000 in males 35-49, down 21.2 percent from last week but up 2.2 percent from the last head-to-head night. And AEW did 90,000 women 18-49, the same number as last week but down 18.2 percent from the last head-to-head night.

NXT did 41,000 viewers in male 18-34, up 5.1 percent from last week and 5.1 percent from the last head-to-head night. NXT did 26,000 in women 18-34, down 3.7 percent from last week but up 23.8 percent from the last head-to-head night. NXT did 106,000 in men 35-49, down 27.4 percent from last week but up 8.2 percent from the last head-to-head night. NXT did 56,000 in women 35-49, down 24.3 percent from last week but up 16.7 percent from the last head-to-head week.

AEW won every quarter and of course 18-49 big. The only quarter AEW didn’t win 18-49 by at least 200,000 viewers was quarter No. 7. AEW doubled NXT in quarters No. 4 and No. 8 and nearly in No. 1.

In the main event battle, AEW with the Best Friends vs. Santana & Ortiz street fight, an incredible visual, did 871,000 viewers and 420,000 in 18-49 while NXT with Damien Priest vs. Timothy Thatcher for the North American title did 599,000 viewers and 186,000 in 18-49.

AEW opened with 960,000 viewers and 504,000 in 18-49 for the Young Bucks angle and FTR vs. Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus. This was one of the best opposed quarters for AEW all year and was its high point with both men and women 18-49. NXT opened with 803,000 viewers and 253,000 in 18-49 for Io Shirai vs. Shotzi Blackheart.

In quarter two, AEW had 857,000 viewers and 451,000 in 18-49 for The attack on Matt Hardy and beginning of Frankie Kazarian vs. Adam Page, which was a loss of 103,000 viewers and 47,000 in 18-49. NXT did 801,000 viewers and 267,000 in 18-49 for the finish of Shirai vs. Blackheart, Tommaso Ciampa vs. Desmond Troy and a Jake Atlas interview. This was also NXT’s high point in both male and female 18-49.

In the third quarter, AEW had 935,000 viewers and 477,000 in18-49 for the end of Page vs. Kazarian and MJF vs. Shawn Dean. NXT did 747,000 viewers and 248,000 in 18-49 for Austin Theory vs. Kushida.

In the fourth quarter, AEW had 891,000 viewers and 438,000 in18-49 for an MJF promo, Taz technique, Eddie Kingston with Penta El Cero M, Rey Fenix, Butcher & Blade, and the beginning of Chris Jericho & Jake Hager vs. Private Party. NXT did 613,000 viewers and 202,000 in 18-49 for a Johnny Gargano & Candice LeRae interview and most of the Tyler Breeze & Fandango vs. Fabian Aichner & Marcel Barthel tag match, which lost 134,000 viewers and 46,000 in the key demo.

In the fifth quarter, AEW had 904,000 viewers and 451,000 in 18-49 for most of Jericho & Hager vs. Private Party. NXT did 679,000 viewers and 232,000 in 18-49 for the end of the tag title match Kacy Catanzaro & Kayden Carter vs. Xia Li & Jessi Kamea.

In the sixth quarter, AEW had 869,000 viewers and 425,000 in 18-49 for Thunder Rosa vs. Ivelisse for the NWA title and Jake Roberts & Lance Archer & Taz in the ring for a promo. NXT did 631,000 viewers and 230,000 in 18-49 for a Tegan Nox promo and the beginning of Bobby Fish & Roderick Strong vs. Drake Maverick.

In the seventh quarter, AEW had 796,000 viewers and 390,000 in 18-49 for the Jon Moxley attack by Brian Cage & Ricky Starks and Will Hobbs save. NXT did 638,000 viewers and 211,000 in 18-49 for the ending of Fish & Strong vs. Maverick with Killian Dain coming out, Maverick & Dain and a William Regal announcement.

Best Friends vs. Ortiz & Santana gained 75,000 viewers and 30,000 in 18-49. The Priest vs. Thatcher main event lost 39,000 viewers and 25,000 in18-49.

Emperor Smeat 09-22-2020 07:24 PM

The Sheets:


Originally Posted by Observer
Last night's Raw, even with a poor show, held pretty much steady from last week, doing 1.67 million viewers on average for the three hours and 0.50 in 18-49.

The total audience was down one percent and 18-49 stayed even, as did 18-34.

Raw was fifth on the cable charts in 18-49, behind Monday Night Football, the Monday Night Football kickoff show, and SportsCenter after the game, as well as Below Deck Mediterranean on Bravo ...

Last night's NFL game with the New Orleans Saints and Los Angeles Raiders aired live on both ABC and ESPN, giving it the weird combination of being the most watched and strongest demo television show on both network and cable at the same time. Between the two venues the game did 15.44 million viewers and a 4.7 in 18-49, beating Raw by more than 9-to-1 in both total viewers and the key demo, which is likely something that has never come even close to happening at that level in history.

As far as first-to-third hour drops, women 18-49 dropped 12 percent, men 18-49 dropped three percent which is much lower than usual, teenage girls dropped 19 percent, teenage boys increased six percent, and over 50 dropped 13 percent.

Raw was down 25 percent in viewers, 30 percent in 18-49, and 41 percent in 18-34 as compared to the same week last year ...

The three hours of Raw were:

8 p.m. 1.75 million viewers
9 p.m. 1.69 million viewers
10 p.m. 1.57 million viewers

The NFL stat over RAW is an eye opener and RAW likely will suffer even more next since they would be going against a very mouth watering Chiefs vs. Ravens game.


Originally Posted by Observer
Joey Janela will face off with one half of The Rock 'n' Roll Express at Joey Janela's Spring Break 4.

Janela released a video on Monday night announcing that Janela vs. Ricky Morton will take place at Spring Break 4. The show is being held at the Marion County Fairgrounds in Indianapolis, Indiana on Saturday, October 10. It will be available to watch live via Fite TV.

Morton made his Spring Break debut when The Rock 'n' Roll Express lost to Santana & Ortiz at Joey Janela's Spring Break 3, part 2 in April 2019



Originally Posted by PWI
The latest iteration of the "Best Of WWE" video series is now on the WWE Network. The Best of Clash of Champions is narrated by Matt Camp and runs over four hours, featuring the following:

-Ric Flair versus Ricky Steamboat for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship (Two out of Three Falls), Clash of the Champions VI: Ragin Cajun

-Cactus Jack versus Ron Simmons for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship, Clash of the Champions XX: 20th Anniversary

-Ric Flair versus Sting (Unification of the WCW World and International Heavyweight Championships), Clash of the Champions XXVI

-Ricky Steamboat versus "Stunning" Steve Austin for the WCW United States Championship, Clash of the Champions XXVIII

-Bull Nakano versus Madusa, Clash of the Champions XXXIII

-"Diamond" Dallas Page and Lex Luger versus Scott Hall and "Macho Man" Randy Savage, Clash of the Champions XXXV

-Sheamus versus Cesaro (Match Seven In Best-Of-Seven), Clash of Champions 2016

-Natalya versus Charlotte Flair for the SmackDown Women's Championship (Lumberjack Match), Clash of Champions 2017

-Randy Orton versus Kofi Kingston for the WWE Championship, Clash of Champions 2019

-Sasha Banks versus Becky Lynch for the Raw Women's Championship, Clash of Champions 2019


Originally Posted by PWI
WWE issued the following:

New WWEŽ Collection of Wines Set to Launch

New York, NY – September 22, 2020 - Wines That Rock, the entertainment and lifestyle wine company, today announced the first two releases in its new WWE Wines collection featuring WWE Legend The UndertakerŽ and WWE Hall of Famer The Ultimate WarriorŽ. They will be available for pre-sale beginning today via with a shipping date of Thursday, October 22 in time for the holiday season.

Both unique offerings make up a collection of individually numbered, special vintages of limited-edition wines developed in collaboration with WWE. The wines were specifically chosen to represent each Superstar’s unique personality and will feature individually numbered labels, unique glass, dynamic artwork, and the winemaking talents of 2020 Wine Enthusiast’s ‘40 Under 40 Tastemaker’ Andrew Nelson.

The on-going AEW vs. WWE feud somehow managed to spill over into the wine industry now.


Originally Posted by PWI
Gerald Brisco tweeted the following, teasing that he may be AEW bound:

Oh gosh! We had some technical difficulties! I truly Khan't wait to tell you my big news! Stay tuned WEDNESDAY NIGHT for my BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! What do you think it's gonna be? ????????█??#BriscosBigAnnouncement
— Gerald BRISCO ????█?? (@Fgbrisco) September 22, 2020


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Dark Order member Evil Uno chatted with David Penzer on his ‘Sitting Ringside’ podcast to discuss the formation of Dark Order, joining All Elite Wrestling and his journey to AEW. Towards the end of the conversation, Uno expressed his desire to re-sign with AEW and how he would like to coach and/or have an office job there as well ...

Back in March, after months of hype surrounding the reveal of The Exalted One, said character was revealed to be the now-TNT Champion Brodie Lee. There was not a concrete plan regarding who was going to be The Exalted One until a month before the reveal but Evil Uno shared that Matt Hardy and Luther were both considered.

"We initially never knew who The Exalted One was gonna be. There was some talks of who potentially could be The Exalted One, but there was nothing on paper. All we knew was that we were gonna drag this out until we had an eventual reveal. Before the reveal, I think it was a month beforehand, if not a little earlier, we had inklings it was gonna be Brodie Lee and honestly we were very happy about it because I’ve known Brodie for over 15 years now. We’ve been good friends and I knew if he came in, he would take care of us and it would work because he’s a man of enormous stature, he’s a man that’s heavily respected and never really got his moments to shine, you know? And so I thought that was really good, but there definitely was some other names that were thrown in the hat as potential ones. I think most of them have kind of come out online but, Matt Hardy was an implied one that at one point was a maybe for about two days and then we decided it wasn’t but we kind of used the mystery and the fact that his contract was expiring and trying to — I was trying to entice people to think that it was him because he seemed like the most obvious subject and so, there was that. I heard Marty Scurll was also a potential but no one had ever discussed it with us. Dr. Luther I know did some interviews and some promos as a potential leader as well when it was just in the infancy and that moved on to be someone else but Brodie Lee was pretty much a concrete choice for the last month before the reveal happened in March."

The Dark Order debuted at Double Or Nothing in 2019 to a flat reaction from fans in attendance. Uno addressed that during the podcast and stated that it had to do with him and Stu Grayson not wrestling consistently in North America for close to six years, but the plan for the group was always to be a cult-like group with a build to their being a higher power revealed.

"When I had signed with AEW, we told them about this idea and the idea was that I would essentially have a ton of minions and we would recruit people to join in and they would essentially view me as a higher person so they would elevate us, and so when we started, The Young Bucks are very familiar with our work and they were very excited for us so they gave us a big reveal but we also knew that at the time, we hadn’t been in America in five years. We had changed our characters. It was kinda gonna come out to a whimper, but we were gonna slowly build it up and that’s what happened. When we were shown off in May of 2019 at Double Or Nothing, people weren’t very excited. People just didn’t know who we were because we hadn’t been wrestling in America in over six, seven years at the time, and so, that kind of grew with some discussions with them and we started turning it more into a cult. Trying to explain where do these minions come from, how do these people join our group, why do they join the group and so, it morphed over time and with TV, when you have TV every week, you have so much more opportunities to tell people who your characters are and so over the weeks it became clear that this was a scientology-like cult and eventually, the higher figure was not me. It was someone even above me and we were all doing his bidding and that’s kinda what has led to what we are today."


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
TV Insider conducted an interview with Zelina Vega and one of the questions asked of Vega had to do with her thoughts on WWE’s shifted views on third-party outlets such as Twitch and Cameo. Here’s what Zelina had to say:

"WWE has always been respectful and encouraging with stuff like that for me. I remember even when I did my cosplay for the Royal Rumble. They thought it was really cool and different. Then Street Fighter tweeted about it. We love working on things like that. We have UpUpDownDown, doing things with Mortal Kombat. They have always been very supportive in that way. I love that I get a chance to do what I do and live my dream, but also I get to live out other dreams like working with Tekken and stuff like that. Never did I think playing Mortal Kombat as a kid that I would be at the Mortal Kombat reveal. It’s definitely a blessing. As much as I’m a fan of them, they’re fans of wrestling and mine. It’s mind-blowing."

Following up on that, Vega was asked how does she stay ring-ready when she has been a manager for the greater portion of her WWE run. Vega says she always tries to stay ready by training at the Performance Center or working with colleagues and while giving that answer, revealed that Amazing Red is her cousin.

"To switch my mindset, I knew eventually [wrestling more] was going to come. I always try to stay ready. Whether it was training at the Performance Center or training with co-workers behind the scenes if there is a ring. It’s fine-tuning what I knew already. Amazing Red is my cousin, so he kind of started this whole thing with me back when I was 18 years old. Working with that and what I learned from Andrade and now learning from Aleister, it’s a cool combination of all those things. It’s something I think the universe is ready for. Seeing a whole different side of me."


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
WARHORSE joined Scrump and Dave Stenken on the PWTCast. The IWTV Champion reflected on his TNT Title match against Cody on AEW Dynamite and discussed some of the criticisms of the match that according to him, did not become too much until Jim Cornette and listeners of Cornette chimed in.

"Because they [the fans] would’ve been like, ‘Who the hell is this?’ It’s like, how do you have a debut match on TV at all if that’s the case, if no matter what, the question is who the hell is this? And I didn’t wanna go have a crazy, crazy match with Cody because what if I do f*ck up? And like either f*ck myself up, f*ck him up or just something looks dumb. Maybe I played it too safe or something? I don’t know. I had a lot of ideas and he had ideas too and we melded together and I thought we had a great match. But, as far as what other people saw, there was a lot of people that really liked it and there was some that didn’t but not as many people said they didn’t like it until the match happened Wednesday, Thursday was fine. Friday around mid-afternoon whenever [Jim] Cornette’s podcast came out and I don’t even have a problem with his podcast. Whatever, he can do whatever he wants. It’s his fans that didn’t have an opinion until he said he said his opinion and then all of a sudden they had an issue with the match that I had and they had been silent the entire time and then like, he didn’t say anything that I didn’t know he was gonna say. I know I’m not that tall, I know that people on f*cking Twitter have no idea what the deal is, why am I on TV, you know what I mean? I know that and he called me Whorehouse in the thing and I’ve been called that before. It’s not even creative. The best thing I took away from that is he liked my elbow drop. But, other than all that sh*t, it’s just weird how nobody was opinionated on it until he gave his opinion on it and then everybody was opinionated."


Originally Posted by WrestlingInc
The developments in the Retribution storyline from last night's WWE RAW are receiving a lot of mixed feedback on social media, and now word is that the presentation of the group was a hot topic of discussion backstage at the Amway Center last night.

It was reported today by @Wrestlevotes that the presentation of Retribution was a major topic of discussion last night, and was met with laughter at times backstage.

"The masks & names are already making the road for these guys impossible to climb," noted the source.


Originally Posted by PWI
The word making the rounds over the weekend was that Retribution vs. a WWE team was being targeted as the main event of Survivor Series.

Can probably scratch those plans off based on last night's episode of RAW and the negative reception Retribution has been getting.


Originally Posted by Fightful
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson shares his thoughts on a potential WrestleMania match against Roman Reigns.

In a video that was posted on The Rock's channel, the former WWE Champion spoke on who would be his WrestleMania opponent if he were to return to the company. Rock simply stated that it would make sense if it were up against Reigns given their family history and the potentially huge box office draw that match would produce.

"You know, you and I have talked about this and it's so funny how a lot of people always say, 'Well if you were to go back to WrestleMania, who would be the opponent that you would face?' It feels like the one that would make sense, right, would be Roman. In terms of box office draw [it would be huge]," Rock said.

This would be Rock's first match since WrestleMania 32 when he quickly defeated Erick Rowan in a matter of seconds. When it came to who would win that match, Rock didn't exactly give out an answer, but talked about how the booking meeting would go.

The Rock joked that WWE would tell him that Reigns would beat Rock and then Rock gets his win back at another WrestleMania, which is what happened when Rock and John Cena did for WrestleMania 28 and 29. In that series, Rock won the match at WrestleMania 28 and Cena won the rematch the following year.

"Well, I tell you this right now. I know how that works. I'm not going down that road because I know how that conversation goes. 'Listen, here's what we're thinking. Roman beats you now at this WrestleMania, but listen. Before you guys say anything, then on the next one, that's when...' But you what, I would be honored to not only share the ring with Roman and to go back to the WWE, but of course I would be honored to have him raise his hand on that one," Rock said.


Originally Posted by PWI
As noted last week on, WWE Intercontinental Champion Jeff Hardy acknowledged that he signed a new contract with WWE during an interview with BT Sports in Europe. is told that while there have been rumblings that Hardy signed a five year deal making the rounds, that is actually incorrect. We have been told by multiple sources that the new contract, including that was added to Hardy's previous contract due to injury-related inactivity, is closer to 2-3 years total in length.

TPWW Frontpage:

rez 09-22-2020 09:24 PM

So Steph sold off almost 50% of her WWE stock. eek....

rez 09-22-2020 09:25 PM

and the stock is low...haven't read any of Smeat's posts above this.. crazy

xrodmuc316 09-22-2020 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by rez (Post 5375741)
So Steph sold off almost 50% of her WWE stock. eek....

That doesn't mean a whole lot. Board members exercise options all the time.

It is also important to note she only sold Class A stock. Class B stock is the WWE's class that has all the voting power.

I almost wonder if they have to sell the stock off at certain points, because otherwise you would have to think they would wait until the stock is higher.

Emperor Smeat 09-23-2020 07:10 PM

The Sheets:


Originally Posted by Observer
AEW's one-hour Late Night Dynamite special, which aired on TNT following game three of the NBA Western Conference Finals last night, averaged 585,000 viewers.

The special began at 12:38 a.m. on the East Coast. It finished ninth overall in the 18-49 demo with a 0.26 rating. That matches the rating NXT did on Sept 1 when it aired unopposed on a Tuesday night in prime time and beat the 0.22 rating that NXT did the following Tuesday, but those NXT shows obviously didn't have the benefit of an NBA lead-in.

Last night's Los Angeles Lakers vs. Denver Nuggets NBA playoff game averaged 4.828 million viewers, topping all of cable and finishing third overall on television for the night. The post-game show that immediately followed the game averaged 1.743 million viewers on TNT, with Dynamite starting about 55 minutes after the game ended.

The strongest demo for AEW was men 18-49, where Late Night Dynamite did a 0.35 rating and was tied for seventh overall on cable.


Originally Posted by Observer
The no. 1 contender to the AEW World Title will be off TV for two weeks due to a self-admitted positive COVID-19 test.

On Wednesday, Lance Archer took to Twitter to reveal his positive diagnosis and how it came to be:

"When I returned from our last show, a family member was ill when I got home. I found out later a friend who had taken my family member to the Vet for our Dachshund was COVID positive. While at home, now I’ve also gotten sick tested positive. I feel ok, expect to see me in 2 wk"

Archer was scheduled to be in a six-man tag on tonight's AEW Dynamite, teaming with Ricky Starks and Brian Cage against AEW World Champion Jon Moxley, Will Hobbs, and Darby Allin. Moxley tweeted that he will now defend the title on Dynamite instead but didn't reveal the opponent.

For now, Archer is scheduled to face Moxley for the title at the company's anniversary edition of Dynamite on Wednesday, October 14th.


Originally Posted by PWI
On 9/21, WWE filed their opposition to Cody attempting to trademark 'Slamboree' and 'Match Beyond'.

WWE stated that they purchased the rights to those concepts when they acquired World Chamionship Wrestling in March 2001 and are utilizing them on the WWE Network and the WWE website.

WWE added because of the long standing use of the terms by WCW and WWE, they have become "indelibly linked" in the public's mind to be exclusively associated with WWE.

They also alleged that Cody filed for those trademarks in an "attempt to unfairly trade on the long-standing use and recognition" of their use with WWE.

:lol: at WWE claiming a "long standing use" of those trademarks. Same company that didn't give a crap about WarGames until a few years ago and had to pay off MLW to get the trademark for it back because they let it and almost every other WCW trademark lapse bsck in the day.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
CMLL’s 87th Anniversary Show is taking place on September 25th in Mexico City, Mexico and the company made the announcement that the World Trios Championship match will no longer take place on the show as Ultimo Guerrero has tested positive for COVID-19.

Guerrero, along with Euforia and Gran Guerrero were going to be defending the titles against Hechicero, El Terrible and Templario in a six-man two-out-of-three falls match. In place of that the bout, Titan is going to be defending the CMLL World Welterweight Championship against Soberano Jr.

The company revealed that Bandido has also tested positive for COVID-19 and will be off the 87th Anniversary Show.

Last week, CMLL revealed that Princess Sugehit tested positive for COVID-19. As of this writing, Ultimo Guerrero is the third wrestler in CMLL to test positive in the span of eight days.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Roman Reigns was a guest on The Bloodline with LLS podcast to discuss his Leukemia diagnosis. Roman discussed what he felt like leading up to discovering that his cancer was in remission and being grateful that the talents he worked with took care of him before he was able to find out about the remission.

“But my spleen had enlarged and I think that was something that kind of [is] one of the more short-term serious side effects that I had to deal with, just involving the physicality of being in the ring and God, I’m so lucky that fortunately nothing happened. Thank God that I worked with some really, really talented performers and some great professionals and guys who [are] as violent and as physical as our job can be, they’re very good at what they do and then no one hit me in the wrong place and caused a rupture or anything like that because as I’m sure you know, being out of town, in an arena, on the road away from your family, something like that happens and you get rushed to the emergency room, go into surgery, it just can, along with how serious it is it can just cause an emotional rollercoaster for everybody so, that was something that we really had to take into account and get me out of the ring and that’s why it all just started to happen so abruptly. But I think the main thing I was feeling was the fatigue. Always feeling tired. Not quite sure why, even if I were able to get good nights of rest. Even had a couple of days of recovery being off the road, it just never felt like it got off of me. It was just that monkey on my back at all times but along with that, I always thought it was that when you’re working hard and chasing your dreams and you’re busting your tail every single week trying to get the job done, especially when you’re performing at an elite level, at the very top of the biggest company in the world, as far as sports-entertainment, these are just the riggers that come with the schedule of the lifestyle so, I tried to as we say in the wrestling business, I tried not to sell it but thank God we’re taken care of, between the company and my doctors, my Oncologist doing our blood tests and our CVCs and keeping track of that stuff. I was able to see my white blood cells getting out of whack again.”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
The ‘Sports Guys Talking Wrestling’ podcast welcomed Jay Lethal onto the show to chat about the ROH Pure Title tournament. Lethal detailed some of the COVID precautions that were in place as ROH filmed the Pure Title tournament.

“I’ll tell you this too, there were a lot of hoops to jump through with the commission. You gotta have your mask on right after you come back from the locker room so you’re tired but you still gotta put your mask on. There’s a room just for you and your opponent and then when you leave there, that room has to be cleaned and my match had to be at eight in the morning and then once your match is done, they have to clean the arena, clean the ring, change the canvas. It was a nightmare for the crew I’m sure. They were there from like 7 AM to like 11 PM and they get 20, 25 minutes after each match to disinfect everything. We had so many canvases because they changed them after everything but it was such a long day but everyone did it with a smile on their face because we were all just so happy to be back at work.”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Sports Illustrated caught up with Miro (Rusev) for their ‘This Week in Wrestling’ column. Miro feels that he’s the best “all-around player” in professional wrestling and hinted that he’s going to top his WrestleMania 31 entrance while in AEW.

“It’s not a gimmick. I am the best. I am the best all-around player in professional wrestling. And people remember WrestleMania 31, the greatest entrance of any entrance, until you see how I top that in AEW.”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
TSN has a lengthy feature up about AEW broadcast team member Tony Schiavone which includes quotes from Schiavone. The longtime announcer discussed some of the talents on the AEW roster and who he’s been impressed with. Schiavone talked about MJF and the current AEW World Champion Jon Moxley who Schiavone feels is AEW’s Stone Cold Steve Austin.

“Obviously, MJF has because he is a throwback to the old heels. Jon Moxley – I didn’t see much of [his WWE character] Dean Ambrose, but only the Dean Ambrose from 2017 forward. I immediately said, ‘Man, Jon Moxley is kind of like our ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin.’ And I like Jon Moxley better than Dean Ambrose. Again, I didn’t see the Dean Ambrose before 2017 and I heard that he was pretty rough and rugged, but I just love what Moxley does. I love the Young Bucks and not only because I respect them for being on the independents and the money they made and the following they got, but also just because they’re cool guys. They’re great guys to work with.”

Schiavone shared some of his thoughts from when he first found out he was going to be calling the action of AEW alongside Excalibur and Jim Ross. Schiavone was curious about what Excalibur had to offer based on his background.

“I like to think – well, I know I am – I’m easy to work with. I didn’t know Excalibur at all, and when I was told that you’re going to be working with a masked guy who used to run a promotion and used to be a wrestler, I’m thinking ‘Oh, boy. What do we got here?’ But he’s a very intelligent guy and he knows his stuff and he’s a good kid. He’s hardworking and he and I have struck it off. JR and I have known each other for ages, so I think one of the things that makes our chemistry good – if you, in fact, think it is that way and people think it is that way– is that I do know my role and I don’t try to force the issue.”

In terms of how he likes to call a show, Schiavone stated that he cannot watch the competition. He feels that if that becomes a habit, he may pick up certain things or incorporate a style into his announcing and wants to avoid that potentially happening.

“It’s hard for me to sit here and compare what we do to what the WWE does because here’s what I do – the exact same thing that I did when I did Nitro back in the day – I do not watch the competitor. If something is going on with the competitor, I’ll read about it or I’ll hear about it from somebody backstage, but I don’t watch it. The reason I don’t is an old thing Vin Scully used to say and, of course, I was a big baseball guy. Vin Scully said years ago that he never listens to any other announcer because he doesn’t want to get caught in the trap of trying to imitate what they say or how they call a game. And I don’t want to do that. I guess I can watch it with the sound down, but I can find out the information another way.

So I can’t sit here and say, ‘Hey, watch AEW because we are X-different than WWE’ because I don’t know what they’re doing. I just know that we have exciting wrestling, we have great storylines and I think it may be, from what I understand, a little bit more of what the fans really want in a wrestling program than what the WWE is providing.”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Fightful’s Sean Ross Sapp has an extensive interview with Matt Rehwoldt, the former Aiden English. One of the topics covered during the interview had to do getting access to Vince McMahon and Rehwoldt admitted that trying harder to reach Vince is something he could’ve done better ...

On the topic of television ratings, Rehwoldt feels that the era of ratings will be done away with over the next decade and he thinks advertising and all things related will be dumped into trending hashtags and SEO-related content.

“My thing is I’m pretty convinced and this is kind of a dive off but, I’ve always been convinced — if it doesn’t happen in the next ten years, I will be shocked. But I think television ratings are gonna go away. I think Nielsen is maybe gonna be around or something. I think advertising dollars are gonna be spent on trending hashtags and things like SEO and stuff like that. TV ratings I think are gonna get less and less important, so everyone talking about, ‘Oh, RAW’s lowest numbers ever.’ It’s like, yeah, maybe, but it’s like eight billion things to watch right now so, but people are still talking about X, Y, Z a ton on the internet and eyeballs are there. So that’s [where] I think advertising and media is going.”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Pro Wrestling Sheet conducted an interview with Shotzi Blackheart ahead of NXT. Blackheart was asked if she thought that her being in the crowd at the Performance Center diminished her character a bit and she is not of that mindset in the slightest.

“It makes such a difference having us there. So I was really hyped for it. I don’t know if you’ve seen the dancing GIFs that come up for me doing audience work, but I loved it. I loved supporting my coworkers, so I was all for it and I took advantage of it. And I had a good time during everyone’s entrances. Some people kind of view it as we’re looked at as fans and not wrestlers when we do this, but I’m like, ‘Uh uh. I’m having the time of my life.’ And I’m supporting my coworkers. I know how I feel at NXT TV when I see the people that I train with out in the crowd giving me that energy. It just helps so much. So I can’t complain. They do it for me. I don’t mind giving back.”

Completely different stance than Tommasso Ciampa in a different interview who was against the idea of having regular NXT stars in the crowd since it was beneath their star status.


Originally Posted by Fightful
IMPACT Wrestling is finally trying to lock down their Knockout's Champion.

Still technically a free agent, Fightful learned that recently IMPACT Wrestling made a long-term contract offer to Deonna Purrazzo.

The following was reported on Fightful Select:

After months of no contract offer, Fightful can confirm that IMPACT Wrestling has offered their Knockouts Champion Deonna Purrazzo a full-time contract with the company. There's no word on whether or not pen has been put to paper, but we're told it's at minimum a two-year deal with financial increases as the contract goes on. There were rumors backstage that Purrazzo was going to leave the company in October, which led to an offer finally being made. Alex Shelley is also working without a contract as tag team champion, and EC3 says he does not have a contract at this time.

Purrazzo has already competed in several high profile match, including a show-stealing title win on Slammiversary, and a main event Iron Man Knockouts Title match on IMPACT. She sits at 5-0 in singles action on IMPACT programming since her return.


Originally Posted by Fightful
For years fans believed The Undertaker would enter the arena on his motorcycle once again. The American Badass Undertaker was buried in 2003, bringing back the Deadman in 2004. It wasn't until WrestleMania 36 that The Undertaker returned on his motorcycle.

According to Undertaker, there were never plans for the American Badass to return after he was buried in 2003.

"Once I left American Badass, everyone was content with the hybrid version of the Undertaker. My style had changed. I kept a lot of elements of my in-ring work, geared towards the American Badass character. It didn't come up until this year. It dawned on me with the type of promos AJ was cutting, there was really no way I could bring the original Undertaker to (the match). It had become too personal and crossed too many lines. You're gonna have to get American Badass all grown up and he still has that evil side to him but a much more person approach. That's how we ended up with American Badass 2.0. Regardless of what I do on camera moving forward, that's the persona (I'll use)," said Undertaker on My Mom's Basement podcast.


Originally Posted by 411Mania
Last week’s episode of AEW Dynamite featured a parking lot brawl between Best Friends and Santana & Ortiz that got a lot of praise from wrestling personalities and fans. According to Fightful, the wrestlers backstage in AEW also were big fans of it.

Several wrestlers reportedly went out of their way to see the match in person, even though they weren’t on camera. Certain wrestlers and personalities appeared as the audience for the match, but others came out to watch from a distance even though they weren’t asked to be there.


Originally Posted by 411Mania
During today’s episode of Wrestling Observer Radio, Dave Meltzer discussed the current status of NXT Superstar Chelsea Green and if she will be making it to the main WWE roster. According to Meltzer, Green is not part of the current Retribution stable on Raw, which has seen NXT Superstars Mia Yim and Mercedes Martinez join the group.

Meltzer added that Green was taken off of NXT TV right when it appeared she was about to get a push after she broke away from manager Robert Stone. When the angle was done, it was executed with the intent of brining Chelsea Green to the main WWE roster. Meltzer stated, “At the time, the idea was to bring her to the main roster, but they’ve made changes since then. So, who the hell knows what’s going on?”

Green is currently still listed as part of the NXT roster for WWE.

TPWW Frontpage:

xrodmuc316 09-23-2020 08:30 PM

Chelsea Green was going to debut on Smackdown, and they would call her Chelsea whatever color she was wearing that night, so it would change weekly.

After a few weeks she was going to win the Smackdown Women's Championship under the name Chelsea Tyedye, although plans changed.

That will be $11.99

Emperor Smeat 09-24-2020 09:51 PM

The Sheets:


Originally Posted by Observer
After a week with no competition from the NBA or NHL playoffs, both sports were back last night and seemed to affect AEW Dynamite more than WWE NXT.

This week's Dynamite averaged 835,000 viewers on TNT, down 5.8 percent from last week. NXT was up one percent from last week, averaging 696,000 viewers on the USA Network.

The total combined audience of 1.531 million viewers was only down three percent from last week despite the NBA doing an audience of nearly 4.5 million viewers. News programming was also up from normal levels with Fox News averaging five million viewers in the two hours opposite Dynamite and NXT.

Dynamite averaged a 0.32 rating in the 18-49 demo, down 5.9 percent from last week. It's the lowest number the show has done since August 27, when Dynamite aired on Thursday. It matched the lowest the show has done on a Wednesday since July 29. Dynamite ranked ninth overall on cable in the demo.

NXT finished 38th in the 18-49 demo, averaging the same 0.18 rating it did last week.

As usual, AEW won every demo except people over 50, where NXT had an advantage of 0.37 to 0.32.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
The major difference this week was the NBA playoffs, which had an off night last week. The game between the Boston Celtics and Miami Heat topped the cable charts with 4,484,000 viewers and a 1.76 demo figure. The NHL game between Tampa Bay and Dallas was eighth for the night with 1,145,000 with AEW tying them in the demo rating.

The NXT audience was largely unaffected by the NBA while AEW was hurt among its young male audience and with its 18-34 audience with declines in those categories.

For Dynamite, males 12-34 fell 31 percent this week with adults 18-34 dropped by 17 percent. Interestingly, NXT stayed even in both demos from last week. Both sides were hurt with males 18-49 as AEW was down 13 percent and NXT down 8.5.

Female viewership on both sides remained steady as did its older audiences in 25-54 and 50+. Among females 12-34, AEW increased by 7 percent and NXT saw a jump of 33 percent ...

If the Denver Nuggets vs. L.A. Laker series goes to a seventh game, it will be played next Wednesday.


Originally Posted by Observer
Rumors of a recent COVID-19 outbreak among NXT talents at the WWE Performance Center became real Thursday night as WWE released a statement somewhat acknowledging some positive tests.

“As part of ongoing testing protocols, WWE completed its second round of weekly COVID-19 testing on Tuesday. Individuals that tested positive will quarantine for 14 days, receive medical care, and then will only be cleared when they are symptom-free and test negative. Additionally, extensive contact tracing has taken place and other individuals have been placed in 14-day quarantine, and will then only be cleared after they test negative.”

As expected, WWE didn't release any information on the amount of talents that tested positive and cannot release names due to HIPAA laws.

PW Insider reported that training has been paused at the Performance Center as of Thursday.

NXT is covered for tapings until TakeOver on October 4th, giving time for recovery for those infected. It's unknown if this recent outbreak has affected main roster members, or even AEW talents, who might have come into contact with those infected.

Both Fightful and Spectrum Sports 360's Jon Alba first reported that during the week of September 9th, several positive tests resulted in some changes to their TV plans and that mask wearing has gotten a bit lax at the PC.


Originally Posted by Observer
NXT UK's Heritage Cup tournament is set to begin next week.

The Heritage Cup tournament will kick off with a first round match between Alexander Wolfe and Noam Dar airing on next Thursday's episode of NXT UK. Pete Dunne will be the special guest referee for the match.

Next week's NXT UK episode will also feature a triple threat match to determine the wildcard entrant for the Heritage Cup tournament. The participants for the triple threat match haven't been revealed. The wildcard entrant will round out the lineup for the eight-man tournament.

The drawing for the Heritage Cup took place on this week's NXT UK. The first round matches for the tournament are:

Joseph Conners vs. Dave Mastiff
Wildcard entrant vs. Trent Seven
Flash Morgan Webster vs. A-Kid
Alexander Wolfe vs. Noam Dar


Originally Posted by PWI
The updated lineup for this Tuesday's edition of United Wrestling Network's Primetime Live PPV episode 3 features:

*NWA National Champion Aron Stevens vs. Trevor Murdoch.

*Allysin Kay vs. Serena Deeb

*CWH Heritage Champion Ray Rosas vs. Papo Esco.

*Remy Marcel vs. Papadon.

*Ruby Raze vs. Cece Chanel

*Chris Dickinson returns.


Originally Posted by PWI
All Japan has also announced it will hold a memorial ceremony for Road Warrior Animal at its Korakuen Hall show on October 5.


Originally Posted by PWI
One of the reasons WWE issued an edict for talents to end their third-party relationships with platforms like Cameo may have been revealed as the company announced their own virtual meet and greets. The official announcement reads:

WWE Virtual Meet & Greets are your chance to chat one-on-one with your favorite WWE Superstars! This brand-new fan event gives you the opportunity to have an experience with a WWE Superstar like never before from the comfort of your own home.

All Virtual Meet & Greets are recorded so you will be able to keep the memory forever!

The next round of WWE Virtual Meet & Greets will take place this Friday, Sept. 25-Monday, Sept. 28. Tickets will be available tomorrow at 12 p.m. ET here!

Ticket includes:

2-minute private one-on-one video with selected WWE Superstar
Downloadable video of your meet & greets available within 48 hours of the event
Purchase exclusive personalized autographed items


Friday, Sept. 25
Alexa Bliss: 1 p.m. ET
Finn Balor: 5 p.m. ET
Sunday, Sept. 27
Big E: 10 a.m. ET
Bray Wyatt: 1 p.m. ET
Monday, Sept. 28
Asuka: 12 p.m. ET
Aleister Black: 2:30 p.m. ET


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
WWE Hall Of Famer Edge underwent surgery for torn triceps following his match against Randy Orton at Backlash. It has been three months since the surgery and during Edge’s appearance on the ‘Squared Circle Pit’ podcast, he provided an update on how he’s doing.

“Recuperation is going good… today is two months and the first two months, there’s not a lot to do. You really just have to let it heal and let the surgery take and I think from this point going forward now, I’m gonna get the clearance to start going after it and pushing it and that’s what I do best honestly, in terms of injuries. That’s always what I’ve kinda done best and for whatever reasons, my mindset, I don’t get depressed. I just look at it as a challenge and when you look at it as a challenge, it’s just one more thing to try and conquer and come back from and that to me is really strangely exciting. To go, ‘Ok, this is another one, I got it. No problem.’ Once I can really put the nose to the grindstone, go after this thing, in a weird way it’s almost fun.”

Edge talked about wanting to help improve the overall WWE product with his input. As far as him directly being a part of that creative process, he stated that-that is not exactly the case but he just floated it out there that if a talent needs help, they can get in contact with him at any time.

“No, I’m watching basically to see who I could possibly help, whether that’s in terms of promos, whether that’s in terms of fleshing out character and I do see a lot of guys and girls that, ‘Oh okay, there’s something here. I don’t know if they’ve just fully figured out what it is yet’ and maybe I could help them figure that out. Maybe I could help them with their promos and help them figure out exactly what they’re trying to bring to the table in terms of their character and that to me is where I feel like I can help the most, while I’m out and having had 20 years of experience in this thing that is wrestling, right? So, I floated that out there as, ‘If anybody wants to take me up on this, I’m here to try and help do that’ and that to me is really exciting because I didn’t just come back to collect a paycheck. I really do wanna come back and try and help further the product and help talent that I feel, whether it’s underutilized or whether it’s just on the cusp of something but trying to figure it out and I might see something go, ‘Ooo, ok, right. That right there. If we can take that, magnify that, focus on that’ and that’s where I feel I can be really helpful.”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Former NWA World Tag Team Champion Royce Isaacs confirmed that he has been granted his release from the National Wrestling Alliance. He wrote the following on Twitter:

“Now that its public; After a little over a year with the NWA I asked for and was granted my release. I’m excited for my next adventure and what the future holds, but I’m leaving with a lot of memories and friends and I will miss the awesome fans at GPB Studios. Stay tuned.”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Alex Zayne shared on Twitter that he’s had to cancel the next two weeks of his bookings to self-quarantine because he was exposed to someone who has COVID-19. Zayne had dates lined up with Warrior Wrestling, Black Label Pro and Violence x Suffering.

Zayne also works for GCW and NJPW's weekly US show although in NJPW's case, they shouldn't be affected since they taped their current batch of episodes earlier in the month.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Denise Salcedo of Instinct Culture chatted with The Good Brothers (Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson). Gallows and Anderson revealed that they’ll have their own special on AXS TV in the future.

Doc Gallows: “I am letting the cat out of the bag right here right now, I can’t say anything about titles or anything like that, but you’re gonna see us with our own special on AXS TV, that’s putting credit/belief into a ‘tag team’ or brand to come together, two guys that can entertain inside the ring and outside the ring. And I think that’s a big hats off to IMPACT Wrestling for realizing that yes, the single stars historically have been a draw in a New York state of fashion but that’s not always the case in modern day wrestling… {in regards to the series on AXS} I would say, think drunken late night talk show sprinkled in with IMPACT Wrestling stars of our choice and a little Talk ‘N Shop A Mania running wild brother…”

Karl Anderson: “A Good Brother Variety Show, that’s the way to put it. Everything that you could expect from us to just be stupid and fun and sitting down and drinking and talking. {laughs}”


Originally Posted by Fightful
Serena Deeb is now under self-quarantine after coming into contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19.

Deeb announced that she will be in quarantine for 10 days as a precaution, but did not say whether or not she tested positive for COVID-19. As a result, Deeb will not wrestle on the September 29 United Wrestling Network Primetime Live show. In its place, Allysin Kay will face Nicole Savoy on September 29.


Originally Posted by Fightful
Potentially bad news for Tegan Nox.

According to the latest NXT injury report, Nox is scheduled to undergo an MRI to assess the damage to her injured knee. Nox was seen laid out backstage by Candice LeRae prior to the number one contender battle royal for the NXT Women's Championship. LeRae took out Nox with a pipe and an equipment crate.

The report speculates that Nox suffered a torn ACL.

Current rumor going around the net is that Tegan Nox's injury is legit and not some WWE made up injury that gets changed later because WWE goofed up by making it too severe to bring someone back quickly.


Originally Posted by Fightful
A shake-up behind the scenes in NXT UK.

According to Inside The Ropes Wrestling, Glen Joseph (the former co-owner of PROGRESS) has left his role as one of the show’s producers due to “personal reasons." Jim Smallman (another PROGRESS founder) has been promoted to the brand’s head writer.

NXT UK talent was told of this news during a Zoom call on Thursday.

Joseph previously stepped down from his role in PROGRESS over allegations during the Speaking Out movement. Despite being the head writer, Smallman still answers to Matt Bloom and Shawn Michaels, who are running the show remotely from the United States.

NXT UK held an extra-long training session at the UK Performance Center to knock off the rust for the next set of television tapings. According to the report, a number of matches required a re-shoot during the first set of tapings.

The report also states that more talent are set to debut in NXT UK shortly and talent was told to cease selling their own merchandise or using their names on third-party platforms, a similar edict WWE superstars have to follow.


Originally Posted by WrestlingInc
AEW changed their COVID testing protocols at Wednesday's tapings, Wrestling Inc. can exclusively report.

Wrestling Inc. has learned that AEW had talents get tested from their home in addition to getting test on-site at Wednesday's taping. Lance Archer apparently tested positive during that second round of testing. Also, the AEW medical staff consulted with the NFL COVID response team to come up with updates to their COVID testing process.

This apparently comes after several positive COVID-19 tests in the company. Jon Alba and reported that multiple AEW wrestlers who were at the September 9th tapings tested positive for COVID-19 in the two weeks since. The report noted that some of the talent that had tested positive had been brought in for the last set of AEW Dark tapings and are not under contract ...

We exclusively reported earlier this month about the COVID testing procedures implemented by WWE and AEW. AEW talent go to an off-site facility the morning of tapings to have a blood prick test taken. The test allows a talent to know within ten minutes whether they are positive or not. If the talent passes the test, they are given a wrist band and taken to Daily's Place. Talent cannot enter Daily's Place without the wrist band.

TPWW Frontpage:

Fignuts 09-25-2020 04:35 AM

That's the third time for Tegan Nox. She might be done.

Emperor Smeat 09-25-2020 05:22 PM

The Sheets (Observer Newsletter Edition):


COVID has now spread into a number of promotions this past week with a major outbreak in WWE, some in AEW and four of the biggest stars, if not more, in CMLL.

All three promotions had to change aspects of their television shows this week. AEW’s television main event was changed. NXT had changes as well as noted by those in the company but were not specific as to what the changes were past there was a significant outbreak. The outbreak was said to affect plans for the Raw brand for 9/28, but there has been no indication it affects the scheduled matches on the 9/27 Clash of Champions a far as participants in the bouts themselves.

However, those who have been training at the Performance Center of late have been taken off Raw or Smackdown tapings until further notice. There is also fear that the large number of Performance Center athletes who were under masks at Retribution may lead to issues due to interacting with the Raw roster on the 9/21 show ...

Most of the positives in AEW and NXT were related to talent that is in Orlando (not necessarily all, as there is thought some is also related to independent wrestling as some AEW talent and extras have worked some indie dates of late, Ben Carter being the name that has come out although he is not AEW contracted talent) ...

With the Orlando area being a hotbed as far as wrestlers go, talent from WWE and AEW socialize, go to the gym together, and some are even in relationships together, as well as socialize with some of the same fans and insiders. One person very familiar with the testing results and spread said that was the key reason why it happened at the same time with both companies. There is also the issue with independent promotions opening up, some with fans in attendance. While some are testing, not all are doing so. WWE talent never works independent shows but the non-contracted AEW talent work as many indies as they can, and some AEW contracted talent still works indies as well ...

AEW has gone a step farther of late in its testing. They are now requiring people to test before coming to Jacksonville and then they get tested a second time on arrival and are not allowed in until the results of the second test come in. With Tony Khan’s NFL connections, he is working with the NFL Covid response team for stricter protocol ...

In addition, Chelsea Green, who had not been on television in some time, said that she had COVID-19 but is now clear of it. Green is the girlfriend of AEW’s Matt Cardona ...

With WWE, and more specifically NXT, there were a number of stories going around based on people not there that should have been, and with no explanation, notably Bobby Fish (who suffered what we were told was a minor knee injury training kickboxing and BJJ which is why he wasn’t on TV and not COVID), Tyler Breeze as well as announcers Vic Joseph and Wade Barrett. The announcing team was instead Tom Phillips and Beth Phoenix (who does the shows from home in Asheville, NC and has no contact with anyone in Orlando) ...

The story going around is that one of the NXT coaches had it without having symptoms. He later tested positive, as did many others and it spread. It was also noted that the usage of masks when they reopened training at the Performance Center a few weeks ago had gotten lax.

For the 9/23 show, they darkened outside the ring and while there were some people there, the number of contracted talent acting as fans at Full Sail sounded like a tiny number. The crowd reaction was way down and unlike in the past, the crowd wasn’t shown. So many people who train at the Performance Center were quarantined due to having contact with people who have tested positive that they weren’t able to have many in the crowd.

The WWE has not publicly said this, but the word around is that classes at the Performance Center have been canceled. The reason given was they are shutting the gym down for Takeover prep ...

This has also ked to a number of changes in the longest-lasting traditional event in pro wrestling, the CMLL Anniversary show, traditionally the company’s biggest show of the year.

The 87th anniversary show scheduled for 9/25 at this point has officially lost Bandido, Ultimo Guerrero, Lluvia and Princesa Sugehit, all of which tested positive. There is talk of others, and we do know that Templario, who is currently scheduled to replace Bandido and face Volador Jr. for the NWA welterweight title, was sick midweek but had not tested positive.

For NXT Takeover on 10/4, two title matches were determined on the 9/23 television show.

There is also supposed to be a reveal of a former NXT champion returning. Most figure this to be Bo Dallas, since he’s not doing anything and is still under contract. Robert Roode also fits into that category. The others on the roster are Sami Zayn, Andrade, Aleister Black, Seth Rollins, Big E, Kevin Owens, Samoa Joe and Shinsuke Nakamura who are less likely.

NEW JAPAN: The Super J Cast has reported that the October/November tour will be a combination of both the World Tag League tournament (usually November and December) and Best of Super Juniors tournament (usually May and June)

AEW: The current schedule is that the 9/30 show is being taped on 9/25. Normally it would be taped 9/24, but the Jacksonville Jaguars were facing the Miami Dolphins at the stadium and that would require Tony Khan to be in two places at the same time, plus I don’t think it would be easy to run an event at Daily’s Place when there is a football game at the adjacent stadium. The 10/7 show, which will be the 30th anniversary of Chris Jericho’s debut special. Jericho’s first match was with Lance Storm on October 2, 1990 in Ponoka, Alberta. The anniversary show would be expected to be taped on 10/8 and air on 10/14

At the 9/24 Jaguars vs. Dolphins game, the fans at the game for the halftime entertainment had the Stadium Stampede match airing. It was edited down since halftime isn’t long enough to air the entire match. There were about 17,000 fans as they were playing to 25 percent capacity. At the end of halftime, the Jaguars mascot pushed Sammy Guevara into the pool

A ton of AEW talent were at the game together since they were in Jacksonville for the tapings.

In the outright silly department, Joey Janela & Sonny Kiss were planning on announcing that their new tag team name was The New New Midnight Express. Jim Cornette, Dennis Condrey, Stan Lane and Bobby Eaton tried to trademark that name back in August. Cornette’s lawyer, Steven P. New, who advertises on his podcasts, sent a cease and desist to Megha Pareekh, the head of legal for AEW, to stop the team from using that name. Janela has since claimed it was all a rib to get Cornette mad. Cornette and Janela have real issues with each other

Shanna (Alexandra Barrulas) said that she would be coming to the U.S from Europe. She said she first has to go and spend14 days in a neutral country that isn’t banned from travel to the U.S. as a quarantine and then can come in and is doing so. No word on if or when Pac, Cima, T-Hawk, Riho, Emi Sakura, Shoko Nakajima and others can return but basically the inability to travel back-and-forth is why they aren’t being used. In a lot of cases, such as the Japanese, the problem is foreigners can’t get back to Japan without a 14-day quarantine. Pac is a similar situation in that he could theoretically get in since they’ve made exceptions for athletes from other countries so baseball and NBA players could play, but he’d have to quarantine for 14 days returning home so it doesn’t work out. Bea Priestley is another. She’s no longer under contract but they’ve talked about being interested in using her again when she’s able to come to the U.S. Priestley lives in Japan now after getting out of the U.K. a few weeks ago and is starting back with Stardom

For those who think the WWE will take a hit in its next television deal due to declining ratings, and there are so many variables about what the world, media and WWE ratings will be like in 2023 when the real negotiations will take place (current deals end at the end of September 2024), Turner Broadcasting has just given baseball a 65 percent increase to $535 million (Turner is just one of many baseball television partners) per year, up from $325 million, for a deal that would start with the 2022 season and end with the 2028 season. This is for a sport that skews older and also has declining ratings. Now, baseball provides tons of programming and no matter what, NFL, NBA and MLB are always going to be considered high priority top three sports in the U.S. so even with declining ratings they have a measure of prestige that wrestling doesn’t have. But still, the latest deal showed a big increase. Turner will get a lot more games and the Sunday afternoon game will be moved to prime time Tuesday nights. . An even bigger story as it relates to WWE is that NBCUniversal is said to be overhauling its entertainment division and putting less emphasis on cable and more on streaming. The Wall Street Journal noted that NBCU Chief Executive Jeff Shell is rethinking the inner workings of the company. It was noted the recent pushing out of Chris McCumber, who headed USA and Syfy, with no replacement is part of that. McCumber was a supporter and proponent of Raw. The article said that Syfy, E! (which airs Total Bellas) and Oxygen don’t have a long-term future. Still, cable generated $11.5 billion for NBCU last year out of $34 billion in company revenue

Stephanie Levesque, which is the name she uses in these matters, sold 57,573 shares of WWE stock on 9/21 at $39.18 per share. This is a very interesting divestiture. She sold 43 percent of her Class A stock at a time when the price was at its lowest. She still remains with a large number (1,977,382 shares worth $78,274,587 based on that days’ price) of Class B stock that only is owned by members of the McMahon family (Vince, Linda and her, Shane had sold all of his WWE stock some time back, Linda still has some, Vince has a ton although he’s also sold a ton in recent years including $300 million worth for the XFL). Unless they are needing cash to build something or invest elsewhere, that’s a lot of stock to sell, and it’s not the selling itself, but the selling at such a low price that is notable. It’s at the lowest price the stock has been in a long time, and in theory way lower than it should be from the outside because for market value this should be much higher priced based on profit margins expected for the future. The hiring of Nick Khan was supposed to be a positive step for the stock because the market wanted a hire to replace Michelle Wilson and George Barrios, whose firings with no explanation really was what led to the stock’s big decline. But now there is concern about the negotiations for TV that ends in late 2024, and nobody really knows what the state of cable television and streaming is, as well as a ton of other factors. One would think people on the inside would want to acquire now if they are confident about the future and the price being lower than it’s value, so that’s really the question. Before when she sold tons of her stock it was to buy an expensive home and their sales in recent years had been at high prices. This sale got her $2,255,710. She has 76,324 remaining Class A shares worth $2,990,374.

At a zoom meeting on 9/24, the talent was told Glen Joseph, the former co-owner of Progress and head writer of NXT U.K., has left the promotion due to personal reasons and that Jim Smallman, another former co-owner of Progress is now head writer for the brand. Joseph was with Progress through June, when he left his post over allegations by women against him. Smallman left Progress at the end of this past year to work full-time for WWE. NXT U.K., headed by Paul Levesque, is actually run by Shawn Michaels and Matt Bloom, but Smallman will be head writer and in charge of tapings since Levesque, Bloom and Michaels can’t travel to the U.K. and back right now ... It’s also reported that WWE has made signed more European talent which will start debuting on upcoming tapings. U.K. talent was also told that they could no longer sell their merchandise, which had been allowed as a way to make money since the U.K. contracts are for a low amount. They also have to follow the WWE main roster restrictions of not working with any third party companies, which were also previously allowed. People aren’t happy because most U.K. contracts range from $24,000 to $36,000 per year, although the top guy (Walter and maybe a couple of others) are believed to be well over triple the higher end because they had to make him an offer of real money to get him. Walter was in the range of most of the high-end NXT guys in the U.S. besides somebody like Balor who gets main roster money but was moved to NXT for the ratings war. Originally this was presented as that the talent would make most of their old money plus they’d get their WWE money and most were barely scraping by on wrestling just working indies, so even that $20,000 boost (which was what the original contracts were for) made a big difference for most

Mike Johnson reported that Melina Perez, 41, would be returning. People in the company who should know did not know this, but since Johnson reported it the odds are that it’s true and do know of people who don’t know it but figured it was true. Perez denied it, but her denial seemed to indicate something was up, as she was mad at why someone would spoil a secret. She said she was not signed but that doesn’t mean it’s not possible. She basically said that if she does sign that the story was still a lie and that she doesn’t know what her future is but then wrote “going back home to the WWE would feel like everything I’ve gone through was for this very moment, but we don’t know what’s going to happen.” It could also mean an idea was pitched for her but the deal isn’t made. And unfortunately, in far too many cases in recent years, talent has outright lied when reports of them returning comes out, only to claim later that they did because they didn’t want people to know.

So anyway, here is the explanation of the finish of the Lashley & Alexander & Benjamin vs. T-Bar & Mace & Slapjack match. Lashley had the full nelson on Slapjack and T-Bar hit Lashley to break it up and they called for a DQ. It’s bad enough that we had just had two outside interference DQs already on the show. But there is a secret rule and it was explained to us by someone who worked within the secret rules department. Vince when laying out matches is very adamant that in a tag team match, the illegal man can’t hit a legal man or it is an automatic DQ unless it is done behind the referees back. There can be double-teams off tags for five seconds because that’s an old rule. You are also allowed to make saves, so that is not a DQ. Which is where it gets funny. Producers and wrestlers have to be very careful with brawling dives and four-ways in tag matches because an illegal man is never allowed to touch a legal man or the referees, who are told to call it as shoot, are supposed to do a DQ. And the poor referees, because if it’s a nothing match, sure you can call it as a shoot, but what if it’s an important match such as determining title contenders and they screw up. So the point is, the wrestlers and producers have to be ridiculously careful on this. It’s at the point that an illegal guy is not even allowed to dive on a pile unless he lands on another illegal guy. If it’s a legal guy, it’s a DQ. Of course if you’ve been paying attention at this point, you realize that in fact T-Bar hit Slapjack and was making a save when Lashley had him in his finisher and by the rules, this is actually not a DQ. But it happened anyway because it slipped through the cracks because everyone in thinking save thinks near fall break-up, which is okay, but thinks hitting the legal guy isn’t so it was a way out. So even under the dumb secret rule, they violated their own rule because they didn’t think Lashley’s finish at that moment was a finish, it was just a full nelson and not a pin. Another person explained that referees are told that any eye pokes or low blows are supposed to be called as DQ’s which is why they always do the distraction for them. Apparently the finish was supposed to have been an eye poke and not a save, so that’s the reason for the DQ

There is apparently a reason Reigns dropped weight before his return. He did an interview where he said that he would be getting new ring attire where you would see his upper body and also that he will be getting new music to coincide with his more strongly evolving into his new character. During a meet and greet with the Mania Club, he said, “The gear, let me address that; get over it. I'm not going to run out there in trunks. I've been wearing a SWAT outfit my entire career, so I'm going to stick with those pants. If you watch on Sunday, you'll probably see me with my shirt off. That will be the change. That's going to be the only difference. I never wanted the outfit to be the costume for me. I don't want my outfit to be the superstar." He also talked dropping The Shield music. “The music, that's a little more than me creating my own music. We have to go through the channels with that one. It's not like I came out and am an ultra bad guy. You've seen it in little steps and little layers. I want all the nuances to add up. Because I am a full-time performer, you have to keep things fresh, so I decided to save the new music. Hopefully, down the line, once more drastic things happen and the story unfolds.

Glenn Jacobs (Kane) is under fire for a video he released which showed the preamble of the Declaration of Independence and said “Today his foundation is under attack. Not from some enemy abroad, but from sinister forces within.” It then showed the faces of the Knox County Board of Health who have tried to institute a mask policy in the country, which Jacobs has been fighting county doctors on. The video goes on to say, “Unelected bureaucrats who cast down edicts which carry the force of law with no accountability and no recourse.” Dr. Maria Hunt of the County Board called out Jacobs for posting such a video. Jacobs took down the video and said he was sorry board members were threatened and claimed the video was not meant to be public. How do you spend time to produce a video that is so clearly trying to incite the residents to be mad at the Board of Health and then claim it was not meant to be public? Dr. Martha Buchanan said public health officials trying to contain COVID have seen an increase in social media threats since the video was posted. Dr. Patrick O’Brien said, “This division has got to stop. We’re in this together. Well do what we can based on science...if others want to g some other way or want to do it shooting from the hip, so be it.. You will reap what you sow.

The Matt Riddle lawsuit against Samantha Tavel talked about last week was not filed this week, although it is said to be in the process of being filed. The incident that was first reported on December 19, 2019, at Full Sail where there was an alleged disturbance is now said to have been on October 2, 2019, said to be the day of the Riddle vs. Adam Cole NXT title match on the first live show on USA

The top ten most-watched shows on the WWE Network over the past week: 1. WWE Untold: John Cena vs. Edge feud; 2. Velocity September 25, 2002; 3. Clash of Champions 2019; 4. Talking Smack; 5. Uncool (new Alexa Bliss podcast) with The Miz; 6. Smackdown from 8/21; 7. Superstars’ First World title win; 8. Best of Clash of Champions; 9. Payback 2020; 10. Velocity May 1, 2004. The new Velocity shows were just uploaded this week, but when a C show from another era is beating modern first-run shows, you have to ask yourself a lot of questions. NXT was 11th this week and granted, it’s on TV in the U.S., and U.K. (And edited to an hour in Canada but airs ont he network first); but you still have the rest of the world. Raw Talk was only 12th. The first new U.K. show in months was only 14th. 205 Live didn’t make the top 25. That show is just dead and I don’t even know why they bother. They really should just be producing a 10-11 p.m. show for FS 1. The only indie show in the top 25 was Shotgun from wXw at No. 25. And even that beat 205 Live
WWE Ratings, AEW vs. NXT Ratings, AEW Dynamite Special Ratings:


Raw on 9/21 essentially stayed flat with last week, averaging 1,668,000 viewers and 0.50 in 18-49 (643,000).

It was the sixth lowest number of viewers in the history of the show, but it was only down 1.2 percent in viewers and did the same number as last week in both 18-49 and 18-34 (0.29).

The show went against the Las Vegas Raiders vs. New Orleans Saints which simulcast on both ABC and ESPN. It did 7,984,000 viewers on ABC and 7,451,000 viewers on ESPN. Between the two networks it did 15,435,000 viewers and a 4.70 in 18-49. It was the extremely rare situation where the same show was No. 1 in viewers and in 18-49 on both network and cable at the same time. It also should be noted that football beat Raw by more than a 9-to-1 margin, a number that is unprecedented historically.

Raw was No. 5 in 18-49 on cable behind the NFL game, the kickoff show before the game, the SportsCenter after the game and Below Deck Mediterranean ...

Raw did 112,000 viewers in males 18-34 (down 10 percent from last week), 103,000 in women 18-34 (up 10 percent), 276,000 in men 35-49 (down eight percent) and 152,000 (up 16.9 percent).

It also went against an NHL playoff game that did 1,137,000 viewers and 0.33 in 18-49.

The show was largely built around Keith Lee vs. Drew McIntyre, with stipulations that changed multiple times, and the first meeting of Dabba-Kato vs. Braun Strowman, pushed harder than any prior Raw Underground match. The latter was pushed for the week. On TV, they also pushed Retribution’s first match against The Hurt Business as the main event. Given the Retribution push, their first match should have held the audience better although the drop in hour three was less than last week.

The first hour did 1,746,000 viewers. The second hour did 1,692,000 viewers. The third hour did 1,565,000 viewers. The third hour was up from last week but still among the least watched hours of WWE programming in history.

As compared to the same Monday last year, the show was down 24.5 percent in total viewers, 29.6 percent in 18-49 and 40.8 percent in 18-34 ...

The first-to-third hour drop was 10.4 percent, which is normal levels. As far as the drops during the show, women 18-49 dropped 11.9 percent, men 18-49 dropped 3.3 percent, teenage girls dropped 20.8 percent, teenage boys increased 6.7 percent and over 50 dropped 12.6 percent.

Smackdown on 9/18 did a 1.27 rating and 2,037,000 viewers (1.33 viewers per home).

The show did a 0.54 (704,000 viewers) in 18-49 and 0.3 in 18-34.

It was down 11.2 percent in ratings, 12.5 percent in viewers, 14.6 percent in 18-49 and 25.0 percent in 18-34 from the unusually high number of the previous week. The 18-49 number was still better than the show did during almost all of the pandemic.

It was a drop from the last several weeks and it’s because the audience was lower than usual at the start. The culprit looks to be the NBA playoffs which did 4,921,000 viewers and a 1.98 in 18-49, about four times what Smackdown did in the key demo.

Smackdown tied for first among network shows in 18-49 with two shows on ABC ...

The big drop wasn’t a good sign, but I’d wait a week before worrying about it since the show has done well most weeks of late and this could just be a fluke. It started out lower than usual and grew throughout hour one, but fell slightly at the end.

The show did 111,000 viewers in Males 18-34 (down 36 percent), 104,000 in Women 18-34 (up 1.0 percent), 311,000 viewers in Males 35-49 (down 9.9 percent) and 178,000 in Women 35-49 (down 20.0 percent) ...

The first half hour drew 1.96 million viewers with The Dirt Sheet with Miz & Morrison, Otis running in and Cesaro vs. Gran Metalik.

The second half hour did 2.01 million viewers with A Moment of Bliss with Nikki Cross, Cross vs. Lacey Evans and a Roman Reigns video.

The third half hour did 2.07 million viewers with the Sasha Banks interview and Bayley attack plus A.J. Styles vs. Sami Zayn.

The final half hour did 2.07 million viewers for Big E’s attack on Sheamus and Roman Reigns & Jey Uso vs. Sheamus & King Corbin.

Last year on the same weekend FOX programmed reruns that did 1,505,000 viewers and 0.4 in 18-49, so it was up 35.3 percent in viewers and 25.0 percent in 18-49.

The 9/23 AEW vs. NXT head-to-head was largely the same as the week before. The only difference is AEW was hurt in Males under 35 by the NBA playoffs. The game was huge with men in those same groups, and also went against the game three of the final round of the Stanley Cup playoffs with the Dallas Stars and Tampa Bay Lightning ...

One would think AEW was helped by a rare TV AEW title match with Jon Moxley vs. Eddie Kingston or may have gone lower, as well as the debut of Miro. The return of Cody wasn’t advertised so that wouldn’t have helped.

NXT had two matches, a Battle Royal and Gauntlet eliminator, to set up title contenders in the top two matches at Takeover. NXT was essentially the same as last week in almost every demo so the NBA didn’t hurt them as much. But they were back for a second straight week in their regular slot.

AEW did 835,000 viewers and 0.32 in 18-49, good for ninth place on the chart. NXT did 696,000 viewers and 0.18 in 18-49, for No. 38 on the chart. The NBA finals on ESPN did 4,484,000 viewers and 1.76 in 18-49, while the NHL game on NBC Sports Network did 1,145,000 viewers and 0.32

AEW finished behind four NBA related shows all night on ESPN, the Stanley Cup game and Hannity, Laura Ingraham and Tucker Carlson on FOX News. The news numbers were also way up from a usual Wednesday due to the Breonna Taylor non-indictments of two of the three officers story ...

Across the board, AEW & NXT were up with women this week and down with men, and the NBA did 72.5 percent male viewers in 18-49 and the NHL did 73.7 percent male viewers in 18-49, so that explains it.

AEW was down 5.8 percent in viewers and 5.9 percent in 18-49 as compared to last week with no NBA. NXT was up 1.0 percent in viewers and stayed even in 18-49.

Raw & Smackdown this week beat AEW in every demo including Women 18-34, where AEW had been winning.

AEW won handily in every key demo, doubling in Women 18-34 and nearly doubling in Men 18-34.

AEW did 76,000 viewers in Males 18-34 (down 29.0 percent from last week) to 39,000 for NXT (down 4.9 percent). AEW did 64,000 viewers in Women 18-34 (up 3.2 percent) and NXT did 30,000 (up 15.4 percent). AEW did 184,000 viewers in Male 35-49 (down 1.1 percent) and NXT did 98,000 (down 7.5 percent). AEW did 86,000 viewers in women 35-49 (down 4.4 percent) and NXT did 63,000 (up 12.5 percent).

AEW Dynamite’s one hour special on 9/22 did 585,000 viewers and did a 0.26 in 18-49. The show aired from 12:38 a.m. to 1:37 a.m. It was easily No. 1 in its time slot and only one of three shows in that time slot to crack the top 150 for the night. It was No. 9 for the night, which sounds great for a show that late, but it had the benefit of a great lead-in. Because of the lead-in, it was going to be No. 1 in its time slot in 18-49.

Inside the NBA that did 1,743,000 viewers and 0.79 in 18-49. The audience was likely AEW hardcores and some NBA fans seeing the product for the first time. They put on a great wrestling show as far as match quality, but not using any major stars.

The show was No. 7 in 18-49 behind three NBA related telecasts and three Fox News shows in prime time. It was No. 8 in 18-34 and No. 6 in Males 12-34.

The show did a 0.12 in 12-17, 0.19 in 18-34, 0.33 in 35-49 and 0.20 in 50+. The audience was 67.3 percent male in 18-49 and 61.7 percent male in 12-17.

Smeat's note - Taking a break next week from doing sheet reports except for Friday. To be honest, the break might last at least a month with just posting sheet reports on Fridays. After what happened personally earlier this week (check the 100k thread in Casual for more details), just been struggling to be motivated to do sheets reports or anything in general. If anyone else wants to take over doing sheets reports, be my guest.

Emperor Smeat 10-02-2020 12:47 PM

The Sheets (Observer Newsletter):


According to an article in Wrestling Inc. and since confirmed from others in the company, Vince McMahon sent an e-mail to talent that WWE would be taking control of all Twitch and Cameo accounts in four weeks.

Talent was told that all accounts in those genres would be owned by the company but talent would earn a percentage of revenue from their accounts. What got people upset is that the revenue would count against their downside guarantees. With no house shows, essentially the old bookkeeping method of what talent that are under contract now earn in almost all cases except giant merchandise draws, would be less than the downside taking away the house show and such a large percentage of merchandise sales.

Talent contacted at deadline has ranged from those saying they were aware of it and it is true, and others saying they received an e-mail regarding terminating all third party business relationships (which talent was warned to do several weeks ago) and being told this week that the hard deadline for this is 10/2. But some were not aware of any distinct change in the Twitch and Cameo policies, others have said they have heard it from other talent but did not hear it themselves and others have said they are aware of the one e-mail and not the other. At press time WWE had not clarified its position.

As noted when the controversy started several weeks ago when WWE first banned talent from doing third-party deals with their WWE-owned names, the feeling was that talent under old contracts that weren’t with high downsides were taking a hit without house shows and lower merchandise numbers. But they have far more time off, so the Cameo accounts, Twitch accounts and other things of this nature would allow them to make money, and in the case in particular of some of the women, very significant money. But if that was to count against downsides, the fear is that in most cases, the percentage and the way the contract revenue is calculated is that talent is going to end up just getting their downside numbers ...

The letter regarding Twitch and Cameo came as a surprise. WWE told us in the case of Twitch and YouTube, that talent was encouraged to use them, but that they could not make money off their WWE names through them since WWE owns those names.

But talent thought what WWE had backed off a little after a number of Tweets by Andrew Yang. Yang noted that he has friends who are talent in WWE who were unhappy over the last turn of events several weeks ago. He said if the Democrats win the election, and he’s not Secretary of Labor, he will personally know the person who is and will call them about WWE talent being unfairly labeled independent contractors, with this being a key thing.

A lot of talent believed that the company did not want to get into a battle of talent not being employees when they clearly are, and having the government look into it as possibly mislabeling it and penalties that could go with it. But the e-mail sent this week indicates another change ...

One talent said, “This is amazing because it’s really going to open up the independent contractor issue. All these smart attorneys surrounding Vince and this is the battle he wants?”

They also noted a lot of talent is livid, but as is usually the case in these situations, nobody would speak up about it.

The 9/27 Clash of Champions PPV was built around three matches, which all delivered at a high level ...

But the show, and pro wrestling, were a backdrop to the bigger COVID story. Two scheduled matches were changed due to Shayna Baszler, Nia Jax and Nikki Cross being pulled from the show.

In the case of Baszler and Jax, neither tested positive for COVID, but were in contact with somebody who had. With Cross, it has not been made clear which category she falls into ...

The basic feeling at this point is that one of the coaches at the Performance Center had it unknowingly, and that’s what started it. It spread to more people at a party in the Orlando area that was attended by a number of people from both companies. There may have also been other spread, as there was at least one AEW person who got it who was definitely not at that party nor did they socialize with any of the WWE talent ...

While no timetable is perfect, as a general rule these COVID related departures usually last two weeks, more if the case gets bad. So based on that, the NXT talent and announcers have a good shot at being back for the next nearly live show on 10/7, and most AEW talent should return for next week’s live show, while the Raw talent is likely for 10/12, but those are only estimates as nobody would have the actual answers.

The one negative, and it’s a big one, is that WWE did know about the talent that wouldn’t be on Clash by at the latest, two days earlier. Cross not being on the show was being talked about in wrestling by 9/28, but WWE still advertised her match, even when she was pulled off Smackdown. Bayley even did a promo on 9/29 building up the match that everyone knew wasn’t taking place. Even CMLL, which hasn’t done a good job with this, has at least told people ahead of time when people were pulled from the show. WWE remains the only company to continue to advertise matches they know they aren’t going to have, and it’s been a policy dating back decades. I’ve had discussions over it and the excuses are preposterous, largely that “why should we be punished when we didn’t make the mistakes” and “we have them under contract so why can’t we advertise them.” With Jax and Baszler, there were people who knew a few days earlier but it didn’t get out to most until the day of the show. With the advent of social media, even some of the sleaziest companies have adopted the idea of telling people as soon as possible when something changes. Some companies may hold back for a day or two, or time their announcements for strategic reasons, but WWE is the only one that will continue to promote something they know isn’t happening.

The plan right now is to move NXT from Full Sail University to the Performance Center starting imminently, with Sunday’s Takeover. There had also been talk all week of moving Takeover to the Thunderdome but Wednesday came and went with no announcement and WWE at press time hadn’t answered any questions regarding the location of the Takeover show ... An interesting note is that 205 Live and NXT are going to be taped together as opposed to doing 205 Live on Friday’s each week live after Smackdown. We were told this was a precautionary measure related to COVID. The idea of taping Raw separate from Smackdown and separate from NXT was that if there was a COVID problem, it wouldn’t spread to different brands because they were kept apart. There was belief that some main roster spread came from the NXT talent that worked 205 Live, or at least the potential was there for such that needed to be shut down. Of course, what happened this past week with it spreading throughout WWE and AEW through socializing with so many people having friends in each company and a number of cross-company relationships that stuff can happen. But since main roster Smackdown talent no longer ever appear on 205 Live, but do appear on NXT, it was felt that it’s safer for all concerned doing it this way. There has also been talk of going back to live weekly shows from the Performance Center as opposed to Full Sail, every Wednesday as opposed to every other week. At press time there was discussion of that, but we were told it was not yet a done deal

Tegan Nox (Steffanie Newell, 25), underwent another knee operation this past week for a torn ACL. Generally you’re talking about around eight months or so out, give or take a couple of months in either direction. That’s why they did the angle on last week’s NXT show where Candice LeRae took out her knee. The injury in this case didn’t come from a match or even from training in the ring itself, and does have to do with prior knee problems. This would be her third ACL tear, two in one knee and one in the other
I'd be surprised if her in-ring career lasts that much longer in WWE. Supposedly Triple H has been wanting to make her the top women's star for his NXT brand ever since the last Mae Young Classic tournament but those plans kept getting derailed due to her knee issues.


Harold George Meij, the unlikely President and CEO of New Japan Pro Wrestling, who had gotten rave reports for his handling of the COVID-19 situation and headed a period of record revenues and profits, was replaced suddenly during the G-1 Climax tournament after a meeting on 9/29 by the Bushiroad Board of Directors.

Technically, Meij will remain in his position until 10/23, when Takami Ohbari, who was the CEO of the New Japan of America division will take over the position ...

There are a lot of people who have a lot of different things to say about Meij. His track record as far as the bottom line was very strong. His breaking with tradition and running two days at the Tokyo Dome this year generated so much revenue that New Japan was able to survive the pandemic far better than it could have otherwise. Unlike America companies who make their money from television, New Japan’s business was based on live ticket sales, huge merchandise business and its streaming service, which had great limitations as compared to U.S. services since Japanese don’t subscribe to streaming services in anywhere close to the level that Americans and Canadians do.

But under him, international popularity had exploded, largely stemming from the Omega vs. Chris Jericho match on January 4, 2018, to where there were 8,000 tickets sold for both nights at the Tokyo Dome to non-Japanese nationals, with Australia and the U.K. being the strongest markets as well as the U.S. But it was also under his watch that they lost Omega, and he had made the call that due to Jericho’s high salary, which was worth it to the company and then some at first, that he wasn’t interested in using him after the January 5, 2019 show.

In addition, he marketed very strongly to the women fan base. New Japan had been strong with women long before Meij came into power, with top stars like Hiroshi Tanahashi, Kazuchika Okada, Omega, Kota Ibushi and others. It was under his watch Ibushi signed a long-term deal and didn’t go to AEW. But he pushed the large percentage of women in their 20s who attended matches as a calling card, and even created women’s only sections at shows so women could feel comfortable going to shows if they weren’t interested in dealing with or being hit on by male fans.

But he was very divisive. There was the feeling he didn’t know or fully understand pro wrestling ...

Some wrestlers felt that he didn’t see wrestlers as individual talents even though he was a wrestling fan. But there were also economic issues. Without the big television money, even though wrestlers rave about aspects of Japanese wrestling and many love Japan, they could make more money in the U.S. market, particularly once AEW elevated the pay structure ...

Still, his departure was not a surprise. It happening this week was a surprise, but insiders had expected it for some time, particularly when Ohbari and not Meij nor his assistant, Canadian native Michael Craven, were put in charge of the most important aspect of company growth, the North American expansion.

When Meij came aboard, he promised that within three years he would get annual revenue to $100 million. That would not have been possible without strong overseas television deals, in particular in the U.S., as well as India (where New Japan does have a deal) and the U.K. (where it doesn’t). Even before the pandemic hit, that didn’t look promising, and the odds were greatly against it ...

And Meij had a business mind regarding profit and losses, and many complained about New Japan being cheap, whether it be the nature of flights or other things.

Meij himself also had a very high salary, earning more than everyone in the company with the possible exception of Okada. While in the U.S., the CEO’s may earn more than the star employees, and in WWE the Executive Vice Presidents with their stock options are as wealthy or wealthier than the top talent, in Japan it is not that way at all, and in wrestling the people who run the business end never made what the star wrestlers made. The timing could be that with the company not generating revenue anywhere near expectations, and with no certainty that they will get to the level they were any time soon, and office workers already taking major cuts, that Meij’s salary would be a big one to get off the books ...

One person in the company noted this had been in the works for a while, that Meij was divisive and had a huge ego, and that almost everyone is glad he was gone. The claim was that Bushiroad owner Takaaki Kidani knew a year ago he had to make the change and likely held off until now to both save face and then didn’t want to make the change while the worst of the pandemic in Japan was going on.

Meij was able to get New Japan great publicity on mainstream shows that portrayed the company very positively. But he was still the focal point and not the talent on many of those specials. That was very unusual for Japanese wrestling officials who are mostly anonymous figures who wouldn’t even be recognized in public by anyone but the most ardent of fan ...

Because of his meeting with so many fans, a large number of the Japanese fan base was quite vocal about the decision and disappointed. The office itself was more mixed.

He was also credited for both signing talent to longer-term contracts as opposed to the one-year deals that company was famous for, which allowed the top stars to be raided by American groups. Some talent who was never under contract were able to get longer-term deals and given stability.

Meij also had his own fan club. And at live events, Meij would often be there as fans entered the building, shaking hands, saying hello, and even handing out items as people came through the door. This was completely different from past CEO’s of New Japan and all but a few executives at his level in pro wrestling history ...

Yet another insider felt that while Meij was not liked by many Americans, and noted that he had made the call not to use Jericho going forward because of his high salary, that others may not hold the line when it comes to higher priced talent. One person said it is great because they believe Jericho and others will eventually be brought back when the world gets normal, but the bad is the company may overspend on foreign talent. It was noted Meij was big on not cutting anyone during the pandemic either on the roster or working in the office, although there were many who took pay cuts in the office.

From the AEW side, for those who have wanted the business relationship, the feeling is that it’s good news, but they don’t know much about Ohbari.

“No idea (regarding opening up the business relationship with Meij out),” said one of AEW’s top names. “We want to. But he (Meij) was an idiot when it came to understanding the business. Hopefully things will change now.”

The largest pro wrestling crowd in North America since the pandemic, roughly 1,500 fans, showed up for the 50th anniversary of Jerry Lawler’s Memphis wrestling debut show.

The show took place outdoors at The Ballpark in Jackson, the home of the Jackson Generals minor league baseball team, in the city that was a regular stop for Nick Gulas &amp; Roy Welch, and later Jarrett Promotions ...

WWE had a crew shooting the show for an upcoming Lawler piece.

AAA: AAA made the official announcement of its Auto Lucha shows, which are drive-in wrestling shows. They take place at the Hermanos Rodriguez auto racing track in Mexico City. They’ve so far announced three shows a day on 10/3, 10/4, 10/10 and 10/11 ... All the shows will be taped. The 10/3 8 p.m. show will air live on AAA’s social media and the rest will be taped for the company’s various television stations. The lineups won’t be announced ahead of time most likely and the idea is just to present good entertaining matches without a lot of storylines. They may open up drive-in shows in other cities, like Monterrey, if this proves to be successful. Everyone involved with the show, from the producers to the 75 wrestlers on the current roster was to start COVID testing this week. ...

El Hijo del Vikingo, who is perhaps the company’s best young wrestler and one of the best flyers in the world, will not be on the return shows or anything going forward. Those close to him have said he’s gone incommuicado. Those in AAA are saying that he is taking a year off wrestling because his wife asked him to be home with her and his new child. AAA noted that they are wishing him well and he is under contract through 2023.

Leland Race, who wrestled as the son of Harley Race, real name Homer Jones and wrestled for years on indies as Jason Jones before working with Race as his son in Race’s World League Wrestling group in 2013) attempted to get a street in Troy, MO named Harley Race Lane on 9/21. It would be the street where Race’s gym has been located for years. While speaking to the Board of Alderman in Troy, he talked like Race was his father, and a local newspaper story listed him as the son of Harley Race. The proposal looks like it won’t happen since three local business owners were vehemently opposed tot the change and Jones said that he would drop his request.

AEW: They are taping live on 10/7, 10/14 and 10/21 instead of every other week. 10/7 is supposed to be a big show with the Jericho 30th anniversary and 10/14 is the Anniversary show with Moxley vs. Lance Archer for the AEW title. 10/7 goes against the Vice Presidential debate, so that may be tough, as will 10/21 for sure and maybe 10/28 with the World Series, and the night before Thanksgiving as AEW did one of its worst numbers that night because of the age group it draws from, since the week before and after did well and the DVR numbers after that week for that show were huge. The basic story is Tony Khan wanted the Jericho and Anniversary show live, and with the PPV on 11/7, he was bringing all talent in for the nine days from 11/4 to 11/12 where they would do a live show, Dark, PPV, live show and Dark. The only taped shows until December will be 10/28 and 11/18

The top ten most-watched shows of the past week on the WWE Network were: 1. Clash of the Champions; 2. Steve Austin’s Broken Skull Sessions with Kurt Angle; 3. Raw Talk on 9/28; 4. WWE Chronicle: Jey Uso; 5. Uncool with Alexa Bliss; 6.Clash of the Champions kickoff show; 7. Best of The Miz &amp; John Morrison; 8. WWE Payback; 9. The Bump for 9/27; 10. Smackdown on 8/26. NXT was 13th. NXT U.K. was 20th. The only independent show in the top 25 was a May 11, 2009, Evolve show at No. 24. 205 Live didn’t crack the top 25
WWE Ratings, AEW vs NXT Ratings:


Raw on 9/28 was expected by many going in to do its all-time record low, and instead, it was the opposite. Raw went against the biggest NFL game so far this season, game six of the NHL playoffs (which ended up being the decider), and a night where news coverage was well above average, to the point Raw only finished No. 28 overall on cable.

However, the combination of the day-after-PPV bump and bringing back Ric Flair (who when used sparingly seems to always bring up ratings), Shawn Michaels, Christian and Big Show did 1,828,000 viewers and 0.55 in 18-49 (707,000 viewers).

The increases from the prior week were 9.6 percent for overall viewers, 10.0 percent in 18-49 and 9.3 percent in 18-34 ...

The main competition was the Kansas City Chiefs vs. Baltimore Ravens game which had 14,019,000 viewers, likely to be the biggest ESPN number of the season, as well as a 4.60 in 18-49 and 3.66 in 18-34. What turned out to be the deciding game of the Stanley Cup playoffs on NBC did 2,877,000 viewers and an 0.8 in 18-49 and 0.6 in 18-34.

Raw was fourth overall in 18-49 on cable, and fifth in males 18-49 and males 12-34, trailing only ESPN-related football coverage.

As compared to last year for the same week, viewers were down 29.1 percent, 18-49 was down 38.2 percent and 18-34 was down 44.3 percent ...

As far as who kept interest through all three hours, women 18-49 dropped 14.9 percent, males 18-49 dropped 7.2 percent, teenage girls dropped 26.5 percent, and teenage boys gained 7.2 percent and over 50 lost 14.7 percent.

Smackdown on 9/25 did bounce back from the lower number the week before doing a 1.30 rating and 2,110,000 viewers (1.34 viewers per home) and 0.59 in 18-49 (766,000 viewers).

It was up 2.4 percent in ratings, 3.6 percent in viewers and 8.8 percent in 18-49 from what was considered a low number the prior week. The key to the growth was women 18-49, which was up 19.5 percent from the prior week.

Smackdown was second to the Tampa Bay-Dallas Stanley Cup playoff finals in 18-49 on network TV, but it was a close second at 789,000 to 766,000, or 0.61 to 0.59. ESPN beat all the networks with the NBA in 18-49 (2,233,000 in 18-49 head-to-head and that’s being in far less homes, and still nearly tripling it) and beat Smackdown 5-to-1 in 18-34 (1.50 to 0.30).

Among network shows, Smackdown tied for second behind the NHL playoffs in 18-34, tied for first in 18-49 and were second to the NHL in men 18-49 and tied for third with women 18-49 of the four network shows ...

The first half hour averaged 2.18 million viewers with the promo with A.J. Styles, Jeff Hardy and Sami Zayn and subsequent three-way match. The second half hour did 2.08 million viewers with the Otis &amp; Tucker &amp; Miz &amp; John Morrison segment, Bayley interview, Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Gran Metalik and Jey Uso/Roman Reigns video. The third half hour did 2.12 million viewers with the Jey Uso promo, Paul Heyman interview and Matt Riddle vs. King Corbin. The final half hour did 2.03 million viewers with Lacey Evans vs. Alexa Bliss and the Reigns/Uso promo and angle.

A few interesting notes regarding the 9/23 NXT vs. AEW battle. NXT had a great lead-in, as the show opened with 1,205,000 viewers, although by four minutes in it was down to 896,000, but still the first quarter with the women’s Battle Royal averaged 913,000 and even came somewhat close to AEW in 18-49s. But it wasn’t the Battle Royal, since the conclusion was at 754,000 for the quarter. AEW opened at 791,000.

NXT won the first quarter and was within shooting distance over the next two quarters. But the race turned around in quarter four when Brodie Lee vs. Orange Cassidy gained 106,000 viewers and Roderick Strong &amp; Danny Burch vs. Fabian Aichner &amp; Raul Mendoza lost 103,000 viewers, and in that quarter AEW nearly doubled NXT in 18-49. AEW doubled NXT in 18-49 in every subsequent quarter.

The final quarter battle saw AEW with Jon Moxley vs. Eddie Kingston do 873,000 viewers and 465,000 in 18-49, the latter being the peak number for the night, while NXT did 652,000 viewers and 204,000 in 18-49 for the five-way gauntlet eliminator with Kyle O’Reilly, Bronson Reed, Cameron Grimes, Timothy Thatcher and Kushida ...

In the first quarter, AEW did 762,000 viewers and 342,000 in 18-49 for Miro &amp; Kip Sabian vs. Joey Janela &amp; Sonny Kiss. NXT did 913,000 viewers and 294,000 in 18-49 for the women’s Battle Royal.

In the second quarter, AEW did 789,000 viewers and 367,000 in 18-49 for a Kingston promo with Moxley coming out, plus the beginning of Adam Page vs. Evil Uno. NXT did 754,000 and 245,000 in 18-49 for the last few minutes of the Battle Royal, a Damien Priest promo and Fandango acting like Sherlock Holmes plus the beginning of Tommaso Ciampa vs. Jake Atlas.

Quarter three saw AEW at 762,000 viewers and 361,000 in 18-49 for the ending of Page vs. Uno and the angle with Matt Jackson and Tony Schiavone. NXT did 711,000 viewers and 242,000 in 18-49 for the ending of Ciampa vs. Atlas, a Ridge Holland video, a video for the main event and the beginning of Strong &amp; Burch vs. Mendoza &amp; Aichner.

Quarter four saw AEW do 868,000 viewers and 403,000 in 18-49 with Lee vs. Cassidy. NXT did 608,000 viewers and 202,000 in 18-49 for Strong &amp; Burch vs. Mendoza &amp; Aichner.

Quarter five saw AEW do 893,000 viewers (its peak) and 445,000 in 18-49 for the Cody run-in on the Dark Order, Brodie Lee promo and the Matt Hardy &amp; Private Party along with Jericho promo. NXT did 646,000 viewers and 220,000 in 18-49 for Damien Priest vs. Austin Theory.

Quarter six saw AEW do 877,000 viewers and 449,000 in 18-49 for the Tully Blanchard &amp; FTR promo with Best Friends coming out and the beginning of Hikaru Shida &amp; Thunder Rosa vs. Diamante &amp; Ivelisse. NXT did 616,000 viewers and 210,000 in 18-49 for an Isaiah Scott interview, the Ridge Holland squash and the Io Shirai, Candice LeRae, Johnny Gargano and Priest segment.

Quarter seven saw AEW do 859,000 viewers and 449,000 in 18-49 with Shida &amp; Rosa vs. Diamante &amp; Ivelisse and the Chris Jericho promo with MJF. NXT did 663,000 viewers and 220,000 in 18-49 for the beginning of the Gauntlet eliminator match.

In quarter eight’s Battle of main events, AEW gained 14,000 total viewers and 16,000 in 18-45, while NXT lost 11,000 viewers and 16,000 in 18-49.

Both AEW and NXT saw increases on 9/30, even with the NBA playoff finals, Major League baseball playoffs and a South Park spoof of COVID-19 that was expected to be, and was, a monster in the key demo.

AEW did 866,000 viewers and an 0.33 in 18-49 (428,000 viewers), good for the 11th spot of the night on cable, behind five baseball related shows, South Park and four news shows ...

AEW Dynamite was up 3.7 percent overall, 4.4 percent in 18-49 and down 0.7 percent in 18-34 ...

NXT did 732,000 viewers and 0.19 (247,000 viewers) in 18-49, good for the No. 50 spot on cable.

It was up 5.2 percent in viewers, 9.3 percent in 18-49 and 11.6 percent in 18-34.

While on the surface you look at this and say the NBA game didn’t hurt at all, actually that wasn’t the case. AEW before the game started averaged 918,000 viewers an 457,000 in 18-49, even against baseball playoffs. But against the NBA, it fell to 811,000 and 401,000. NXT did 796,000 viewers and 254,000 in 18-49 against baseball but not basketball, while fell to 669,000 and 240,000 respectively against basketball.

The Ricky Starks vs. Darby Allin match averaged 1,026,000 viewers, and that’s with no lead-in. The Cody/Brodie Lee brawl averaged 503,000 in 18-49.

In the main event battle, AEW with Jon Moxley vs. The Butcher for the AEW title did 815,000 viewers and 390,000 in 18-49, actually the lowest in 18-49 of the show which was due to the NBA. NXT with Johnny Gargano &amp; Candice LeRae vs. Damien Priest &amp; Io Shirai did 635,000 viewers and 242,000 in 18-49.

The NBA finals game one did 7,410,000 viewers and 2.6 in 18-49, the lowest in at least 26 years. The drop was a giant sports story, as the first game in 2017 did 18.70 million viewers, 2018 did 17.35 million and 2019 did 13.51 million. It may be the wrong time of the year, or it could be the political divisiveness and a segment of the public being negative toward the players due to the climate we live in. This is more of a drop than even WWE has done over the same time period. The baseball game head-to-head with both shows did 2,535,000 viewers and 0.68 in 18-49 and 0.50 in 18-34. The South Park special did 2,272,000 viewers, 1.16 in 18-49 and 1.14 in 18-34, and 1.14 with teenage boys. These three shows just destroyed AEW’s teenage boy viewership. Teenage girls, however, were up 18.7 percent and as a total, girls were 87.4 percent higher than boys for AEW among teenagers which is unheard of.

AEW won every key demo. AEW did 74,000 in male18-34 (down 2.6 percent from last week) to 42,000 for NXT (up 7.7 percent). AEW did 65,000 in women 18-34 (up 1.6 percent) to 35,000 for NXT (up 16.7 percent). AEW did 206,000 in men 35-49 (up 12.0 percent) to 102,000 for NXT (up 4.1 percent). AEW did 83,000 in women 35-49 (down 3.5 percent) to 68,000 for NXT (up 7.9 percent).

AEW was hit really hard with teenage boys, which likely has to do with the NBA and baseball, with a 43.6 percent week-to-week drop. The male drop was so much that NXT beat AEW with teenagers which rarely happens and hasn’t in a long time. NXT won with over 50s by 0.37 to 0.34 ...

AEW more than doubled NXT in the first 30 minutes in 18-49. However, in quarter three NXT, won in total viewers 835,000 to 824,000. There was a huge shift with AEW losing 162,000 viewers and 79,000 in 18-49, and at the same time NXT gained 78,000 viewers and 44,000 in 18-49. The NBA pregame show also started at the same time, so that indicates the AEW fan base is far more into the NBA than the NXT fan base, as while both were hurt by the game itself, AEW averaged 1,006,000 viewers before the pre game show started, 830,000 against the pregame show and 811,000 against the game. For NXT, those figures were 803,000 unopposed, 789,000 against the pregame show and 669,000 against the game.

In the first quarter, AEW did 1,026,000 viewers and 469,000 in 18-49 for Starks vs. Allin. NXT did 848,000 viewers and 231,000 in 18-49 for Shotzi Blackheart vs. Dakota Kai.

In the second quarter, AEW did 986,000 viewers and 503,000 in 18-49 for the Cody and Brodie Lee brawl with Brandi and Anna Jay and all the other characters plus the FTR &amp; Tully Blanchard promo. NXT did 757,000 viewers and 241,000 in 18-49 for the end of Blackheart vs. Kai, the Isaiah Scott/Santos Escobar promo segment and a Kyle O’Reilly video package.

In quarter three, AEW fell badly with 824,000 viewers and 424,000 in 18-49 for the first part of FTR vs. Frankie Kazarian &amp; Scorpio Sky for the tag titles. NXT did 835,000 viewers and 285,000 in 18-49 for a Johnny Gargano &amp; Candice LeRae promo, Cameron Grimes’ two matches including Ridge Holland and a Kushida video package.

In quarter four, AEW did 836,000 viewers and 431,000 in 18-49 for the second half of FTR vs. Kazarian &amp; Sky. NXT did 742,000 viewers and 257,000 in 18-49 for Kushida vs. Tony nese.

In quarter five, AEW did 844,000 viewers and 417,000 in 18-49 for Chris Jericho vs. Isaiah Kassidy and the Miro &amp; Kip Sabian segment. NXT did 741,000 viewers and 251,000 in 18-49 for Adam Cole vs. Austin Theory.

In quarter six, AEW did 785,000 viewers and 396,000 in 18-49 for Orange Cassidy vs. 10 and MJF &amp; Wardlow backstage with The Inner Circle. NXT did 687,000 viewers and 234,000 in 18-49 for Kayden Carter vs. Xia Li.

In quarter seven, AEW did 806,000 viewers and 399,000 in 18-49 for Britt Baker vs. Red Velvet and an Eddie Kingston interview. NXT did 611,000 viewers and 231,000 in 18-49 for the Shawn Michaels, Finn Balor and Kyle O’Reilly segment.

In quarter eight, AEW did 815,000 viewers and 390,000 in 18-49, so up 9,000 in viewers and down 9,000 in 18-49, for Moxley vs. Butcher. NXT did 635,000 viewers and 242,000 in 18-49, or up 24,000 in viewers and up 11,000 in 18-49, for Gargano &amp; LeRae vs. Priest &amp; Shirai.

Smeat's note: Baring any sudden changes, just going to take next week off as well except for Friday instead of the whole month as I had been seriously thinking of doing. Been recently feeling better mentally after last month's terrible ordeal of the passing of a family dog.

Emperor Smeat 10-09-2020 01:59 PM

The Sheets (Observer Newsletter Edition):


A reopening of Florida by Gov. Ron DeSantis will allow all sports to run events without governmental regulation, which was noted in the local news would mean full stadiums for NFL games ...

While not announced officially, the plan is for WrestleMania to be on March 28, 2021 at Raymond James Stadium in Tampa and then go to Los Angeles in 2022.

WWE always wanted 2022 in Los Angeles but the city wanted 2021. Given that California is going to be more cautious about events like this than Florida (a drunk driver racing at Daytona is probably more cautious than the Governor of Florida in reality), it really all makes sense.

Plus Tampa does deserve it based on the work put in to house it last year.

While the Miami Dolphins won’t be doing that due to the NFL’s restrictions at 25 percent max, such a ruling means WWE would be able to do whatever it wanted as far as capacity goes, as would AEW, anywhere within the state. This is likely to mean the return of arena tapings with crowds for WWE in November, when its lease with the Amway Center in Orlando expires. AEW at this point has been policing itself on capacity at Daily’s Place at 600 to 750 and any increase from that would be up to the company ...

WWE has brought back fans for the 10/4 Takeover and 10/7 NXT tapings at the Performance Center, limited to about 100 people, with all fans tested for COVID the day before, but kept very close together in a small indoor facility. At this point, other companies such as ROH, Impact, New Japan and others have yet to announce anything regarding bringing back fans. There are independent shows outside Florida, most notably Warrior Wrestling and Game Changer Wrestling, that have had fans, but have run outdoors and kept the fans socially distant.

Right now, AEW has no plans at this time to run anywhere but Daily’s Place, because of the nature of the venue allowing fans to be kept apart from each other and far apart from the ring and wrestling crew with the large empty section separating them ...

Really the only thing that could hold back continuing to allow arenas and stadiums at full capacity would be an increase in cases in Florida, and it would have to be substantial because as we’ve seen, Governors who rush to open aren’t usually willing to make changes when cases increase after doing so.

You’ll have little in the way of foreign travel due to the restrictions and having to quarantine for two weeks going back to many countries. Technically people in Florida are supposed to quarantine for two weeks when coming to the Northeast but we’ve seen that’s strictly something politicians say to get brownie points with constituents and nothing enforced in reality. They’ll certainly be able to get tens of thousands of fans. Sturgis told us that common sense doesn’t play a part in many people’s decision making when it comes to events.

We are likely to now start a race to reopen arenas, and live crowds for pro wrestling and MMA indoor arena events in the U.S.

MMA Junkie reported on 10/6 that the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulations is allowing promoters to hold events within the state at 50 percent capacity in arenas, with one promotion asking for and receiving a date for Halloween night in San Antonio.

Once one state opens up, many others will follow, although some states will also be cautious ...

There are eight events tentatively on the schedule in the state between now and the end of the year.

Samantha Tavel, who wrestles under the name Candy Cartwright, filed a more than $40 million lawsuit against Matt Riddle, World Wrestling Entertainment, Evolve Wrestling and Gabe Sapolsky on 10/8 in U.S. Circuit Court in Cook County, IL.

The lawsuit is the latest in a series of legal actions that have gone back-and-forth between the two over allegations that Riddle sexually assaulted Tavel during an affair the two had which she claimed was during a time frame between 2017 and 2020.

The lawsuit seeks more than $10 million each from Riddle, WWE, Evolve Wrestling (which has been sold to WWE) and Sapolsky, who was the booker and co-promoter for Evolve and now works for WWE as an NXT producer. The money figure claims to be based on actual damages, damages for emotional distress, punitive damages, attorney’s fees and costs.

The suit, filed by John W. Chwarzynski Jr., of the Chicago law firm of Hale & Monico, claims Riddle first sexually assaulted Tavel in April 2017 after a wrestling show in Brooklyn promoted by Evolve. The suit claimed that Riddle bragged about raping Tavel to Sapolsky and other employees of Evolve ...

The WWE tie-in with the suit is that in May 2018, it was claimed that after a show in Summit, IL, outside Chicago, that Evolve was an agent promotion of WWE, and that Riddle forced Tavel to perform oral sex on him in the same van with several others in the van while leaving the event and claimed he choked her until she consented.

The story, which Riddle denied, is that there are no witnesses because the three others in the van were all asleep when this allegedly took place.

WWE was also tied into the suit with claims that Travel had bookings with WWE and Evolve, but on January 31, 2020, when she refused to continue to perform sexual acts on Riddle, the suit claims, she had her bookings with both promotions terminated.

However that is provably false as Tavel still worked for Evolve as late as March 1, 2020, or at least on that date posted footage from Evolve 146 with her working the company’s final event, held in Melrose, MA. That was Evolve’s last show before the pandemic hit which led to the promotion closing and selling its assets to WWE.

A major key to the credibility of the suit would be if she had any WWE bookings after January 31, 2020, which were then canceled ...

WWE and Riddle were not aware of the lawsuit until a few hours before a press conference was held in Chicago. The WWE claimed on 10/8 that they had not yet been served with the suit ...

Riddle was scheduled for the 10/9 draft episode of Smackdown. If he remains on the show, it would indicate WWE standing behind him. If he is not on the show, it would indicate a late change in plans.

From a strategic standpoint, the attempt to tie in WWE is because they have the deepest pockets. But others observing the case believe it may backfire because WWE, being defendants in the suit, are on the same side as Riddle as opposed to be onlookers.

Riddle’s statement in his most recent petition was that he met Tavel in 2016, and they started having an affair on November 6, 2017. He said he tried to break up with her in June 2018, but they ended up still seeing each other under he broke up with her again in July 2019.

Tavel gives different dates, claiming a start in April 2017 and a finish on January 31, 2020, and now claims continued sexual assaults on both those dates as well as in between. But that would indicate getting back together after he had first looked into filing for a protective order against her and after making WWE aware of the problem.

The January 31, 2020, date is key to the suit, particularly with WWE. It would seem strange that Tavel would have had bookings with WWE that many months after they were aware of the issues with Riddle and Tavel. But Evolve had continued to use Tavel and was aware of the issues, but by that time Riddle was no longer working for Evolve.

In fact, the credibility of both sides really comes down heavily on this claim. If she had bookings that were pulled that late, it would tie WWE in. If there is no proof of bookings after that time that were pulled, then her story falls apart as it pertains to WWE, and it would be a major credibility issue in what comes down to a he-said she-said.

The lawsuit claims sexual assaults took place between 2017 and 2020, multiple times, as opposed to the one time in the van that was originally claimed, although the lawsuit does focus on a May 19, 2018, date. It tried to tie in WWE by saying they were actively involved in the conduct and business of Evolve at that point. Riddle signed with WWE about two months after this date ...

The suit claimed WWE had control of the Evolve events and provided rules from the direction of WWE and Vince McMahon.

The lawsuit claimed WWE had condoned sexual assault in the workplace for more than 30 years.

She claimed she was told on January 31, 2020, that her future bookings with WWE and Evolve were terminated due to “issues with the talent” and claimed Riddle informed WWE and Evolve that he didn’t want her working with WWE due to Tavel no longer performing forced sexual acts on him ...

The lawsuit listed an April 2017 date as the first sexual assault while in a vehicle in a parking lot after an Evolve show. It claimed he bragged about it to Sapolsky and other employees of Evolve that he did this without her consent, and was never disciplined over it by Evolve or WWE. Of course WWE wasn’t even in the picture at this point.

The WWE will be doing its draft on the 10/9 Smackdown show and the 10/12 Raw show. Generally speaking, the draft shows boost ratings significantly, although the gain has lessened in recent years ...

The picks are usually kept a secret from everyone. Only the biggest stars in general get tipped off ahead of time, so talent is just like fans when it comes to draft days. Because Styles was mad about missing his son’s high school football games, which are mostly played on Friday, he could go to Raw. The fact he did a clean job for Jey Uso on Smackdown was another indication, but nothing is ever a sure thing ...

Since WWE booking often operates like the old territorial system, with the idea of jobbing on your way out, the prime candidates for switching would be those who lost on television this week.

On Smackdown, that would include Styles, quick squash losers like John Morrison and Shorty G, as well as Jeff Hardy, who lost to Sami Zayn cleaner than expected in a match that would have figured to have either a DQ finish or a less clean one.

Those who fit into the category on Raw would be Lana, Humberto Carrillo and Apollo Crews. But Lana just started her pairing with Natalya, although unlike other tag teams, they are listed separately.

A series of things that have taken place over the past two weeks, from Harold Meij being out as the President and CEO of New Japan Pro Wrestling, to a number of mentions of New Japan personnel on the 10/7 Dynamite show, have led to a lot more speculation of what this all means.

The relationship, or more accurately, lack of relationship between AEW and New Japan, the second and third largest pro wrestling companies it he world, has always been a subject of speculation ...

At this point, the situation explained last week, that from an AEW side, Meij not being there is probably a positive for the potential of a deal, is still the situation. There are still people on both sides wanting a deal. And there are obviously reasons that get in the way of it. And with the pandemic, meaning it being difficult to impossible to have foreign talent come in (AEW has been unable to use its own contracted Japanese based talent like Riho, Yuka Sakazaki, Shoko Nakajima, Cima, T-Hawk and Lindaman), it’s not something that would need to be rushed through with any kind of a time element.

Meij is still running New Japan for the next few weeks, largely involved with the COVID issue as well as plans for the hoped for Tokyo Dome show on 1/4. In a normal year, that show would be most important because it would spur on more of a rush when it comes to a deal as New Japan would be interested in AEW stars to make a Dome show more special. But the difficulty of bringing foreigners in at this point may make that a moot point this year.

Speculation came from the 30th anniversary of Jericho Dynamite show where Tanahashi, with a New Japan Pro Wrestling logo in the background, appeared on the show and his name was referenced twice on commentary. In addition, in the promotion of the Jon Moxley vs. Lance Archer AEW title match on 10/14, both men in their promos referenced their Texas death match on January 4, 2020 at the Tokyo Dome. There was also a mention of Gedo, in noting the last previous time Jericho had faced Dr. Luther, in a tag match where Gedo was Jericho’s partner, in 1996 in the FMW promotion. On the Fite TV version, there was also a mention of Antonio Inoki, but that is meaningless since Inoki is not with New Japan and largely a persona non grata in the company except he can’t be completely ignored because it would be ignoring company history to do so.

Jericho had little in the way of limitations of who he could get on the show, although obviously WWE would never allow its talent on. It’s been noted in many places that wrestlers from all over the world congratulated Jericho on his 30 year anniversary this past week, but nobody from WWE as far as we can tell with the exception of A.J. Styles on his Twitch channel has said anything publicly, which tells you, no matter what is said publicly, how heated the rivalry between those sides still is, or is at least perceived to be by WWE talent regarding WWE management’s reaction. Particularly since the largest portion of Jericho’s career was in WWE ...

The Tanahashi video had nothing to do with either AEW or New Japan past that neither side didn’t strike down the idea. The reality is that Tanahashi and Jericho have great respect for each other as pro wrestlers and similar philosophies to the business ... New Japan officials said that they have great respect for Jericho and would have never had an issue with anyone wanting to be part of the show. In fact, of all the people Jericho contacted, Tanahashi was the first one to do the video, just two hours after he was asked ...

If there is a likely first sign of a relationship, it would be Moxley defending his New Japan U.S. title any time soon. New Japan even had KENTA cut a promo on Moxley, and his briefcase that he won to get a shot at the title was used as a prop during G-1, with the teases of Juice Robinson and Tanahashi (who beat KENTA in G-1) challenging for the briefcase and a shot at Moxley. Moxley is allowed to work New Japan on his own, but until the 14-day quarantine is lifted, he can’t feasibly go to Japan because of his AEW commitments. If a relationship is made, where Moxley fits in is he would be doing a title defense, likely with KENTA, at the New Japan Strong tapings in Port Hueneme, CA. But politically, Moxley is not going to be able to lose that title, unless they do a DQ finish (New Japan titles change hands via DQ) as long as he’s AEW champion.

The one negative in the way is that New Japan does want to expand to the U.S., and that would put them in a sense in competition with AEW. Without that, it would be easier. Alliances between promotions have worked out favorably for both sides as far as helping produce bigger events historically, including the 90s New Japan/WCW relationship and New Japan/ROH and to a lesser degree the New Japan/TNA relationship, but in all cases, where it be two U.S. offices working together, aside from New Japan/ROH, it has been when neither was running live events in the same markets as the other.

NXT had another strong Takeover show on 10/4, as the first show since the brand has moved from Full Sail University to the Performance Center, renamed the Capitol Wrestling Center.

The new setup includes a wall for virtual fans, a setup for 100 fans and a barricade that had both a metal fence over the regular barricade and the plexiglass. Fans were required to wear masks, although early on some of them started taking them off but seemed to be ordered to put them back on. All fans were tested for COVID a day ahead of time, which is better than temperature checks. But they were also clearly on top of each other in a small indoor building. The timing of doing this right after a breakout seems strange as one would think you’d want fewer people in the building and only those necessary. As people involved have brought up, people can get tested and then go out to bars that night since in Florida, everything is open.

Capitol is an ode to Capitol Sports, which was the parent name of Vincent James McMahon’s WWWF promotion. On the NXT TV show they even showed clips of Buddy Rogers, Vincent James McMahon, Bruno Sammartino and showed old clips of announcer Ray Morgan at the start of the show.

This came just weeks after WWE was talking about how important it was to get TV out of the PC because it was needed for training. Now they’ve changed it to bring in fans, friends and family, plus using virtual fans and piping in fake sound which ranges from enhancing some matches to being out of sync (it was much better for the NXT TV show than for Takeover). The move has to do with COVID and Full Sail.

NXT will now be taped every Wednesday at the CWC with two hours of NXT and 45 minutes to an hour of 205 Live ...

The returning champion ended up being Ember Moon. In a strange deal, just before Moon came back, to challenge Io Shirai after she had retained her title over Candice LeRae, they had played a video of Toni Storm, who is also returning to challenge for that title.

From the time Bushiroad purchased Stardom in late 2019, the company has been planning a major show. But COVID made these shows impossible until a show on 10/3, “Yokohama Cinderella,” which aired as a live television PPV show from the Yokohama Budokan (formerly the Bunka Gym which has been the city’s regular 4,500-seat arena for wrestling dating back decades).

With social distancing, the show sold out but they only allowed 1,007 fans and featured five title matches and a losing group must disband match with Oedo Tai vs. The Tokyo Cyber Squad.

Fans were really upset fearing that Tokyo Cyber Squad, which was the group Hana Kimura was the top star in, might disband. And that was the booking idea, and is what happened.

The reality was the women in the group wanted out. They didn’t want the pressure of being in Kimura’s group, especially because after her death, Kimura has become this mythical figure to Japanese fans of women’s wrestling.

Stardom also debuted two new wrestlers and a third is coming. Natsumi Maki and Mina Shirakawa debuted on the show from Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling. Maki is now using the name Natsupoi. Both women’s contract expired at the end of September. A third woman will be debuting shortly after her contract expires. In these cases, none were raids by Stardom as much as the women letting their contracts expire to start with Stardom.

Stardom’s Jungle Kyona will be undergoing surgery on her left knee and her right shoulder and will be out for a long time. Her injury list includes a torn left ACL, a torn right LCL and a dislocated right shoulder

One New Japan insider noted to us that while Takami Ohbari was being groomed to be the next person in charge after Harold Meij leaves in a few weeks, inside the company they don’t know if that will really be the case past public positioning. While many in the company were happy Meij was leaving (we were told that fans generally weren’t happy because Meij was very good with the New Japan fans, the wrestlers were generally happy and the office was mixed but more on the happy side from those who were there pre-Meij), Ohbari is not welcomed as a new leader privately by many. Of late, New Japan Presidents and CEO’s have been newcomers to the wrestling business chosen by Bushiroad and almost always have a hard time getting trust and respect from the employees and the wrestlers. The wrestling people don’t want to be told what to do and what not to do by what they consider as “amateurs” when it comes to the wrestling industry. This has hurt morale to some extent since 2018

The foreign talent, Jeff Cobb, Will Ospreay, Gabriel Kidd, Zack Sabre Jr., Juice Robinson, KENTA (who lives in Florida) and Jay White are in most cases staying until the Tokyo Dome show. Some will go home in December for a short period after Budokan, and then come back just before Christmas to quarantine if they are on the Dome show.

Kurt Angle did a podcast with PW Insider and said he had a tumor in his neck that he needed to get removed

Tracy Smothers, 58, who was one of the most underrated wrestlers of the mid-90s when he was top babyface in SMW and also a regular in Japan, before later going to WWF as Freddy Joe Floyd from Oklahoma (the name was a rib because Jack Brisco’s real name was Fred Joseph Brisco and Gerald Brisco’s real name is Floyd Gerald Brisco) and then to ECW as part of the Full Blooded Italians. Smothers, who has been battling cancer plus dealing with having two dozen concussions in his career for years, now has added heart problems to his issues

Mexican wrestler Tormento was diagnosed with COVID-19. It’s notable because he thought all the talk of the disease was exaggerated, and he did his doctor did as well. So his doctor thought he just had a cold when he came in coughing. A few days later, he lost his sense of taste and smell, got tested and tested positive. He said he’s also having occasional headaches

It will be interesting to see if this has any impact on AEW, but due to the pandemic, WarnerMedia is looking at cutting up to 20 percent of its costs. Time Warner was hit hard due to its movie businesses being hit hard including theaters they own being shut down, cable subscriptions down and a major decline in television advertising. Based on commercials throughout baseball this past week, it appears AEW is still in good standing. Their ratings held up far better than expected, and better than any wrestling show during the pandemic. But they are looking to do a complete business overhaul which would include TBS, TNT, HBO with thousands of layoffs expected coming on the heels of 500 layoffs in August. For TBS and TNT, the issue is that going forward, the costs of the NBA and MLB will go up, and if ads and viewership declines, the secondary programming would take a hit. AEW is very reliable right now but it will never be the priority over the NBA and MLB

The situation with WWE taking over Twitch accounts from talent and paying them a percentage, that is counted against their downside guarantee has led to several unhappy campers. One talent noted to us that everyone is mad, but time after time they get mad and they never stand up. In this situation, the women are losing out the most since a lot of them have been able to make a good deal of money from their fan bases through twitch and cameo. Paige actually tweeted, “Learned a lot about unions today,” which led to Zelina Vega writing “hmm.” It’s known that a few of the talents talk with Andrew Yang, and depending on how a lot of things play out, the Yang/WWE story in 2021 could prove to be very interesting

WWE was apparently looking at doing a U.K. PPV which would have been headlined by McIntyre vs. Tyson Fury, but they aren’t able to do it at this time. Both WWE and AEW were in a race for the first U.K. PPV in years as AEW had planned for something big this year as well. The idea of the match isn’t dead but they have to work based on Fury’s schedule

A&E is working with WWE for three television specials in 2021, one on Randy Savage, one on Roddy Piper and another regarding Paul Levesque & Stephanie McMahon

The top ten most-watched shows of the past week on WWE Network was: 1. NXT Takeover; 2. WWE 24: Drew McIntyre; 3. Clash of Champions 2020; 4. Steve Austin’s Stone Cold Sessions with Kurt Angle; 5. WWE Top 10: Slapping Family Members; 6. Takeover pre-show; 7. Raw Talk on 10/5; 8. Talking Smack on 10/3; 9. Smackdown on 9/4; 10. No Way Out 2004. NXT finished 13th for the week. No. 17 was the only independent show, a Best of NXT wrestlers from the Progress tape library. NXT U.K. was 19th. 205 Live did not crack the top 25
WWE Ratings, AEW vs. NXT Ratings, Wrestling vs. NBA Finals Ratings, Impact Ratings:


Raw on 10/5 did its seventh lowest overall numbers in history, but to me, that’s a win considering the competition.

Raw did 1,686,000 viewers and 0.52 in 18-49, with competition from the Kansas City Chiefs vs. New England Patriots game on CBS (14,602,000 viewers, 4.0 in 18-49), the Atlanta Falcons vs. Green Bay Packers on ESPN (8,652,000 viewers, 2.92 in 18-49) and a major league baseball playoff game with the New York Yankees vs. Tampa Bay Devil Rays (2,330,000 viewers, 0.60 in 18-49).

The show was down 7.8 percent in viewers from last week, which was the combination of the post-PPV bump and the appearances of Ric Flair, Shawn Michaels, Christian and Big Show; down 5.5 percent in 18-49 and down 8.8 percent in 18-34 ...

Raw was No. 6 in 18-49, No. 5 in males 18-49, No. 7 in women 18-49, No. 6 in 18-34 and No. 5 in males 12-34.

As compared to the same period last year, Raw was down 27.8 percent in viewers, 30.7 percent in 18-49 and 42.6 percent in 18-34 ...

The first hour did 1,791,000 viewers. The second hour did 1,666,000 viewers. The third hour did 1,601,000 viewers. The first-to-third hour drop of 10.6 percent is normal levels.

By demo, women 18-49 were down 13.0 percent first-to-third hour, men 18-49 were down11.9 percent, teenage girls were down 25.4 percent, teenage boys were up 1.9 percent and over 50 was down 8.6 percent.

Smackdown on 10/2, even with competition from the NBA playoff finals and baseball playoffs, did very well, doing a 1.40 rating and 2,155,000 viewers (an unusually low 1.27 viewers per home) and another 0.59 in 18-49 (773,000 viewers).

The rating was up 7.7 percent, viewers were up 2.1 percent and 18-49 was up 0.9 percent ...

Smackdown tied with the NBA pre-game show was second behind the NBA on ABC for the top spot in 18-49 on cable, with the game doing 6,609,000 viewers and 2.41 in 18-49 (3,131,000 viewers) and 2.0 in 18-34 ...

This is the first week-to-week comparison of Smackdown on FOX, but it’s totally misleading because you are comparing it to a show with all the hype advertising literally every star they could find (many of whom weren’t even on the show) and was built around Dwayne Johnson. Starting next week the comparisons will be more relevant. But it was down 39.7 percent in ratings, 44.6 percent in viewers and 56.7 percent in 18-49.

The show opened huge with 2.32 million viewers for the Roman Reigns/Jey Uso/Paul Heyman segment and Uso vs. A.J. Styles. It fell to 2.12 million for the Sami Zayn interview, Otis vs. John Morrison and Sheamus vs. Shorty G. Usually the top of the hour gains, but it fell slightly to 2.09 million Kevin Owens with Alexa Bliss, and the Matt Riddle & Gran Metalik & Lince Dorado match against Shinsuke Nakamura & Cesaro & King Corbin. The final half hour with the Sasha Banks return interview and Zayn vs. Jeff Hardy for the IC title also did 2.09 million viewers.

Going against the Vice Presidential debate, which drew 52,636,000 viewers and a 10.8 in 18-49, you can almost throw out comparison relevancy for AEW and NXT on 10/7.

AEW did 753,000 viewers and a 0.31 in 18-49 (401,000 viewers), good for No. 19 for the night behind 15 news shows and three major league baseball playoff games. NXT did 639,000 viewers and 0.16 in 18-49 (212,000 viewers), good for the No. 56 spot for the day. No entertainment show on television aside from AEW in prime time other than The Masked Singer on FOX beat an 0.24 in 18-49.

The two baseball games head-to-head saw the TBS game do 2,391,000 viewers and 0.65, and the FS 1 game did 1,635,000 viewers and 0.55.

Really, the debate could have hurt AEW a lot worse if it didn’t have the publicity of the Chris Jericho 30th anniversary show. The show was down 13.0 percent in total viewers and 6.3 percent in 18-49 with the debate and playoff games on TBS and FS 1 head-to-head. With the same competition, NXT was down 12.7 percent in viewers and 14.2 percent in 18-49, so the competition looks to have hit both groups hard, but hit NXT, surprisingly, harder with the key demo, but most likely if it had not been a Jericho special show that TBS and TNT pushed hard during its baseball broadcasts, the damage would have been significantly greater.

AEW more than doubled NXT in three of the four key demos. However in the fourth, women 35-49, AEW was barely ahead.

Overall, the first and seventh quarter were close. In 18-49, AEW doubled NXT in the fifth and eighth quarter. Both shows took a hit late due to the debate, although AEW’s strong fifth quarter with the dog collar match staved off the decline that came after the match.

The most notable thing is that in 18-34, AEW had more women viewers than men, which would be a first. It also had more girls than boys 12-17, which was also the case the prior week, but that was likely due to the big NBA numbers with teenage boys.

In the main event battle, AEW did 696,000 viewers and 399,000 in 18-49 for Chris Jericho & Jake Hager vs. Luther & Serpentico. NXT did 613,000 viewers and 179,000 in 18-49 for Ember Moon & Rhea Ripley vs. Dakota Kai & Raquel Gonzalez.

AEW did 61,000 viewers in men 18-34 (down 17.6 percent from last week) to 29,000 for NXT (down 31.0 percent from last week). AEW did 68,000 viewers in women 18-34 (up 4.6 percent) to 27,000 for NXT (down 22.9 percent). AEW did 204,000 viewers in males 35-49 (down 1.0 percent) to 92,000 for NXT (down 9.8 percent). AEW did 68,000 viewers in women 35-49 (down 18.1 percent) to 64,000 for NXT (down 5.9 percent).

This is the first week one can make year-by-year comparisons, but between AEW’s huge debut number and the debate, like the Smackdown comparisons, it’s misleading. Really any valid comparisons would start in November.

However, AEW was down 46.6 percent in viewers, 54.4 percent in 18-49 and NXT (which had its big debut two weeks earlier and had a more normalized number by this point) was down 28.8 percent in viewers and 50.0 percent in 18-49.

For AEW, the peak in every key demo except Men 35-49 was the Cody vs. Brodie Lee chain match. In Men 35-49, it was the Brian Cage vs. Will Hobbs match. For NXT, the peak for men 18-34 and women 18-34 was the Ridge Holland vs Danny Burch/injury and Johnny Gargano & Candice LeRae vignette,. The men and women 35-49, the peak was the end of Kushida vs. Tommaso Ciampa, the post-match and the Moon interview.

The show opened with AEW doing 767,000 viewers and 414,000 in 18-49 for Cage vs. Hobbs. NXT with its big lead-in did 718,000 viewers and 216,000 in 18-49 for most of Kushida vs. Ciampa.

In the second quarter, AEW did 760,000 viewers and 399,000 in 18-49 for the post-match of Cage vs. Hobbs with Taz, Ricky Starks and Darby Allin, a Lance Archer promo and the beginning of FTR vs. Jack Evans & Angelico. NXT did 687,000 viewers and 251,000 in 18-49 for the end of Kushida vs. Ciampa, the most-match, and Moon interview. It was the 18-49 peak for NXT.

In the third quarter, AEW did 814,000 viewers and 396,000 in 18-49 for most of FTR vs. Evans & Angelico, Best Friends out and MJF promo. NXT did 654,000 viewers and 232,000 in 18-49 for an Io Shirai interview, Undisputed Era promo, Drake Maverick & Killian Dain vs. Chase Parker & Matt Martel and a Toni Storm video.

In the fourth quarter, AEW did 777,000 viewers and 409,000 in 18-49 for the build up and ring intros of Lee vs. Cody. NXT did 663,000 viewers and 238,000 in 18-49 for a Gargano & LeRae vignette, Austin Theory vs. Leon Ruff and the beginning of Theory vs. Dexter Lumis.

In the fifth quarter, AEW did 849,000 viewers and 436,000 in 18-49, both the peaks, for most of Lee vs. Cody. NXT fell to 573,000 viewers and 200,000 in 18-49 for most of Theory vs. Lumis, a Cameron Grimes and a Finn Balor vs. Kyle O’Reilly video package.

In the sixth quarter, AEW did 723,000 viewers and 389,000 in 18-49 for the end of Cody vs. Lee, the post-match promo with Orange Cassidy, a Kenny Omega promo and the beginning of Big Swole vs. Serena Deeb. NXT did 612,000 viewers and 202,000 in 18-49 for Ridge Holland vs. Danny Burch and another Gargano & LeRae vignette.

In the seventh quarter, AEW did 637,000 viewers and 364,000 in 18-49 for Swole vs. Deeb and a Jon Moxley promo. NXT did 590,000 viewers and 178,000 in 18-49 for a Timothy Thatcher video, Holland going out on a stretcher and Shotzi Blackheart vs. Xia Li.

In the eighth quarter, AEW gained 59,000 viewers and 35,000 in 18-49 for Jericho & Hager vs. Serpentico & Luther. NXT gained 23,000 viewers and 1,000 in 18-49 for Ripley & Moon vs. Kai & Gonzalez.

AEW did a 0.13 in 12-17 (up 8.3 percent from last week), 0.18 in 18-34 (down 7.2 percent), 0.44 in 35-49 (down 5.9 percent) and 0.26 in 50+ (down 23.5 percent). The show did 66.1 percent males in 18-49 and 49.5 percent males in 12-17. It shows that 12-34 males who watch AEW regularly were very likely to have watched either the debate or baseball; while teenage girls were not. Actually teenage girls were above usual levels.

Because NXT didn’t crack the top 50, we don’t have full details on its numbers, other than it was down 27.3 percent in 18-34 and down 8.2 percent in 35-49. In 18-49, it was 57.1 percent males.

In the viewers per home stats for the week of 9/28 to 10/4, the 9/30 AEW show, going against the NBA finals and baseball playoffs, set its all-time record at 1.67, and also topped the sports category.

This would be the first time a pro wrestling show has done peak attitude era (1.7) numbers. The situation with AEW is that in homes that are aware of the product, people watch together, and that is growing. But the recognition of the brand is still way down. NXT was actually viewed in more total homes but did 1.32 viewers per home, also well above its usual levels. Smackdown did 1.27 against NBA and baseball playoffs, it’s lowest in recent memory, but it had a big increase in total homes watching.

On 9/28 against AEW & NXT, the NBA first game of the finals (the finals are so far down from last year that it’s become a giant sports story) did 1.51 while baseball had 1.38. The Friday night playoff game did 1.53 and the Sunday NBA playoff game did 1.56, the latter tying for second behind AEW for the week in sports. The baseball playoff game against Smackdown did 1.43. Fox’s Sunday football early afternoon games did 1.54. The CBS late afternoon games did 1.55 for third. The NBC Sunday prime time game did 1.49 and Monday night football did 1.42. Of the major college football games, the highest was 1.56 for the Auburn vs. Georgia game on ESPN on Saturday night, while the most-watched game, Texas A&M vs. Alabama, did 1.43. The last game of the Stanley Cup against Raw did 1.43 while the top NASCAR race of the weekend did 1.33. The Holly Holm vs. Irene Aldana UFC Fight Night did 1.35.

IMPACT: We have an update on television ratings for the month of September from The 9/1 show did 102,000 viewers and 31,000 (0.02) in 18-49. The 9/8 show did 78,000 viewers and 22,000 (0.02) in 18-49. The 9/15 show did 170,000 viewers and 43,000 (0.03) in 18-49. The 9/22 show did 200,000 viewers and 51,000 (0.04) in 18-49. The 9/29 show did 168,000 viewers and 52,000 (0.04) in 18-49. There are a few notes to these numbers. The first is that 9/1 and 9/8 went head-to-head with NXT on USA. So with head-to-head competition, they averaged 90,000 viewers and 26,500 in 18-4, and 29.4 percent of the viewers in the key demo. Without head-to-head competition they averaged 179,000 viewers and 48,700 in the key demo (27.7 percent). Keep in mind that you could have watched NXT and then watched Impact via DVR before midnight that night and counted. What it tells you is that of the regular Impact audience, half of the total viewers and 45.6 percent would skip AEW if NXT was on at the same time, so essentially they are more wrestling fans than Impact fans. You’ll notice that with AEW if we compare 9/9 (no NXT) with 9/16 (with NXT) they only dropped 12.8 percent in viewers and 7.5 percent in 18-49 which tells you that a large percentage of Impact viewers would choose to watch NXT on an unfamiliar night, whereas that is not the case with AEW viewers. The fans Impact gets back with no NXT skew older. For AEW, the percentage of viewers 18-49 with no NXT was 47.3 percent, and the next week with NXT was 50.2 percent, so similarly with no NXT, Impact gets new viewers, but those new viewers skew older. So in both cases, you take NXT away, and both shows get more viewers by percentage over the age of 50. Using last week’s numbers. Also, Impact is the oldest skewing pro wrestling TV show of those with significant national viewers, with a normalized 27.7 percent in the key demo as compared to 33.7 percent for NXT, 36.3 percent for Smackdown, 38.7 percent for Raw and 49.4 percent for AEW. Keep in mind with the competing sports, notably the NBA which is so strong with 12-34 males, that if these shows go against the NBA, and all but Raw did, they will skew older than usual

Emperor Smeat 10-13-2020 09:12 PM

The Sheets:


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
The draft edition of RAW saw the show experience an increase in its viewership hitting its highest mark since August 31st while finishing fourth among cable programming.

The show averaged 1,855,000 viewers on the USA Network and a 0.57 rating in the 18-49 demographic. Both numbers were the show’s best since the August 31st episode that followed the WWE Payback event and represented a weekly increase of 12 percent in viewership and 9.5 in the demo rating.

RAW began with 2,006,000 viewers and a 0.60 demo figure, it dropped to 1,884,000 viewers (0.59) in the second hour and the third hour saw a larger drop with 1,676,000 viewers and a 0.52 demo number. The show fell 16.5 percent from the first to the third hour.

RAW went against the Monday Night Football game between the Chargers and Saints that did 10,694,000 viewers while FOX aired the NLCS game between the Braves and Dodgers that did 3,207,000 on the overnight figures with the final number out on Wednesday.

Across RAW’s key demographics, the only audience that was down this week was males 12-34 by 5 percent. The increase was led by adults over 50 that were up by 10 percent, while adults 18-49 and females 18-49 were each up by 9.5 percent.

The 2019 edition of the draft on RAW averaged 2,279,000 and a 0.74 rating in the 18-49 demo. That show also faced a bigger NFL game that topped 13.3 million viewers and went against the Major League Baseball game. From last year, they fell 18.5 percent in viewers and 23 percent in the demo.

The first to third-hour drop was most significant with women 12-34 which dropped 17 percent despite staying even overall from the prior week. Adults over 50 and women 18-49 dropped 16 percent in the third hour and adults 25-54 declined 15 percent in the third hour.


Originally Posted by Observer
Joey Ryan's run of recent lawsuits has continued.

PWInsider first reported Tuesday that Ryan (Joe Meehan) filed a $10 million lawsuit against Impact Wrestling's parent company Anthem Sports & Entertainment in mid-September, alleging breach of contract for firing him due to allegations of both sexual abuse and assault.

Anthem has until Saturday, October 24th to respond to the suit that was filed in Nashville, TN. We have reached out for comment to both Impact and Anthem but haven't not received a response.

Ryan's contract ran through August 2021 and Impact released him on June 22nd. Based on language in the contract regarding warning and reprimands, he claims they needed to inform of him of any issue in writing along with a "5 day cure period" as it states in the contract.

According to the contract language, if nothing could be worked out by the wrestler in five days, he and Impact would then have 30 days to resolve any issues. At that point, Impact could have terminated the deal another 30 days after that if there was still unresolvable issues.

The $10 million sought is in addition to legal fees and other "relief" that a court may find in his favor.

This comes after Ryan filed multi-million lawsuits against several accusers that emerged during the #SpeakingOut movement earlier this year. PWInsider noted he has filed six lawsuits.


Originally Posted by Observer
While not officially announced by the company as of now, Ivelisse said during an interview Monday night that she has signed with AEW.

She didn't give any details, but said she was overwhelmed to get the offer in the same week when she lost her home in a fire. She had tweeted about the fire in mid-September so if the timeline is accurate, she's been under contract for a month.

Ivelisse made her AEW debut in mid-July in a loss to Diamante and then teamed with her in the first Women's Tag Team Cup. The duo won the tourney with a finals victory over Brandi Rhodes and Allie.

Since then, she defeated KiLynn King and lost to NWA Women's Champion Thunder Rosa in a much-discussed match. She also teamed with Diamante twice, defeating Rache Chanel and Skyler Moore and losing to Rosa and AEW Women's Champion Hikaru Shida at the September 23rd Dynamite -- the last time she has been on AEW TV.


Originally Posted by PWI
A trial date of Monday 1/25/21 has been set for the criminal trial for former WWE and Impact Wrestling Champion Jose Albero Rodriguez Chucuan aka Alberto Del Rio and Alberto el Patron following his indictment last week, Chucuan is facing one count of aggravated kidnapping and four counts of sexual assault and could be facing as much as life in prison.

Chucuan, 43, was arrested on 5/9 after a victim went to San Antonio, Texas authorities, stating that on Sunday 5/3 at 10 PM, Chucuan allegedly became angry with her and physically assaulted her after accusing her of infidelity. When the victim would not admit to the infidelity, Chucuan allegedly slapped her "across the head" several times. The victim also alleged that Chucuan "forced her to wear a dress and dance for him" and that when she refused and he told her not to start crying because if she did, "he would take her son and drop him in the middle of the road somewhere."

The arrest affidavit stated that the woman alleged Chucuan had sexually assaulted her and that she had her injuries documented via photographs.


Originally Posted by PWI
As of last night, the plan is for the Andrade and Mickie James, the two talents left "Undrafted" following the 2020 Draft to land on the Monday Night Raw roster.

Obviously, until it's officially announced, that's subject to change, but it was the plan as of yesterday.


Originally Posted by PWI
WWE filed a number of new trademark applications on 10/8, including WWE Livewire, a series that existed in the late 1990s. This may be in advance of the company adding it to the WWE Network.


Originally Posted by PWI, the subscription-based service behind Conrad Thompson's suite of podcasts, announced Monday that WWE Hall of Famer, Gerald Brisco, will be added to the lineup for a brand new series called "Monday Mailbag with Gerald Brisco." members will have the opportunity to ask questions and delve into the mind of Brisco's, who has spent over 50 years in the wrestling business.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
MLW is preparing for their restart. The organization’s CEO Court Bauer tweeted out that a select number of fans will have the opportunity to attend the restart and more information on that is coming soon.

That leaves just ROH as the only notable US promotin running shows without fans around. Not counting NWA since they are running shows under the UWN banner and not on their own.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Asbury Park Press has a feature story up about All Elite Wrestling which includes a profile on Cody Rhodes ...

While speaking about the first year of All Elite Wrestling, Cody feels that he “talked too much” in the sense that he strapped a label or confined the AEW product to something as it was still growing.

“I wanted to really promote the brand, I wanted to pound the pavement, but in speaking I kind of confined our product, I tried to give an identity to a product (when the) identity is evolving, its identity is growing. AEW is going to have a different identity in year one than it has in year two, and we want that identity and that flavor profile to improve. But to say it’s one thing would be incorrect because wrestling is something that there’s no one specific way to do it right. There’s many different ways to do it right. So I spoke too much as an executive in my efforts to promote the brand and a lot of this kind of click-bait journalism (followed) in areas where what I said was taken out of context and might have rubbed people the wrong way or might have created more tension between an NXT fan and an AEW fan. A little less talk from me, a little more action, is one of my goals (going forward).”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
UPROXX conducted an extensive interview with AEW’s Britt Baker. Britt was asked about the criticisms of AEW’s women’s division along with the growth of the division. She feels that it’s something the company is working on and said she knows there are plans to grow the division.

“Yeah, I definitely think it’s something the company is working on. You know, and we got hit hard—our women’s division, because of the COVID outbreak. Half our roster is international talent, so we immediately didn’t have access to any of those women. Then Kris Statlander got hurt, and I got hurt. And there’s only so much time on AEW Dynamite to start with.

And I know there are plans to grow the women’s division, but at the same time we need help from the fans at home too! We can’t have the women’s segments being the lowest rated or the lowest views each week. Because at the end of the day it’s a business, and AEW needs ratings.

It’s no secret we’re in a war every Wednesday night with NXT, so we need the ratings up. So for the fans that are so encouraging and saying, ‘We want more women, we want more women!’ That’s great, but please don’t turn the channel when the women are on TV then! We want everybody to be watching the segments and cheering us on from home.”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Bruce Prichard and Conrad Thompson covered the 2005 WWE No Mercy pay-per-view for the latest installment of Something to Wrestle. During the Q&A portion of the show, Prichard stated that there were ideas tossed around about Shawn Michaels and Eddie Guerrero possibly wrestling one another at WrestleMania 22 in 2006.

“It was kicked around as a possibility because they never worked together and that was, at least in my head, a dream match. That was one of those that I definitely would’ve loved to see.”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Jim Ross and Conrad Thompson covered The Miz’s career in WWE for the latest installment of the Grilling JR podcast ...

Jim Ross spoke highly of the late Matt Cappotelli as well. Ross said that Cappotelli reminded him of a young Brian Pillman and praised the former Tough Enough winner for his passion for wrestling.

“Yeah, we thought Matt had great potential. What a sweetheart of a kid. Loved, loved, loved wrestling. Living his dream. God bless him, and he reminded me at times a little bit of a young Brian Pillman. Frame, pace, good looking kid and you couldn’t ask for a better person, teammate to be on your roster. Just a great kid, very athletic. He was never gonna be the biggest dog in the fight but he had that Ricky Morton ability, not that he was Ricky Morton, but he had that Ricky Morton ability and tendencies to sell, and smaller guys like that have to be baby faces especially, have to master the art of selling and all the different levels of selling. Selling is just not one word and it’s all the same. It’s a progression, registering, big sell, soft sell, whatever. But Matt was a good kid. We thought he had got past the hump. He was working in a gym I think in Louisville, but it was heartbreaking Conrad [Thompson]. If you knew this kid, you would love this kid and we all did.”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Brandon Thurston at Wrestlenomics has an article attempting to get a better sense of the television rights fees that NXT is earning from the USA Network looking at a variety of sources and what has been reported. The NXT rights are reportedly up for renewal next year, which adds to the discussion of the strategy behind the show coming off the Tuesday experiment and the data we have to see what increase NXT could enjoy by moving off Wednesdays.



Originally Posted by PWI
The 2300 Arena has seen a lot of violence, blood and guts over the last several decades, but the one thing the South Philadelphia pro wrestling staple couldn't take was a rally event for WWE Hall of Famer and United States President Donald Trump.

The Arena was slated to host an "Italians for Trump" rally hosted by former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani today, but the Arena's owners canceled the event upon learning the event was to support President Trump. The legendary pro wrestling venue had been originally told they were being booked for a rally for a "local politician", according to The Philadelphia Inquirer.

“There’s just a whole lot of things that come with a Trump rally,” Arena co-owner Christy Bottie said. “There’s no way we were going to take any risks on any level for a Trump rally.”

Bottie was specifically concerned, according to the article about the venue not being able to handle the COVID-19 health concerns involving present with a larger gathering, although they had been told those attending would be wearing masks. There was also concern about the potential size of the gathering and protestors also coming to the building.

The rally was moved to another location in Northeast Philadelphia, where Giulani blamed the change on the Mayor of Philadelphia contacting the venue, something Bottie denied happened. The Arena held a Republican National Committee event in 2016.

The Arena itself has been shut down since the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic and is waiting for the chance to return to booking live events, including professional wrestling, MMA, concerts and boxing.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
IMPACT Plus was upgrading its platform and, in the process, deleted several subscriptions from the streaming service. Impact Wrestling has stated it will be reaching out to those that lost their accounts.


Originally Posted by Fightful
AEW could be looking to add another name to its roster.

According to Cassidy Haynes of, AEW has an interest in signing MLW star Mance Warner. A source told Haynes, "AEW 100% has interest."

Warner was backstage at AEW Revolution in Chicago in February and also backstage at an episode of Dynamite held in Ohio back in January. Warner is currently under contract with Major League Wrestling, though details of his contract are currently unknown.

He is able to work Independent events and had a presence at GCW The Collective over the weekend, including an appearance in the Clusterfuck Battle Royal at Joey Janela's Spring Break 4.

TPWW Frontpage:

Emperor Smeat 10-14-2020 06:58 PM

The Sheets:


Originally Posted by Observer
Eight wrestlers remain mathematically alive as NJPW's G1 Climax 30 enters its final stretch.

Four competitors still have a shot in each block with one A Block show and one B Block show remaining before Sunday's final. In A Block, Jay White controls his own destiny. In B Block, it's EVIL who controls his own fate.

After that, things get more cloudy.

White, Kota Ibushi, Kazuchika Okada, and Will Ospreay still have a chance to win A Block ...

In B Block, EVIL, Tetsuya Naito, SANADA, and Zack Sabre Jr. are still in the running ...

Here are the updated standings and scenarios:
G1 Climax 30 standings --

A Block
  1. Jay White -- 12 points (6-2) *wins the block with a win over Ishii*
  2. Kota Ibushi -- 12 points (6-2) *wins the block with a win over Taichi and a White loss/draw/no contest*
  3. Kazuchika Okada -- 12 points (6-2) *wins the block with a win over Ospreay, White and Ibushi losses/draws/no contests or a draw with Ospreay and Ibushi/White losses/no contests*
  4. Will Ospreay -- 10 points (5-3) *wins the block with a win over Okada, White and Ibushi losses/no contests*
  5. Taichi -- 8 points (4-4) *eliminated*
  6. Jeff Cobb -- 8 points (4-4) *eliminated*
  7. Tomohiro Ishii -- 6 points (3-4) *eliminated*
  8. Shingo Takagi -- 6 points (3-5) *eliminated*
  9. Minoru Suzuki -- 6 points (3-5) *eliminated*
  10. Yujiro Takahashi -- 0 points (0-8) *eliminated*

B Block
  1. EVIL -- 12 points (6-2) *wins the block with a win over SANADA or a draw/no contest with SANADA, Naito loss and Sabre loss/draw*
  2. Tetsuya Naito -- 12 points (6-2) *wins the block with a win/draw over KENTA and an EVIL loss/no contest*
  3. SANADA -- 10 points (5-3) *wins the block with a win over EVIL and a Naito loss/no contest*
  4. Zack Sabre Jr. -- 10 points (5-3) *ties with Naito & EVIL for block win with a win over Tanahashi, a Naito loss, and a SANADA/EVIL no contest*
  5. Hirooki Goto -- 8 points (4-4) *eliminated*
  6. KENTA -- 8 points (4-4) *eliminated*
  7. Toru Yano -- 6 points (3-5) *eliminated*
  8. Hiroshi Tanahashi -- 6 points (3-5) *eliminated*
  9. Juice Robinson -- 6 points (3-5) *eliminated*
  10. YOSHI-HASHI -- 2 points (1-7) *eliminated*


Originally Posted by PWI
Independent wrestler Dan the Dad, who competed over the weekend as part of The Collective weekend in Indianapolis, announced this afternoon that he had tested positive for COVID-19 and is advising others who were in attendance to make sure they get tested themselves:

Dan the Dad's announcement via Twitter reads as follows:

Please read. Please get tested whether you experience symptoms or not. Thank you
— Dan the Dad (@ThanksDanTheDad) October 14, 2020



Originally Posted by PWI
Anthem Sports & Entertainment, Inc., a globally integrated multi-platform media company, announced today a partnership between the Company’s popular sports network Game+ and the groundbreaking OVW Wrestling promotion—bringing two of its hour-long wrestling series, OVW Overdrive and OVW TV, to Game+’s Sunday lineup beginning October 18 at 9 a.m. ET/6 a.m. PT. Game+ is the exclusive national cable broadcaster of OVW TV, with new episodes airing every Sunday following their initial premieres on the OVW streaming platform and affiliated partners ...

Game+’s newly acquired OVW content debuts this Sunday at 9 a.m. ET with OVW Overdrive, as hosts Bryan Kennison and Steven Johnson provide expert analysis and in-depth commentary. The one-of-a-kind series features unique matches and interviews with OVW’s brightest stars, as well as recaps of the week’s biggest stories and sketches that put the duo in a variety of entertaining situations.

Then, stay tuned at 10 a.m. ET for the weekly wrestling program OVW TV, putting the spotlight on a roster of hungry young talent fighting to prove themselves in adrenaline-fueled pro wrestling action.


Originally Posted by PWI
The Associated Press spoke with Cody about the one year anniversary of the debut of AEW Dynamite at this link. On the ratings and the WWE NXT competition, Cody commented, "When you hit that million mark, and even on the nights where the average might be in the eights or nines, there are segments that go over a million and it certainly begets the question: What would this be like unopposed?” Rhodes said. “But opposed, it’s doing just so damn fine. I think we have a good indicator. We’ve seen what it looks like. But competition is not something we’re shying away from by any means. Wednesday night is our home"


Originally Posted by PWI
FOX News featured a piece on Jungle Boy and how his father, late actor Luke Perry pushed him to pursue his pro wrestling career at this link. “For me, that was cool to have someone to talk about it,” he explained. “In a lot of ways, I think acting and wrestling are different, but they’re similar at the same time. But I think they’re things that a lot of people theoretically want to do when they’re younger and then give up on it along the way. So it was cool to have someone to talk to who had followed through with their childhood dream [of being an actor] and made it happen. There were so many things [we shared] along the way, but it was cool to be able to talk to someone and bounce ideas off of someone who had taken their dream all the way and fulfilled it.”


Originally Posted by PWI
Aleister Black was interviewed by Sports Illustrated prior to Monday's Raw talking about opportunity, why he hasn't translated well on the main roster, and more.

On why he believes he hasn't clicked yet on the main roster (something that might change with his movement to Smackdown as part of the WWE Draft), Black said:

"I think the reason for that is we moved so far away from what Aleister Black was in NXT that people started getting confused about what exactly Aleister Black was supposed to be. After a few conversations, I said, ‘I need a different direction.’ That led to the creation of this new Aleister Black, where he is a little more human and people can latch on to him quicker. Being human doesn’t mean you necessarily have to be a good guy. It also can mean that it is a villain, and you can better understand the motives of where the character comes from. You don’t have to agree with the motives to understand them, but the motive had got lost for Aleister Black on the main roster.

The opportunities presented on Raw and SmackDown are this great chessboard. Aleister Black, he feels that he has never had the opportunity to do what he needs to do. If he doesn’t get those opportunities, he’s going to burn the whole chessboard. If that means he’s sent to purgatory, that’s fine, because he’s been in purgatory. If you want to take it one step further and send him to hell, that’s fine, too. He’s accustomed to hell, his whole childhood was spent there.

If Aleister Black doesn’t get his opportunity, then no one does. That is a much more relatable antagonistic way of looking at things. Before, that motive wasn’t as clear. A few months ago, what did he stand for? He was fighting for himself, then he got entangled with Rey Mysterio, and that left himself open to vicious beatings each week. It seemed like he never learned from his mistakes, which is strange for Aleister, because he seems so calculated. That got shuffled away a little bit"


Originally Posted by PWI
Sonya Deville posted for the first time publicly on her Instagram in some time, reuniting with Mandy Rose.

"Nothin can stop us, we all the way up. And Mandy apologized so we good"

There is a hearing in Deville's stalker case this week with another court date set for December.



Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
PWTorch received an email of an RSVP invitation that was sent to NXTTicket customers following TakeOver 31. The last time this mailing list was used was in April to alert ticket holders of the cancellation of NXT Live at Full Sail on the 15th of that month. Here’s the email:


Good Evening!

Thank you for being a passionate member of the NXT Universe! We hope you enjoyed TakeOver 31! We have a special opportunity for you to be a part of this week’s NXT Broadcast on Wednesday October 7! This is an opportunity for a limited number of the NXT Universe to be LIVE & IN PERSON at the Capitol Wrestling Center as part the Live Event Audience. This invitation is good for a maximum of 6 people.

Please reply to this email to confirm that you are able to attend NXT this Wednesday October 7 at the Capitol Wrestling Center on the campus of the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, FL.

If you are selected, you will receive further correspondence with instructions on how to attend, COVID-19 testing procedures and on-site screening procedures.

Please note that you must be over the age of 16 unless accompanied by a guardian and must provide photo ID upon check in at the Capitol Wrestling Center.

The event will be held at limited capacity with social distancing measures in place. Face coverings will be mandatory throughout the course of the event.

If you are interested in attending please reply with the following information:

Total number of tickets requested (maximum of 6)

Name of each attendee:

Email address for each attendee:

Mobile phone number for each attendee:

Thank you for your consideration and supporting NXT! We look forward to seeing you weekly!
PWTorch got in contact with fans who were in attendance for NXT on October 7th. Said fans chose to remain anonymous but they shared that WWE’s COVID-19 testing procedures include nasal swab tests to the RSVPs accepted for pre-approval and the fans are responsible for their off-site testing appointment on the same day of the show to accommodate others in attendance. WWE then sends a final email either accepting or denying based on the results that they get.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Forbes has an extensive feature up about All Elite Wrestling that includes interviews with Tony Khan, Chris Jericho, Brandi Rhodes and Jungle Boy. Tony Khan spoke about the success of AEW and the growth of their business. He added that AEW is going to have different types of video games for different platforms as well.

“From a merchandising standpoint, everybody joked that we were a t-shirt company when we first started. But now we’ve got a very successful TV show and we’ve done a lot of successful pay-per-views. We’ve launched our action figures. We’re going to have different types of video games for different platforms and different experiences. So there’s all kinds of new lines of business coming up for us. Sports entertainment, in a lot of ways, is a very applicable term. But I don’t like it being used as a substitute for wrestling. It is a form of sports entertainment, what we do. But I also think that there’s no substitute for the word wrestling. I think it’s a great word. It makes me feel great when I say it. It brings a smile to my face. I love wrestling. I always have.”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Patches Chance of Daily DDT caught up with Eddie Kingston. Prior to signing with All Elite Wrestling, Eddie was planning to retire from the business ...

Eddie further spoke about what it meant to him to receive an AEW contract. He shared that he shed a few tears while on vacation with his significant other because it hit him that so many people pushed for him to get signed.

“That was very humbling and surprising. I didn’t think that many fans cared, to be honest. It blew me away. I said this in other interviews too. I’m getting hit up and they’re telling me, ‘Oh, you’re trending,’ and they think this is a joke, but I really didn’t know. I go, ‘Oh, so I’m trending, does that mean I get extra money? Do they send me a check? Does Twitter send me a check for trending?’ I don’t know. I don’t get that kind of stuff. You could call me a boomer, I guess. I don’t know even what that is, but to me I didn’t know.”

God, was it humbling. To the point where, I think it was two weeks after everything and I finally officially signed, I was in Montana with my girlfriend taking a vacation and I just broke down crying. She was like, ‘Are you okay?’ And I was like, ‘Yeah, I’m fine, it just kinda hit me now that, okay, people do care, and now I have a contract.’ It just hit me that I’m on national television and I finally have a contract with a big company, and I just remember wiping the tears away and looking at her and just going, ‘I love you, but now the real work begins.’ And she’s a BJJ black belt, so she was just like, ‘Yep, let’s get to work.’ And I was just like, ‘Oh, I guess I do have to get to work.’ So that was it.”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Ariane Andrew and Matt Dillon welcomed Natalya onto their ‘Sippin The Tea’ show on YouTube. Natalya expressed her desire to piece together a documentary about her father Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart’s life. Natalya said she has been approached about something along those lines as well.

“And then also, something that I really wanna do is — and I’ve been approached about doing it. I wanna do a documentary on my dad and on my dad’s life, and because my dad wasn’t just a WWE superstar. My dad was in the NFL, he played for the Dallas Cowboys and the Oakland Raiders. He was a world class Shot putter. When my dad was 18 years old, he was the second best Shot putter in the United States and he had a full scholarship to UCLA and then ended up, after his football career was over, he ended up coming to train with my grandfather and then he ended up getting hired by WWE and becoming a two-time WWE Tag Team Champion so he has this really cool life and towards the end of his life, my dad got Alzheimer’s and so I think, I really, really am excited about putting a documentary together about my dad and when I watched the Andre The Giant documentary on — I believe it was HBO. Either HBO or SHOWTIME, I can’t remember…. When I watched the Andre The Giant documentary on HBO, it was one of the best documentaries I’d ever seen and it just gave me such insight into Andre The Giant’s life and I said to my mom and sisters like, ‘I would love to be an executive producer on a documentary on my dad and telling his story and really touch on so many different things that we don’t always touch base on.’ When we’re telling stories about athletes, we don’t always talk about mental health, we don’t always talk about a darker side and things that people go through when their career as an athlete is over and how they transition and different things like that so, that is something I really want to do and I think it’d be such a great way to honor my dad but to also do something different.”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
The first episode of SmackDown on FOX from 2019 was the focus of the latest 83 Weeks podcast. Eric Bischoff recalled being backstage for the show and said that from his viewpoint, it did not seem like Vince McMahon was too keen on appearing in front of the crowd to open the show but it appeared that Stephanie McMahon wanted him to join her.

“I’ll be honest with everyone here, I actually got tears in my eyes when I saw Vince and Stephanie go out. I was standing in the Gorilla and, I was under — I’m gonna be careful how I say these things so I can talk about this without getting into trouble, as best I can. It was my impression, it was my impression that Vince didn’t really wanna do it, and I can understand it. You know, there comes a point as you’re getting older and Vince is ten years older than me, that you realize, the strength, the credibility that you bring to television isn’t what it used to be. It is what it is. We all get older, and when you’ve spent your life on television, you’re kind of aware of how you look and how you can present yourself and all that and it was my impression that Vince didn’t really wanna do it. It was also my impression that Stephanie really did want him to do it. Guess who won? Yeah, and I saw it go down. I wasn’t standing within inches of them but I was a couple feet away and I saw the hesitation by Vince and I saw the pressure put on by Stephanie. First of all, it just made my heart full seeing that father-daughter relationship in that exchange and it was really important to Stephanie, and when they went out and did it, it was exciting as hell, it was the right thing to do and it did, it brought tears to my eyes.”


Originally Posted by Fightful
Reported reason why Andrade was not drafted or signed on Monday.

According to Raj Giri of Wrestling INC, Andrade is undergoing a minor elective procedure and is expected to be out of action for a month.

Andrade and Mickie James were the only two names from the Friday and Monday draft pools who were not drafted by a brand following the conclusion of night two of the WWE Draft. Neither were signed to a brand via free agency either.

James recently revealed that she is out of action with a broken nose and will not be wrestling for a couple of weeks.

Andrade did appear on Monday's Raw, losing to Angel Garza in singles competition. Following the bout, he and Zelina Vega were attacked by 'The Fiend' Bray Wyatt and Alexa Bliss.

On social media, Andrade caused a stir when he tweeted and deleted "thank you," with many speculating that he was leaving WWE. His girlfriend Charlotte Flair calmed the rumors by saying he was simply wishing Vega well as they go their respective ways. Andrade also posted a photo of him as NXT champion, leading some to believe he will return to NXT.

As of now, WWE has not commented on Andrade's status and he remains without a brand.


Originally Posted by Fightful
Victory Championship Wrestling will be leaving its hometown of Munford, Alabama.

The new town council in Munford claims that they can charge new tenants a higher rent, which is why VCW is being forced out of their building.

VCW has made much stronger claims, accusing the town of being racist and transphobic.

VCW General Manager Johnny Slaughter gave the following statement to Chris Deez of

“Yeah it is kind of a disgraceful situation with the Town of Munford. We have been there for years, and even made thousands of dollars of repairs to one of the town owned buildings, so that we could use it for our academy. Well now they have a new town council and realized they can charge someone else more than we are paying now that the building is useable.

One of the Town council members has been heard by both one of my talents and someone the council member works with stating that he was not too happy about us having a African American Heavyweight Champion or a transgender member on our team. The town swears they know nothing about the council members comments and just want out of the lease because they want out of it.”

“We are currently in negotiations with the town’s lawyer about settling what they owe us, and when it is done we will out the council member to the media (all sources). The town once told me they did not want to be known for Professional wrestling, so instead they can be known for bigotry and racism.”

Wrestler LaDarrius Young backed up that claim by saying, “So here is some back story. We are getting kicked out of Munford, AL and the 17th is our last show there. The reason why we are getting kicked out is the mayor of Munfodd, AL is racist and said he does not like the fact our Victory Championship Wrestling Heavyweight Champion is black and we have a transgender person working in the womens division”

Munford has yet to issue a comment regarding these claims. Fightful will update this story if a statement is given by the town.

VCW will hold its last show in Munford on October 17.


Originally Posted by WrestleTalk
The biggest news coming out of last week’s NXT were very negative. Finn Balor confirmed his injury as a broken jaw which required surgery. Then, Ridge Holland suffered a horrifying injury as his legs gave out when he attempted to catch Oney Lorcan on a dive.

While these were the biggest news stories, there were some positive moments as well. Fightful Select (subscription required) is currently reporting that a number of segments from last week’s show were heavily praised backstage.

The report says the segments involving Johnny Gargano, Candice LeRae, and Indi Hartwell in particular received praise. Additionally, the report states that they were told by one person that NXT made Hartwell on the show without having her name on screen.

The NXT women’s division continues to get more and more stacked as of late. The returns of Ember Moon and Toni Storm have added them into the mix, elevating the division as a whole in the process. If Hartwell is able to capitalize on this praise, she could easily work her way into the mix of the top stars in the division.

TPWW Frontpage:

Emperor Smeat 10-15-2020 09:19 PM

The Sheets:


Originally Posted by Observer
On the first Wednesday night in some time without NBA competition, AEW Dynamite was up 9.7 percent in total viewers, averaging 826,000 viewers on TNT for its anniversary show featuring all titles being defended. NXT was also up, by 1.9% from last week, averaging 651,000 viewers on the USA Network.

The cable news programming on the night was up from usual levels due to coverage of the Supreme Court nominee hearings, which dominated the charts.

As a result, Dynamite and NXT were down in the 18-49 rankings from usual -- but their actual numbers were close to normal levels. Dynamite charted at 15th on cable for the night with a 0.30 rating, down 3.2 percent from last week. NXT was up 6.3 percent, averaging a 0.17 rating, but only finished at 51st in the cable charts for that category.

The total viewership of 1.477 million viewers was up 6.1 percent from last week, but it's still one of the lower numbers in the last few months.

Detailed demo ratings for both shows are not available due to NXT finishing outside the top 50. AEW's strongest category was men 18-49, where Dynamite averaged a 0.41 rating, placing it in eighth place on cable and first among the non-news and non-sports programming.


Originally Posted by Observer
ROH officials made a decision today that a number of talents brought in for the television tapings this week would not be used due to being in contact with people who tested positive for COVID-19 at The Collective series of wrestling events over the weekend in Indianapolis.

Three wrestlers have publicly come forward from that weekend, AC Mack, Dan the Dad, and Cabana Man Dan, stating that they had tested positive from the series of events that included a lot of top non-WWE talent that included stars from AEW, ROH, and Impact Wrestling. We are told that the ROH tapings had to be rewritten due to a number of people being sent home after the company learned yesterday they were exposed to people who had tested positive due to the company's internal protocol being used in conjunction with working with the Maryland State Athletic Commission ...

This was confirmed with multiple sources although officially Joe Koff would not comment on the specific matter.

Wouldn't be surprised if AEW, Impact, and ROH (and MLW once they resume) start putting their foot down on talent taking outside indie bookings since that's twice in recent weeks an outbreak has happened directly or indirectly with big indie shows.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
After the news of a positive COVID-19 test result from Dan the Dad following last weekend’s events at The Collective, many performers are getting tested. Effy has announced he tested negative but as a precaution is removing himself from a booking tonight in San Antonio, Texas. If there is a small silver lining, it’s that Dan the Dad only worked the Glory Pro show on Saturday, unlike others that worked multiple events. However, it’s unknown how many people he came in contact with between the performers and fans stationed at the Marion County Fairgrounds throughout the weekend in Indianapolis. Others that have reported they have tested negative are Lee Moriarty, Elayna Black, and AJ Gray.


Originally Posted by Observer
For the first time since an allegation was made against him during the #SpeakingOut movement this June, Jordan Devlin returned to WWE television on NXT UK this week.

Devlin appeared in a video that aired on Thursday's episode of NXT UK. Devlin called his NXT Cruiserweight Championship the one real version of the title and said Santos Escobar's NXT Cruiserweight Championship is just a replica that doesn't mean a thing ...

Following the allegation that was made against Devlin during the #SpeakingOut movement, WWE issued a statement saying that they take any allegation of this nature very seriously and were looking into the matter. The allegation was made by a woman named Hannah who claimed that Devlin had physically abused her. She tweeted photos of bruises on her lower body and wrote: "This is scary. I'm really scared. Jordan Devlin did this to me. And this is just the physical damage. Not including my arse and back bruises....because I don't fancy posting that online."

Devlin posted a statement on Twitter denying the allegation: "I didn't even want to address the hurtful allegation made against me, but for the sake of my followers and friends on this platform that may for whatever reason be unsure, I'm going to address this once. The recent allegation made against me is completely and utterly false and I deny it entirely. This is a case of a malicious personal agenda being executed against me on the back of a very brave telling of true experiences by other women. I completely denounce it. This is all I will say on the matter, and I am now working with a legal team to help decide how to proceed from here."

Jack Gallagher, Travis Banks, Ligero, and referees Joel Allen and Chris Roberts were released by WWE following #SpeakingOut allegations that were made against them. Joe Coffey was also suspended by WWE.

After being on hiatus since March due to the COVID-19 pandemic, NXT UK returned to airing new episodes last month.


Originally Posted by Observer
A documentary on the intertwined career of the Undertaker and Kane will debut at the Austin (TX) Film Festival & Conference in October before debuting on WWE Network the following month.

"Brothers of Destruction" will close out the week-long conference on the night of Thursday, October 29th while the Network debut is set for Sunday, November 15th, part of a month-long celebration of Undertaker's 30 years in pro wrestling ("30 Days of the Deadman").

The documentary description from WWE: "The film breaks new ground as cameras capture a candid discussion between The Undertaker and Kane about their storied careers for the first time. Intertwined since Kane was introduced as The Undertaker’s long-lost brother in 1997, The Big Red Machine and The Deadman have been both bitter enemies and fierce allies, but their relationship never failed to captivate the WWE Universe, resulting in one of sports-entertainment’s most incredible legacies."


Originally Posted by Observer
Sam Roberts is getting his own weekly series on the WWE Network.

Roberts announced today that "Notsam Wrestling" will premiere on the WWE Network at 10 a.m. Eastern time next Thursday (October 22). The show will air weekly on Thursdays and will be available on both the paid and free versions of the WWE Network. Roberts said he'll be producing and creating the series himself from his studio.

Roberts said Notsam Wrestling on the WWE Network won't just be a video version of his wrestling podcast or any other content that's previously been available. He said it's a brand new show and his podcast and Patreon will remain the same ...

Roberts, who co-hosts the Jim Norton & Sam Roberts Show on SiriusXM, made his debut as a panelist on WWE's pre-show in 2016. Roberts has hosted his wrestling podcast since 2014.


Originally Posted by PWI
Tetsuya Naito has teased he will select a challenger from outside of New Japan Pro Wrestling for the IWGP Heavyweight Championship if he wins the G1 Climax in an interview with Tokyo Sports.

Naito pointed out Keiji Mutoh won the G1 Climax in 1995 while holding the IWGP Heavyweight Championship and faced Nobuhiro Takeda – from UWF International – on January 4, 1996.

The same situation occurred when Kensuke Sasaki won the G1 Climax in 2000 with the IWGP Heavyweight Championship and faced Toshiaki Kawada – from All Japan Pro Wrestling – on January 4, 2001.

Naito also mentioned Hiromu Takahashi as a possible challenger.


Originally Posted by PWI
As reported earlier, the WWE NXT Halloween Havoc broadcast on 10/28 will see the return of former WCW Havoc PPV concept Spin the Wheel, Make the Deal. On the video screen behind Shotzi Blackheart when she announced the concept would be returning on tonight's episode of NXT were the following match stipulations:

-Biker's Chain Match
-Blindfold Match
-Boiler Room Brawl
-Buried Alive Match
-Casket Match
-Chamber of Horrors Match
-Coal Miner's Glove on a Pole Match.
-Devil's Playground Match
-Shotzi's Choice Match
-Trick or Streetfight
-Weapons Wild Match


Originally Posted by PWI
Ireland's Over the Top Wrestling announced the passing of Ryan Smile:

Our team is devastated to learn of the loss of Ryan Smile. His talent and contribution set the standard for what British/Irish wrestling was to become.
A tragic loss
— OTT WRESTLING (@OTT_wrestling) October 14, 2020

Smile, who has retired officially in 2018, had wrestled for 11-12 years in different corners of the European wrestling scene. He had held the OOT and the Revolution Pro Championships.


Originally Posted by Observer
Former wXw champion Karsten Beck (Karsten Pitann) passed away on Thursday morning following a battle with brain cancer.

"Karsten Pitann aka Karsten Beck has passed away this morning after battling brain cancer for years," wXw announced. "We say farewell to a Hall of Famer wrestler, a Unified World Wrestling champion, a World Triangle League winner, our director of sports, our colleague, our companion, our friend. We wish Karsten's family and Ruth, those who have walked along Karsten until the very end, all the strength in the world. We miss you, Karsten."

Beck was 33 years old.

Beck's in-ring career began in 2006 and he last wrestled prior to being diagnosed with a brain tumor in 2016. Beck became an on-screen authority figure as wXw's director of sports after his diagnosis. In 2017, Beck announced that his plans to return to the ring had to be halted due to doctors finding during a routine checkup that his tumor was growing again.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
ESPN’s Ariel Helwani spoke with Paul Heyman on Wednesday to promote the season premiere of SmackDown and covered several subjects, among them:

Heyman was asked about no longer serving as the Executive Director of RAW and said he was fine with the decision by Vince McMahon. He said he told McMahon when he took the job that he only wanted it for as long as McMahon woke up happy and excited that Heyman was running RAW, once that feeling eroded he didn’t want to be in a position where McMahon wasn’t happy with Heyman in the spot because he had been there in years past.

Due to the platform he was on and Helwani co-hosting a show with the man, Heyman heavily pushed a potential match down the road with Daniel Cormier with either Roman Reigns or Brock Lesnar.

Heyman stated Lesnar wasn’t under contract to WWE and he’ll come back if he sees a challenge for himself and is incentivized to do so. He added that Lesnar is happy being a father and a farmer now.

He doesn’t think Lesnar will do MMA again and thinks he scratched that itch at UFC 200 when he fought Mark Hunt. Although, UFC definitely thought they had a chance of putting the fight together between Cormier and Lesnar and allowed Lesnar to enter the Octagon after Cormier beat Stipe Miocic in July 2018.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Dave Meltzer at the Wrestling Observer site got a further breakdown of the ratings from Friday Night SmackDown featuring the draft last week. While the overall viewership was only up slightly with 2,178,000 viewers, the 18-49 rating was a 0.65 that equals approximately 839,000 viewers and is a strong figure for SmackDown. It indicates that while the draft didn’t impact its entire audience, the demographic most valued did receive an increase due to it.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
IWTV has launched a very cool concept with The Masked Wrestler that premiered on Wednesday night. The eight-person tournament will take place over several weeks with all the participants competing under masks with their identities hidden. Once a person is eliminated, they will reveal themselves to the audience. The first episode is available for free

Link for those interested:


Originally Posted by Cultaholic
Since NXT TakeOver: 31, the black and gold brand has broadcast all programming from the Capitol Wrestling Center. Similar to the Amway Center, which hosts Raw and SmackDown, the ring is surrounded by LED screens filled with virtual fans.

All the fans on the video wall during the broadcast seemingly aren't live, though. Wrestling fan Jessi Davin could be seen on the LED screens behind Fandango and Tyler Breeze on last night's NXT but she tweeted a video saying she was actually watching AEW: Dynamite.

She wrote: "Why is WWE using stock footage of old Thunderdome participants in the Capitol Wrestling Center lololol I am NOT THERE I am watching #AEWDynamite.

"Y'all I have zero problem with it. I'm actually flattered they thought my footage was good enough to use twice. I'm not outraged, either. When you agree to enter the Thunderdome you agree to the terms and conditions. I'm sure this was in there in the famed wall of text."

Fightful Select later reported multiple readers have told them their image has appeared inside the Capitol Wrestling Center despite them not live streaming at the time.


Originally Posted by Fightful
NJPW also announced that there will be live English commentary for the October 16, 17 and 18 shows which are the G1 Climax A Block Finals, B Block Finals and G1 Finals, respectively.


Originally Posted by
During the summer, All Elite Wrestling dealt with a number of spoilers from taped shows leaking on Reddit. One of the major spoilers was Eric Bischoff working with the company, hosting a debate between Chris Jericho and Orange Cassidy during AEW Dynamite.

Chris Jericho spoke on the situation during his Saturday Night Special live stream, claiming a ‘NXT reject’ was the person behind the leaks, but did not mention any names ...

Following the leak of Eric Bischoff’s appearance, the Reddit user continued to post spoilers, up until 8/29, when AEW Dark taping results were leaked. These spoilers were revealed a week after Jericho called the leaker an “NXT reject”.

Fightful Select (subscription required) has gained some insight on the situation, revealing former WWE NXT wrestler Tino Sabbatelli was blamed for leaking AEW spoilers. It’s not known if he was actually leaking information, but people backstage at AEW believe he is culprit.

Sabbatelli was released from WWE as part of company wide cuts this past April, but has since returned. The report indicates he was listed internally as being part of the talent scheduled to be at the WWE Performance Center. It’s unknown if WWE has signed him to a new deal.

Fightful was informed last week that Sabbattelli was listed internally as being scheduled to be at the venue, but that the sheet often has errors. However, Sabbatelli did end up showing up there.

Sabbatelli worked one match for All Elite Wrestling in July under the name ‘Sabby’, teaming with Brady Pierce against Best Friends. It’s unknown how many tapings he present at.

Would explain why he only worked on one show despite AEW usually giving new people a few matches to help keep things fresh with their jobber pool and as tryout material.


Originally Posted by 411Mania
According to a report by Fightful Select, sources within Ring of Honor (ROH) have stated that the company is planning a program revamp. This includes company officials informing new talent that the plan is to rejuvenate the brand and overhaul it “from top to bottom.”

Per the report, ROH’s plan includes revamping the women’s division, which Jonathan Gresham previously took over at the start fo the year. Some of these plans were said to be in motion before the COVID-19 pandemic hit. As a result, they won’t start to take affect until closer to the end of 2020.

Additionally, Delirious has reportedly been reaching out to wrestlers to speak with them about working in ROH. Also, company officials have taken heavy feedback from wrestlers over the course of the last year in order to implement upcoming changes to the show’s overall presentation and production. Some of those recommendations from wrestlers have already been implemented for the weekly ROH TV show for the Pure Championship Tournament.


Originally Posted by Fightful
Phillip Thomas, the man charged with stalking Sonya Deville, had a virtual court hearing on Monday with new information coming to light.

Raj Giri of Wrestling INC reports Thomas' mail has been going to Deville's home as that was the address he gave when he was booked. Hillsborough County Jail has corrected the information, but the courts have not.

Thomas was arrested on August 17 after breaking into Deville's home and charged with aggravated stalking, armed burglary of a dwelling, attempted armed kidnapping, and criminal mischief. He pled not guilty to all charges.

Thomas remains incarcerated as his bail of $2 million was denied after the judge deemed him a threat to the community.

The Hillsborough County Court ruled on August 24 they would not release any evidence to the public before the hearing in regards to the case.

He has a court appearance on November 12 for the continuation of Deville's temporary protection injunction. After that, he is scheduled to return to court on December 15.

TPWW Frontpage:

Emperor Smeat 10-16-2020 01:57 PM

The Sheets (Observer Newsletter Edition):


The WWE draft, held on the 10/9 Smackdown and 10/12 Raw shows, with a few lower picks at other times, saw most of the talent stay with their brand, with a few switches ...

Perhaps the most talked about aspect was the split up of The New Day, with Kingston & Woods moving to Raw as tag team champions and Big E staying a single. The idea is to get Big E away from the act and make him more serious for a singles push. Historically, WWE has broken up tag team acts in the draft before and while there are exceptions, most of the time they find out the combination of parts was more effective than the parts individually.

One would suspect E getting a major singles push, which was talked about weeks ago and somewhat started. The idea is to get him out of the comedic mode. There is a logic to it even though, because the New Day has been established together for so many years and have been popular, there was going to be a negative reaction breaking them up without a storyline leading to it.

Trying to use logic to explain the draft is a waste of time. Such as, if acts can be drafted together, why did Raw pick Woods & Kingston and not Big E when it was specifically stated acts will be drafted together and in the WWE’s own listings of who can be picked, The New Day was listed as all three together. But that wasn’t the only act broken up. Lucha House Party was a similar situation, with Lince Dorado & Gran Metalik moved to Raw while Kalisto stayed on Smackdown. So in this case, they had spent weeks building up the split and feud with Dorado and Kalisto with Metalik in the middle, and dropped it cold without so much as one match. Heavy Machinery was also broken up even though they were supposed to be grouped together. Tucker is a very good athlete and talented, but he’s going to have a very difficult time as a single. Plus, with his size, it looks silly to put him in a jobber role because he’ll make the heels look small. There was no reason to break them up, also because even if the idea is of Otis as a single, they actually had good believability as best friends, and Otis is far better playing off Tucker as the straight guy than on his own ...

Of the switches, the biggest names were A.J. Styles, Braun Strowman, Wyatt & Bliss, Riddle and Hardy to Raw, and Rollins, Rey & Dominik Mysterio and Kevin Owens to Smackdown.

Styles in particular was expected since he publicly complained about missing his son’s high school football games on Friday nights, just months after complaining about wanting to get off Raw because he blamed Heyman, who was in charge at the time, for Karl Anderson & Doc Gallows being fired. Rollins was his replacement and to keep his angle going, that meant the Mysterio family and Murphy had to go to Smackdown with him.

It was noted to us by one key person in WWE that having the three big angles all on Smackdown was on purpose because Raw is a lock on USA no matter what because they need the show or USA Network collapses in the ratings. FOX doesn’t need Smackdown. FOX is heavily into sports and sports rights are escalating and the feeling is niche sports, and Smackdown on FOX could qualify as that, would be in trouble as far as being able to land a good deal. Smackdown will be fine with current numbers in two years, but if they drop 25 percent each year, that wouldn’t be good ...

Andrade not being picked spoke volumes about where he stands after doing a quick job to Angel Garza after spending months breaking up the team, with the idea it was a blow-off to get out of it. His fiancé, Charlotte Flair, was a high pick for Raw even though she may not be back for a while. All indications are he stays on Raw. But we were told when Paul Heyman was replaced that the guys who would be hurt the most were Andrade and Aleister Black ...

Retribution was kept as a group on Raw. For now they’ll likely face The Hurt Business since each side has four male members. For this week, Retribution is Mustafa Ali as the leader, T-Bar (Dominik Dijakovic), Mace (Dio Maddin) and Slapjack (Shane Thorne). Mia Yim as Reckoning is still part of the group based on the graphics. Mercedes Martinez was pulled from the group and will be put back in NXT. Then again, there was a graphic WWE had on 10/13 that still had Martinez but didn’t have T-Bar, so this situation is fluid past Ali as the leader.

CMLL: All four wrestlers who were pulled from the Anniversary show for testing positive for COVID, Bandido, Princesa Sugehit and the couple of Ultimo Guerrero and Lluvia, were back in action after having tested negative. All but Guerrero wrestled on the 10/9 Arena Mexico show. Bandido returning set the stage for a Volador Jr. vs. Bandido NWA welterweight title that was scheduled for the anniversary show. They announced the match for the 10/16 show but Bandido on 10/13 told CMLL officials that he was having trouble breathing in his 10/9 match and asked for more time to get back into top shape ... The hope now is for the match to take place on 11/6 if/when Bandido makes a full recovery by that time. It was noted that even though CMLL knew about this on 10/13, and announced it on 10/15, that on 10/14 they were still pushing the match for Friday. It’s not as bad as some companies in a sense since they aren’t selling tickets and iPPV orders usually all come the last day, but that’s splitting hairs because knowingly promoting a main event you know isn’t happening is false advertising even if some companies believe they are above it and because the biggest company does it routinely to the degree that the fan base who doesn’t care about matches or personas anymore, it’s all about the brand, doesn’t really care about it. The belief is that if Volador vs. Bandido doesn’t happen on 11/6, it would have to be moved until December because of talk of doing the Universal title tournament (the annual Champion of Champions tournament) from 11/13 to 11/27

Konnan did an interview talking extensively about Lucha Underground on The Masks, Mats and Mayhem show. He noted that he originally believed he would be the head writer for the promotion since he was head booker for AAA and it was supposed to be in conjunction with AAA, he was told in a meeting that they were going with Chris DeJoseph since he had WWE writing experience. He was told he would be an agent. He did suggest ideas but ended up on the wrong side politically. Chavo Guerrero Jr., and Vampiro, the other agents, felt that they needed to be like WWE to appeal to the U.S. audience. Konnan wanted it to be like authentic Lucha Libre. He said his breaking point was when they did a Sexy Star vs. Super Fly man vs. woman mask vs. mask match with no build up. He felt it was disrespectful to do a mask match out of the blue with no angle and wasteful to waste a stipulation that usually draws money with no economic value since it wasn’t advertised in advance. He noted that DeJoseph was disappointed in the match because he thought Sexy Star was a great worker, which is funny because everyone who followed Lucha Libre at the time knew that wasn’t the case. Konnan complained to the owners. That ended up leading to him being killed off as a character, as in they killed him and then stopped using him. He said he was also frustrated it was treated as some form of an art project and not a wrestling promotion. He wanted to run house shows, do merchandise. He also said that AEW has talked about using Taurus (Cody loves Taurus), El Hijo del Vikingo (who others see as a star), and Laredo Kid. That’s true but unless things have changed, AEW hasn’t really been into bringing anyone new in from Mexico of late

He felt Laredo Kid hurt himself by doing the reality show. He also said that Kenny Omega vs. Laredo Kid is the plan for the next AAA heavyweight title match. He also said AAA would be fine if Omega defends the title in AEW

Vice is working on a third season of Dark Side of the Ring after the second season set record viewership numbers for the station. Vice is also coming off this commissioning a first season of Dark Side of Football. The idea the station has is Dark Side of Wrestling worked because it was a deep dive on nostalgic subjects as opposed to the idea wrestling in the past wasn’t well covered mainstream so most viewers knew next to nothing behind-the-scenes on these subjects. But it was notable that those at Vice were not interested in a pro wrestling television series based on the ratings of Dark Side and instead chalk this up to interest in as many different Dark Side subjects as they can. We know they are working on shows on Brian Pillman (I’d say the key people to get would be Kim Wood, Mark Madden, Brian Jr., Melanie Pillman, Liam O’Rourke and myself but obviously I’m not going to be asked but without Wood or O’Rourke it’ll be filled with flaws because O’Rourke is the student of Pillman and Wood worked with him on all his ideas), Dynamite Kid (Bret Hart hasn’t been interested in their shows in the past because of how Montreal was covered and he would be by far the best person to talk with, with Ross Hart second so hopefully they’ll at least get Ross), Grizzly Smith (getting family members which will be one dark story) and going back to WCW talking about the two shows in North Korea in 1995, which really is a fascinating story. I don’t think they can get Ric Flair, who would be tremendous, because WWE doesn’t allow its talent to participate in that series, but Scott Norton is somebody they need to talk with on that one, as well as Eric Bischoff and some of the other guys like Too Cold Scorpio who were on the trip or Antonio Inoki, which at this stage would be very difficult

The cast of GLOW is trying to push for a movie as a way to give closure to the series which had a scripted ending for the season that was just canceled. They are trying to build up social media support. The fact the show was canceled by Netflix, one of the services that most saw as benefitting from the current pandemic situation, and one that was considered among the best television series’ around, shows just how bad the economy looks right now for scripted television shows even on streaming carriers. They key is not just that it was canceled but with the general acclaim the show got, that nobody else picked it up

All the talent was brought to Baltimore early in the week to quarantine for the second set of tapings that take place over the weekend

ROH made a decision that a number of talents brought in for the television tapings this week would not be used due to being in contact with people who tested positive for COVID-19 at The Collective series of wrestling events over the weekend in Indianapolis. A number of wrestlers were sent home to quarantine and the TV tapings had to be rewritten due to those missing who were expected to perform. Danhausen at press time was the only person to publicly state he was being sent home for precautionary reasons. It should be noted that ROH was paying all the talent that was booked and sent home. ROH has had some of the strictest COVID protocols of any wrestling company in the world since the outbreak in March, including a long period of not running any events nor taping new television shows ...

ROH has also not brought in any wrestlers from foreign countries, which includes Rush, who holds their heavyweight title and Dragon Lee, who holds the TV title. Lee’s contract apparently expires on 12/1

This may be a second season spoiler. When asked about year two of AEW in, Matt Jackson said, “I think year two is going to be all about Kenny Omega. He’s been very, what’s the word I’m looking for, I guess unselfish and he’s ready to explode. So I would keep my eye on him. Another one off the top of my head would be Darby Allin. He’s got so much potential to be such a massive star for AEW that we have to use him in the right way, and he’s definitely going to be a top player.” Nick brought up that Adam Page will be a future world champion, although everyone pretty much knows that’s a long-term plan. They also talked about the idea of a tag team match as the main event on a PPV. He said they proved for years pre-AEW that they could draw all over the world with tag team matches as the main event

The company did a ton of media this week regarding the anniversary show. Tony Khan to Bleacher Report talked about bringing in and pushing different new talent, notably Orange Cassidy, Darby Allin, MJF, Britt Baker and John Silver. “I can talk all day about Orange Cassidy. There was stuff about his independent act that I hated and would never do on our show. Matt [Jackson] said this guy's really got something and he suggested putting him with Best Friends. I went to a PWG show and really got to know him and learn what makes him tick. I had no idea that Orange Cassidy was Fire Ant (for Chikara) until he told me that night and I was like, 'Oh my god, you're a great wrestler.' So I said what if we hold it all back and build it up little by little to make people want to see him wrestle. After seeing his work, Jericho wanted to work with him. Chris and I put together a lot of ideas, but Chris was so generous and did so much for him because he believes in him." “I can't name a person I have less in common with than Darby Allin, but I talk to him every single day, and he's a genius. He is a genius storyteller and a great filmmaker. Cody brought him to my attention, and now I work with him as closely as I work with anybody." “I was watching Being The Elite, and I went to John Silver and was ribbing him. He is one of the only people I rib. I called him into my office and said, 'I'm really upset with you. You've got this great personality and apparently, you choose to only show it in BTE. I want you to do that stuff on Dynamite.' So he is doing more stuff and developing his own personality, which is great. Another person who I am so proud of for the way they developed their character is Britt Baker. Her run as a heel has been outstanding, and she has gotten so much better as the year has gone on." “We bring in new people every month. We bring in people from the independent scene and a lot of times you will see those people on AEW Dark, too. Sometimes these are one-off things, but if somebody impresses us, we'll bring them back. Will Hobbs is a good example of somebody that I really took a liking to and is doing a really great job for us. We're always looking for different partnerships. We've had the AAA tag titles on the show. Kenny Omega is the AAA champion, and he's defended the title on Dynamite and Dark. Thunder Rosa defended the NWA women's title. We're always looking for ways to work with people, but I am also keeping my eye on the independent scene.

Since the start of 1999 and through the end of September, Linda McMahon has contributed $4,544,560 to Donald Trump’s campaign and at least another $1.5 million to other Republican candidates. America First Action, a SuperPac that McMahon is the chair of, has raised $82 million for the election campaign as of 8/31

Total Bellas will return on 11/12 in the Thursday at 9 p.m. time slot on E! So the idea is Total Bellas on E! and then Miz & Mrs. On USA right after with the idea that WWE fans, mostly younger women, of the reality show genre will spend Thursday switching channels. The last season, built around Nikki & Brie being pregnant at the same time was a big success, up from previous years at a time everything has been declining. The show also does great numbers via DVR, far more than any traditional pro wrestling show. If you include DVR viewers, the season finale did 1.3 million viewers and 764,000 in 18-49, which beats a lot of Raws & Smackdowns even throwing in DVR numbers, and kills every wrestling show with Woman 18-49 at 489,000 including DVR viewers. In live viewers, it would be behind all the shows except Miz & Mrs. and NXT

Raw Underground for right now is considered done. At first it was dropped because of the COVID breakout and fear the extras who are in the crowd may have been exposed so it was shut down for a few weeks. But almost everyone who was part of that breakup is now back. Then again most were back either this week or last and this week with the draft it wouldn’t have fit as easily. There was fear that bringing all those people, both the wrestlers and the people they used as the audience, to Raw tapings could start a spread to the Raw roster and the idea is to keep NXT talent away from Raw and Smackdown talent as much as possible

During Bloodsport, a WWE rep was filming the Davey Boy Smith Jr., match for a documentary that is being done on Davey Boy Smith, who they will be inducting into the Hall of Fame whenever they can do that ceremony, likely at this coming year’s WrestleMania. The WWE Network is also working on a story about Davey By Smith for next year. WWE was filming Smith Jr. all weekend from training at the gym to the show

The most-watched shows of the past week on WWE Network: 1. WWE Day of 2016 Draft; 2. Hell in a Cell 2019; 3. Talking Smack; 4. Raw Talk; 5. Uncool with Alexa Bliss with Bella Twins; 6. WWE Storytime season four episode one; 7. Best of Yokozuna; 8. Clash of Champions 2020; 9. Takeover 31; 10. Smackdown from 9/11. NXT was 13th. NXT U.K., 205 Live and none of the independent content cracked the top 25 this week
WWE Ratings, AEW vs. NXT Ratings:


Raw on 10/12 averaged 1,854,000 viewers, so the draft clearly helped the show by about ten percent, and also did 0.57 in 18-49.

It was the best numbers the show has done since 8/31, or since the beginning of football season. The big gains from last week were with the 35-49 age group, and far more with women than men, as the men’s gain was 3.8 percent but the women’s gain was 41.3 percent. Under 35 the numbers were pretty much the same as the prior week.

The chief competition was the usual NFL game on ESPN with the Los Angeles Chargers vs. New Orleans Saints that did 10,694,000 viewers and 3.35 in 18-49 and the National League championship series game with the Los Angeles Dodgers vs. Atlanta Braves that did 4,202,000 viewers and 1.2 in 18-49 on NBC.

Raw’s first hour topped two million viewers, but it’s 16.5 percent first-to-third hour drop was larger than it has been of late. It’s pretty clear people were interested in the top stars in the draft, and they went early. After that interest declined with the women’s Battle Royal as the main thing advertised besides the draft for hour three.

Raw was 32nd on cable overall, trailing only NFL related programming and news programming. It was No. 5 in 18-49 on cable behind three NFL-related shows on ESPN and Home Deck Mediterranean (0.59). It was fourth in Males 18-49, seventh in 18-34 and fifth in Males 12-34.

As compared to the draft show last year, the decline was the lowest for Raw year-to-year for a long time, with an 18.6 percent decline overall, 23.0 percent in 18-49 and 39.6 percent in 18-34.

The first hour did 2,006,000 viewers. The second hour did 1,884,000 viewers. The third hour did 1,676,000 viewers.

The first-to-third hour declines were 16.3 percent in women 18-49, 11.3 percent in men 18-49, 17.1 percent in teenage girls, 7.5 percent in teenage boy and 16.3 percent in over 50.

Smackdown on 10/9 did a 1.40 with 2,178,000 viewers (1.29 viewers per home) viewers and an 0.65 in 18-49 (839,000 viewers) and 0.4 in 18-34 for the draft show that also featured the first Bayley vs. Sasha Banks title match since their split.

The show had real competition with both the final game of the NBA playoffs and a huge baseball game with the New York Yankees being ousted from the playoffs, but the draft still should have done considerably better on a show that also included Bayley vs. Banks. There was growth over last week but it was far less than should have been expected for such a show.

The rating was equal to last week. Due to the increase in viewers per home, the audience was up 1.1 percent and the 18-49 audience was up 8.5 percent, which is a solid increase, and 18-34 was up 25.0 percent so the younger audience was still interested.

As compared to the draft show last year, it was down 22.7 percent in households, down 24.3 percent in viewers and down and down 32.2 percent in 18-49 and down 42.9 percent in 18-34.

The Lakers-Heat game on 10/2 on ABC did 6,609,000 viewers, 2.41 in 18-49 and 2.0 in 18-34 and baseball did 2,599,000 viewers with 0.59 in 18-49 and 0.50 in 18-34.

This week the NBA finals did 8,890,000 viewers with a 3.20 in 18-49 and 2.7 in 18-34. The Yankees game did 3,723,000 viewers with a 0.89 in 18-49 and 0.70 in 18-34.

As far as network programming went, Smackdown was tied for third in 18-49 behind the NBA pre-show and NBA game. I was also tied for third in 18-34. In total viewers, it was next to last place among network shows beating only a rerun of American Ninja Warrior.

The first half hour had 2.29 million viewers for Big E vs. Sheamus falls count anywhere. The second half hour had 2.22 million viewers for the Roman Reigns/Jey Uso/Paul Heyman interview segment and Matt Riddle & Jeff Hardy vs. Miz & John Morrison. The third half hour did 2.19 million viewers for Bayley vs. Sasha Banks for the women’s title, Kevin Owens show with Alexa Bliss and Shinsuke Nakamura & Cesaro losing the tag title to Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods. The final half hour did 2.02 million viewers for Kevin Owens vs. The Fiend.

AEW’s anniversary show with four title matches and a PPV lineup on 10/14 did 826,000 viewers and 0.30 (383,000 viewers) in 18-49 while NXT did 651,000 viewers and 0.17 (225,000 viewers) in 18-49.

The AEW number has to be considered a big disappointment, particularly in 18-49. It had competition from both baseball championship series games which overlapped during the show, and the news channels did monster numbers.

AEW was No. 15 in 18-49, behind the two games, 10 news shows all on FOX News and Real Housewives of Orange County (1,051,000 viewers and 0.34) and a Lifetime movie (1,191,000 viewers and 0.33), both shows heavily geared for women ...

AEW took a big hit with women, being down 41 percent over the usual number in women 18-34, which had been a strong demo, and down 11 percent in women 35-49 over the usual level ...

It’s interesting to look at the same chart last year. The competition is far stronger this year, in particular news channels. Head-to-head with AEW, Tucker Carlson was up 43.9 percent and Hannity was up 48.6 percent for the Supreme Court seat hearings. Last year AEW only lost to the NBA and three entertainment shows. This year they lost to two entertainment shows, baseball (there was none head-to-head last year) and the news shows (which they beat in 18-49 a year ago).

As far as year-to-year drops, AEW was down 18.5 percent in viewers, 31.8 percent in 18-49 and 37.9 percent in 18-34. That’s overall less than WWE shows have been doing most weeks, but not appreciably less. NXT was down only 8.6 percent in viewers and 15.0 percent in 18-49.

Compared to last week, when both shows were against the Vice Presidential debate and that was going to hurt a lot and this week was going to be up somewhat, AEW was up 9.7 percent overall but down 4.5 percent in 18-49. But most of the gains were over 50. NXT was up 1.9 percent from last week in viewers and up 6.1 percent in 18-49.

AEW doubled NXT in men 18-34 and almost doubled in men 35-49.

In the key demos, AEW did 80,000 men 18-34 (up 31.1 percent from last week) to 32,000 for NXT (up 10.3 percent). AEW did 46,000 in women 18-34 (down 32.4 percent from last week) to 35,000 for NXT (up 29.6 percent). AEW did 183,000 in men 35-49 (down 10.3 percent) to 94,000 for NXT (up 2.2 percent). AEW did 74,000 in women 35-49 (up 8.8 percent) to 64,000 for NXT (same as last week). Another key figure is that teenage girls for AEW dropped 47.0 percent from last week while teenage boys were up 1.3 percent from last week.

In the main event battle, AEW with Jon Moxley vs. Lance Archer for the AEW title did 825,000 viewers and 378,000 in 18-49 while NXT with Damien Priest vs. Dexter Lumis did 569,000 viewers and 187,000 in 18-49.

AEW doubled NXT in two quarters in 18-49, the main event and also when AEW had Cody vs. Orange Cassidy, which was by far the biggest thing on either show, going against Candice LeRae vs. Shotzi Blackheart.

In the first quarter, AEW did 880,000 viewers and 378,000 in 18-49 for FTR vs. Best Friends. NXT did 781,000 viewers and 239,000 in 18-49 for Undisputed Era out plus Bobby Fish & Roderick Strong vs. Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch. As usual, NXT did well at first based on its huge lead-in.

In the second quarter, AEW did 804,000 viewer and 367,000 in 18-49 for the end of FTR vs. Best Friends, the post-match angle with Miro & Kip Sabian, Miro & Sabian vs. Sean Maluta & Lee Johnson and a Moxley attack by Archer. NXT did 685,000 viewers and 225,000 in 18-49 for the end of Strong & Fish vs. Lorcan & Burch, an Ember Moon promo and Jake Atlas vs. Ashante Adonis.

In the third quarter, AEW did 876,000 viewers and 400,000 in 18-49 for the MJF/Chris Jericho segment plus Tony Schiavone and Britt Baker at the spa. NXT did 669,000 viewers and 230,000 in 18-49 the Johnny Gargano and Candice LeRae interview and Gargano vs. Austin Theory.

In the fourth quarter, AEW did 765,000 viewers and 377,000 in 18-49 for the beginning of Cody vs. Orange Cassidy. NXT did 644,000 viewers and 229,000 in 18-49 for the end of Gargano vs. Theory and a Raquel Gonzalez/Rhea Ripley backstage brawl.

In the fifth quarter, AEW did 920,000 viewers and 453,000 in 18-49 for Cody vs. Cassidy and the Matt Hardy interview. This was the high point of the night in just about every category. NXT did 658,000 viewers and 218,000 in 18-49 for LeRae vs. Blackheart for a title shot.

In the sixth quarter, AEW did 761,000 viewers and 369,000 in 18-49 for the angle with all the tag teams setting up next week’s four-team match and the beginning of Hikaru Shida vs. Big Swole. NXT did 654,000 viewers and 216,000 in 18-49 for a vignette with Killian Dain & Drake Maverick, Toni Storm vs. Aliyah and William Regal with Xia Lee and Boa.

In the seventh quarter, AEW did 781,000 viewers and 340,000 in 18-49 for the end of Shida vs. Swole. NXT did 560,00 viewers and 184,000 in 18-49 for Imperium vs. Maverick & Dain and the post-match attack by Ever Rise.

In the main event quarter, Moxley vs. Archer gained 44,000 viewers and 38,000 in 18-49. Priest vs. Lumis gained 9,000 viewers and 3,000 in 18-49.

NXT went back to an overrun but it only did 625,000 viewers and 200,000 in 18-49. My gut is that if AEW fans were aware of it, it would have picked up a lot, but since nobody knew going in, the growth was minimal.

Because NXT didn’t crack the top 50, we don’t have complete charts.

AEW did a 0.10 in 12-17 (down 23.1 percent), 0.18 in 18-34 (down 2.3 percent), 0.42 in 35-49 (down 5.5 percent) and 0.35 in 50+ (up 34.6 percent). The audience was 68.7 percent male in 18-49 and 65.2 percent male in 12-17, much higher male skews than usual by a wide margin in both categories.

Emperor Smeat 10-20-2020 09:11 PM

The Sheets:


Originally Posted by Observer
With opposition from a strong NFL number, Raw's season premiere did 1.78 million viewers and a 0.52 in 18-49, down four percent in viewers and nine percent in 18-49 from last week's draft show.

The decline is probably less than would be expected, particularly since the Dallas Cowboys vs. Arizona Cardinals NFL game did 11.32 million viewers and 3.57 in 18-49 ...

It was fourth in 18-49, beating everything but NFL related programming on cable.

The first-to-third hour drop of six percent was much lower than usual, so the audience that tuned in stayed longer than usual,which is a good sign for how the audience saw the quality of the show. Another factor is that the second hour beat the first hour, meaning a lot of people tuned in late, perhaps due to the early football game on FOX that did 12.16 million viewers and a 3.5 in 18-49. That meant the length wouldn't affect them as much in hour three.

As compared to the same week last year, the show was down 24 percent in viewers, 31 percent in 18-49, and 42 percent in 18-34.

The three hours were:

8 p.m. 1.81 million viewers
9 p.m. 1.84 million viewers
10 p.m. 1.69 million viewers


Originally Posted by Observer
The Orange County Department of Health is investigating buildings WWE is running shows in as part of a wider investigation into COVID-19 hotspots in the county.

WFTV9 is reporting that The Orange County Department of Health is asking their COVID-19 strike team to investigate 17 businesses where COVID-19 may be spreading. The WWE Performance Center, Full Sail University, and the Amway Arena, all places WWE are currently holding events, are on the list.

WWE issued the following statement in response:

WWE is not open to the public, but rather operating on a closed set with only essential personnel in attendance. As part of on-going weekly testing protocols, Aventus Labs have administered more than 10,000 PCR tests to WWE performers, employees, production staff and crew resulting in only 1.5 percent positive cases as compared to the current national average of more than 5%. Additionally, extensive contact tracing takes place and impacted individuals are placed in 14-day quarantine and then only cleared after they test negative.

There reportedly has been at least two COVID-19 outbreaks in WWE since moving all of their tapings to Florida, one in June and another in September.


Originally Posted by Observer
With SmackDown airing on FS1 this week, WWE Backstage is returning for a special edition of the show.

A one-hour episode of WWE Backstage will air on FS1 from the WWE ThunderDome after SmackDown this Friday night. A replay of this week's SmackDown will then air on FS1 after Backstage at 11 p.m. Eastern time.

SmackDown is making a one-week-only move to FS1 this Friday due to game three of the World Series between the Tampa Bay Rays and Los Angeles Dodgers being on Fox.

FS1 suspended weekly production of WWE Backstage this June, though it was noted that the show could return with occasional episodes surrounding major events. WWE Backstage launched in November 2019 and was hosted by Renee Young and Booker T. It also featured a panel of contributors that included CM Punk making select appearances.

The hosts/panel for this Friday's episode of Backstage haven't been announced.


Originally Posted by PWI
As covered earlier today, FS1 is resurrecting WWE Backstage this Friday after it airs Friday Night Smackdown. The decision to bring back WWE Backstage was a late decision as initially, the plan was to air a one-hour episode of "Talking Smack", which normally airs on Saturday morning on the WWE Network.


Originally Posted by PWI
The closing of last night's Monday Night Raw, with Drew McIntyre closing the door on the Hell In A Cell went off the air as it was envisioned. We've had a few readers ask if perhaps the company was running late with the segment and ran out of time, but we have been told by multiple sources that the ending we saw was the ending Vince McMahon approved.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Konnan guest appeared on the ‘Masks, Mats and Mayhem’ show. Konnan dove into his time in Lucha Underground and recalled when the organization offered The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson) $250 a piece to sign.

“Here’s why Lucha Underground was — this is the type of sh*t that only Lucha Underground would do. They had some jackoff, yes you are a jackoff, called Tony Jensen. He was the lawyer of the f*cking company. So they had this guy who doesn’t know sh*t about wrestling, doesn’t know how to talk to wrestlers, you know? You gotta be able to talk their language, alright and he calls The Young Bucks and he offers them $250 each. So they basically told me to go f*ck myself and that yeah, they’d sign if they got $2,500 each, and I was like, ‘Bro, Dorian [Roldan], why don’t you let me talk to the wrestlers? I already have a connection, a relationship with a lot of them and I know how to back and forth’ but no, they kept him there.”

Young Bucks mentioned in past interviews that the pay rates for Lucha Underground were very low plus LU wanted ownership of their rights for several years and have top priority for bookings. Think it was something like around $400 for a full set of tapings instead of being paid per show.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
EC3 was the most recent guest on the ROHStrong podcast. Following his release from WWE in April, EC3 put out a shoot-fight-style video that was of similar likeness to what would eventually become RAW Underground. EC3 shared that he sent that same video to WWE not too long before his release from the company. He said he was expecting WWE to convert his idea into their own but not to the lengths that he feels they did.

“I knew it was going to be stolen, so I was prepared for it. I didn’t know it’d go to that length, and I know mine played to a minor bubble of the professional wrestling audience while majority of it saw whatever the hell they put out there. The way I look at it is kind of like I was Wayne’s World. I was producing this show in Aurora, my basement with my buddy Garth. We’ll call him J.C. in this instance, and then Rob Lowe came in, bought us and when I saw Shane McMahon in the ring, not in a real underground, mine was a real underground. [This] manufactured, heartless, desolate studio, I’m looking at Shane and it felt like when Noah was rapping on Wayne’s World after they bought him out. It was just inauthentic and like I said, it had no heart. So I knew something would’ve been taken from it. I didn’t expect the whole aesthetic, and while it upset my friend, J.C. who I worked very hard on with it, at the same time, it’s just a challenge to do something different, better next time which I definitely plan on doing because again, control your narrative, again, Ring of Honor provides freedom. I’m not tied to doing just that. There’s things I want to do in the future and continue that narrative as sort of supplemental content to whatever other places I’m doing things in and I have bold, ambitious views for it. We’ll see if it works out, I think it will.”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
In June of 2020, Kris Statlander suffered a torn ACL while attempting a suicide dive on AEW Dynamite. Statlander had surgery shortly thereafter and she recently spoke with Wrestling Inc. and provided an update on how her recovery is coming along.

“I’m doing pretty good. I think from what I’ve heard overall is that I might be a little bit ahead of others where I’m at right now, but I still have a real long way to go before I can re-debut basically and get back in the ring before I’m debuting again obviously, and I’m going to want to be training a little bit before. So I’ll be able to get in the ring before you’ll see me back on TV. It could be another eight months or so.”

As far as the injury itself, Statlander is still puzzled on how it happened via a suicide dive to the outside. She said the recovery process has been more mentally exhausting than physically.

“It’s been more mentally challenging than physically challenging at times because physically, I have the ability to keep pushing myself and to just keep doing everything I need to, and I’ll go harder than I probably should be to try and do my rehab and stuff like that, but mentally, you’re sitting at home all day and you’re alone all day because you can’t go out and go do anything. You can only work out for so long in a day when you’re injured and you just see all your friends, and everyone doing awesomely on TV and you’re just like, ‘Man, I just want to be a part of that so bad, and I just feel like I’m useless to this division.’ So there was a good two-three straight months where I cried every single night because I felt like I had just been failing everybody, and I don’t even know what happened when I got injured.

I just did a suicide dive, and the way I landed, I guess, was not perfectly right. You can actually see the dive on TV when I heard it, but all you see is me quickly grab my leg when I go down, and then the camera’s off of me. But it doesn’t even look like I did anything super insane, or it doesn’t look very noticeable. ‘Oh, she messed up her leg there.’ You cannot tell at all. So I had no idea what happened. I just kind of felt a little ‘pfft’ in my leg. It didn’t even hurt that bad either. I was just like, ‘Oh boy.'”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
The Preston City Wrestling promotion based in England made the announcement via their official Facebook page that they are ceasing operations again. They had to cancel their October 24th event and it appeared that their October 23rd event was going to take place as scheduled until the city of Preston went into tier 3 lockdown because of COVID-19.

Likely going to see the same happen again with wrestling in the US soon due to the resurgence of the coronavirus and winter months being prime for its spread. US-based wrestling got very lucky the first time around since the pandemic's arrival and stranglehold happened much later in the past winter season.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
VaynerSports, which is owned by Gary Vaynerchuk and run by co-CEOs AJ Vaynerchuk and Greg Genske, has added its first WWE client to its roster. On Monday, it was announced that Charlotte Flair (Ashley Fliehr) had signed with the agency and joins a slew of MMA fighters, which is a space the agency has aggressively gone after. Over the summer, VaynerSports added a combat and action sports division with numerous MMA fighters coming on board including Stipe Miocic, Chris Weidman, Eddie Alvarez, Curtis Blaydes, Vitor Belfort, Anthony Smith, and Aljamain Sterling.


Originally Posted by Observer
Saraya Bevis aka Paige announced today that today marks two years of sobriety. Great for her.



Originally Posted by Eastern Lariat Podcast
NJPW owner Takaaki Kidani has 2 goals for the 50th anniversary in 2022: Continue running the Toyko Dome 2 days in a row and return to terrestrial prime-time broadcasting. Kidani's idea: "We'll run shows on the 4th & 5th and start (airing) at 8:00 on the 7th (Friday)."



Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
The Mas Lucha outlet reports that the official medical report states that wrestler Principe Aereo (Luis Ángel Salazar) died from a ruptured middle cerebral artery. Salazar was competing on a MexaWrestling show in Mexico City on Saturday when he collapsed, and the match was stopped. Later, he was pronounced dead at the age of 23.


Originally Posted by Observer
Thirteen years after taking part in a betting scandal, disgraced former NBA referee Tim Donaghy is set to make his professional wrestling refereeing debut.

It was announced via Sports Illustrated today that Donaghy has agreed to appear as a referee for MLW. Sports Illustrated wrote that Donaghy appearing for the promotion was the idea of MLW COO Jared St. Laurent and the plan is for Donaghy to be introduced "in a storyline that sees him serve as the personal referee for Richard Holliday’s upcoming slate of matches" ...

Sports Illustrated noted that Donaghy's MLW appearance comes with the potential for more depending on the response ...

In 2008, Donaghy was sentenced to 15 months in prison for the NBA betting scandal.

MLW has been on hiatus from live events since March due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Dave Meltzer reported in the Wrestling Observer Newsletter last week that the promotion was doing a secret empty arena taping in Central Florida from October 18 to October 20.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
A letter signed by multiple women from the cast of GLOW has been published citing concerns and problems with the show’s handling of roles and positions for people of color.

The letter was posted to Instagram by Kia Stevens, who played the role of “Tamme”, who signed the letter along with Britney Young (“Carmen”), Sydelle Noel (“Cherry Bang”), Ellen Wong (“Jenny”), Sunita Mani (“Arthie”), and Shakira Barrera (“Yolanda”).

In the letter, it refers to the hope for revisions in “the upcoming season”, indicating this was sent prior to the news that Netflix would not be bringing the series back for its fourth and final season due to the impact of the pandemic on their production, which halted filming earlier this year.

A portion of the letter reads:


We are writing to you today to share some feelings that have been suppressed in all of us for a long time. As the principal women of color on a show tackling racist and offensive stereotypes, we have felt disempowered throughout our time on GLOW.

We’ve individually come to you to express our concerns over the course of 3 season – whether it be in our character meetings or during specific conflicts within our storyline – and our characters continually remain less fleshed out and less dimensional. It has been problematic to use our faces, oftentimes solely in the context of a racist storyline, and to be brief with our story development to serve the in-depth white storylines.

GLOW has been marketed as a diverse ensemble, but for all of us diverse cast members, it has never lived up to those ideas. Since season 1, the show has planted racial stereotyping into our character’s existence, yet our storylines are relegated to the sidelines in dealing with this conflict or have left us feeling like checked-boxes on a list. Unfortunately, we feel that the promise of this show has not been fulfilled. There is incredible support, love and camaraderie amidst the GLOW cast, and it should go without saying that we are not here to take down our white castmates or our show, but to elevate us all in a deeper, more significant way.

With zero persons of color in the writer’s room this season, it is a huge oversight to be writing our narratives without anyone else to represent us besides ourselves. There has been an emotional toll on us to take care of an enact our characters. The meta narrative of our show – actors dealing with the conflict of perpetuating stereotypes in order to have opportunity – is exactly what is happening in our real life. We feel both devalued in our skillset and only valued for the diversity that we bring. It is a cyclical, psychological pain to deal with one’s currency as an actor and a person of color based on a system that values whiteness. Even when our show seeks to comment on this standard, it perpetuates it. We can no longer be quiet about the pain this has caused us and the harm it has done in perpetuating the representation of people of color as sidekicks to elevate white leads.
The letter (which can be read in full below) goes on to recommend that the series hire an Executive Producer or Consulting Producer of color, fully address how portraying stereotypical and racially offensive wrestling personas has impacted our character’s professional live and personal dignity, and “amplify our voices and our importance within the season narrative”.



Originally Posted by Fightful
Daga and IMPACT Wrestling have parted ways.

According to Nick Hausman of Wrestling Inc, IMPACT has granted the release request of Daga.

Daga reportedly requested his release some time ago, but IMPACT did not grant the release at the time and attempted to get him to re-sign.

Daga made his IMPACT debut in February 2019, teaming with LAX (Santana & Ortiz) against The Lucha Bros (Fenix & Pentagon Jr) and Rey Horus. His last match in IMPACT took place in April when he faced Chris Bey on television.

He is the current husband to Tessa Blanchard, who was released from IMPACT in June. Neither Blanchard nor Daga competed for IMPACT during the pandemic as they were both in Mexico for a period during the pandemic. The two married over the summer.

Daga has wrestled a couple of times during the pandemic, including at the Warrior Wrestling Stadium Series event in September.


Originally Posted by 411Mania
Major League Wrestling is back to doing TV tapings for its return, with the company officially set to air new programming starting in November. And to this point, it seems MLW is handling its COVID-19 protocols in a proper manner.

Fightful Select reports that feedback from wrestlers within the company has been positive when it comes to MLW taking the necessary protocols to ensure their safety, which included talents taking part in their matches or segments and then returning to their hotels.

Fightful also notes that MLW brought in a CDC official to oversee the testing process for its talent.

To add to that, the site reports that there were “surprising, bigger names” involved in the MLW tapings that fans wouldn’t expect, although they didn’t name who those stars were.

TPWW Frontpage:

Emperor Smeat 10-21-2020 06:56 PM

The Sheets sponsored by Ricky Starks Appreciation Day:


Originally Posted by Observer
Impact Wrestling has revealed when Ken Shamrock's Hall of Fame induction ceremony will be taking place.

It was announced today that Shamrock will be inducted into the Impact Wrestling Hall of Fame on Countdown to Glory this Saturday. Countdown to Glory is the pre-show for Impact's Bound for Glory pay-per-view. The pre-show will air live on AXS TV and Impact's digital channels at 7 p.m. Eastern time, with Bound for Glory then beginning on PPV at 8 p.m. Eastern.

Shamrock being inducted into the Impact Wrestling Hall of Fame over Bound for Glory weekend was first announced this March. Last month, Shamrock reached out to Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson on Twitter and asked him to film an introduction greeting for Shamrock's Hall of Fame ceremony. Johnson responded by congratulating Shamrock and agreeing to film the video.

Shamrock won the NWA World Championship on the first-ever TNA show in 2002. He returned to Impact last year and will be facing Eddie Edwards at Bound for Glory this Saturday.


Originally Posted by Observer
The United Wrestling Network has revealed the bracket for their tournament to crown a UWN World Champion.

The openweight, multi-week tournament features eight participants. Here are the first round matches:
Left side of the bracket --
  • Erick Redbeard (formerly known as Erick Rowan in WWE) vs. Watts
  • Chris Dickinson vs. Peter Avalon

Right side of the bracket --
  • Karl Fredericks vs. Fred Rosser (formerly known as Darren Young in WWE)
  • Davey Boy Smith Jr. vs. Mike Bennett

The tournament will kick off with Dickinson vs. Avalon taking place on next Tuesday's edition of UWN Primetime Live. The Primetime Live weekly pay-per-view series launched last month and is a partnership between the UWN, the NWA, and Thunder Studios.

The UWN's David Marquez tweeted about the World title tournament: "#Primetimelive is truly the epicenter of pro wrestling. My thx to NWA AEW NJPW MLW for their cooperation! Join us next week for The Librarian Peter Avalon Vs @DirtyDickinson! BE THERE!"


Originally Posted by PWI
Impact Wrestling has signed Knockouts Champion Deonna Purrazzo to an official contract, it was announced today during a media event held this afternoon.


Originally Posted by PWI is sad to pass on the news that Johnnny Meadows, who wrestled for WCW and Smoky Mountain Wrestling in enhancement talent roles as well as lots of different Southern independent wrestling promotions over the years, passed away earlier yesterdat after battling COVID-19 for the last two months. He was only 59 years old.

A Tennessee native, Meadows, real name Johnny Condrone, broke into the business in Southeastern Championship Wrestling in the early 1970s after training with Rick Conners and had a journeyman's career, working undercard and enhancement matches for just about every promotion you could think of, including Mid-Atlantic, the WWF, Continental Wrestling and Georgia Championship Wrestling, sometimes as Johnny Meadows and other times under an assortment of ring names or masked personas. He last wrestled in the mid-1990s.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
The Baltimore Sun has a story on Ring of Honor’s most recent set of television tapings with a look at how extensive their protocols are. ROH has been at the forefront of promotions that have gone to great lengths during the pandemic regarding talent safety while also paying their performers during this entire year. In the article it noted:

* One performer was sent home after testing positive for COVID-19, three others were sent home after working on events where someone tested positive (Danhausen revealed he was one of them last week after being on The Collective the previous weekend where several wrestlers announced positive tests after being part of the weekend’s events)

* Joe Koff said that “it took months” to set up protocols with the Maryland State Athletic Commission

* Those participating at the television tapings needed to take a COVID-19 test 14 before they went to Baltimore, took another test after they checked into the hotel and were isolated in their rooms until the results came in and could still only leave their rooms for a jog or short workout in a social-distanced gym

* At the tapings, the ring mats were cleaned after each match and masks would only be removed for their matches

* A final COVID-19 test was taken after the tapings for contact tracing purposes

* There are tentative plans for another taping in December with Koff noting they are considering going to other states


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Former U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang was on Talk is Jericho to Wednesday to share his thoughts on the process of running a campaign, the issues of automation jobs that are replacing ones, and his specific interest in professional wrestling and some of the changes he wants to see for the talent.

"If we win, I’m going to be in a position where I can call up the Secretary of Labor or in this case, it’s the National Labor Relations Board and then, bring suit against WWE and say, “Hey, I think you’re misclassifying your employees here” (laughs) and the damages would be really significant. So, that is more or less the plan. We may need to have some brave performer or ex-performer come forward and say “Look, here are the practices”, and I have been contacted by folks who are like “Look, I believe in this and I’m at a point in my career where they can’t really do anything to me anyway, so let’s have at this” because customarily for a National Labor Relations Board action it typically has to be an employee that initiates, so that is one of the trickier elements of this, Chris. But I’m very confident we can get there because there are a lot of people that recognize this is wrong and it’s been going on for far too long."

Chris Jericho brought up one major difference in AEW is that the talent doesn’t have to pay for their expenses on the road such as rental cars and hotels, which is not the case in WWE.


Originally Posted by Fightful
Chris Jericho isn't seeing any money from the WWE Network.

On the latest episode of his Talk Is Jericho podcast, Jericho was joined by former Presidential candidate Andrew Yang to discuss Yang's ongoing battle against WWE and how they treat talent. During the conversation, Yang once again brought up the Screen Actors Guild and how actors and actresses are treated as part of the group.

This led to Jericho wondering why he's not seeing any money from WWE Network airing his old matches.

"This has to change and it's no ill will towards WWE. The fact that they can show all of my matches on their Network that people pay for and I don't get a dime of royalty, it makes no sense. That's not how normal business, normal entertainment, and the normal world works," said Jericho. "I did 'MacGruber' ten years ago and was in it for two minutes. I still get residual checks. It's not a lot, $20, $15, $50, but I'm still getting residuals from being on that movie. Here I am with probably 100 matches on the Network and getting nothing. I don't see the fairness in that."

Jericho said he and Yang would have to talk off-air about correcting something like that.

This was actually something CM Punk had a big issue with prior and after the launch of the WWE Network since WWE was being very stubborn and secretive on informing talent how it would affect their royalties checks. Helped play a role in his eventual departure from the company.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Scott Fishman at TV Insider wrote a piece on his experience attending last week’s AEW Dynamite taping at Daily’s Place in Jacksonville, Florida. Fishman arrived at the arena minutes before the show went on the air and went through two temperature checks and answered a digital questionnaire before going to his pod where he sat with his group. Fishman noted that the exit process could be handled better with a staggered exit rather than everyone leaving the arena at once. He also added the mask enforcement was very strong.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
A Go Fund Me campaign has been launched for Tracy Smothers, who was diagnosed with Stage III Lymphoma last year and was recently hospitalized due to the growth of a tumor on the left side of his stomach that has spread into his lungs. They are seeking $5,000 for medical assistance and will also be running two benefit shows for Smothers on Sunday, November 15th in Jeffersonville, Tennessee with all proceeds going to Smothers.

Link for those interested in donating:


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Today marks the 48th anniversary of All Japan Pro Wrestling’s debut show on October 21, 1972, after Giant Baba left the JWA and launched the company months after Antonio Inoki started New Japan Pro Wrestling and would become the dominant two promotions in the country. The two sides worked together for one show in 1979 where the two leaders teamed together for a show that was hosted by Tokyo Sports. Aside from that show, they didn’t work together again until 1990 when New Japan was in a bind booking the Tokyo Dome and relations with WCW broke down and led to several inter-promotional matches between the two. Baba ran All Japan until his death in January 1999 at the age of 61.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
In the main event of the 10/20 episode of United Wrestling Network’s ‘Prime Time Live’, Da Pope defeated Zicky Dice to become the new NWA World Television Champion. Zicky Dice had been reigning as Television Champion since January when he won the title on the NWA Powerrr series.

In regards to NWA Powerrr, NWA owner Billy Corgan and the organization’s world champion Nick Aldis have both clarified that the show is not done and they’re in discussions about bringing the show back.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Independent wrestler AJ Gray has revealed that he has tested positive for COVID-19 after several negative tests following The Collective shows.

Gray added that following The Collective, he tested negative three times but the most recent test came back positive. Gray said he doesn’t believe he contracted the virus at The Collective, where he wrestled seven matches and said he can “pinpoint the exact person who passed it to me.” He also said he is not experiencing any symptoms.

Gray also wrestled this past Saturday at GCW’s The Last Resort show in Silverado, California against Joey Janela.

Considering the outbreak from their recent Collective shows, GCW really shouldn't have held another event this soon regardless if it was far away or involving different groups of talent since they still opened themselves to more risk with the coronavirus.


Originally Posted by Fightful
All is well in Eddie Kingston's family.

Weeks after Kingston told The Blade to get his house in order, alluding to his real-life wife Allie (formerly The Bunny) joining up with QT Marshall and the Nightmare Family, The Bunny has come home.

On AEW Dark, The Bunny joined Kingston, The Butcher & The Blade, and The Lucha Bros for a family reunion.

No other explanation was given for Allie transforming back into The Bunny and re-joining The Blade.



Originally Posted by Fightful
Mance Warner is looking to get out of his MLW contract.

Cassidy Haynes of reports that Mance Warner asked for his release from MLW, but MLW denied his request. According to Haynes, Warner is still trying to get out of his MLW deal and lawyers are now involved.

When asked by Haynes for a comment on the situation, MLW told him, "all we’re saying is he [Mance Warner] remains under a deal.”

It is unknown when Warner's deal with MLW expires and the company did not comment when asked. MLW is preparing for its restart as they return to running events, though an official date for the restart has not been announced. It is unknown if Warner will be part of the tapings.

It was previously reported that AEW had interest in Warner. Warner recently filed for trademarks on his in-ring name and 'Southern Stomper.'


Originally Posted by Fightful
On the July 12, 2010 episode of WWE Raw, Randy Orton pulled off arguably his most RKO ever.

Matt Sydal (Evan Bourne in WWE) went to the top rope, looking for his trademark shooting star press. Coming down from the move, Orton was able to catch Sydal in mid-air to deliver the RKO. Fans can watch the spot in the video above.

Speaking to Chris Van Vliet, Sydal detailed how the move came about.

"The first time I saw it get nailed was [Matt Cross], him and B-Boy did it on an IWA Mid-South show I was on. I was talking to him about it and I told him, 'If I ever have a feud with Randy Orton, I want to do the shooting star into the cutter.' The next day, turns out me and Randy have a segment. I said, 'Anybody want to do the shooting star RKO?' There were some doubts from management that it was humanly possible, but it was this perfect merging of two guys' finishers. It's something we can do confidently. I jump, and there's no control, so I'm jumping and thinking that if he's there, I'm going to land on him. If he jumps up to give me the cutter, I'm taking it. I basically do the same leap and when I'm able to see the ground, it's just getting caught."

When discussing how to and for the move, Sydal said the toughest landings are one he basically belly flops onto the ring, which is what he ended up doing on the RKO.

"This one was the highest level of pain degree because I have the extra downward gravity of it. I landed the best way to land, which is just belly out and eating it. I basically just laid there after. Sometimes I have energy and I'm selling, on that one, I just ate it and there was no wind left in me," he said.

Sydal praised Orton for his timing and athleticism on the move, noting that they didn't practice it beforehand. He also praised the camera work for zooming in on him on the top rope and not tipping the counter until it was happening.


Originally Posted by
On today’s Wrestling Observer Live, Bryan Alvarez read the statement that was sent out by WWE in response to a report about local officials looking to investigate venues in the Orlando area that could be COVID-19 hotspots. The WWE Performance Center and the Amway Center (WWE ThunderDome) were among the places listed as potential hotspots.

WWE’s statement: “WWE is not open to the public, but rather operating on a closed set with only essential personnel in attendance. As part of on-going weekly testing protocols, Aventus Labs have administered more than 10,000 PCR tests to WWE performers, employees, production staff and crew resulting in only 1.5 percent positive cases as compared to the current national average of more than 5%. Additionally, extensive contact tracing takes place and impacted individuals are placed in 14-day quarantine and then only cleared after they test negative.”

Alvarez said the following after reading WWE’s statement: “There are no official numbers because WWE never released official numbers but we’d heard around 38 for the big [outbreak] and then there was another [outbreak] and we didn’t hear any numbers for the other one but I heard double digits for that one and granted it was low double digits but that was the number that I heard. Then a lot of people disappeared and to be fair, some of the people that disappeared that was contract tracing disappearances. They actually didn’t have it but they had been around people who did have it. But the fact of the matter is WWE in their own statement is essentially saying 150 positive tests. That is insane and by the way, I know for sure that there have been individuals that tested positive and people that they lived with or their families, they ended up getting coronavirus and that would not even be counted in WWE’s testing. That is a crazy number of people that have contracted coronavirus directly as a result from WWE.”

While some people in the company have gotten the message, the fact is that there are still people in WWE who are COVID deniers and are not treating the virus as seriously as others.

TPWW Frontpage:

Emperor Smeat 10-22-2020 09:19 PM

The Sheets:


Originally Posted by Observer
Going against stronger than usual competition from the cable news channels as well as game two of the World Series, AEW Dynamite averaged 753,000 viewers last night on TNT. That's down 8.9 percent from last week and is identical to the number Dynamite did two weeks ago.

NXT on the USA Network was down 1.1 percent in overall viewers. NXT averaged 644,000 viewers last night, almost the exact same number as each of the last two weeks.

The MLB World Series game averaged 8.9 million viewers on Fox with the first two hours going directly against both Dynamite and NXT.

In the 18-49 demo, Dynamite averaged a 0.30 rating. That's identical to last week and was 13th overall on cable in that category last night. NXT failed to make the top 50 chart in the demo for the third straight week, averaging a 0.16 rating. That's down 5.9 percent from last week. It was 56th overall on cable after finishing 51st the last two weeks.

The combined viewership of 1.397 million viewers was down 5.4 percent from last week and almost the same as the 1.392 million the shows did two weeks ago.

The strongest demo category for AEW was men 18-49, where Dynamite did a 0.39 rating. That was fourth overall on cable and the highest rating for any non-news programming.

Year-over-year, Dynamite was down 33.3 percent in the 18-49 demo and 21.8 percent in overall viewers. NXT was down 23.8 percent in 18-49 and 7.7 percent overall.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
AEW’s drop in cable rankings was entirely based on the cable news programs that represent 11 of the 12 programs that topped AEW except for The Real Housewives of Orange County.

The 0.30 demo rating for AEW on back-to-back weeks in its lowest in the category since July.

NXT finished #56 for the evening with a 0.16 in the demo and 644,000 viewers on the USA Network. NXT fell 6 percent in the demo rating and dropped 1 percent from last week’s viewership ...

One would reasonably expect that cable news viewership will dominate the ratings over the next several weeks through the U.S. election and the fallout.


Originally Posted by PWI
Matt Hardy released the following promo about his AEW Full Gear PPV bout against Sammy Guevara, noting that their Elite Deletion match will take place at the Hardy Compound, which pretty much means a return to the Broken Matt Hardy cinematic style presentation



Originally Posted by PWI
The hope is that Jimmy Uso will be cleared to return to the ring for January.


Originally Posted by PWI
Charly Caruso was asked why her storyline with Angel Garza ended:

It also randomly stopped.
— Charly Arnolt (@CharlyOnTV) October 21, 2020



Originally Posted by PWI
Pat MaCafee tweeted out the following video, knocking online fans after his return to NXT TV last night:

Good morning beautiful people..last night I rattled the wrestling community quite a bit.

I’ve always said that I understand that there are people who hate me, the good news is..I hate them too

This message is strictly for the Internet Wrestling
— Pat McAfee (@PatMcAfeeShow) October 22, 2020



Originally Posted by PWI
For those who asked about the MJF and Chris Jericho musical number, it was a version of Me and My Shadow by Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis Jr. AEW went out and secured a license to use the song, but as it turned out, there was instrumental version out there that was suitable for what AEW used. AEW's music guru Mike Rukus, set out to rerecord the music himself, playing all the instruments by ear and then received approval from both the original publisher of the song and the Frank Sinatra Estate. The actual shoot for the segment was shot over a few hours with a few versions shot, completed at 2 AM on Wednesday AM. One source believed the post-production editing and mixing ran about ten hours total and the final edited version was completed less than an hour before it actually aired ...

While everyone knows Jericho's musical background, MJF was heavily involved in musical theater and even had an accapella group in High School.

Alex Boniello, who won a Tony Award for producing the amazing Hadestown, went on Twitter to say he'd gladly hand his Tony over to Jericho and MJF:

This is good.

I hereby relinquish my Tony Award to @IAmJericho and @The_MJF.
— Alex Boniello (@AlexBoniello) October 22, 2020



Originally Posted by PWI
MLW taped their Restart over the weekend in Orlando, Florida and there is content being taped today and tomorrow in New Rochelle, NY being overseen by Court Bauer. We are told morale was high at the tapings with Jacob Fatu, Alexander Hammerstone and Low Ki all standing out as locker room leaders over the course of the tapings. The Restart material will begin to role out in November.

The promotion has been following up with talents to make sure everyone is healthy in order to insure proper contact tracing is done if necessary.

Davey Boy Smith Jr. and MLW, who had been at odds, are said to have made amends.

There will be some version of a Trios/Six Man Tag Team title being introduced as part of the promotion's restart ...

As previously noted, the Opera Cup will be part of the promotion's Restart ...

The promotion has a date this December at the 2300 Arena in Philadelphia, but obviously, given the state of the world, all live dates are tenuous at best.


Originally Posted by Fightful
Three former WWE stars were present at the recent MLW TV tapings.

According to Raj Giri of Wrestling Inc, Lio Rush, ACH, and Shawn Daivari worked the MLW TV tapings this past week. The promotion reportedly taped 16 episodes from Sunday through Tuesday at GILT Nightclub in Orlando, FL.

ACH previously wrestled in the MLW Opera Cup last year, but then stated he was quitting pro wrestling, which led to him and MLW parting ways. ACH has been active this year, wrestling for various Independent promotions including GCW.

Lio Rush has worked a handful of Independent dates following his WWE release in April, including a bout against ACH at Joey Janela's Spring Break 4.

Daivari worked as a producer for the MLW tapings, which is the same role he occupied in WWE prior to his furlough in April and eventual release.

Fightful Select posted an update on the MLW tapings on October 20, saying there was lot of positive feedback from wrestlers about the COVID protocols in place. Many wrestled their matches and went back to the hotels. MLW also had a CDC official present in order to help oversee that things went well.

MLW has not announced an official return date for its restart.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Dark Side of the Ring executive producer Evan Husney appeared on Busted Open Radio to discuss the forthcoming season of the VICE series. Husney confirmed that one of the episodes will be about the 1995 WCW Collision in Korea show.

“It was the one episode we always wanted to do and it was one we looked at for last season. We are gonna be doing the story of the WCW event in North Korea, that was in 1995. Kinda one of the wilder wrestling shows that’s ever been put on, because it’s actually the largest attended wrestling event ever, in the world was in North Korea so we’re kinda telling that whole story of how that event came to be, how there was a lot of close calls with the guys over there who were pretty much in over their heads, not knowing that they’re in a dictatorship, but it’s gonna be a pretty interesting episode for sure.”

Should be interested to see if they got Scott Norton for the WCW Collision episode considering the ill will he has towards the show's producers over how the Road Warriors episode turned out and his involvement with it.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Otis, Tucker and Mandy Rose all guest appeared on D-Von Dudley’s Table Talk podcast. Otis and Tucker shared that their split via the WWE Draft was something they found out about last minute. Tucker added that he was not made aware of the split until it happened on ‘Talking Smack’ on the WWE Network.

Otis: “Terrible, just terrible.”

Tucker: “Yeah, I mean, we found out at the last minute like most things happen here, you know? And that’s just part of being a WWE superstar and I actually found out live on Talking Smack, that I was gonna be moved to RAW so, yeah. It is what it is. Kind of good and bad, whatever but mostly disappointing because Heavy Machinery still feels that they have some things to achieve. We haven’t won the tag team championships together and we feel like we still have more to do as a team but, not everything is up to us and so, we’ll deal with what we gotta deal with.”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
According to Law360, a WWE investor filed a lawsuit on 10/21 in a Delaware Chancery Court and is seeking company records to examine potential wrongdoings by WWE officials.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
According to Spectrum Sports 360 reporter Jon Alba, NXT is covering the cost of COVID tests for those attending their events at the Capitol Wrestling Center. WWE designates a testing spot for the attendee to take the test and the tests happen the day before NXT at the CWC.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Per PWInsider, Keith Lee is in New York City recording vocals for his new theme song.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Big E was the latest guest to join Corey Graves on After The Bell. Big E reflected on the history of The New Day and recalled that initially, they wanted to be a group that recruited other people and two names who they considered for the group were Alicia Fox and Aron Stevens, formerly known as “Damien Sandow”.

“Thinking back to 2014, we always thought we would be a group that was always trying to add more members. It’s funny looking back but I remember thinking, ‘Oh, Alicia Fox was someone we wanted to add’ because at the time, she was doing the stuff with the tantrums. We had this idea of — this is when we were the more militant New Day, that idea was very quickly taken off TV. Just, ‘Nah, nah, nah! Let me get that off my TV screen and y’all sit in the back while we cook up something more,’ I guess family friendly. But that was kind of the idea. I remember — we never talked to them about it either but we thought her and [Damien] Sandow we thought would be a great addition. That was kind of the idea. A group that would recruit and I think that would’ve been a lot of fun. I wish we got that incarnation of The New Day. As grateful as I am that it went the way it did, I’m also kind of intrigued to see what it would’ve been like for us to have gone that militant route, to see what we could’ve done, because we shot so much stuff in pre-tapes, all the ideas that we put together. I thought we had something really special and I was excited about that. Obviously I think it worked out the best doing it the way we did, because I don’t think we would’ve been able to stay together for six years as this militant group. But those are just things where I think back and I know we had the ability to pull it off, where I think that would’ve been fun. We could’ve done something unique there too.”

Big E talked about his signature apron spear and revealed that it was Fit Finlay who came up with the idea for it.

“And even man, I’m just now remembering, Fit Finlay was the one who was like, ‘Hey, you do that running shoulder in the corner? Why don’t you try it with a guy on the apron to the floor?’ So Fit Finlay was the one who came up with the idea for the apron spear.”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
On the 10/29 episode of NXT UK, Ilja Dragunov is challenging WALTER for the NXT UK Championship. The Heritage Cup will continue with the remaining matchups being Noam Dar versus A-Kid and Dave Mastiff vs. Trent Seven. A segment was announced for next week where Flash Morgan Webster and Mark Andrews will confront Eddie Dennis. Joe Coffey is returning as well. Coffey was named in the #SpeakingOut movement and was suspended by WWE. Jordan Devlin who was also named in the #SpeakingOut movement is returning next week.


Originally Posted by
Joey Ryan Files Seventh Lawsuit, Seeking Millions In Damages

Joseph Meehan, better known in wrestling circles as Joey Ryan, has filed another defamation lawsuit, seeking upwards of $15 Million.

On 10/20, Meehan filed a lawsuit at the California Central District Court against a man in Pennsylvania, citing several claims, including emotional distress, libel, false light, and intentional interference with prospective economic advance. has obtained a copy of the complaint, which includes over two dozen statements made by the defendant against Meehan.

The 63-page lawsuit, which is similar to others he recently filed, outlines a number of statements this person made against Meehan on social media ...

The filing includes a total of 26 statements made by the Pennsylvania man. Meehan states this has caused him to be shamed, ridiculed, and hated. He also says the statements discouraged others from associating with him ...

In total, Meehan is seeking $200,000 in economic damages, $5,000,000 in non-economic damages, and $10,000,000 in punitive and exemplary damages.
Related: Report: WWE RAW Underground 'For Right Now Is Considered Done'

He is ordering the defendant cease publishing defamatory statements, retract any defamatory statements made int he past, as well as direct any websites to delete defamatory statements ...

In total, Meehan has filed seven lawsuits, including one against IMPACT Wrestling for breach of contract.

Like other lawsuits Meehan filed, he is demanding a jury trial.


Originally Posted by
According to Fightful Select, New Japan Pro Wrestling and Ring of Honor’s working relationship is still somewhat existent following the departure of former NJPW President Harold Meij. The report notes that the two promotion’s have an open dialogue, and are “tentatively” planning to release some content together in the future.

This news comes after it appeared that NJPW and ROH’s alliance had ended, as the number of crossover events and star appearances had gone down. There are those on the ROH side who believe that NJPW will add to their relationship when available.

TPWW Frontpage:

Emperor Smeat 10-23-2020 03:33 PM

The Sheets (Observer Newsletter Edition):


Kota Ibushi pinned Sanada in the longest match in G-1 Climax history to win the most unique version of the tournament there will probably ever be ...

The paid attendance of 2,928 on 10/18 at Sumo Hall in Tokyo, capped off at 30 percent, was the lowest in the history by a wide margin, but that couldn’t be helped.

The total attendance from the 19 shows was 34,082 fans paid, down 64.9 percent from last year's record of 97,215. Most, but not all of the shows were sold out. The number is slightly below what was the best that was possible in buildings that were mostly set up for 30 to 40 percent of capacity ...

In theory, this sets up Tetsuya Naito vs. Ibushi as the Tokyo Dome main event. New Japan announced two Dome shows, on 1/4 and 1/5, like last year. Of course this year will be different. The seating capacity is unknown, but when New Japan ran Jingu Stadium, they would only allow 5,000 in an outdoor stadium and the Tokyo Dome is indoors. Running two days is because there are probably too many matches planned for a one-day show, particularly since New Japan has tried to keep all of its shows under three hours since the pandemic started. How many people are allowed in the Tokyo Dome will likely be determined by the conditions of COVID in January, and impossible to even fathom a guess today.

The indication we are given is that there are various sets of plans for the Dome shows. Attendance is something that will likely be determined by the government and the Tokyo Dome, along with New Japan, based on conditions. No doubt Gedo has the top stuff already booked, but when it comes to outsiders and regular foreigners, there is much left to be determined as opposed to Gedo having the show in his head at this point. There are different plans depending on who can or can't appear. As of right now, the talent that is staying in the country through the tag tourney finals, some will go home and then return on 12/20 to quarantine prior to the Dome show, which means they'll have to spend both Christmas and New Year's isolated. As of right now, announcer Kevin Kelly will be attending live and unless things change, he fits into that category.

The booking of the tournament over the last three days had its twists and turns. In the A block finals, still alive were Ospreay, Okada, Ibushi and White. White had the advantage in that if he beat Ishii on the last day, he was in the finals ...

So Takahashi beat Cobb, meaning both Okada and Ospreay were alive in their singles match. In the biggest angle of the weekend, Ospreay turned on Okada and formed a new heel group with Bea Priestley, his girlfriend and the SWA champion with Stardom, and O’Khan, the former amateur wrestler Tomoyuki Oka, doing his Mongolian gimmick from the U.K. as a takeoff on Killer Khan.

The match saw Priestley come out to support Ospreay. When Okada got Ospreay in the money clip, she distracted the ref and O’Khan claw slammed Okada. Ospreay used the storm breaker and got the pin.

At first, Ospreay pretended to not know what had happened, and then smiled. Priestly told him to go back and give Okada the hidden blade, which he did. He then said F*** you and went on about how Okada held him back and that this was a long time coming.

We had been told ahead of time that Ospreay, Cobb and Priestley would be forming a heel stable. O’Khan is either in the Cobb role, which is a big mistake, but they did have to do something with the guy, or Cobb will be added later. I think the angle would have been better with Cobb, particularly since Cobb grew so much during the tournament and then Cobb’s loss to Takahashi would make more sense.

[AAA] A big surprise is that Psycho Clown has basically revealed his identity, which was considered forbidden for a main event masked man. On social media he is using the name Psycho Clown Mario Alvarado, and on Facebook just Mario Alvarado

Luis Angel Sanchez, 23, who wrestled as Principe Aereo, passed away from a brain aneurysm, a ruptured middle cerebral artery suffered on 10/17 in a match for the MexaWrestling promotion at Arena San Juan Pantitlan in Nezahauolcoyotl. Aereo was in a tag team match and took two chops to the chest and a heel kick from Redimido. The chop wasn’t hard at all and the heel kick actually never touched him. There were no reports of any kind of a head blow during the match. He did a dive earlier but his head never touched anything. Redimido than went to bounce off the ropes and Aereo collapsed. The referee and Redimido immediately realized something bad had happened and the referee stopped the match. A stretcher took Sanchez to the back after about 20 seconds and he was rushed to Torre Medica Santa Anita, which is a hospital across the street from the arena. He died on the way to the hospital and they couldn’t revive him. A brain aneurysm of the type he had can be congenital, in the sense it was something he was born predisposed to and was going to happen and that was just the moment it happened. They are some underlying conditions that increase the risks, so they could also be in play. There are brain aneurysms resulting from brain trauma, but they are not common. The promotion, knowing about the death, continued the show, which is something that came across unbelievably bad, at the Owen Hart continuing the show level. This was covered in mainstream news in Mexico.

Tony Deppen noted that he tested positive for COVID, coming off The Collective shows the weekend of 10/9 to 10/11 in Indianapolis. Deppen noted that everyone he was around including people in a nine-hour car ride with tested negative. He noted it caused he and his wife to have to cancel their baby shower. The promoters of the show have urged everyone who attended to get tested. Dan the Dad noted that he was now negative and didn’t suffer any symptoms. One person who we know noted to us he was very close to a fan who tested positive and had lunch with Dan the Dad, but tested negative. He noted most fans he knew were not getting tested. At the matches everyone was wearing masks and the staff was looking after that. But after Bloodsport, with the drinks flowing, a lot of people were making bad decisions regarding mask wearing in public and social distancing. Game Changer draws mostly the same fans wherever they go. It’s a small traveling contingent, somewhat like PWG but a completely different type of fan. We were told that the depression caused by the lengthy lockdown has done a number on a lot of those people.

Markus Mack, who promotes All Pro Wrestling in California, was so mad about The Collective events because people feared COVID spreading and then it happened, that he ended up being kicked off Facebook for 24 hours for his reaction to some the things done in the event, containing swear words. In particular he was furious about doing a 53 person Battle Royal under the circumstances, calling it one of the most reckless stunts in the history of the game

Gable Steveson of Minnesota is ranked as the No. 1 heavyweight in the country going into the start of the 2020-2021 wrestling season. Steveson was the favorite or at least co-favorite to win the NCAA title last year but the tournament was canceled. He's listed as a junior but there is talk of allowing college athletes in spring and summer sports another year of eligibility. He was 15-0 last year and ranked first in the nation. As noted multiple times, he's noted that after graduation he wants to be managed by Paul Heyman, and Heyman knows him and his family (his older brother, also a college wrestler at Minnesota, also wants to go to WWE after graduation) and he's trained with Brock Lesnar

The BBC ran another article on women in wrestling being sexually harassed. It was about a wrestler who used the name Nadia Sapphire who claimed that when she turned 16, all of the wrestlers pulled things out of a hat to see who would get to sleep with her first. 16 is the legal age of consent in the U.K. She said she started training at 14 in Wales and had a relationship early on with an older wrestler. It was noted that Pontygruidd MP Alex Davies-Jones has started a parliamentary inquiry to investigate the lack of regulations over the U.K. pro wrestling industry. She said she felt she was harassed and groomed when so many guys started hitting on her when she got into wrestling, saying some were teenagers but many ten to 15 years older than she was. She said she had low self-esteem so she loved the attention, but after a relationship with someone in his 20s she became labeled as a ring rat and her reputation was ruined. Davies-Jones said, "It's truly shocking, some of the stores we've heard are from women as young as 13, 14 who were threatened with rape and sexual violence if they wanted to wrestle. We've heard stories of male wrestlers competing to see who would be the first to take a female wrestler's virginity for example, truly harrowing tales." She also said that governmental regulation of pro wrestling is needed. "I think the problem we've got with wrestling is that it falls into that grey area, it's not classified as a sport, it's not really classified as a performance, and it's been left to run itself." Andy Quildan, the promoter of Revolution Pro Wrestling said that they want an independent body to oversee wrestling and to hold them accountable.

Kurt Angle put up a photo of himself with the TNA title which people are taking as a tease he may be coming here. He had been cut by WWE but had in the past said he wasn't going to sign with anyone else because he was looking to work on outside business interests

Heath Miller (Slater) spoke to about the difference between working here and WWE. "It's just one of those things in that spot over there. You get these roles you gotta play and then you play them very well even if you don't want to play them. Trust me I did a lot of them. It was one of those things to where like you play and you play them well and you give your ideas to make it better. Vince sometimes will do it and when they'll do it and when it gets over and it's not their idea then they put you on ice. I don't know how many times in my career to where I'll get something that's horrible and no one wants to do but I'll stretch it for a mile. John Cena would tell me that all the time. He's like `man you did some of the worst things but you stretch it so far to where people will remember it.' Like 3MB, we have a redneck an Indian and a Scotsman walking in a bar, like a joke. But we went 2 years with it so it's like one of things and people honestly still remember it because we're entertaining and we have fun trying to do it because we all were buddies. Even other gimmicks and stuff that I did, it's just one of those things where you can try and try and try and try but if they don't want you to keep going, it's gonna stop. It doesn't matter how good it is or how good you are or what it is. If they don't want it to keep going then it's to the next one. Impact, what I love is my ass gets to be myself. I get to go out there to do the things I would like to do. Yes, there's agents and you give your ideas but the agents are cool as hell

It's just one of those things that honestly, Impact is a breath of fresh air. Don't be surprised if you see more surprises because there might be some more people heading on over." "I can honestly say the communication there is amazing. Other places you would have to send an email and never hear back and if you go talk, you never get an answer. At Impact, it's like one of those places where you can go right up to the Bossman and say, `Hey, this is what I think, this is what I think we should do,' and then he'll throw something and then you'll throw something and then next you thing you know, you come to a 50/50 solution here to where it works for both teams. The good thing about the locker room is that everyone tries to help one another. It's legit, like a fraternity, it's a team. They try to help, they don't try to one up. It's about the match, not about yourself. I've always been like that in wrestling. It's not about me, it's about the match, what are we trying to tell, what are we trying to get over. That's what it's always been about for me, tell a good story and we both will win. It's one of those things at Impact you can honestly see that the guys are all wanting to win and that's where I think Impact is going to strive more than some of these other places. All I hear is Impact stories are good, the wrestling is good, it's all good."

While WarnerMedia was down $960 million in revenue from the same quarter last year, with declines in many business like movies since the theater business is dead, The Turner end, which would be TBS, TNT, was up 5.6 percent in revenue for the quarter and is very profitable. The revenue is because of a number of things, but expenses are also down because of less production of new shows, but NBA costs that normally aren’t around this time of year are up, but revenues from airing NBA games also usually aren’t in this quarter. In all, despite all of the pandemic related obstacles which did drop profitability a considerable amount, the profit margin this past quarter for WarnerMedia was still $1.93 billion

Brock Lesnar has been added to the new EA Sports UFC 4 video game, so that means he must have made a deal with UFC or EA for the game

The Orange County Department of Health is asking the Strike Team to look into 17 businesses locations in town where they believe COVID-19 might be spreading. Health Officer Dr. Raul Pino said that a lot of spread has come from people in their late teens and early 20s gathering together to watch football, listing eight area bars including Gilt Nightclub, where MLW just taped this past week, some gyms, a church, as well as WWE events at Full Sail University, WWE events at the Amway Arena and WWE events at the WWE Performance Center. WWE released a statement to WFTV news in Orlando that read, "WWE is not open to the public, but rather operating on a closed set with only essential personnel in attendance. As part of ongoing weekly testing protocols, Aventus Labs have administered more than 10,000 PCR tests to WWE performers, employees, production staff and crew resulting in only 1.5 percent positive cases as compared to the current national average of more than five percent. Additionally, extensive contract tracing takes place and impacted individuals are placed in a 14-day quarantine and then only cleared after they test negative." There are a few notes to that statement. WWE does not sell tickets or have fans like AEW, but does have fans in the sense that about 100 or more Full Sail regular fans that they know and can contact easily are allowed to test on Tuesdays and then come to the shows on Wednesdays if they test clear. That is not essential personnel and before that other wrestlers, also not essential, were used as fans at those shows. You would also have a lower than the national average test positive rate because every person attending, and all talent and everyone working the shows will be tested. In real life, as a general rule, most people don't get tested unless they are afraid based on symptoms or there is a reason they have to be tested. But that would also be 150 positive tests since they started doing actual testing. Some people may have tested positive multiple times. Some are likely fans, so exactly how many positive individual tests that have been among everyone tested is far higher than 1.5 percent, but WWE has not released the number of individuals whether they be wrestlers, agents, or others working in production of the show. WWE does follow contact tracing and in recent weeks put a number of talents in quarantine because they were in contact with people who had tested positive. The question of allowing fans indoors in the Performance Center has been a question, particularly when one brought up to me how some get tested in the afternoon and then go to bars after the test, but hopefully that's a tiny number or not at all. WWE has not allowed any fans at the Amway Center, although another part of that building is being used for voting. This is one of those things where they will look into it but nothing of substance will end up happening

Coming off the Speaking Out movement, and the belief by many the charges against various talents including the Samantha Tavel lawsuit and an attempt to change the longstanding company and industry culture from the prior generation, all WWE talent on 10/28 have a mandatory counseling session to attend via streaming on keeping healthy relationships. Total Life Counseling will present a mandatory session for all talent on that subject. The first conference will be the main presentation to all talent and the second zoom link will be for later individual breakout sessions. The second smaller group session is being done to give talent the opportunity to participate and ask questions in a small group

Ben Carter, who looked great in AEW matches with Scorpio Sky and Lee Johnson, signed here [WWE]. The guy is a real talent who deserved to be signed. It would have been better if he would have gotten a year working the indies first to get matches with a wider variety of people, but that isn’t possible now. AEW is tough because they already have too many guys for the amount of TV time they have. But WWE is even worse as they have guys even more talent stockpiled. Carter had also just appeared on Impact tapings and did an Xplosion match with Chris Sabin that people were raving about

Strowman was one of 2,000 plus people who attended a bike rally in Daytona Beach over the weekend. This reminded me of recently when Paul Levesque was asked about the latest outbreak and said that some of the talent thinks this thing is over and it’s not over

The top ten most-watched shows of the past week on the WWE Network were: 1. Day of Clash of Champions 2020; 2. First Look: 30 Days of the the Deadman; 3. Talking Smack on 10/17; 4. Best of Aleister Black in Progress Wrestling; 5. Best of Hell in a Cell; 6. Clash of Champions 2020; 7. Hell in a Cell 2019 8. Uncool with Alexa Bliss with Ryan Cabrera; 9. Raw Talk on 10/19; 10. NXT from 10/14. NXT U.K. was No. 11
WWE Ratings, AEW vs. NXT Ratings:


Raw on 10/19 did 1,777,000 viewers and a 0.52 in 18-49, a reasonably good performance on a night with two NFL games, although the first one ended just as Raw was starting.

They key note is that the second hour actually had more viewers than the first hour, and the 6.3 percent first-to-third hour decline was much lower than usual. Some of that was because a lot of viewers tuned in late and when you tune in late, you are likely to stay. But unlike most weeks, there was not a major tuning out point in the show.

Raw was down 4.2 percent in viewers from last week’s draft show, as well as down 8.8 percent in 18-49. However it was up 3.4 percent in 18-34.

The show was fourth on cable in 18-49, trailing only NFL-related programming ...

As compared to last year, the show was down 24.1 percent in viewers, 30.7 percent in 18-49 and 42.3 percent in 18-34.

The first hour did 1,806,000 viewers. The second hour did 1,835,000 viewers. The third hour did 1,689,000 viewers ...

The first-to-third hour drop or gain was 7.1 percent down in women 18-49, 1.7 percent up in men 18-49, 10.3 percent down in girls 12-17, 15.6 percent up in teenage boys and 6.7 percent down in over 50. The increase in hour three does show that hour three did keep the interest better than usual with men 12-49.

Smackdown on 10/16 did a 1.30 rating, 2,123,000 viewers (1.35 viewers per home) and an 0.56 (723,000 viewers) in 18-49.

With extra promotion for the season premiere and loading up with Roman Reigns vs. Braun Strowman for the Universal title, the return of Daniel Bryan and the last appearance together of the New Day, they dropped 7.1 percent in households, 2.5 percent in viewers, 13.8 percent in 18-49 and 25.0 percent in 18-34. But those were drops from a draft episode that should have done well over the usual numbers, and it was against major sports competition.

They went against two baseball championship games. The Houston Astros vs. Tampa Bay Devil Rays American League championship game did 3,468,000 viewers and 0.84 in 18-49 on TBS against the first 76 minutes of the show. The Los Angeles Dodgers vs. Atlanta Braves game on FS 1 did 3,605,000 viewers and 1.05 in 18-49.

Smackdown tied with Shark Tank on ABC in both 18-49 and 18-34 (0.3) for first among networks shows. On television overall, they were also behind the two baseball games. In total viewers Smackdown was behind everything on network television on Friday except an American Ninja Warrior repeat.

Smackdown was only down 12.2 percent from the same show last year, which is much better than most WWE shows these days do. It was down 20.0 percent in 18-49 and 40.0 percent in 18-34.

Going against the World Series, both NXT and AEW stayed pretty steady in the key demo, but AEW lost heavily with males 12-34 and older viewers.

AEW did 753,000 viewers and a 0.30 in 18-49 (389,000 viewers), ranking 13th for the night, but placed second among non-news programming. NXT did 651,000 viewers and 0.16 (205,000 viewers) in 18-49, putting it in 56th place for the night and 19th place among non-news programming.

AEW was down 8.8 percent overall but was up 1.6 percent in 18-49. The decline was mostly over 50, as the women 18-49 gained enough that the decline in men 18-34 didn’t hurt the final demo number.

NXT was down 1.1 percent in viewers and 8.9 percent in 18-49.

The World Series and the news channels are the main reason NXT was out of the top 50 and that AEW numbers were at the level they were.

Game two of the World Series did 66% male in 18-49, doing a 2.3 in 18-49 and 1.7 in 18-34. While both sides held up with in the key demo, AEW’s 0.11 in males 12-34 was down 38.9 percent from last week, while the usually low women 12-34 number from last week was up 40.0 percent from last week ...

An interesting note is that both AEW and NXT took a huge hit with males 18-34, so it was consistent across wrestling and not exclusive to either show. Both shows had more women 18-34 than men. AEW also had far more women teenagers than men. NXT teenage figures are not available to compare.,

Even with its huge drop in younger men, with NXT’s drop, AEW doubled NXT in men 18-34, almost doubled in women 18-34, more than doubled in men 35-49 and almost doubled in women 35-49.

AEW did 48,000 viewers in males 18-34 (down 40.0 percent from last week) to 24,000 for NXT (down 25.0 percent from last week). AEW did 57,000 in women 18-34 (up 23.9 percent) to 30,000 for NXT (down 14.3 percent). AEW did 203,000 in males 35-49 (up 10.9 percent) to 98,000 for NXT (up 4.3 percent). AEW did 81,000 in women 35-49 (up 9.5 percent) to 43,000 for NXT (down 32.8 percent).

NXT had more viewers in the first quarter due to the lead-in, but AEW still had a 108,000 lead in 18-49 in quarter one. AEW doubled NXT in three of the eight quarters and nearly doubled them in a fourth one.

In the main event battle, AEW did 762,000 viewers and 417,000 in 18-49 for The Young Bucks vs. Alex Reynolds & John Silver vs. Private Party vs Butcher & Blade main event and post-match angle with FTR and Tully Blanchard. NXT did 555,000 viewers and 176,000 in 18-49 for Tyler Breeze & Fandango vs. Oney Lorcan & Danny Butch for the tag team titles and the reveal of Pat McAfee as the mystery partner.

The ratings stars and demo gods were Penta vs. Fenix, who also had the arguably best match on either show. For what it’s worth, the consensus two best matches were the two bouts that gained the most, both with men and women. Penta vs. Fenix were the high point of the night in overall, 18-49, 35-49, 18-49 men and 18-49 women.

The gains in the match were 7 percent in males 18-49, 30 percent in females 18-49 and 21 percent in overall 35-49. They didn’t gain in males 18-34.

The Young Bucks vs. Butcher & Blade vs. Alex Reynolds & John Silver vs. Private Party started lower, but gained 28 percent with women 18-49, 19 percent with men 18-49, 20 percent with 18-34 and 24 percent with 35-49.

The first quarter saw AEW do 737,000 viewers and 346,000 in 18-49 for Wardlow vs. Jungle Boy. NXT had 765,000 viewers and 238,000 in 18-49 for Kushida vs. Tommaso Ciampa vs. Velveteen Dream.

In the second quarter, AEW did 761,000 viewers and 391,000 in 18-49 for Jon Moxley promo, Kenny Omega vs. Sonny Kiss, and promos by Orange Cassidy and Cody. NXT did 739,000 viewers and 254,000 in18-49 for the last few minutes of Kushida vs. Ciampa vs. Dream, an Undisputed Era promo a Rhea Ripley video and Ember Moon vs. Jessi Kamea.

The third quarter saw AEW do 832,000 viewers and 448,000 in 18-49 for an Eddie Kingston interview and mostly Penta vs. Rey Fenix. This was the high point of everything except males 18-34. NXT did 714,000 viewers and 236,000 in 18-49 for both Bronson Reed vs Austin Theory matches

In the fourth quarter, AEW did 822,000 viewers and 426,000 in 18-49 for the ending of Peta vs. Fenix, a Miro & Sabian promo and a Silver, Reynolds and Colt Cabana promo. NXT did 617,000 viewers and 186,000 in 18-49, huge drops, for Santos Escobar & Raul Mendoza & Joaquin Wilde vs. Jake Atlas & Isaiah Scott & Ashante Adonis.

In the fifth quarter, AEW did 749,000 viewers and 391,000 in 18-49 for Adam Page vs. Colt Cabana. NXT did 619,000 viewers and 203,000 in 18-49 for the ending of the six-man tag, Johnny Gargano & Candice LeRae sin the wheel and Drake Maverick & Killian Dain vs. Ever Rise.

In the sixth quarter, AEW did 676,000 viewers and 352,000 in 18-49 for a Taz interview with Brian Cage and Ricky Starks and the Chris Jericho/MJF dinner and musical comedy routine. While it did almost double NXT, it was still the low point of the show for AEW in total viewers. NXT did 607,000 viewers and 178,000 in 18-49 for the segment with William Regal announcing the new main event, Xia Li vs. Kacy Catanzaro, the Raquel Gonzalez post-match destruction and Cameron Grimes promo.

In the seventh quarter, AEW did 686,000 viewers and 341,00 in 18-49 for Britt Baker vs. KiLynn King. It was the low point for AEW in all key demos except 18-34. NXT did 538,000 viewers and 165,000 in 18-49 for Thatch-as-Thatch-Can and the Damien Priest interview.

The main event segment four team match gained 76,000 viewers (11%) and 66,000 in 18-49 (19.4 percent) for AEW. NXT gained 17,000 viewers for its tag title match (3.2 percent) and 11,000 in 18-49 (6.7 percent) ...

As compared to the same week last year against the World Series, AEW is down 22.3 percent in viewers, 33.3 percent in 18-49 and 61.5 percent in 18-34. From last year against the World Series, AEW is actually up in over 50 viewers from a year ago, but way down under 35, particularly among men. For a comparison, FOX News was up 68 percent in the first hour (Tucker Carlson) and 56 percent in the second hour (Hannity), so that is the big difference.

NXT numbers in finishing out of the top 50 are not available in usual detail. As compared to last year, they are down 7.5 percent in viewers and 23.8 percent in 18-49.

The Cody vs. Orange Cassidy match last week peaked at more than 1 million viewers live

Emperor Smeat 10-27-2020 08:58 PM

The Sheets:


Originally Posted by Observer
After getting a lift from the WWE Draft and its fallout over the past two weeks, Raw last night dropped slightly in the ratings, even with coming the day after Hell in a Cell.

Last night's Raw did 1.73 million viewers and 0.51 in 18-49, numbers down three percent and two percent respectively from last week.

The real difference was the return of the third hour drop, with a 15 percent drop from the first hour. That isn't surprising since the main event segment was not a match, but a Moment of Bliss segment with Randy Orton. But the show did push the idea that Drew McIntyre and The Fiend were likely to show up ...

Even with the drop, in 18-49, the third hour of Raw beat everything on television except the NFL and Weakest Link on NBC. If you factor out the difference in homes, the Raw number was far more impressive than the NBC number.

The Fox News shows did monster numbers which probably explains some of the decline from last week ...

In 18-49, Raw was sixth behind ESPN football related coverage, Hannity (7,304,000 viewers; 0.72 in 18-49), and Tucker Carlson (6,765,000 viewers, 0.67 in 18-49).

As compared to last year, viewers were down 20 percent, 18-49 was down 29 percent, and 18-34 was down 52 percent. With the exception of 18-34, those declines were less than Raw has been doing.

The declines from hour one to three were 15 percent in women 18-49, 12 percent in men 18-49, nine percent with teenage girls, there was a four percent increase in teenage boys, and a 14 percent decline over 50.

The three hours were:

8 p.m. 1.86 million viewers
9 p.m. 1.75 million viewers
10 p.m. 1.59 million viewers


Originally Posted by Observer
Tucker is now listed as part of the Raw roster on He was drafted to Raw in the WWE Draft earlier this month, but his brand was never changed on WWE's website. It had been noticed yesterday that he was listed on the SmackDown roster on, leading to incorrect speculation that his brand had been changed. Tucker turned against Otis at Hell in a Cell and caused Otis to lose the Money in the Bank briefcase to The Miz. Otis is a member of the SmackDown roster. Tucker tweeted after not appearing on Raw last night: “On my time. #RAW”


Originally Posted by Observer
Beyond Wrestling announced that they’ve canceled their Tournament for Tomorrow event that was scheduled to take place in Atlantic City, New Jersey on November 8 and won’t be scheduling any more shows for the remainder of 2020: “After much deliberation I've decided to cancel our upcoming #TFT2020 event originally scheduled for Sunday, 11/8 in Atlantic City. Refunds will be handled automatically within the next few days. We will not be scheduling any more live events for the rest of 2020. Stay safe.”

Beyond Wrestling explained their decision in an additional tweet: “I’ve had a number of lineup changes and refund requests due to COVID concerns. The closer we get to the finish line, the tougher it becomes to find a suitable substitution when we want everyone to test negative before the event.”


Originally Posted by Observer
The capacity for both nights of Wrestle Kingdom 15 will be capped at 20,000 people.

In an interview with Tokyo Sports, new NJPW President Takami Obari said that a limit of 20,000 people would be set for both nights. This is due to COVID-19 concerns. The Tokyo Dome ususally carries a capactiy of 50,000.

The company announced last week that they would once again run Wrestle Kingdom on two nights: on their usual January 4 date as well as the following day on January 5. Last year’s shows drew 40,008 and 30,063 respectively.


Originally Posted by PWI
Meiko Satomura is joining WWE’s NXT UK brand in a player coach role according to a bombshell article from Tokyo Sports.

Satomura announced today she will start limiting her appearances in Sendai Girls’ Pro Wrestling going forward and will miss the company’s upcoming shows in Sendai PIT on November 22 and Korakuen Hall on November 29 ...

According to the article, Satomura will travel to England in November. This would suggest WWE is planning to hold another set of tapings, presumably at the BT Sport Studios in London.

Satomura participated in the second Mae Young Classic in 2018. She defeated Killer Kelly, Mercedes Martinez and Lacey Lane before losing the eventual tournament winner Toni Storm in the semifinal.

Satomura has also competed for companies such as PROGRESS Wrestling, Pro-Wrestling: EVE and Fight Club: PRO in England.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Mark Henry chatted with Brandon Robinson of about WWE, the NFL and the NBA. Mark was asked if he could go back and redo a match from his career, which matches would he choose and one of the matches he selected his WWE Championship match against John Cena in 2013 that was led into by Henry’s fake retirement speech. Henry feels that he should have won that match but at the time, he informed WWE that he was done with the in-ring portion of his career.

“The other one is after my retirement speech and I turned on John Cena which is one of the more historical wrestling moments in history. I was so beat up that I wanted to go home, that I didn’t really wanna wrestle no more. Like I was in so much pain, because like I said, it was real to me and I told people, ‘Lay it in, because I’m gonna hit you’ and I want you saying, ‘I beat you up and took advantage of you.’ Like I’m giving my body to you, let’s go, and the match I had was in Philadelphia [Money In The Bank 2013] with John Cena and I lost that match when I should’ve won that match. I should have told them, ‘Nah, I’m not gonna go home.’ Like, let’s run a six-month program and we could’ve had many matches, but you know, I was ready to go.”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Lilian Garcia spoke to Braun Strowman for a new installment of her ‘Chasing Glory’ podcast. Strowman was candid during his ‘WWE Chronicle’ special on the WWE Network about mental health. Strowman further spoke about the mental breakdowns he had and almost being driven to the point of taking his own life.

“You know, it was just a culmination of things going on in my life. The worst about it was like, literally at the beginning of last year, I went through a really bad breakup and just wasn’t — my personal life was a mess. I mean, with being a WWE superstar, it’s really hard to balance the road life and your personal life and that’s part of the reason why the relationship I think didn’t work out and stuff like that, and then I got to a point to where, I felt like I wasn’t important at work so I had no escape. My mind and everything was just all over the place and I was by myself, I just moved into this house. I bought the house of my dreams, I bought this beautiful house on the lake and I’d been in there like six or seven months at this point and the only thing I had was a mattress on the floor and one in the room and a ringside chair sitting in the living room and I would get home from the road and something that was just weird, and I would sit there and sit in that chair in an empty living room in a empty house and sit there for like seven hours at a time and just sit there. Just because I couldn’t kick out of this funk that I was in and I’m dead honest — when I went to Vince [McMahon] to talk about some stuff that I was having problems with and it really pissed me off that the dirt sheets and these guys that like clickbait stuff tried to spin this whole thing and when I talked about this in the documentary that I wanted to commit suicide because I was mad with how I was being booked in WWE and that’s just complete, total opposite end of it. WWE was my only thing positive that I had at that point and I was so mentally hard on myself with what was going on in my personal life that I started letting it affect my business life. When in the grand scheme of things, I have the most amazing job on earth but I got to a point where I felt like a number in a system and I was like, ‘I need to address this.’”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Former WWE talent Mark Jindrak joined David Penzer’s ‘Sitting Ringside’ podcast to discuss his career in wrestling. Jindrak recounted being swapped out of Evolution (Triple H, Ric Flair, Dave Bautista & Randy Orton) for Batista. Jindrak stated that if anyone should’ve been kicked out of the group, it should have been Triple H and Jindrak also detailed his friendship with Randy Orton.

“Basically, when I went over to OVW, I made a friendship with Randy Orton and we hung out all the time and eventually, when they moved me up to the big show, when I was traveling on the crew with WWE, we traveled together, me and Orton so we became almost like the Natural Born Thrillers I think. They see this Orton, who obviously they have huge, super huge plans for in some way, shape or form so they kind of had him in the group and then Batista was kind of supposed to be in it but he kept getting injured, so it was my spot and then, basically what happened was just that. It was just like, I was immature, Orton was immature. We both were immature. We had a lot of fun on the road. It was just — and a lot of people thought it was humorous. They loved our act. We’d come to TV and just show off and goof off and stuff and people loved it. It went from Kane to a lot of top guys but the one person that hated it, hated it, hated it was Triple H, and it was just completely — if you could be a fly on the wall for some of those car rides. Like when they basically made the group and we knew the group was gonna be Triple H, Ric Flair, myself and Orton, Triple H kinda wanted to have us driving together the whole loop, you know what I’m saying? House show, house show, house show, TV. Get talking wrestling, forming as a group and stuff, and that’s where you kind of get the chemistry in a group is hanging out, talking and stuff and to my knowledge, I thought we were. Orton and I were having fun, Ric Flair was a ton of fun. I thought the person that should’ve been kicked out of the group was Triple H, because he was the bore. He was boring as sh*t man, he was boring as sh*t.”

Evolution was profiled on the WWE Network via the Ruthless Aggression series. Jindrak’s issue with the documentary was that Triple H said he and Ric didn’t think Jindrak fit well with the group, but Jindrak stated that Flair was always fond of he and Orton and sort of lived vicariously through them.

“And that’s the problem I had with that little documentary, the Ruthless Aggression piece they did on Evolution is when Triple H said, ‘Oh, I told Vince he’s not good for the group. Vince said, Yeah he is and I said no he’s not, me and Ric.’ Triple H kept saying, ‘Me and Ric thought he wasn’t good for the group.’ It wasn’t Ric, it was [not] Ric in any way, shape or form. It was all Triple H and that’s the whole thing. These car rides, I thought these car rides were exposing Triple H for being a bore and non-charismatic, you know what I’m saying? That’s what I felt.”

Without Triple H, Evolution would have been missing the key present big star link between past and future stars but then again, a Triple H-less Evolution probably would have spared early Brand Split era RAW from dealing with the terrible Reign of Terror by Triple H.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Forbes ran their interview with Ohio Valley Wrestling owner Al Snow. Al was asked about the idea of OVW possibly becoming a developmental promotion for various major wrestling companies and he said it’s a possibility.

“I think eventually, yes [we could be a developmental territory for WWE], and not just with WWE but with AEW and other national organizations, I think we could provide a value.

If you think of the amount of investment that WWE has to make into a talent that they bring into NXT to develop them, it’s immense. But if they were to bring talent from OVW to NXT, it would accelerate the developmental for them from NXT on up exponentially. We’re not going to just teach a performer how to wrestle, or how to perform in front of an audience. We’re going to teach them how to operate a camera, how to set the lights, how to run the audio, how to produce, how to direct.”


Originally Posted by
It was announced last week that AEW star and former WWE world champion Jake Hager will be competing at Thursday’s Bellator 250 event, his fourth professional MMA fight since turning pro in the sport.

According to Fightful Select, Hager knew about the fight for over a month and immediately alerted AEW so they could take care of any potential storylines and get him off television for the appropriate amount of time. He is currently undefeated with a record of 2-0, the same record as his upcoming opponent Brandon Calton.

The report also notes that AEW is totally fine with Hager taking these fights, with Hager joking to the publication that as “long as he keeps winning” it won’t be a problem.


Originally Posted by Fightful
What was originally promised to be a steak dinner between Maxwell Jacob Friedman and Chris Jericho turned into a full song and dance routine to the soundtrack of a parody of the old Rat Pack song, “My Shadow And Me.” The segment, which Chris Jericho called “the greatest moment in the history of wrestling,” was certainly polarizing but garnered a massive reaction on social media.

On the latest episode of Wrestling Observer Radio, Dave Meltzer reported that the original idea for the musical number came from MJF after he watched the film “Rocketman,” which is an autobiographical film about Elton John. Meltzer says that Maxwell initially wanted to sing an Elton John song with Jericho but Jericho had the idea for this Rat Pack classic instead.

Meltzer also notes that the segment was put together with a one-day rehearsal and a 7-hour shoot that kept all parties up until two in the morning.


Originally Posted by Observer
NXT's Brendan Vink now has a new in-ring name.

Vink announced on Sunday night that his name in WWE is now Tony Modra. Modra was among the names that WWE filed trademarks for last week.

Tony Modra is also the name of a former Australian rules football player. Vink is from Adelaide, Australia.

Vink made several appearances on Raw this March and April, teaming with Shane Thorne in the weeks after WWE television first moved to the Performance Center due to the COVID-19 pandemic. They were aligned with MVP and got one win against Ricochet & Cedric Alexander. Vink & Thorne also teamed together in a loss to Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch on NXT TV this March.


Originally Posted by Fightful
The WWE Championship change at last night’s Hell in a Cell reportedly caught some talent backstage off guard. As noted last night, Randy Orton beat Drew McIntyre to capture his 10th WWE Championship and 14th world title reign overall.

According to Fightful Select, there was a lot of confusion backstage regarding the timing of the title switch. While Orton is well-liked backstage and is known for helping out younger talent over the last year, wrestlers who spoke with the outlet said that the timing was odd considering how Orton was well-protected from WrestleMania to SummerSlam, but then lost to McIntyre and others several times after that.


Originally Posted by PWI
Lucha Libre AAA World Wide held a virtual press conference today to announce Kenny Omega will defend the AAA Mega Championship against Laredo Kid at TripleMania 28.

The match was originally scheduled to take place at Rey de Reyes on March 21. However, the event was cancelled.

AAA hopes to hold TripleMania in December, pending the current COVID-19 health situation. No date was given during’s today’s press conference.

The event will still take place in Arena Ciudad de México as previously scheduled on August 22 ...

Two further matches have been announced for TripleMania 28. Chessman will face Pagano in a Hair vs. Hair match and there will be a tag team match debuting AAA’s new Marvel-themed wrestlers.

Aracno (Spider-Man) and Leyenda Americana (Captain America) will face Terror Púrpura (Thanos) and Venenoide (Venom).


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
The Back Body Drop outlet has some updated UK viewership totals from the past month:
* RAW on October 12th – 63,200 on BT Sport
* SmackDown on October 16th – 26,500 on BT Sport
* IMPACT on October 14th – 9,400 on Freesport
* A replay of NXT UK on October 17th – 26,500 on BT Sport
* AEW Dynamite on October 16th – 118,000 on ITV4 (it aired at 11:50 pm that night instead of its usual slot of 10 pm)


Originally Posted by Fightful
AEW fans in the United Kingdom will get to watch Dynamite this week a little earlier than usual.

The promotion announced on Twitter that this week's Dynamite will air in the United Kingdom at midnight local time on October 28. Viewers in the United States will still watch the episode on its usual 8 p.m ET time slot on October 28 on TNT.


Originally Posted by Fightful
NJPW announced that there will be live English commentary for the Power Struggle show taking place on November 7

TPWW Frontpage:

Droford 10-28-2020 07:16 AM

How did Vince not get the Marvel deal for wrestlers on Smackdown?

Emperor Smeat 10-28-2020 07:16 PM

The Sheets:


Originally Posted by 411Mania
As we reported yesterday, the WWE has been hit with another outbreak of COVID-19 at the Performance Center, to the point that tonight’s NXT Halloween Havoc could be affected. According to new details from Fightful Select, the outbreak possibly happened at a training event this past Friday.

NXT regularly holds in-house live events to track how far along the NXT talent are. That kind of event was held on Friday and many of those in attendance were the ones asked to quarantine. Those who did not attend were “in the dark” about rumors of an outbreak and many were asked to come in to make noise for Halloween Havoc. It was noted that several training sessions have also been cancelled.

WWE does not test their talent daily but it is at least twice a week.


Originally Posted by Observer
After news of positive COVID-19 tests at the WWE Performance Center on Friday came to light Tuesday night, there were questions as to whether fans who were scheduled to attend Wednesday's NXT taping would still be allowed to do so.

Dave Meltzer is reporting that WWE has confirmed with those fans that they can attend as previously planned if they passed their required COVID-19 test. It's unknown how many fans passed their tests, but there were initially scheduled to be 100 in attendance tonight. Fans were tested in Winter Park, Florida, Tuesday, part of the regular weekly procedure to attend.

There is still no additional news on the extent of the positive tests and how they will affect tonight's Halloween Havoc show. Performance Center attendees on Friday were asked to quarantine for two weeks due to contact tracing, regardless whether they tested positive or negative,

This marks the second straight month there haS been COVID-19 issues at the Performance Center.


Originally Posted by Observer
Impact Wrestling has revealed a couple of additional details regarding their revival of the Knockouts Tag Team titles.

It was revealed last night that the tournament to crown new Knockouts Tag Team Champions will kick off on Impact in three weeks (Tuesday, November 17). It will be an eight-team tournament, though the teams for it have yet to be revealed ...

The announcement that the Knockouts Tag Team titles are returning was made at Bound for Glory this past Saturday. The tournament will play out on Impact, with the finals then being held at January's Hard to Kill pay-per-view. Hard to Kill is taking place on Saturday, January 16.

The Knockouts Tag Team titles were first introduced in 2009 before being deactivated in 2013.


Originally Posted by PWI
Major League Wrestling's Court Bauer announced to Forbes that the promotion has inked a new deal with its existing cable broadcast outlet BeIN Sport

"We are excited to continue to be a cornerstone of beIN Sports’ portfolio of world-class sports content. beIN’s dual language reach will help further entrench MLW as a thriving sports league," Bauer told Forbes.

Bauer stated additional announcements are coming. MLW Fusion will continue to air on Saturday evenings. The promotions reboot after pausing production due to the COVID-19 pandemic will begin airing next month.


Originally Posted by PWI
All Elite Wrestling applied to trademark 'AEW Games' for

-G & S: Video game discs; Downloadable game software; Downloadable video game programs; Downloadable computer game software; Downloadable electronic game software; Downloadable interactive game software; Downloadable video game software; Recorded video game programs; Recorded video game software

-G & S: Providing a website featuring entertainment information in the field(s) of gaming and wrestling; Entertainment services, namely, providing online video -games; Entertainment services, namely, providing temporary use of non-downloadable video games; Production of video and computer game software; Providing a website featuring non-downloadable game software; Providing online non-downloadable game software; Provision of information relating to electronic computer games provided via the Internet


Originally Posted by PWI
All Elite Wrestling today announced the release of their PPV events on DVD for the first time:

Now available AEW PPV on DVD! Buy 3 get an automatic 10% off! Get yours today!
— (@ShopAEW) October 28, 2020

Available are:

-AEW Double or Nothing 2019

-AEW All Out 2019

-AEW Full Gear 2019

-AEW Revolution 2020

-AEW Double or Nothing 2020

All of the DVDs can be purchased at



Originally Posted by PWI
Shotzi Blackheart stated on today's episode of "The Bump" that she will be having four costume changes and some new adornments for her tank for tonight's NXT Halloween Havoc. Blackheart stated some of her outfits are inspired by Elvira: Mistress of the Dark. The NXT superstar said that being a horror host has always been a dream. It was also announced that Elias and former Tough Enough winner Maven will be on next Wednesday's episode.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Justin Barrasso of Sports Illustrated caught up with Shotzi Blackheart for his ‘This Week in Wrestling’ column. Shotzi detailed what she wants people to think when they see she is announced for a match:

“That’s exactly how I want people watching at home to feel. I want them asking, ‘Is Shotzi Blackheart going to die tonight?’”


Originally Posted by PWI is now listing Tucker as a RAW Superstar. But, they are still listing Mustafa Ali as a Smackdown Superstar Also, they have Mickie James in the Smackdown Superstar section, but her profile has the RAW logo.


Originally Posted by PWI
World Wrestling Entertainment will report their third quarter earnings for 2020 tomorrow, Thursday 10/29.

The company will hold a conference call with Vince McMahon and WWE's Chief Financial Officer, Kristina Salen tomorrow at 5 PM EST to discuss the quarter and take questions.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Pro Wrestling Junkies hosted a virtual meet-and-greet with Alex Reynolds. Last week, Reynolds provided an update on how he was doing after he was knocked unconscious on AEW Dynamite in a four-way tag match. During the virtual meet-and-greet, Reynolds was asked if the fans’ safety concerns about AEW’s protocols are valid and here’s what he had to say:

“No, I think our team does a fantastic job. I think they took care of me, right away when we all realized I was hurt. They got me out of there nice and safe, so it’s a contact sport, you know? Injuries are gonna happen and I think they’ve shown that they can handle those situations so yeah, I don’t think those safety concerns are validated, as somebody who’s kinda just lived through it. I’ve put my trust fully in our staff.”

Reynolds later added that when he heads back to Jacksonville for another Dynamite taping, he’ll meet with their doctor and the doctor does believe Reynolds will be cleared to return.

“Yeah, so we have this week off so I’m just kind of resting up and then [when] we go back down, I have to go talk with [the] doctor and see, but he thinks I should be good to go. Yeah, it was definitely a scary moment but I feel pretty good and looking forward to being back in action.”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Ariane Andrew and Matt Dillion welcomed AEW Chief Brand Officer Brandi Rhodes onto their ‘Sippin The Tea TV’ show. Brandi was asked about the idea of Women’s Tag Team Titles in AEW following the ‘Deadly Draw’ tournament several months ago and here’s what she had to say about the idea:

“Well, that’s quite a question so, I think the tournament was a step in the right direction, because across the board, there was this, I guess, thought that we didn’t have enough women to do tag team wrestling in AEW and a lot people got really down-hearted when we had some injuries and things like that, so I think that this just showed everyone that we have the women available, we’ve got great women, great characters, great in-ring competitors and we can hold people’s attention and put something really good together. So, my hope is that we continue to grow and go in that direction, but can’t promise anything, because you know, it’s week-to-week these days.”

AEW needs to seriously rehaul their booking mentality with their Women's division and title first before entertaining any idea of adding more belts for that division.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Hollywood Life has an extensive feature published on their site about All Elite Wrestling and it includes an interview with Matt and Nick Jackson. Nick reflected on what the ‘Blood & Guts’ match could have done for AEW programming and viewership-wise. He added that they’re saving that match for fans and have the structure ready to go when it’s time.

“Man, it is tough to say because a lot of that we have planned for the future is what we are currently doing,” says Nick. “Somethings did change. Obviously, the Blood And Guts steel cage match never happened. And we spent a lot of money building that structure. [laughs] But the good thing about it is that at least we now have it. So, we can pull the trigger on that at any time. I feel like we are saving that for fans. I think that is the biggest reason we haven’t done it. That is the biggest thing that changed, not having that match. Because if you look at it, the buildup to it was so strong, our ratings were going up, and it was looking we were going to [have] above a million [viewers] for that show. We probably would have, but we can’t control what is going on around the world. I think that was probably the biggest change, not doing that cage match" ...

On the merchandise front, Matt Jackson shared that he has spoken to Dana Massie, his wife, about the idea of AEW ice bream bars.

“I told her that I would love to have some type of AEW ice cream bar. I remember fondly in the summer when the ice cream man would come, and I would get the Good Humor Hulk Hogan ice cream bar. I don’t know how much of a possibility it would be, but I put the idea out there, at least.”

If AEW ice cream bars becomes a reality, it better be like those old WWF ones and not the current cookie style ones from WWE that are lame.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
The Paramount Animations and WWE Studios film ‘Rumble’ has been pushed back to May 14, 2021 for its release date, per Deadline. The film was previously scheduled for a January 2021 release. The likes of Becky Lynch, Roman Reigns and Stephen A. Smith did voiceover work for the film.


Originally Posted by Fightful
Fans of 'Macho Man' Randy Savage can add to their collection with the new limited edition collector's boxes.
Wrestling World Reacts To Tracy Smothers' Death
Related Article Wrestling World Reacts To Tracy Smothers' Death

WWE is selling the collector's box, which includes a t-shirt, vinyl figure, replica crown, and more at WWE Shop for $49.99. The boxes are limited to 750.


Get ready to experience your cup of coffee in the big time with the Limited Edition Macho Man Randy Savage Collector’s Box. Exclusively available at, this box has been specially designed to celebrate the legacy of this incomparable Legend and make you say “Oooh yeah!” It is filled to the brim with Macho Man gear that you can’t find anywhere else. Dig it!

Each box contains:

* Macho Man T-Shirt - The most Savage tee ever.
* 11x14 Art Print Poster - An illustration by noted artist Doug Hills captures the pageantry that was every Macho Man entrance
* Vinyl Figure - The cream of the crop rises to the top with this mini figure
* Macho Man Face Mask - Say “Oooh yeah!” wherever you go
* Macho Man Legacy Title Center Plate - Scale reproduction of the center plate from the all-new Limited Edition Macho Man Legacy Title that can be displayed on your desk or bookshelf
* Enamel Pin - Exclusive collector’s pin only available in this box
* Replica Crown - Your coronation as Macho King awaits


Originally Posted by Fightful
Fans who wanted Big E to finally get the big singles push can partially thank Daniel Bryan.

With Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods sidelined earlier this year, Big E ventured on his own on SmackDown. The singles run led to a feud with Sheamus that culminated in a well-received Falls Count Anywhere match. New Day was split in the 2020 WWE Draft with Kingston and Woods going to Raw while Big E remained on SmackDown.

Speaking to The Gorilla Position, Big E discussed the creative process on SmackDown and how Daniel Bryan went to bat for him.

"With the Sheamus program, we talked about ideas like new music and new presentation for me and we talked about 'when is the right time to play it?' and we never got around to it because I hadn't been in the arena for a few months because a lot of our stuff happened backstage until we had the match. With SmackDown, we don't have as many segments to fill. We're afforded the luxury of being able to do a little more creative stuff. I'm not entirely sure the differences between the Raw and SmackDown creative team, but the nice part is I feel like I have a voice with the SmackDown creative team. We're able to go back and forth with ideas and they're actually listening. Also, I have to give credit to Daniel Bryan. The idea for the solo run was from him. He's the reason. Not just, 'Hey, Big E...' he's actually part of the process and he's the one who said, 'This is what we should do with Big E.' It feels like an environment where I do have a voice and I get to do what I want by any means," he said.

It was reported by the Wrestling Observer earlier this year that Bryan and Edge had significant creative influence and were part of the writing teams for their respective brands.


Originally Posted by Fightful
Lio Rush is coming to UWN Primetime Live.

The promotion announced that Lio will be making his debut for the company on the November 3 episode of Primetime Live. No opponent was given.


Originally Posted by 411Mania
Kylie Rae’s missing out on Bound For Glory was a big headline over this past weekend, and a new report on her status in the company is online. As as has been reported, Rae did not appear at the Bound For Glory taping and Impact promoted her right up until the match, when Su Yung took her place and beat Deonna Purrazzo for the Knockouts Championship.

According to the latest from Fightful Select, there’s no negative on Rae from Impact’s side and the promotion hopes she can return in the future. They kept a lot of storyline open-ended in the tapings that took place this week in case she can make the November 17th through the 20th tapings, but are not pressuring her to do so. As of Tuesday morning, none of the roster that had spoken with Fightful had heard from her.

Rae reportedly did not give an explanation for her absence and just “disappeared.” When contacted after the show, she was said to be “physically fine.”

TPWW Frontpage:

Emperor Smeat 10-29-2020 09:39 PM

The Sheets:


Originally Posted by Observer
The return of Halloween Havoc saw NXT top AEW Dynamite in overall viewers for the first time since July.

Last night's Halloween Havoc episode of NXT averaged 876,000 viewers on the USA Network, up 18.6 percent from last week. Dynamite averaged 781,000 viewers on TNT. That's up 3.7 percent from last week.

Dynamite still won the night in the 18-49 demo with a 0.32 rating, up 6.7 percent from last week. The show finished 12th on cable for the night with no major sports competition, though cable news ratings were way up.

NXT finished in the cable top 50 in the 18-49 demo for the first time in a month. The show averaged a 0.25 rating, up 36 percent from last week and good for 21st on the night. It's one of the best showings NXT has ever had on a head-to-head night against Dynamite.

The combined audience of 1.657 million viewers was the highest on a week where Dynamite and NXT both aired on Wednesday night since February 5. The NXT audience was its highest since November 20 of last year -- and that's with or without head-to-head competition.

The 95,000 viewer advantage for NXT was the show's biggest gap over Dynamite since June 24. It's also the closest NXT has come in 18-49 since that date. NXT's 0.25 rating in 18-49 is the best that it's done on a head-to-head night since December 18 of last year.

Dynamite, as usual, won most of the individual demos, though they were much closer than normal. NXT won people over 50 in a big way with a 0.43 rating to Dynamite's 0.29. NXT also won in males 12-34 with a 0.2 rating as opposed to Dynamite's 0.14.

Dynamite's best category was people 25-54. where it drew a 0.40 rating to NXT's 0.29. Another strong category for Dynamite was men 18-49. It did a 0.38 rating in that category and was the top non-news program on cable.

Compared to the same week last year, Dynamite was up 2.9 percent in overall viewers but down three percent in 18-49. NXT was up 51 percent in overall viewers and up 38.9 percent in 18-49.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
NXT also had an eight-minute overrun with the Io Shirai vs. Candice LeRae main event, which likely helped the overall number ...

In Canada, with all the playoffs over with, AEW was the #1 sports program in the country with 103,500 viewers and 68,200 in the 25-54 demographic on TSN2. They also topped the Toronto FC soccer game, which aired on the other four TSN channels and was more widely available.


Originally Posted by Observer
Driven by their TV contracts, WWE's 2020 third quarter revenue finished at $221.6 million, up 19% from 2019's third quarter -- part of an optimistic call and overall upward trend in numbers.

The company noted the increase was offset by the loss of both ticket and live merchandise sales due to the pandemic. On a similar vein, their ecommerce numbers grew to $9.1 million year-over-year, impressive considering they had 74 live events in the third quarter of 2019 in addition to online in which to sell merchandise.

Operating income was up to $63.4 million, an increase of 9x year-over-year, thanks to the content rights fees increase and a decrease in event-related production expenses. WWE noted they paid out $5.5 million in severance pay due to pandemic related layoffs.

On another positive note, average paid WWE Network subscriptions were up 6% year-over-year to 1.6 million.

The third quarter saw the creation of the ThunderDome structure, which will add "an incremental $22 - $27 million investment" which includes "increased personnel expenses as employees return from furlough" in the fourth quarter ...

Call Notes (audio below):
  • WWE president Nick Khan announced a multi-part Vince McMahon documentary has been sold to Netflix with WWE and Bill Simmons (The Ringer, Andre doc) as executive producers. Khan noted the financial investment will make the series one of Netflix's most expensive on the documentary side. No release date was noted.
  • Khan said they are still exploring options for WWE Network to reach a wider audience, a callback to when McMahon said earlier this year they were exploring options and partners for the Network that were put on hold due to the pandemic. There is interest and they are talking to partners, both domestic and global, on a regular basis about licensing.
  • McMahon answered a question about ratings, saying they aren't the only thing they look at. He said they have far more fans than they have ever had. "WWE ratings are what they are, but you just can't hang a hat on ratings being down," he said. He said that while their TV programming is a mothership, they are being seen on other platforms all the time. He said they are doing everything they can and that viewers have been coming back, pointing to the ThunderDome, better writing, and better execution ...
  • They are still negotiating the long-discussed Middle East TV deal with no timeline for completion. McMahon said it will get done ...
  • On where ThunderDome could be moving to, CFO Kristina Salen said their assumption is they will be in "some kind of center for foreseeable future" into '21 with "lots of places for them to go." She didn't confirm when the Amway deal is up or when they would be leaving.
  • Asked about NXT, Khan put over their ratings from Wednesday and didn't comment on length of the USA deal but that Network subs have held without NXT there.

The most laughable part of the Q&A session was Vince using Youtube to deflect their sagging tv ratings issues. Based on the way Youtube tracks views, its something like 6-8 Youtube views is the equivalent of a single tv viewer in the US but WWE's views for their videos are inflated a lot by certain international markets like India. Its why they make pennies on the dollar with their Youtube content compared to their tv deals.


Originally Posted by PWI
During today's WWE Earnings Call, it was noted by Vince McMahon that Chief Brand Officer Stephanie McMahon now has "increased responsibilities" within the company.

In asking around, we are told that the company's Global Sales and Partnerships now fall under Stephanie's purview, which would include sponsorships and other relationships. John Brody, who was heading that area, is still with the company in the same role, but now reports to McMahon.

McMahon took over these responsibilities in August but her involvement was not publicly announced until today's call.


Originally Posted by Observer
Tickets to this year's AEW Full Gear pay-per-view are set to go on sale this week.

AEW has announced that Full Gear tickets will go on sale to the general public at 10 a.m. Eastern time this Friday (October 30). A pre-sale for AEW season ticket holders began today.

Full Gear is being held at Daily's Place in Jacksonville, Florida on Saturday, November 7 with a limited audience capacity and socially distanced seating chart. This will be the third straight AEW PPV that's been held at Daily's Place due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

AEW began selling limited tickets to live Dynamite episodes at Daily's Place this August. There was also a limited crowd for September's All Out PPV.


Originally Posted by Observer
Renee Paquette, formerly known as WWE's Renee Young, announced a release date for her forthcoming cookbook today.

"Messy In The Kitchen: My Guide to Eating Deliciously, Hosting Fabulously, and Drinking Copiously" will be available on May 18, 2021. It was made available for pre-order today on Amazon.

Link for those interested:


Originally Posted by PWI
TNT will air a special, Road to Full Gear on Friday 11/6 at 11 PM EST.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
On today’s episode of NXT UK on the WWE Network that was headlined by WALTER versus Ilja Dragunov for the NXT UK Championship, it was promoted during the show that 22-year veteran Rampage Brown is joining the WWE and will be a part of the NXT UK brand.

Brown, real name Oliver Biney has been a fixture on the UK wrestling scene. He has held gold in Insane Championship Wrestling, PCW UK, PROGRESS, RevPro, World of Sport, Southside Wrestling and more promotions across Europe.

Per, Brown last wrestled prior to the Coronavirus pandemic for the ‘British Wrestling Revolution’ promotion. Rampage worked with WWE in 2011 and appeared on their ECW brand. He was also a part of Florida Championship Wrestling.

While in WWE, Brown was known as “Monty Lynch” and worked with the likes of Thomas Latimer, Titus O’Neil and Aron Stevens. Rampage was released from WWE in the Summer of 2011.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
This past Tuesday on United Wrestling Network’s Prime Time Live show, Thunder Rosa was defeated by Serena Deeb for the NWA World Women’s Championship. Thunder Rosa reigned as NWA Women’s Champion dating back to January and after dropping the title, there were questions surrounding her status with the National Wrestling Alliance.

NWA owner Billy Corgan responded to a question about Thunder Rosa’s status on his Instagram story and noted that she’s under contract to the organization until 2021. Rosa is preparing for her next MMA bout and while appearing on the Two Man Power Trip of Wrestling podcast to promote her title defense against Serena, she stated that she may be taking time off from wrestling to focus on her fight camp.

Yes, yes, absolutely. I talked to Combate [Americas] and we’re seeing either before they start or when they start, I wanted have one more fight… so I can get my feet wet again, and so I’m more ready for the bigger stage. I probably will have a local fight, by February. That’s what we’re looking at.

Yeah, so that means I might be taking a little bit of time from professional wrestling so I can focus on my fight camp.

Thunder Rosa added to the conversations about herself on social media when posting a video at a gym with “AEW? WWE? NWA?” written on her body.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
wXw in Germany did a thread on social media about their forthcoming events and what’s to come in the future in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. All events up until February 28th have been postponed. Their Catch Grand Prix tournament will continue as it was taped in September. As far as their signature 16 Carat Gold tournament, one of their solutions is to postpone the tournament for six months to a year, change dates and venues or reduce audience numbers. They’ll reevaluate in January. Contact sports in Germany are banned until November, therefore the wXw Academy is closed until late November.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Chris Van Vliet caught up with Chavo Guerrero for an exclusive interview. Chavo told the story of how the “Kerwin White” character came to life and the lengths he was willing to go with the character. Chavo stated that the basis of the character was to be a man of color who wanted to be white but is also mimicking white people. Chavo added that he pitched to come out in a KKK sheet as well.

“There was no conversation. I got off the plane in Japan and it was — I came to RAW, Vince McMahon looks at me and he goes, ‘Well hello Kerwin,’ and I’m like okay, so what’s going on? ‘Well today you’re going to denounce your Hispanic heritage and you’re going to become a white guy, [Vince laugh]’ and I was like alright. I had two options. You either say no and possibly go back on the back burner for a while, or get fired or you say, ‘Alright, let’s do it’ and at the time, the political climate was different and I literally told Vince, I go, I had a meeting with him. I said, ‘If we’re going to do this, let’s do it right.’ I’m supposed to be a brown guy playing a white guy, saying, ‘This is how you white guys are’ and they’re saying no, so the Hispanics hated me because I was denouncing my Mexican heritage. I had the whites because I was kind of making fun of them and they’re like, ‘That’s not how we dress.’ I’m like, ‘Oh yes you do’ and then — I would say, ‘If it’s not white, it’s not right’ and I had Caucasians going, ‘That’s not the way we are.’ I said, ‘That’s exactly how you are’ so, I had everybody hate me and a true heel wants everybody to hate them, and then I told Vince, I go, ‘Look, at the end of the day, I wanna come out in a white sheet’ and he was like, ‘Oh! Oh! Yes. I love it.’ Now of course, we never ended up doing it. It got too risque, a little too racist for a network.

I wanted to [come out in a KKK sheet], absolutely. I wanted to come out — I grew up in the time of wrestling that the more heat, the better. I wanted to fight my way back to the dressing room every night. I wanted to have to sneak out the back window, I wanted to be in the streets and people yell, ‘We hate you’ because that’s heat, that’s what I wanted. I didn’t want them going, ‘Hey, it’s Chavo. Hey, what’s up?’ I want them to look at me and go, ‘God, we hate you’ and still to this day, and I was a heel. That’s what you have to do as a heel.”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Scorpio Sky was the most recent guest on Colt Cabana’s Art of Wrestling podcast. Sky recalled doing extra work in WWE along with The Young Bucks and when John Bradshaw Layfield saw them in the locker room, he shook his head and yelled “TNA” because of their respective sizes.

“I remember sitting in a dressing room one time and it was me and The Young Bucks and one other guy, and obviously we’re four smaller guys and JBL walks past the dressing room, he looks in, he shakes his head and he keeps walking and you hear him go, ‘TNA! TNA! TNA!’ Because obviously we’re small guys so, it’s like TNA and so…”


Originally Posted by Fightful
Multiple WWE superstars are suspending their Twitch streams for the time being.

AJ Styles took to his Discord server and posted that he will be suspending his Twitch channel as WWE is making changes regarding streaming. He said that they will "see what the future holds" but that it isn't goodbye. He reiterated that it isn't the end of the stream, just a pause.

Mia Yim took to her social media and announced she is also suspending her Twitch stream for the time being.

During his livestream on Thursday, Cesaro signed off by saying that he doesn't know when he'll stream again and he'll likely find out more news when the rest of us do.


Originally Posted by Fightful
This week’s RAW show saw The Hurt Business defeat RETRIBUTION in an eight-man Elimination Match. One odd moment came during the match when Reckoning (Mia Yim) provided a distraction by dropping down and causing a scene, which looked like some sort of seizure.

In an update, Fightful Select reports that Vince McMahon initially wanted Reckoning to mimic a seizure during the spot, but she, and others, spoke up and said the method originally pitched was not in good taste. Vince reportedly liked the spot as it played out, as more of a “possession,” outside of Reckoning being referred to on commentary by her real name.

As someone who has suffered from multiple seizures in the past, Vince can go fuck himself with that shit idea he had. Even the changed idea was still very stupid to begin with since it didn't even lead to any real benefit for Retribution since they quickly lost the man advantage and match itself afterwards.


Originally Posted by Fightful
The MLW Restart is upon us.

Major League Wrestling announced that the restart will get underway on Wednesday, November 18. MLW has taken back control from CONTRA and set to begin running events again. MLW taped multiple episodes of television earlier this month from GILT Nightclub in Orlando, FL.

MLW previously aired events Saturday on beIN Sports, but moved to Wednesday nights when they moved to the fubo Sports Network. New episodes will air at 7 p.m. ET with a replay airing at 10 p.m. ET.


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Xia Li had an amateur kickboxing fight, and she didn’t tell WWE about it. They had to read about it online.

According to Fightful Select, WWE didn’t learn about Xia Li’s fight until everyone else. It came out during an interview with the event’s promoter.

WWE pulled her from an event, and that upset her. Everyone understood why WWE pulled her from the show, but she didn’t understand. She thought that “WWE wasn’t giving her respect.”

Several people also said that Xia Li has “grown frustrated from not being used much on NXT TV after years with the company.” She went right to Triple H to let him know what was wrong.

She expressed her feelings to Triple H, and it’s uncertain how the conversation went, but Triple H “appreciated the initiative.” Xia Li was also “adamant” she could “hold her own” if given an opportunity in NXT.

TPWW Frontpage:

Emperor Smeat 10-30-2020 03:03 PM

The Sheets (Observer Newsletter Edition):


Vince McMahon expressed a sense of optimism with his two most recent hires, President and Chief Revenue Officer Nick Khan and Chief Financial Officer Kristina Salen, when opening an earnings call on 10/29 talking about the most complex time in the company’s history.

The entire media landscape is filled with uncertainty. The biggest challenge is the changing role of television and the move to streaming content. While McMahon pushed the idea that more people than ever before are watching WWE, actual product popularity is still based on getting people interested in the product, whether that be from a big show perspective or regular viewing perspective.

Television ratings are down. In a sense, they are down less than many sports that returned to play of late, and more than others. They are down more than television in general. There are more ways to watch the content than ever before, but WWE’s revenue is more based on television, in decline both in priorities to the large conglomerates and in viewing.

At the same time, new streaming services are opening up. WWE can manipulate numbers, as all companies do, using essentially worthless stats that have proven over the years to not make a difference in popularity. Social media numbers always increase, but when it’s not related to an increase in consumer spending, it’s pretty much proven the value is limited.

WWE has had bright spots in a COVID world. Merchandise spending is roughly the same as before, even with no live events. Licensing is up, such as gaming. The Thunderdome has led to a six percent gain from where Raw bottomed out at and a 12 percent gain from where Smackdown bottomed out at, even with much tougher competition ...

In particular, Khan noted that talks are back on to sell network content to streaming providers, similar to what UFC did with ESPN+ ... Khan said that everything on the network is for sale, aside from the network itself. He said both domestic and worldwide streaming services are looking for new subscribers and he said that they have content than can do it ...

For the third quarter of 2020, the company had $221,595,000 in revenue and $48,485,000 in profits. Last year’s third quarter, prior to the new domestic television deals going into place, had $186,383,000 in revenue and $5,862,000 in profits. Virtually all due to television, revenues were up 18.9 percent and profits were up 727.1 percent.

The new TV deals pretty much saved the company from what would have otherwise been a disastrous financial period due to COVID, that has been the case for every sports and entertainment property that isn’t carried by television rights ...

They also said that almost all the employees furloughed, which were about 25 percent of the company’s head count, will be brought back by the end of the year ...

Revenues, which are not hard to figure due to most being fixed costs from television rights, and network numbers that only have a slight variation, were almost identical to expectations. But analysts were predicting profits generally from $30.7 million to $34.9 million for the quarter.

Total expenses for the quarter went from $179.9 million last year to $158.2 million this year. Much of the decline would have been not doing house shows and from the furloughs and talent cuts.

Salen did note that the fourth quarter would not look as good, because television production expenses will be up $22 million to $27 million which is partially from the move to the Thunderdome technology and people returning to work. She said quarter four would be less profitable than quarter four last year due to no second Saudi Arabian show this year ...

When analyst Curry Baker asked about the ratings still being well below last year and what that means for the next negotiations, Vince McMahon and Khan pushed that the total audience that watches WWE is larger than ever before. There are ways to manipulate numbers with all the YouTube views and say that, but the fan base that cares simply isn’t close to as large. Anyone who lives in the real world can tell you that just from friends, kids, or whatever. Pro wrestling has its fan base, but it is not mainstream not in the social conscience. It’s huge with its fans but in the real world, it is not even close to water cooler talk. That said, in a fragmented TV and streaming world, it is a very valuable property that has a consistent fan base.

The reality is that with a free tier, only 2.4 million people in the world logged into the WWE network over the three months of July, August and September, two-thirds or more pay for the service, that tells you it has its fans but few casual fans who care enough to check out anything for free on a product heavily advertised on television.

Vince said that they were doing everything they can to bring back television viewers, noting the Thunderdome has brought back fans, and the key is better writing, better execution and more talent that registers with the fans ...

Regarding moving out of the Amway Center, Khan said they expect usage of the Thunderdome well into 2021, but said there are many arenas that they can move into when they have to move out of Orlando which looks to be sometime in December.

When asked about the value of NXT on television and how it has affected the network, Khan noted that network subscribers are up from the same period last year when NXT was a network exclusive. So more people than ever are watching due to television and it hasn’t seemed to hurt subscriber numbers at all.

Regarding the WWE Network, Khan noted 2.4 million viewers in total for the quarter. That number would include the free tier. It’s had to ascertain how many people actually watch the free tier. There were 1,690,000 worldwide subscribers on 6/30 and 1,549,000 on 9/30. But there are people who signed up and far more than 141,000 who canceled during the quarter. If we take a rough guess that 1.85 million different people subscribed, that would indicate about 550,000 non-subscribers use the free tier.

The addition of the free tier in quarter two led to a huge increase in subscribers. That number is still up over last year because of the big second quarter increase, when it had been declining before adding the free tier and with them allowing people the free month. But that gain was less and the declines were slightly higher than expected, with the 141,000 decline during the quarter slightly ahead of 131,000 for the same period last year ...

During quarter four the prior two years, the subscriber numbers dropped 87,000 in 2018 and 77,000 in 2019, so that would indicate about 1,462,000 to 1,472,000 at the end of this year, when it should start the ascent for the Royal Rumble through WrestleMania.

In quarter three, and this was mostly pre-Thunderdome, Raw declined from an average of 2,489,000 viewers per show to 1,766,000, a drop of 29.0 percent. WWE listed a decline of 32 percent during that period of the USA Network, from 1,069,000 in prime time to 725,000. But that needs to be clarified because that includes the loss of Smackdown. If you factor out both Raw and Smackdown last year, the non-wrestling USA Network averaged 678,000 viewers in prime time last year in quarter three. This year that dropped to 552,000, although if you take out NXT you are down to 543,000, so the non-wrestling drop at USA was 19.9 percent, or less than Raw. But this shows just how much USA is reliant on Raw to be anything but an also-ran station when for years they were No. 1 and would have stayed No. 1 even if they had lost Raw.

Overall cable viewership was up four percent during the year, even with sports gone, because of the huge growth in news channels.

Smackdown last year averaged 2,069,000 viewers on USA and this year averaged 2,022,000 on FOX during the third quarter. That’s a disaster since most programming comes close to doubling in moving from cable to network. FOX was down 33 percent and the networks in general were down 24 percent, but that’s a combination of no sports and very little in the way of first run shows due to lack of filming during the pandemic ...

The combined WWE Network and traditional PPV revenue increased from $44,199,000 to $47,767,000, or an 8.1 percent increase. Actual subscribers were up from 1,511,000 to 1,604,000 for an average day during the month, but with price changes in different places the 6.2 percent increase led to an eight percent revenue increase.

Last year on 9/30, the WWE Network had 1,062,100 U.S. subscribers and 403,300 outside the U.S. On 6/30, the numbers were 1,229,000 in the U.S. and 461,000 outside the U.S. This year on 9/30 the number was 1,136,400 in the U.S. and 412,200 outside the U.S. Last year’s third quarter decline was 105,000 in the U.S. and 26,000 outside the U.S. This year’s decline was 92,600 in the U.S. and 48,800 outside the U.S. so the number of cancellations being up was from outside the U.S. and in the U.S. it was actually less ...

The remarkable stat is that last year in the quarter, the company sold $5,624,000 in merchandise on-line and $3,487,000 at arenas for $9,111,000. This year they sold no merchandise at arenas but $9,114,000 on-line, so essentially we’ve learned that people who want to buy merchandise at arenas instead simply bought on-line as the numbers were identical. So the argument for doing house shows to sell merchandise is, almost astonishingly, it really leads to little increase and you save costs of transportation, because the fan base that was buying at arenas spent the money online rather than didn’t spend.

A major part of this year’s merchandise numbers were the release of expensive replica title belts. Last year in the quarter the company averaged 1,269 orders per day at a $46.09 average price per sale. This year it was 1,684 orders per sale at a $59.10 average price per sale

Originally Posted by Observer Newsletter
The one major issue right now with Smackdown is the lack of top babyfaces to challenge Roman Reigns. They were fortunate that even though Jey Uso had never been pushed as a top face, the family storyline with Roman Reigns was a unique story and they were able to get two PPV shows out of it.

But from there, where do they go? It’s early for Big E.

We’re told there are no immediate plans a hotshot John Cena or Bill Goldberg match right now, which can always be used as a Reigns opponent. With Goldberg, there is even a storyline since it was to be at WrestleMania before Reigns went home, and was to be a major win in Reigns’ career that hasn’t happened yet. But aside from that, Bryan is the best bit in the sense he’s someone Reigns can have a great match with, has the star tenure and can cut the promos to tell a story to build it. But with such a nothing return, Bryan was brought back seemingly as a midcard face in the crowd on the No. 2 babyface tag team on the brand.

Who else does Reigns have? Owens can work and talk and there’s Rey Mysterio, but Bryan if he was correctly pushed right now should be more effective as a title challenger than they are. Lars Sullivan is getting the monster push and you can do a heel vs. heel program at some point, but that shouldn’t be for months. The point being is they need to create two or three key babyfaces that are groomed for Reigns, and Bryan is the strongest potentially of all of them for right now, and his return was handled in a way to make him come across the least special.

This was in regards to the section about Daniel Bryan's return and him talking after SD about his current run being his last as an active wrestler.


The 10/25 Hell in a Cell show was built around three Cell matches with two title changes, as Randy Orton beat Drew McIntyre to win the WWE title and Sasha Banks beat Bayley to win the Smackdown women’s title ...

Roman Reigns’ Universal title win over Jey Uso was a very slow paced storytelling I Quit match with lots of talking. The nature of the storyline meant there wouldn’t be a clean finish, so they did a deal where Jimmy Uso was in the cage and Reigns put him in a guillotine and was going to choke him out, so Jey said “I Quit” to save him.

After the match ended, Afa & Sika came out and declared Reigns the tribal chief. Reigns pushing himself as the head of the family and the guy who takes care of the family leads to a natural storyline with Dwayne Johnson. There is no word that is official but it would make sense if the cards fell into place, regarding Johnson’s schedule, fans being back at shows and Johnson wanting a memorable true final match.

It [Hell in a Cell] is the next to last PPV from this run at the Amway Center in Orlando. The final show, at least as of right now, is Survivor Series on 11/22. It is billed as the only night of the year when wrestlers from Raw and Smackdown face off against each other. Well, except they’ve done that on most of the television shows in recent weeks.

If there is significant news, it is that there will be no NXT involvement in the show, with NXT instead building to a 12/6 Takeover show. Given that the NXT involvement both made the show last year, and also led to increased ratings on all three shows in November with the buildup, the decision on paper looks hard to understand.

There are really only two explanations. One is Vince McMahon’s wanting to keep the brands separate as much as possible to prevent the potential of COVID spreading. That is the reason they stopped taping 205 Live on Friday night’s, to keep NXT talent away from the Smackdown talent and risk a two brand infection. WWE PPV shows can always risk that, but every WWE breakout to date has started at the Performance Center.

The other is simply a mentality to not portray NXT as a major brand on the level of Raw and Smackdown. That coincides with no NXT talent involved in the recent draft. It’s one thing if a minor WWE product loses weekly to a competitor, and a very different story if a major WWE brand does.

Survivor Series will be built around non-title matches featuring the respective champions against each other and brand vs. brand traditional Survivor Series matches, one with men and the other with women.

Orton’s title win, clean with an RKO, was really the big story of the show. It’s been known for some time that the WrestleMania plan is Orton vs. Edge, originally an I Quit match although with an I Quit match on this show, perhaps the stipulation will change. Having it be for the title was always discussed and at one point was the plan. But others felt McIntyre should be campion and an Orton-Edge match doesn’t need the title. McIntyre has also been discussed for a major match with boxing world heavyweight champion Tyson Fury, which both have pushed in social media. We were told this week that Fury has not committed to a date for that. With Saudi Arabia not announced for later this year yet, due to COVID, that would have been the most likely place for such a bout.

AAA held a press conference on 10/26 to announce TripleMania. They announced the top matches but didn’t announce when.

They said they would like to do a show in December at Arena Ciudad in Mexico City. AAA has also said that with the way it’s business is structured, it makes no economic sense to do TripleMania without a live gate. You can never predict the future, but with the current numbers, fans are not allowed at pro wrestling shows in Mexico City. While not announced, the hoped for date talent has been told is 12/5, but the show won’t happen until fans are cleared to attend. To have the show make sense, the feeling is they need to be able to run with at least 6,500 fans.

Kenny Omega vs. Laredo Kid for the Mega heavyweight championship was announced. Also announced was Pagano vs. Chessman in a hair vs. hair match, and with a cross-promotion with Marvel, they are going to introduce young high flyers and put them under masks as Aracno (Spider-man) & Leyenda Americana (Captain America) vs. Terror Purpuro (Thanos) & Venemoide (Venum) ...

The four Marvel characters as well as two others is part of a deal with AAA and the Latin American branch of Marvel. It is the first of what, if all goes well, will be a larger group of new masked wrestlers playing Marvel characters. This deal has been close to happening for months and the idea was to debut them this past summer, but the pandemic delayed everything.

Marvel reps will be at the show. While the identity of the wrestlers playing the Marvel characters is being kept secret, they are all well-known talent. There will be AAA stars getting new names, and several others will be American stars, including four who either are of have recently been under contract to U.S. promotions.

Marvel is even considering if this works at doing a Marvel Wrestling League.

Also announced is La Parka going into the AAA Hall of Fame.

New Japan ended up profitable for the 2019-2010 fiscal year that ends on 7/31, with roughly $2 million in profits. The company was on verge of setting its record in January after the two successful Tokyo Dome shows. The company operated in the red from when it shut down events in February and likely still is given the huge declines in live attendance by playing at 30 to 40 percent capacity

Takami Ohbari took over this week as President of New Japan. He did media and some say he made a misstep because he was critical of Harold Meij, who certainly had his detractors within wrestling and the office but was popular with the New Japan fan base. In an interview with Tokyo Sports, Ohbari said that Meij was very skilled in fan services (dealing with fans) and described himself as like a setter in volleyball (Ohbari when he was younger was a high-level volleyball player) said the job of the setter is to make the rest of the team look good. He said that he wanted to be seen like a stagehand, a guy that public doesn’t know about or talk about and that the spotlight should be on the in-ring talent

The participants in the Best of the Super Juniors tournament will be announced on 11/2, some 13 days before the tournament starts. The tag league and Super Juniors tour from 11/15 to 12/11 will have every show airing live on New Japan World. The shows will air in Japanese live. Power Struggle will air live from Osaka in English as well. Most likely the 12/11 tag tourney and super juniors finals will also air live in English but that’s not 100 percent

Dynamite will be live every week in November except 11/18, which will be taped on 11/12. All talent will be brought into Jacksonville from 11/4 to 11/12 to do two live Dynamites, one taped Dynamite and the PPV show

Serena Deeb’s win of the NWA women’s title from Thunder Rosa on the 10/27 UWN PPV show was notable for a number of reasons. People were raving about the match saying it was a **** bout. There is interest in both WWE and AEW in her, but she has a significant period of time left on her NWA deal. William Corgan said “into 2021" when commenting. With Deeb, who is under an AEW contract, the title will get national exposure on AEW television. Right now Rosa is still expected to work future AEW dates being booked through Corgan and the NWA. She wouldn’t have to lose the title to work for AEW due to the Corgan/Khan relationship and it’s notable Corgan would put the title on someone under contract to a different company. And he would not have to take it off Rosa, who had gotten over on AEW shows, and was pushed as one of his signature stars, for Rosa to work for AEW. There was also talk that she dropped the title because she is going into training for another fight with Combate Americas and that MMA would be her focus until her contract expires, even doing a couple of fights this next year, which is why the decision was made a ways back for her to drop the title

There was talk over the weekend of moving out of Orlando in December. The contract with the arena right now ends on 11/24, which would be the day after the Raw after Survivor Series. According to WWE officials, that date is fluid and it could be extended and there is no hard out date at the moment. The key issue is if the NBA starts running in home arenas they won’t be able to base there, or at any NBA arena. They are looking right now to have a base arena as opposed to touring as in the past. I think performing in front of live fans would be a priority but I can’t imagine it would be a good idea to do anything but a limited capacity show until there is a vaccine. WrestleVotes noted that WWE was looking at arenas in Illinois, North Carolina and Texas. Another source said they didn’t know anything more definitive than Vince McMahon and Kevin Dunn are looking at different plans. Really this is an issue with so many moving parts, but also decisions that have to be prioritized. They can always go to the Performance Center for a week or two if things don’t work out, but there are major arenas who don’t have teams who, like Amway, would probably offer WWE a sweetheart deal to have them as a full-time tenant. The key would be a major arena that can house all the equipment, but also can’t be an arena that has an NBA or NHL franchise unless the next season for both sports will not be playing in home arenas. WWE officials have said they are currently exploring their options when they leave the Amway Center. Right now the NBA is looking at a 12/22 start and that teams would play in their home arenas and no longer do the bubble, although maybe with no fans. If that’s the case than WWE would have to be out of the Amway Center before that date. The NHL is looking at a 1/1 start. But nothing in the world is certain

There was another COVID outbreak at the Performance Center this past week. The story appears to be that one of the coaches tested positive who was coaching on 10/23, and that everyone who was being coached and around him was told to quarantine for two weeks. There were apparently other positives but they were mostly people new to the system that were around him and nobody that appeared on NXT television. We were told the show was being rewritten but when watching the Halloween Havoc show, all matches went on as scheduled and the only change we know of was that Indi Hartwell was supposed to interfere in the Io Shirai vs. Candice LeRae match. Instead they had someone run in wearing a grim reaper/Scream mask and who never unmasked, who presumably will later be revealed as Hartwell but wasn’t her
Assuming the coach was the actual main source of the outbreak, that would be the second time in a row that has happened at the Performance Center since the last outbreak happened by a coach who was infected but told nobody and then it spread to AEW via a joint party held with NXT talent.


The most-watched shows on the WWE Network this past week were: 1. Hell in a Cell; 2. WWE Untold: The Phenom and the Legend Killer (Undertaker vs. Orton); 3. Uncool with Alexa Bliss interviews Drake Maverick; 4. WWE Chronicle: Bayley; 5. Best of Halloween Havoc; 6. Hell in a Cell kickoff show; 7. Undertaker’s Last Ride episode one; 8. Lilian Garcia’s Chasing Glory with Strowman; 9. Undertaker’s Last Ride Final Tales; 10. Clash of Champions. Raw Talk was No. 13. Talking Smack was on TV so didn’t chart. NXT from 10/21 was only No. 24 while NXT U.K. and 205 Live didn’t crack the top 25. No independent stuff made the top 25 either. There is a real shift in viewing to nostalgia and podcasts and away from current wrestling aside from the PPV shows being the biggest draw and driver
WWE Ratings, AEW vs. NXT Ratings:


Raw on 10/26 did 1,732,000 viewers and 0.51 (657,000 viewers) in 18-49, numbers down 2.5 percent and 1.9 percent from last week.

The last two weeks were up because of the draft and the first week after the draft. This show was helped coming a day after a Hell in a Cell show where they switched the WWE title. It had a good first hour, but it had a big third hour decline due to not having a main event.

The main event segment being pushed was A Touch of Bliss with Randy Orton as the guest, but they did tease the whole show that both Drew McIntyre and The Fiend would be coming out. The other items pushed saved for hour three were the announcement of the Raw women’s team at Survivor Series and Sheamus vs. Matt Riddle.

The drops were mostly 50+ and 18-34, but the bright spot was teenage girls which were up 66 percent from last week, but that coincided with a 35 percent drop in teenage boys.

Raw did 85,000 in men 18-34 (down 32.0 percent from last week), 81,000 in women 18-34 (down 8.0 percent), 329,000 in men 35-49 (up 20.1 percent) and 162,000 in women 35-49 (down 11.5 percent).

Raw beat everything on cable except news shows and NFL-related programming in viewers and most key demos. In 18-49, hour three of Raw beat everything on television except the NFL game on ESPN and The Weakest Link on NBC (and would have beaten that in a fair comparison).

The first hour did 1,859,000 viewers. The second hour did 1,752,000 viewers. The third hour did 1,585,000 viewers.

The one Smackdown a year against the World Series and airing on FS 1 on 10/23 did 881,000 viewers (1.37 viewers per home) and did a 0.25 (322,000 viewers) in 18-49.

In a sense the numbers are good if you compare them for last year against the World Series, which did 888,000 viewers and a 0.27, because the weekly Smackdown show on FOX was down 12.2 percent in viewers and 20.0 percent in 18-49 as compared to a year ago, which was unusually low, while the week before was a more normal 24.3 percent overall and 32.2 percent in 18-49 drop. So you would figure a much larger drop as compared to one year ago, particularly with the higher political numbers.

For a comparison, the World Series game last year on the same Friday did 12,220,000 viewers and a 2.8 in 18-49, while this year dropped to 8,156,000 viewers and 2.0 in 18-49. The World Series was down 33.3 percent in viewers, 28.6 percent in 18-49 and 21.1 percent in 18-34.

Smackdown from a year ago was down 0.8 percent in viewers, 7.4 percent in 18-49 and 7.1 percent in 18-34. So the year-to-year-decline was far less than any Raw or Smackdown episode probably of the entire year.

The viewers basically holding steady was because of a substantial year-to-year increase in over 50 viewing. Perhaps it’s because the World Series didn’t hurt as much, but the news channels are way up from a year ago ...

In looking at the demos as compared to one year ago, the show did a .10 in 12-17 (down 20.0 percent), 0.13 in 18-34 (down 7.1 percent), 0.37 in 35-49 (down 7.5 percent) and 0.44 in 50+ (up 12.8 percent).

Talking Smack, which aired for the first time on FS 1 immediately following the show, did 343,000 viewers and a 0.10 in 18-49, which is likely far better than anything else would have done following Smackdown in that time slot.

NXT’s Halloween Havoc theme was a huge success, including being the most-watched non-news show on cable in Males 12-34. It beat AEW in total viewers and beat Smackdown in the 18-49 demo and nearly beat Smackdown overall, and Smackdown had no wrestling competition.

AEW’s show ... did 781,000 viewers and a 0.32 (411,000) in 18-49. It was No. 12 overall for the night in 18-49 ...

AEW did beat NXT in males 18-34, but NXT had a huge edge with male teenagers.

Halloween Havoc did 876,000 viewers and a 0.25 (326,000 viewers) in 18-49 and No 21 on the charts. Without the overrun it would have been 870,000 and 324,000. It had huge increases across the board from normal NXT programming ...

AEW was up 3.7 percent from last week, but this week wasn’t against major sports competition, but much tougher wrestling competition. In 18-49 it was up 5.7 percent from last week.

NXT was up 34.6 percent from last week for the Halloween Havoc show ... It was up 53.2 percent in 18-49.

A key is that in 18-49, both AEW and NXT with competition, beat Smackdown with no wrestling competition, although Smackdown did go against the World Series and was on an unfamiliar station. But it was also a cable-to-cable comparison. Raw clearly was the No. 1 show of the week, but Wednesday was wrestling night this week, with 128,000 in men 18-34 to 85,000 on Monday, 111,000 women 18-49 compared to 81,000 on Monday, 326,000 men 35-49 to 329,000 for Monday, and 192,000 women 35-49 to 162,000 on Monday.

Aside from Raw, AEW was tops for the week in all four key demos. In men 18-34, AEW had 66,000 (up 37.5 percent from last week), NXT had 62,000 (up 158.3 percent from last week) and Smackdown had 55,000. In women 18-34, AEW had 71,000 (up 24.6 percent from last week), NXT had 40,000 (up 33.3 pecent) and Smackdown had 36,000. In men 35-49, AEW had 178,000 (down 12.3 percent), NXT had 148,000 (up 51.0 percent) and Smackdown had 174,000. In women 35-49, AEW had 116,000 (up 43.2 percent), NXT had 76,000 (up 43.4 percent) and Smackdown had 57,000.

As compared to the same week last year, and keep in mind last year went against the World Series, AEW was up 2.9 percent in viewers, down 3.0 percent in 18-49 and up 5.3 percent in 18-34.

NXT on the other hand was up 51.0 percent in viewers from last year, 38.9 percent in 18-49 and but was exactly the same in 18-34. So NXT’s big increase over last year was older viewers although also strong in 35-49.

In the head-to-head main event, Io Shirai vs. Candice LeRae TLC match for the women’s title did 844,000 viewers and 321,000 in 18-49 to Kenny Omega vs. Penta’s 748,000 viewers and 411,000 in 18-49. When AEW went off the air USA Network for the last eight minutes grew to 967,000 viewers and 349,000 in 18-49.

In all, AEW won all eight quarters in 18-49, with the second quarter close, and in fact, won every quarter in both 18-34 and 35-49. NXT won seven of the eight quarters with total viewers, losing only the fourth quarter.

In the first quarter, AEW with Page vs. Wardlow did 818,000 viewers and 413,000 in 18-49. NXT with Johnny Gargano vs. Damien Priest for the North American title falls count anywhere did 922,000 viewers and 337,000 in 18-49.

In the second quarter, AEW with a Jon Moxley interview, an Eddie Kingston interview and Kingston vs. Matt Sydal did 726,000 viewers and 374,000 in 18-49. NXT with the second half of Gargano vs. Priest did 957,000 viewers and 340,000 in 18-49. This was NXT’s 18-49 peak.

In the third quarter, AEW with the Young Bucks/FTR segment and the beginning of the MJF/Inner Circle Town Hall did 753,000 viewers and 420,000 in 18-49. NXT had William Regal with Cameron Grimes, the Pat McAfee, Oney Lorcan, Danny Burch, Kyle O’Reilly and Pete Dunne segment and Grimes meeting Michael Hayes and did 892,000 viewers and 334,000 in 18-49. This was NXT’s 35-49 peak.

In the fourth quarter, AEW had the bulk of the MJF/Inner Chicle segment that did 867,000 viewers and 466,000, with was the high point in every key demo. NXT had Santos Escobar vs. Jake Atlas for the cruiserweight title and did 780,000 viewers and 290,000 in 18-49.

In the fifth quarter, AEW had Cody vs. Orange Cassidy in a lumberjack match for the TNT title and did 830,000 viewers and 437,000 in 18-49. This tied the Town Hall meeting for the peak in 18-34 of the night. NXT had the haunted house version of Dexter Lumis vs. Cameron Grimes and the beginning of Rhea Ripley vs. Raquel Gonzalez and did 850,000 viewers and 324,000 in 18-49.

In the sixth quarter, AEW had the Best Friends angle with Miro & Kip Sabian along with Serena Deeb vs. Leyla Hirsch for the NWA women’s title and did 744,000 viewers and 378,000 in 18-49. NXT had the bulk of the Ripley vs. Gonzalez match which did 901,000 viewers and 337,000 in 18-49. This was NXT’s 18-34 peak.

In the seventh quarter, AEW had Shawn Spears vs. VSK and the beginning of Omega vs. Penta and did 766,000 viewers and 393,000 in 18-49. NXT had the remainder of the Grimes-Lumis and a Tommaso Ciampa promo and did 812,000 viewers and 310,000 in 18-49.

In the eighth quarter, Omega vs Penta lost 18,000 viewers and gained 18,000 in 18-49. Shirai vs. LeRae gained 32,000 viewers and 11,000 in 18-49.

AEW did a 0.10 in 12-17 (same as last week), 0.20 in 18-34 (up 30.5 percent), 0.44 in 35-49 (up 3.5 percent) and 0.29 in 50+ (up 3.6 percent) ...

NXT did a 0.16 in 12-17 (way ahead of AEW and Smackdown), 0.15 in 18-34 (up 88.9 percent), 0.35 in 35-49 (up 48.3 percent) and 0.43 in 50+ (last weeks’ number was not available.

Emperor Smeat 11-03-2020 09:29 PM

The Sheets:


Originally Posted by Observer
Raw last night, going against a strong NFL number and with no notable thing that would increase the ratings, did its worst number of the ThunderDome era last night with 1.66 million viewers and an 0.48 in 18-49.

Both would rank among the lowest numbers in show history ...

Last night's Raw tied the fourth lowest 18-49 number in show history.

The decrease came days after SmackDown had its best numbers in 18-49 since March. The key was hour three, which was down 18 percent from the first hour, the biggest drop in a long time and led to the third hour being the least-watched hour in the history of the show.

The show was down four percent in viewers and six percent in 18-49 from last week. It ranked ninth for the night in 18-49 and 39th overall. However, Raw remained the number one entertainment show on cable television last night both overall and in 18-49. It was behind three-NFL related shows and six news shows in 18-49. Of the top 40 shows in 18-49, aside from ESPN, there was only Raw, Below Deck on Bravo, The Holiday Baking Championship on The Food Network, and two shows on TLC. ...

Another aspect of the drop was the Tampa Bay Bucs being a marquee team as their game with the New York Giants did 11.70 million viewers.

As far as the first-to-third hour drops, women 18-49 fell nine percent, men 18-49 fell 17 percent, teenage girls fell 29 percent, teenage boys fell one percent, and over 50 fell 19 percent.

As compared to last year, when the same week's Raw did what was at the time the fourth lowest watched non-holiday episode in history, this year was down 22 percent in viewers, 37 percent in 18-49, and 44 percent in 18-34.

The three hours were
  • 8 p.m. 1.77 million viewers
  • 9 p.m. 1.75 million viewers
  • 10 p.m. 1.46 million viewers


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Of the modern era data available, the previous record low viewership for an hour of RAW was 1,463,000 viewers in hour three of the July 27th episode this past summer, according to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter.


Originally Posted by Observer
Anthony Bowens and Max Caster have signed with AEW.

AEW President Tony Khan confirmed today via an interview with PWInsider that Bowens and Caster have signed, and will be going forward as a team under the name The Acclaimed.

PWInsider also reported that Bowens had WWE interest prior to signing with AEW.

Bowens and Caster have appeared on AEW Dark in recent months, with Bowens previously teaming with Lee Moriarity and Caster losing to Shawn Spears in a singles back back in June. The two teamed together on the October 27 edition of AEW Dark, losing to Best Friends.


Originally Posted by WrestleTalk
Some more news has come to light regarding new AEW signing Anthony Bowens who has signed with the promotion along with Max Caster.

Fightful Select reports that there was interest from WWE in signing Bowens before spring 2019 but the company just hadn’t gotten back to him about it.

It was noted that coaches and staff in WWE were “puzzled” and said that he should have been signed by the company.

The new contract with AEW was said to have been signed before the start of this month. WWE has been reaching out to a number of talents that have wrestled on AEW Dark, and has signed Ben Carter for NXT UK.


Originally Posted by Observer
A new stipulation has been added to the Zack Sabre Jr./Toru Yano match at King of Pro Wrestling.

Yano and Sabre will battle in a No Corner Pad match. Yano frequently uses the turnbuckles to his advantage during his matches, undoing them to expose the metal within the corners. This will be for the provisional King of Pro Wrestling title, a championship that is decided via stipulation matches.

An angle ran on the Road to Power Struggle event that aired on November 2. Yano, who was on commentary for the IWGP Tag Team title match that took place, entered the ring after Sabre and Taichi successfully defended the titles against YOSHI-HASHI and Hirooki Goto. Yano removed all of the turnbuckles and cut a promo saying that Sabre pisses him off because he always puts the turnbuckles back on after he takes them off. He then announced the stipulation for the match.

The show ended with Sabre sending Yano into an exposed turnbuckle, causing Yano to go backstage and complain loudly.

The provisional KOPW title match will open Power Struggle, which takes place on November 7.


Originally Posted by Observer
ACH is the latest name announced for the MLW "Restart."

From the tone of the Tuesday announcement, he will be part of the Opera Cup tournament which MLW announced will be happening this year. He joins Davey Boy Smith Jr., Laredo Kid, Lio Rush, and Shawn Daivari as those either announced or known to be part of their late-October set of tapings in Orlando, Florida.

After his very public issues with WWE that resulted in his release, ACH worked a December 2019 tag team match for MLW, teaming with King Mo against Jordan Oliver and Kotto Brazil. He also worked frequently for MLW in 2018 after their relaunch.

He has kept a busy schedule since July, working around the country and making appearances for GCW, NJPW Strong, and other indies.

New episodes of MLW Fusion debut on Wednesday, November 18th, their first fresh content since a March set of tapings in Mexico.


Originally Posted by Observer
Former NWA Women's Champion Allysin Kay is now a free agent.

Kay announced overnight that she's now a free agent and available for indie bookings and appearances. Kay thanked the NWA for the opportunities she was given.

"As of today, I am officially a free agent," Kay wrote. "Thank you to the NWA for the opportunities, which included one of my favorite matches of my career. I am open for indy bookings & appearances. Let’s get weird. AK"


Originally Posted by PWI
Since we have received a few emails about this following last night's Raw, Bray Wyatt and Alexa Bliss are both officially babyfaces on the Raw roster.

Wyatt had considered been a babyface on the Smackdown roster but given the nature of The Fiend character, obviously he's not a babyface in the traditional sense.

With the addition of Bliss at Wyatt's side, playing roles similar to DC Comics' The Joker and Harley Quinn, the question as to where they stand came up again overnight. Internally, they are considered babyfaces by the company.


Originally Posted by PWI
WWE filed for a trademark on the term "Chigona Bomb" on 10/29.

There is no clarity for how the term would be used by WWE at this point.

The trademark filing is for goods and services, noting, "Wrestling exhibitions and performances by a professional wrestler and entertainer rendered live and through broadcast media including television and radio, and via the internet or commercial online service; providing wrestling news and information via a global computer network; providing information in the fields of sports via an online community portal."


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Last week, NWA President Billy Corgan clarified that former NWA Women’s World Champion Thunder Rosa is under contract through 2021. While appearing on Busted Open Radio, Rosa weighed her options and stated that she’d like to be in a company where she can continue her outside projects such as Mission Pro Wrestling ...

Rosa also spoke about the dynamic between herself and Ivelisse. Rosa first clarified that there is no issue with Ivelisse from her side and says she’ll always handle her in-ring work with professionalism.

“Well you know, I never had any issues with her [Ivelisse]. I’m just gonna put it out there, never had any issues with her. I worked with her in Lucha Underground, I worked with her in other promotions and I mean, I thought the match was going well and then you guys saw what you saw. We made it work, we finished, nobody got hurt and that to me, that’s the most important part. I am not gonna — like you said, you gotta make it work and that’s what I attempted to do and even to the finish, I made sure my opponent was safe at all times, no matter what happened in-between. So, like I said, like I told you earlier, my promise with anybody that I step in the ring [with], regardless of our relationship inside or outside is to keep my opponent safe. I’m not trying to kill you. It’s not MMA. They’re not paying me a bunch of money to try to kill you. This is a dance and I try to have the best dances possible, so, that’s what happened.”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
During his ‘Hall Of Fame’ podcast, Booker T dove into the announcement of Kylie Rae’s retirement from pro wrestling. Rae worked for Booker T under the Reality Of Wrestling banner and she was also trained by Booker T as well.

“Man, it’s sad, it really is. Kylie, when she first came to Reality Of Wrestling, she trained for, you know, [it] seemed like a minute and she won the Diamonds Championship her first night she got in the ring, first match, and she was so special as far as being able to make fans feel a certain way and she had the Pikachu character-like and she always smiled and I tell you, I didn’t really gravitate to the gimmick or anything like that, myself personally, as far as the Pikachu thing but she obviously knew what she was doing, because fans picked her out and they loved her more than they loved all the other girls and I was like, ‘Don’t say nothing. If it’s working, let it ride. If it [isn’t] broke, don’t fix it, don’t say nothing.’ That’s the type of guy I am. So, I saw her growing, growing, growing to the point where she got a shot in AEW immediately. She was on the poster in Vegas. Yes, she was on the poster and I was like wow, and then she no-showed the show. She didn’t show up and then everything started kinda going crazy a little bit after that. She went away. I actually called her, I actually talked to her, and after I talked to her, it seemed like she got back on track, she got back in the ring and started doing indies and then boom, she got the IMPACT deal and I was like, ‘Wow, okay boom, she’s back on track’ because you know, everybody goes through something. It ain’t a day that we all [don’t] go through something. That’s just life.

So I thought it was just one of those deals and then now, to no-show another pay-per-view with another company and then this [comes out], it tells me, man, she’s in a place to where maybe the last place she needs to be is around a wrestling ring, around a bunch of wrestlers. It could be something that’s maybe not helpful to her right now. But, I do think she should probably concentrate on that more than her wrestling, than anything, just because her health and her well-being is more important than anything else, and obviously she’s dealing with something and I thought about calling her and saying something but, sometimes you just need to take a minute and try to regroup and find yourself. I’m sure I’ll find myself picking the phone up and making a phone call, but it’s sad to see her in this position that she’s in because there again, she is so talented but it’s like that a lot of times too. The most talented ones, sometimes, it might be something. It might be loose wire or something here or there. You never know what it is, or it could be something stemming from their past that you never really [know]. It could be any little thing that triggers so you know, I just want to see her safe, unharmed and happy, whether that be inside of the ring or out of the ring, it really doesn’t matter. I just want to see her well-being taken care of more than anything.”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Chris Van Vliet sat down with Lilian Garcia for an interview and Lilian shared that Jake Rogal, producer of ESPN’s ‘The Last Dance’ docu-series reached out to her to be a part of a documentary that he’s co-creating about Stone Cold Steve Austin. Lilian has already filmed for the documentary.

“Well, the producer from The Last Dance called me and he was like, ‘Hey, hey Lil –’ actually WWE reached out to me first. They were like, ‘The producer from The Last Dance is gonna reach out to you. They want you involved in a documentary,’ and I was like, ‘Wait, what?’ So I end up getting reached out by them and it was funny because my husband and I were currently watching that documentary as this message was happening so when Jake [Rogal] reached out to me, I was just like, ‘Jake, I’m literally watching your documentary right now. Like this is amazing.’ Come to find out, they wanna do a documentary for Stone Cold Steve Austin and it’s coming out next year, and [he] gave me the biggest compliment. He said, ‘Your interview with Steve that you did on Chasing Glory was what made us realize that we wanted to do a different documentary’ because he’s had a few already but he said, ‘We’ve never heard the story of him being so shy as a kid that he couldn’t even order from the dairy queen, that his sister had to order that’ and to see what he’s become was so inspiring and I was like, ‘Holy cow, that’s amazing.’ So then they said, ‘You had such dealings and you seem to have such a friendship with him, we want you in the documentary’ and I’m like, ‘That’s amazing, totally.’ So immediately I reached out to Steve. He knew they were going to reach out to me and I was like, ‘Dude, this is so special’ and he’s like, ‘Would you really be in it?’ And I’m like, ‘Are you kidding me? Of course I’ll be in it.’”


Originally Posted by Fightful
It's been almost 20 months since we've seen Ronda Rousey in a wrestling ring for WWE, but she's been in one a couple times lately for other reasons.

Rousey and husband Travis Browne have been spending some time in the ring, with the latter getting some work in ahead of what would be his pro wrestling debut if he so chose. Fightful Select recently broke some news in relation to the details of the training sessions.


Originally Posted by Fightful
We've heard Ronda Rousey tell Natalya that she hopes they meet in the ring again one day, but Rousey has been training of late as well. She's not alone. Travis Browne has also been getting pro wrestling training in, and actually did some with James Storm as the latter showed off on social media. We've specifically heard that Browne has been working on his timing and selling of late and has impressed people with agility for his size. As of this year, Browne was still in the USADA drug testing pool required for UFC fighters, though he hasn't fought since July 2017. Dana White stated he thought Browne should retire, but he's not officially been released as of yet.

Rousey herself has trained at least several times that we know of in California over the past several weeks.


Originally Posted by Fightful
Since WWE moved from the Performance Center to the ThunderDome at the end of August, fans have been treated to an over the top television experience.

The ThunderDome helps recreate the live event experience with virtual fans, pyro, lasers, drones, and the large scale production WWE has become known for. One complaint regarding the ThunderDome has been the crowd noise, which is a mix of real audio and piped in chants. Some fans have found the audio distracting during segments.

Speaking on Token CEO, Stephanie McMahon revealed WWE didn't initially want to use the fake crowd noise in the ThunderDome.

"The audio made such a difference. At first, we did not want to pipe in any audio because we thought it would come off as phony and it wouldn't feel real. We didn't like that. When we started experimenting with the mix of real audio with the amplified audio, it made such a difference as a viewer," she said.

Stephanie went on to say that now is the time for brands to experiment and that consumers want to become attached to brands that experiment. She also said brands can't be afraid to fail during this times.

They should have canned the idea since their handling of fake crowd audio for the ThunderDome shows has been horrendous at times and seems to be getting worse almost every week. Pretty much took all the wrong lessons from the Orton vs. Edge "Greatest Wrestling Match Ever" and amplified it to the nth degree.


Originally Posted by Observer
The company has launched an AEW Games Twitter account and has announced a major announcement on 11/10 at 6 p.m. Eastern time. This is likely the first video game announcement.


Originally Posted by Observer
According to Stephanie McMahon, the upcoming Netflix docuseries on Vince McMahon will be four episodes.

Talking to Barstool Sports CEO Erika Nardini on her podcast that dropped Monday, the WWE's Chief Brand Officer revealed the news. No release date or relevant information was given. McMahon said she was excited about the project, but a little nervous because it's still her father.

WWE President Nick Khan gave the news during last Thursday's quarterly financial call, claiming it's one of the most expensive docuseries the streaming giant has ever done. Bill Simmons (Spotify and HBO) will be an executive producer along with Chris Smith and WWE Studios. Smith will also direct the series with Netflix's Fyre Festival documentary and The Disappearance of Madeleine McCann on his resume.

The docuseries won't be the only look at the iconic WWE Chairman's life as a biography by Abraham Riesman via Simon & Schuster imprint Atria is set to come out in 2022.

TPWW Frontpage:

Emperor Smeat 11-04-2020 07:18 PM

The Sheets:


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Tonight’s wrestling programs are expected to be hit by the enormous news coverage coming out of Tuesday’s U.S. Election. For NXT, they are coming off one of their best weeks of the year with Halloween Havoc and has often been less affected by outside events. Here is the current line-up advertised for tonight’s show at 8 pm Eastern on the USA Network:
*Tommaso Ciampa vs. Velveteen Dream
*Dakota Kai vs. Ember Moon
*Toni Storm vs. Shotzi Blackheart
*KUSHIDA vs. Cameron Grimes

AEW presents its go-home episode for Full Gear this Saturday. Prior to All Out in September, Tony Khan stated that four times per year Dynamite is centered around building the pay-per-view and the other 48 weeks of the year are about solid in-ring action, although he left it open about playing with that philosophy. It’s not to say you can’t deliver a great in-ring show and promote the pay-per-view, but tonight’s show should lean on promos and driving home the key programs.

The feud that has been scrutinized most is the FTR and Young Bucks match, which also had the largest expectations. In hindsight, the heavy push of The Bucks going heel, even with their internal justification, didn’t resonate and it’s turned the focus away from a program that was ready-made for its audience to embrace. The best option for this match is to forget all the heel attacks by The Young Bucks and just push this as the match that has been “years in the making” and settling which team is the best. You had that dynamic on day one when FTR showed up at Daily’s Place and delaying the match so long took it off course where the match felt stronger in June than it does in November.

Below is the card for tonight’s episode of Dynamite at 8 pm Eastern on TNT and TSN 2 in Canada:
*MJF & Wardlow vs. Ortiz & Sammy Guevara
*The Young Bucks vs. Private Party
*Nyla Rose vs. Red Velvet
*Miro vs. Trent
*Cody & The Gunn Club vs. Colt Cabana, John Silver & Ten
*Face-to-face segment with Jon Moxley and Eddie Kingston
*Chris Jericho on commentary

On paper, it’s one of the weaker line-ups Dynamite has advertised, but again, tonight is about pushing the pay-per-view first and foremost. The face-to-face segment between Moxley and Kingston should be a strong segment with two of the best speakers in the industry and a feud that has peaked well for Saturday. Of the key matches at Full Gear, I feel Hangman Page and Kenny Omega could benefit from a sit-down interview with Jim Ross or something akin to that presentation to drive home the battle of the former champions and friends.


Originally Posted by Observer
During an appearance on Busted Open Radio Wednesday, AEW president/booker Tony Khan said Orange Cassidy vs. John "4" Silver is being moved up to the Full Gear pay-per-view main card.

No reason was given, but Khan said a new match for Saturday's The Buy In pre-show will be announced at some point on Wednesday.

Cassidy vs. Silver was added last Wednesday after Silver helped cost Cassidy a win over TNT Champion Cody.

The current main card for Saturday's PPV as of now:
  • AEW World Champion Jon Moxley vs. Eddie Kingston in an I Quit match
  • AEW Tag Team Champions FTR vs. The Young Bucks (If the Bucks lose, they won't challenge for the tag titles again.)
  • AEW Women's Champion Hikaru Shida vs. Nyla Rose
  • TNT Champion Cody vs. Darby Allin
  • World title eliminator tournament finals: Kenny Omega vs. Hangman Page
  • Chris Jericho vs. MJF (If MJF wins, he joins the Inner Circle.)
  • Matt Hardy vs. Sammy Guevara in an Elite Deletion match
  • Orange Cassidy vs. John Silver
Full Gear will air live from Daily's Place in Jacksonville, Florida.


Originally Posted by Observer
Both on Tuesday's edition of Impact Wrestling and on Twitter afterward, nearly the full card for Turning Point was announced.

In the main event, World Champion Rich Swann will defend his title against former champion Sami Callihan. The two were on opposite teams in the main event of Tuesday's show and had a run-in on the previous week's show as well.

In another rematch, Knockouts Champion Su Yung will defend against Deonna Purrazzo in an anything goes match. Their rematch on Tuesday's show ended in a disqualification after Yung hit Purrazzo in the stomach with a chair, helping set up the stipulation.

In a Tag Team Title match, champions The North will defend against the Good Brothers. The two teams have been feuding for weeks with Gallows picking up a singles win over Ethan Page on Tuesday's show. The teams went to a no contest on the Bound For Glory go-home edition of Impact.

Two other matches announced: Moose vs. Willie Mack and Brian Myers vs. Swoggle.

Turning Point will air on Saturday, November 14th on the Impact+ streaming service.


Originally Posted by PWI
On 10/30, Cody Runnels expressly abandoned the trademark applications for 'Slamboree' and 'The Match Beyond' with prejudice and WWE have accepted and dropped their opposition for both trademarks.


Originally Posted by Fightful
On November 2, WWE filed to cancel its trademark on "Cody Rhodes."

Heel By Nature reports that the cancelation was finalized on Wednesday morning.

Cody filed to trademark the name on April 13, the day WWE's trademark lapsed, but WWE filed a late renewal, claiming that their filing and payment was delayed due to COVID-19. The late renewal was filed on May 15.

In July, Cody's trademark was refused due to WWE's filing. At the time, he said he has no grudge over WWE filing for a late renewal ...

In October 2019, Cody said WWE wasn't holding the name hostage and that he could use the Rhodes name without an issue, but he wouldn't.

Cody has until January 2021 to file an update on his case.


Originally Posted by PWI
All Japan Pro Wrestling star Zeus has tested positive for COVID-19, the company announced today.

Zeus will remain isolated in a hotel in Osaka until November 11.

He is scheduled to team with Shigehiro Irie in the upcoming Real World Tag League, starting on November 18.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
AEW president Tony Khan spoke with Mike Johnson at to promote this Saturday’s Full Gear pay-per-view and spoke on several subjects ...

On Le Dinner Debonair:

"I expected it to be a very polarizing segment and it was very polarizing and I expected it would create a lot of conversation and then the next week, those guys would pull a big number and that’s what happened. I think it worked out well to do the Town Hall segment coming off it because the Town Hall segment was probably more in the context of what people have come to expect from Max and Chris. so I thought the Town Hall was more conventional and probably that’s why I thought it was, you know…obviously it did a really strong number but also made more sense to go closer to the pay per view for the next show."


Originally Posted by PWI
Khan also spoke about the increasing length of AEW Dark and the potential of splitting it into two programs, which was a suggestion proposed by Johnson. Khan said if that were to happen, it would be as a streaming option and would have nothing to do with the added hour they are expected to launch on linear television with WarnerMedia.

Seeing as AEW Dark has been growing in length in recent weeks, wouldn't be surprised if they are testing out the waters to see how feasible it is on their end to run an extra hour or two of programming each week. Right now, I'd put it as a mixed bag because the AEW Dark format doesn't really lend itself well to lengthy shows.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Sean Ross Sapp at Fightful reported today that only WWE main roster talent has had to stop streaming on Twitch with NXT talent is exempt for now, which explains why Adam Cole, Jessamyn Duke, and others can continue. Several main roster performers announced last week that they were suspending their Twitch streams or left it up in the air when they would return including AJ Styles, Cesaro, Aleister Black & Zelina Vega. This comes after the edict handed down by WWE in September that talent would have to stop participating with third-party outlets including Twitch, where talent can supplement income. The performer most closely tied to this story is Paige (Saraya-Jade Bevis), who was very emotional discussing the decision she has been tasked with making and unlike the others, her in-ring days with WWE are over because of her neck problems.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Miro was a guest on Talk is Jericho Wednesday discussing his time in WWE, moving to AEW, and the contrast of the two companies. Some of the highlights included:
*Noting that people were concerned to be going to work in WWE at the start of the pandemic
*He was pitched on the storyline involving Lana and Bobby Lashley by Paul Heyman and told it would be “one of the main events at WrestleMania”, which you can’t fault Miro for not being an eternal optimist
*It is difficult with Lana being in a different company because they are used to being together all the time
*Jericho noted that when the WWE cuts occurred in April, he asked Tony Khan his thoughts on any of the available talents with Miro/Rusev being the one he named
*He confirmed that WWE was furious when photos leaked in 2014 that he and Lana were engaged at the same time they were doing the storyline where Lana was with Dolph Ziggler and Rusev was with Summer Rae. Miro claimed Lana shared the photos with some friends and the photos were leaked and he had been scheduled to win the Intercontinental title and they dropped the storyline.
*Miro said he had offers to go elsewhere after WWE, he had no concerns when he got the news he was being cut but said he did get a lot off his chest when he was called and told the news by a WWE official


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
James Romero has a new book coming out on November 29th covering Dwayne Johnson. The book is called Dwayne “The Rock” Johns: The People’s Champion – From WWE to Hollywood and covers his wrestling career and transition to films.

Link for those interested:


Originally Posted by Fightful
Vince McMahon was ready to donate a hospital wing after a pitched storyline that never ended up happening.

Former WWE writer Jon Rineman took part in a Reddit AMA on Tuesday and was asked for any crazy Vince stories from his time in the company.

Rineman gave the following answer:

As far as a crazy Vince story: we had an idea where someone was going to attack somebody in a hospital. And then I had an idea for it that Vince liked, then Heyman had a bunch of ideas Vince liked. So, Vince thinks about it and says: “We’re really gonna fuck up this hospital. How much would it cost to rebuild?” He stops, thinks a second, then says, matter-of-factly, “Hmm. I might have to donate a wing to a hospital. How much does that cost?” So, our writer’s assistant started looking up how much it cost to donate a wing to a hospital.

Then later in the meeting, another idea came up that nixed the hospital idea, and Vince said, “Which one is the one without buying the hospital wing? Do that one.” Then he stopped and said, “I should donate a wing somewhere though…” and it got quiet while he thought. Then he took out his pencil and I saw him write “Hospital.”

It is unknown if Vince did end up donating a hospital wing or what the original storyline entailed.

When asked the best joke he's ever written, Rineman said it came from his time in WWE:

“There’s always room for one more…” - Bray Wyatt, Firefly Funhouse. There is no feeling in the world as a WWF fan of the 90s than Vince going, “MMMMMM - that’s some good shit!” and winking at you.

The line came from Wyatt's promo against Hulk Hogan back in February.


Originally Posted by Fightful
The first round is over and the semi-final matches are set in the UWN World Title Tournament.

Last Tuesday, Chris Dickinson advanced to the semi-finals with a victory over Peter Avalon. On the most recent episode of UWN Primetime Live, Fred Rosser, Shawn Daivari, and Mike Bennett all advanced to the semi-finals.

Rosser was victorious over Erick Redbeard (formerly Erick Rowan in WWE) via disqualification, Daivari picked up a victory over Rocky Romero, and Bennett defeated Kevin Martinson.

The semi-final matchups will see Rosser take on Dickinson while Bennett battles Daivari.


Originally Posted by Fightful
United Wrestling Network has announced the lineup for its November 10 event.

The night will be headlined by James Storm & Eli Drake defending the NWA Tag Team Titles against Aron Stevens & The Question Mark. This will mark the first title defense for Storm & Drake since March when they faced The Bounces on an episode of NWA Power.

Storm & Drake won the titles in January at NWA Hard Times.

Also announced for next Tuesday's episode of UWN Primetime Live is Lacey Ryan vs. Vipress, 4 Minutes of Heat vs. Real Money Brothers, and the semi-finals of the UWN World Title tournament. Fred Rosser will face Chris Dickinson on one side of the bracket while Shawn Daivari battles Mike Bennett on the other side of the bracket.


Originally Posted by Fightful
In the build-up to their AEW Full Gear match, Eddie Kingston has railed against Jon Moxley for selling out and leaving the Independents behind.

Kingston believes that when Moxley left the Independent scene to sign with WWE, he didn't stick to his guns and didn't do enough to boost the Independent scene during that time.

Speaking to TSN, Kingston elaborated on his beef with Moxley.

"I’m not going to forget where I came from,” Kingston said. “When I go on Twitter and see a guy from the independents doing something different and cool, I’m going to tell people about it. One of my main problems with Mox is that he didn’t use his popularity or social media with all of his followers and everything to put over places that he used to be at or people he used to run with. So I still have that outlaw, independent mindset. To me, that’s what AEW was built on. That’s why I think I would be the perfect champion for them because I have the outlaw spirit, just like [AEW executive vice presidents] the Bucks, Kenny [Omega] and Cody do. They did things their way and now look where they’re at.”

Would Eddie have "sold out" the same way Moxley did if he had signed with WWE a decade ago?

"No, because knowing me, I would have gotten fired three minutes in if I went when Mox went,” Kingston said. “Again, this is why I have a little bit of beef with Mox, because he started playing the game. I probably would have, at that point in time and especially at that age and what was going on in my life, gotten fired three minutes in because I wouldn’t bend. I wouldn’t have bent like he did.”

Kingston had an offer from WWE following his appearance on AEW Dynamite when he answered Cody's open challenge, but took AEW's offer instead.


Originally Posted by Fightful
Maven’s memorable Royal Rumble in 2002 was a roller coaster even before the match had begun.

Speaking on The Bump, Maven spoke about how he was approached about going to Atlanta, where the pay-per-view was taking place. Maven figured he would be in the Royal Rumble match but didn’t know he would be eliminating Undertaker.

At first, Maven thought it was a rib on him when Shane McMahon told him about the spot.

“I got the call literally the day before. The day before, they called and said, ‘You’re going to Atlanta.’ That’s where the Rumble was. I flew out the next day, no clue what was going to happen. At that point, I’m not an idiot, I knew I was probably in the Rumble, but I knew I would probably come out, get a quick pop Tough Enough was going to get and then I would be thrown out and got rid of as soon as possible. When I got there and they called me to the ring, there was Shane and ‘Taker. They called me to the ring and at the time, I’m terrified. I’m the rookie, young, in my 20s and here I was with Shane McMahon and with Undertaker, scared to death. Then he tells me, ‘Maven, you’re going to go out there and eliminate [Undertaker].’ I thought he was completely joking. I thought it was the rib of the century. Well then, ‘Taker turns, looks at me and says, ‘Are you effing kidding me?’ At that point, I wanted to run. I just wanted to leave. ‘Taker had his hands with what was going on that day. He helped my career more than anyone on that single day,” Maven said.

In regards to the aftermath, Maven said he and Undertaker had somewhat of a bond where Undertaker would acknowledge and respect Maven from that point forward.

“He was happy. From that day on, me and him kind of had a bond. He always gave me a smile, that little, ‘Hey kid’’ look and let me know what I did, he was satisfied,” Maven said.


Originally Posted by
It looks like one of the released talents who jumped to Impact Wrestling from WWE is already leaving Impact. His future remains unclear ...

EC3 didn't stick around with Impact Wrestling for very long. According to reports on Wednesday, the creative but somewhat controversial performer is already leaving Impact Wrestling after just a short period of time with the promotion.

Fightful Select reported today that EC3 has finished up his limited run with Impact Wrestling for the time being. He joined the promotion after the numerous talent releases from WWE and it was with great anticipation that fans were wondering what he might do next. It appears he'll be sticking with ROH for the rest of the year, but beyond that, who knows?

The creative former WWE star is consistently posting videos suggesting people create their own narrative and it looks like he's taking his own advice to heart. He's not gone to AEW like many might have expected he would, and he's not sticking with Impact despite a number of former WWE stars finding a good fit there. He's certainly not returning to WWE. He's marching to the beat of his own drum.

There’s no word yet on if he's got a plan to jump to AEW or if he's had contact with Impact about returning at some point down the line, but it sounds like the door is open. Fightful did say that there is buzz he might create a new project separate from any major wrestling promotion.

TPWW Frontpage:

Emperor Smeat 11-05-2020 10:16 PM

The Sheets:


Originally Posted by Observer
With coverage of the 2020 election dominating the cable TV charts, AEW Dynamite finished outside the top 50 in the 18-49 demo for the first time ever last night.

Last night's Dynamite averaged 717,000 viewers on TNT, topping the 610,000 viewers that NXT averaged on the USA Network. Dynamite was the go-home show for Saturday's Full Gear pay-per-view.

Dynamite was down 8.2 percent in overall viewers from last week. In the 18-49 demo, the show finished 56th on cable with a 0.30 rating, down 6.3 percent from last Wednesday.

NXT was down significantly from last week's Halloween Havoc episode. Last night's NXT was down 30.4 percent in total viewers from last week and finished 68th in the cable charts with a 0.14 rating in 18-49, down 44 percent from last Wednesday. In both viewership and the 18-49 demo, these were the lowest numbers for NXT since May.

The combined Wednesday night viewership of 1.327 million was down 19.9 percent from last week. It's the lowest combined audience since May 20.

Detailed demo numbers are not available at this time with both shows failing to chart in the top 50.

Year-over-year, Dynamite was down 12.8 percent in total viewers and 14.3 percent in 18-49. NXT was down 25 percent in total viewers and 53.3 percent in 18-49. It's clear that, for whatever reason, the election coverage affected NXT more than Dynamite even though the opposite is usually the case.

Taking out the cable news channels, Dynamite was second for the night in 18-49 while NXT finished 13th, which is close to normal levels for both shows. The entire top 50 last night were news shows.

For some reference, Smackdown lost around 275k viewers for its November 8, 2016 episode that went directly against the 2016 Presidential Election news coverage compared to the previous week.


Originally Posted by Observer
AEW TNT Champion Cody spent nearly an hour with the media Thursday, answering questions about whether a trilogy match with Nick Aldis will ever happen, why he will stick to the stipulation of never challenging for the AEW World title, Dark, and why the TNT title means so much to him ...

Here are some highlights:
  • While he is happy to get the Rhodes last name back, he won't use it in the wrestling space. His real goal was to use it for third party ventures (ex. Go Big Show, acting gigs). He didn't provide any details on the negotiations but said it was a "no hard feelings" type arrangement.
  • He reiterated that he will never challenge for the AEW World title because stipulations matter. He later put over how much the TNT title meant to him, how it's the "ace" title, and that maybe someday, Jon Moxley could challenge him for it.
  • He said that Tony Khan reached out to Billy Corgan about making the Serena Deeb-Allysin Kay NWA women's title match and that the "bridges are down" when it comes to bringing in new talent.
  • He talked about his early comments regarding AEW being more "sports-centric" and that he was referring to his own work.
  • He put over the company's medical and concussion protocols and said the roster was having a meeting with Chris Nowinski today. He added that wrestling is violent and he thinks some fans have forgot that. However, while it's violent, he said it can't be so much that talent is injured. "We do ourselves no favors by running a sloppy shop."
  • He said the credit for the current format of AEW Dark goes to Khan with indie talents in competitive matches. The name came from the Universal Dark Universe monster movies.
  • He said he was "genuinely pissed" about not being no. 1 in the PWI 500 and said if wrestlers tell you they don't care about it, they aren't successful. He had a whole idea that was ruined because he didn't get the honor.
  • He said he and Khan are on the same page with treating legends as luminaries as he didn't like how Dusty Rhodes was treated toward the end of his career.
  • He was asked about whether he and Nick Aldis will face each other a third time and he was very doubtful that it would as he's happy about how the second match turned out.


Originally Posted by Observer
Matt Jackson of the Young Bucks has a partially torn MCL and thinning of the ACL, considered a slight tear.

Bryan Alvarez reported the injuries on Wednesday's Wrestling Observer Radio, explaining that is why Jackson has been selling an injury caused by FTR Pillmanizing his ankle on a recent Dynamite.

Alvarez said Jackson suffered the injury in a July falls count anywhere match he and Nick Jackson had with The Butcher & The Blade. On the match-ending flying elbow spot off the set onto the stage (pictured above), the table leg jammed up his knee. He has been rehabbing it ever since, apparently avoiding surgery. The team has worked in eight matches since the injury.

Dave Meltzer noted this isn't the first time Jackson has taken a real life injury and turned it into a storyline, referencing a back injury he had while still with New Japan Pro Wrestling.

Despite the injury, Matt Jackson stated on Twitter that he's been medically cleared for AW Tag title match at Full Gear this Saturday.


Originally Posted by Observer
In a post-Dynamite video released on AEW's Twitter account, Tully Blanchard said he is banned from ringside for FTR's Tag Team title defense against the Young Bucks at Saturday's Full Gear.

The reason given was that because of Blanchard's repeated interference in past matches and involvement in FTR's attacks on the Bucks, AEW management made the call to bar him from ringside.

Blanchard said he is planning a lawsuit if the situation doesn't get fixed, citing that other managers haven't been treated like this. FTR said it was favoritism but that they would win anyway.

If the Bucks don't win the titles Saturday, they will never challenge for them again.


Originally Posted by PWI
All Elite Wrestling announced they will air a special episode of AEW Dark tomorrow ahead of Full Gear, featuring:

*Christopher Daniels vs. Matt Sydal.
*Brandon Cutler vs. Michael Nakazawa.
*Sean Maluta & Ryzin vs. The Dark Order.
*Ricky Starks vs. Trevor Read.
*Chuck Taylor vs. Lee Johnson.
*Big Swole vs. Tesha Price.
*Griff Garrison vs. Ariel Dominguez.

Out of that card, Daniels vs. Sydal and Taylor vs. Johnson have potential of being very good and something I'd recommend if your interested in watching. Also a 7-match card with some potential Full Gear promotion stuff probably means its going to be somewhere in the hour to 90 minutes range for length.


Originally Posted by PWI
WWE held a virtual all hands on deck "Town Hall" style meeting for employees this morning with Stephanie McMahon, Nick Khan, Sarah Cummins (Senior Vice President, Consumer Products) and new CFO Kristina Salen, among others, taking part.

The major news was that the company is instituting a flexible work policy going forward. Depending on their role for the company, going forward, employees can choose to work from the office or home and will not be required to return full-time to the office.

WWE is still moving forward with their new HQ in Stamford, but has obviously delayed that process. They are still going to move the company to the new, much larger HQ, however.

Salen specifically stated that going forward, she will be doing presentations on the company's quarterly earnings for employees so she and the company can directly communicate with the employees. The presentations would happen after the company's earnings calls.

During a Q&A portion of the town hall, live events were brought up and the company stated that they don't know for sure when they can resume them given the current COVID-19 environment. There were also a lot of questions asking Khan and Salen about what brought them to the company.

We are told it was a mostly positive meeting with the company thanking everyone for their hard work and stressing they want to increase communication so that everyone has greater awareness of how WWE is doing.


Originally Posted by PWI
Historian Tim Hornbaker is currently working on a biography of former WWWF Champion "Nature Boy" Buddy Rogers. The book, which will be published by Crowbar Press, has been titled Master of the Ring.


Originally Posted by PWI
Jaxson Ryker has deleted his Twitter account. He and The Forgotten Sons have not been seen on WWE programming for some time.


Originally Posted by PWI
Internally, Ring of Honor believes ROH Champion Rush and ROH TV Champion Dragon Lee will return at next month's TV tapings.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Jake “The Snake” Roberts joined the ‘Nothing Beats Experience’ show on the ‘Premier Live TV’ YouTube channel. Jake was candid about his recent health issues that resulted in him needing a nasal cannula for the interview. Jake mentioned that his health issues arose shortly after Lance Archer contracted Coronavirus which was in late September. Roberts added that he’s battling chronic obstructive pulmonary disease which he’s been open about in the past. Both Archer and Roberts were featured on this week’s AEW Dark.

“I’m just gonna hit on it fairly briefly because we’re still struggling with it. About a week ago man, I just couldn’t quit coughing, and couldn’t breath. That’s not good, you know? And wound up having to get to the hospital and stay for a few days and I wish I could say this was COVID, but it’s not. It’s not. What I’ve got is worse than COVID. It’s something that was passed down to me through the bloodlines, hereditary and all that stuff and it’s not your happy camper stuff man. It’s issues with C.O.P.D. (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). Of course, me being an ignorant son of b*tch, I smoke cigarettes, you dumb f*ck. Guys, if you don’t ever do anything in life, just don’t smoke and you’ll live much happier. I promise you that, really. I mean it’s the bastard companies that hook us all and get us all into that. Such bullsh*t but… it’s serious, for me. I don’t get the right amount of oxygen into my blood and that’s not good and I don’t know how much it’s going to limit me in my future. We’re testing it today for the first time to try and go do something. I know that without the oxygen, if I talk for about 20 seconds, I’m done. I can’t go anymore. It’s not there. So this is gonna be something I’m going to have to work with and the thing that I’m happy or happiest about is that I’m in AEW and they actually give a damn. It’s really wild. They actually care about the athletes, they actually get us the help that we need, they actually set up protocol so us dumb ass wrestlers don’t say, ‘Hey, I’m okay. I can get in there. I got one arm missing, you know? It’s okay.’ Wrestlers just don’t quit, we don’t quit, we don’t quit. ‘Man I can’t,’ you know? That’s what losers do. But, these guys are smart enough to protect us from ourselves and I am so over the top happy with them. The care that they’ve given Lance [Archer] because he does have the COVID and… it’s so weird man how that all happened. It’s like he went down with the COVID and then I went down the next night with this, and it’s like what? But, that’s just the way it turned out and again, I just, all I want to do is get out there and just do what I do man. That’s all I want.”

Jake talked about working on the writing team with Vince McMahon in WWF. He recalled seeing the star potential in Stone Cold Steve Austin early in Steve’s career, even when Vince didn’t think Steve could become a main-event talent.

“But, when Steve Austin came to WWF, I was helping write television, and I watched him, and I said, ‘This motherf*cker got it man. He’s got that ‘it’ factor and he don’t even know he’s got it.’ He didn’t. String ass blonde hair, get rid of that sh*t. He ain’t got none left anyway. I know how that feels but anyway, he started talking to me and I started talking to him, he wanted to get better and he was listening. Every night he was on the road, he would call me and tell me what happened in his match and how he dealt with it and how he brought it to the end, and what result it had. Did it make him bigger, smaller, what? So I worked with him. Well at the same time I’m helping write television, I’m starting to scoot him into places. Sort of as an afterthought so nobody was watching. Well then one day I told Vince [McMahon], I said, ‘That guy right there is gonna be your next super, superstar.’ ‘You kidding me Jake?’ He said, ‘That guy, he’ll never make it past fifth, sixth match. He’s not a main-eventer.’ I said, ‘The f*ck he ain’t.’ He said, ‘Do you think so?’ I said, ‘Yeah I think so,’ and we tried the thing and I guess it might’ve worked huh?”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Miro guest appeared on Chris Jericho’s ‘Talk Is Jericho’ podcast to discuss his career in WWE and his aspirations in AEW. Miro reflected on the storyline involving himself, Lana, Liv Morgan and Bobby Lashley. Miro stated that when initially informed about the storyline, Paul Heyman told him that the payoff could be a main event spot at WrestleMania.

“And I left and I stayed home for three or four months and I think Paul Heyman called us with that story, and I was like, ‘Where is it leading?’ Of course because this is my first question. Cool, it’s not my favorite story but where is it leading? ‘Main event of WrestleMania. One of the main events of WrestleMania.’ When you hear that, what are you gonna say? There’s plans and this is September, October, whatever it was so it’s a few months planned and it’s very realistic. Cool, I jumped on board and I knew it was a red flag since the beginning.

But we still — we did turn it around. I think because the story was good, it was very controversial, but it didn’t turn around once again until I started having fun. I started playing the crazy guy because Paul Heyman was telling me, ‘You don’t care about her, you’re so over it. You just wanna have fun. You’re fine to be away,’ and we got there eventually but the other side, the other camp, Vince is thinking the complete opposite of, ‘Why are you smiling? Why are you [like] this? You’re heartbroken.’ Now, they can’t get it together between each other and I’m stuck in the middle, and at the end of the day, when everything was said and done, they went all for me but during the period, I guess Vince loved Bobby [Lashley] and his heat and decided [for] him to beat me every night or whatnot" ...

Further commenting on he and Lana’s real-life marriage being brought into WWE storylines, Miro reiterated that the higher-ups in WWE were not too happy about that. He was supposed to win the Intercontinental Title prior to the news of he and Lana’s marriage becoming public but those plans were scrapped.

“I never had heat with anybody. I remember the one time I had heat was about the wedding, but that was not our fault either. When me and CJ [Lana] got engaged, they said that we leaked the pictures which is not true at all, in real life. So we were in an angle. Me and Summer [Rae] against Lana and Dolph [Ziggler], and we did get engaged but she sent that picture to the office and to some of the girls. It’s the happiest day of her life, she’s getting engaged. Somebody leaks that and they blame her, they blame me, I do jobs for six months. Our story gets cancelled that night, that night! We [were] in Chicago, I remember it because I was supposed to win the I.C. Title. We were supposed to get married with Summer. They nixed it that night and when I talked to Vince, he was like, ‘Well TMZ, it’s like CNN, it’s like world news. Everybody knows it’s true.’ I’m like, ‘What?’”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
To promote AEW Full Gear, Tony Khan chatted with Bleacher Report Live to discuss the match card. While speaking about Hikaru Shida and Nyla Rose’s AEW Women’s World Title match, Khan explained Vickie Guerrero and Nyla Rose’s absence from TV and shared that Vickie was unavailable due to personal reasons.

“I would have liked — Vickie Guerrero was unavailable. Not because of illness. It was not anything like that, but Vicky had been unavailable to us for personal reasons between her and us, these last couple weeks and I would’ve liked to have seen a little bit more of Vickie and Nyla in the build and that’s because Vickie had said, ‘Nyla’s not gonna be around, not gonna do anything until she gets a chance to challenge for the title.’”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Per ‘TheCubsFan’, CMLL announced that they will not be doing live shows over the next several weeks. Play-by-play commentator/executive Julio Cesar Rivera stated that CMLL had a deal with TicketMaster for September and October shows but not beyond that. They will return to Friday nights on November 27th. CMLL’s TV shows will feature new content.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
On the latest AEW Unrestricted podcast, Tony Khan joined the show to discuss all things Full Gear. During the podcast, Khan revealed that he originally wanted to use David Arquette in the MJF/Inner Circle Town Hall meeting segment on Dynamite.

“I also had an idea. I wanted to use David Arquette. I thought he would’ve been good too and David Arquette actually was the original person I wanted to use in Peter Avalon’s spot of the, ‘Can I join The Inner Circle?’ But it would’ve been a very different reaction. It would’ve been a very different reaction. They would’ve considered it maybe a little more with David Arquette as opposed to Peter Avalon.”

MJF and Chris Jericho’s Le Dinner Debonair segment aired the week prior to the Town Hall segment. Khan shared that when Jericho pitched the idea to him, he wanted it to be a dream sequence, as in when Jericho came to, he realized that he and MJF’s entire musical number was a daydream he had while at dinner.

“This was something where Chris came in and he pitched — the one thing on this little grid of stuff that I really took exception to was he pitched a dream sequence. That it would be a dream sequence where they would start singing and it would be like his dream and I was like, ‘No, we’re not gonna do that.’ We can’t do that and I can’t cannibalize the show like that but I do love the idea of Chris and Max singing.

If I could do something again in hindsight and we all agreed on this and I brought this up and everyone thought it was a good point I think. I would’ve done it in the ring. I would’ve rather done it in the ring and I think, it would’ve been challenging to do it live but we could have even taped it in the ring and I think it could have come off great but I think having it between the ropes and in the squared circle would’ve been the way to go. But, hindsight’s 20/20 but I think the idea of it was great. Now I was not gonna do it as the dream sequence but I thought that was — the idea of Chris and Max singing really appealed to me and it still does, and I think there’s a lot to it and so it definitely created conversation around this match.”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
The Two Man Power Trip of Wrestling podcast welcomed Arn Anderson onto the show. Arn is in the process of trademarking the ‘Four Horseman’ name for pro wrestling purposes and he talked about what led to that decision and the process of trademarking it.

“I came up with it. I came up with the name, and it was on a promo and it just happened generically. It just kind of happened, and it came from the Bible verse and all that stuff. I’ve never trademarked it, I never owned it but I have since, since I’ve been the one constant as far as Horsemen go throughout the years, I thought, ‘Well, I will check into this’ and had a lawyer check into this, trademark lawyer and it hasn’t been trademarked. So, we’re right now in the middle of attempting to trademark that and it’s — I don’t think you can use it just for anything but — and I know you can’t but Notre Dame had some issues with it, obviously. Comes from the Bible, you can’t really fight the Bible nor do I want to. But for wrestling purposes, for appearances or the name of a group or something like that, that’s solely what I’m trying to do. Whatever we do, if anything, the name going forward, I just wanted to make sure it was protected, it’s special. Somewhere down the road, somebody might wanna break it out and use it again, who knows?”


Originally Posted by WrestleTalk
WWE reportedly had interest in signing another indie star who will be finishing up on the indies soon, indicating he’s signed a contract.

Fightful Select reports that WWE did have interest in Alex Zayne, although doesn’t confirm whether he’s signed or not.

WWE has expressed interest in a number of indie wrestlers who have been showcased on the likes of AEW Dark and NJPW Strong recently.

Game Changer Wrestling made the announcement today that Zayne’s final indie match would be this Sunday at the promotion’s So Much Fun show.


Originally Posted by 411Mania
It was reported earlier this year that the NWA reneged on releasing Zicky Dice from his contract, after it was previously claimed that he was a free agent. Fightful Select reports that his deal with the company expires at the end of the year.

Since he was the TV champion, NWA rolled over his deal on September 1 to go until the end of 2020. He then dropped the belt to Da Pope at a UWN Primetime Live show. That reportedly took place “without incident.”

According to the report, Dice has also had some heat with Nick Aldis, as well as disagreements that were “well known” in the NWA locker room.

If Dice leaves, then he will join James Storm, Ricky Starks and Royce Isaacs as wrestlers whose contracts have expired this year.

TPWW Frontpage:

Emperor Smeat 11-06-2020 04:15 PM

The Sheets (Observer Newsletter Edition):


WWE also has the 34th incarnation of Survivor Series, the second oldest annual big event on the calendar, taking place 11/22 at the Amway Center in Orlando. The build for this year’s Survivor Series has been unique in the sense the matches are pushed on television, but the two television shows are largely in their own alternate universe with the key stars involved in programs having nothing to do with the matches.

There are still two weeks of Raw and three weeks of Smackdown left, but Raw is building some stuff when it comes to tension among the Raw men’s and women’s teams, but not building any angles yet with the Smackdown team. In the “money” spots, Roman Reigns right now has no program. His television time has been around getting Jey Uso to side with him and start a heel faction. He’s scheduled to work with Daniel Bryan, out of necessity it seems, because Bryan wasn’t positioned like a main event title contender at all when he returned.

Raw is all about a three-way program with Randy Orton as champion with Drew McIntyre and The Fiend, and an offshoot of Miz in the shadows with the Money in the Bank briefcase. None of the televised feuds except for the internal turmoil on the men’s and women’s teams relate at all to Survivor Series.

The decision was made to do a formula show, a men’s and women’s Survivor Series match and battles of the champions on each brand against each other in non-title matches. The winners and losers barely matter and in all cases won’t lead to any rematches. They’ve created a formula and decided to stick with it.

They are also advertising that all of these matches could change, which would seem to indicate title matches on television for many of the titles beforehand ...

The show also has elimination matches that in both cases should be long, as they should be five to nine falls.

There does feel like far less interest without NXT involvement. COVID is a very serious issue, but it was NXT that was the lifeblood of last year’s event and it helped elevate Rhea Ripley and Keith Lee and the overall NXT brand. Granted, it’s tough right now, as while Io Shirai and Team NXT’s could create interest in three matches, the booking of Johnny Gargano in the ring with Bobby Lashley won’t do anyone any favors even if Gargano can wrestling-wise pull it off, and with the injury to Finn Balor, there is no NXT champion in play. Plus the tag champs of Oney Lorcan &amp; Danny Burch would only serve to allow a clean finish in that match without the Street Profits or New Day beating each other.

Regarding the Twitch situation, there are some wrestlers who have been talking to Andrew Yang and a lot more just grumbling about it. As far as people thinking this could be a unification issue where they will try and stand up together or unionize, I don’t sense this or anything will do that. As far as what happens next in the political world, they do have an ally who is a fan and will push for them, but there are still a lot of things that will shake out as to whether or not anything more comes of this. If Trump wins, anything the slightest bit negative to Vince McMahon or Dana White looks to be totally off the table. If Biden wins, there is still the issue of spending time for such a relatively few people, and really, WWE talent, while they should be paid much more based on revenue generated, once you get to the main roster, the pay is very good to excellent. And just because there is existing legislation (The Ali act) for boxing that can be expanded to MMA, and that MMA fighters being real athletes resonates more with public perception, Yang would probably have more luck on that project. In the end it’s very clear WWE made the move because they want to either start something on their own or more likely make a group deal with Twitch or a similar platform and to do that can’t have people having individual deals. They also want to crack down on people using their wrestling names that WWE owns to make outside money. Many have brought up Bruce Prichard, who is an employee, is being able to continue his podcast while talent, not employees, are being stopped from making money on social media and in the case of some women, they can use their fame to make considerable money. It will be notable if they allow any future people who were indie stars like they did Adam Cole, Kyle O’Reilly, Matt Riddle, Walter, Keith Lee, Ricochet and others coming in to use established names that WWE wouldn’t fully own. There had been talk of a meeting taking place on 10/30, but there was no meeting. Talent was made aware of no more Twitch channels and that marketing yourself on YouTube is okay

A photo was released of the people who are there to monitor the fans on Thunderdome with instructions of what exactly are immediate bans and getting the person off the air. The Heel by Nature web site was able to decipher as of this past week what WWE specifically bans: AEW, Impact, New Japan Pro Wrestling (mentions and logos) and names Enzo Amore, Tony Khan, Cody Rhodes, Brandi Rhodes, Marty Scurll, Young Bucks, Chris Benoit, C.M. Punk, Jim Cornette, Alberto El Patron, Ryback, Ashley Massaro, Superstar Billy Graham, Vickie Guerrero and flags of Hong Kong, Taiwan and Tibet. I’m guessing the last three are about offending their partners in China. I mean, Vickie Guerrero is a minor character on Impact but I have no idea what she did that puts her on the list, whereas Chris Jericho, Kenny Omega and Jon Moxley are not on the list. Maybe they aren’t because they were told earlier since we know of issues with people who had worn Dean Ambrose shirts being pulled ad Jericho would probably be the first guy you’d think would be on the list. Really, I can get most of the names for different reasons, Massaro on the Google issue because of the claims she made, but it does really show being spooked by Punk, Cornette, Ryback, Graham and Guerrero at a level they really shouldn’t be concerned about, although Punk was the go-to-protest chant by fans before the pandemic

The original plan for Reigns vs. Uso was just one meeting as the original Hell in a Cell booking was going to be a four-way with Reigns, Fiend, Strowman and a fourth person, which explains the Reigns-Fiend tease that was never followed up on at that time

Kylie Rae (Brianna Sparrey, 28), announced that she was no longer a pro wrestler after disappearing without calling Impact officials prior to the 10/24 Bound for Glory show.

This was the second time Sparrey had missed a high–profile show in what were apparently terrible mental health issues. Sparrey would have likely been the top women’s star in AEW. She had a unique likability factor and was a great athlete who took to pro wrestling quickly. When she started breaking through on the Chicago independent scene, we were told that she had the “it” factor that would make her a major star.

Struggles like this can be crippling in some cases. These are issues that far more people face than most realize, but obviously in her case it was at the extreme level ...

Kylie Rae, as Smilin Kylie Rae, was introduced by AEW at its press conference in Las Vegas in early 2019. At the time, she and Britt Baker were being positioned as the top babyfaces in the promotion. Baker was a good female face of the company for media purposes due to being well spoken and the uniqueness of being a practicing dentist. Rae was the better wrestler of the two and had a unique connection that would have worked big with the nature of the AEW audience. The belief is she could have connected at the Bayley/NXT level, with Cody even getting heat for once making the comparison between the two and saying Rae was the real one of the two. It’s even possible inadvertently that this turned out to be the beginning of problems, as both Cody and Rae got a tremendous amount of horrible tweets from tribal type fans, and while Cody may be able to handle that it went with the territory, not everyone is like that.

But it didn’t happen. She missed Fyter Fest with circumstances that were never explained.

When we look back, it appeared certain insecurities she had were also what made her likeable and come across as real and authentic in an often-contrived world. At the Las Vegas press conference, she was backstage pretty much sitting by herself and smiling at people. She was clearly nervous when she went in front of the fans, which she pulled off in an endearing way. She got some whistles from the guys in the audience which made her happy. She noted she had just bought a new dress and was concerned how she looked in it and how that reaction gave her confidence.

When she got a big reaction before Double or Nothing at the weigh-in event, she was moved to tears. She had uncertainty written all over her face.

When she missed Fyter Fest, where she was scheduled for a win over Leva Bates, with no explanation, and nobody was talking about it, it led to the idea of a cover-up, and in hindsight it was an attempt to keep quiet the issues that were plaguing her. In September, after she had not made any public appearances for nearly two months, Tony Khan just said that she had asked for her release, it was given, and the split up was very amicable.

Just two weeks later, she was back on the independent scene. She worked a date in Chicago as a surprise appearance and the crowd went crazy and she came across extremely grateful. A month after that, on October 20, 2019, she made a surprise appearance at the Impact Bound for Glory show in an intergender gauntlet match. She continued to work independent dates but didn’t return to Impact until March, just prior to the pandemic, when she signed a deal with the company.

She had been a regular on television ever since, and won another gauntlet match at Slammiversary on 7/18 to become the top contender for the women’s title. She was scheduled to face Deonna Purrazzo for the title on Bound for Glory.

She was in Nashville the night of the show. She never came to the PPV the next day. Obviously the company, after she didn’t arrive, tried to contact her and those who knew her in the company tried as well with no luck. The company eventually got so concerned they tried to get the hotel to conduct a wellness check. They opened up her hotel room and she was gone without a trace.

They called numerous people including her fiancé, independent wrestler Isaias Velasquez. As the show went on, the company clearly did not know how to handle a tough situation. During the show nothing was ever said about her. Before her match was to start, announcer Josh Matthews talked about Purrazzo and Kylie Rae about to start, and they played the video package produced for the match. I’m not sure why they did any of this at that point ...

Impact issued a gag order to everyone and none of the company officials, nor any wrestlers, have commented on what happened. All they knew, and this was after the show and the next day, is that she was unharmed and not injured (although she was injured in a match two weeks earlier, but she was said to be fine physically when she came to Nashville for the show). As best we can tell, everyone was sympathetic because of the belief it was a mental health issue that kicked in.

Even to this point Impact did not address the situation publicly. Whatever her issues are must be serious, because at least for now, she seemed to make it clear she is not only no longer doing pro wrestling, but is dropping adding anything new to patreon content and removing herself from social media.

Social media if a celebrity allows it to be, can be crippling from a mental standpoint due to the trolls. Every celebrity on social media has to deal with it in one form or another. With a woman celebrity, who is judged so much on their looks, it can be really cruel. Once she was upset because she had lost a good deal of weight in the past year, not that she was ever what one would call out of shape, but she got in great shape. Evidently she took criticism from people because of the idea she had dropped weight, almost the exact opposite reaction than you’d expect from male fans, but there will always be trolls. She said she was happier and felt better at her lighter weight and you could tell it was a subject that bothered her, in the sense she had trained and dieted to get in great shape and no matter what, there will always be many people who will harp on women over their looks.

AEW’s Full Gear PPV is 11/7 from Jacksonville, a show that on paper looks to be the strongest lineup in the history of the company.

Because AEW’s weakest PPV show in its history from a business standpoint (around 85,000 buys) was last year’s Full Gear, the company is going in with lesser expectations than for its other shows this year.

Instead of putting on a lesser show, they’re putting on two matches that have been teased for a long time. Adam Page vs. Kenny Omega was teased from the end of last year and throughout their tag team run, only at that point it appeared Page would be the heel and now Omega is. Young Bucks vs. FTR is an insider rivalry that dates back four years.

Whether it was two months since the last show, or competition from college football, or simply less interest in last year’s show even though it was the first one promoted by weekly television are all things this year will help us learn. Last year Tony Khan picked a date with no UFC, but ended up with stiffer competition from the younger audience with a Logan Paul fight. This year there is a UFC, but it’s a weak ESPN 2 show, but has the usual Saturday night college football to contend with.

Jon Moxley vs. Eddie Kingston for the AEW title headlines, a match that five months ago would have been looked at as little more than a TV squash match. But the mic work by both has been strong, and the face-to-face on the go-home show was at all-time classic level. As great as Kingston has been, from television, it feels like a Moxley vs. Omega direction right now. Tony Khan confirmed them going on last, which given how strong the undercard is likely to be, is quite the challenge.

FTR vs. Young Bucks for the tag titles has two key stipulations. The first is that if the Young Bucks lose, they can never challenge for the titles again. The second is that Tully Blanchard is banned from ringside. The angle where they Pillmanized the ankle of Matt Jackson was the cover because Matt actually has a partially torn MCL and a thinning ACL. He’s doing rehab rather than surgery at this point. So this will be more of a storytelling match, although it no doubt would have been either way. The injury does affect things, but these are two of the best tag teams of the last decade working together for the first time ...

Everyone figured Full Gear tickets would sell out instantly when they were put on sale, like All Out did. But with 925 tickets put on sale on 10/30, by the next evening they had sold 841 and at press time there were 45 tickets left, all but six priced at $130 or more. With business partners tickets, they will put slightly more than 1,000 fans in the building which would be the second largest U.S. crowd for wrestling since the pandemic. But this is a great lineup and forget about the local market, it tells you people are not willing to travel in great numbers right now for an AEW show.

I don’t think this is a fair sign of anything past the difficulties in selling tickets to a major live wrestling event right now. I don’t take this so much as a representation of the drawing ability of the product but simply just how few people are willing to travel in at this time, and the oversaturation with running live almost every Wednesday night in Jacksonville.

My suspicion is when WWE moves out of Orlando if they go to a place and sell tickets, they’ll probably sell out instantly the first week with huge demand and then really struggle by a few weeks as well. If WWE tries to sell even a small amount of tickets in a new market, it’ll be every Monday and Friday, and one Sunday per month, all in the same building. So they may end up with the same issues, which also won’t be indicative of the true market strength of the product as much as the circumstances.

While New Japan gets a lot of credit for the Shibata crew, nobody has the level of young talent that Dragon Gate has right now, with Ishida, Skywalker, Dia Inferno, Kota Minoura, Dragon Dia, Strong Machine J, Kobune, Taketo Kamei and Madoka Kikuta. All are 26 or under and most are 20 to 22. Kobune, Kamei and Kikuta are all legitimate rookies and Kobune is this year’s rookie of the year standout. Dragon Gate also has another ten wrestlers waiting to debut.

AAA: Konnan was on his podcast talking about the Marvel deal. He said the original plan was a stadium show in Monterrey after the very successful TripleMania Regia show where they would debut the new characters. Konnan specifically said Terror Purpura, who will be the Thanos character, will be the dominant character. Everything about the Thanos character I’ve heard indicates to me that if he hadn’t signed with WWE, that Killer Kross would have had a good shot at the role. Plus, Konnan was always singing his praises about being a superstar.. He said Marvel is very detail oriented on this project right down to how the characters walk to the ring. Marvel, AAA and fashion designer Vero Solis will be putting together a Marvel superhero themed clothing line as well

[AAA] They did the drive-in shows at the Hermano Rodriguez race track in Mexico City this weekend. The biggest show on 11/1 aired live on Facebook and got great reviews ... This was the last of the drive-in shows so at this point nothing is on the schedule except TripleMania, and that doesn’t have an official date. This was the last show for the promotion for at least a few weeks

During the show Hugo Savinovich talked about the Colon family of Carlito, Orlando “Epico” and Eddie “Primo” were coming to AAA as would be Lio Rush. Konnan has a long friendship with the Colons and he’s a big fan of Lio Rush’s work

Even though he’s not even wrestling on this tour, Jeff Cobb is still in Japan and staying through New Year’s Dash. He’s basically living at the dojo and training. Cobb has no real role unless he ends up in The Empire group which was talked about but the spot went to Great O’Khan. He’s their own trainee and it’s time for him to get a push so he does. It’s just how it works there even though Cobb would have worked out so much better in the spot. But he still could be an addition. He was to be in the tag team tournament but his planned partner (Mikey Nicholls) couldn’t get to Japan

The death of Sean Connery, the original James Bond, at 90 on 10/31, leads to a few notes on Bond/wrestling crossovers. Connery was first discovered after placing third in the 1953 Mr. Universe bodybuilding contest. He had two notable villain opponents in movies who were famous pro wrestlers. In the 1964 movie “Goldfinger,” former Olympic silver medalist in weightlifting, Harold Sakata, who became pro wrestler Tosh Togo, was cast as his villain rival Oddjob, with a magic hat. That role ended up being considered one of the all-time classic villain roles in action movies. After the movie came out, he changed his wrestling name to “Oddjob Tosh Togo” for the rest of his career and was billed as a movie star. In the 1967 movie, “You Only Live Twice,” he had a fight scene with Peter Anderson, who as Peter Maivia, the grandfather of Dwayne Johnson, who went on to become one of pro wrestling’s biggest superstars of the late 60s and 70s. Actually the scene of Maivia, who was known in wrestling as a famed streetfighter, throwing Connery threw a window was reminiscent of the famous 1969 brawl he had with Billy Robinson. Later in his Bond career, British heavyweight star and former bodybuilder Wayne Bridges was used as Connery’s body double at times

Laredo Kid from AAA, ACH, Lio Rush and Davey Boy Smith Jr. were at the last set of [MLW] tapings. They were taping multiple shows daily with no audience and it was said to be a very hard

Relations between Court Bauer and Smith are said to be fine. Smith said he’s known Bauer since 2004 when he was a teenager and he’s always liked him. He’s under contract through 12/18. He was going to start as a regular with All Japan at the Champion Carnival tournament and then the pandemic hit. He was at Chris Jericho’s Halloween party this past week and spoke to Tony Khan but they aren’t talking any business until after his MLW deal is up. He’s had interest from WWE, Khan expressed interest, and there is interest from All Japan, Impact and MLW and has no favorite or leaning past saying this decision will be made based on offer and whatever makes the most sense business-wise.

The reason there was no Miro &amp; Kip Sabian vs. Best Friends match on the [AEW Full Gear 2020] PPV is the decision was made to keep that as a long-term Dynamite program, similar to Best Friends vs. Santana &amp; Ortiz and Darby Allin vs. Ricky Starks

Regarding Pac, the issue isn’t as much getting him into the U.S. as getting him back. Every time he goes back he would have to go through two weeks of quarantine. But they do have something in place for him to return

The WWE Network is promoting November around Undertaker so the live feed is featuring tons of Undertaker compilations and documentaries and because of that, it dominates the rankings. Much of the rankings are based on what shows air in the right time slots on the regular streaming feed as opposed to VOD. This week there was also a huge increase for NXT because of the Havoc show and NXT U.K. because of the word of mouth of the Walter vs. Ilja Dragunov match. Viewership numbers for all but the live specials aren’t that large so word-of-mouth can greatly affect the ranking. The top ten this week was: 1. Meeting The Undertaker; 2. Hell in a Cell; 3. Undertaker’s Most Bone Chilling matches; 4. NXT from 10/28; 5. Uncool with Alexa Bliss with Tyler Breeze; 6. NXT U.K. from 10/29; 7. WrestleMania 30; 8. Lilian Garcia’s Chasing Glory with Zelina Vega; 9. Talking Smack on 10/31; 10. Best of WCW Halloween Havoc. 205 Live wasn’t top 25 and there were no other secondary shows in the top 25 nor any independent shows or compilations
WWE Ratings, AEW vs. NXT Ratings:


Raw on 11/2 did 1,656,000 viewers and 0.48 in 18-49, making it the fifth lowest total viewers in history and tied for fourth lowest in 18-49, and hour three was the least watched hour in the history of the show.

The number was a combination of factors to where you can throw a lot of this out. The show has done notably better since moving to the Thunderdome, but this was the day before the election and that was going to hurt somewhat.

In addition, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs. New York Giants football game on ESPN did 11,703,000 viewers, 3.54 in 18-49 and 2.46 in 18-34. It was also a game where the outcome was in the balance in the third hour, an hour wrestling numbers plummeted.

Hour three had 1,455,000 viewers, breaking the all-time record low of 1,463,000 set by hour three on 7/27, during the dead Performance Center period when the TV was setting record lows.

The second-to-third hour drop of 16.7 percent was the third largest second-to-third hour drop in history, trailing only shows this year on 2/17 and 3/30. The hour was built around New Day vs. Shelton Benjamin &amp; Cedric Alexander in a non-title match, Ricochet vs. Tucker and Drew McIntyre in a handicap match against The Miz &amp; John Morrison. The bottom line is that what they were teasing, a Randy Orton comeback on McIntyre and the handicap match, wasn’t something that got people to stay, but the competition was definitely a factor in that.

The show did 1,767,000 viewers in the first hour. The second hour did 1,747,000 viewers.

Hour three also was the lowest watched ever for 25-54, 50+ and second lowest (behind 9/7) for men 18-49 in the history of the show.

Raw was No. 39 overall and No. 9 in 18-49 ...

It was down 4.4 percent in viewers from last week and 5.9 percent in 18-49. It was the least-watched Raw show since 8/17, which was when it bottomed out before the comeback in the Thunderdome.

As compared to last year, on a show that also did poorly (at the time the fourth lowest non-holiday show in history), it was down 22.4 percent in viewers, 36.8 percent in 18-49 and 43.8 percent in 18-34.

Smackdown on 10/30 did strong numbers with a 1.36 rating and 2,286,000 viewers (1.39 viewers per home, well above normal) and an 0.65 (849,000 viewers) in 18-49.

It was the best 18-49 number since 3/27 and viewers were the highest overall number since 9/11, a show which drew big over the novelty of the Thunderdome. It actually beat the draft show in both numbers, although a major key was lack of sports competition as compared to the past two months, not that quality and interest in storylines aren’t the biggest reason.

It was up 4.4 percent in households from two weeks ago, 17.7 percent in viewers, 17.4 percent in 18-49 and 25.0 percent in 18-34. The biggest take is they kept the audience throughout the show as this was the first episode of Raw or Smackdown in recent memory where the last segment actually was the highest rated, which tells you that the Roman Reigns/Jey Uso situation resonated in a way that changed usual viewer habits.

They’ve been battling constant competition at the level of an NBA or MLB playoff game. The other thing is that on a network station, a large percentage of the homes with network access doesn’t have cable access. Network competition is way down due to the absence of new scripted prime time shows. Aside from Shark Tank on ABC, everything else on network TV were reruns and news.

Smackdown tied Shark Tank for first place on television in 18-49 but Smackdown was far ahead with males 18-49 ...

Smackdown still had the fewest viewers of any network show except a rerun of America Ninja Warrior that did 1,945,000 viewers, but only 0.3 in 18-49. Smackdown’s total viewer number was so much lower than all the other network shows because it was last by a pretty big margin in 50+.

Because Smackdown was on FS 1 last week, any comparisons only show how much different airing on cable and network is, given it rose from 881,000 viewers and 0.25 in 18-49. The same thing happened, actually worse, last year. The combination of no World Series and cable vs. network was worth 2.6 times the number of total viewers and 2.6 times the number of 18-49 viewers.

As compared to the same week last year, although last year was against strong network competition, it was down only 9.6 percent in viewers, a far lesser drop than Smackdown or Raw have done as compared to last year in a long time, down 20.0 percent in 18-49 and 33.3 percent in 18-34. Basically that shows even on a very good week the show has “aged up” notably as compared to the same period last year.

In the segments, the big news was the final segment with the Sasha Banks/Bayley and Roman Reigns/Jey Uso plus Uso vs. Daniel Bryan match which did 2.34 million viewers. It was the highest segment in recent memory and the first time the last half hour was the highest rated on the show also in recent memory. The first half our with Reigns &amp; Uso plus Kevin Owens vs Dolph Ziggler did 2.32 million viewers The second half hour with Lars Sullivan, Aalyah and Murphy and Bianca Belair vs. Natalya vs. Billie Kay did 2.22 million viewers. The Murphy, Aalyah, Seth Rollins, Rey &amp; Dominik Mysterio segment plus Street Profits vs. Shinsuke Nakamura &amp; Cesaro did 2.27 million viewers.

Due to election coverage leading to the top 54 shows on cable being all news shows on CNN, Fox News and MSNBC, the wrestling shows took a hit.

Because of both AEW and NXT being out of the top 50, we don’t have the usual ratings details.

AEW was No. 56 doing 717,000 viewers and 0.30 (383,000 viewers) in 18-49. NXT was No. 68, doing 610,000 viewers and 0.14 (181,000 viewers) in 18-49.

There are only a few basic takes. As far as the numbers, they are probably indicative of about as low numbers as either show could get based on competition, because they will likely never face another night quite like this, or at least not for four years. But they do show that the AEW audience has changed greatly over the past year. Last year, AEW would be hit hard by sports and big news events, while this year it holds up much better. It was only down 8.2 percent in viewers and 6.8 percent in 18-49 from last week. In particular, the 18-49 number was stunning that it was that high.

The other thing of note is that NXT doing the big number for Halloween Havoc, did not maintain any momentum off it. In particular, they had 28,000 viewers 18-34 as compared with 102,000 the week before. The numbers are about what would have been expected against this level of news, maybe older viewers doing a little better, but at 18-49, that would be the worse than expected. They did less than half of AEW in every key demo but women 35-49. But the issue is that the hope was last week with the matches and key angles was good enough to keep at least some of the new audience away from AEW and that didn’t happen.

NXT was down 30.4 percent from last week in viewers and 44.5 percent in 18-49, so they did the worst at keeping the fans who checked out last week’s show than the rest of their new viewers ...

By demo, in male 18-34, AEW had 56,000 viewers (down 15.2 percent from last week) and NXT had 13,000 (down 79.0 percent). In women 18-34, AEW had 64,000 viewers (down 15.8 percent) and NXT had 15,000 (down 62.5 percent). In men 35-49, AEW had 184,000 viewers (up 3.4 percent) and NXT had 92,000 viewers (down 37.8 percent). In women 35-49, AEW had 79,000 viewers (down 23.3 percent) and NXT had 61,000(down 19.7 percent).

In the main event segment, AEW nearly tripled NXT in the key demo. AEW with Cody &amp; Billy &amp; Austin Gunn vs. Colt Cabana &amp; Preston Vance &amp; John Silver did 700,000 viewers and 392,000 in 18-49. NXT with Velveteen Dream vs. Tommaso Ciampa did 551,000 viewers and 149,000 in 18-49.

NXT, with its stronger lead-in, actually won the first two quarters but declined throughout the show, losing 34 percent of its 18-49 audience and 23.8 percent overall from start-to-finish, which was worse than a bad Raw does. AEW finished 17.0 percent up from where it started in 18-49, although in total viewers it was down 1.0 percent. The peak of the show across the board was The Young Bucks vs. Private Party match, which also skewed the youngest. AEW skewed slightly younger than usual overall while NXT skewed its oldest to date, with a median viewer nearing 60.

In the first quarter, AEW did 707,000 viewers and 335,000 in 18-49 for MJF &amp; Wardlow vs. Sammy Guevara &amp; Ortiz. NXT did 723,000 viewers and 226,000 in 18-49 for Ember Moon vs. Dakota Kai.

In the second quarter, AEW did 656,000 viewers and 321,000 in 18-49 for a Tony Schiavone interview with Kenny Omega and the first part of Trent vs. Miro. NXT did 672,000 viewers and 199,000 in 18-49 for the ending of Moon vs. Kai, some promos and the beginning of Kushida vs. Cameron Grimes.

In the third quarter, AEW did 707,000 viewers and 366,000 in 18-49 for the end of Trent vs. Miro and the post-match. NXT did 600,000 viewers and 182,000 in 18-49 for Kushida vs. Grimes.

In the fourth quarter, AEW did 739,000 viewers and 424,000 in18-49 for an FTR/Young Bucks video package, a Taz &amp; Brian Cage &amp; Ricky Starks promo and the beginning of Young Bucks vs. Private Party. NXT did 632,000 viewers and 180,000 in 18-49 for Killian Dain &amp; Drake Maverick vs. Ever Rise, the Pat McAfee crew beatdown and McAfee promo.

In the fifth quarter, AEW did 762,000 viewers and 428,000 in 18-49 for Young Bucks vs. Private Party and the post-match beatdown with FTR, Adam Page and Kenny Omega. NXT did 610,000 viewers and 187,000 in 18-49 for the end of the McAfee crew promo and burning the Undisputed Era banner, beating up Dain in the parking lot, a Johnny Gargano video and the beginning of Shotzi Blackheart vs. Toni Storm.

In the sixth quarter, AEW did 711,000 viewers and 399,000 in 18-49 for the Eddie Kingston &amp; Jon Moxley in-ring and Pac video from Japan. NXT did 570,000 and 173,000 in 18-49 for Storm vs. Blackheart and the tank angle with Candice LeRae.

In the seventh quarter, AEW did 752,000 viewers and 401,000 in 18-49 for Nyla Rose vs. Red Velvet, the Vickie Guerrero promo and the Omega &amp; Page video. NXT did 522,000 viewers and what may be a record low 140,000 in 18-49 for Thatch-as-Thatch-can with Akeem, and promos by Xia Li and Rhea Ripley.

In the final quarter, AEW’s main event lost 52,000 viewers and 9,000 in 18-49 while NXT gained 29,000 viewers and 9,000 in 18-49.

xrodmuc316 11-06-2020 05:32 PM

"Raw on 11/2 did 1,656,000 viewers and 0.48 in 18-49, making it the fifth lowest total viewers in history and tied for fourth lowest in 18-49, and hour three was the least watched hour in the history of the show."

Still more than Dynamite in demos and total viewers

xrodmuc316 11-06-2020 05:49 PM

erickman 11-07-2020 06:53 AM

so with the look like biden win, will yang get to go after vince and the wwe

Emperor Smeat 11-10-2020 09:28 PM

The Sheets:


Originally Posted by Observer
Last night's Raw opened somewhat strong, and had a big drop throughout the show, but the key demo numbers were overall well up from last week as the episode averaged 1.69 million viewers and a 0.53 in 18-49.

The show placed fourth in 18-49, trailing only three NFL related shows on ESPN. The New York Jets-New England Patriots game head-to-head did 9.83 million viewers and a 2.79 in 18-49 and 2.06 in 18-34, which is lower than games in most weeks.

The other notable thing was a 17 percent first-to-third hour drop which left WWE with one of the lowest hour threes on record.

Last year on this same weekend, Raw set its all-time record low numbers.

Last night's Raw was 40th overall, but first among entertainment shows overall and in every key demo except with women, finishing in the fourth spot behind the three ESPN football related shows in 18-49, men 18-49, 18-34, and males 12-34.

The show was up two percent in viewers, but up 10 percent in 18-49 as compared to last week. As compared to what was the record low show one year ago this week, Raw was down 18 percent in viewers, 17 percent in 18-49, and 30 percent in 18-34. The drops were much less than the drops have been since March.

As far as the viewers leaving last night, it was far more men than women. First-to-third hour drops were five percent in women 18-49, far lower than usual, and 23 percent in men 18-49, much higher than usual. Teenage girls actually gained 13 percent during the show, a demo that rarely fares that well. Teenage boys were down 29 percent, far worse than usual, while over 50 dropped 16 percent.

The three hours were:

8 p.m. 1.85 million viewers
9 p.m. 1.69 million viewers
10 p.m. 1.53 million viewers


Originally Posted by Observer
A second title match is set for the return of MLW Fusion.

MLW has announced that Middleweight Champion Myron Reed will defend his title against Brian Pillman Jr. on the Wednesday, November 18 episode of MLW Fusion. An MLW World Heavyweight Championship match with Jacob Fatu defending against Davey Boy Smith Jr. is also airing on the episode.

Fusion will premiere on the fubo Sports Network and YouTube at 7 p.m. Eastern time on Wednesdays. The show will also air on beIN Sports at 10 p.m. Eastern on Saturdays and will be available on demand via DAZN.

For the first time since going on hiatus from holding events in March due to the COVID-19 pandemic, MLW held a set of closed set television tapings in Florida last month.

Prior to the announcement of Reed vs. Pillman Jr., MLW's Court Bauer had said in an interview with DAZN that MLW would be adding another title match or two to the card for the November 18 Fusion episode


Originally Posted by PWI reported this evening that Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson will be producing a reboot of the film character that launched him in Hollywood, The Scorpion King, but likely won't play the character. Johnson and his partner Dani Garcia will produce along with Seven Bucks Productions’ Hiram Garcia.

The Rock first played the character in 2001's The Mummy Returns, a sequel to the Universal film starring Brendan Frasier. A spin-off movie dove into the background of the Scorpion King, starring Johnson in 2002, leading to a series of direct to video sequels that Johnson was not involved in.


Originally Posted by PWI
Braun Strowman is once again a babyface, has confirmed.

Although Strowman was flipped to the heel side on Smackdown after being pulled into a swamp by Bray Wyatt and just a few weeks ago, purposely nailed Keith Lee in the nether regions on the 10/20 edition of Monday Night Raw, Strowman is internally considered a babyface for the Raw brand.

Strowman will represent Raw during Survivor Series, teaming with Lee, AJ Styles, Sheamus and Riddle.


Originally Posted by PWI
There has been a lot of talk internally over the last week that the company will be reviving Tribute to the Troops next month. With the exception of 2019, Tribute has been broadcast since December 2003, the Tribute to the Troops event first began as a USO tour put together by WWE where they would bring a live event over to American troops stationed in the Middle East and tour different bases meeting with servicemen and women. Over the years, Tribute events have been held in Iraq and Afghanistan before moving to domestic locations starting with 2010. Since 2010, the show has evolved into a patriotic event designed to celebrate those who have entered into military service for the United States. The Tribute events have led to WWE being honored by the USO, The Army and Air Force Exchange Program and the G.I. Combat Film Festival and other accolades. Last year's event was not televised but took place in Jacksonville, North Carolina at Marine Corps Air Station New River.


Originally Posted by PWI
Vince McMahon was not in attendance at this past Friday's Smackdown taping, the first taping he has missed since the Thunderdome concept was executed. Bruce Prichard oversaw the taping. McMahon was in attendance and running last night's Raw taping.


Originally Posted by PWI
WWE filed a trademark for the term "The Way" on 11/5. Could it be someone is a fan of The Mandalorian?

Supposedly this might be for the return of No Way Jose based on a recent report from Fightful.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Pro Wrestling Junkies hosted a virtual meet-and-greet session with AEW’s Miro. Miro praised the young talent that AEW has on hand and mentioned a “young team/two twins from Minnesota” who compete in AEW which would be Air Wolf (Darius Martin) and Angel Dorado (Daunte Martin). Miro stated that the duo is signed. This has not been confirmed by AEW.

“We have such outstanding, young talent and I’m talking about the future of this business. I’m talking about these kids. I saw these kids and they’re signed so, these two twins that I saw, they’re from Minnesota I think. I think they’re from Minnesota. One of these kids had like an 80-inch vertical and they’re like 19-years old and they’re moving fluidly and once they find each other, they’re gonna be the future of the tag team division and those are just two guys and we have probably another 15 ready to go.”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Alison Rosen welcomed Alexa Bliss onto her ‘Alison Rosen Is Your New Best Friend’ podcast. During the Q&A portion of their chat, Bliss was asked about WWE labeling their talents as independent contractors and if she feels safe working during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“WWE takes care of us 100 percent. You know, we all are in a contract and anything that happens inside the ring, WWE takes care of. Our health is 100 percent priority. Our health and safety is 100 percent priority in the company and you know, unfortunately we’re living in the middle of a cancel culture where people try to start rumors and make their assumption of things and there’s never been a time where I’ve ever felt uncomfortable about being in the ring or have ever felt forced [to be] in the ring. Even when I was injured, I had concussions and Vince [McMahon] said, ‘Alright, we’re gonna send you to the best specialists there are’ and he did and I saw a concussion specialist and they went above and beyond to take care of me and I know everyone feels that way.”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Dominik and Rey Mysterio sat down with Lilian Garcia to record a new episode of ‘Chasing Glory’. Rey stated that initially, Dominik wasn’t supposed to make his in-ring debut until 2021 but the opportunity with Seth Rollins at SummerSlam came about organically.

“We weren’t expecting this opportunity so quickly. We were still giving it about another year of training. We started to negotiate with WWE to potentially sign [a] developmental deal, and we said, ‘Okay, he’ll sign. Go train at the Performance Center, get ready and be ready by 2021, mid [2021].’ This opportunity presented itself. I said, ‘I can’t say yes or no. It’s up to you, however you feel.’”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Dave Marquez was interviewed by Wrestling Inc. Dave reflected on his time as Vice President of New Japan Pro-Wrestling and recalled the company wanting to refer to Finn Balor as “King Devitt: King of the Leprechauns”.

“I really like it [NJPW and UWN collaborating]. It gives a lot more opportunity to people that you probably would never see in Tokyo, especially during my time there. I had a hell of a time getting people booked in New Japan and from the dojo. Even Samoa Joe back in the day, they didn’t want him. There’s many others. The whole Fergal Devitt piece, and they wanted to call him ‘King Devitt: King of the Leprechauns’ back then. And I was like, ‘No, no, no, don’t do that. Please don’t do that.’ I pitched the ‘Prince’ name, and luckily, they went with him. I was like, ‘He’s young. He’s exotic-looking, and he’s a very handsome man. He looks like an underwear model. He’s a prince. He’s royal.’”


Originally Posted by Fightful
Lance Archer explains several aspects of his character.

In an interview with Chris Van Vliet, Archer touched on the "Everybody Dies" catchphrase that he keeps saying on AEW programming. Archer said the phrase is the idea of take advantage of the opportunities presented to you right now and not let it pass by.

"There's kind of that underlying meaning to the phrase 'Everybody Dies' that's like everybody's career ends at some point. I've been lucky and blessed over 20 years now and still going strong and at a top level with a top company in the business of professional wrestling but at some point, it will come to an end. I don't know when and I don't plan on it being any time soon, but this has been my biggest and best opportunity and the waves that AEW is making in the whole world of professional wrestling from the very first All In event, I was very supportive of that, simply for the fact that I knew what it could do to change the business of professional wrestling... going back to the mantra of 'Everybody Dies', it's like take your chances now. Don't let anything pass you by. Kick ass now and apologize later if you have to," Archer said.

As far as his "Murderhawk Monster" nickname, Archer said it came from his desire to re-define himself as he was getting ready to compete in the 2019 G1 Climax. It included a change in hair and when he described the mohawk he had as a "Murderhawk," the name stuck with him and added the monster at the end.

"So last year when the G1 happened it was one of those situations where I took it upon myself, I was like 'This is a big opportunity'. Initially I wasn't even in the G1 for that year, they were starting in Dallas, I was going to be on that show and then I was included into the G1. I had been part of a great tag team, KES, Killer Elite Squad for many years and this was my first real coming out part as a singles wrestler in New Japan since before Davey Boy Smith Jr. had joined New Japan back in 2012 and KES had just gotten started. I just did everything I could to change every part of me that was known to the wrestling world and the G1 was such a huge platform. We were going to be live on AXS TV in the United States of America so it was just one of those situations where I was like I am going to change everything. The initial hair was not the braid, it was more of a crazy poofed up Mohawk thing and we started calling it this crazy Mohawk and this and that and I was like, 'It's not a Mohawk, it's a Murderhawk' and then it morphed into the Murderhawk Monster. Everybody's had their 'monster' monikers in professional wrestling world throughout history but I just thought it was fun to say; Murderhawk Monster," Archer said.


Originally Posted by Fightful
Ryu Lee was in Japan, but left in the middle of quarantine.

According to Joe Lanza and Rich Kraetsch of Voices of Wrestling, Ryu Lee was reportedly sent home from Japan while in the middle of his quarantine. It is unknown why he left and abandoned his quarantine.

Lee was in Japan prior to New Japan Pro-Wrestling releasing its list of participants for Best of Super Juniors 27. Lee was not one of the participants in the tournament. He has competed in the last three Best of Super Juniors tournaments and posted the following tweet on October 8.

The Best of Super Juniors lineup was announced on November 2.

Lee has not wrestled during the pandemic. His last bout was in February at ROH Gateway To Honor 2020 when he defended the ROH Television Championship against Dak Draper.

Lee's contract with ROH expires in December. ROH is back on television, but Lee has not been part of the tapings.

Might be related to recent rumors of him having scheduling issues with his current commitments to ROH and ROH wanting him for their next set of tapings next month. Wouldn't be able to follow through with those ROH commitments if he had been involved with NJPW's upcoming Best of the Super Jrs tournament.


Originally Posted by PWI
There have been additional staff let go from World Wrestling Entertainment on Friday, has confirmed, mostly logistical and behind the scenes staff working out of Stamford, CT. One source believed it was 10-15 staffers in total.

The most well known name who has been let go is former ring announcer Tony Chimel, who has been with the company officially since 1991 and was the first announcer for the Smackdown brand. A friend of Gino "Gorilla Monsoon" Marella's family, Chimel got his first break announcing local WWF events in the Northeast and helping at events dating back to 1983.


Originally Posted by PWI is reporting that WWE Spanish language announcer Jerry Soto, 39, was let go from World Wrestling Entertainment on Friday 11/6 as part of the depatures reported earlier today.

Soto was signed by with WWE in October, 2011, after Hugo Savinovich was fired by the company.


Originally Posted by PWI
Univision has divested itself of The El Rey Network, it was announced over the weekend, leaving as an investor in the cable entity, which broadcast four seasons of Lucha Underground and currently airs Vampiro Unleashed, a talk show hosted by the lucha legend. This means network founder and film director Robert Rodriguez will continue on, operating the network independently. What this means for the network's current and future distribution remains to be seen.


Originally Posted by PWI
Although she has announced she has retired as a professional wrestler, Kylie Rae remains under contract to Impact Wrestling, has confirmed.


Originally Posted by
Last night’s WWE RAW featured a line on commentary where Byron Saxton mentioned WWE Women’s Tag Team Champion Nia Jax vs. RAW Women’s Champion Asuka being “WrestleMania main event worthy.”

That line was included in the commentary on purpose, according to Fightful Select.

It was noted that the line was scripted and completely instructed to Saxton. There was no ad-libbing on Saxton’s part for that line as it was a total directive from WWE officials.

There’s no word yet on if this means they are planning Jax vs. Asuka as one of the WrestleMania 37 matches. We’re still several months away from the big event and plans can obviously change, especially for the women’s division.


Originally Posted by
WWE is set to exit Orlando’s Amway Center, moving production of its ThunderDome to a new venue in December.

While no official announcement on a new location has been announced, WWE has been in discussions with various venues to host its interactive fan experience.

In the latest edition of Wrestling Observer Radio, Dave Meltzer mentioned discussions WWE had on moving the ThunderDome to Tropicana Field in Saint Petersburg, FL.

“Believe it or not, Tropicana Field in Saint Petersburg has been talked about, which is a baseball stadium,” Meltzer stated. I mean it’s good that you’re in central Florida. I think everybody wants to run Florida, because so many of the guys live there, it’s cheaper, you’re not going to get shutdown, they they start shutting things down all over the country, you’re pretty confident Florida, because the governor isn’t going to shut anything down, but that’s a big empty building. I know there’s all kinds of other indoor buildings they’ve talked to as well”

TPWW Frontpage:

Emperor Smeat 11-11-2020 06:53 PM

The Sheets:


Originally Posted by WrestlingInc
The Rascalz (Dezmond Xavier, Zachary Wentz, and Trey Miguel) are headed to WWE, Wrestling Inc. has learned.

As previously reported, the trio are currently free agents. During a segment on last night's episode of Impact Wrestling, it was revealed that the group were being evicted from The Treehouse because they haven't paid rent in two years.

Wrestling Inc. has learned learned that the group has a standing offer from WWE. While they have not yet officially signed the deal, it is just considered a formality and they are expected to join the company.

In their final match with Impact, Miguel will team with Rich Swann to face Xavier and Wentz on next week's episode of Impact Wrestling.


Originally Posted by Observer
Impact Wrestling continues to add more matches to Saturday's Turning Point event on their Impact Plus streaming service, announcing two more bouts on social media Wednesday.

After his successful defense of the title Tuesday in a win over TJP, X Division Champion Rohit Raju is reopening his "Defeat Raju Challenge", opening it up to anyone on the roster to challenge for the belt.

The other new match will feature Chris Sabin and newfound partner James Storm against XXXL (Acey Romery and Larry D). Sabin found himself partnerless due to Alex Shelley's recent neck injury, but after defeating Romero Tuesday, XXXL beat him up and left him laying. He asked Storm backstage if he would help back him up against his enemies and the "Cowboy" accepted.

The matches round out an already deep card for Saturday:
  • World Champion Rich Swann vs. Sami Callihan
  • Knockouts Champion Su Yung vs. Deonna Purrazzo
  • Tag Team Champions The North vs. Good Brothers
  • Jordynne Grace/Tenille Dashwood vs. Rosemary/Taya Valkyrie
  • Brian Myers vs. Swoggle
  • Moose vs. Willie Mack
  • Eddie Edwards vs. Daivari
  • X Division Champion Rohi Raju open challenge
  • Chris Sabin and James Storm vs. XXXL


Originally Posted by Observer
New NWA Tag Team Champions were crowned on this week's edition of UWN Primetime Live.

Aron Stevens & JR Kratos defeated James Storm & Eli Drake on Primetime Live last night to win the NWA Tag Team titles. The match was originally announced as Storm & Drake vs. Stevens & The Question Mark, but Stevens came out for the match alone. Kratos attacked Storm & Drake, then Stevens said no one could prove Kratos isn't The Question Mark.

Stevens & Kratos got the win after Kratos low blowed Storm.


Originally Posted by Fightful
The finals are set in the UWN World Title tournament.

Mike Bennett will meet Chris Dickinson in the finals to crown a UWN World Champion. The bout will take place on the November 24 episode of UWN Primetime Live.

Dickinson advanced to the finals by defeating Fred Rosser in the semi-finals on Tuesday. Dickinson defeated Peter Avalon in the first round of the tournament. On the other side of the bracket, Bennett defeated Shawn Daivari in the semi-finals on Tuesday after previously defeating Kevin Martinson in the first round


Originally Posted by PWI
With MLW Fusion returning next week, this week's episode of MLW Underground will be the last retro episode to air for at least a few weeks as the promotion focuses on its Restart with the 11/19 episode, which will be headlined by MLW Champion Jacob Fatu vs. Davey Boy Smith Jr. and MLW Middleweight Champion Myron Reed vs. Brian Pillman Jr.

This won't be the last of Underground as there are plans for it to continue, in some fashion, on BeIN Sport.

There are plans to feature Kevin Von Erich in a larger role on MLW programming as part of the Restart. The idea is to feature him as sort of a wise old sage style mentor to the younger talents. Think Luke Skywalker from the most recent Star Wars trilogy.

IWA Puerto Rico is working with MLW on Richard Holliday defending the Caribbean title in Puerto Rico, something that has been teased for some time as part of his storyline with Savio Vega.

There is interest in Chris and Patrick Voros, who are an identical twin tag team out of Canada. There's also been talk of 27 year old Jon'tae Kieth, who works independents in the Mid-West and Sefa Fatu, the youngest son of WWE Hall of Famer Rikishi, coming in as well.


Originally Posted by PWI
More cast members have been announced for the upcoming John Cena "Peacemaker" HBO Max spinoff series. Robert Patrick will play Auggie Smith. Chris Conrad will take the role of The Vigilante/Adrian Chase. Danielle Brooks will play Leota Adebayo. And Jennifer Holland will reprise her role from the James Gunn feature "Suicide Squad" film as NSA agent Emma Harcourt, who works with A. R. G. U. S. to monitor the activities of the Suicide Squad.

In September, HBO Max ordered an eight-episode first season for the character starring Cena with James Gunn, the writer and director of Squad and Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy returning to write and direct the series. The series will explore Peacemaker's background before the Suicide Squad film. In promotional material for the film, Cena has described this take on Peacemaker as a "douchey Captain America." Gunn is writing all eight episodes of "Peacemaker" and will be directing many of the episodes as well.

Cena's portrayal of Peacemaker is the first ever live action incarnation of the character, a soldier and super-hero who loves peace so much he is willing to kill for it. The character was originally created by Charlton Comics but acquired by DC in the mid-80s.


Originally Posted by PWI
WWE announced they are seeking a Talent Brand Manager for the company in what appears to be the first step in the company operating as their own agency and management firm for their talents for outside projects, sponsorships, etc.

The listing notes

WWE Talent Management Group will deliver best-in-class 360-degree support of Talent across all internal lines of business and key external partners, amplifying Talent brand value and maximizing monetization opportunities for Talent and WWE.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
AEW president Tony Khan recently spoke with on the state of the company throughout the pandemic and looking ahead to 2021. About a possible relationship with New Japan Pro Wrestling, Khan noted he wanted to see NJPW reciprocate after several of his performers have gone over for shows since AEW launched. Khan added that with the removal of Harold Meij, he feels it might be easier:

"With New Japan, it’s been a little more one-sided where we’ve sent people there and I haven’t really had people from New Japan show up on my TV [programming] yet. I’d like to see more of a two-sided relationship there because I’m honestly one of the easiest people to work with in wrestling. We’ve worked with NWA, we’ve worked with AAA and we’ve sent people to New Japan. I think with Harold [Meij] being gone, I don’t know if it’s going to be easier, but I have a feeling it might be."

Khan added the following regarding the third hour of programming that he says is confirmed for 2021, although the date is not official:

"We’ve worked it out with TNT. It’s 100 percent going to launch in 2021. I don’t have the exact date yet, but I would look out for it soon and it’s right around the corner."


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
AEW champion Jon Moxley spoke with Fight Game Media confirming the company adjusted plans for Full Gear after the first match between Moxley and Eddie Kingston on the anniversary episode in October. Moxley stated they had plans involving him and Lance Archer but after the match with Kingston he saw the obvious direction coming out of it:

"I had a whole other set of plans for everything I was going to do with Lance (Archer), I had a whole different thing. I won’t reveal it in case I go back to it and do something similar.

The thing with Eddie (Kingston), it was just a bridge for the night, like we have this big advertised main event but it’s 2020 and like, as we all know and the fans are sympathetic to – we show up on the day, someone could have been in contact with somebody and now it’s all f—ing scrapped, so you just have to be able to pivot and do something else. I was just focused on that night with Eddie but literally as soon as the match was over, I choked him out, he’s like ‘I didn’t tap, this is bulls—” and I’m like, ‘Oh, it’s so obvious, he didn’t tap’ because he got choked out, so then, I Quit Match – four weeks of promos, easy money.

I haven’t handpicked any opponent – whatever they’ve put in front of me for this whole title reign, whatever opponent, whatever style I just try to take on that new challenge every single time but this one I kind of gave a nod, it just makes all the sense in the world because we hadn’t finalized the plans yet for the pay-per-view but I was like ‘he didn’t tap, he didn’t, he was unconscious, that’s why he didn’t tap’. And I instantly saw the whole story in my head, and I knew he did too and Tony (Khan) gave us the confidence ‘Okay, do it’."


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
MLW’s Court Bauer spoke to The Lapsed Fan podcast regarding the intellectual property surrounding War Games, which MLW was able to claim after using the concept during the promotion’s first iteration in 2003. Bauer explained the IP of War Games was not trademarked by WCW and therefore, didn’t transfer to WWE when the company was sold in 2001. MLW used War Games in 2003 and they trademarked the concept, which lasted until WWE and MLW worked out an arrangement following NXT’s adoption of the concept in 2017:

"A great assumption is to assume that Turner Broadcasting knew what the f— they were doing.

So, when Vince acquired the assets of WCW, what those assets were just were dependent on what they had coming in. So, if they had never filed for trademarks, and had done nothing on that paperwork, well then, they never had them. They had abandoned a lot of trademarks, they had kind of never managed their IP and it was kind of a snapshot of how they ran the operation. They’ve had these incredible IPs; did they ever tend to it? No. That’s the difference between WWE and a lot of its competitors is they go the extra step, they are ruthlessly efficient, they make sure they have a lot of their IPs in place. I mean they kind of go overboard with some of the IPs they make sure they have but I think that’s what makes them different than WCW – they didn’t do that.

So, WWE never had ownership of the intellectual property that was War Games – the actual name and rights to do it. We did a War Games in 2003 and filed for the trademark and no one had done it up to this point, we were using the War Games and pursued it and successfully got it in the U.S Trademark and Patent Offices and we established use of it and for years thereafter had marketed DVDs and things, then brought it back in 2018 and right around then, conveniently timing-wise, NXT said ‘we’re going to do War Games’ and I said, ‘uh, guys, we need to have a conversation’ and we did.

We had announced ours and then they (NXT) did theirs (in November 2017) right after. So, you know, We had a business arrangement, we re-vamped the concept and brought in back in 2019 and introduced War Chamber in Dallas, same concept and added barbed-wire wrapped around the top of the cage but, I can’t go into many of the details, but it’s good to do your paperwork, that’s the biggest takeaway guys. It’s good to do your paperwork, due diligence and making sure you do your paperwork and it all turned out fine."

The fact War Games was never trademarked by WCW back in the day nor WWE never bothered to get the trademark when they bought WCW was very interesting. Originally thought the War Games trademark was just like almost every other WCW and ECW trademark that WWE owned where they purposely let it become abandoned due to neglect and Vince's lingering hatred over WCW.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Game Changer Wrestling has added Blake Christian, Jordan Oliver, Jacob Fatu, Rich Swann, Chris Dickinson, Chris Bey, Kikutaro, and Rickey Shane Page to the list of talent advertised for “Slime Season” on Saturday, December 5th at Meet Las Vegas (233 South 4th Street) in Las Vegas. Responding to criticism for running these shows, GCW owner Brett Lauderdale has posted a message stating any talent uncomfortable or having seconds thoughts should not feel pressured to the work the show and it won’t affect their standing with the group.


Originally Posted by Fightful
The Young Bucks climbed to the top of the tag team mountain at AEW Full Gear when they defeated FTR to win the AEW Tag Team Titles.

Many didn't think it would take Matt & Nick Jackson a year to win the AEW Tag Team Titles given their standing in the company both behind the scenes and in terms of popularity, and according to them, they wanted to hold off even longer.
Tony Khan Feels Forming Relationship With NJPW Might Be Easier With Harold Meij Gone
Related Article Tony Khan Feels Forming Relationship With NJPW Might Be Easier With Harold Meij Gone

“If we’d won them right away, there wouldn’t have been a struggle for our characters,” Nick told Sports Illustrated. “We actually wanted to hold back for another year, so winning now was a Tony [Khan] call, but I’m glad it happened at the pay-per-view. It felt special, and winning it from FTR in this rivalry, in a match we never thought would happen, took it over the top."

Matt added, "We wanted our story to be painful. So we kept losing, and when you finally thought we’d start winning, we’d lose more. Being fans, we know the feeling of when that pain turns to celebration, and this was the right time for us. We competed in arguably the biggest tag-team match of the last five years and finally won the tag titles in the company we helped start. Does it get any bigger than that?”


Originally Posted by Fightful
It's no secret Jim Herd clashed Ric Flair during Herd's time as the Executive Vice President of WCW.

Herd famously wanted Flair to cut his hair and become a Roman gladiator named Spartacus, believing WCW needed to create new stars. Obviously, this didn't go over well with Flair and didn't end up happening.

Sitting down with Conrad Thompson on AdFreeShows, Herd was asked about Ricky Steamboat beating Flair in February 1989 and whether the company had become too reliant on Flair after Flair supposedly tested negatively with fans

"There was a lot of controversy with Ric, he.....I just saw Ric a month ago on some show, what's the guy's name, the bald headed guy [Steve Austin] who has a show on now, he interviewed Ric. I looked at Ric's forehead and I said, 'They must've taken part of his ass and put it on his forehead because all those cuts are gone,' which is great. Ric was a guy that you couldn't control out in public and he did a lot of different things that we didn't agree with, Turner didn't agree with. Believe me, during all this time, if you didn't get a pass from Turner, you got no pass at all because he controlled everything through me. I took the lumps when they came and as long as I maintained his dynamic, which was making it rain dollars, he didn't interfere," said Herd.

Flair would regain the NWA World Heavyweight Title in May 1989 and hold it until July 1990, when he lost the belt to Sting. The feud between Herd and Flair peaked when Flair was fired amid contract negotiations with Herd, allowing him to jump to the WWF and take the WCW World Title with him.


Originally Posted by Fightful
BT Sport has dedicated next week to The Undertaker, airing various programming on their network to celebrate his career. To hype the upcoming week-long celebration, BT Sport shared a clip of Sami Zayn describing the first time he met Undertaker.

"The first memory that I have of really interacting with him was at NXT. It was a television taping, late 2014, right before I'm about to wrestle Neville. That story had a good build-up going into that match. It was maybe the last episode of TV before the match. I cut this really impassioned promo, which I think is one of my better promos as a good guy because the storyline was that we were friends, but he was the champion because he was willing to get his hands dirty and I was too adherent to my morality and that's why I would never succeed like him. We had this heated talking segment where I slap him in the face. When I got back there, Undertaker was fired up. He was like, 'THAT'S HOW YOU DO IT! THAT'S HOW YOU SELL TICKETS! THAT WAS A MONEY PROMO!' That night, I think we did a match for the championship where [Neville] won and R Evolution was the rematch. He also complimented that match. He was like, 'I thought you were just going to go out there and do a bunch of spots, but you guys told a story. That is how you do it!' Undertaker is Undertaker and the fact that he was at NXT was 'Undertaker is here.' For him to be waiting for us backstage as soon as we got through the curtain, and fired up about how good our work was, that was amazing," recalled Zayn.

Zayn would win the NXT Championship from Neville (now Pac in AEW), at NXT TakeOver: R Evolution in a Title vs. Career bout.


Originally Posted by WrestleTalk
Another name has been added to the list of NXT talents who have been called up to the WWE main roster even though we haven’t actually seen them show up yet.

Fightful Select reports that Santana Garrett was called up to the main roster this past summer.

Garrett only wrestled on NXT TV a small handful of times, and did have some outings on Raw and Main Event earlier this year before the summer but hasn’t been used since then.

The report notes that there were a number of pitches for Garrett including for her to be part of a tag team, but none of them have come to fruition.

Garrett joins the likes of Chelsea Green and Vanessa Borne as names from NXT who were called up to the main roster earlier in the year but still haven’t appeared.

WWE's continued botching of NXT call-ups has been way too comical these days. Why bother calling up people if you have nothing planned for them on the main roster.

TPWW Frontpage:

Emperor Smeat 11-12-2020 09:47 PM

The Sheets:


Originally Posted by Observer
Last night's post-Full Gear episode of AEW Dynamite averaged 764,000 viewers on TNT, up 6.6 percent from last week. On the USA Network, NXT was up 3.6 percent in overall viewership, averaging 632,000 viewers.

The total Wednesday night viewership was 1.396 million, almost identical to three weeks ago and one of the lowest numbers of the last several months. That's still up 5.2 percent from last Wednesday, where Dynamite and NXT both went against election coverage on the day after last week's presidential election.

After failing to chart in the top 50 last week with cable news dominating the ratings, Dynamite was up to 17th on the cable charts in the 18-49 demo while averaging the same 0.30 rating as the show did last week.

NXT was up 14.3 percent in the 18-49 demo, averaging a 0.16 rating but failing to make the top 50. NXT finished in 56th place on cable. That's a little higher than last Wednesday, but there still does not seem to have been any audience retention from the strong rating of Halloween Havoc two weeks ago.

Year-over-year, Dynamite was down 20.2 percent in overall viewership and 30.2 percent in the 18-49 demo. NXT was down 15.7 percent in viewership and 36 percent in the demo.

Detailed demo ratings for NXT aren't available due to it falling outside the top 50. AEW's strongest demo category was men 18-49, where the show averaged a 0.38 rating. That tied for eighth overall on cable in the demo and was first among non-news programming.


Originally Posted by Observer
A day after her debut on Dynamite, AEW announced that Jade Cargill is now under a multi-year contract.

Cargill, who played basketball at Jacksonville State University, debuted Wednesday to confront Cody Rhodes as an apparent representative of Shaquille O'Neal. Brandi Rhodes then showed up to address Cargill, teasing a mixed tag with O'Neal and Cargill against Cody and Brandi ...

Cargill, 28, is a fitness model who offers diet and exercise subscription plans on her website in addition to having a master's degree in child psychology.

Cargill was part of a tryout camp at the WWE Performance Center in April 2019, according to


Originally Posted by Observer
Lana will be the subject of the next episode of WWE Chronicle.

WWE has announced that a Chronicle episode on Lana will premiere on the WWE Network on Saturday, November 21. That's the day before this year's Survivor Series pay-per-view ...

On WWE television, Lana has been put through a table by Nia Jax eight times over the last several weeks. Lana, Jax, Shayna Baszler, Mandy Rose & Dana Brooke will be on Team Raw for this year's Raw vs. SmackDown Survivor Series women's elimination match. Bianca Belair and Ruby Riott have qualified for Team SmackDown thus far. wrote about the Lana episode of Chronicle: "WWE Chronicle: Lana will take you behind the scenes of the vivacious Superstar’s life away from the ring, including as she spends time with her family. Expect to see a side of Lana that you’ve never seen before when the next episode of WWE Chronicle drops Saturday, Nov. 21, only on the award-winning WWE Network."


Originally Posted by Observer
Yoshinobu Kanemaru is out of this year's Best of the Super Juniors tournament.

NJPW announced tonight that Kanemaru will be out of action with a knee injury, and thus will miss the tour. As a result, young lion Yuya Uemura will compete in Kanemaru’s place.


Originally Posted by PWI
The Undertaker did an interview with The New York Post, discussing his final farewell at this year's Survivor Series, whether he will return for future matches, initial thoughts on his 1990 WWE Survivor Series debut and more.

He noted that he knew he was done as a performer when filming his Boneyard match against AJ Styles at Wrestlemania 36, noting, "I realized I have taken every physical gift, tool that I have and have used it up. There’s no water left in the sponge, if I can use that analogy. I’ve rung everything I could get out of that sponge.”

Undertaker was also adamant that he wouldn't be using additional cinematic-style bouts to extend his WWE run, stating, "It really doesn't appeal to me because basically what it is, is working around my limitations. It's capitalizing on some of my ability and some of my creative ability to tell a story but basically it's trying to mask some of the lack of my physical abilities at this point" ...

On his returns over the years, Undertaker commented, “If Vince feels like there’s still something there, I have a place on the roster, then I had no problem doing it,” he said. “That’s where the internet and all that stuff kind of show up, ‘Just let him retire, just let him do this, let him do that.’ I’m a grown man. I can walk away anytime I want.”

Undertaker also noted that he wishes he had a chance to work with the current version of Bray Wyatt, saying their bout at Wrestlemania 31 could have been used as a catalyst for where The Fiend is now.


Originally Posted by PWI
AEW began teasing a storyline for Cody Rhodes and NBA legend Shaq tonight, something that Shaq has teased since signing a new deal with Turner Sports. Shaq was at Full Gear over the weekend.


Originally Posted by Fightful
If you've ever wondered how AEW contracts work in terms of talent paid to appear on Dark or extras, Cody Rhodes offered some insight.

Appearing on AEW Unrestricted, Cody was discussing some year two talent who he expects big things from and listed wrestlers like Ricky Starks, Sammy Guevara, Anna Jay, and Red Velvet.

He was slightly confused as to Red Velvet's contract status, which led to the following exchange between Cody and co-host Aubrey Edwards.

Cody - I don't even know if Red Velvet works here, yet.

Aubrey - She does. That might be breaking news.

Cody - She's on an 'agreed to appear,' right?

Aubrey - I don't know what tier she's on. She ain't All Elite. She's not getting a graphic.

Cody - Jeff is very particular about who gets a graphic.

When asked by Tony Schiavone to clarify the contract tiers, Cody offered the following details, "'Agreed to appear' is tier zero, meaning you will get a bonus, and Tony is super generous. If you ask some of these extras what they're making down dad would've lost it. It's the COVID era, they have no other work because there are no Indies. Tier zero is a signing bonus and exclusivity to us in terms of, we get a first option on you and we guarantee you X amount of dates. The exclusivity is case by case. The goal is, you don't want to pay someone who has agreed to appear and keep giving them their weekly versus tier one, which is our base contract agreement. We have tier one, two, three, four, and tier Jericho. Everyone is given a choice of things that are important to them, different pieces of the pie."


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Ryback welcomed David Benoit onto his YouTube show to discuss David’s aspirations in pro wrestling and what he’s enjoying about the current product. David stated that he does not want to go to WWE and would rather compete in other companies/promotions to gain experience.

“I don’t wanna go there [WWE]. I’d rather go to New Japan, AEW, IMPACT, AAA, NWA. Get some experience underneath my belt.”

That is the best choice for him since WWE's developmental system under Triple H hasn't had a good track record these past few years when it comes to developing raw talent or those with very limited experience in the indies beforehand. Even William Regal sent his own son to NJPW's LA Dojo to get proper wrestling training instead of at WWE's PC.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Taylor Wilde welcomed Killer Kelly onto her ‘Wilde On’ podcast. Killer Kelly looked back at her time in NXT UK and how she was used on the brand. She feels that she was not used very well although she enjoyed her time in WWE overall.

“I’m very grateful for the time I spent in WWE. Like very grateful. I trained with William Regal. Like that’s a dream. I was very, very happy there working with them and training and having promo class with Shawn Michaels. Like what the hell? And I had a lot of good friends there and everything but I wasn’t used very well. I didn’t get to showcase myself like I did on the indies. I was still working wXw and people would see what I would bring to the table and they’re like, ‘Why isn’t Kelly doing that? Why is Kelly just the person who puts over other talent?’ Which, by me, I’m totally fine. I’m totally fine. That means that the company trusts you to put over other people and they trust you to do that. But, at the same time I was like, ‘Okay, I need something more and now is the time to do it.’”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
To promote the next season of Miz & Mrs. on the USA Network, The Miz and Maryse were interviewed by TV Insider. Miz stated that his father George Mizanin owns a food truck called ‘Miz Steaks & Wieners’ and sells ‘Mike’s Little Wieners’.

“You’ll see this on the show, but my dad is retired now. He comes in and says, ‘I retired.’ We’re like, ‘Does that mean you’re going to be here more?’ He is like, ‘Yep.’ So we try to find my dad a hobby. His idea of a hobby was buying a food truck. Buying a food truck is not a hobby—it’s a job. What does he call it? He calls it Miz Steaks and Wieners. His hot item that he sells is Mike’s Little Wieners. Yes, he utilizes my name, my brand to exploit me and make fun of me all in the same aspect. That’s what I’m dealing with.”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
The latest guest on ‘Talk Is Jericho’ was Jake Hager. Towards the end of their conversation, Hager speculated on the idea of where WWE came up with the name “Swagger” for his in-ring last name. He recalled a time where Vince McMahon stated that he hated his [Jake’s] smile and said fans would hate it too. That somehow led to the name “Jack Swagger”.

“It was just from WWE creative. It came after I had a meeting with Vince [McMahon], and I was smiling too much I guess. He was like, ‘See that smile, f*cking pisses me off,’ and so I wipe it off immediately being a rookie and he’s like, ‘No, no, it’s great. It’s gonna piss them off too.’ So I think something from that smile… Swagger came out.”


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
NJPW hosted a fan Q&A with YOSHI-HASHI and the NEVER Openweight 6-Man Tag Team Champion stated that the red stripes on his gear are a tribute to Shinsuke Nakamura.


Originally Posted by Fightful
Jim Herd has cleared up one of the biggest rumors in WCW history.

Herd and Ric Flair famously clashed during Herd's time as Executive Vice President of WCW in the late 80s and early 90s, leading to Flair leaving WCW for the WWF. According to Flair, Herd wanted to change his entire persona, turning him into a Roman gladiator and renaming him Spartacus.

Speaking to Conrad Thompson on AdFreeShows, Herd said they pitched a bunch of different gimmicks and characters during meetings, but turning Flair into Spartacus was never under consideration.

"When you're brainstorming those things, you get all kinds of feedback from those guys. That's where the lie that I wanted to change Ric Flair's name came from. That came from one of the meetings, but it was never considered. One of the things that was considered, and he didn't like it so it became -- there was a wrestler were going to call The Zodiac Man. Every match, at the end of the match, you could go out the door and they would throw these discs that were redeemable at fast food places. They would catch them and if you could prove you were a Leo after the match, you'd get another disc. It got so complicated, but his name was going to change every month with a different promotion. I think Ric heard we wanted him to be the Zodiac Man. It was just another lie that came out of those meetings. A lot of it was tongue in cheek in those meetings," said Herd.

Flair would leave WCW in 1991, taking Big Gold with him to WWF.


Originally Posted by 411Mania
Fightful Select has a report with details on the new WWE contracts that were signed by several wrestlers from EVOLVE. The initial “short-term” contracts they were signed to are reportedly worth $60,000 in their downside guarantees. The talents can receive added bonuses in the amount of $500 per each episode of WWE TV they appear on.

These contracts are being described as “short-term agreements” that could increase to as high as $80,000 in January 2021. At that time, it’s said that the talents’ bonuses will have significant increases, and they could potentially triple in size for future TV appearances.

Additionally, the report notes that several sources within WWE were happy that the company has opted for these type of “shorter-term agreements.” As a result, the shorter-term contracts would serve in helping WWE to avoid the “stockpiling and hoarding” of wrestlers who end up not being used on TV.

WWE reportedly signed a number of former EVOLVE wrestlers earlier this year. Some of the signees included Leon Ruff, Anthony Greene, Josh Briggs, Brandi Lauren and Curt Stallion.


Originally Posted by 411Mania
As we reported last month, VICE TV officially announced a third season of Dark Side of the Ring, which will premiere next year with fourteen episodes.

In the latest edition of Wrestling Observer Radio, Dave Meltzer noted that he was interviewed for several episodes and said that the producers have only finalized content for eight of them so far. He noted that there are six episodes left that have yet to be decided. He added that they are tossing around ideas but a lot of them “aren’t viable.’ He noted some were ‘cool stories’ but wouldn’t be ‘marketable in the United States.’

So far the only episodes confirmed by those who were interviewed include Brian Pillman, the 1995 WCW/NJPW Collision in Korea supershow and Grizzly Smith’s family: Jake Roberts, Rockin’ Robin and Sam Houston.


Originally Posted by 411Mania
As we reported last night, Leon Ruff won the NXT North American title by defeating Johnny Gargano, who tried to defend the belt for the first time. In the latest edition of Wrestling Observer Radio, it was noted that the angle, as it was presented on NXT, was not done in a way to make Leon Ruff a star.

Meltzer said that it was done as a joke, complete with the belt falling off of Ruff because he was too skinny and him tripping over it on his way out. It was only set as a shocking moment. It was said that WWE had the idea that while it was meant to be a comedy angle with Gargano, but only saw it as a comedy angle and had no intention to make a star.


Originally Posted by PWI
As we discussed on yesterday's edition of The We Don't Need No Stinkin' Name Show, Savio Vega won't be alone in attending the 11/22 Survivor Series in honor of The Undertaker's Final Farewell.

WWE Hall of Famer The Godfather is also slated to be in attendance at the event.

The plan is for Kane, Undertaker's storyline brother and longtime partner/oppponent, will also be at Survivor Series, has also confirmed.

Spoiler tags used since its related to WWE's plans for Taker at Survivor Series later this month.

TPWW Frontpage:

RP 11-12-2020 10:29 PM


As we reported last night, Leon Ruff won the NXT North American title by defeating Johnny Gargano, who tried to defend the belt for the first time. In the latest edition of Wrestling Observer Radio, it was noted that the angle, as it was presented on NXT, was not done in a way to make Leon Ruff a star.

Meltzer said that it was done as a joke, complete with the belt falling off of Ruff because he was too skinny and him tripping over it on his way out. It was only set as a shocking moment. It was said that WWE had the idea that while it was meant to be a comedy angle with Gargano, but only saw it as a comedy angle and had no intention to make a star.
Hilarious. Great job WWE. I"m laughing so hard. What time does AEW come on?

Volare 11-13-2020 01:03 PM

Just fucking wow. I get WWE being a "name" and all that but why would people want to go there unless they're just money hungry.

erickman 11-13-2020 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by Volare (Post 5391359)
Just fucking wow. I get WWE being a "name" and all that but why would people want to go there unless they're just money hungry.

well the rascals were kicked out of there tree house, an bray offered to let them live in his funhouse.

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