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Bad News Gertner 04-28-2021 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by Emperor Smeat (Post 5449673)
If I remember correctly, a big factor for Evolution being a dud in terms of being a money maker was due to WWE picking a weak venue for it and the piss poor job WWE did hyping up the show until very late.

They legit thought Trish vs. Alexa Bliss as the headliner would be enough alone to sell the PPV and it wasn't until they changed it to Ronda headlining that ticket sales and interest started to really spike. By then it was too late to generate enough momentum to make the show a big money maker.

Plus they were still dealing with the backlash from their Saudi deal and women not allowed on those shows so Evolution also felt a bit more like just a PR move than them being actually genuine with an all-women's show.

Had they been serious with Evolution's hype and build, it could have potentially acted as the spark for an all-women's brand afterwards like what ECW One Night Stand did for WWE's ECW brand.

It never would have worked. There's a good segment of wrestling fans that hate the whole "Women's Revolution "

Plus there isn't enough great female workers to carry a weekly show. The vast majority of Women's matches are terrible.

Lock Jaw 04-28-2021 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by Lord Gertner of TPWW (Post 5449711)
And there's a few people who preferDiet Coke over regular Coke

You say that now, but wait after Lacey Evans vs Tamina happens 3 weeks in a row

Yeah, don't get me wrong.... I'd watch the show.... for a few months before my general feeling of "over wrestling" hits me and I stop caring. Kind of like how I watched AEW for a bit but then just stopped because "meh, wrestling".

Bad News Gertner 04-28-2021 09:52 PM

I get that

Emperor Smeat 04-28-2021 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by Lord Gertner of TPWW (Post 5449717)
It never would have worked. There's a good segment of wrestling fans that hate the whole "Women's Revolution "

Plus there isn't enough great female workers to carry a weekly show. The vast majority of Women's matches are terrible.

It could work since the interest in women's wrestling in WWE has been growing over the years. It just can't be a major brand right off the start or else you risk too much meddling by Vince since that is what hurt WWE ECW and 205 Live early in their existences.

Talent-wise, WWE has way more than enough to make an all-women's weekly show work since one of NXT's main purposes is to train crops of women to be more serviceable in the ring than what WWE was offering before.

If WWE can't make a brand work with around 40-60 women on hand, then that's a failure of their shitty booking habits and not the talent themselves.

Fignuts 04-28-2021 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by Lord Gertner of TPWW (Post 5449645)
Whoever said that isn't wrong. Nobody would watch am all women's show. Nobody. This isn't Joshi. Totally different animal.

I've used this analogy before. Men's wrestling is Coke. Women's is Diet Coke.

Both are sodas. But if I'm gonna have a soda, I'm gonna have a Coke because it's better. Now there are some people who prefer Diet Coke, but they are in the extreme minority. If I'm gonna have or watch something, I want to watch the best.

This applies to all Women's sports

I dunno dude, I'd definitely watch women's volleyball over mens.

Fignuts 04-28-2021 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by Emperor Smeat (Post 5449800)
It could work since the interest in women's wrestling in WWE has been growing over the years. It just can't be a major brand right off the start or else you risk too much meddling by Vince since that is what hurt WWE ECW and 205 Live early in their existences.

Talent-wise, WWE has way more than enough to make an all-women's weekly show work since one of NXT's main purposes is to train crops of women to be more serviceable in the ring than what WWE was offering before.

If WWE can't make a brand work with around 40-60 women on hand, then that's a failure of their shitty booking habits and not the talent themselves.

Interest has been growing because of the handful of women they have that can actually work. But it's just that. A handful. There's not enough quality in ring talent to make an all women's show watchable.

Emperor Smeat 04-28-2021 11:21 PM

For a 1 hour weekly show, you only really need like 3-4 matches top and a few segments to build up feuds and other talent.

If WWE legit can't make that work with their "greatest women's division" and an overall roster of women that's larger than most indies and all-women's promotions, then that's a mega failure on their part.

A lot of WWE's current struggles with their women's division is due to their shitty overall booking and their women's division being way too stretched out.

WWE's shown that the way they do it with 2 main roster divisions, a developmental brand that just hogs quality female talent, a smaller developmental talent that just stashes extra talent away, and a set of 2 main titles and 2 tag titles doesn't work.

Condense that into 1 main brand with 1 main title and 1 tag title with women still getting some time on the main brands so it doesn't turn into another forgotten 205 Live and it would work. Its just WWE is way too stupid to realize this to make it work.

Bad News Gertner 04-28-2021 11:30 PM

How many times can you do Bayley vs Sasha.

Emperor Smeat 04-28-2021 11:42 PM

As a singles match, only a handful of times per year at most.

You take a page out of WWE Network era NXT and/or Attitude Era on the mentality towards booking those matches so your not burning through those singles matches and feud interest way too quickly unlike what WWE main roster brands do these days for feuds.

Bad News Gertner 04-28-2021 11:50 PM

They've got maybe 6-7 who can go. It'll get old fast.
. It'd definitely do worse than NXT.

Emperor Smeat 04-29-2021 12:10 AM

They got more than that just in NXT alone (NXT & NXT UK) and enough on the main roster to fill out a healthy upper card and top division. Add in some serviceable to good talent and they have a fine lower and mid-card to work with for a women's only show.

On the main roster, it only looks very dire because they are stretched out over 2 brand and WWE barely gives a shit unless your name is Charlotte or are forced into a situation like what happened with Sasha's top star rise this past year once Charlotte, Becky, and Ronda were out.

Probably would do worse than NXT though for ratings at least early since it takes time to build up a stable core audience and use it as the basis for growth. Plus wash away any associated WWE main roster brands stink.

Volare 04-29-2021 11:52 AM

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erickman 04-29-2021 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by Emperor Smeat (Post 5449837)
They got more than that just in NXT alone (NXT & NXT UK) and enough on the main roster to fill out a healthy upper card and top division. Add in some serviceable to good talent and they have a fine lower and mid-card to work with for a women's only show.

On the main roster, it only looks very dire because they are stretched out over 2 brand and WWE barely gives a shit unless your name is Charlotte or are forced into a situation like what happened with Sasha's top star rise this past year once Charlotte, Becky, and Ronda were out.

Probably would do worse than NXT though for ratings at least early since it takes time to build up a stable core audience and use it as the basis for growth. Plus wash away any associated WWE main roster brands stink.

thats why a month ago i was thinking they would do a womans show for peacock. they have far too many women for the shows they have.

Emperor Smeat 04-29-2021 07:51 PM

Add Xia Brookside to the growing pile of anti-COVID and conspiracy theory wackos currently in NXT and WWE's developmental system.

This time it wasn't entirely Drake Wuertz fault since her boyfriend instead seems to be the source of her recent hard turn.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">WHAT THE HELL DO YOU EVEN THINK THAT MEANS?!?<br><br>Usually, I have some idea what they THINK they're saying, but nope, not this time.<br><br>We're getting to the point where if WWE doesn't take active steps to deradicalize the people who work for them, they're officially making it worse. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; David Bixenspanhausen (@davidbix) <a href="">April 29, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Bad News Gertner 04-29-2021 08:04 PM

Bix is having a field day with this

Side note: Bix and Kris Zellner are doing the episode I picked for next weeks "Between The Sheets" podcast. Paid my $25 through their Patreon for this

Fignuts 04-29-2021 09:02 PM

Someone tell cornette too. He'll have a fucking meltdown on his podcast.

XL 04-30-2021 03:06 AM


Originally Posted by Emperor Smeat (Post 5450029)
Add Xia Li to the growing pile of anti-COVID and conspiracy theory wackos currently in NXT and WWE's developmental system.

This time it wasn't entirely Drake Wuertz fault since her boyfriend instead seems to be the source of her recent hard turn.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">WHAT THE HELL DO YOU EVEN THINK THAT MEANS?!?<br><br>Usually, I have some idea what they THINK they're saying, but nope, not this time.<br><br>We're getting to the point where if WWE doesn't take active steps to deradicalize the people who work for them, they're officially making it worse. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; David Bixenspanhausen (@davidbix) <a href="">April 29, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Smeat with the FAKE NEWZ.

That’s NXT UK’s Xia Brookside, daughter of Robbie Brookside, not Xia Li.

Emperor Smeat 04-30-2021 08:35 AM

My bad, somehow managed to screw up the two Xia's.

That's what I get for not actually reading the name and having a bunch of other sheets news and NFL Draft stuff tabs opened at the same time.

Bad News Gertner 04-30-2021 10:25 AM

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Say some Hardy Boy leaves the New Brood and is dissin' your fly girl. Ya just give 'em one of these ������ <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Wrestling Referees are Wizards (@refsaswizards) <a href="">April 30, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

drave 04-30-2021 11:10 AM

god damnit - now i gotta listen to the whole theme

Lock Jaw 04-30-2021 11:56 AM

One of the best themes ever

Emperor Smeat 04-30-2021 03:30 PM

According to the Observer Newsletter, WWE is currently in talks with MLW regarding the potential of a working partnership between the two.

Part of the reason is due to WWE being upset over their bad rep and perception of them not liking to work with other companies and the other is due to them needing a place for their lesser experienced developmental talent to work since EVOLE is gone and NXT is way too stuffed with talent with not enough tv time to split around.


Originally Posted by Observer Newsletter
We’ll see if this goes somewhere, but WWE doesn’t like the rep that it doesn’t work with anyone in the modern wrestling world. They are in talks with MLW and it’s along the lines of the old Evolve deal or to a degree the 90s ECW deal. The idea is to get some of the developmental guys who aren’t working on NXT television some work. There is also the idea of creating their own Evolve-like group as a weekly streaming show, but this would allow the guys to work on actual television and get more exposure than on Peacock and also seem like they are changing and modernizing. The idea is also to alleviate the frustration of so many guys on the roster who sign and then basically are never used, especially now with no NXT house shows (although that will likely be changing soon). The idea is people see AEW having partnerships with New Japan, Impact and AAA and they want to make it look like WWE is not set in its old ways and uncooperative in he real world. Whether this comes to fruition is a different story but the mentality right now is there to work with other people. Then again, that was also the mentality in the U.K. and Germany and that didn’t turn out well. But this is a totally new WWE under Nick Khan

xrodmuc316 04-30-2021 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by Emperor Smeat (Post 5450226)
According to the Observer Newsletter, WWE is currently in talks with MLW regarding the potential of a working partnership between the two.

Part of the reason is due to WWE being upset over their bad rep and perception of them not liking to work with other companies and the other is due to them needing a place for their lesser experienced developmental talent to work since EVOLE is gone and NXT is way too stuffed with talent with not enough tv time to split around.

Lol come on.

"The idea is people see AEW having partnerships with New Japan, Impact and AAA and they want to make it look like WWE is not set in its old ways and uncooperative in he real world. Whether this comes to fruition is a different story but the mentality right now is there to work with other people."

Translation - "WWE might work with other companies, but then again, they might not, that will be $11.99."

Seriously, how is this bullshit news???

Emperor Smeat 04-30-2021 07:58 PM

Did you not read the first part where it says WWE is in talks with MLW over the potential of a working partnership.

The talks must be in the very early stage since MLW's Court Bauer hasn't done any cryptic tweets of this happening beforehand like he does with almost everything.

Also this seems to be a potential legit partnership and not the poison pill type like with EVOLVE and PROGRESS or WWE's idea of a partnership in Japan being them just buying out companies.

xrodmuc316 04-30-2021 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by Emperor Smeat (Post 5450278)
Did you not read the first part where it says WWE is in talks with MLW over the potential of a working partnership.

The talks must be in the very early stage since MLW's Court Bauer hasn't done any cryptic tweets of this happening beforehand like he does with almost everything.

Also this seems to be a potential legit partnership and not the poison pill type like with EVOLVE and PROGRESS or WWE's idea of a partnership in Japan being them just buying out companies.

I did, just hate Observers way of reporting. They take a piece of news like working with MLW, spin it in a way that promotes how great AEW is and WWE isnt, speculate something in a way that is a coin flip, and hedge their bets as "well it could happen, or it could not happen".

Let me try, I heard on next week's Raw that Vince McMahon is going to take a shit right in the middle of the ring on live TV. I am also hearing that he might not really do that. Guess we will find out Monday!

Emperor Smeat 04-30-2021 08:27 PM

Seeing as WWE has been notorious for a long time about changing their minds constantly, don't see how that's an issue of Meltzer pointing out this potential partnership might not even happen.

Same for him bringing up their main rival having a big advantage over them when it comes to AEW being a lot more open to partnerships and the buzz it keeps generating for the company compared to WWE and their long perception of being very closed minded when it comes to working with others.

screech 04-30-2021 09:36 PM

How wacky would it be if every promotion shared talent? I don't know how it could realistically work, but it would be crazy to turn on any show and potentially see any rassler.

xrodmuc316 05-01-2021 12:50 AM


Originally Posted by Emperor Smeat (Post 5450283)
Seeing as WWE has been notorious for a long time about changing their minds constantly, don't see how that's an issue of Meltzer pointing out this potential partnership might not even happening.

Same for him bringing up their main rival having a big advantage over them when it comes to AEW being a lot more open to partnerships and the buzz it keeps generating for the company compared to WWE and their long perception of being very closed minded when it comes to working with others.

Right, but if he doesn't know then he doesn't know. Why report a hypothetical scenario that may or may not happen in that manner?

If they were taking a guess, don't hedge. Either wait until his guess is right, or admit he guessed wrong. His "plans change" bullshit is just that, it's bullshit. He has created a system where he can guess whatever he wants, then instead of saying he guessed wrong, he plays it off like he was right but whoever changed their minds.

Vince McMahon really was going to take a shit in the middle of the ring Monday live on Raw, but then he changed his mind at the last minute, but it WAS going to happen, so I am actually right.

It is abhorrent reporting.

Emperor Smeat 05-01-2021 01:42 AM

Going to assume you don't follow any other notable sheets places since they all do the same thing as him when it comes to speculating on certain news.

PWI's Mike Johnson is just as respected as Meltzer is as a notable sheets reporter and he speculates a lot as well for certain news topics.

Also that "plans change" bullshit narrative you claim he always peddles would have more weight if it wasn't for Fightful constantly reporting on the abrupt changes WWE makes to their plans all the time.

Sepholio 05-01-2021 01:43 AM

So, uh, like....whatever happened to Edge and stuff? Have they even mentioned him at all since WM other than recaps of the match?

Emperor Smeat 05-01-2021 02:24 AM

Either he got hurt at Mania and WWE was keeping hush about it like with Styles or Omos or WWE didn't have any actual plans for him post-Mania.

They've mentioned him a few times in promos but that's basically been it for his presence on the Blue Brand since Mania.

Felt it was a mistake having him win the Rumble and even more now that WWE might not have had any real plans for him post-Mania.

Emperor Smeat 05-01-2021 03:03 AM

According to PWI, MLW isn't currently in talks with WWE over a potential partnership deal.

Assuming PWI's report is true, would be another case of MLW owner Court Bauer being an actual BS artist when it comes to him leaking MLW stuff these days. Usually its PWI who gets baited the most for his antics that later end up being way different or not true but this time he managed to bait the Observer.

DaveWadding 05-01-2021 03:24 AM

I was hoping they'd loan Morrison, Ricochet, Swerve Scott, Santos Escobar and Taya to MLW for a hot minute....

Emperor Smeat 05-01-2021 03:54 AM

Yeah them showing up in MLW's Lucha Underground-like spin-off would be a nice nod to their past in LU. Especially if they brought back some of their old LU personas.

Someone on /wooo made a really good point of how a WWE-MLW partnership would be very beneficial for WWE since it would give them added exposure in the Hispanic market since MLW does well with them and as a potential better gateway into Mexico for NXT than just going straight in like they tried for NXT Japan.

erickman 05-01-2021 06:23 AM

that would mean konnan working with wwe again. i would have figured wwe would make a deal with sinclare to work with roh before mlw.

Emperor Smeat 05-02-2021 03:48 PM

PWI gave a small update regarding the rumored recent talks between WWE and MLW over a potential partnership that were debunked by them.


Originally Posted by PWI
Q - Anything to the MLW-WWE rumor?

A - We are told by sources at WWE there is nothing to that and there are no current talks. That doesn't mean there weren't conversations in the past, but currently, the WWE side denies it.

Came from a recent Q&A article on their site.

Emperor Smeat 05-04-2021 01:37 AM

According to a former writer, Braun Strowman was originally planned to defeat Lesnar for the vacant Universal title at Crown Jewel 2018.

WWE's creative team even had the script for the following episode of RAW finished ahead of time with Braun as champ but both the plans and script got tossed after some last minute changes were made for Lesnar to win instead.


Originally Posted by Post Wrestling
Isaiah “Swerve” Scott was the latest guest on the ‘Say Less With Kaz, Lowkey and Rosy’ podcast. A conversation came up about finishes in matches changing on a dime. Former WWE writer Kazeem Famuyide shared that back in 2018, Braun Strowman was supposed to defeat Brock Lesnar for the vacant Universal Title at Crown Jewel in Saudi Arabia. The creative team had an entire Raw planned with Strowman as champion but Lesnar ended up winning the match and the following Raw had to be rewritten.

"There was one time where we all thought a match was going — this was — man, f*ck it, I’m not working there anymore. It was in Saudi [Crown Jewel 2018] and Braun [Strowman] was supposed to beat Brock [Lesnar]. This is right after Roman [Reigns] announced he had cancer, right? So, Brock and Braun was supposed to fight for the world title and we had a whole Monday Night Raw written with Braun Strowman as champion and then sike, Brock Lesnar wins and then as soon as Brock wins, we all had to go back into the office, rewrite the whole show and I just thought it was some sh*t where it’s just like oh, they’re just kind of keeping us on the D.L. [down low], whatever but I didn’t know they could change like [that]."

Emperor Smeat 05-04-2021 01:58 AM

According to Fightful Select, the Observer's report about WWE and MLW being in talks are actually true.

Also revealed that these talks are at the very early stage which is why Meltzer cautioned about it not being definitive that a partnership deal was going to be made.


Originally Posted by Fightful Select
There have been conflicting reports regarding the emerging details of MLW and WWE having discussions regarding talent sharing. Many in NXT were left in the dark about the situation and didn't even know until the rumor had emerged, but we can confirm Dave Meltzer's report that the preliminary conversations have happened, and the talks go "high up" in WWE. We're told the conversations go high up in both companies, but don't have any further details beyond that.

Volare 05-04-2021 08:43 AM

I wonder if Mandy double checks her posts....

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Emperor Smeat 05-05-2021 12:30 AM

According to Fightful, Daniel Bryan's contract with WWE expired after this past Friday's episode of Smackdown.

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